Only rhytm based vidya WebMs here

only rhytm based vidya WebMs here


Back when CS took skill, nice.

end my fucking life csgo is so cancer there are 24 mag size high fire rate and running accuracy 500 unit range 1 hit headshot pistols

dunno, I always saw this muscle memory kind of skill not exciting at all, might be the reason why I dont know how can anyone find watching competitive FPS matches entertaining

Always liked the Dark Messiah one better



(((Change is scary Goy, what are you, chicken?)))

"Old" math literally takes the fewest steps and only has 1 principal, take 1 multiple from the next highest and add it to the previous number.

Every other way is some hacky process that takes more steps with common core requiring you to either maintain everything in your head or write everything down despite it being basic arithmetic

As an actual comp sci major with background in math, if you can't do basic arithmetic by the age you're in school, you're a fucking retard.

Get these normalfags out of my math REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Common Core math isn't actually that bad of a thing. The main problem is that they don't explain how they want to change the mindset of the student well enough, so this just comes across as insanity.

The other main problem is that they punish students for doing math the "old" way, when they should be encouraging them to do it however they want. As long as the answer is correct, who cares how they did it?

I'm not saying Holla Forums was right, but Holla Forums was right

But Goyem, how will I count my shrekles?



















So I've actually been working in 'common core' for as long as I can remember. Interesting.

Also good god that new math thing was painful.

And I was actually taught the old math way but I found that way of doing easy intermediate steps (albeit much less, in that example I'd go to 223 then 523) incredibly straight forward.
Helped me heaps when having to learn hex operations.


I don't know anyone who ever taught the system that she talks about. When I was a kid in elementary school (and I'm 31, so consider how long ago that was back in the 90s) we were told to turn the newly changed values immediately. I've never been told in my life to put ticks under numbers and perform subtraction an additional time. That just seems really silly.

Technically, "New Math" is the best way to explain the system in terms of "Understanding" what's going on to say a 3 year old. It isn't an "algorithm" as much as it is understanding a concept

And should simplify to "Old Math" for simplicity and speed as far as future work goes.

Common Core subtraction is actually harder than "Old/New Math", or just "Math".
It changes subraction into addition, which I guess is their assumption of "simplification". They probably believe that sticking to arithmetic means less mental strain of learning something new…

But it will drastically slow down their computation in hand division, let alone all the other stuff.

On top of that, Common core method is more of an algorithm than the Math methods. It's literally "add up to change the place to a 0, then add the left over once you've gotten to the largest single non-zero digit number."

vs. the concept of the decimal system and how each digit represents x10 of the previous digit. A concept which carries over to binary and hexadecimal, which in turn, provides all sorts of understanding in modern binary computer systems.

Basically, Common Core subtraction may be "easier" for a kid to learn in the moment (I can't disprove them there without studies or other backup), but there are strong arguments such philosophies of mathematical learning will harm student capabilities in more complex operations.

Honest question: how'd help with hex? It's pretty easy to replace method in hex once you're comfortable with the digits

Go from 2A to 1 1A for your subtraction digits

Or even mentally find the difference between minuend and subtractend, and if minuend < subtractend, then 10-(subtractend-minuend) or w/e

oh music?



new math is ideotic. common core is maing 10 steps harder waht math was all about…i fucking hate this universe



Enjoy your over saturated market

New Math seems to be the best at hammering the idea of place values.

"Old" math is as simple as it can be.

Decrement a single digit if necessary, then do a subtraction that never gets any larger than 18-9.

Common core doesn't help kids understand the concept of subtraction. It completely replaces it with two steps of addition. Their attempt to reinvent the wheel falls totally flat on its face.

If your post is anything to go by, education failed you anyway.

fucking hell


nice try shlomo. get back to cry abotu the 6 million






nice rebuttal fellow redditor user, here have a +1

They taught me that, had no problem whatsoever.


keep posting

Even the fucking porn isn't any good because it's fucking generic rabbit and generc fucking fox. That's like ghetto trash slut level.

