Comedy Central is at risk of being shut down by Spectrum. This mean the end of the Daily Show and other such shows. Trevor Noah is now begging for his viewers to call Spectrum and convince them to change their minds. Could this be the end of The Daily Show and Colbert?
Comedy Central is about to get Shoahed
Other urls found in this thread:
Who needs the Daily Show when you've got The Goldwater's live stream? Tune in now, goyim! The link is at the top! Of every page!
The Curse finally catches up to Colbert.
Too bad that one of your top propaganda tools is about to be dropped. I feel just "awful" about it…..
add nickelodeon to the list
Breddy gud. Would love to be able to pull the plug on the Cumcast, though.
He's with CBS now, not Viacom.
How is C.C even relevant anymore?
CBS is owned by Viacom BTW but I get your point
Also /thread
no it means viacom wants more shekels. they'll likely go dark for a day or two and then its business as usual.
I didn't even know this show was still on. Also who the fuck is Trevor Noah?
When Jon Leibowitz left the daily show, this is the guy who replaced him. An incredibly unfunny, even by libshit standards, race baiting african faggot.
We must lock up their phone lines.
Jon left two years ago m8, where you been?
Would they take letters endorsing the removal of Comedy Central seriously?
Disinfo. That just means Spectrum, a cable company, may drop the channel. Doesn't mean Viacom is dropping the channel from existence.
(((African))). His mother is a Jew.
You're getting slow, Holla Forums. Hundreds of you should be calling that number asking Spectrum to drop Viacom and replace it with something actually entertaining.
What's really funny is there was another nigger who replaced Colbert. Trevor was the surviving funnynog.
CY+2 just keeps on giving.
You basically described all the correspondents on the daily show. There was a time when they had people who where talented enough to actually go on and do other things, like Steve Carrel, but they went hard into the diversity route. All the new people rely on some sort of liberal guilt as a crutch. It simply boils down to this:
"Condescending know it all woman/minority calling you a bigot"
John was at least really charismatic. He lulled his viewers into a false sense of security. Showing the insanity of both sides, but the republicans are just a bit more insane. Now he's gone and all that's left is the unfunny cancer.
I have Spectrum Internet. Maybe I should call and thank them.
Goodnight Bantu nigger
Why not counter this by calling Spectrum to tell them you DO want it removed?
I highly doubt the libtards calling on Trevor Shoah's behalf have the fucking service so it's essentially a raid, therefore just do a counter-raid.
Let me get this straight…
Spectrum owns -> Viacom owns -> Daily Show
So Spectrum wants to sell Viacom, and that means Daily Show no longer exists? Why would the purchaser of Viacom decide to shut down Daily Show?
the unwanted miscegenated refuse of a jew and a bushman
Neat, that'll go well with my nazi porg folder.
I laughed, Jim.
His mother's the black one
I could be misremembering, but it seems as though, in the very early days of TDS, it was more about researching goofy news stories and having correspondents do politically agnostic activities such as go to factories and conduct silly how it was built-style reports.
a black jew
i guess it is only fitting his jew father abandoned him
How can you even have comedy if you have to be politically correct.
Tell them to add the infowars live stream.
Colbert is on network TV now I believe. No idea which one though.
*were* the more crazy ones.
Now it is the Democrats that are crazier, and a lot of them have turned evil too.
A convert. She's not a real Jew.
Curse wall's getting pretty big
OP is a fag. Nothing to see here. This is just a game the cable operators and content networks play to haggle over pricing. Happens all the time, and channels almost never get dropped. It is more akin to unions negotiating with management and threatening to strike. Spectrum is new on the scene and trying to play hardball.
That's how it was. I don't remember if it changed with Leibowitz coming on or it was something that rose with the 2004 election and never stopped.
And it's only going to get bigger. It's gonna be great.
For you.
Why not also in the middle of this, also fill up Spectrum's answering machine with prank calls as well? If their being raided and counter raided, then having computer automated prank calls will seal the deal of just them giving up on the phones and removing comedy central.
