Age of Wushu Thread - Good Watch Only

This is the Age of Wushu thread. My pastas will need to be redone, so this OP is a work in progress.

What server are you guys playing on, and how can I join?
Golden Panda has merged with Blue Dragon, so we're now playing on Blue Dragon. If you want to join the guild, leave your IGN in the thread and someone will try to pm you. Your internal needs to be level 5 if you're in a school, or level 11 if you're a vagrant, before you can join the guild.

Very helpful guide:
Overview of the unarmed sets:

Context for the image: Was ganking Hell with Zaii in a 2v2 (which we won), they called in reinforcements and camped us in herbal, talking MAD shit like "guess I won't be seeing you at tp again" (the implication being that they'd prevent me from TPing). Siko0o challenged me to a duel, which I declined (he's a whale), which resulted in Xyoojj challenging me to a duel. I asked him to come to RG scene for our 1v1 because his buddy kept buddha palming me when I stepped outside of herbal, which he accepted, and I subsequently won the fight. Notice how he has a guildmate recording the fight, giving a strong implication that he expected me to lose.

Other urls found in this thread:


Be forewarned: unless you drop ten bux a month, you're a second-class citizen.

Also, everyone is about a million times stronger than you, so you won't be fighting anyone seriously for a while if you join new. I'd suggest joining the game, getting used to things, and using it as a test run in case a new server is ever comes up, which i firmly think it will not too long from now.

In case you can't tell from the screenshot, the guild is RiceFields.

you can chop off your balls to learn ancient kung fu secrets!

since I'm not allowed to post MADs, here's another screenie

Huj, i still appreciate your efforts.

Is this world of warcraft?

you'd have a hard time finding a fantasy MMORPG with less resemblence to WoW

I'm sure I can name a bunch off the top of my head that at least don't have the same exact UI.

the UI doesn't make the game

climbing things is something I enjoy in this game

Yakudog Deidog Dynadog herbal kennel bark woof woof



Yeah no, I'm not reading a fucking wiki to make sure that chinese wow clone is a chinese wow clone.

So how many Holla Forumsirgins still playing the game?

your loss m8, hopefully you find a thread for a game that appeals to you

There's only a small number of us playing currently, we just started coming back after a long hiatus (with the exception of one guy blessed with the powers of autism)


there isn't very much solid information about this game online
this is a very esoteric chinese f2p p2w pvp-based sandbox mmo

Looking at it now, I actually think that either shaolin or beggars might have the best t6 inner for external. It makes me feel better about currently being in RG, and having to betray to get meridians anyway
People on the forums are also saying that wudang t6 is mediocre for pvp, which seems hard to believe (the damage reduction only applies to one attack, apparently).
How bad are the rules in shaolin? I like to randomly pk people in chengdu

Having never played WOW, but having played Ragnarok Online 2, i can say that Wushu is different by having no auto-attack, no permanent mounts, having movement skills, having no real tank/healer classes (you're either DPS or you're a DPS with lifesteal), having nearly endless leveling of various sorts, and allowing one character to potentially have about 90% of the combat skill sets in the game. Oh, also it's pay2win as fuck, some translations are questionable and varied, and it's a wuxia setting (ie low-fantasy chinese).

If you're one of the eight people who like both wuxia films and MMOs, you might have a good time. If you're looking for lots of magic, flying mounts, and thicc lolis, keep walking.

Yeah, i know that feeling.

jesus click those my live tabs and that thing on your screen christ almighty you make me sick

Anyone here hyped for AoW2?

Which schools/factions/subsects does heartless seven prevent your toon from training in again?
Can you just forget the heartless seven skills to be permitted entry?

The only one that hates it, as far as i know, is Palace of Moving Flowers; i don't know if you need to forget the skills specifically, but one of the Jinling forgiveness quests is for Heartless Seven Skills.

