Metroid and Metroid Accessories

Okay, so we pretty much know for a fact that Nintendo doesn't know or care to make another good Metroid anymore. So now we have other people trying to copy the formula for their own games, with varying degrees of success. Which is your favorite Metroid clone and why?

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NuDoom because it's the closest thing we'll ever get to a new Metroid Prime

is axiom verge actually good?

I honestly couldn't tell you, since I don't own the game myself. I'm going to change that once I pirate it on my Vita. From what I've heard though, it's alright.

how the hell can you like metroid
all you do is run around trying to find a door and having to remember spots to go back to once you get so called powerup


Metroid is fun in part because you have to remember the map, it introduces a sense of exploration and mystery. Just play any modern corridor shooter if you prefer that shit jesus.

I need an user who likes metroid to give me a quality rating on axion verge, not a faggot who doesnt understand the troids

Actually you don't know that for a fact, and to say you do is retarded, they could have Prime 4 half way through development right now but you would have no idea because Nintendo are too secretive when it comes to these things.

Cave Story is the best Metroid like game that isn't a Fan remake.

While it's fairly solid where it counts (the upgrades are creative and try their best not to ape metroid, the glitch aspect is cool, good soundtrack) there's something that just feels wrong about axiom verge. It's hard to pinpoint, but I think level design is mostly to blame. It's hard to remember spots you have to backtrack to, the map feels both bloated and restricted at the same time. Also some weapons are absolutely useless, and most shit you find being fragments of stat upgrades isn't helping.
That said it's a one-man-army game, so holding it up to the standards of metroid is unfair. Too bad that's what the reviews did.

You can't hope to blatantly clone a game in more ways than mechanical and not be compared.

It's already been confirmed by Nintendo themselves that there's no new Metroid in production despite that secret ending in Federation Force, so don't be a fag.

I want you to use your brain next time you type a reply.

Fair point, but after Other M and Federation Force do you honestly expect anything good to come out of it? And before you say Retro, the guys who actually made the Prime games left a long time ago and are now part of Armature, the studio that made ReCore.

If a Prime 4 was in development for so long something about it would have been leaked by now.

not enough to justify it's price tag , especially when free superior alternatives exist

It is shit and also made by a SJW. THe weapons are bland and the bosses are bland as well.

Just like how Federation Force, which was in development since the DSi was relevant was leaked before it's announcement? Oh wait.

ooooooohhh fukkk nycka


dam nigga

cave story honestly fam fo'real prolly one of if not the best game i eva play'd muh nycka. ey thing about it was pretty fukn' tyt n meticulous

luh dat lil nycka quote.

ne1 think demon's crest wasn't all dat gud? I played thru that shit expectin a lot mo.

Federation Force wasn't a Metroid game for most of its development, and even after forcibly becoming a Metroid game, it's still a shit game that nobody cares about. People care about a Prime 4.

I see this meme everywhere but there's no fucking info anywhere to confirm this. It's just some bullshit made by butthurt Metroid fans to try and downplay the fact that Nintendo made a shitty Metroid game and took a long time to make it as well. Because they've never done that before, right?

Issyos is so fucking great.

Do you have a brain damage? Or are you just a nigger?

Other M was developed by Team Ninja and Sakamoto, Sakamoto is on shit duties now making Mobile games only, Federation Forces biggest flaw is that it's a spin off, I don't think you can fault Metroid as a series for a spin off, or else we'd have written off Super Mario Bros after Mario goes missing.

Not all the talent who made Prime left, and I'd say considering the quality of Tropical Freeze much of the key staff is still there, and many of the people who had left weren't as key to the games development as had previously been thought, especially considering the titles they worked on afterwards.

I'm not hopeful that Metroid will give us something great sometime soon, but I doubt it's as dead as everyone wants it to be.

I actually think Shiggy going mobile is a good thing, now they can put him out to pasture where he belongs, he can keep making Pikmin, the last one was better than 2.

We didn't even know Retro were making Tropical Freeze until they revealed it at E3, why would we somehow know that Metroid Prime 4 is in development? especially when about only 3 NX games are known about, the only other rumour is that Smash 4 is in development for NX and smash 4 had leaks everywhere, and that was probably because it was developed in collaboration with a 3rd party studio.


I didn't say compare, I say hold up to. Every review I read on the game said something like "this is just as good as metroid", which is an exaggeration and a disservice.

Shadow Complex was fun as fuck. I loved running around with the not!speedbooster. Background shooting was shit, but it really got the crisp metroid gameplay feeling even if it's short and the atmosphere is totally different.

Also redpilled as fug if you get the remastered version if you're into that. It ties into the Empire books much better so the Restoration are basically militant SJWs you get to gun down en masse.

So those of you who played Axiom Verge:

If the dev tried to make an 'Axiom Prime' could it be better than MP3?

That's not a very high bar but I'd say I can see the potential for that outcome.

I've played the old NES metroid, the SNES metroid and the gba games. And I can honestly say Axiom verge was at most painfully mediocre.

Admittedly it's been a long time since I've played but here's the bad shit I remember:

I keep reading AM2R as AMSR and getting my hopes up.

thats a shame, but i have no love for castlevania games. I get that some people throw metroid into the same genre but they couldnt be more different in terms of how they are enjoyed.

blak af tbh. u lyk demon crest budy?

