Why did Friends pander to the alt-right so much?

Why did Friends pander to the alt-right so much?

alt-right is a word that faggy communists use

It's almost like they are brainlets

What kind of Millennial is just now learning about Friends?

I don't believe that's a thing. Gen Z maybe.

b-but muh generation zyklon!

Fuck you user, I deserve a Gen Z tradwife.

kill all pedos tbh

Gen Z will be best gen, or as I like to say "ReGen"

Gen Z is the one that will experience horrors beyond human imagination and see those reaped upon their loved ones. The next one might be a good one, if they manage to survive into maturity.

People often confuse Millennials for Post-Millennials

it's like the left took the emo meme way too far.

Everything the alr-right believe was accpetable a few decades ago, common sense a few before that, and radical leftism a few before that.

It's a race to the bottom, except the pit is endless. In a few decades "conservatives" will defend parents' right to cut off the infant's genitals, but oppose the progressive agenda of legalizing the right to marry one's own unborn babies.

I'll never be as salty as this guy.

Only if you choose to see it that way, self-defeatism is self-reinforcing cancer.

I don't think the views of the alt-right can be fundamentally leftist. There were always egalitarians too.

And pretending everything is fine is delusional.

Post-Millenials are a thing?

Eugenics and selective breeding of humans to purify the race and kill off niggers or at least reduce their numbers were first popularized in the 20th century by a radical leftist woman. Of course the basic idea itself has been around for much longer, but the left used to embrace eugenics if only because it is one of the avenues where they can perform total social engineering to achieve whatever their goals are.

Like most things the left likes to campaign for, their egalitarianism is hypocritical because they will do everything in their power to enforce it to others but not to themselves. And even right wingers, or like I prefer to say, "non-leftists", can be egalitarian in certain respects. Almost everything the left believes is a corruption of an already existing ideal.

Yeah, they are old enough to be having children now. It's 2018.

Don't forget that in a society eith true eugenic practices the kinds of autists and tards you find on nu/pol/ would be subject to mandatory sterilization, not just niggers. If anything only the niggers that eanted to stay would be sterilized but the nu/pol/ tards would definitely be sterilized.

I get confused with the timeline where Millenials begin and end. I thought Gen X started in the 80's but apparently that's when Millennials began so I'm confused.

Wouldn't getting rid of welfare end all or most of the dysgenic effects on society?

Most alt-righters aren't big into wars over seas or colonising foreign places. Try explaining that to a nationalist during the height of empire. They'd think you were some kind of hippy.

nobody is alt-right though

It's a show for big guys.

Gen Z is 18 now.

The alt-right is the mainstream name for Holla Forums, and also Richard Spensor's merry band of homosexuals, but they're mostly hangers on. Alt-right is Holla Forums.

It's only Richard Spencer's creation and the reason no one calls themselves that is because that guy is obviously a faggot. Only leftists are dumb enough to conflate Spencer with Holla Forums, one of which consists of nobody the other one is ten times more vicious and numerous.

It would go a long way but it wouldn't completely solve the problem. You have to take the massive amount of dysgenic breeding that has already taken place into account and then you have to realise that the Spartan method is the only way. We can modernize it so it is just sterilization as opposed to throwing defective children from cliffs though.

This is all mental masturbation anyway. It's not going to happen.

The Japanese despite all information to the contrary are actually even more racist than the so-called aut-right and they historically practiced those things you mentioned. Even today, if you somehow manage to bribe the Yakuza enough to get a Japanese citizenship, you will be barred from national welfare, volunteering for the JSDF etc if you are foreign in blood.

Holla Forums is too busy cheering for ZOG to be "vicious".

Good for them. At least one high tier race are handling their shit. There's a lot of degeneracy in Japan too but I think that is more from the war loss and American occupiers forcing it on them like they did with Germany.

You know what I'm getting at though, they're a whole other breed from Spencer and the "alt-right" has a population of like a few hundred at best. Nobody is alt-right.

Holla Forums can ree about it all they like. They are the core of the alt-right. Everyone else acknowledges them as such. Denying it at this point is just bravado.

At this point in time they are actually worse if anything. Holla Forums is outright shilling for the establishment, zionist politicians and the koshwr shell game right now and even controlled agents like Spencer aren't openly doing that. They are completely cucked.

They can't be the "core" if nobody is actually apart of it besides some tiny group of spergs and Richard Spencer, who themselves are civic nationalists and claim disassociation from Holla Forums.

When the media says alt-right, they are directly referring to Holla Forums. Saying "that isn't us because we don't identify as such" is like a tranny claiming he isn't a man. Rightly or wrongly, this term Richard Spencer coined a decade ago refers to Holla Forums now. I would argue that Holla Forums is more alt-right than Spencer.