What's that? Can you give examples from better known games?

maybe Gunz: The Duel
otherwise I can't really think of any

Here's an awful islandnigger video but it gets the point across.

Gecko on the Wall is worthless

Haven't played that either.

It's nothing exceptional, i don't think; just movement skills. You get the double jump from the tutorial, triple jump and air-dash from challenge factions, the slide and wall climb from the first instance, water run from the second, and then it gets tricky.

The jumps are just pressing jump a second and third time, the air dash is pressing a direction twice in mid-air, the slide is Ctrl and a direction, the wall climb and water run is holding shift when moving forward and jumping at a scale-able wall/onto water. You have a pool of flying points that regens faster the more you have, so you can't spam flying skills all the time; bad for travel, but it also means you can't constantly abuse them while fighting people.

How the fuck combat works with latency?

Holy fuck, are you honestly trying to advertise this game here? As much as I love it, its just not worth it.

Some skillsets are heavily reliant on good ping, others can function with a little latency. If you have BR tier internet, though, you're in for a bad time.

Well, then you get to be a PVE master, or maybe pick up music and hide somewhere to give your allies unfair buffs, until your enemies find you and murder you mercilessly. Such is life in chinagame.

There ARE ping-helping services, if you're adamant about being viable; they mostly want money, though.

trying to get more people to play, sure. I enjoy it, others may also enjoy it. Whether or not that benefits Snail (which it would) is no concern of mine.

I'd honestly return when a server comes up. Also, is Brob STILL playing?

woo woo woo

you know it

so, other than van, any of the old goofballs still around?


Nevi (technically not a goofball), raga, brob (also technically not a goofball), rage, anguish (can't remember if he played wulin)
litigationjack and manly have also given indications that they'd be interested in playing, but have yet to do so. Zaku may also return.

Good lord, brob is a machine.

A good bunch of us are floating around in the EU version as of late.

And thus the 6th internal event is active, though it doesn't seem like we can take all the quests yet. T-thanks snail.

When they merged servers, they were sending out name change documents to people with server designations by their name, but it took a week to actually happen. It finally came, and so have i.

You're right, WoW is less pay to win.
and has a different combat system.
And you don't AFK for a majority of the time you're playing WoW

play-to-wins need not apply

The carting never ends


So what should I rename Honshu?

Cao Ni Ma


It's summer here, I'm trying to cool the room, not heat it.

I built a new computer, and now I can run three wushu clients on ultra; this is all I've ever wanted.
Haven't attempted anything greater, I feel like this is a pretty good benchmark.

I'm gonna need a new version of this, i think.

Goddamn, I wanna play this game again, I miss it so badly.
But it's like a black hole, and once you start, you can't stop. (LuShun here)

Just let it happen, the merged server is kind of a nice place to play, we don't have any real enemies yet and get to do whatever really. You could always play casually

Is it even possible to play casually?
I mean, now that we've merged with BD there are probably Shake The Heavens everywhere, maybe even Uniques.

I'd argue it's almost easier, just find a martial brother for 4th inner, grab 5th inner up to the meridian unlock, then jump over to the subsect of the school you're in for ez power. If you grab vip, you can level your 5th inner to 36 and get 6th inner to 36 for free.

There's uniqies everywhere, since subsects made it much easier to max than the school inners. The real power barrier is meridians; doubly so since subsects give reverse meridians, which are like normal school meridians but better.

Damn nigger you're still playing?



Royal Guards


Wanderer's Valley

RG continues its unbroken streak of always being a good school.

not always. Mediocre during at least t3 and t4

Third was alright. Fourth owned, it was Taoist Divination-lite, except that it existed at the same time as Beggar fourth.

but RG has never been a great school
for some reason, my last message doesn't seem to be displaying

RG fifth was pretty nuts.

nothing better to do now than post my modest collection of webms



I'm still winning at least half of the fights, which is funny, but how the fug do I counter shura without resorting to use of buddha palm?

