Is there any way to lose weight playing vidya?
15 pushups whenever I die or something?
Is there any way to lose weight playing vidya?
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Whenever you're hungry, maybe you can take a portable console, go to your nearest park and play some shit there.
Just take up a sport dude.
buy a vive
I just need to lost 15 pounds without leaving my computer.
Leaving your computer is step number one.
Can't I just intake less calories than my body naturally burns?
Stop eating
Kill yourself, you won't feel the urge to eat anymore,
But you will become skinny weak.
Yes, but if your calorie intake drops to low, your body will burn muscle tissue instead of fat to lower your metabolism.
You will have to eat next to nothing for a while to lose weight without actually doing anything.
Its not the fastest or healthiest way of doing it but as long as you have the willpower to do it you will get results.
those dancing games look ridiculous but thats some high intesity cardio shit there
if you arent a gay homosexual you would just go outside and and do some manly exercises instead tough
Buy GBPs then, and lose more pounds than you ever thought possible.
you cant do 15 proper pushups
You should stop eating so much goddamned CAKE and BURGERS you FATTY.
But I'm 6'4 and scary.
Just stop eating dumbass.
Buy one of these, or splurge for the $160 one that includes customizable resistance. Just remember to pedal and not to use it as a footrest. I work from home and that's my primary means of keeping my heartrate and calorie burn up.
I did.
Pic related.
Are you saying you want to be a spooky skellyton?
Holy shit this thing is brilliant. I'm serious.
Well I always thought getting jacked was a waste because guns exist.
Yes…to kill yourself.
You automatically lose weight if you don't stuff your face like a pig.
First you make fun of cake and burgers and now this. Golly, you're not a very nice man.
If you're going to use it for a while, get the $160 one and use it forever. Had mine for a year so far and it's great.
Also the usual advice of cutting out soda and snacking and junk food is true as always. Just drink lots of water and you'll feel less hungry overall.
I mean completely.
Why would you want to exercise if you're fasting.
Don't eat junkfood.
Last time I lost weight all I had to do was only drink water, cut out dairy, cut out cooking oils/butter and made things from scratch. Then one serving of red meat for dinner. Lost 60 lbs but I got fat again.
I do rapid fire foot stomping.
Because being healthy is cheaper than being sick. You don't need to get jacked to be healthy.
Just stop eating grains and sugar.
No shit.
5x5 Stronglifts and good nutrition. That'll give you a good taste of what it feels like to be a man.
As for being in front of a computer while losing weight, get a standing desk. When you're too tired to stand, you take a break. Get a drink of water and stretch out. Make sure you stand one something padded, though.
You could buy one or these or starve yourself and use vidya as a distraction. That's what I did to lose around 80 pounds.
Just count your calories. Eat 1800 a day for six months and you win.
No thanks
I don't think so. It's hard to play vidya while exhausted, and a good exercise session should leave you exhausted.
I ate lots grains and cut out dairy and I lost weight at super speed. A ton of grains. But it was always the shit like flax.
Is this a bad joke or are you retarded?
Make a bike machine that generates power for your house, but only as long as you are riding it.
From my experience, playing videogames diverts one's attention from actual important matters. Just start playing vidya every time you feel hungry. The heavier you are, the higher your calorie intake is, so you can lose weight by just not ingesting as much food as you usually do. I've recently lost almost 20 eurograms in two months this way be wary though, if you don't exercise, man-boobs and tummyflabs will stay, they'll just deflate. Learned this one the hard way.
I know this feel.
It's a bad feel.
I know this thread is for being retarded but here's what you've got to do if you're serious:
>Find out what your TDEE is:
When you start tracking how much energy there is in various products contra how much you actually need you'll realize why you've become overweight in the first place.
As for all the nitty gritty details, go to /fit/.
Have I been blessed?
All I had to do was make small decisions like picking lighter alternatives every time I go shopping for groceries. Also putting away the soda helps
Yes. With a tapeworm.
Push ups won't lose you weight, you need cardio fag. Try Dance Central, it has a workout mode and unlike every other dance game before it it's actually fun.
If you're eating carbs, your body stays in glycolysis. If you don't have enough calories while in glycolysis your metabolism just slows down to compensate, and insulin is still telling your body to try and store fat.
So you get fat again.
If you're not eating carbs, or just not eating at all, your body works in ketosis and keeps the metabolic rate the same so that you can go do things to acquire food.
You're either have a lot of muscles and work out a lot or your digestive system is fucked.
Is there any way to gain weight playing vidya?
Eat 15 eggs whenever I die or something?
That seems like a lot of calories
Do humans even need bread?
That's how many cals you're eating a day.
Just eat a few hundred less than that and you'll start losing weight.
Pay attention to the backs of boxes/packets and keep count.
Just make meatbread and eat it constantly.
I thought it was so prevalent because it was cheap and full of energy.
Nevermind, I checked that my maintenance calorie is 2800 something. That's a net loss of about 300 every day
Neat, I'm not even doing my best
Stop being silly. You don't need to avoid carbs entirely in order to lose weight, and running on ketosis has not proven to be a more efficient way of losing weight.
It's very simple: If you consume more energy than you need you'll gain weight, and if you consume less than you need you'll lose weight. Your metabolism won't just magically slow down if you're not consuming enough to supply the energy demand, it'll instead draw on the stored up energy, and that is for the most part fat.
Cereals are good for not starving since they have a really high energy density for the amount of effort put into making them.
this, worked for me
How much do you weigh to consume so much energy?
What because you had to reduce your food bill for a few months?
He could just be tall.
Is one little pre-packaged cup of vanilla yogurt mixed with muesli better or worse than cereal and milk?
Why does the body do this? It seems so counterproductive when it comes to survival.
Flavored yogurt almost always has a lot of added sugar.
It depends on the amount of cereals and the kind of cereals you eat.
Just eat white yogurt with some oats if you want the best of both worlds.
Vanilla yogurt doesn't even have vanilla most of the time, just synthetic aromas.
The body isn't a perfectly designed machine, it does dumb things.
143kilos, 173cm
Improving, however
The body's #1 concern is that you survive for as long as possible so that you can reproduce as much as possible. Everything else is secondary.
Do you?
It might seem like a lot, but then you've got to take into accound that stuff like just regular old potato chips have about 536 kcal (that's just calories to you burgers) in 100 grams (about 3.5 ounces). That shit adds up real fast.
Eat less, doing cardio doesn't do shit as far as losing weight goes since you burn a minuscule amount of calories
Being swole makes you starve faster.