*giving up on the phones and just remove comedy central
The one with the eye
Some poor bloke in the customer service department is going to have a rough day who am I kidding, they probably outsource it to india anyway
And South Park, don't forget South Park
The only loss here is probably Tosh.0 and even then
Jesus fucking christ.
You mean the scoops guy?
this is literally plebian
for you
Ten feet taller?
will be distributed to every normalfag pc in the future to remind everyone of the jew
Should be painted all over the Wall on the side facing America as a reminder that Trump was divinely chosen.
Trevor Noah is the replacement hired by John Daley when he left. He is an unfunny politically correct nigger from South Africa whom has advocated for "The same ethnic policies as South Africa has implemented" which means the mass-murder of whites.
Be lucky you don't know who he is. It's fucking terrible, and thank god you missed Stephen Colbert's replacement, the uncle tomish Larry Whilmore who seemed to be like some kind of pozzed Andy Roony.
Lary Whilmore actually stayed on longer then I'd expect him to of, until December 2016. In Febuary 2016, the entire month was Black History Month and "Great Moments in Black History" which were literally who niggers yelling about literally who niggers who got robbed of their fame (or goals) by the white man!
Trevor Noah is lasting a lot longer. It's also funny because when Trevor was named the replacement to Mr. Daily, there was an outlash because during Noah's standup he once made some Jew Jokes to which Mr. Daley had to get on his new show and say "That was nothing, man"
Newfag please go
Who is this e-celeb Colbert and why should I care?
2017 just keeps getting better now the only thing left is a netflix bankruptcy
Fucking idiot.
Colbert, Leibowitz, and Oliver, et. al. have created their shows on a purely dialectic model, and this is perhaps why they are so successful and why many people claim to get actual news and opinion from a comedy show.
Thesis: the liberal talking point
Anti-thesis: Colbert’s character’s response to the liberal talking point
Synthesis: Usually presented through a punchline, a dismissal by Colbert’s character, or from a “rational and intelligent” guest on the show.
The Hegelian dialectic model is perfect for introducing apparent problems into a person’s consciousness. Problems that don’t really affect them, that they have never thought before, and under normal circumstances would have little opinion either way. The Hegelian model allows these ideas to be injected into a person’s consciousness without them even realizing. It emphasizes the glaring import of the issue and conveniently provides you with a resolution in the form of synthesis before you had any chance to use your own rational thinking skills to devise a solution agreeable to you as an individual. Instead you are presented the prepackaged liberal idea and you will likely eat it up hook, line, and sinker because of the comical presentation.
Political “news” through comedy is a very refined and calculated form of propaganda. The real insidiousness of it is its unmistakably hypnotic structure and pacing. All of the segments of John Oliver’s show follow the same repetitive format: present some “argumentation” and “facts” for about 10 seconds, then quickly follow these up with a snarky quip (which themselves overwhelmingly take the form of complete non-sequitur or otherwise absurd metaphor) before any rational processing of the preceding argument can take place in the mind of the viewer. Further telling is that the only ‘beats’ or mental pauses in the show’s pacing exist solely to highlight the approving laughter or applause of the studio audience. Repeat this basic formula without variation 20-40x in a row and you have one of the 12-20 minute “segments” that form the backbone of the show.
The end effect is (obviously) not to deliver information, but rather to literally teach the viewers–on a subconscious level–to mentally associate derisive laughter with any person or opinion that is at odds with the narrative’s take on the chosen issue. And it accomplishes this by maintaining a strict adherence to a roughly 20-second cycle in which a stimulus is presented and a response is cued. This is the sense in which the show is fundamentally hypnotic in effect–even more so than its precursors in the genre (Daily Show, Colbert, etc). Oliver’s show is representative of the media’s increasing mastery of the methodologies of mass conditioning. In fact, it is almost such a perfect technical accomplishment that I would almost have to admire it on technical grounds if it wasn’t in the hands of the entirely wrong people.