Why not just use buddy palm? Fight bullshit with bullshit, and if he complains yell him to pay for YYTB.

buy yytb goy ;^)

it's a sign

he has rg fourth on switch so that probably wouldn't work to begin with
I'm not internal so i wouldn't get the most out of buddha palm, and i have poisonmaker bracers rather than blacksmith

i've yet to see YYTB succeed in duels

God damn it don't give me the urge to play this again. I never got far, never udnerstood what the fuck was going on with the game mechanics and my ping is still going to suck dick.

Bullshit is bullshit, internal or not. You may do less damage, but you'll still fuck with him pretty hard. Level it and weapon manual up.

Is that you, Jose Porlip? Is this me?

just hop in and ask questions, what could go wrong? ;^)

some bullshitter in our tv shura said that a gm confirmed that wulin and wushu were merging

never ever, my dad is president of snail, etc.

here's my shit explanation image


this guy's kung fu is apparently so strong he can just fly

As expected of Dongfang Bubai.



Jesus fucking christ. I thought you niggers were dead and gone after what happened with Wuxia.

wuxia on golden panda?
not even close

It was silver viper IIRC. The OG guild war blitz they tried to pull on us. I remember all of the shitposting Turk and I did on their facebook group.

Actually, didn't Snail confirm they were more or less taking the game down after 6th inners?

no, not that I'm aware of.
we're on t6 inners right now.

I believe that was the original reason I dropped the game, alongside some small in-fighting with the guild, but if that's not the case anymore I guess I'll make my return.

and what was your character's name on SV?

bump, mt hua today
praying siko0o doesn't win

Take a guess.

I'm mildly annoyed to see him still lingering about.

unga bunga where the rice fields at.

I don't know, I didn't play on SV.

your character name is Leone?

Leone(S.V) now, but yes.

A former member of Wutang Clan has expressed interest in joining our guild. Should we let him? What should be the standard applied to pubs before letting them join?

Ask him what the best track off Liquid Swords is.

oh its Zant; your GP guy is dead and gone btw

There SHOULD have been a name change document in the mail, at some point, but they may have skipped you since you were inactive.

Man i was always the shittiest at this game except on BD where i guess i was mid tier.
I really wish there was a version of this game without all the cash shop bullshit and bots.

will you be joining us too?

No, no; HE'S Zant. I've been here for ages. I even had a midget robot lovedoll for a week.


hua in 30 mins, get hyped

c'mon turn weapon around, wanna get dat free skill


Jianghu meridians are insane.

"Who doesn't like time-travelling nazis?" - LitigationJack, [CURRENT YEAR]

need to bring back Wuxia movie night, contacting Bijis now





good outfit




oh right i actually have a screenshot with Leone's name on it

if any of you see LunaSong, be sure to pk her. She bountied me for 100L today.

Tree Girl

for context

dude, theres something wrong with that tiger… put it out of its misery

bootleg chinese tigers

You madmen are still at it? Who all is still playing from the early Golden Panda days?

Well VanDarkholme, Brobdingagian, Raga, AgentOrange, and myself (Nevistus) are the ones in guild I can think of from early GP, might be more people scattered about or still hanging on Wulin though

VanDarkholme, Brob, Nevistus, Raga, BodyHarma (soon), LitigationJack (soon), Rage, Anguish, AgentOrange,
hope I didn't forget anyone

BiJiS was drunk and in the TS at one point and i THINK in the game, but i believe his BiJiS character has been vaporized by chinese fusion magic. Leone/Zant SAID he was coming back, but i haven't heard anything else from him yet. I heard sahdow rumors about ManlyMuscles and Pizzadog, but nothing definite.

Muha is happy on Wulin, Yuhei hasn't chimed in yet, Honshu has retired, i assume RedZaku has had his fill despite his sting autism, Nutella/Ogagon is in YUROP so he never liked the ping and also is in college i guess. I'm in touch with Lyqua, but i think he's had his fun.

