
Shadowplay is pretty neato, if you use fullscreen windowed like me you can let it record your desktop.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll have to set it up like that then, but I hate not being able to alt tab properly sometimes.

better have a facebook, twitter and tumblr account, boyo!

I prefer OBS.

I love how nobody even shoots at you (except the minidva, once). You took more damage from the junkrat death bombs than their entire team combined.

Diamond looks so far away. Does it get easier the further in I go, anons?


Same situation here, but from Silver to gold, I am now on 1850s again, I was 1950s yesterday.

This is the problem with this fucking game, is that the community are all a bunch of fucking faggots. They'd rather vote for fucking healers who don't do shit simply on the merit that they're healers.

Heal sluts don't always need to get your vote.

i miss being able to get away with that kind of crap. now i only ever see it from an enemy play of the gay.

Notice there are only 3 of those cards in the end. Typically there are 4 (or 5?). 3 only happens when the game was extra shit.

also, someone is playing bastion

And he got %35 of his teams damage, which means the enemy was getting mowed down anyway.

What's that funky shit you were listening to user?

it sounds so familiar


Shit, it's this one rather.


I found out why one of our team wasn't working with us. Why pull this shit in competitive? Do they hate coordination that much?


Are you for real?

Any wallpapers made out of in-game content?

3 rounds..3 WHOLE rounds and I had gold in eliminations at a grand total of 4, thats it FOUR fucking kills.
four fucking kills in 3 rounds.
And the team blamed ME for the loss.

Because of this shit, I've stopped giving a flying fuck and I'm just going into ranked matches with whatever I think might be interesting.
Getting so fucking bored with the same team comps.

Offensive Bastion isn't bad. The whole >turn into a minigun transform in midair around a corner
thing really fucks over people. Plus when people are trying to defend the point you can chill away and mow down people trying to throw their shit at your team mates on the point- they won't inherently focus you at first.

If you're a car guy, the crew has one of those Photo Modes like all the PS4/Xbone games

That's pretty much what I was going for. For most of these games, once you've captured something you are playing a defense anyway.

I think i'll start experimenting with offensive sniping next.

No overwatch wallpapers?

sorry its all mustangs. Thats all I bought…

I dont play OW. gf keeps buggin, but I dont like multiplayer shooters that arent splitscreen

Welcome to team based FPS in 2016

Enjoy being Reinhardt all the fuck alone while your team is off acting like its CoD

Did you tell your team any of this? Were you perhaps shouting at them the previous round and maybe they thought you were just taking the piss? To be honest onii-fam if your team was so shit that they had max 4 kills then I don't really know what you expected. Wasting a DPS slot on a Bastion on attack seems pretty stupid especially if you're not in a team with like minded people that'll work around it.

Why not take the screenshots at 4k? It doesn't take much longer to render at all, still less than a second.

Ana is great for offensive sniping, even as a healer support- her shots hurt a shit ton, combined if you manage to hit your target with your sleep dart, you can set-up a m1+e+m1 on them to burn into nothing.
If anything else you also can fill as the healer while not burning the enemy team up- just need to save abilities depending on the enemy team comp and counter their moves.
Ana is huge on denials.

Assuming you meant to respond to this guy

You replied to the wrong person.
But yeah, I told them I just needed a rein to get behind and that if anything else the enemy would knee-jerk attack ME which would allow the others to run in and fuck them up.
Nope, no Rein and when one did show up he kept running in trying to be a one man murder machine. Everyone else constantly just trickled into the point.

So I switched to soldier and kept finding myself alone.
Basically it was a team that was doing everything for themselves but still thought team composition meant something when they were doing this.

Mite b cool. I really should shore up my practice on the support side.
Although honestly I think my next will be Genji.
Seems cheap as all fuck and in my last few matches i'm convinced his jumping gives him i-frames

Either that or there is some sort of hack happening.


my laptop goes through enough stress, ok?

wait a minute, do you compress them on your own or something???

All you really need to do is open it in MS Paint and save it as a JPG. It's not hard.

eh good point. I'll start doin that

In solo queue you're pretty much epected to follow the "meta" (i.e. what was posted on reddit last night or what some ebin streamer said) to the letter but not really in spirit. This 2-2-2 shit that gets enforced but no one thinks about actual composition and god forbid someone tries to do something out of the box and no one has any idea how to try to work with it. It's the same with this team voice bullshit. I've got it set to auto-join yet every other game I get some faggot whining "join voice" meanwhile they don't say a word into their microphone. It's like it's a rule or something that you need to join voice because joining voice is good and it wins you games but somehow people seem to miss the point where they actually need to speak into the video game if they want to get the benefit. It's like people took the concept of netdecking from Hearthstone and applied it to Overwatch. Maybe it's just the general ineptitude of a Blizzard fanboy to not think for themselves so it takes a pro player or a mass of people on a forum to say that "Hey guys Mei is actually really good" for most of the playerbase to suddenly play a fucking Mei every game.

