Why don't they make consoles like this anymore?
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smh tbh onii-fam
But the SP was smaller and backlit with a rechargeable battery to boot
most sp's were frontlit, it's very unlikely to see a back lit model. The GBA also had a more ergonomic design.
OP game consoles needed to compete and have more options available to users. By and large I think we can all agree something like a modded Xbox, with a full dashboard loaded with great features and support is better than a standard Xbox which can only play games and at best with the adapter and remote play dvds.
You're getting old, that's why.
The ergonomics of SPs are horrible, the way your hands are cramped together while holding it makes it uncomfortable to use it for more than an hour.
Anyone have one of these? Been thinking about getting one.
>tfw parents make you share with younger sibling
Playing these in the middle of the night in bed was maximum comfy.
The GBA had one of the best handheld libraries ever made, however it's hardware was shit
Everything about it was utter shit and if you still play GBA games on any GBA hardware instead of emulating it on any other piece of hardware, especially using mGBA, and a proper fucking controller, then you're the biggest pleb faggot to ever walk planet earth.
Speaking for myself I have a 1 device limit when I leave my house. Phone trumps all other devices.
Playing at home would make no sense because the games are inferior compared to non-handheld options.
The GBA had a good design, sure.
But there aren't any good games for Game Boy Advance.
That's like saying you should get a PS4 because it has a sleek design and a neat GUI despite lacking severely in games.
Sorry, but I prefer the look and feel of the DS Lite, plus the DS had a library far surpassing GBA. There's really no comparison. It's like trying to compare PS2 to PS4, it just doesn't add up.
this tbh muh nycka shit wuz a gem fam fo'real fo'real yung nyckas out ch'yea wy'lin deez days
Depends on whether you enjoy a variety of decent video games or if your taste skews toward highly polished cinematic experiences. Handhelds are the only platforms getting decent games in the last decade.
I remember back in the olden days, before MP3s and shit, where people would carry around $400+ in CD music in big leather carrying cases in their car - and have to switch disks manually. And if you got into a wreck, or it got stolen, you were fucked. Now, if someone breaks in your car and steals your entire music collection - you're only out a $20 memory stick.
Same way with games. I like being able to carry all my shit with me, and not have to worry about not having enough pockets to hold it all - or getting my collection stolen because I had to keep it separate. If my PSP gets stolen, I'll just buy another one for cheap, throw CFW on it, and reload my library. The only thing I'd really lose are my save games - and not even all of those, because they're semi-recently backed up for emulation on other platforms.
And it's all thanks to having a dashboard you can manipulate and having a bunch of other media bullshit that I don't use and digital downloads - which necessitates SDMemory cards. It makes portable consoles, even more portable - which is a good thing.
Because they wouldn't be able to make you update with (jew)stability updates to avoid piracy.
>on a whim buy a physical copy of a PSV game from jewstop
Time for suicide!
By the way, there's a million reasons why playing on the original hardware is FUCKING SHIT but this is the biggest one.
And if you don't understand what i mean by that, you should seriously commit suicide right now for being such a huge piece of shit casual you shouldn't be allowed to post on this board, ever.
Why are we here just to suffer?
If this was bait for a recommendation list, you sure won.
I've never had trouble pressing both buttons on any of those.
Do you not realize you can still hit both buttons easily with your thumb more or less between them? All you do is tilt your thumb.
You're the casual here.
reccomend me some gba gams fagz so i can play the best software on the best hardwarehacked vita
I'm dead serious
hear me out
The GBA hamtaro games are the absolute shit
the gbc is high quality too
I should really get around to trying those.
Hamtaro was one of my favorite shows when I was young
It was that and Sitting Ducks on Sundays I think
Liars and casuals.
Unless you can prove to me RIGHT NOW that you can alternate between A and B in a split second reaction time and do it 500 times in a row without hurting your thumb, you're talking out of your ass.
The way it work on a PSP, PS controller or 360 controller you can do it, i've tested it personally.
Stop defending layouts that are utter shit just because of nostalgia, you're holding gaming back with your stupid bullshit.
