Has anyone made a leftist version of this pic?
Is there a leftist equivalent to pic related?
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just label all 4 as "pure ideology" and you're golden
Read a fucking book.
What did he mean by this?
Add a fifth stage of self-loathing, isolation in echochambers and cognitive dissonance.
1. SocDem
2. Socialist
3. Anarchist
4. Nihilist/edgelord
Dunno where tankies fit in, they seem to be just mentally retarded
what a loaf of bollocks
They could be an offshoot from socialist
No, because we actually care about forming coherent opinions instead of circlejerking over who's the biggest edgelord by normie standards.
1) Moderate Social Democrat: Thinks society should be a little bit fairer, a little bit nicer. We should spend less on the military and more on schools and hospitals. Environmentalist. believes in the legalisation of drugs. Opposed to harsh punishments which do not fix the route problem of inequality. Has basic knowledge of fucked the poor are and how we have some kind of oil fetish Socialism is however too violent, we can get to a nice peaceful society like Sweden through voting. Its just a matter of time.
2) Angry social democrat. At stage two the leftist discovers colonialism and imperialism. They become acquainted with ideas like derivatives markets and offshore tax evasion. They discover that the cold war was a two sided affair. They discover reach of western aggression.
3) At stage the leftist has assessed the route cause of this disgraceful society, they now believe in the abolition of private property.
4) Stage four is either tanky or democrat depending on preference. Nihilists and egoists are just covert tankies
Lenin loved the revolutionary Catechism and was definitely an egoist
Idk, Nietzsche's influence could mean egoist aristocracy, with a tankie control of the untermenschen..
What part of making our own motivations and living without illusions, implies the love for genocide?
Are you making fun of Social Democrats, actually daft enough to think Sweden is a good nation to hold as a role model or are you undercover Holla Forums?
making fun of Soc Dems thinking Sweden is paradise. I was one once.
I can sort see the connexion via Blanqui.
Euronymous also expressed a Stalinist Nihilism as well.
I don't think there are any definite stages for every leftist, although there may be certain patterns which repeat themselves among different types of people. I started politically on the new atheist circuit, for example, but "Atheism+" combined with Nietzsche's influence drove me away. I could have easily turned to the right, but it never happened.
Am I an anarchist if I don't believe in the immediate abolition of the state as a good strategy but want to destroy it in the long run and set it down that path quickly with decentralization? I mean, half of you guys suffer from "just don't call it a state" anyway.
soc dem