The amount of crying and whining that comes from the wannabe MLG types that play competitive is enough to warrant a mute.
My favorite response so far is that if they were good enough that its not their fault for the loss then why the fuck are they down here in gold with the rest of us? Low 2000's gold mind you.

I haven't had anyone shout that bullshit about 2-2-2 until tonight though. You're right, nobody really understands what characters can actually compliment each other.
Furthermore, it seems like once you get into competitive people stop trying to switch up to change the situation. I found myself falling into the same trap so I've quickly remedied that.

A lot of the offensive character are more about getting behind the team and going for flanks. Genji is really good at that, so for the Mercy kills and fuck over from behind their line.

Need to get more drives then.

2-2-2 is what people tend to ask for but in practice one person will say something about it and you'll get 1-4-1 because the first four guys lock in McCree, Genji, Hanzo and Tracer/Soldier/Reaper and after the last two grudgingly pick a tank and a healer all four of the DPS think "yeah, 2-2-2 may be the meta but we don't REALLY need another tank or healer, this will be fine."

I'd agree with muting someone who's being a massive faggot and raging into the mic but the guy that was muted by the dude in the pic was trying to set up ult combos and was calling out the enemy team's flanking tracer and reaper. Hardly anything wannabe MLG tier.
This was at the border of gold and plat (2500s range)

Well some of the "tanks" really aren't great tanks.

Roadhog and Reinhardt are probably the more true to life tanks.
D.Va, Zarya, and Winston are less tanks and more just buffers or perhaps the better term is disruptions.
Winston and D.Va don't really live very long but they can easily get in behind lines and cause some confusion and fuckery that if the rest of your team is semi competent can take advantage of and split attention.
Zarya seems to really exist to be that last thing standing when an ult goes off. Very useful for blocking or keeping a payload moving and not much else.

what are you talking about? Zarya is the best hero in the game

nigger D.Va is one of the most survivable heroes in the game. Her shield blocks most everything, is pretty much always up and her dash is long and on a really low cooldown. On top of that she has basically two lives of which the second one has an amazing pistol that does incredible damage. I regularly go whole games without dying as D.va with an overall K/D of 5. Zarya on the other hand is probably one of the best heroes in the game just flatout. She can recover half of her HP without doing anything, has bubbles that save a teammate/herself from a ton of shit like stuns, hooks and slows on top of mitigating damage, has one of the best ultimates that works with almost any other ultimate (and even if there are no other ults there it still usually leads to 2-3 kills or at least forces 1-2 defensive ults from the enemy team) and does TONS of damage when fully charged.


I never said she was bad but I am saying that she works best on dealing with payloads in motion. Either stopping them or trying to keep them moving.
She's small enough to use the payloads themselves as cover while the barrier recharges. Her barrier itself denies any instant ult kill.
Her weapon hurts enough that it can keep people away on its own but again this is all predicated on the need to stay on a payload.

On singular point capture I just haven't had much luck with her. She can hold it down but not nearly as well as she can with a payload to move or block.

too bad those programs can't render the reflection map so it doesn't look metallic.


which is why D.VA is not exactly a tank but something to draw fire and interference. Chip damage barrage is also a very good reason to use her but having her as a TANK really isn't well advised.

Get in, disrupt, move out. If your mech dies you can still be a disruptive shit.

I really wish you people would stop confusing an assement of best uses with OMG SO BAD.
To me, the tank is the centerpiece of a group based attack and is meant to draw fire for sustained amounts of times while the glass canons deal out high damage.

Zarya, D.Va, and Winston are less like that and more like things that are made to survive to get in behind enemy ranks and really just fuck with them.
Shit, he's pretty much tailor made just for that.

you think so? shes good at surviving and fleeing but shes a bit over reliant on her ult to fulfill her role of disruption, as during an actual fight she tends to get ripped apart.

Ill deal you some payloads in motion you little whore

Its not League of Legends user

Seriously, tell me why I shouldnt be playing HI REZ masterpiece.

i wish that were the case, but thats a great way to give the enemy healer their ult, its nice when you can actually go for the healer but theyre never going to be alone.
oddly, where she shines is where i never see her used. when backing up an actual damage dealing flanker shes either an invaluable distraction, a guardian angel or that last bit of damage output you need to bring something down quickly. on her own shes just so easy to play against.

This is what i'm talking about, she can't be that centerpiece.
She's more closely related to Reaper. But where Reaper is meant to try to slip in fairly unseen, you want D.Va to run in being seen. Using that mobility and that shield to draw fire away from your team's front line push, split the attention, and if you can score a kill do so but otherwise get the fuck away and just run in to do it all over again.

Notice how this might be different from a Tracer.
A Tracer seems more intent on being a mosquito. You float in, take some shots, float out. Not really drawing attention but doing damage.
Tracer's only real reason to live is to honestly plant that fucking sticky bomb on the biggest guy around or at least on a tightly grouped unit.

Yeah, she's supplemental in that way.
I can 1v1 a D.Va with soldier no problem. She just doesn't have the turn radius or the damage output to deal.