That's hyperbolic bullshit, the mods can hardly shill muh based Trump and nobody in the "alt-right" would dare openly wave around swastikas without Richard Spencer denouncing them. Posts like picture related are why Holla Forums and Richard Spencer's "alt-right" civic nationalist ponzi scheme can never be the same.

Hillary Clinton and CNN reporters are not a credible criterion in this day and age user.

It's just an attempt to get all of the "right" together in a big tent to support kosher clowns like Trump. Nu/pol/ is undoubtedly alt kike but actual Holla Forums wasn't.

Language is mob rule when it comes down to it. You can deny that a dog is a dog, because the true name for such an animal is a hound, but everyone is just going to ignore you and go on calling them dogs.

The actual Holla Forums wasn't even strictly right wing. That's a whole other animal.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You can't simply deny essential differences without making words meaningless. The mob is the slave of language, not vice versa.

I stopped browsing a few months back and the Trump shilling always felt inorganic but my point still stands. Holla Forums in it's current form is a kosher establishment circlejerk.

Apparently "everyone is leftist but me" is now considered a reasonable political position.

That's why I used quotes. The left right divide is just a jewish duality trap.

No it doesn't. You can't conflate people like that without sounding retarded.

All of the words you use, you use because at some point the majority decided they were correct. Why don't you speak olde English?

It's based on hierarchy vs equality
How is that a duality trap?

lol ask any gen-z kid what they think about gay rights, POC, refugees, gender roles or any simple topics regarding politics, and their response will be at least 80% of the time an answer that is generally accepted amongst the left. In fact I’d make the argument that most of gen-z is more accepting of postmodern social standards than even millennials. I don’t know why Holla Forums gets their source of information from Breitbart, when the owner and CEO is a Jew himself, but I do at the same time. See, most anons who frequent Holla Forums are low-IQ working class simpletons with the rationality and mannerisms of an urban street ape whom they consider inferior to their trailer park-tier intellect.

Generation Zyklon will rise up and exterminate all non-whites on earth.

The criterion of judgement is not subjective, nothing is merely a 'social contruction', common acceptance of a word isn't merely because everyone chooses to use it, we use words because they're descriptive and accurate. Webster isn't the mob, the people who wrote the Bible are not the mob, demagogues aren't the mob. The mob listens before it speaks and it's limits are the words it hears. The mob is the bitch, not the dictator.

you sound like a pretentious liberal faggot who believes in equality and other intellectually simplistic ideals, do go on

Because it is the exact same end result from both sides that just uses a slightly different path to get there. Race is what matters, I'll take some of the ideas from the left nd some from the right provided they are good for my people. Meanwhile the people stuck in the duality trap are left arguing about meaningless shit (compared to the racial issues of our time) like tax cuts and moaning about liberals or rightists. It's a trap.

It isn't a kosher establishment circlejerk? Why are people banned for pointing out Trumps jewish ties then?

You sound like a salty Holla Forumsack who took that blanket statement too personally

Even in it's present form it can't be conflated with something that doesn't even exist, i.e. the "alt-right". The alt-right has no population, it's a boogeyman. You're playing into the hands of people who know nothing about the internet.

When I see pretentious liberals I call them out.

racial hierarchy = right
If you build the rest of your ideals on it then it's right-wing
It's pretty simple, moving toward hierarchies is rightist, moving away is leftist

There are plenty of useful idiots that identify a part of the alt right. I Holla Forums the alt kike because they shill for jewish puppets now.

Bullshit. "The right" is as cucked on racial issues as the left is so this is clearly untrue.

Is it? Explain why like 99% of the right are fine with jews and non whites then. Race transcends beyond your jewish duality trap that's sole purpose is to divide the people.

So there is no hierarchy in a "leftist" society? Is that what you are saying?

it takes a special kind of stupid to think generation Z is gona turn into Right Wing Death Squads when the evidence shows the opposite

The best redpill is being forced to experience enrichment first hand. Couple that with whites becoming an ostracized minority and you have the perfect recipe for racial awakening.

you need critical mass for that to happen

They just base their values on other hierarchies. It's not necessarily racial.
If you don't think hierarchies matter that's okay, but it's just what determines left from right.

Funny how at that point the game is already lost. The few that break the cognitive dissonance will just conform in order to maintain their own well-being in the increasingly Brazil world.

can you elaborate how hierarchies determine left from right?

Gosh that episode when Ross was a Nazi spy was a real shocker!


Well now I feel vindicated for always enjoying Friends.

Ergo the right is not inherently racial and is just a jewish duality trap to divide the folk and stop them from addressing the real issues.