If we're really desperate, we could always track down Kaora Blackcat, which should be easy on the basis that his name is Kaora motherfucking Blackcat, and he makes no attempt to hide the fact.

man fuck BiJiS i got your movie night right here

zaku might return, I talked to him.
if not, i'll probably buy his acc (-:
Yuhei is not returning, pizzadog said he was coming back but hasn't. Manly is very busy this month, but I think he's also interested in coming back.
BigBo might also return, i wouldn't rule it out. If we could get bigbo back, then the remaining goons might join us in the guild.
no word from rohan

Are school secret sects sets in yet?

things haven't changed much
Despite alot of things changing

The age of wushu
Memories risen once more
Time loops in circles

I suck at haikus

Oh god, am I really re-installing this fucking game for a fourth time. Fuck you guys

get a bigger hard drive and you wont need to uninstall anything

Every time i've uninstalled this game, i've done it with the intention of never coming back to it.

I really hope Brob is some kind of kungfu god at this point. Or at least greatest fisher in all the land

I'm a kung fu raped-by-zeus, if that counts for anything. The fishing ranks rotate, but i'm poised to be t10 in all the gathering stuff if that ever happens.

did no one pk lunasong while i was away?

rohan and turk decided to join us today

rip in piece kackem you never got to be a drunker master

Why do I want to play this game again, even though my internet is still trash? Stop giving me urges you fucks.

For the same reason that i kept playing after everyone else had left: that golden memory of having friends.


it begins again, chengdu streetfights and van's waifu quest: wushu is back

Baradine? Is that you?


Which dude are you? I still remember all the old gang, but you guys aren't good at giving hints.

Its Spank bruv

Aw shit nigga. All we need is Kackem and that one other motherfucker I cannot remember the handle for (god knows why), and we'll be all set. Too bad Toirneach, Ceannaire and Sociopath are MIA. Though I thought I spied Leone somewhere in this thread.

You have a friend list, he's gotta be on there somewhere.

I'll assume it was user, since he told me to read Ichi the Killer.

I think it was pain mctushy? He's got the most of those "heart" things, at least, other than spanklord and kackem.

I don't recall him being a heady PVPer, but he definitely gave be some of his crap before he left; i managed to hand off most of it ages ago and the Leave The Mortal World cloths to United recently before my SV character got vaporized.


if sociopath = bodyharma, she's coming back

dex vs. dex


I'll start playing again more when i'm finish with a few other games im' playing or at a point where I don't need to play them as often.

Especially after learning ATS is in, I really need to get my twin swords working again.

God bless, you Gaphie.

Also, I'm thinking that i'll stop leveling my single blade weapon manuals after i get to +346 (which I'll reach before the end of the week). Suggestions on what to level next?
I was thinking hidden weapon, but that's assuming i get linglong dice, since I'm not remaining in RG. Quarterstaff is another possibility, since chanfeng escort's sets look good, but otherwise i'm not sure. I can't use mt hua sect's sets because they're yin soft, so that isn't an option. Are any of the taichi subsect sets good?

go barehanded for when you top up and get the fingers rage goyim ;^)

I discovered today that I have 30 gold in my account. I honestly don't know how that happened, I haven't played this game in fucking forever. Well, I guess I won't complain about free VIP, I suppose.

Why did I quote that post.

So apparently both of the scholars sect sets are all single sword and the only twin sword one is Ancient Tomb sect in Wudang.

Looks like I've got some work ahead of me.

Wudang itself also has a twin sword set.

I have level 1 versions of it, but it sucks ass. Thought if its the set that has horse, then yeah but I don't believe it is.

I'm happy with boundless anyway, even if people shit on it, it was hilarious when people refered to me as the 'boundless' guy and targeted me specficially in big fights cause I would sit back and just poke people for 1.5-2.5k crits all the time

No, horse is Taiji Sword, the other one sword set. I'm Wudang myself, but I think I have an unbound script for horse. Or I sold it already, one of the two.