Jon Stewart and John Oliver are basically TV preachers. Watching them gives the same sense of quiet superiority your grandma gets from watching The 700 Club. The messages are constantly reinforced, providing that lovely dopamine hit, like an angel’s voice whispering, “You’re right, you’re better, you’re winning!” Hollywood award shows are like church talent shows–the skits and jokes aren’t really funny, but it’s fun to look at the pretty girls and you’re all on the same team. Red Conservativism is a business, selling a set of political products. They don’t make you feel good, they don’t appeal to your morality or your spiritual sense of self, but sometimes you really need one of their core products–like security, jobs, or national defense. Their appeals to “freedom” and “family values” ring hollow these days, but when people are flying planes into buildings, you need a strong member of Conservatism, Inc. in the big chair. And when it came down to the things that really mattered–welfare, Medicare, Social Security, and foreign policy–you knew Red Team couldn’t really do anything Blue Team didn’t approve of, or the Blue faithful would kick them out of office next time.
But Donald Trump didn’t sign that contract. And Donald Trump didn’t win by selling the same old conservative products. Donald Trump started his own religion, and he won a religious victory. The Blue Church is panicking because they’ve just witnessed the birth of a new Red Religion. For the first time in decades, voters explicitly rejected the Blue Church, defying hours of daily cultural programming, years of indoctrination from the schools, and dozens of explicit warnings from HR. We’ve been trained since childhood to obey the pretty people on TV, but for the first time in decades, that didn’t work. Donald Trump won because flyover America wants their culture back, and Blue Team has not been rejected like that before.
The younger ones have grown up in an environment where Blue Faith assumptions cannot even be questioned, except anonymously by the bad kids on Twitter. But now the bad kids are getting bolder, posting funny memes that make you laugh even though John Oliver would not approve, like passing crude dirty pictures under the table in Sunday School. Meryl Streep is panicking because for the first time voters have rejected her and everything her faith has taught her to believe. There is a new faith rising on the right–a wicked kind of counterculture movement. We laughed at the hippies in 1968, but by 1978 they were teaching in classrooms and sitting behind school administrator desks. Where will the hippies of 2016 be sitting after eight years of Trump? How many of the shitposting Twitter bad boys will start up alternative media outlets, until one of them becomes the new Saturday Night Live? Sam Hyde tried it on Adult Swim, but that was just the early prototype like Mad Magazine for the left. There will be many others after him, and they won’t be stopped by network filters. They’ll come out of nowhere on the web, from the secret places that the inquisitors at Google can’t shut down. And that’s what Meryl Streep is really scared of. She’s not truly aware of it, just like fluttering housewives couldn’t really understand the counterculture threat in 1968. But they feel that something is changing in their safe little world, and they know they have to fight it, because this threat isn’t just passing pointless budget resolutions and selling pointless platitudes about family values. These guys mean business, and they’re fighting on her turf.
It all just goes to netflix.
I am ashamed to admit this, but I recently got into a discussion with a unknown political affiliate who I now realize was a commie thanks to your post. I pretty much wrecked him on every point until he brought up Thesis Anti Synthesis shit. I told him dialectics were commie marxist garbage but I would look over it.
Saved for posterity
I am now convinced this is either a 14 year old whom just discovered this website and decided to post on it over the weekend or a bot.
Wew some autist is still keeping track. Would be cool if you autists put the date last edited on these so we know how current they are.
I'm convinced that you should kill yourself, retard.
Well done.
Man, what an age we live in….It's been amazing memeing with you cunts.
The network isn't going to get shut down, you massive retard. If this goes through (which it won't, because the network always uses pressure tactics like this to strongarm negotiations), only Spectrum subscribers will not have access to CC.
earlobe spacing was a D&C meme used to derail threads. Feel free to use proper formatting that makes it easier to read. Otherwise it was a very good read and I enjoyed it you fucking insecure faggot
implying there are hundreds of users here after everyone has been banned over and over and over. Cuckchan maybe, but that would probably get more leftist shills calling in than the lazy meme spewing degenerates on nu/pol/.
We need more memes of these "comedians" standing in front of a pulpit.
Why do you say that as if it's all over?
I love laughing, mostly at people. Comedy Central has been boringly not funny, but rather moralizing, shaming me. I haven't been bothering to watch or listen to any of their programs since they went off on Trump. except when Colbert was implicated in Pizzagate… Youtube has been heavily promoting Colbert for awhile now, and I just ignore it. Who cares about Comedy Central anymore? The funniest thing they've done is self-destruct.
