Is there anything wrong with being a socialist but loving traditionally right-wing classical aesthetics in music and architecture?
I absolutely hate Holla Forums and all they stand for, but they have a good aesthetic sense.
Is there anything wrong with being a socialist but loving traditionally right-wing classical aesthetics in music and architecture?
I absolutely hate Holla Forums and all they stand for, but they have a good aesthetic sense.
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It's only "right wing aesthetics" because the conservatives, capitalists and fascists lay claim to them. One day communists will lay claim to them, and thus it will be communist aesthetic. Ideology can not own a thing. Spooky af tbh
First of all, getting a boner when you search up "greek statues" doesn't count as appreciating art.
Secondly, Bernini's Ecstasy of Saint Teresa is baroque, not classical. As a "lover" of such "aesthetics", you really should know.
By the way, Holla Forums has no interest in or knowledge of the arts. I've never seen any of them use a piece of art for any other purpose than showing how white people supposedly used to be free from fun. That, or posting some contemporary art and whining about how they don't get it. That's not what "having good aesthetic sense" is.
Still, there is nothing anti-socialist or right-wing about enjoying "classical" music or architecture. I love both Johann Sebastian Bach and Pierre Schaeffer, Paolo Uccello and Paul Klee, Gerolamo Theodoli and Hiroshi Hara — and there's nothing contradictory about that.
Not as long as you remain critical. 'There is no document of civilization which is not at the same time a document of barbarism.'
Read Arnold Hauser, fag
I meant free from d.egeneracy, lol
That art was never "right-wing". They just like to pretend that it is. Art is art. Love it or hate it.
It's baroque af
Well, not everyone knows about the word filters so I pointed it out so they wouldn't get confused.
Holla Forums is a lot like my dad when it comes to fine music
My dad just types "classical music" on youtube and listens to the first thing he finds without any context, he's just pretentious and joyless like that. My dad and Holla Forums just like that stuff to appear smart and refinated.
OP there is nothing wrong about liking art before modernism but art apreciation require a lot of other considerations beside "it looks/sounds good"
What considerations would those be?
a lot
Formal considerations: stuff like technique, media, execution
Historical considerations: period, context
Personal considerations: what inspired the artist and what was going on his life when the work was made, what influences does the artist have
Spiritual considerations: the overall aesthetic of the work, what it communicates and how it feels
and this is the simple version
That famous chimpanzee artist, was he really an artistic genius, or is "getting" just signaling?
But just listening to music like that with bothering about everything is joyfull
I forgot to mention considerations about the subject itself: genre, how is it represented and what does it contein
But no user, there's nothing wrong with preferring such works. I myself think fascist uniforms are pretty cool, but the ideology is exceptionally stupid and backwards.
Tbh the fascist aesthetic is greatly overstated. We associated prewar military design with Nazi Germany, but it was common across Central Europe and even the Soviet Union.
I love /fa/shy aesthetic of the Nazis and Imperial Japan.
Does it?
I made a pair of posts about it >>1076840
Tell that to the working class, who can't even get that much down.
Nah fam Swastika is objectively the best flag.
Like everything else Nazi though it was stolen
Since when do aesthetics belong to a certain vague ideological group?
I can empathise that this your hobby and therefore you pay attention to what perhaps someone else would call minutia.
But can I enjoy classical music just because I like the sounds or will that make me uncultured?
Of all the fucking places you could do the salute to act proud of your nation, you have to do it in front of the most grotesque neoclassic piece of shit architecture in all of Rome? The thing literally looks like a fucking Typewriter. So much for being inspired by the Altar of Zeus.
Its not my hobby I'm actually an academic artist and its not minutia, those are standard concerns and arguments in humanities.
You don't need music theory to enjoy classical music my issue with my dad and Holla Forums is that they don't actually care about the music as art they just do it for the status.
So as long you can tell eras, composers and pices apart you're fine
that is the Vittoriano and has shit to do with Mussolini
Anglin is a miserable retard
this stick-up-the-ass syndrome is holding the popularity of lefty politics back, methinks.