Also, when are we getting the second advanced school sets? I know there are some. I want my Confounding Soft Sword damnit!

Joke's on you my SV chick has a FUCKING FERRET.

ALso the working life fucking sucks someone save me.

I am going to convince Ceann to return because his thirst for diamond in overwatch is pissing me off.



is that normalfag fuck still streaming because something tells me hes not gonna stop streaking a popular game for Ritari Whu the game


ManlyMuscles reporting in. I've been thinking of coming back for at least half a year now but now that everyone seems to be together again I'm in.
My only issue is that my current job is fucking gay and I broke my keyboard, but I'll be on soon(tm).



Were i home i'd summon him with a message on steam :^)

eight breaking lotus can go up to level 12 now, you lucky f*ggot :(
meanwhile i'm stuck with a set that can't level beyond 8 without an excruciatingly long grind

I somehow started posting in somebody else's guild chat. How I accomplished this is beyond me.

I cant wait to be an annoying op piece of shit (after a year of gametime)

Any thoughts on prodigy swordsman?
was thinking of just buying it honestly


Prodigy is babbys first bullshit sword set; its' what people used before they could move on to something harder, like Western Fencing or Leather Thirteen Swords. Now that Hua Sect is out, it might be easier and cheaper to go with that.

uh, no. i'm yang hard.

oh bitch, bitch, bitch

at least you have less reason to complain than Van over getting frags, at least until you run out of boxes and only hit level 10; shit, maybe you can trade

of course if you really wanna be a snobby fuck you can join the Lingxiao City event and get dragon kungfu sword

What the hell do you want?

Why summon me?

**No seriously Fuck Age of Wushu. Financial situation's gotten so bad that I couldn't even afford VIP, let alone the time it detracts from job hunting.

The git gud is better spent on a fighting game instead of years of grind for no reward. Long live Weiqi and Tailoring though**

Is that a star guardian Poppy?

I want to hug it. If anything, at least League yields decent fanart.

see me in xrd

wow i wonder who this account used to belong to

Mostly to fuck with you, partially to name drop you.

On that note, i wonder if that Junkofag is still around; i bet Maso is, at any rate.

who do you think this is?


i'm working on several set at once, it's not like focusing on one set would cause me to acquire it any faster (except in the case of FMS, but it'd take too much effort to get that to level 12 at this point)

we did it boys, made so many people mad!

remember yourself saying itd take too much effort to get it to 12 once you realize you use it all the god damn time but just wish it did more damage

its either levels or a jade c6 blade and while the blade probably would be faster itd also be a hell of a lot more expensive

Jesus christ, I don't think I'm ever going to get this secondary password issue resolved. As much as I love Sura Blade and Chain, I'd like to at least have management over my fucking items. Fuck me.

Hmm, all I had to do was email snail and they resolved my secondary password issue. I guess life sucks for you, bruv

which email did you send it to, and how long did they take to respond?

[email protected]/* */

That one, and maybe 10 minutes, 20 tops

I have doubts about this. Exactly what did your email say? What was the subject header? I emailed them last night and got no response.

I deleted the email chain, but I basically said something along the lines of "Hey, I haven't played in forever, so I've forgotten my secondary password. How can we go about getting that resolved?"

And then they replied, asked me for my username, I gave it to them, and then they gave me my secondary password. And so I went on my merry way.

Fuck. I suppose I'll try sending another email.


Actually, does anyone know where the name change npc in Jinling is.

Yeah, it's the Minister of Finance office. I do not know why.

Thankfully I had just enough brainpower to do that. It's time for some fucking sleep.

id also like to try summoning muha but only because i never got to use this pic

Kackem here, i am still as shit and as australian ping as ever.
Honestly i would probably fall for it all again if a new server came out, i am fucking retarded and will never stop loving this game no matter how many times it beats me.