Axiom Verge was a neat concept but it failed to keep me interested. The abilities didn't feel great and you didn't really have to check the map or explore to find them and your character is some dude with a fuckhuge nose that shoots a rotten dilapidated cock that can change bullets.

All in all it was a 5.5/10. It doesn't really feel like a metroid game but it tries to sell itself as one.

Thanks for the critique, Satan.

I enjoyed Valdis Story. Decent combat, music and art style are nice. Main character's edgy as hell though.

I actually just finished the game 100%, and I have to agree with you up until the final battle. I opted to collect everything, and I was so overpowered by the end, all that battle consisted of was me walking slowly and using those consoles to wreck the battleship with missiles. I barely took any damage even on the highest difficulty.

Not to mention you never get OP as you usually do in these kind of games, 90% of the weapons are worthless.

I have liked an played all the metroids except Prime series. Axiom Verge left me feeling like it's really below average. Having recently replayed Zero Mission and AM2R without pause, it really highlights that something is off with AV. As another user said, it's bloated with weapons that are tenuously useful and the map is not really fun to navigate. I did like some of the music, though.

Eh, it's okay. Don't see why some people think the soundtrack is good, mostly forgettable and the area with the weird chanting sounds awful.

Most of the guns are useless but the effort put forth to add that many is admirable, until you realize it woulda been better spent just making a handful of GOOD guns. Most of the power ups are pretty good though, I wish they didn't make the hookshot so stiff, it's heavily inspired by the NES bionic commando swing but you don't get any air from holding forward and letting you hop off the swing.

The little drone bug is a really cool replacement for the morphball, and getting the teleport ability for it is fucking rad, that genuinely got me giddy when I started really messing around with it and coming to terms with how much shit I can do with it.

Combat is hot ass though, and the story is bad.

Either pirate it or buy it when it's cheap, as hard as I'm ragging on it I have to give the guy credit because it's a 1MA effort and as someone who does the same thing, I have to respect it.

I never thought of it that way, that actually might be a good thing after all.

I disagree about Pikmin 3 being better than 2 though.

Has anyone played Outland? An user posted some music in an earlier music thread and it got me interested.

Still the best combat out of any Metroidvania. All the combos. All the style. All the cancels. All the movesets. Valdis Story is some good shit.

There is a guy at my college who is making a Metroid clone and trying to become a full fledged indie developer.
He has the demo online and I told him I would post it on Holla Forums; he actually mentioned that Holla Forums was one of the sites he had considered for attempting to promote the game but he didn't think it was significant, but it wasn't good enough to link to in its current state.

There are major issues with the visuals in terms of overly complex backgrounds and honestly really shitty art, as well as the fact that the games progression system doesn't seem to demo well. Also there is horrible acceleration during jumps.
That said there was a pretty good hacking minigame.

Might as well post it I guess.

Valdis Story is a bunch of artificially difficult bullshit platforming. Hurr durr git gud, but seriously, way too many pixel-perfect, frame-perfect jumps. I got tired of it and never could finish it.

git gud

[citation needed]

I'm sorry but if you're complaining about hard platforming in a metroidvania you really do need to git gud

So was this any good? Or was it shit?

I know that what is known as Metroidvania right now is usually a Metroid exact clone, but I ant something that plays exactly like SOTN, AoS and the DS Castlevanias. I don't want to just collect power ups, I want to collect all sort of items. The greater the variety, the better, and I mean as equipment, not only as collectibles, that's where I think most Metroidvanias fail as being Metroidvanias and are just Metroid copies.
Best examples for this shitty copy thing are Guacamelee, Shantae and so on. I'm not saying the games are bad, I'm saying they're not exactly Metroidvanias, or at least not what I completely look on a Metroidvania. Pretty much what said, although I like both.

While we are on subject, Monster Tale for DS is an excelent Metroidvania.

It was alright. It's pretty lacking in some areas but is definitively solid. Just pirate, it, though.

That plays more as a Classicvania, tho.

I thought the same thing in the first areas, but later music was pretty damn good.
But user, that's the best one.

Never heard of it. Will pirate. Although it looks like you aim with the mouse. That alone looks shitty.

Castlevania HD for pc NEVER FUCKING EVER. I do miss playing this game on 360. It was fuckin fun

My problem with HD is that it was badly implemented. I mean, the game is really damn good **One of the reasons I bought a CFW PS3*, but there are problems with the camera, the equip system and the lack of split screen. everything else was perfect for what it is. But yeah,a PC port would be better to platy online.

I miss playing that game.

yeah same here, jonathan and shanoa were my favorites to play as

yeah camera was ass and you had to get used to it. didnt care too much for split screen and i actually liked the equip system. I am hoping someone makes a game like this.

It's make me think of a shitty track from Gentrieve, which was a shitty Super Metroid "roguelike" thing

This, also the game really felt like the dev was trying to make a story more clever than he actually was.

Bump before it's too late.

I just wanted to say that Operation: Akumajo, a large fan page on facebook about Castlevania will host weekend of Castlevania HD, if any user is interested. I set up SEN enabler only for this purpose, since I never played Castlevania HD with anyone online ;-;

Forgot major information. The event will be because of Castlevania 30th Anniversary, and they invited some Bloodstained devs too, just the invitation, though. Here's the link

Any other multiplayer PC games like Castlevania: HD?


You know the author of that shit game decided to make a first person 3D sequel? Then when his alpha didn't sell as well as he thought in the first month or two he dropped it entirely despite charging $15 for it? Now you do.