Thats kind of my point though, wouldn't it be better for survival if it ate fat before it ate precious muscle? Maybe eating muscle reduces the total required calories, enabling one to survive better with less food over the long term?
you should really go study some biology before giving out advice based on meme-tier science.
Cardio doesn't do shit if you just reward yourself with shitty junk food after each session. Doing cardio, and more importantly weight lifting, while on a calculated diet will work wonders.
It's just a meme. Your body doesn't burn much muscle at all until it's very deep into starvation.
I could say the same to you. If you honestly think that you cannot lose weight while eating carbs because your metabolism will just adjust then you're the one who should study some biology.
Eat only 1,000 calories a day
Go full skeleton mode. I did this and now I'm pic related.
m u h g e n e t i c s
Pokemon Go
You've finally ascended beyond the mortal frame
Stop being a lazy faggot and exercise and lower your calorie intake you fucking faggot.
It takes me 30-40 minutes a day to exercise, if you can't get off your ass for that amount of time then just kill yourself.
Go vegetarian/prescatarian. Tried it for a week and felt better, but I went back to a normal diet afterwards. Just try it.
He should just go full vegan
Yeah, and cut your own dick while you're at it too, it'll lower your bmr by around 50cals
I only took light exercise because I got to school twice a day so that is about 40 minutes of walking.
forgot pic.
I thought it was in the beginning stages of starvation where muscles are burned up before the body completely switches to ketosis while starvation accelerates muscle atrophy if you don't counteract it with exercise.
I guess if you run out of fat it starts burning the rest of the muscles pretty quickly.
Get a dance pad and play ddr or pump it up. Or a better choice is just to kill yourself since exercise isn't a hard thing to do.
Just set yourself on fire then
consider the following:
TL;DR: there is no TL;DR, go to >>>/fit/, read the fucking sticky
But I need salt to brine my chicken.
Why not lift weights in your free time, the time you waste on Holla Forums not playing video games.
I am 90 kilos and 193 centimeters and I thought I was fat. Jesus fucking christ user, start fucking running. Right now.
I'll have to third this notion, vive is good for getting yourself to move, at least if you have space.
I'm exactly the same height as you user, but I've never been over 60kg, I'm working on it though.
play ddr and git gud you faggot
Finish a quest = 10 squats
long loading screen = 15 push ups
Die = 30 sit ups
Reload a save = 10 lunges
adjust for game and physical ability
On the contrary, that's a measure for survival. Our body evolved in an environment with a lot less intake of calories than we have readily available today.
Saving up as many calories as possible is n. 1 directive of any organism.
Calories in and Calories out, stupid.
It is counterproductive because it's 100% bullshit. Your body can't "burn muscle tissue". Your body can only burn fat because it uses the triglycerides in a process called lipolysis. It can not do this with muscle. Your muscle can atrophy if they are underused, but your body *can not burn muscle*, you fat retards, it just might not have the energy to maintain and build muscle, and that only happens when you are starving *after you have already depleated your body's store of fat*. You're not a holocaust victim, your body will not start "burning muscle". Don't be retarded.
Diets only work if they are mild and steadily implemented.
If you suddenly drop your calorie intake from 2500 a day to 1000, your body will think it's in a dangerous situation of absence of food. It's answer to that is ramping up effectiveness to get as many calories it can out of anything you eat. As soon as you start eating a bit more, you'll get fatter even faster than before.
The best way to lose weight is to trade fat for muscles. Do more exercises, both aerobic and anaerobic. If you're really overweight, ingest a bit less calories than usual, and slowly progress to, at most, a 2000 calories a day diet.
It's better to improve exercises than to eat less, both for the short and long term.
Stop eating junk food.
Start working out.
1 day of muscles work, 1 day of cardio, then rest.
Its that simple fatty.
Also look into boosting your testosterone. You have probably been munching on enough estrogen mimickers that we could put your fat little titties into a milk machine and milk you like a cow.
Starvation mode is a myth, read a book, retard
Complete bullshit.
The response here is that your body burns fat.
Wrong. Your body is already operating at 100% efficiency normally. Your metabolism's ability to use calories is not made magically more efficient by starvation. Your body already takes every calorie you give it over what you burn and uses it to ramp up your fat stores. "starvation mode" is a myth. You will only get fatter faster than before if you eat more than you did before.
The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you ingest, bar none. If you are burning 3000 calories a day via exercise and BMR, but eat 3500 calories a day, you're still going to build fat. Exercise is good, but muscles are not fat, and you don't "trade" one for the other ever. Your body does not burn muscle, and your body will not decide to drop fat just because you are building muscle. Building muscle and building fat are completely different processes with different causes and aren't really related in the least.
It's best to do both. Exercise, track your BMR, track your TDEE, track the calories you eat, and actually be fucking healthy.
Get your favourite game OST. Go to the gym. Put on headphones and start running your fat ass.
The overall point that it's not especially healthy to go on extreme diets is true though.
It's better to keep it at a steady 300-500 kcal deficeit than try to keep a mad limit of 1000 kcal a day. Losing more than 1 kg per week is suboptimal. At least, that is my understanding.
You can donate £15 to me if you want
b-but what if i'm a little girl… isn't estrogen good for me?
Get the Initial D soundtrack, makes me want to go fast all the time
tits or gtfo
and no, too much estrogen leads to breast cancer/ovarian caner in females
This a billion times
It's too easy to give up if your diet is making your existence unbearable. Find something that you can live with instead.
That is true, but just for the reason that a "diet" isn't something that you just go on. A diet is a permanent change to your eating habits. That's why people usually gain back their weight so quickly, because they do a crash diet until they weigh what they want, then go back to their previous shit eating habits, eating at a 1000 Cal surplus (plus their now lower BMR from weighing less). It's easy to see where the "yo-yo effect" comes from, and why some idiots think that it's physically impossible to maintain a lower weight, because they don't know how to control their diet.