I miss Gold Needle Shen.

What? No I swore off the game once I got tired of being a second class citizen for the… third time?
I mean holy fuck the amount of time spent AFKing in this game is obscene for poor free players.

To a certain extent i wish the game would just be subscription based and drop all the cash shop bullshit. I hate that being a VIP still doesn't really fix the disparity between you and some fucker who buys 30 ding.

(checked as well)
No leggy lolis. That's a crime!

It's a real shame too, there's a lot of stuff in the game that has real potential and then is just killed by pay2win (unless you counter a bigger autist who ground with less ping)

The assassins in boss fights thing is fucking awesome, but then has shit rewards. The weird abstract way the quests and events are handled really encourages exploration, but half of the fucking clues/events lead to NOTHING. The player driven economy is fucking awesome, but the huge number of tael dumps and the fact that outside of kidnapping essentially nothing in the game gives taels means the economy literally requires whales to stay afloat. Also bots ruin the economy too.

A game where skillsets drop from dungeons and you can combine skills like a classless system but still posessing the synergy and design of class based games sounds like a wet dream but they go out of their way to fuck it up. GREEN CLOUD PALM BUFFS FUCKING WHEN SNAIL??

Oh also the fact that befriending/rivalling NPCs/dungeons went nowhere is seriously the worst thing ever, since that was one of the coolest features with the greatest potential.

Have you seen the companion screen? It looked like you could get bodyguards from every faction depending on how tight with them you are. But in the end its a fucking useless menu that doesn't do anything.

Well, me and spank are still here if you want to join in, Kackem. This is Baradine, by the way, though I changed my characters name.

just a heads up, we're probably kos by the biggest alliance on the server now, rage and I started ganking with some insurgency/evenstars guys



Man, I want to be done farming my shit in WoW so I Can place once/twice a week and fucking no-life on wushu.

What server are you guys playing on? I guess i could come back or something.

All the servers got merged, there's only Blue Dragon now.

For posterity, i should mention we're on Wushu, except for Muha and maybe Ogagon/Nutella, who, for the sake of YYTB and ping, respectively, prefer Wulin.

…Which one of my characters still exists?

All of them. If there's duplicate names they got the server they came from appended to the end and a GM will change it for you.

Also, GM is now censored in game.

Oh, so i can pick the character when i log in?
Cool i guess.
Shit now i have no idea who to play. Not my shitty emei (FUCK EMEI) but i was pretty attached to my beggar/former shen and also to my BD Wanderer.

If they're on different accounts, all of them; if they're on the same account, only the strongest. Leone's GP character, for example, got turned into chinadust.

Fucking hell then i have no clue which one got kept. The beggar im assuming.


the FUCK is that


I made it, fam.

Alright installing age of "fuck my life" again.
Super glad to hear half my shit got deleted.

Why is there so much crap all over the screen? Is this some sort of stat management game? Fuck that. wheres the punch button.

The game is complicated, yes. Its not exactly a fighting game, but in 90% of situations you will basically only need like 6 buttons for your moves plus jumping around etc, most of that other shit on your screen is just so you can access shit like your trade skills or dungeons or whatever.

But yeah if you don't like RPG elements you may have picked the wrong game. Tutorial should inform you about punching, blocking, block breaks, rage moves etc.

man i had shit on my SV character but i surpassed that faggot ten times over on GP

about the only thing i regret is i lost Dolor's silver c4 snow sword in the merge

I had a cash shop costume and speed up without trace.

By the way any vagrants here? How are the new internals?

Wait what the fuck, did WV/Shaolin never get their "school faction" released?
Sucks to be them. Is Nianlou Dam any good?

Wait fuck i mean ChangFeng, the spear dudes.

They have redesigned the updater like SEVEN TIMES and still it doesn't tell you ANYTHING about patches.