The shit that comes out on the likes of Holla Forums is ten times funnier anyway.
Well done user. Have a (you), on me.
Probably not watching TV like the rest of the bad goyim.
I was only vaguely aware that Leibowitz wasn't there any more.
Comedy central is just another sjw shitshow. It will not be missed.
South Park rerun marathons. Literally the only reason I sometimes put that disgusting channel on. It’s become legitimate anti white left wing propaganda now. And you can tell that their ratings have suffered because they’ve been throwing up these shows with white guys who supposedly don’t suck communist cock on a daily basis. Won’t do them any good though. The channel is straight up insulting. Even new south parks suck, they just keep asking the creators to do more seasons because they know it’s all they got now. I bet if it goes down then trey and Matt would actually be relieved that the end got decided for them. They know it’s over.
Please fucking happen.
holy shit the daily show is still around? that show wasnt funny 10 years ago, someone put it out of its misery…
I've been watching these celebrity roast reruns lately and it always seems like some dirt is being dropped by the roasters about sex attacks and crimes, pedo suggestions etc. I assumed the shutdown had something to do with that.
So for a person who does not know shit about tv, what is "spectrum" and Viacom respectively. I know viacom is some television company due to seeing it at the end of a few shows when i was younger. But I have no idea what is what. Also isnt comedy central a huge thing on its own? Sorry I dont know shit about any of this.
post yfw 4 years of Trump's Curse will not fit in one image
Goldwater is some grade A clickbait, lemme tell you.
This isn't new, and it also isn't a big deal.
A lot of the streaming services out there dropped Viacom last year due to them wanting more money. I know the most recent one was PS Vue, which dropped Viacom early this year sometime. Could be wrong about when, but I know they dropped them too.
the problem with Viacom channels is that most of their content is failing. I think Comedy Central does okay (Mainly due to South Park) but their other stuff, like VH1, MTV, Nick, BET are all just marathon broadcasting reality show junk or low level teen shit that younger kids don't care about since they don't even watch TV anymore.
Long story short, of all the networks, Viacom's channels are the most bland and vapid. No company wants to pay them money when customers don't even watch the channels or care if they're gone.
Larry Wilmore's show was the black show. His panels were either obsessed with blackness, or they were outright retarded. The panel with Bill Nye about Mars was so insulting that even Reddit hated on it.
Larry Wilmore isn't funny either. He totally bombed at the White House Correspondence Dinner.
Oy vey, how could that happen? Everybody HATES PRONALT PRUMPF!
pull the plug - cable holocaust
pull the plug - cable holocaust
P U LL T H E P L U G - C A B L E H O L O C A U S T
The Curse is fucking real
His shtick was (arguably) funny as a 30 second bit on Jon Leibowitz's show, but anyone who thought it could function on it's own is would have to be retarded.
this will be posted one the wall next to trump's sarcophagus
We need more pictures of comedians fucking underage girls, actually.
Has a cable ever actually dropped a channel? I know they threaten this kind of crap every time they re-negotiate. It seems every month a cable channel says provider X may stop carrying them. It never fucking happens.
Well, I will be sad to see South Park go, but I can always download the latest episode from
isnt it great that everything is being ripped apart in this pregame civil war? the normies are finally starting to see everything isnt OK, niggerball, the media, hollywood, cable/isps, everything they buy is either in a meltdown or choosing sides. the left side is losing and theres nothing they can do about it. libshits propaganda tells them hilariously THEY are on the winning side of history and WE are the ones with outdated ideas, and that is great. keeps them in the dark sitting there in their cucksheds while they screech about trump and lose by default.
imagine, normies now feel the anxiety and anger you felt when they didnt listen to you, called you insane for even caring about demographics, commie brainwashing and cutural marxism, they said it wasnt real. they arent laughing anymore.
funny it took this. not their neighborhoods becoming nigger ghettos and the need for militerized police to deal with them.
Haha bitch nigger
Is this pasta? If not, hell of a post user.
and nothing of value was lost. comedy central hasn't made me laugh for years.