Fuck disney for castrating the plot and making it so shit when it could have been good.

How do people make these maps? Just trial and error?

Any time actually, the sooner the better.

Yes. But I must note that "press forward" map style is the stupidest shit ever. Especially since "fullspeed" map style is right next to it.

Honestly user the fullspeed one looks pretty fun

What the fuck is the point of changing anything when "old math" works perfectly fine? Any change just makes basic math into this overly-complex abomination that would normally take less than 10 seconds.

Teaching things multiple ways isn't a bad thing and should be encouraged. There are many ways to solve a math problem and what makes the most sense to you may not make the most sense to someone else. Trying to enforce one way of doing things over all others is the bigger issue to me. If the kid can solve the problem then they should be rewarded whether they use "new math" or "old math" or whatever method they like.


Why the Americans are mad as hell about this ?
It looks good to me tbh



pretty much

if you make a video promoting anything you eurocucks will buy it

teaching kids multiple ways to do math is a shitty idea. My entire primary education was learning math in tons of fucking ways. It left me and my fellow students confused as shit. Luckily my parents caught on to what was going on and taught me the easy way to math.

We need to be teaching only one way to do math.

see it as a progression of the line of thinking
Common core >New math > mastering the old math
Then why not learning roman mathematics big brain ?

It is not about math it is about politics and we all know that drop the acting
I am not the one who is proud of not having a free education system you illiterate heathen

Maybe common core teaches matrices.

This is how math looked before the Arabic numeral system


Maybe you just had shitty teachers.

heh typical American barbarism, enjoy the neo feudalism that you have there


Enjoy being raped to death by niggers and dune coons.

But you can get into the school system under 25 in most cases in Yurope and 20 when you're canadian. College in Yurope is free in some places, whereas Canada may as well be America.


Its not free, you're paying taxes for it, just like we are.

And our (US) taxes pay for it, since the cocksucking Yourops don’t pay for their own military defense. The US funds all of NATO, which lets marxists pretend that their socialist paradises actually work.

It is in several countries like Germany, and Sweden up until a specific age. It's taxes that pay for it but taxes pay for any sort of schooling system regardless?

It's free in a specific sense but not necessarily "free" as in no one pays for it. It's "free" if you're barely in your twenties and don't shop for yourself. I'm not in Yurop anyways

We should abolish "free" education. It places unnecessary strain on the real wealth creators, just to teach the underclasses how to do things that they don't need to know.

Get out already.

US taxes exclusively pay NATO?
Huh. Didn't know that I figured a world gathered sort of deal would be the nations all funding it.

Do me a favor and masturbate

Europeans are contractually obligated to pay a specific portion of the funds, but they never do, and the US always picks it up.
Kill yourself, you stupid fucking economic illiterate.

No, no its not.
You have a point, I guess.

you are less roman empire and more mongols in my eyes tbh

I'm not arguing against public education, I'm just pointing out how you can't say its "free" when you pay taxes for it.


“Free” education, huh? Guess you really DO get what you pay for.

I never said I was an expert. You and me ought to make a suicide pact should be fun.

You don't work or buy for yourself you aren't paying taxes for anything ever. Once you begin working or buying even a soda you're now paying taxes.

Oh, okay. I see your point now.

I never claimed you were, you piece of shit. There’s a difference between knowing nothing (you) and knowing the absolute basics (anyone sane).
And that’s the only way your education is free: if you never, EVER have a job at any point in your life.

Enjoy being raped to death by niggers and dune coons.

To be fair, it's not that bad the new method when it comes to small numbers (3, maybe 4 digits) as the steps taken would be around the same number as you would by carrying tens and such. However, the Older method works when using other number systems (Base 8, 16 etc,) and longer numbers. The justification seems retarded and they should teach you the old math so it comes more handy in the future.