Unless you can prove it to me, i'm calling you on your bullshit.
sounds pretty easy tbh fam
They want you to register an account for you information. They also need you a platform on which to sell you things like DLC and a spot to put ads for things like movies and hotpockets.
How are they going to sell you the peripherals and "updated" versions with those same periphals built in and the peipherals for that version later on?
Too expensive to produce and no design flaws to exploit for potential second sales, warranty/damage protection, and later redesigns
Bricks sell, see iphone. Ergonomics? Its 2016 my man.
See previous points.
Its all about the money, which is why nintendo is moving to mobile and why you should find a new fucking hobby and stick to the oldies.
How are you supposed to sell people cosmedic menu bullshit?
Give them notifications constantly about shovelware shit they're never going to buy?
What about digital download games?
How do you intend for people to play mobile phone grade videogames without a touchpad?
What about QR camera shit and any game that uses a mic?
How do you expect people to snap off the top of a poorly made control stick without any control stick?
You have the greatest tool right in front of you
You're a little cuteboy aren't you.
Sure pal
I can tell you that both ways tire my finger far before 500, which makes sense because doing that is grade A retarded and hardly any game requires that of you in the first place. You use an entirely different technique if you need to do Mario Party-esque stuff with two buttons. Doing things like that with one figure is retarded.
But what I did confirm is that doing it side lets me do it far faster than your silly up and down way, so I go farther for the same energy.
1/4 a second? So 4 changes a second?
I can get 9 in. With your way I can get 6 or 7 in, and it feels awkward.
that's what happens when a man holds a toy made for children
you for real fam
fuck you
I used this fucking magnifier/light combo bullshit half my life
and I'm not about to let some pussy ass star tell me how to live my life
lol retard
I had this and it was TERRIBLE
you're a liar user
it didn't work for shit
You can sit next to any lamp in the house. Sounds pretty portable to me.
I'll give you all of those points except the first. Homebrew is an amazing thing
user, I….
End of discussion.
Casuals don't belong on Holla Forums.
As small as it can be and still be usable by somebody larger than a middle schooler. SP was too small.
This was impossible to do on game boy and game boy advance
Yes, thus why i just literally said playing on the original hardware is fucking shit.
Along many other technical reasons.
That's my entire point.
What kind of distended mutant appendage do you have that gets tired out from playing game boy?
kill urself
lol what a faggot
My thumb fits on both buttons. Titlong it to press a or b or both is easy when you don't have baby hands.
fucked up on the word tilting
Well no shit, you've got nigger hands.
SPIC hands for your information
and hands are determined more by height than race.
Are you black or just a spic
a spic
since I haven't been sheered in a while I look muzzie
Look the point is, my method is still superior, faster than yours, and additionally yours will damage your thumb over many years, while mine won't.
So in every sense of the word your method is completely inferior to mine.
Plus you're inferior to me as a person, in general, so your opinion is worth less.
Meh, I actually use the joint of my hand to press those buttons and my thumb is wide enough from that part to actually be able to press either of the buttons with minimal movement.
Most games also have 4 buttons these days so you're using the joint to press the lower buttons and the tip to press the upper buttons while your thumb rests more or less in the middle touching all 4 buttons at the same time.
I have been playing on that gba sp for years with no such damage
I bet you have baby hands, faggot
we have backlights though
[citation needed]
Yeah but you pick cotton for a living or make tacos or whatever spics do, so you're not a normal human being, obviously your hands are gonna be tougher due to your pleb manual labor.
what the fuck, user
oh shit nigger what are you doing
what in the hell does this mossy swamp monster have to do with pressing buttons?
It was weird.
I thought it was only a playground myth
But it's cool lookin' can't deny that ;)
They exist, but they're tech hipster tier.
You'll find that if you cross your arms and pick up something with your thumbs on top and fingers underneath, your thumbs are on the inside.
user you are fucking deformed, you will need God's help in order to save you.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that.
user, pls.
what's that you're holding?
oh, I see, i see
which controller
a controller retard like wtf idek
Seriously what is that? Is it a PC pad?
I remember hearing these actually work on PC, is the controller any good?
what is happening
This user got it right
It's pretty great for playing classic/2D games, and comfy as all hell if you have big hands
You're not retarded, are you user?