The reason extreme diets are unhealthy, besides the fact that you don't get your macros and your blood sugar is going to go fucking insane, is that it's not sustainable.
starvation is literally the correct answer
you have to endure and force a starvation reaction if you want rapid weight loss, just keep track of calories at absolute ranges of 600-1000 and you'll be dropping weight like mad, appetite suppression shit will fuck you up and pain is the holistic way to know any health improvement is working
feel bad for a bit and know that's your body taking a chunk out of that beer belly you cry over every night
slow, painless weight loss is best achieved with high intensity cardio (hit the rowing machine you fat fuck) and muscle gains mixed with an adjusted calories range somewhere in 1200-1900 depending on size
remember to keep an eye on what you eat and do the super fucking basic research on 'is this slowly killing me or not' and you'll do great
correct: context, humans as we know it are a new species with a relatively short time for development with a huge flexibility in traits and habits and unnatural advancements have reduced active efficiency rapidly, when no one dies shit traits like these get passed on, similar things occur in species that aren't selected fast enough for reproduction or that have established a completely unselected and resource rich environment (we killed most of both of those species off, though, so no biggie)
triggering that reflex is exceptionally important to weight loss and maintenance, what you're actually observing in those situations is your body dropping metabolism to react to the failing food supply while it digs into reserves
anaerobic exercise excites metabolism increases exceptionally well and this is part of why a mixed exercise regimen is important even if you dont want GAINZ, it's a user error in this manner
caffeine and other stimulants (best taken without the coffee bit), fiborous fruits, filling your last bit of calories with meat and whole grain and holy fuck I'm 10 pounds lighter already christ
Wrong. If you can get past the paywall:
One side effect that's directly related to calorie burn is your own body temperature, that'll change as it adapts to a low calorie situation:
You can't achieve lower or higher body temperatures without changing how many calories you burn.
Actually, it can consume any tissue in the long term, but this only happens if you're in a long period (normally takes days) without eating.
Wrong. Starvation response is real. There are other things that can also change this, even the season (winter/summer) affects how many calories you burn normally.
Wrong. It's best to first up your exercises. Try for at least 3 months to lose weight by slowly doing more exercises. If it fails completely, than you eat a bit less. But it's still preferable to do even more exercises.
worst way to lose weight. Highly effective in the short term, barely works in the long term since it makes it unbearable for most and also leads to easiness to regain weight or even weight more than before
Actually fasting in combination with cardio is shown to be counterproductive and encourages muscle atrophy.
It's much better to fast in combination with mild resistance training.
Gonna look for sauce after I finish eating.
If fasting isn't radical, alright. Otherwise, drop fasting, only change some things you eat for less caloric ones, so you take some 300-500 less calories than usual, and that's it. Up your exercises if response isn't satisfactory.
This, and dubs confirm.
That doesn't imply starvation mode, that implies that previously-obese people likely have a permanently altered BMR. That's change in metabolism caused by massive weight loss, not caused directly by caloric restriction. Pay attention to the wording.
Then you're not losing from the vidya, you're losing because of the push-ups. The only way I can think of is playing video games so much you starve.
Just start exercising. Set aside time. Or get a Wiifit or something.
Kill yourself you pathetic fuck.
Or, better idea, start lifting and stop masturbating.
The easiest thing to do is to measure your BMR (and remeasure with any major weight change), calculate your TDEE, and count your calories. It takes almost no time to do all of these, and you can do whatever you want once you have the information. You can even develop a meal plan and leave "free calories" to eat some of whatever you want.
I have much more bone and muscle than average according to my doctor, so I don't look something like pic related
Still, I gotta keep working on it, already lost 8kg since I first started dieting
BMR doesn't define your body temperature.
If you activated starvation mode, your body will be in a low calorie state, saving up as much as it can. The moment you start taking more calories, you won't instantly change back to it's former state, making it far more effective in storing fat in the short term.
In the long term not, because it's leave starvation mode and come back to burning more calories since the "emergency" has passed. But it won't get back without a period of normal calorie intake while functioning at a lower body temperature (i.e. burning less calories).
Cause and effect relation has been proven friend. It's not the only factor, the BMR relation is also to blame, since the proportions are all messed up. But the person will go through a short period of improved calorie storing up if he triggers a starvation response.
entire point of that section and all of the stuff addressing your posts in particular was intended to address that myth
that was addressed at those wanting to avoid exceptionally reducing calorie intake, high intensity cardio mixed with anaerobic exercise triggers increases in metabolism as your muscles become more consistently and frequently active and the interactions are prioritized
"Play" all the best non-games like Walking Dead or Last of Us while on a treadmill, exercise bike or stair machine.
The entire point of that post was to show you that both are things to keep in mind when losing weight. Where is any source proving it's a myth anyway?
Adding, that's what I did, also Bioshock Infinite, Uncharted series, old story games like Policenauts or Snatcher.
You're better off watching a movie or listening to music than playing that
Well maybe except Policenauts and Snatcher
But Policenauts and Snatcher are great.
Or take up archery and become fat strong
Yeah my bad
I do watch movies and Tv shows as well, but sometimes you want something different, and what I listed is basically movies anyway. pnauts and Snatcher were enjoyable ones, and I shimmied to the mouse from my bike to skip long battle shit or something, just interesred in the stories that were so acclaimed. I also watched the story of GTAV while biking, didn't play it.
news flash: not eating causes weight loss
let me find a source
shitposting aside, the only documentation of "starvation mode" is integrally related to metabolism drops, which reduce, but not stop, weight loss. These can be combated with the methods I specified, but I'm really not going to go through all this shit for you when you could just go check /fit/ to cooberate most of it
It's a lot easier and more effective to do strength training in your vidya breaks.
Just don't do exercises increasing spine tension after sitting for hours already.
I'm not saying what one should or should not do, or if its efficient. I'll go now.
Eating less doesn't trigger starvation mode.
What does trigger it is drastic change in diet. Like the other user said, drop your diet to 1000 calories a day. That does trigger it.
You're confusing eating less with starvation.
I advocated for eating a bit less. Like 300-500 calories less, tops.
You're not doing that for me. You are the one saying it's a myth. Burden of evidence isn't mine.
Especially since I already brought evidence backing what I said:
In sum: while in starvation response, you'll lose weight slower. But that's after you already lost a lot of weight quickly - it doesn't kick in instantly with your diet change.
But after you see diminishing returns, you'll be more tempted to go back to your normal diet. That's when your low-calorie adapted system will take some days (maybe a week) to adapt itself back again to a normal calorie intake, but that's too late since it'll be storing fat faster than ever before during that period.
Add to that the new BMR of your body, and the result is: you'd best have just exercised more, and maybe eat only just a bit less than you did before.
No, but it is related. Read the article you posted. The lowered BMR was related to massive weight loss, not to "starvation mode". It's been documented that previously-obese people have permanently lowered BMRs, meaning "starvation mode" is ruled out as a possibility.
And none of those articles says anything about your body temperature, or "lower or higher body temperatures" which makes no sense, as every person maintains within a few degrees of one-another. The second article you posted simply stated that ambient body temperature is related to what BMR is in the first place, not that body temperature is modified to change BMR. I'm not sure where you were pulling that body temperature crap from.
