Romanov Family

Everyone has heard about the brutal massacre of the Orthodox Russian royal family at the hands of the communists.

But does anyone have any idea about the allegations that the Tsar's daughters were brutally raped and murdered in front of him while they made him watch? I know that I've seen a discussion about this before, and someone brought up some very valid points regarding the matter.

Trotsky's own words:

They had to kill the daughters too for a message right? They had to instil that fear into the heart of Nicholas and the Whites? Why not rape his daughters and brutally execute them in front of him? Why not make him suffer if they hated him so much?

According to Gibbes, their English tutor and a Russian-Orthodox convert, they had a history of being sexually abused, or possibly even raped in the past. For example, his account when they were imprisoned in Rus:

Communists have notoriously known to been incredibly brutal, and cover up their brutality with unarguable lies. Why would this case be different?

What do you think, Holla Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

I think I'm gonna have a stroke if I think about this too long, and that all commies should die.

You don't have to use kosher buzzwords, this isn't reddit or a B'nai Birch Society meeting. Call them what they really are: kikes.

The version I have always heard is that they were executed on short notice in the middle of the night. The Whites were approaching fast so they presumably wouldn't have had time to torture and rape them first. Also, the Bolsheviks had more support than the Whites at this time so I don't see them risking that by making a big show of raping young girls. It's possible that this version happened (I hope it didn't) but it would have been covered up by the Communists.

The family was all murdered pretty much at once but they weren't sexually abused. AFAIK all of the accounts of the executions - both from pro-commie and anti-commie sides - pretty much line up.

This is true, however the only account of the execution comes from those that were present during it, and all of them were Bolsheviks. They only declared the death of Nicholas, and they covered up the death of the family for many years.

Dr. Raphael Johnson went into some depth on this topic. The death of the Romanovs actually mirrored a ritual murder in Kabbalah/freemasonry that was called something like a "kill the king" ritual (going off memory here)

It's absolutely disgusting what the kikes did to the Romanovs, and their history of ritual murder should not be forgotten. These are truly sick people, our enemies.

God save the Tsar

All communists should be executed in a far more brutal fashion than the Romanov Family suffered. Those poor souls.

they all look very rape'able

They should be forced to work in gulags they built themselves for the rest of their existence. Maybe add one of those sentences that lasts serveral generations like they do in North Korea (children and grandchildren of the convicted will have to suffer the same punishment as their predecessor).

I had a wonderful and hilarious idea the other day.

Line them up for execution, right? Tell them they're going in a mass grave UNLESS they dig their own grave. If they dig their own grave, they get to go in it. If they don't dig they can settle for the mass grave.

It would be hilarious to see which communists go out of their way to have just one last material concession in life.

I don't doubt the veracity of these claims, it fits perfectly with the vile jewish mentality.

No White man should feel any remorse when the time comes to eradicate the jewish race, for they deserve death.

Where are all you commie obsessed cucks coming from? Reddit? Some Aut-Right hub?

The murder of the Romanovs wasn't a communist act or example of "communist brutality", it was a jewish one rooted directly in the racial character of its perpetrators. Wiping out a single kike ideology isn't going to fix that.


I would venture to say less than a third of Americans has heard of these events. And probably less than 10% of those voting left of center.

There is no difference between Communism and Judaism.

meme responsibly please


Funny how the English Wikipedia article doesn't even mention that the Bolsheviks found the Protocols of Zion amongst the Romanovs belongings. ( )

It therefore conceals that the Romanovs were pretty much 'Anti-Semitic' - just like the whole Russian aristocracy.

Another interesting thing is, that there were speculations that the execution itself wasn't done by shooting but was in fact a


and therefore a Jewish ritual murder.

As a result of these rumors around 100.000 Jews were butchered throughout the so-called 'White Terror'.
( )

At this point this has already been discussed.
For whos benefit? certainly not mine.

I am privy to the communists lies. Their crimes are already known.

If you aren't stockpiling, networking, training, shooting…then you have the wrong idea.

Reminder that he did nothing wrong.

It's weird, Brother Nathanael is the only kike that doesnt weird me out.

Red army did that to endless numbers of men when they invaded in the east. They would disembowel the women, cut their breasts off while they were still alive, just the worst imaginable things you could possibly fathom.

Communism is Judaism.

It wasn’t called JudeoBolshevism for nothing you nigger

FTFY. Masons would have worked too.