Now that's what got me mad, regardless of how it's written, 5 x 5 x 5 is the most efficient way of doing it (If insistent on doing it in this method) as you're minimising steps and 5 is a very easy number to comprehend when adding up so is a lot more friendly to younger students since the final digits only go 5 - 0 - 5 etc whereas 3s would require them to go 3 - 6 - 9 - 2 - 5 - 8 - 1 - 4 - 7 - 0 etc. If that was my child I would've gone into that school all guns blazing because that shit is unacceptable

You're not teaching me anything by straight up insulting me user. I don't know jackshit about economics
I've had several jobs so far as well. I'm not in Europe, my ancestors may be but I'm Canadian in the mountains, there's barely any brown skins here.

I'm sure your Swedish is excellent but you're supposed to be proficient in a language before you start on the whole 'calling others illiterate' bit.
Why? Common Core performs worse, is clearly going to perform worse, and delivers fair few things of value to the special detriment of people who can't do these things already, those that had a hard time with just executing old math. Results have deteriorated dramatically despite infinitely higher investment, but this is a natural progression? No wonder you're all fucked up in the old world.
stop acting like you don't enjoy this agenda for political reasons
I have seen not a single reason to support these initiatives after their literal failure to deliver other than politics, not even one
if we are getting political, Common Core delivers Penguin an oligarchy of Education, super expensive reforms for schools, and has been pushed through highly questionable means. Citizens don't here, and US schoolchildren are losing. Again, no wonder a European would support it.
Speaking of illiterate

jokes on you I don't support any middle-eastern involvement and that's not even an uncommon position
enjoy your nonarguments while your working class pays for your internet/education/etc and slowly dies out

If you don't have free education you are regressing into feudalism by limiting the social mobility of the poor dividing the classes even more creating more poverty and thus more crimes and this cycle continue
It is not money issue it is an ethical issue

You don't want to pay for it ? enjoy neo-fudialism
In fact Free education is one of the strongest counter arguments to an-caps and libertarians

I wish I were smart, but alas I couldn't pay for education when I was 4.

autonomous education is necessary and profitable to both a libertarian system and an ancap system
working, functional businessmen don't pop out of thin air, people do like to become educated, and competition is necessary for the ancaps to thrive, which all promote subsidized training programs- all real industries want a literate person, and most will want an educated one, so GE is almost guaranteed (with less emphasis on useless shit). Specialization would be a much higher priority and you would be guaranteed a position if you take it on because that's why they're paying /you/ to learn from them. They need it filled.
The excesses of modern education would be reduced one way or another.
Libertarians usually are rights focused but local gov guaranteeing some level of education is almost definitely within their realm of acceptance too
it's like walking up to a commie and saying "but muh farms lol" and walking off


Interesting insight, the only books i reed about librarianism are Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged and The Virtue of Selfishness, it was shit read tbh thats why i am a Hegelian Marxists

no bully plz

Whoops, didn't mean to quote there.


Reminder that americans are still trying to convince people that common core is good because they're mentally challenged.

I like how they specifically overcomplicate "old" and "new" math, putting ones everywhere and shit like that, making like 4 steps out of one "borrow" step. Just because niglets can't remember they borrowed from the other digit doesn't mean they should make everyone do it a super long retarded way.

At this point you're just making yourself look like more of an idiot

God that is fucking exhausting to watch. The animatio goes literally fucking everywhere and makes no sense.

You either get math or you don't get math.

If you get math, you don't need to be doing some stupid convoluted method since you'll already understand how the simple method works.

If you don't get math, you're better off sticking with the simple method, even if you might not get why it works, trying the convoluted methods will just confuse the fuck out of you.

And that’s why you get insulted.

Jesus Christ they are doing their hardest to tip-toe around the point. They even fucking acknowledge that being a black female is actually a fucking advantage but don't bring that to its logical conclusion.

i got your beat right here







Thanks Dan Green.



They are literally saying that they don't want neutrality. They want a free advantage based on race and sex. I would say this angers me but it's nice to see their ideals crumbling right in front of their own eyes.

This bothers me every time.

sounds like ur just jealous, user :DDDD