Stupid and wrong.
Your body saves up every excess calorie it gets so that it can burn it in times of starvation. It wouldn't make sense, during a time of starvation, for your body to not use the energy it gets, but instead storing it even though it needs it right now.
It is physically impossible to gain weight in any form other than water weight during starvation. You can't have a total positive output energy and still make fat out of nothing. It would violate the laws of thermodynamics, and you'd see tons overweight people in starving conditions that you simply don't.
No, you are wrong. It doeesn't say or imply any of that anywhere in the link you provided. Bring me a single academic journal that documents this "starvation mode" where the human body can magically build fat from a caloric deficit. The body doesn't get less calories and somehow predict that it needs to somehow not burn energy that it still needs to burn. The metabolism is always performing as efficiently as it possibly can.
Starvation mode is a myth because there has never been a reputable academic source that affirms its existence. It's not on us to prove that your stupid bullshit doesn't actually exist.
But muscle sucks.
I'd rather have endurance than lower my life span.
Read this. Here's the TL;DR version
- Calculate your BMR
- Use your BMR to calculate your daily caloric intake
- Consume at least 500 calories less than you normally would if you would wish to lose weight
- Try and eat a sufficient amount of protein as this will help preserve muscle mass (something like 0.8g per kg of weight)
- Avoid or limit junk foods
- Hydrate
- When you reach your target weight, calculate your BMR again to determine how many calories you need to maintain your current weight
- Read nutrition labels and keep a fucking food journal (there is software available you can use like CRON-O-METER or myfitnesspal)
EXERCISE IS NOT NECESSARY IN ORDER TO LOSE WEIGHT. I'm not suggesting that you shouldn't exercise, I'm pointing out that it doesn't really do anything substantial in regards to weight loss. It can help you curb your appetite, and building your body is generally a good thing for its own reasons, but unless you're an Olympic/professional tier athlete, you're not going to burn off that candy bar by jogging a casual four miles.
Limit your calories, get enough protein, try not to eat like shit, drink water, and continuously recalculate your BMR after you hit your dietary objectives. Log your caloric intake in a journal or using software.
Get on fucking keto dude that's absolutely terrible. Jesus christ that's fucking shameful man.
Just fucking exercise for real you lazy faggot.
I still want to exercise though. What's a good place to start?
100% true, good post.
Your weight is 80/20 Diet/Exercise. If you strictly control your diet, you will naturally lose weight. I lost ~80 pounds this way.
Using a food journal is extremely helpful because it keeps you accountable.
Be warned, OP, that once the weight is off you'll be skelly mode because you won't have any muscle built up. Plus, any stretch marks you had won't fade away for a very long time (if ever).
With all that said, starting off with a loose, 2-day per week exercise regimen is one of the best decisions you can possibly make. Speaking as someone that always looked chubbyfat, feeling your body becoming stronger and more Adonis-like by the day is invigorating and incredible for your self-confidence. You have more energy, notice adoring stares from sluts, and can maintain your wizard powers in the Monk class.
Excessive endurance training is actually one of the most unhealthy things you can do.
You actually get a higher chance for heart related diseases than people who don't work out at all.
Reading this now, I think it's that we're arguing about different things entirely. when I say "starvation mode", I mean the commonly-cited fatlogic that eating at a deficit at all makes your body store tons of fat out of nowhere. That's what's commonly referred to by the phrase "starvation mode". Fat people with limited understanding of logic and thermodynamics actually think that you can lose weight by eating at an excess, because it makes your metabolism "speed up", and that eating at a deficit at all pretty much halts your metabolism and makes your body store tons of energy.
This is the "starvation mode" that is a myth.
This. There's a reason why the first thing women lose weight in is their breasts.
No homo.
Already on something that works for me. Got a varied diet consisting of fish, vegetables, lean meats/egg and whole-wheat pasta. Gotten considerably better over the course of half a year
200-300 calories below what you metabolize in a day is key
Good thing I didn't use the word excessive endurance training, retard.
I just don't east anything but a few generic calorie shakes for a few days and on the days I do eat I usually do a mile or two jog. And even then I eat shit like fruit and vegetables, maybe a hamburger helper every now and then. It seems to be working out. I lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks.Is that healthy? It sounds a bit extreme
The thing is that excess is a lot lower than most people would think.
30 to 40 mins of endurance training a day is enough and going over that is going to put you at risk of a bunch of heart diseases.
Getting jacked isn't to protect yourself, getting jacked is so that you LIVE LONGER and don't die of a heart attack ya fat shit.
As long as you're not shitting blood or blacking out when you stand up, you're probably fine.
The losses you're making will slow down over time as you approach a healthy weight.
Let me paraphrase you:
That's stupid and wrong.
You don't know what starvation response is. That's clearly the issue.
You only mention change in BMR without ever mentioning what causes it to change in the event of weight loss. Also, you don't notice you're mentioning a permanent BMR adaptation in a very specific case: previously-obese people. But adaptation occurs not only in previously obese, even if not permanent.
That vulgar name "starvation response", "starvation mode", etc., isn't a scientific term.
But it's a popular term to something demonstrated in studies:
Starvation response doesn't make you build more fat from a deficit. It makes you burn less calories, and then storing more fat because of it once you eat properly:
In this study they made people fast for 24 hours and then overdiet for 5 days (5 different high-calorie diets for each day)
BMR is an average of how many calories you burn while "idle", and as you said yourself, previously obese people have permanently lowered BMRs. And it changes by miracle? The mechanism can't have a name? Or can't be anything more than a "myth"? People just get a lower BMR out of the blue, with no cause, effect or side-effects to be observed and studied?
What about non obese people and their response to very low-caloric diets? What about temporary BMR change or just EE change?
Of course it is.
I'm providing proof and am still facing no counter-evidence.
If I just call your position bullshit and say I don't have to prove anything would the tables turn? I bet not. So, don't be a hypocrite.
Im not full-on /fit/ tier serious about it, but im doing this since three weeks and it fukken works
Very good, cheap non-garbage foods are
costs 70 cents for 250g, has a shit ton of protein and very little calories, will make you feel full as hell
cheap as shit, more calories, good balance of protein/fat/carbs, pretty tasty
But you could even eat absolute garbage, as long as you're under the calorie limit you'll lose weight. The exercise and good food just help maintain health and muscles while losing weight.
I forgot:
This isn't necessary but it helps keeping up the motivation.
Did someone say strength training?
