What should we do with Anti-Vaxxers after the revolution ?
Also that pic just needs to be edited into a lolbert meme
What should we do with Anti-Vaxxers after the revolution ?
Also that pic just needs to be edited into a lolbert meme
Here are my tries.
Tell them if they don't want to be vaccinated they can git ouuuut
Explain to them the concept of herd immunity. With a big stick.
Here's some more.
And a few more.
laugh as their children die first of whooping cough
the second one should be phrased "illegalize child prostitution." Otherwise it sounds like he is turning down the opportunity for some illegal child prostitution, which, given his political views, is unrealistic.
It's too long anyway, just put 'age of consent?'
Looks great
Anti-Vaxxers of the world unite! Seize the means of health producton!
Yes, organize so we can send you to the gulag easier.
Yes, so we can avoid vaxxination.
We'lll vaccinate you in gulag
Who fucking cares?
Give them autism.
There's no point resisisting.
Resisting even
Age of consent should be abolished. Who are we to go between ego and his property?
But all the Lolis are MY property, and I say you can't fug them.
Lolberts want to dismantle workers rights and the welfare state.
There will be no anti-vaxxers. The education system will require it, and not vaccinating your children will be considered child abuse, as it should. Same thing we do now with people that like mutilating young girls(and we should do this for boys too) for shit religious reasons.
Their children are victims. We should not stand by and let this abuse happen just because they aren't your kids. They are my property, fam, and I protect it.
Someone is going to vaccinate your butt with toys if you don't behave, LewdPoster.
control their minds with forced vaccinations and water fluoridation
On the subject fluoridation, does Holla Forums agree that it doesn't actually work even if conspiracy theorists overblow it? It was originally pushed by a corporate stooge who was a major shareholder of the largest aluminium company in the US, and it just so happens one of the waste products of Aluminium Manufacture at that time was Fluoride, which had no other use. Comparisons of dental hygiene since the introduction of fluoride show no notable difference between countries that do and don't fluoridate, and moreover, its a topical treatment, swallowing it has no effect. There are no studies proving the efficacy of water fluoridation.
Besides that there's the issue that it's retarded to put what is essentially a medication in the water supply, at which point the dose can't be controlled, as it will end up in food used to preapre water, and crops the water is watered with, and can enter the human body during bathing and showering. On top of this fluoridation can lead to Hypothyroidism, Fluorosis of the teeth, and damage to bones. There have been cases of babies ending up with awful dental problems because they were given baby water that contained higher levels of fluoride than tap water.
Lastly we have the fact that the most commonly used Fluoridation agent in the world today is Fluorsilic Acid, which is a highly toxic waste product produced by the phosphate industry (how convenient that every time people need to Fluoridate, toxic waste products are available :-DDDD), and taints the water supply with trace amounts of heavy metals and other poisons. Not enough to be immediately harmful, but considering many heavy metals build up in the human body it could potentially be causing long term harm.
water used to prepare food*
I am not a biologist so I have to rely on the consensus of those who are.
I still only drink vodka and rain water though.
You can dig up some epidemiological studies to see if there's a detectable negative health impact, but I doubt it.
The dose makes the poison
You realize dumping industrial waste in our rivers and lakes is much more cost-effective than extensive purification and distribution to municipal water sources all over the country, yes?
How did we get to that from fluoride lmao
DID YOU KNOW: sodium fluoride is found in many vegetables and thereby meat products because guess what's in the grass and feed motherfucker?
enjoy never eating again out of sheer paranoia freak 'muh bodily floooids' you have no safe space to crawl into and I hope you choke to death on fluoridated turkey today. all 4mg which is STILL HIGHER THAN THE DAILY FLOURIDATION INTAKE FROM DRINKING WATER IN FIRST WORLD COUNTRIES
sterilize yourself