Youtube is a thing my dude, just search 24/7 and you'll find it.
South Park is kiked and has been for a long long time, and has only gotten worse as of late. Did you know in the new game, you can play as a tranny, and later you go out and beat up white rednecks who dislike your degeneracy? Or how the game has a slider that increasing the difficulity based on how dark your skin is (darker skin equates to harder difficulty)?
Look, Kitty. A patrician.
This is why we need more Sam Hydes.
I'm a Spectrum customer. It's the only company in town that provides cable or internet since I'm innawoods. I called them up and told them to get rid of Viacom and could care less about it. I was informed by a Spectrum rep that they are in renegotiating their contact with Viacom. At first he thought I was alarmed. Asking if I can still access Viacom channels. Tried saying the "everything was gonna be ok" type line until I interrupted him and told him what I thought about Viacom. He seemed genuinely confused. It was hilarious. We need more anons just to flood the lines. Customers or not.
you have to be a sub-room temp IQ brainlet to find South Park anything other than mind numbingly stupid (or 14 years old)
anyone here thats still able to watch South Park must be new or dumb as shit. I get it, I used to watch it years ago too, but after sobering up, it just blends in with everything else. safe, politically correct liberal bullshit. its been this way for a long time. They fake being edgy with gore, rape scenes, making the occasional joke about raging commies, but in the end its always just easily digestable lefty propaganda for young people.
Kikes have been breeding nigger jews for hundreds of years. Light skinned niggers didn't get that color from breeding with Whites who didn't want to be around niggers.
No, I believe it's that Spectrum owns Time Warner Cable. Viacom just produces (((shows and content))) but has no way to get them to the drooling masses without Spectrum. Obviously there is the internet but most of the retards who watch Comedy Central are doing so on their boobtube and internet viewers probably use adblock so CC makes no money off them. CC's views are probably so low (and Viacom's other channels) that Spectrum is dropping them as a whole to find more popular content producers. No TV channel means no sheckles which means even a low cost station like CC will shortly go bankrupt.
Also, Spectrum is the cable provider for the North East (t.jew yorker) so having your propaganda channel canned in your own backyard must be extremely painful.
everyone should call them and tell them TO drop it.
say yes to the drop.
Spectrum is the rename of Charter Communications, a popular cable provider, which I beieve has megered with Time-Warner Cable, giving it ownership over Turner Communications whom also owns Viacom, which owns Comedy Central. However, the only thing Spectrum is threatening to do here is not tell it's grandchild Viacom to stop Comedy Central but rather is threatening to not have the channel in their line-up. Cable Companies do this all the time so they can leverage price and shit. However, the bluepilled normalfags who do call in to their phone numbers usually say they want to keep the station. THis is mostly a money game.
If we use their own game against them, we might actually get the station taken off of Spectrum. They don't expect people to actually give dissenting opinion. It hasn't happened before.
I just called them and the guy I got said it was all a ruse by viacom to push spectrum into a corner. Fake news. Move on, gentlemen.
I forgot about the Bill Nye bit. I beleive that was the bit that actually broke the camel's back and got his show cancled.
Are there any relevant shows on that channel anymore? I though it was a lefty TV land equivalent.
Not really. There were a couple in late 2015 that were new but still watchable but they cancled them all. There was this one about a guy hosting a (fictional) reality show where people write in with things they've always wanted to do but couldn't and then he lives the thing for them. It continued to esculate until he ended up murdering a guy and then was arrested then did the show in prison. I found that to be a little funny, They cancled it.
There was another, I think it was called "Adam's here to help" where this guy finds non-issues and helps solve them and all the reactions are real. For example, in one episode he tells a luxuay hotel he's trying to build something people could put in rooms to keep their children entertained while they can do their own shit on vacation, and he ends up building this kind of play-pen that's a soundproof box with movies and toys and shit, and to test it he has a child go into the box, and then has a 14 person orgy in the hotel room that they filmed. And the hotel manager tresspassed him. That was funny as fuck when I saw it. That got cancled too.