The worst way to lose weight is by only cutting down calories.
Exercise. It's always the best bet. Don't mess too much with your diet, or you'll be messing with your hypothalamus, increasing your level of stress over time.
This is a good quality post, but you should learn how to format text.
I'm only a bit chubby so I guess it's natural. I'm hoping I can get to a decent weight and then just eat a bit more healthy is all.
Duely noted.
Cut off one of your legs.
The key to losing weight is burning more calories then you take in every day. So-
1. Figure out how many calories you burn every day (there are websites you can use to calculate the exact number.)
2. Eat less calories than that.
If you want to put on some muscle, do pull-ups, push-ups etc although I've found that personally pull-ups seem to be more effective. Running and stretching is better if you want to just burn calories.
The routine you described (here: )
isn't healthy user.
Your body doesn't need just calories to work. You need varied sources of nutrients like minerals and vitamins, else your cognitive functions and disposition will end up suffering, even your immune system may be affected with time.
I don't cut the hamburguers on my routine, I just add the vegetables and fruits. I'm actually consuming around 500 more calories than normal and still getting more fit every week, by doing more or less what this user brought here:
Once your level of aerobic exercises is already at 30-40 min a day, don't up your aerobic exercises, but up the anaerobic training. If you hit a plateau, then and only then consider cutting food. Also, this way getting fit isn't a burden, and blends more easily in your daily activities since it doesn't become a sacrifice.
While we're discussing /fit/ here what about the 0 Carb diet I've heard so much about? Is it worth feeling like a piece of shit over?
Stop eating you obese fuck.
Not only that, drinking shakes isn't a particularly good idea since it gives your intestines nothing to work with physically, and you'd end up with stomach problems
Not worth it in my opinion. Your best bet would be looking at the picture posted in
A healthy and varied diet beats all, there's absolutely no need to suffer in order to lose weight, unless you're in a dire situation
Such a shitty reddit tier thread and still up. Fucking great Cake kike, look at the userbase you have fostered that would rather talk about diets and shit instead of videogames.
How do I get fit without a good financial backing? I can't even afford healthy food let alone weights. Can't I just do push ups for awhile to get fit? I'm not even overweight, just unhealthy at the normal body weight for my size but I have no strength.
I didn't have the strength to cock a handgun when I first went shooting
It's called your mentality.
If you keep thinking you're a loser, you're going to remain a loser.
Think big.
Hard labour you dingus.
You get paid to get buff. The fact you didn't think of it sooner is mildly depressing.
Calisthenics faggot. Start doing push-ups and dips nigga.
But user, hard labor fucking sucks.
go out in the woods and lift rocks
You mean get a job that involves hard labour? I see it as getting fired when I can't keep up with the work. Also I'm going into something else.
I'll look into it. Thank you user. I have to eat alot I hear when I go for muscle building but I can't afford to eat more than once or twice a day.
I don't want to be infested with the local Floridian parasites.
Come on, there's death and there's dying.
Yuse-a bitch mang. Geb out der and fuck them gayters up.
Hard labour isn't even that necessary, try picking up a trade, like electrician or mechanic
It's called HARD LABOR for a reason.
You don't need to spend money. Here:
Don't forget to walk at a fast pace at least 3x a week for 40 min. As you lose weight and better your cardio, you can start even running during those 40 min and up the frequency to every day.
Don't go too fast, nor go for more than 40 min, since it'll become counterproductive in the long term: it'll of course help you lose even more weight, but it'll cost you your back or one or both your knees. If you keep it at these tips, you won't have a problem though, and you'll be fine for the long term. Just don't falter to your new routine of exercises, make them part of your routine.
Don't keep food by your computer.
It's not healthy to become that strong. It's both unnecessary and unhealthy to dedicate yourself to any sport or training to the point you become like that. You're bound to accumulate lesions if you take it that far.
Does your college/university have a gym that can be used for free by students? Most do, look into it
My school has some nice things.
Just get a membership to user's Gym of Life. Then you won't have to live in a trailer or work in an oil field.
You can't build muscle and lose weight for a sustained period of time. If you do exercises while you're losing weight, you will help prevent a loss of muscle as you lose weight. If you want to lose weight:
THAT'S IT. It's that fucking simple. Let's say you're 5'10 and 190 pounds, your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), assuming you're fairly average in the muscle department, you're BMR is probably about 2000 calories, a bit under that. If you want to lose 1 pound per week, you need a 3,500 calorie deficit per week, that means a deficit of 500 calories per day. If you have a deficit of 1,000 calories per day, you will lose 2 pounds every 7 days. This means it will take you 52.5 days, about 2 months, to reach your weight goal, if you're very serious about it. If you're less serious about it, it will take you 4 months. This will only happen if you watch your calories.
If you don't want to lose all the muscle you have, do some exercise at least 3 times a week. It doesn't have to be an hour and a half, it doesn't even have to be an hour, if you just do some kind of physical activity for 30 minutes you'll help keep up your metabolism and prevent yourself from losing too much muscle.
Whatever you do, do not starve yourself.
When you deprive your body of food not only does it lower your metabolism, which is bad if you want to lose weight, when your body thinks you've reached a point of starvation (read: haven't had food all day) it will store any extra calories you receive as fat, if you want to make yourself fat, put yourself to the point of beginning to starve and then give yourself a bunch of extra calories.
Space out your meals, you don't have to eat a little something every hour (though that would be better for your metabolism), but don't just have 1 large meal and think "ok I don't have to think about eating anymore today."
Also, when you get the temptation to eat more than you should, try and think about the fact that your urge to eat more than you need to right now is a very fucking stupid evolutionary trait that was only advantageous when food was far from abundant. Also keep in mind that you'll be enjoying that unneeded food for a short period of time where as the "future you" will be regretting it for significantly longer, most likely.
Thanks anons, I'll try to turn my health life around.
Yeah but how can I mainline twinkies and rootbeer into my veins under such a paradigm?
You can eat 1,500 calories of twinkies and rootbeer and you'll lose 1 pound per week (assuming 2,000 BMR), only issue is you'll become skinnyfat (no muscle, bad health) with that shitty of a diet.
eat less, workout more
not fucking rocket science
that's a deplorable and humiliating death.
Yeah but my desired consumption volume is severely reduced. I'm just going to believe in something more convenient.
hard laborfag here, you get paid to get stronk but not buff. lots of construction guys are strong as shit but not great looking cuz the job tends to lead to a shitty diet
Play lots of H-games and masturbate a lot.