I assume the cash shop suit was temporary and everyone has speed up once a server is on long enough. You migth be able to write to Snail about account recovery, though.


Pretty good, i'm told. I haven't seen shit for their extra skills but [not Baradine] is in it, so he might be able to spit the details.

Also spears are a alternate weapon ala flutes, but spear books are much harder to find for some reason and subsects aren't as free with the gear as factions, so you're gonna do fuckall damage with the sets unless people start selling lances on the cheap.

Snail USA: fuck effort.

PERMENANT. It was the one with the mask on each side. Whatever, haha time for begging! Who do i message to get into the new guild.

BrobdingnagianPhallus. I don't think he ever actually logs out.


Changfeng is good. You should join it.


Okay I'm fucking bored so I'm doing this for real this time.
How bad will I be reamed if I have constant 200 ping to the US?

On a scale of one to ten, about a notch below the mainland chinese opinion of human rights.

On the other hand, you don't NEED to PVP; there's a lot of thankless and soul-shattering PVE grind to be had.

With that said, PVP is on a whole other level of fun when you're on coordinating with the other gays. There are some sets where it's not so bad to have high ping, but some sets where high ping is necessary.

I play at 200 ping, to be honest its not as bad as people are saying for pvp. That said you will be at somewhat of a disadvantage.

Is there a better feeling than having a full team of nerds running in using demon heart rage? KUNGFU AKBAR!
For those who want to do group pvp, wanderers valley can pack group silences or a poison field that stuns people that leave it, emei can put out a giant "whats damage?" field onto your buddies and i think shaolin has a giant repeating aoe knockup to make your enemies scream in rage as they cant do shit.

All schools have their own good shit though and demon heart (the suicide vest power) can be learned by ANYONE, just sayin some examples of solid AOE powers.


reminder: your greatest weapon against goons is racial slurs

we're allied with the goons

Maybe you are, queer

can someone post a brief guide to how to do the t6 inner item quests?

Here's a partial new world NPC list for FagChangemind; there's far mroe to be found, but this is compiled from the one's i found and the locations i know they show up at. If all else fails, use an owl and do your own god damn legwork.

Flower picking: match the glowy china glyph to the ones on the stones.

Speed and coordination: Choose the first option to make a guy with colored orbs on him appear, choose the second to make pillars with colored orbs on them appear. Click the pillars for orbs, match the orbs on the guy.

Find a hero: Jump on the stone platforms and move in a vaguely forward-y direction.

Imperial foundry: click stones to grab them, carry them to the green glowy bit and click on it to dump them. Have "fun".


where are the dailies?

sorry pillow for days

Click the bundle of reeds to the right of your minimap, click the right arrow, click the tier 6 internal tab, mouse over the green text in the bottom right.


Unique with maxed single blade manuals, full jade c6, FMS, BBC 2nd, ancient taichi fist (at least bubble and rage), buddha, and RG Fourth DOWN (he used all of these sets, in addition to taiji sword, over the course of our 1v1)
Context: it was around 20:00, so I heading to an NPC for my shady trader turn-in, and when I arrived, I found a member of Sweetkiss there so I started to pk her, but then this dynasty guy intervened and they 2v1ed me. I on-sited, died again, and then asked him to let me heal so we could 1v1. What ensued was a very very difficult 1v1 involving at least one horse from me, and two or more from him (along with taichi bubble), but I ended up very narrowly winning. I would've lost if I hadn't blocked his rg fourth rage and dodged his taichi fist rage, among other things.


this is how you use perish blades

the joke is you do the same shit over and over and teh meta joke is obsessive-compulsive disorder


Top to bottom, left to right: Bamboo, Spring, Meditation, Winter, It Floats, Dirt.

You're missing two, though: Orchid, which is the flower with the serrated head, and Chrysanthemum, which is the flower with the bulbous head.


the salt keeps flowing

Reminds me of Muha's waifu Panica.
Is she still around?


