I play the battlescape, you nigs play the geoscape and provide me with soldier names and base locations, we have a good time.
Where and what is this incarnation of X-COM called?
I play the battlescape, you nigs play the geoscape and provide me with soldier names and base locations, we have a good time.
Where and what is this incarnation of X-COM called?
Other urls found in this thread:
Aw, fuck.
Niggerland it is. A proud base- but we need research and some new names for our brave combatants!
med-kit research
Any names, or shall we start waiting for UFOs?
name one of them Ron Paul
He shall go headfirst into the fray.
I guess they were thirsty.
It begins.
It's going to be a night op, too.
Research is slightly too late on this one.
Well, what should they start on while the first to be slaughtered recruits are heading to Ankara?
Motion Scanners
As you wish.
Ron's ready to go.
gotta know if charlie's in the walls, OP
this is imporant
add anita and brianna wu for our stronk, progressive squad
Add /r/atheism and gawker to your squad.
Name one of them Ahmad Khan Rahami. Maybe he'll die this time. Take out the middle name if it's too long.
I'll rename dudes when we get back.
We haven't had contact out of the gate, so so far so good.
You'll be coming back?
One can hope, but ballistics versus a Cyberdisk is an interesting fight.
I just hope my grenadiers have the TU to get out there.
I don't remember vans, but I've only played this a couple of times. Where they always there?
I've installed a few map mods and the vans look kind of off, so I'd wager they're from one of them.
Try to melee the disk.
We have sucessfully managed to survive one turn with a Cyberdisk on our asses.
Maybe he's just looking for his van? They all look alike.
They have a Sectoid Commander.
Welp, I'm leaving.
Welp, I'm leavi- nevermind.
I told you.
Death is the only way out.
Only research option I have. I'm currently selling the shit out of things in hopes that I can get a new Skyanger.
Don't call it a grave.
Tough crowd.
In this grimdark pastfuture, IGN rules the world.
The new soldiers and Skyranger came, but we still need more names to feed into the digitized meat grinder.
Oh god, they're taunting me. Once more into the breach.
Todd Howard
David Gaydar
Hamburger Helper
Shillary Clitton
Shlomo Shekelstein
So far, so good.
Hey, they're desecrating a sacred temple! Let's blow them right the fuck up!
They didn't care.
Augusto Pinochet
Colin Kaepernick
Ingrid Bergman
Fiona & Hewie
allahu akbar
Removed those fucks, and a guy who wandered in on the right.
Beef McSlabHuge
Douk Fukk'em
Major Private Asspain
He just can't afford it, man.
Took down two in the UFO, lost one in return.
/r/Atheism killed one, but managed to fire a round straight into the ground in front of him.
/r/Atheism managed to fire a round that exploded outside the UFO, miss the target about twenty feet away from himself, and die all from one attack. Amazing.
Guess it somehow hit him though. The guy passed out from something.
8 for 8. A rousing success.
Well, now that lasrifles are done and we've sucessfully looted a UFO, what should we research now?
Power Source.
oh boy
LOL. Amazing performance, OP.
1) It helps to never attempt nighttime missions without stacking on flares. It helps more to wait out until the daybreak (downed UFOs don't disappear as long as something has them as a flight target - you can exploit that with several spacecrafts taking turns).
2) Smoke grenades can save your ass, even if they might render soldier unconscious if kept inside the cloud too long.
3) A heavy weapon platform is expensive, but it's the best scout you can have at the start of the game.
Yeah, I've been throwing flares and lighting fires, I just need to get in the habit of throwing smoke 'nades when I'm not just leaving the Skyranger.
and oh no
Does OpenXCOM still have 80 item limit per Skyranger?
Nope, so I tend to go a little crazy with item prep in case I ever forget to stock up inbetween missions.
oh no again
everywhere i go is aliens
How is with magazines that disappear if loaded in your guns after the mission? That was especially shitty when you finally could use plasma weapons.
*is it
Squaddies have surprisingly decent aim this early. I'll still have to deal with Reapers.
The biggest changes (for the better in my opinion) are that multiple radar systems now improve detection chances, soldier equipment's now saved between sorties (which is why it's only taking a few minutes between the notification and the Battlescape), and there's a readout when you click on a tile that shows the TU cost to get there.
Since nobody really knows how the original AI worked, they reverse-engineered it to be pretty similar, but there are some differences I can't remember right now.
EVEN MORE aliens came out when my turn was over.
He's learning guys.
This guy here just dropped two reapers in one turn.
I try!
You are the same commander who has tried this here before right? This is your third time?
They say third times the charm
This doesn't seem promising.
You thought Gawker would be on humanity's side?
/r/atheism no ;_;
I say send Gawker home, he's too much of a madman
Doug is a fucking machine. Three lasgun shots, all hits.
And I'm fucking starving, so I'll be gone for a little bit to have dinner.