I started eating less and working out on the weekdays. Nothing too intense either, mostly sit-ups/push-ups/pull-ups and occasionally going biking. I ended up losing 15 pounds in about 3 weeks, but that was probably mostly weight from the sheer amount of food I used to eat every day.
I'm now hovering around 190 and starting to build up muscle mass. Probably helps that I'm fucking tall with super wide shoulders.
Also how the fuck do I get abs, I could never manage it before. Please Holla Forums, I want to attract disgusting 3D women even though I lack any semblance of personality or social skills. Also not being in shape feels like shit.
Your routine is almost entirely made of anaerobic exercises, that's another reason why. Add aerobics when you can in the day and you'll change aesthetics, if that's what you want.
Go to /fit/
Don't expect decent abs without roiding for at least 1-2 years btw
can't really take some time to do some jumpin jacks in the middle of the work day
i changed up my diet a lot over the last few months and have noticeably slimmed up between the work and working out, but still aint worthy of taking my shirt off to show off
How loud is it? I live in a shit-tier apartment with paper thin walls, so I can hear everyone and they can hear me. They can tolerate some noise, but I'm not sure constant noise would fly very well
I thought you just had to be thin
Have you ever seen a shirtless skeleton? Do you consider those things abs?
If you mean weight lifting without roids, no you'll look vaguely manly but you won't look like a buff action hero.
Tangentially related but, Met a girl who's into video games, she's willing to cosplay while we play together or watches me play, wants me to dress up too. More than enough reason to eat better and run.
anyways, start jogging. you don't have to go far, you can do it straight away with minimal equipment (shoes), and you can choose to do it anytime. it won't get you swole but you'll loose the fat, increase endurance and find that everything, from your head to your toes, seem to work just a little bit better than before.
the hard part it not the exercise, the hard part is fighting the inertia until it becomes a habit. i recommend going naked in front of a mirror at least once a day and hate yourself until you can't help but go out there and exercise like a maniac.
this is probably not healthy but it works.
Guess you don't wanna be fit then guy.
Implying being Stronk isn't the same as being buff.
Being buff in my mind is like Kevin Sorbo. Not like anyone of you guys here are gonna become a GENETIC FREAK over night obviously.
just stop being a fucking fat slob
Just keep getting at it, man. Abs will come to you along the way if you keep lifting and getting stronger.
thanks for the trips, kek
Class-A shitlord. Glad to see someone's not a complete fat-logic retard in here.
why not try some sound proofing panels in your room?
i'm gonna get some for my apartment i'm getting right off the bat
Oh shut the fuck up. This is utter bullshit. It's not fucking true at all, this 'starvation mode' bullshit is a myth until you get spoopy skeleton-levels of thin. If you're not an anorexic skeleton… nah, even then, you can still lose weight because how the fuck do you faggots think they got there in the first place? There is a reason that refeeding syndrome causes anorexia rehabilitation centres to feed these people 4000+ kcal a day. This isn't how it works, until you get into mass surplus over a period of time. In other words, your ass got fat because you kept eating surpluses over time. One day of starvation with the next day of surplus won't make you 5 lbs heavier the next day. That's not how this works. Not even on the long-term.
Significant studies in the long-term effects shows one of two results:
The reason most of you faggots can't starve yourself and then not gain a fucking shitload of weight is because the moment you eat again you eat a full buffet bar of trash and can't stop yourself from eating 10 lbs of sweets and salty, fatty garbage.
Your metabolism is not so weak you will ever need food every hour. This is fat logic bullshit. M-MUH SHUGAH IS DROPPAN Tumblr whale logic. You burn calories while you sleep (in fact, you burn more calories in sleep than simply at rest, thanks to REM cycles) and I guarantee you do not wake up every few hours to drag out the entire refrigerator into your fat, oily gob.
"What is TDEE?" is all this post is saying and here's the proof. Your BMR is the rate you need calories in a coma, retard, not the baseline you should set to go under. Good job giving most people what is considered worst than an anorexia nervosa diet, faggot.
Your TDEE is likely 2000-2500. Your BMR is far under that, typically, around 1500 kcal.
>tfw 49kg, 187cm
I want to be underage again when life was simple.
I like tall girls ;)
Videogames are fucking terrible now, what could you possibly be playing?
You're actually just depressed.
You actually just have shit taste.
Your like cattle, once your parents die and the people giving you welfare decide that your time is up, your through.
Yeah, it's not like people can play old games or anything.
Nope. You're depressed. :)
You never answered my question by the way.
you gonna get buff by lifting your wrenches and electrical wires?
Just go carry sacks of dirt/cement/gravel
I just realized that.
Absolutely disgusting, I could break you even like the little twink you are.
Thats what the Nintendo Wii was supposed to be for, but you nerds went with your GayStation 4s instead
When I was babby, I would lift during Oblivion's loading screens.
I was ripped during my teen years.
That's an oddly specific story, but made me giggle.
I'd do the same shit when it was new.
It was only ever during Oblivion, other games loaded too fast.
Man how times have changed.
The only other game I can think of that you could pull that off is Sonic 06, but I doubt either you OR me want to bother playing that hunk of shit just to do a couple of curls lel.
There should be a list of games with long loading times for archival reasons.
your problem is now solved
Start slav sqauting
What I did was just started cooking for myself.
And I mean fucking everything. No premade foods whatsoever except for maybe a jar of salsa or something.
Ended up losing 100 pounds over the course of a year without any additional exercise. I do work a reasonably active job, though.
It may or may not sound like a lot of weight lost, but that's not the important part. What's important is that I felt great, I saved a FUCKTON of money, and was able to make food in batches that could last a month depending on how much room I had in my freezer.
I mean, if anything, being able to spend $40 a month on food is the primary benefit. Eating healthy and losing weight is just a bonus.
Lentils are fucking king. You can eat lentils with every meal and still get a month's worth of the damn things for under two bucks if you know where to look.
thats not a bigmac…
What do they taste like?
In all honesty, they're really bland and taste a bit like dirt.
They're legumes, so they taste like plain beans if you've had those.
What that means is that you can use them to make a lot of 'earthy' dishes, though.
Lentil curry is fantastic because curry naturally has a strong flavour and aroma, so the lentils take on that flavour.
Lentil soup can be either thick or thin, and will take on the flavour of the broth and added ingredients.
Lentils plain on their own can be eaten on their own if you just want something boring. Or you can put them on rice for a very simple old-fashioned dish.
You can make chili with them, too. It'll taste like chili, but less meaty. Not quite as satisfying as a homemade beef chili but it's still great.