Now the only shows I know of besides South Park and Daily Show is the god-awful "Presdients Show" (which is supposedly a sitcom around the Trump Administration made by The Daily Show) and some made-on-a-napkin cartoon about an urban highschool full of wiggers.
Comedy Central is getting canned while MTV is still standing.
The nigger cuck baby of some jewess.
They are just going to get bought by an even more jewish conglomerate.
Protip, the game only has one difficulty setting. You could say that last one was actually a joke. Not that it excuses the playing as a tranny bit.
Looks like the goyim finally got tired of an entire programming block dedicated to autistic screeching anger about Trump.
I just got through reading the comments on that Tweet. Virtually all of them are negative (saying Comedy Central is shit).
Nice. I didn't know normies were this woke.
user pls stop I am still relevant
I think that was "Nathan for You". Guy was a jew but that was legitimately one of the funniest shows I had seen on Comedy Central in years and probably the last funny thing in my opinion.
Nice analysis, and well written. Anons all need to know this stuff.
Well thank you for that. So if I am reading this correctly if Comedy Central gets removed that means Comedy Central wont have anyone showing them at all? In my town for some reason Comedy Central got dropped along with a few other things due to money but if this is going how I think it is going
Correspondence Dinner…fucking 21 mins of this shit? No, thanks.
I meant he slanted it. He would attack republicans more than democrats. This isn't even considering the "interviews" which rigged to fit a narrative, on account they last like an hour but the show uses it's favorite minute of each person they interview.
You are right though that the republicans where pretty bad at the time. His entire show was built upon making fun of boomer neo-cons.
Yeah it at least had some modicum of humor and legitimacy to it, all propaganda should after all. I seem to remember that Leibowitz was one of the few libtards after the election saying "Maybe we should take responsibility for this". You can probably guess how that went.
seriously, i feel far more smug about nickelodeon disappearing from 90 million US households or whatever it is. that shit was straight poison aimed at impressionable children. comedy central is mostly watched by deadbeat potheads who are beyond help anyway, they'll probably continue to waste their lives with or without CC.
cool, kike central needs to get gassed
I think Netflix essentially paid for Star Trek Discovery, so it might not be far off.
No. "Spectrum" is the brand name Charter stuck on their cable tv product. Charter owns the old "Time Warner Cable" and BrightHouse cable systems. They are also the old systems that where under the brand name "Charter Cable".
They are the 3rd largest Cable TV provider. They don't own the content. This dispute is over fee's the content providers are charging Charter. DiSH network seems to have them often also. The channels blackout until one of the side's cave.
These fights are happening more and more often because CATV is bleeding subscribers. Linear Pay TV is as dead as buying music.It will die with the Boomers. Streaming is the future.
No. It just means they wont be showing on Charter's cable systems. They will still be on Comcast, DirectTV, DiSH, Cablevision, etc etc.
Goddam, user. Who are you?
One writer to another, you'd better take this thesis and write the hard right modern version of 'Catcher in the Rye' with it, or i'm going to fucking do it myself.
Robert Bakish
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Sumner M Redstone
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I've read that stuff about the blue church and red religion before
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Shameful display.
Comedy central is a really good channel tho
Southpark is alright but the rest is pretty shit.
Faggot the bait was the fag responding to the bait
Unfortunatley the new main stream red "religion" is pro israel
Oh, and back on topic: fuck Viacom.
Make sure to call Viacom as well and tell them they are way too good to let themselves be on Spectrum.
Cut the cable you fuckin degenerates.
Shit, they've already taken the messaging service offline, I wanted to beg them to fucking do it and put this nigger out of business.
Shit, before Holla Forums was around we'd bombard phonelines. Harass and dox lolcows. We'd spam MySpace with gore and gay porn. We even harassed a "neo-nazi" stormfront faggot who turned out to have an FBI handler and ol' Hal was an informant! We'd send pizza. We'd send boxes. We'd bring many unwarranted self-important people to total ruination. Yeah, back then we were all kids. We just did it for the lulz. But, now we are doing these things as a force for good. We would have call in Holla Forumslackup when halfchan was more of a raiding board when he had the /i/ boards on 7, 420chan, 711chan, etc. to use them as a massive force. We could do the same thing to halfchan's Holla Forums. We could ban evade like a mother fucker. People still know how to change their PC and routers MAC address, right? We can get proxy codoms. VPNs. We've gotten soft and being SLID HARD!. Now get in there faggots. Make their phones light up. I called:
Also, anyone responding to this saying shit like "OH IT WONT WORK" is a goddamn shill. So inb4 a kike non-free response.
