What game has the longest boss battle of all time?
The Boss just won't die
Peace Walker. Everything is a bullet sponge made for 4 people to fight.
Probably ff12 or something
Resident Evil Six has a boss that you fight over the span of multiple chapters in two seperate fucking campaigns.
I hate that fucking piece of shit.
peace walker is high up there in unkillable bosses
regular combat vehicles take 50 rockets+ to kill, its fucking bullshit.
MGS 3’s The End if you do it the faggoty way.
Pick any boss
shit took like 30 minutes
50 million HP in a game where 9999 is the maximum damage you can do with each strike, and even if you're max level with the best gear you're lucky if you get that high.
He's takes so long to kill that you're allowed to leave the boss arena to go restock and refresh, and he keeps his HP at that level until you come back for you.
He takes literal hours to beat, and the world record is around 8 minutes by sheer technicality because there's an edition of the game where you can speed up the game immensely with a single button press, without it, it would take an hour with the absolute best setup, and days with a regular end game setup.
What is the in-game reward for fighting such a boss?
the >> button in IZJS is a god send.
Uncommon time
Useless money and a badge for the strongest weapon in the game that won't have any use because you killed all worthwhile end-game bosses at that point.
Either nothing, or a shiny star in your journal. Haven't you pkayed a jrpg before?
What about the bosses in Star Ocean games?
A matierial needed to craft a weapon called the Wyrmhero Blade, which uses Dragon Quest sounds and is a weapon with the biggest combo chance in the game (where your character may attack again after attacking, and this can happen more then once after the same action), a Yiazmat sprite in the Sky Pirate's Den (think achievement screen) and a paltry 30,000 Gil aka cash.
It's also the last quest in the Hunt series that deals with hunting rare monsters (some of the more fun bosses in the game), so it completes that series too.
But aside from that, he's the Superboss of the game, so there is no real reward because you already have all the rewards.
If you know your way around the crafting system, you can trivialize those bosses by seriously just nullifying their attacks. The crafting system is the center of the game's meta, so you either get good at dodging or you craft the best armor and weapons, finding the best spammable skills, and you'll have to do the latter anyway.
With Star Ocean bonus bosses, the only hard step is the prep time.
there was a boss in FF11 that had so much HP, so many buffs, and dealt so many debuffs that it took a entire server joint effort to attack him for 2 weeks before they just gave up when he got to half HP and got even more cheap.
Dang, that sounds like one of those made-up horror monsters a grade schooler would come up with. Care to share some details?
He's talking about Absolute Virtue, some bullshit boss that was supposed to be unbeatable by design. Last I checked he was beaten all of three times in the game's history but Squeenix took back all of the rewards for doing so saying that they were illegitimately earned.
The Laviente from Monster Hunter Frontier has so much health it takes at least 2 groups of 4 players hunting it simultaneously across 9 separate quests to kill it, and it's so big that there's a 10th quest devoted entirely to looting its corpse.
So devs were awestruck when they found that some players could get good?
You're forgetting that 6999 is the maximum amount of damage you can do to Yiazmat
actually there are two, Absolute Virtue and Pandemonium Warden
but i got the times wrong, absolute virtue was fought when it was implemented in the game for over 30 hours before people just gave up and pandemonium warden had 36 players marathoning for 18 hours to try to defeat it but the players started to feel ill, having nausea and vomiting and had to qive up on killing him.
I think it was Absolute Virtue, from the old days of FF11. I hear they even banned players that beat it with "exploits", then patched them over so it could not be used against it, this happened several times.
I think they were trying to prove a point and bring players to a point of despair, because people who were that autistic enough to try beating that thing were people with addiction issues.
Patches included making the boss despawn and instakill everything around it when this happened after a certain amount of time in battle to ensure that it couldn't be beaten by autists in shifts in an attrition war.
It wasn't even anything special, as it was a notorious monster which are basically just really powerful versions of monsters with different names. Absolute Virtue was an Aern, basically an angel looking race that is common in that area. Notorious monsters also had player classes, and Absolute Virtue wasn't anything special, just a dragoon, which can call a Wyvern which is basically just a smol dragon.
Virtue was simply an unbeatable, out of the way monster for the purpose of trolling game addicts and basically telling them to go outside. It doesn't have a special design at all.
oh shit son
Depends on your definition of the phrase. IIRC the devs said something about standing in areas they weren't supposed to be in so you might call that an exploit. Ultimately the devs just didn't like the idea that their boss was beatable though.