The main thing is that they are very versatile (you can do a lot of things with them) and they tend to just take on the flavours of whatever dish they're in (like rice, for a comparison).
I mean, you can get a bag of lentils at a grocery store for a dollar (or less) so it's not hard to try them out unless you don't have a stove where you live.
They're not difficult to cook, either. Just rinse, boil, and let it sit for half an hour.
So long as you
1. show up on time
2. don't pussy out
You'll keep the job. Many hard labor trades are desperate for warm bodies specially white guys so they can put a non-foreign face when doing some fancy job
underrated post
Listen to this user, Lentils on their own are terrible!
Here's my go-to lentil way:
Boil them lentils and cook them plain, just put some salt.
Aside, cut a strip or two of bacon and cook, along with something plant based like thin strips of jalapeno pepper, some onion. Drain excess fat if your bacon's not the best.
Add lentils to bacon, cook for a few mins. and check the taste.
BAM! Tasty, cheap, and not terrible for you.
No wonder you let your PM flood your country with drugs and immigrants.
Diet knowledge is basically all you need with a little stretching and cardio. Develop a punching and kicking routine, like shadow boxing and know which foods are bad. If you stop eating chips (or crisps if you are from the middle east) and replace that with popcorn, give up foods with cheese and stop putting milk and sugar in your coffee or tea– things like that.
Also, floss your teeth when you are taking a shit and keep a tooth brush in the shower so you can do it there too and get things done all at once.
i don't think that will help one lose weight
It's a good tip to keep your teeth healthy and it saves time. I added that because I care about you.
They sound like something that might be worth looking into, then. Thanks for the tip.
It does if you're like me and you carry half your meal in your teeth
Dont drink soda anymore. Done.
I've heard time and again that diet soda is only very slightly better for you than regular soda, but why is that? If they have zero calories, what makes it shitty?
Just only eat one medium sized meal a day, don't drink any soda.
In general just limit carb intake, calorie count doesn't mean shit. It's the carbs that make you gain weight.
It's the carbohydrates in soft drinks in general. Sure, "diet" drinks don't have calories but they're loaded with almost as many carbohydrates as the non diet alternative. Additionally diet drinks rot teeth faster and the sugar substitutes are just as unhealthy as sucrose itself.
sage because double posting.
it won't help you really lose weight but keep some of these bad larrys at your battlestation to keep your death grip strong
You're suppose to eat small increments throughout the day instead of big meals 3 times a day, and what you just said I dont think is good either since your body stores fat when you're hungry/starving.
Just make sure you stop eating fast food and natural food is not natural. If you want true NATURAL food, organic is what you want. But all in all, its not worth it to waste your money on that shit as long as you eat moderately Drink a lot of water too.
Bullshit. I eat tons of carbs in my diet and I'm underweight.
What's you're average daily intake along with daily exercise routine?
Carbs burn easily so long as you burn them before they're converted into fatty tissue.
Jumping rope is very intense and you don't even need to do it that long to burn a shit ton of calories.
You can get a decent speed rope for like 10bucks online.
Try jumping rope for like 10 min a day 2 times a day.
Eat a lot, but eat low fat food. Also don't eat "diet" or "natural" products since they're trash and not healthy for you.
If you get the vitamins/protein/whatever you need but not enough carb you won't go in starving mode and your body will consume your fat. So eat leaves, low fat meat like frogs and lots of grain
Input - output
If you eat less calories than you expend each day, you will make up for it with the fat stored on your body and lose weight. That's all there is to it. If you don't want to end up a skeleton, you have to use your muscles through high intensity exercise and consume enough protein to supply their growth. You can do this at the same time you are losing weight.
If you are doing basically nothing all day (eg: sitting at a computer) you can use your basal metabolic rate to work out how many calories you can eat maximum each day. Should be a calculator out there based on your height/weight/age. Just be sure to include everything you eat, snacks, drinks, all of it and eat less than your BMR to gradually lose weight. Every packet food should have its dietary information on the pack but if it doesn't then you can find that on the interbutts.
General tips for what to eat:
you are almost 3 times my weight and the same height as me holy shit user.
That's autistic.
Going on a diet doesn't change you from being fat to skinny over night.
It is indeed a mental hurdle that must be carefully dealt with if said individual truly wishes to not be a fat piece of shit. So starving yourself won't change anything there bub.
Eating candy isn't gonna change shit, eating more fruit won't change anything either, well actually no. Eating more fruit equates to more sugar, more than whats in Candy and Soda.
So if you're trying to pull the whole, 'replace everything with le natural alternative' is just sad, as you seem to not understand how food works.
I can't. Plus the advice of, if you're going somewhere, just walk is another subjective an autisitc attempt at giving advice. Why? Cause if OP is a pleb and lives in the city, just "walking" everywhere is not only a waste of fucking time and will NOT get him fucking in shape, it will be more dangerous if he looks like a target.
And let's be real here, he probably does.
All in all, sitting and standing does nothing, cause IF OP was a fat fuck to begin with, like from some autistic gland problem, or having a mental disability, he'll be damned and forcing the poor fuck to stand won't change it either.
PLus the whole calorie burning shit is autistic shit that has only popped up recently within the past 10 years, and quite frankly means nothing.
Just like people whom claim their watching their 'carb' intake, it means absolutely fucking nothing purely for the fact if you truly wanted to not eat so many carbs, you'd be sucking on a fucking rock all damn day, or wait, you might actually burn calories if you do.
It's autistic, it truly is, but the icing is this.
Yeah no, The man needs meat, meat has essential B vitamins that you simply cannot get from replacing half your meal with garbage vegatables.
You don't even specify what kind, which leads me to believe you're a plebeian yourself whom knows nothing about food, cultivating mass, or sculpting one's body to not be a fat piece of shit.
Plus if a3f96d is 324lbs, if that's tree times your weight, you're around 108 pounds, and if he's 5'6.
Not only are you a manlet, but a manlet whom is underweight and more than likely a twink.
So you giving advice on food really doesn't help OP's situation when you're a fucking sickly AIDS patient whom really doesn't understand what is vital for the body to truly survive, let alone allow the individual to actually sculpt their body.
Again, I will say it again, this is not just a physical situation, it is mental as well.
If OP is a retard, he will get no where, especially with your twink regimen.
I started working out by doing push ups any time I died in a vidya. Got me nice starting gains.
damn you must fucking suck at video games
If you aren't old enough to remember the push of fearing calories back in the early 2000s, which initially started gaining a foothold after 9/11, then you're clearly aren't old enough to be browsing this website.