We did it lads
Damn straight
rip in shit, HH.
Power Source research is complete, what should we work on next?
Done and done. Research tab is exactly the same except it's got Alien Origins in it now.
Also, we got four new recruits! What should their new names be?
Ufo Nav
Norman Soldierman
Alien nav's done.
Sectoid Commander
Just to confuse you.
What else was required for hyperwave cable?
He's going to become the highest ranked soldier isn't he.
Only if Pvt 1st Class Pete Hines carries him
I know you didn't specifically request it, but fuck it.
oh boy
Reseach Mind Probe whenever.
Jesse Ventura
oh no
oh fuck
Can't live Norway undefended.
what the fuck
Must be a base around there.
Maybe two bases..
Hahaha, you're fucked.
All that elerium tho
All doise aliens
i'm ready as i ever will be
Should I just land, evac, and go to the Very Large Landed?
I'm from Buenos Aires, and I say kill 'em all!
The ayys have stopped fucking around with you OP.
The proud soldiers of niggerland never run away.
Alrighty, this will go well.
Calm down, Rico
Just swell.
part 1
Thank you based ayy overlords
part 2
Oh God Norman you're gonna be fine
Everything is fine.
Oslo can go fuck itself.
rip in pieces
Found the cause of all this bullshit.
Norway no
Send in your finest rookies.
oh boy they're looking for my base
Mind Probe's done.
What to research now?
meme magic has to be stopped
This truly is the darkest timeline.
Also, since it's been five minutes with no response I'm gonna go ahead and start work on Heavy Plasma.
Not even meme magic can stop the ayys
I was about to say ayy grenades so our rookies can blow themselves up better, but sure.
oh boi
Do it for Ken-sama.
Leave it, they'll love all the tentacle rape.
Name a new recruit Eiji Krimdarc so he can save Japan
Ohhh nooooo
I'll have a designated Allahu Akbar.
rev up those cyberdicks
A bomb's a bad choice for close range combat.
One honarabru samulai kamikaze against a gigantic fucking fence.
tokyo looks like 1950s rural ohio
Close combat seems like a good idea imo
What is that in his right hand?
When will you stop making them run practically naked? I know it will be boring to post less of these death screens, but come on….
Personal armor doesn't make much of a difference from my experience.
An electro-flare. I wasn't sure if it'd be daytime or nighttime by the time the Skyranger got there.
We never researched alloys..
Hmm, if primed, when will that bunch of explosives go off? When a soldier is zombified, or when a new chrysalid emerges?
Good time to test it.
some more name ideas 4u when your teams done fightan
Any protection is better than no protection.
They have their skin and bones.
So you strapped a bunch of bright ass flares to some nigger with a bomb about to blow and told him to run into the nearest alien he saw.
Probably the biggest life lesson right there.
When dealing with 'lids, no. If I remember correctly, they instakill you regardless of armor.
This is turning into a ShindoL doujin.
Armour does heaps if you have the classic 0-200% damage range rather than the modified 50-150%.
I've got nine guys with HE strapped to them. If we're going down, we're taking Tokyo with us.
Ah, the EDF approach: blow up the city so the aliens can't blow up the city
this was a great idea
That first screenshot is quite bright.
Can't have Pete Hines without BLOOM
Well, for all those who think two bombs weren't enough, I've brought a third.
you need to recruit Beef's two brothers:
Slab Bulkhead
Rock Hardcheese
I don't think three is enough
ho baby
I'm glad you're there to protect those civilians.
shut up bradford. this is classic x-com.
We're military in an emergency situation, we don't answer to shit
The what now?
Well, this is probably the end of the X-COM project. If not, what should we research as we end this month?
There goes another one.
ayy alloys.
Good 'ol Alien Alloys.
If we're to die, let us die knowing who it is that destroyed us. Alien Origins.
I'll probably give it another try tomorrow night.
Still, I blame brexit. They started the decline.
I guess we'll just have to live with terrorism.
Kotaku killed a lot of our own.
Well someone's gotta kill those aliens and if the friendly are aliens then the friendly die.
But they can't fly. Unlike tentaculats in TftD.
Gawker+grenade launcher+rookie aim=mistake.
And multiple dudes went berserk while still packed in the Skyranger with other dudes.
Jesus commander, what the fuck.
Did you give her that name intentionally or is this just a really fucked up coincidence?
As in friendly fire
Oh, well I thought all the allahu ackbar was what done it.
That too.
Let me guess, he diddn't give the sack to all coward recruits (with low bravery). That's elementary in XCOM. Prevents most of stupidity with units going berserk from the mental shock of seeing their comrades killed..
Never used explosives for throwing. Too heavy. To breach walls, it's better to keep them secure until needed.
If I remember correctly, they don't instakill mini-tanks, but still deal some heavy damage to them.
