How's fallout 4? I was gonna play New Vegas but I've already beaten it twice before so I thought of just delving into that instead.
Is there anything in 4 that's improved over its predecessors?
How's fallout 4? I was gonna play New Vegas but I've already beaten it twice before so I thought of just delving into that instead.
Is there anything in 4 that's improved over its predecessors?
Character models?
better lewds mod?
These dubs.
The gunplay is better than 3, and downtown boston at least looks nicer than downtown dc; but that's not saying much
Literally nothing
I know you wont believe me since it seems like most hate on Fallout 4 is shitposting and contrarians
But it really is that bad. Its disappointing as fuck, its no longer an RPG. I can't say what hasn't already been said
I recommend pirating it if you really don't believe me, but its fucking horrible
Only genuine post in this entire thread.
FO4 has objectively the best gunplay in the entire series.
But it sacrificed 100% of the RPG aspects as a trade off.
Also i like how it handles power armor, they're essentially customizable cars, nothing wrong with this interpretation of what a power armor is and how it's handled, maybe it needed more power armor models and even more customization options for them but i honestly feel like it has a decent selection overall, and the customization on it allows for a decent amount of builds to custom tailor one for their personal needs.
The only problem with the power armor is that the fusion cores are supposed to last 1000 years or something, but they last all of 10 minutes.
On the flip side by the end game you have pretty much an infinite amount of them and all the money and means to get even more, so you can go around in power armor 24/7, just like all the other FO games.
Also there's a perk that makes them last way longer so that helps too.
Fusion cores are only valuable and rare early to mid game, pretty much.
But if you're running around with 100+ then that's not all that different from having 1 that lasts a long time
That's a lie. There are no sexy mods yet for this aberration.
It gets boring pretty fast when you realize that none of your choices matter.
Well this is bethesda we're talking about, they're not exactly known to make good design decisions.
The best explanation i can come up with is that they really wanted fusion cores to serve as ammo for laser gatling guns, so they had to divide them among many "pieces" instead of just giving you a handful of em that lasts forever.
But this idea backfired because if you've ever used a laser gatling gun you'll notice that it "spends" the core in different fractions so if you reload manually the game will "separate" the cores that have been partially used and you'll end up with a shit ton of cores in your inventory separated from each other, it's a goddamn mess.
Well I mean it's fine if they could be used as an ammunition, I just don't like how they dry up faster than fucking normal batteries
The only things I find interesting about the game are the crafting aspects of the game and some mods related to it. Everything else is an aberration that makes me sad because it was a monkey pawn wish.
doesnt it have a nude mod?
gunplay is better, but there are less guns in exchange.
The urban area is pretty well done and nice to explore until you notice most of the houses are boarded up and you run into another nest of respawning enemies every 10 steps.
Graphics are obviously better than FO3/NV but that shouldn't come as a surprise.
Sadly those few things are buried under a pile of shit.
Story is the same as 3
The world is way more lively than 3 and NV but everything is walled off, thanks console faggots so you end just using fast travel
The gameplay is like of every genric console FPS and the enemies are sponge bullets because of MUH RPG crap
Its way better than NV is some things and worse in others
But these Bethesda Fallout new a fucking engine that doesnt sucks ass
Pff… If you call that lewd.
Look at this casual! he doesn't even use pregnancy mods!
fuck, i just finished working out and am so tired im typing like a retard
For what purpose?
because this is the video games board probably
Nigger we had a whole event surrounding this piece of fucking garbage in which even the BO took part in.
Get the fuck out of here with your awful shit products.
You caught me I'm personally being paid by Todd
I do it for 14.88 an hour
they can discuss what they want, and we'll critique. Fallout can and should be on here, however so is spoiling the game
I don't give a fuck if you're addicted the taste of jew dick, we're gonna discuss video games regardless if you like it or not.
By the way the first image you posted was originally named "Holla Forums learns a new word".
The fact that you renamed it "cuckchan learns a new word" is ironic on so many levels and it's a shame the entire thing is lost on you.