You can ask any user if during the early 2000s, specifically around the events of the 9/11 terroist attack, the whole bullshit facade about watching your calories, watching your carbs was being pushed HARD.
From commercials that had seemingly nothing to do with fucking anything, outside of people, more specially ugly women looking like trannies sitting at table talking about how low carbs and calories are what's 'hip' and that's how they 'lost weight'.
To schools being forced to abide by the idiotic laws concerning calorie and carb intake.
In my personal opinion, seemed like a sure fire way to scare people from eating enough to actually have the energy to think properly, let alone not be a dumb fuck.
i think you're going down the wrong rabbit hole on this one
I think you're underage and autistic if you truly cannot decide for yourself what you eat and what you intake.
The fact you seem to not believe me, you know being underage and all, on top of actually being dumb enough to let someone else dictate how you live and eat just further proves my point here buddy.
i'm not even the guy you were arguing with about that, but bringing 9/11 into a food and diet discussion is pretty bonkers
i don't consider this completely idiot, children are stupid and don't know to manage their food and intake and just eat what they want to eat, its up to caregivers to make sure they eat right
I didn't say 9/11 was the cause, I used it as a means to show you the time period of which this shit occurred, a milestone if you will.
The fact you seem to assume I meant the two were directly related shows you need to improve your literacy skills.
Yeah no, children are fucking stupid, that's why you have PARENTS, not caregivers, PARENTS.
It is not the governments job to tell you what to do, what to eat, what to wear when it's too hot out, what to do when you're bored, what to think when you feel a certain way.
So what you're telling me, is that you'd rather be told what to do instead of using the grey matter wedged in your skull to make these decisions by yourself, and you know, going out of your way to learn what's good for you and what isn't?
He's right you know.
It was the "Atkins diet" that started it all.
The damn thing killed the whole krispy creme franchise. They were the best damn doughnuts i ever had.
Fucking Atkins diet
well parents aren't there at the school now are they, and helicopter moms are the worst
no i'm telling you that the schools shouldn't give children access to tons of junk food because the kids will just spend their lunch money on that if their parents aren't making lunch for them
which they probably aren't
That's what it was fucking called.
I was going to call it Artie's diet, but I didn't want to be wrong lel.
It's called packing a lunch.
It's called packing a lunch, no where did I state or say in any shape or form that schools should be filled with junk food.
Instead of trying to put words in my mouth, why not admit you were wrong instead of making an ass out of yourself.
It's worse dealing with individuals like you, whom can never be wrong, and think they know better for other peoples children, when you yourself will never father one, let alone understand what it means to have one.
And again, children may be stupid, but not retarded enough to eat shit that won't fill them up, the only children that will are non-whites, and they aren't even human, so checkmate bub.
Christ wth is going on in that pic?
Here, this video should explain everything.
1) meth
2) tapeworms
3) insomnia + stress + no eating
4) nicotine + no eating
5) eat laxatives and diuretics
6) become bulimic
7) eat e-coli, get dysentery, etc. frequently
8) staple stomach
9) put brain in jar and wire into computer
citation needed.
That's also not how starvation mode works though. You have a wrong idea of what's being talked about.
treadmill desk and all day mmo grinding.
Might as well do since it's the same thing.
Worked for me.
Minnesota Starvation Experiment.
Stop eating like a fucking pig and start counting calories. It is that simple.
Exercise has no significant influence on weight. It all comes down to diet.
If you're a fat fuck, I guess you're drinking lots of soft drinks. Cut that shit out. Drink water - it has zero sugar and zero calories. Fruit juice is unhealthy too, by the way.
For food, you want to cut back on carbs, especially simple carbs and sugars. I recommend cooking your own food, but failing that you should pick things with as little sugar as possible. You actually want fat in your diet. Bacon will help you lose more weight than pasta.
It is very typical of humans to take a problem which can be solved elegantly (by eating less sugar/carbs) and instead insist on solving it by brute force and ignorance (by eating just as much shit, but starving yourself).
step 1: masturbation is not exercise
step 2: stop with the fucking soda
soda is really the only big thing. i knew enough people that did all sorts of diets and main contributor to weight loss was just not drinking soda anymore
user, I know that abs are made in the kitchen and not the gym, but come on nigger.
"Among the conclusions from the study (…) There were marked declines in physiological processes indicative of decreases in each subject’s basal metabolic rate (the energy required by the body in a state of rest), reflected in reduced body temperature, respiration and heart rate. Some of the subjects exhibited edema in their extremities, presumably due to decreased levels of plasma proteins given that the body's ability to construct key proteins like albumin is based on available energy sources"
What I've said before in this thread is still valid. While you eat with a lowered BMR trying to recover and for a time even after, until you restablish your normal BMR, you're getting fatter faster, since you're burning less calories than normally.
Also, that was a study on semi-starvation. Subjects had to lose 25% of their weight on average. What anons said about dropping your diet to 1000 calories a day is more radical than that and should result in even clearer results of starvation response.
You actually ended up proving myself right and yourself wrong.
When I started getting fat, I found losing weight to be easy. I just started being conscious of what I eat and how much I eat per day. You don't have to starve yourself, you just need to have a calorie deficit and keep it up until you're the desired weight.
After I lost the weight, I decided that if I want more food, I just have to work out for it that day to even out the calories taken with calories burned. If I don't exercise in some form, then I can't eat more.
And no, masturbation does not count.
Fucking americans
how many calories in a hamburger
Fucking americans, knowing how calories work. Who do they think they are?
More than 1, less than 2
Your diet has a much bigger impact on weight than your exercise.
Although someone who exercises will probably be more attractive than someone who doesn't, even if they're the same weight.
Desk jobs suck equally, but differently.
of course you do you fucking landwhale
if you didn't, you wouldn't be able to eat doritos and you'd break every bone of your body because you're so fucking fat
should've slept during the day more or alternatively have been raised by parents who liked and fed me
you know what else has a big impact? my cock, faggot
what the fuck are you bitching about I'm 4"6
Taking a shit shouldn't take longer than 40 seconds anyway.
Stop drinking soda and eating chips at all hours.
On weight, yes.
But that's only because with exercise you "trade" fat (consume it) for muscle (build up/tone up), with muscle being heavier than fat.
But you become aesthetically better that way.
There's no excuse for not doing exercises. Would you rather weight the same because you're /fit/ and muscular, or weight less becoming skinny and weak due to your diet?
Only eat less if you really must, exercise more should always be the n.1 option for anyone.