I just realized that if I change kikes/jews to porky/bourgeois some of the shit you guys say makes a lot more sense
I just realized that if I change kikes/jews to porky/bourgeois some of the shit you guys say makes a lot more sense
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The bait is weak.
unruhe is based tbh
But which 2% group makes up 40% of porky?
But you still wont accept that it's kikes, will you? You stopped following logic long ago.
The Irish one?
Nice sage btw
In all seriousness just because lots of jews happen to be in powerful positions doesnt prove any international jewish conspiracy. It can be explained with the way Jews are brought up in education and how they have a culture that values science deeply. Stop surrounding yourselves with conspiracy theories my dudes.
Do you even have an something that proves that figure that isnt an "infographic"?
So you discovered that all bourgeois/porky are jews?
Good for you, you are getting closer to the truth.
What truth? Do you have anything that proves this so called truth?
gr8 b8 m8 but i h8 to say I'd w8 for a better one
now fuck off nigger
Sage and report.
Where are the mods when you actually need them? They spend so much time banning for shitposting and such, yet these garbage lolftypol threads sit around for hours.
First picture is just a porky talking porky stuff, and its also taken out of contect of some shit.
Second picture is a zionist quote and all zionist need gulag. Shit isnt the only country supporting israel USA ?
What if socialism is the first step to National Socialism? Really makes me thinkā¦
Taking a shit ton of loans, and waging war when its time to pay, and privatizing a shit ton of economic sectors isnt socialism my friend
Checked for Gommie scum.
lel. You just activated my almond card.
What if the first step to National Socialism is killing all the non-Nationalist Socialists and Jews?
lel. I think we might have to have a little talk about Poland again.
If you lurked moar, the evidence would speak for itself, remember the truth is always racist and antisemetic.
Jewish porkies and bourgeois? Why you think they invented Communism? To protect themselves from the angry proletariat and rule over them through the one party.
You are aware of the large percentage of jews in the Bolsheviks, right?
i used to be one of you until I wised up
And its (((pure coincidence))) that the bacon is kosher, eh?
Seems legit gomrade.