No dipshit, that's a misconception in ufo/X-Com. Even one officer will provide a enough of a moral boost unless your people are dropping like flies or if you ran into psykers.
You're looking to sack faggots with shit reactions since that's literally the hardest stat to train up if it's low. Even faggots with no TU or next to no strength can farm.
Unless he's the one that dies. Come on, wasted salary on sacked recruits is cheap compared to lost funds after failed missions because someone died holding a grenade and killed three others as a result.
I fucked up that post and pressed new reply in the middle of rewriting but I did say even one officer. And you get a couple of sarges and a lieutenant in no time.
Just avoid truly tough shit until you get combat armor and some decent soldiers. The only thing that can fuck you up then is psionics or stacked cyberdisks
Again so we're clear: bravery is more useless then throwing.
Only the highest rank officer bonus is used. For a captain it's only 15%, meaning still getting 85% of nominal morale loss for rookies. Not much of a bonus. And high bravery partially protects from your units being panicked by PSI attacks too. 60 bravery makes your soldier twice as resistant as 10 bravery. That's as good as having a commander (the highest rank officer) present.
Nope, you fucked up. And that's the bonus morale penalty for a dead officer and it's 30% for captain in vanilla x-com
And what part of even one officer don't you get? As in you should bring a few spares in early missions.
Panic resistance works by a different formula, want the spoon or you gonna continue the smarass shtick? I could also explain the mechanics behind denying chrysalids with primed grenades. You know, the elementary shit in x-com. :^)
I read it as 10% for a sergeant, and 15% for a captain alive and present as the highest ranked officer in the squad.
Tell me, oh sage how to interpret this properly then.
And to spell it simply enough for you:
psionic panic attack of strength 110 removes 100 morale from a coward with 10 bravery,
while the same strength attack removes 50 morale from a soldier with 60 bravery.
That makes him twice as resistant than a coward.
*as a coward
Nope, courage literally doesn't come into the equation for psionic attacks. morale doesn't either But I guess facts end where your feelings start or some other millennial shit.
The greentext was copied word for word from the online wiki, Ufopaedia. Feel free to edit it according to your whim.
You can still train morale out of rookies by simply letting their bravery drop even one bit on a mission (which is not hard if anyone dies). Reactions is far more important and it's almost impossible to grind even in controlled enviroments, like a mind-controlled and paniced sectoid running without a weapon in a corner infront of 30-reaction troops with handguns and none firing a single round.
This page, specifically.
Nope. You need them to have less than 50 morale. That requires at least three deaths one after another, because killing aliens in the meantime raises morale.
Or more specifically you're so much of a dipshit that using wikipedia is beyond you. God forbid you tried to open the actual game files, might've started a fire or some shit :^)
If it's b8, 8/8. Otherwise …my god
Other way around, but yeah you can. Thing is that you don't have to. Managing morale is generally piss easy unless you lose 2/3rds of your squad or have rookies exclusively.
Or two deaths, both commanders or one commander, one colonel.
Hahahaha. That determines if the attack was successful or not. But the morale loss on a successful attack is determined by bravery.
Feeling retarded now?
It's even written on the page you pasted here.
What I'm feeling comes down to sheer relief in knowing that you'd fail to leave any equally dense progeny even if you fell on some poor cow.
Goddamn it HW, why'd you let josh kill this place
From your screenshot. You can locate this if you can try. Again, who is lacking reading comprehension? Maybe you should dump some more reaction images instead of facing your own shortcomings.
Sure. Your flooding alone deserved one more. :^)
This is what a complete breakdown in communication looks like. Neither of you even know what the other is saying at this point. Stop bumping the thread with your trash.
Jesus niggers. Just go the fuck to sleep. I'll do another playthrough tomorrow, till then just let this thread die.
This has been the most important thing to me in the past three years.
He's here to fugg ass and and suck dick ,and he's all out of dick!
Also it's Dook or Douk
Fuck you mate I just spit coffee all over my damn monitor.
I second this
- Dick Steele
- Imperial Guardsman
- Shitou Emo-ya
- King of Bros
- Agitated Alejandro
- Count Fuckula (count fuckyouup?)
- Marquis DeSadist
- Lord Nuclear
- Baron Atomic
- Doge Fissione
- Knez Radioactive
- Emir Mel'Tdown
- King Hailto D
- Wewuz the Munificent
I bet you one of those babbies who played XCOM before the original
Sorry, at classes. I'll make a new thread when I get back home, but I have a different ID till then.
The first time was because I had turn one contact and didn't want to spend TU when there were Floaters and Reapers right outside. The second time, in Oslo, was the same but everyone who held a smoke grenade got reaction fired in the first turn.
And the truth is the opposite, to a certain extent. A lid does 110-118 damage per attack, but flying armor protects from 110 damage to the front. Personal Armor protects 50 damage at most, so for a rookie vs lid it doesn't do dick.