Holla Forums
Holla Forums
you gotta retain pleb appeal if you want to rope people in. when Holla Forums gets "academic" it's because they're stitching together a huge conspiracy theory, which is inherently exciting no matter how pretentious it is/ appears to be. (or how inaccurate it is.) shooting people down because they lack the education and context necessary to properly appreciate music? not so exciting.
I'm not even asserting that you're wrong, just that when you phrase things that way it only makes people want to drop the conversation and the attitude seems to be a bit more prevalent in these circles
we just need a better meme outreach team too bee honest
but even this meme, does it actually induce anyone to be more lefty? it seems to me that the average pleb reading it would see it, think about it for a second, and then laugh it off as just one of those wacky communist memes, not an actual meaningful statement. like those Sesame Street images with captions like "comrade Elmo gives a speech decrying the bourgeoisie, 1919, colorized." it's like a big fucking joke
compare that to this classic Nazi meme. it immediately makes several assertions about race and the political discussion of race related issues and shoves them in the viewer's face with a very powerful emotional appeal. at the same time it manages to be comical without having to be totally wacky or absurdist. these are powerful memes
there is some history need here
Before the current waver of cancerfags brough by Holla Forums in chan culture memes were exclusive injokes, smaller chans always talked about how to make their own memes and so have their own identity.
the newfags brought by Holla Forums tought that memes were something universal and they could repost everywere and so they did
So the problem are not our memes but our distribution
Either way you could also be a concern troll
I don't mean memes simply in the sense of "image macro with text on it". obviously that's included in what I'm talking about since I responded to one and posted one myself. I'm talking about the sustainability or strength of an idea as a self-propagating unit
But it seems to me that (lefties/gommunisds/anarchists/feminists/socialists/what have you) definitely outnumber (racists/white supremacists/ethnic nationalists/Nazis) in the real world. and yet on the crusty outer edge of the Internet, they're winning the meme war. after all, it's Holla Forums and Holla Forums, not Holla Forums and /nazipol/.
now you could easily argue that this is only because Holla Forums board names went out on a first-come, first-served basis, but even on 3/6chan where nobody's opinion is moderated, there's constant Trump general, rampant jubilant racism, a Daily Shoah discussion thread every week, le happy merchant meme and Ben Garrison and Alex Jones dominate random discussions, and anarchy is portrayed as literally just a joke about the NAP and child slavery. meanwhile someone will occasionally make a Holla Forums thread, but it just ends up being three or four lefties acting condescending to the rest of the board who acts condescending back to them. nobody makes any points or actually discusses philosophy/ politics, it's basically just for the occasional lefty that wants to stick it to the big bad 4/pol/
like it or not, 4chan Holla Forums is (to my knowledge) the biggest free political discussion board on the entire Internet. and despite zero intervention by mod staff it's basically dominated by right wing politics and generally people who despise communism/ socialism. furthermore, I think that a huge majority of these people can be thought of as "recent converts" - ie, people whose schooling and parents raised them not to be Nazi, but are now Nazi specifically because of their interactions with online communities which radicalized them.
my question is, how did this come to pass?
also, concern troll? what concern troll? I'm not here to infiltrate, I never even claimed to be lefty. asking these questions will not subvert the left
You remind me of how Zizek describes Trump and how that relates to the ract for aut rights are just edgy kids
Aut rights just want to be edgy and have no theory, we have had guys posting with a nazi flag claiming that leftism means big state and then begging to not be banned because free speech.
Holla Forums is leftist because they have legitimate concerns about themselves and the world they live and work in and the world can't be summed up with memes and conspiraciesm the world is not a prankspiracy.
maybe Holla Forums is more memeful because they're not serious about what they do. And maybe Holla Forums is kind of condescending because the real world is much more than memes.
yeah i mean, is it the best necessarily? probably not, but i just wanted an excuse to post that particular one.
i'm not really convinced that alt-right memes are in general that much higher in quality, but they are a lot more common and have more reach