Yep, this thing got slid so fast. It's turning into 4chan. We used to bring the fear. I'm bumping because I don't want it slid. But the whole goddamn board is be slid and flooded. Mods, I wish would sticky this.
This is one of their top shows currently:
It's literally Jewish feminist degeneracy. They're basically caricatures of annoying slutty modern women, but it's also clear that's who they are in real life.
Some of it seems to be from this…
We're being raided, if you haven't noticed. Been going on for the past week or two at least. Not sure what the motivation of this current raid is, though…..
This. Satellite TV providers pulled this shit all the time back in the 90's-early 2000's. Channels that were affected usually ran hysterical chyrons urging customers to call and bitch on the channel's behalf.
(((They))) just want us gone. Plain and simple. Yeah, I've noticed the raiding going site-wide. Not just the shitflooding and spam on here. The whole site seems to be under a DDoS attack or some sort of hacking. Because it's been running like shit for awhile now. I don't think codemonkey is fully to blame, anyway.
I remember when Kilbourne hosted the show. yeah I'm old.
Good fucking riddance!
Reminds me Greg just destroyed that downy looking chinky eyed ugly nose (((maher))) in his interview with reason tv.
What in the unholy fuck? Is that a kid or just a tiny asian gal? Was she past the rails being edgy or was there nothing to hold her back in the first place? I have questions but no fucking answers.
Is it really that hard to try and google it user? I was confused too but it took me like less than two minutes to find out.
It's shopped. It's actually a grill slipping into the ocean.
girl slipping*
Maybe this time around, current year man will set himself on fire.
This is classic, who would put this on air? These people are mentally ill, and it makes me smile to see the pendulum swing the other way.
Got to the part where the Nigger can't into gravity, fuckin keked
Fuckit, i'll call them just to ask them to turn off that shit. Fuck colbert and trevor noah. that's not comedy.
An ex-funny saf nog who got (((in))). Now a puppet who read shit news for a living. Dad is (((Swiss))), Mother is Black.
Few things are worse than smarmy liberals masquerading as comedians.
I noticed this too. As you said it won't do them any good. Southparks primary audience was shitlord white males who have hated PC bullshit for decades (who also happened to be part of Trumps base). SP had been going downhill for at least a decade but all their retarded trump jokes just fell flat and killed the show entirely for me. Even my most bugman libshit friends couldn't watch wilmore and find trevor noahs constant racial bs tiring.
Gramsci effect
This should give rise to identitarian comedians. Make it happen
What did they mean by this?
Its never big enough
Hopefully it dies. South Park must die with it
The kikes will blame it on white people hating niggers and not the fact that nigger hated whites and went out of his way to display it.
Have a problem with one of your own going off script and calling out the hebes?
You do know that Matt (((Stone))) is a kike, right?
South Park is leftist shit pushing Zionist horse shit.
As I said, one of your own. Off script. First day?
we have AS for that, CC can go fuck itself
All the PR outlets for Obama's reign of niggery are dying off , that's all.
Lurk two years before your next post, or drink bleach, whichever comes first.
I implied nothing. They are useful tools and you never interrupt your enemy. Lurk for 3.
needs more smug Trump every time the curse hits someone.
we really should organize an email campaign in the style of Gamergate to get these pozzed shows off the air. a few hundred emails would be enough to sway things in our favor.
How about we all call that number in the tweet and let Spectrum know they're making a good decision.
It's not just Nickelodeon and Comedy Central!!
Viacom also owns
If Viacom gets dropped it will be a true Christmas miracle.
Charter(spectrum) caved. They will pass the viacom rate hikes on to their idiot customers who will pay for CCTV.
I wasn't going to spam this time but then I was banned.
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