Inner Stat Sheet, you homos



should I post a recruitment message on the blue dragon forums looking for more fun-loving pvpers?

As long as they can speak actual fucking english go for it. Also breaking news:


I was against posting a thread here, frankly, but it got pushed regardless. If this were still NoHomo, i'd be firmly against it, but RIceFields was a normalfag intrusion by nature, so who gives a shit.

Random viets are one thing; a vietbloc with them yelling their slanty gargletalk in world chat is another thing entirely. The instant they start yelling their gobbledygook where everyone can see it is the instant we can resent them for it.

Viets always beget more viets. And I've already seen their gobbledygook being spouted all over - especially in chengdu's forest tp.

channeling the power of booty palm

nohomo was an Holla Forums guild from the start.


Thanks lad. Do you have a chart of sixth inners?

Theres this one but it's missing the effects.

Ixthua has those thankfully

outta chinamovie webms i sure hope that filthy acadian converts a few or some shit

anyone in need of the combat script?
you just hold down keys and it sends inputs for that key 50-100 times per second

im at the point where its nothing but Mokou posting after this

brob, in the future, don't quote the things stated here in guild chat.

Qrow so salty from when he tried to help sweetkiss that he tried to kill me 3 TIMES IN A ROW, he has hua 2nd and curled branch, yet he never dropped me below 50% hp.

Posted the wrong picture at the end, weird. In the first fight, I'll note that I was already hurt and just traveling through cheng when he jumped me, so he couldn't even get me then

lookit all dem GWAFFICS


need loads of space for all the skills I have ;^)

This just in, the ATS 1st set parry is niiiiccceeee. My buff description lists it as adding 16 damage to each attack, but because of how much breath/brawn I have, it actually adds 56 damage to each attack for 5 seconds after I parry.

Thats per skill right, not per hit?

Taiji fists block does pretty much the same thing. It adds extra Yin damage.

Per hit, so with breeze sword it adds hueg damage

But why tho

Spirit Snake Stick (beggar set) adds "14" but its actually way fucking more for like 14seconds with each block. I get 95 damage per hit, on a set with an 11 hit rage.

Thats for spirit snake stick only though, this you can use with anything

Hmm, would be pretty nice with sets that tend to use a charge to punish then. Its too short to really use with combos but if youve got like a 5 hit charge to use after you parry it would kick ass.

On top of that, the bonus damage is given to you and allies around you. Depending on how this scales, it might just be a beast with sets with like 10 hit rages, or might even be ridiculous if you get a couple people with it in mass pvp. 56 damage is nice, but everyone getting 200 or 300 damage a hit would be brutal.

you say that but im not the one who let all these normalfags into the guild

This is the only MMO I would consider playing, but since its pay to win as fuck and I'm a poorfag NOPE

The guild is full of normalfags again? Jesus christ, why do you fags always let the normalfags in? I thought you motherfuckers had learned after the hydra merge.

I mean, you can totally get as strong as possible without paying anything at all. It just takes forever. So really, it's pay 2 not grind a fuckton. Still, buying the VIP is basically the subscription fee, so I guess you're not wrong either.

I cant wait

we only have like 2-3 normalfags in the guild and they're all strong as shit

Changfeng second set has a 7 hit charge, not really that big of a jump.

let me tell you about multihit skills

That… is about exactly what Changfeng's second sets skill and rages are, actually. Except the changfeng charge deals less damage (not sure about the scaling) and the rage deals more. Exact same number of hits for each though.

Changfeng's cooldown' only 8 secs, though, so more dps, maybe? Difficult to tell.

Any trabbumakers still around?

Kackem mentioned he was in NoTrabbu

Just wondering where everyone ended up. I miss those days.

holy shit fuck silver hook, now that it's done, never again

We're on our way up, but the thread's on it's way down.

I hope whoever wanted poisonmaker bracers is yin because boy do I have a lot of yin poisonmaker bracers.