Kill youself
who did you steal it from?
after handing them money no less
What the fuck are you even doing?
Your tumb is supposed to bend, you're not supposed to stiffen up and oscillate between the two buttons moving the entire controller and your hand like that.
Are you some kind of retarded ape?
user, have you considered that you might just be retarded wrong? The GBA's design is not nearly as awful as you seem to think it is.
The only reason why cartridges aren't used anymore is because, Cd's are cheaper to make.
Literally muh childhood.
I bet he can't even move his thumb faster than light so that it's on both buttons at once.
the human body can only move at 48 frames per second
mines literally b on all buttons all da time long as no one b lookin at em muh nycka
When you reach relativistic speeds you're able to release a button before it ever registers the press, achieving the coveted -0.5 A press.
step up
That's what happens when you keep ramen in your purse.
Ow my hands.
Christ stop being stupid.
I love cartridges and i like having a case with all the cartridges inside + handheld + battery charger all in one place, but it's purely a psychological form of pleasure.
Carrying a single piece of hardware with the entire library loaded onto it that is overall much cheaper and plagues you with a smaller loss if stolen/broken is objectively the superior solution.
it only hurts in theory
pain is just a response to theoretical damage though.
Is that Not Important crying to himself?
that shit is forbidden and you know it
This technique was not meant for any man short of a high level wizard.
you tread in the domain of gods, mortal
that's dumb and you're dumb
I'm not nearly noided enough for that shit.
get on my level
You're dealing with shit that is not bound by worldly laws.
Naw son, this is how you do it
The only thing this proves is that gamepads are trash.
Mouse + Keyboard and Arcade sticks cover all gaming situations you need, without gimping your performance.
get that black magic outta here
arcade sticks aren't comfy, you have to position yourself to accommodate your control device, that's shit. And none of those options lend themselves to embedding a screen for handheld vidya.
Controllers are better for platformers, some RPGs and TPSs as a personal choice. KB+M fits the rest fine.
There's ACTUALLY a game that requires you to do this, but i forgot what game it was.
other than that it's good though
Gee OP I don't know, you think it might have something to do with digital purchasing and more features afforded in the system? Also if you seriously think the GBA has no operating system you need to sit the fuck down
Agreed, but the GBA SP did have headphones and earbuds. There are even adapters to plug in normal headphones and earbuds.
lmao that's why you always carry a gun, you had the opportunity to smoke a nigger's ass and you missed it
Changing times, but I'll reply to some of these points individually.
I'll admit that I miss the simplicity of the menus for consoles and handhelds back in the day, but I'm willing to put that aside as long as a fastboot option is available.
Retarded gimmicks are fine. They just need to make games that use them in thoughtful or meaningful ways, where most NX games for example just use the controller's screen to display extra info that could easily go in a HUD.
I don't miss how fucking small some of those screens were, and this is coming from a guy that still plays on his GBC a few times every week.
Designers are idiots
This was a result of them using cheap hardware, which is incredibly durable at the end of the day. Problem is, the idea of using cheap hardware is incredibly unappealing to consumers and developers alike. It's not really that big of an issue if you make decent games for it, because people magically stop caring when there are good games on the hardware you're running, but what are the chances of that happening these days?
I don't understand why they don't use cheaper hardware for their handhelds anymore, though. It would be impossible for them to lose money if they produced handhelds with cheap and affordable hardware with decent games on-launch.
Spoken like a true casual I see.
Why couldn't we get a GBA that was a mix of the original and SP?
As a kid I loved how portable the SP was, but it's not as comfortable to play.
The internal clock games just need a new battery. You can easily replace it yourself via youtube tutorials. I've been too lazy to do it.
What plane of existence are you from? if you actually drew that, it looks pretty good
there is no death, only termination and rebirth
I prefer the term caramel
1/3rd of the library of the conventional Gameboy Advanced line. No thanks fam, thats only half a GBA, OP was talking about a fully functional GBA
hey man, I'm legal
you won't be walling me anytime soon
it's rare but it does in fact happen
That sounds like something someone who was illegal would say.
then what's something a someone that is legal would say?
Are you a fucking woman
I bet you guys can't even pilot robots