Aw shiiiiiiiiiiit
based squeenix cleaning the gene pool of autists
Did they at least give warning that you couldn't kill it before players autisticly went at it?
If it was misrepresented as "an ultimate challenge" rather than an immovable object, then it's failed artsy shit and belongs in the trash.
wasn't there another boss in FF11 where the devs intended to make him killable through only a specific way, and they kept patching him to emphasize it because players were beating using different methods.
there is also antharas that was first killed in the korean server by bumrushing his ass with hundreds of players spanning something like 30 guilds and 5 alliances.
No, I think it was left there for players to discover, it takes some serious autism to find it.
First, you have to defeat another hard boss called the Jailer of Love, after which it MIGHT spawn, so it's not even on the map unless you specifically get a group to take down a specific boss.
It was specifically not an ultimate challange, but they never said that you COULDN'T beat it until they started patching him in the notes, which clued players who asked around about it, which spread the knowledge of him around.
Their behavior doesn't strike me as "artsy" it strikes me as sticking it to autists for fun.
that was another troll, they never intended those monsters to be beat.
Square later stopped messing with people and nerfed Absolute Virtue so he could be beat by players (which had the side effect of really pissing off the autists because they essentially made him babby mode and still wanted to kill him), but I think they added ANOTHER unbeatable to compensate.
It was never said to be unbeatable but it was never said to be the ultimate challenge either. It was just a boss, and a reskin of an existing enemy at that. It wasn't hyped up by the developers or anything, it was just there. What happened after that was entirely on the people who attempted it.
The Battle of Verdun was bullshit
You forget he required killing 6 other NMs to even spawn. Jailer of… Hope, Wisdom, Courage, Love, and other nonsense like that.
He then spawned if all 6 were dead, and love was the last one to die
What I read wasn't so much that they nerfed him, but that he had a specific intended strategy that was actually pretty easy, just so obtuse that nobody figured it out until it was basically given away.
Basically you needed to have a player use the 2-hour class-unique cooldown ability matching the one he was using while he was using it, which would for some reason disable it, which was necessary because at least one of those abilities fully healed him.
you sure won't see shit like absolute virtue in video, anymore.
The internet made isolation and social separation mainstream.
And something kept it that way. What was it?
yep, I'm gonna get to bed now.
butts, if you can read this, you're a faggot
Wonderful 101's final boss from start to end is really long
That's wrong though. AV had the model of the dragoon-class monster but could use all of the jobs' 2-hour cooldown abilities multiple times as well as having crazy auto-regen.
i yearn for another MMO where world wide events happen like that.
nowadays we don't even have town invasions or castle siege in MMOs anymore, everyone stay on their instanced theme parks to feel as if they are something on that virtual world
Imagine a dmc boss fight where you pull every trick you can to boost.dps and still take hours. Such boss fights are a fucking waste of time. Fuck any user who thinks it's okay as an e-peen measurement.
I never liked attrition/patience fights.
They aren't not even about tactics or skill, it's just the worst kind of grinding.
Fuck this boss. The entire game was a fucking cakewalk but this is just pure bullshit.
>mfw I just remembered that DSP ragequit this entire playthrough on easy because of charm and mediaharan
oh come on, it only has 13 phases of this shit, you pussy.
No but really fuck Nyx.
This happened to me, I wound up grinding for the anti charm accessory and my entire party consisted of people without healing spells.
Terrible fucking boss design.
im so disappointed in myself
This is why I don't play a majority of RPGs in general. Gigantic health pools don't make a battle any better, it's just a shitty way to bloat the game and extend a boss fight that should take no more than 30 minutes.
Persona didn't do this shit before 3, because in both 2 games you had Great Father, who acted five times and he has a move that just instantly kills a party member, and Eternal Punishment had Moon Howler, who had a spell that could kill one party member per each turn passed, while still being able to act during it.
It's either damage sponge or fuck you with old persona.
i mean it was a drawn out battle, but hard? i beat it on my first try, and i played on hard
Why did anyone think that was a good strategy?
That's only after you get him to half health.
There are a miniscule few number of attacks that can break the damage limit in vanilla FF12 and they work against Yiazmat but good luck being able to use them effectively.
For me it was the Hades cup from Kingdom hearts. I know it technically doesn't count but considering OP's standards it's pretty fucking long. But only in my scenario. Because I was retarded I thought that losing meant a full restart. So I (like a retard) reset the game every time I lost not knowing that you saved after every 10 seeds. Basically I spent 2 weeks and finally beat it.