King Kill 33 was Kennedy

Oh and BTW

According to the Masonry of Cagliostro (magnetic masonry) there exists a thing described as "the transfer of magnetic force". This "mystical taint" is supposedly attached to those who traffic in ritual sex perversions. According to the record, the fortunes of the Radzvils have declined ever since. (Cf .Set IV, Kennedy, Beale and Bouvier).

This explains Juggalos and why they talk about magnets.

i have never heard of these allegations. source? after the murder the corpses were stripped naked and one of the assassins fingered Alexandra.

man we're trying to have a conversation here that doesn't involve the same fucking shit we see in every thread, fuck off

The Romanovs were an attempt to westernize retarded slavs. Russia hates the "decadent" west and believes itself the seat of third rome/byzantium. Remember this is subversion of the west at all costs; understanding the murder of the Romanov means understanding the intent of subversive culture distorting kikes.

commies, jews, masons… all synonyms my friend. doesn't matter which term is used. all of us here know who we are talking about.

Actually he did do something wrong.
He let them go in their failed 1905 revolution….

You guys NEED to read 200 years together.

The Czars treated the jews with kid gloves! They spent 80 years trying to give the jews the best farm land, and all the Czar wanted was for the jews to stop selling Vodka on credit!

And what do the Jews do with the best farmland that was given to them, with no taxes for the first 15 years?

They leased it! Yea, they leased the fucking land to other farmers!

And later, when the Jews were 30-50% of college students, and they complained about the colleges putting in quotas so that other regular russians could apply and get in!?

The czar gave the colleges / universities Autonomy…. Basically the Universities had THEIR OWN LAWS! THEIR OWN POLICE! They were essentially independent "building" states within Russia!

And you know what the Jews did then? They turned the universities into fortresses and training camps for revolutionaries and weapon stockpiles………

Nikolas was too nice. The lesson from the Romanovs is;

It is a tragedy that Anastasia has no direct descendants.

I would expect it. Leftists are subhuman defects. Anyone who knows a leftist male knows they are SJW when sober, and highly aggressive with women when drunk, revealing their true Rape Culture character.

Not this poor family again. It make me sad.

Thread theme

Exactly. Everyone needs to read this to truly understand the history from a real Russian's perspective. No mercy, ever.

This was one of the most red-pilling materials for me when I first learned of this. Makes my blood boil every time I think about it. Those poor fucking children.


I'm not too educated on this issue. I know commies are savages, what they did to my homeland is proof enough but the Romanovs I know very little. Were they kind or mean? I hear stories the Tsar opened up his own personal store of food for peasants. What really happened? What were they really like?

Oh I just looked up, Russia still technically has an emperor kek. Crown Prince Karl Emich of Leiningen also known as Emperor Nicholas III

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Kikes have been ritually murdering gentiles as long as they've existed. It has nothing to do with communism, zionism, frankism, sabbateanism, or any other recent (in the grand scheme of things) jewish ideology, but it has everything to do with their jewishness.



This. The jews even admit it (in Israel only).

They weren't bad people but the Imperial Family was very unpopular with the masses by the time of the Revolution in 1917. WWI caused tremendous hardship for the Russian people and they also lost a war to Japan a decade earlier. People were demanding changes to the autocracy, which Nicholas would not agree to as a matter of principle, so even without the war there was a lot of political violence and terrorism which disturbed the social fabric and caused people to lose faith in the monarchy.

Even if the Communist Revolution had failed, the monarchy probably wouldn't have come back and Russia would be some kind of republic, much like it is today.

Thats not true

His father failed to coach him properly. He was a very nice family man but not good at leading the nation. I think the things would be fine if the WWI and the jews don't exist. Jews are a eternal problem, wherever they go must do what they do.


Rasputin was the molester.

ctr pls stop

i'd be worried about it spreading. "the rest of it's life" is a pretty long time, and time is on the side of the demiurge. doing the whole children and grandchildren thing only adds to that. we should just kill them all asap and finally be done with it

Except when theyre rich capitalists, then you need to continue sucking their dicks.

Yeah all that usury in communism. Oh wait, they have no money.

What, another demoralization/slide thread?

Yep, too little time. Thus, just firing squads.

They could have decapitated the bodies and hang the pieces for all to see but instead, they dumped them.

How do you know they did find it among their belongings? It is not like they needed any additional excuses to kill them.


The Protocols was one of Nicholas' favorite books. He would read it aloud to his family while they were under house arrest. He *knew*

Why is this bumplocked? It's a important redpill for anyone. If anyone study about the poor family's sad fate will become anti-jew soon or later.

Because the (German) Wikipedia article explicitly states it.