Toddler please
I guess, but this piece shit is about to make 1 year since its release date.
Why hasnt it been forgotten like all the other AAA garbage?
Its not even half as memorable as the other ones.
Why are people still making threads about this shit game that is vilified ijnside and outside this imageboard?
How about discussing New Vegas or 3 then?
character models
it took two steps forward in how it looked and played but two steps back in removing even more shit even after New Vegas put it all back in
Its better than Fallout 3 in nearly every way atleast
And Nuka world was rushed to hell and everywhere seems like it was stripped to push release date
How about discussing a videogame regardless of what it is?
How about discussing video games worth giving a damn about?
fuck I meant to say one step forward and two steps back
It's a casual FPS game with RPG elements and more exploration instead of role playing. It's not for the NEET to enjoy, only non autistic people who don't play video games all day will find it not boring.
I agree with the rest however
That's the point. Only non-autistic people can enjoy FO4. If you don't like FO4, you're just autistic.
The whole game is built around the build-a-base stuff. Everything ties back to that eventually.
But I guess mods, guns, graphics, and melee is better then 3. Everything runs pretty much the same
The Pitt DLC in FO3 was better than all of FO4 DLCs in terms of atmosphere, storyline and dialogues.
But that's about it.
fuck I keep thinking the Pitt was a NV dlc. Shame it was the only good thing tacked onto the atrocious abortion that was FO3
Only morally grey main quest
Use 3rd person, suddenly I attack faster! The game was a mess.
What was worst is that the whole game is low-effort theme park, the whole area is small and wherever you go you bump into one of casul rides I bet they could make the area bigger but then it would mean walking which instant gratification target audience hates which is filled with either friendly NPCs with no real dialogue or enemies and terminals/notes to tell you the story of the that particular "ride". They have no essence, no relation to each other and themselves are often too stupid/make no sense, add to that the amount of them and the distance almost next to each other between each quirky park and instead of post-apocalyptic game you get a powerarmored toddcoaster park 4 where you barf at each turn.
sage because the game is not worth a thread
There's nothing wrong with being a casual theme park ride. You're just autistic.
Total shit
Unlike fo3, skyrim and oblibion :^)
oblivion and fallout 3 had more rpg elements then fo4
Achievement unlocked
fo4 will have more rpg elements than skyrim 2
Not bad.
Well yeah, there's a pattern with Bethesda; each game is more dumbed down than the last and each one also had dumber design decisions than the last. Skyrim 2 will no doubt be an on-rails shooter
I hope Skyrim 2 will be an open world Souls clone.
That kind of combat is too difficult for Bethesda, all the enemies will stand in place until you've stealth-archered them all
It has zero RPG elements, it's an open world shooter with shitty shooting, a VATS button that barely saves the combat and a somewhat interesting but clunky and buggy settlement building and management element.
As far as open world games go, it's pretty broken, the world is packed with too many pointless bland dungeons and loading screens up the ass, you'll often have to go through a loading screen to enter a small area with small amounts of useless junk in it. It actually makes exploring a chore, I often see working doors on my way to the quest arrow and just ignore them because there's too many of them, loading screens are too long and there's never anything useful or engaging inside.
They made it not an RPG so I don't know how they could have improrved anything.
Why is he so perfect?
Decent looking, quite fit for a middle aged guy, and aged like wine.
Could literally knock any lady of her feet.
If he could reach them.
Objectively soulless. There's simply little to no point or motivation in doing anything.
The character creator and the gunplay outside of VATS. Everything else is the same or worse.
Oh, and the UI is a little better–clean and unobtrusive.
And power armor, except they fucked it up anyway by requiring fusion cores.
OK, that's it for real. Polite sage.
What the fuck are you talking about? When Todd Howard walks into a room he's always the tallest one there.
Fusion Cores were suppose to last for a century but somehow in FO4 it lasts 5min.
It's fine, jet existed before the war too :)