How about a rephrase of the question OP made.
What are the bosses that just left you with a hole in your stomach. I mean the kind of shit that just felt like such a wall of difficulty that you were amazed that this shit was real. Especially if the game was already pretty fucking difficult.
I mean for me personally it was FTL's final boss. I've only had the goo grace to encounter it once and what a fucking ride that was. I invariably lost because fuck drones I'm sure there's more I've encountered but this is the first one to come to mind.
I'e been obscenely angry the past week or so, and letting this play on a loop is sort of zen experience.
You to? I've been listening to the extreme version of it with the volume set to max and death metal. The thing is I normally hate death metal.
hold on a minute here how the fuk are they immune to yiaz he had ultimate breaker bullshit which ribbon could not protect what is this shit reverse and where the random death chance
It may have been viable if they had used cheaper units.
Fucking retards used the regulars and good ones though.
Is it the same in P3P?
I played that version and I believe he never used it on my playthrough.
Sounds like a pain in the arse.
That's fucking great. It's pretty funny when games smack people in the face for being so autistic.
Keep in mind P3P is far easier since it wasn't balanced for a player controlled party. Even if it did happen you'd likely be able to cure the charmed party member gets a chance to do anything
Makes sense.
Pics related.
I did eventually solo g-rank golden rajang after many attempts, but holy jesus fuck I don't think I've ever had a game push me as hard as that before. Nothing quite like a 45 minute fight against something that can wombo combo you full to dead after a single mistake and hops around like it's on crack cocaine with no tells or openings whatsoever. And the fucking 360 no scope laser beam, goddamn.
And the worst part is, you can't just be cautious – there's a 50 minute time limit on hunts, and any g-rank monster has absurd health pools so you can't just run around waiting for easy hits you've got to actually push it or you won't kill it in time. And pushing it gets you into mixups where it just pushes your shit in effortlessly.
He's not that hard once you know what you're doing.
It's weapon systems are isolated. Teleport, kill, destroy. They can't repair.
Actually, boarding is the best way to deal with it.
Your shitting me. That would be like autistic devs trolling autistic fans just to be king of the hill in their own game.
Admittedly it's more so placebo than anything. considering the boss is at the very end of the game and considering how you most likely went through hell to get to him the actual fight has a lot built on it. But the only time I got to him was before the hard mode update and I was still relatively new to the game. i managed to cheese it to him in an engi ship and found out why you shouldn't rely on luck. Volley firing all the way. He's still a difficult fight though. Especially if you're not reliant on boarding.
Too bad he got nerfed the fuck down in MHGen.
The only time i ever beat that thing, i had somehow managed to buy both the invisibility patch and teleports, not to mention a fully crewed up ship on top of it, and even then it was a nightmare just to get it down to that last stage, where it drops everything and starts giving out robots like a sale at curry's.
FTL is the kind of game where you can git gud at but also get extremely lucky and breeze through. Faggots who say it's RNG dependant have clearly never understood the concept of risk management though.
Fucking Yahtzee.
Nope he's right. Square might be in the shitter now and appeal only to casual scum (FF13 is a good example of this so will be FF15), but they really loved to fuck those who where autistic enough to engage in this shit.
Here's Squares video
First he killed Medic, then Big Bossu, than Big Bossu did a Jesus or something.
He dead now
Niggatrap from Boringlands: The Suckdickwell. Pretty much has the numeric limit for 64 bit processors for a shield and HP value. The guns best suited for removing shields have limited range, which the boss is juuust beyond. Even if you use crazy exploits, it's a tedious parade of bullshit and deaths.
But hey, Captain Cuck and Pansy Bitchford are involved, so you are missing NOTHING by never playing it, not even yarrrring it.
Yahtzee would rather just write novels than do anything else so I can't blame him for not wanting to do poetry. He's admitted it in his drown outs more than once. Poetry might not be his greatest aspiration but he certainly has a knack for it if he didn't take to many notes from Douglas Adams and toned down his cheekiness levels by a few notches. The same could be said for his books but those are so disposable as a 1 time read I doubt he could improve any time soon.
Yeah, you can tell that he has a few ideas in his head that just rattle around and around until they burst into something big and malformed and beautiful, like Deadly Premonition. It's pretty rare to see somebody who in any other field would be just an ideas guy have the drive and passion to put some of his ideas down in a way where they actually make sense, but he could do a lot more if he had somebody to bounce these ideas off of that wasn't a memespouting retard who found him out through ZP. You can tell that's killing him a little inside week after week.