Yeah, I'm not talking about a nu/pol/ tier "muh niggers" racial awakening. I'm talking about a real outgrowth of positive racial feelings. Whites are going to be even more racial than jews in a few generations and unlike them we don't need golems to solve our problems for us.

I'm openly Nat-Aoc in my day to day life and not only do I get no trouble for it but I've even talked a few people around and deprogrammed all of the bullshit they believed. There are a lot more racially aware folk than you might think, you'll just never realise it if you never discuss it with people.

Left is egalitarian
Right is hierarchical

Look at what they value relative to their opposition and that's how its determined
The right argues for the importance of a hierarchy while the left is arguing for equality
right can disagree with right and left can disagree with left, but that's what binds them in spirit

What hierarchy is the right invested in right now? A raceless egalitarian cesspool. That is what conservatives are fighting to conserve right now and this is why they are cancerous. They might have some racial feelings but the vast majority of them will never publicly address them because it will "make muh party look bad". They are kust as cancerous as the left.

If you aren't a racialist that forms your political opinions based on what is good for your folk you belong in the trash.

It's not leftist to argue for a hierarchy
If anything the problem of left/right is putting people of different views together rather than apart
When you are looking for sympathy though, the hierarchy/equality values are the best measure.

It's not a surprise then your racial supremacist views would be full of rightists but not leftists.

You will always hear that there's multiple conservative movements and only one progressivisim. Because it implies that the goys are divided and uncertain, or have been beaten and forced to regroup in the past.

sjw scum get offended by absolutely everything, no exceptions. Even totally pozed shit like Bazinga Theory isn't safe from being called sexist and shit like that from time to time.

Except you worship your wise men like no free thinker on the right ever will. You are completely prone to a specific kind of authority: the learned intelligentsia, aka the rabbi.

You have no idea how politics work dont you? Maybe you need to go back to r/the_donald and spam kekistani memes because whats you idiots are all good for.

When you're an iconoclast, everything looks like an icon to break. Judaism and its spawn Islam share this same mandate to destroy any other different belief.

A hierarchy based on individual accomplishment as opposed to a lack of that hierarchy.
If you don't like them, that's fine, but you care still right-wing for being racist.

That's not intentional though, it's even presented as a conspiracy theory against them.
Implying they are not aware, so it's not an argument against my standard.

They are divided by this left right bullshit. They spend more time arguing with each other than focusing on their enemies. I'm assuming you are talking about white gentiles here because jews call all non jews goyim.

If anything the problem of left/right is putting people of different views together rather than apart
So splitting your folk down the middle based on meaningless gestures is fine but trying to unite them is a bad thing?

I don't even know what you mean by this. Why would I be looking for sympathy? Elaborate.

I'm not a talmudic kike. I believe my people have a right to be supreme in their homelands but I don't think they are supreme in general. All people's have a right to be supreme in their own ancestral homelands.

You say that but I meet plenty of people that have more "left wing" viewpoints than "right wing" ones that are racialists. Empathy is an Aryan trait so that isn't surprising.


what is your definition of right wing?

It is. Or have you forgotten about "muh overton window"? I can say as a open racist not only do I have a easier time winning over "liberals" than I do "rightists", they are also more Aryan in spirit and are genuinely outraged when you point out what is happening to white people in a sensible manner. "The right" that you are talking about if you don't consider the republicans to fit the bill is probably the talmudism 2.0 white trash nationalists that is spearhead by jews.

Here we go with the split up quotes.

It's not uniting or dividing, only categorizing them based on how they value hierarchy vs equality.
As for sympathy, rightists are more likely to sympathize with their own group than with leftists.
Supremacy itself is hierarchical and so is rightist, thus there is still no friction with your homeland ideas. Even if you have some kind of social program, if it is deliberately exclusionary, that exclusion is rightist. Because people are excluded based on a hierarchy.


The correct minded millennial, everything else is just trolls so doesn't count.

You've really done nothing here to convince me that I am wrong about it being a jewish duality trap. It's like you are taking the original meaning of left-right from the period when a monarchy ruled and trying to apply that meaning to the current manufactured left-right dualism that exists under mass democracy. I'll make my question clearer and easier to answer, what is the difference between the left and right today when they are both organised and bombarded with propaganda from the same people?


friends is a zionist show

Feels weird, man.

Its like when they quote-mine twitter to make a boogeyman, but on reverse.

You are talking to zionists and their goys. An israeli is by all means an ultra conservative, they just hide and back up each other fraudolently.

But you have no idea what you're talking about. The evidence actually shows that gen z is far more right-wing than millennials. This clearly upsets you greatly, indoctrinated idiot that you are, but you're going to have to face reality at some point, commie.

Gen-Z is Liberalist.