5 memes in a 15 "word" sentence, with a coherent meaning behind it.
I feel like I've seen it done better before.
Something's dense alright.
Except he isn't, he did MGS: SURVIVE.
I don't feel bad for them.
Hope you have two hours to burn.
You can do better. From the same game.
If you count Armstrong as one boss battle MGRR is up there.
Did they change anything in Peace Walker HD ? I don't remember having any trouble killing bosses.
Wonderful 101 has my personal favourite long boss fight, maybe not the longest, but probably the most phases in a non RPG game. There's like 6 or 7 of them.
and 101/100 final boss song in the last phase
Fucking this. Whose bright idea was it to have these fucking boss battles?
Roast in hell, kike shill.
At least the first Big Boss being a body double makes a lot of sense that "Lol, Big Boss is a Snatcher". Still doesn't explain how the hell Dr. Madnar survives after getting pumped with RC Rockets.
Fucking Tumlbr and their shitty ass game
Couldn't you defeat that fag using an extremely specific yet incredibly easy method?
Someone that really wanted to force the online aspect of the game
Yes, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed
This guy during the first week of destiny when nobody seemed to understand the fucking mechanics.
Cave Story, 3HP run, Hell. It's not just a boss fight with 4 stages, it's got a hard as fuck level and a separate bossfight before it, and every time you die you have to do it all over again. And you die in one hit.
There's even people who think he's hard with maxed out HP.
FF11, iirc
classic weebshit game
Spend an hour fighting The End in MGS3 though half of it was actually learning all the mechanics of the fight.
What did you expect from someone too retarded to understand that his server would have at most 10 or so players on it during the highest of peak times?
i spent maybe an hour fighting the second to final boss of xenosaga II
i never broke his guard
i also spent maybe half an hour fighting the boss that ziggy and momo fought on their own in xenosaga I, but thats because I never spent any skill points or tech points or anything else of the sort, and only used the abilities that they had when I first got to control them
this stuff doesnt come even close to FF11/12 though
Oedipus is a staple of 8/v/ nowadays. He's one of the first sound webms I've had and sitll one of the best.
What is the source material anyway? Some kind of stage performance from the Odyssey?
nigga just how fucking uncultured can you possibly be
The fact that people with Hubris like this still live angers me.
I'm assuming it's Oedipus because of a filename that was saved one time
That's fucking horrifying.
dis nigga right ch'yea iz jus keep jumpin on dude tho
Ragnarok Online in the early days would have raid bosses that took so long people would log out, go to sleep, come back, and then fall back into formation because the fight was still going on.
I think he means they didn't put any effort into making it an extraordinary boss that stood out in anyway, besides being unkillable.
Absolute Virtue was the ultimate "I have a kill everything gun and a shield that blocks everything ever and infinity bullets" monster. Not even a boss, but just a monster.
this jew right here
Oh for real? I'd never known that no wonder I never died during Nyx. I'd never played original P3, only P3P.
That sounds fun. Why can't we get more setpiece monsters?
granted, you can work around both cases, but it's still pain in the ass
I kinda liked fighting Ustanak
it was like Nemesis v2
Age of Wushu.
Open PvP world bosses. Only one raid team can take the reward. There would be six hour long battles, with everyone trying to steal aggro and reset the boss completely while killing the fuck out of each other.
And then sometimes the ape would just put on his jordans and leap to the moon, disappearing for hours at a time into the sky. His mechanics were truly mysterious.
I'm not too big into JRPGs, but this battle felt like it went on way longer than it should have.
Maybe I was just massively underleveled, but after a certain point (10-15 minutes), it really felt like I was doing something wrong. Almost like you couldn't outright kill the boss with brute force, like Giygas, for example.
You were just underleveled. He takes longer than 15 minutes, I think, but not that much longer. If you're doing something wrong or didn't pick a good party or didn't allocate stat boosts when you leveled up, you're not gonna have a good time. If you did, it should be pretty easy.
The loudass Sanic song calms me for some reason, put it on low in the background, it's nice
lord knows i didnt know what the hell i was doing when i played that game. that fight was as terrifying as it looked and sounded for me.
We do in every mainline title and 90% of the time they're boring as fuck.
i actually just replayed this last month for the first time in about ten years, and minmaxed mario and bowser as nothing but physical attack monsters and toadstool as nothing but special attack. i literally just normal attacked him to death and it took probably 10 or so minutes at level 25ish
I heard you faggots liked pointlessly long boss battles.