D.va shield has fuckhuge area and blocks things other shields don't. She's just as much a tank as something like Rein except she can't just hold down the shield button and needs to think about when to activate it. D.Va also isn't "chip damage" since her guns at close range do a fuckload of damage and generally just chipping at something in this game is a terrible idea because of how powerful the support ults are and that's how they recharge.

If you're using tanks as get in, get out type of characters you're playing them wrong. Yes, D.Va can do that but her place is at the front with the rest of the team blocking big damage sources with well timed shields, doing damage to large targets or small targets at close range, shifting the direction of enemy fire by dashing in front of teammates taking damage, denying a point with her ult and just generally being an active part of the team. Same goes for Winston though the focus there is more on this sort of disruptive play you're talking about but it doesn't mean he can't tank. His bubble can deny most of a Graviton and block a lot of ults like Deadeye or D.va blast very easily. He also has 500 health that he can recharge and gain 500 health on top of that with his ult making it so that the enemy team needs to fully change focus if they don't want to get scattered around and picked apart. He can jump behind the enemy lines and get some kills on the supports but as player skill increases that gets much harder and usually you're much more useful ot the team if you're in the front dodging around and soaking up damage while jumping out to get healed and instantly going back.

If that's you experience then all I can say is that you're playing her wrong. Learn where the medkits are, get better at picking the times when to use the shield and when you're low back off a little, dash to a medkit or ask for healing and get back in.

You say this but then you also think D.va is a get in get out disruptive hero. Which one is it? D.Va needs her team with her to be at her best i.e. she needs to play as tank taking damage and dealing killing blows at close range. How can a disruptive hero be soloed by a single soldier? To me that wouldn't be disruptive at all since being disruptive to me means taking the attention of at least 2 guys while getting some kills or at least doing some good damage that means they gotta limp back to get healed. Dealing with soldiers is also easy as fuck as D.va since all you gotta do it get in their face with dash+shield and blast their shit with close range headshots so I dunno what sort of shit bracket you're in. For reference I'm low diamond not that rank really matters all that much.

Also fuck you, Tracer is amazing at doing a lot of things other than just planting bombs. Shoot at head motherfucker t: 20 kill streak on 5 minute payload defense with maybe 5 pulse bomb kills.

bumplock when?

It was dumb luck really. Zarya decided to run, Dva doesn't do shit when you kill her so fast, McCree was reloading and Junkrat was too busy looking the other way to notice. Still nice to get PotM and the music kicked in just right.

pic and filename related

dude that's badass lmao

nice and id checked lol

Thanks, but I prefer my CP from the front and not from the back.

Nothing is stopping you, and since it's free go ahead. Have fun user

Have fun playing your F2P P2W garbage :)

you aren't as patrician as you think you are


dawn of the final day


holy FUCK people really get stuck on one character in this game and never fucking ever counterpart

I'm convinced the main audience of this game is braindead chimps or 11 year olds

people are pretty stupid, although i think thats one of the more difficult aspects of the game to handle well, since a single player is 17% of the team. there are plenty of times where i want to switch to a healer or mid range hit scan character but just cant because my team might be relying on my zarya shields for instance.

Overwatch is a memegame

People who "main" heroes in these types of games amaze me. I can play all 100+ heroes in an assfaggots game and still get bored.

I can't counterpick when I'm the only one willing to play a goddamned healer.

Pretty much no matter how long you play a hero, you can still get better at it playing it more. You just have a short attention span, oh master of none.


Overcucks on suicide watch

Actually I think I want to play HotS now.

no one cares about what you learned from the chinese, hi-rez.

i hope it does better than battleborn. wouldnt mind a successor to smnc

Healers get significantly less ELO, don't bitch

Overwatch doesn't have ELO and its only Mercy that gets a small amount less. Its not even a big difference.

Oh yeah forgot to mention: The reason is because Mercy gets less assists than the other healers because she switches heals. If she decided to heal the one killing people then she gets just as many points as everybody else.



maybe you should stop being so shit lmao

that's how i feel about zarya and tanking in general. can't kill the pharah when im literally protecting the entire team

Yeah but there's open source alternatives that do the same thing without turning your computer into a datamining operation for Nvidia and their partners Long Dong Industries, Wang Bang Pharmaceuticals, Etc.

Hey I'm only using it because someone else told me about it.

It's the best overwatch clone but it's still not as good as overwatch. It will die violently.

Fuck around with this it's good. You can use it for recording, not streaming too.


Just like Overwatch

I will never play another Hi-Rez game after how hard they dropped Tribes for Smite. Still waiting to see if the Tribes community is going to rally around Midair or any of the other clones, or if they've all just switched over to playing Pharah in Overwatch.

Whoops use this. I linked the old version

That's your third lonely shitpost. If you were a final fantasy card game, you'd be called Triple Tryhard.

You slut.

Sorry but I had to let him know how much of a faggot he is.

Bet you play ASSFAGGOTS too, right?

Likely the state of Blizzard devs when making Overwatch.

By shooting yourself in the foot?

The nigger makes the exact same type of posts in the Paladins thread. He does not give a shit about either game one way or the other. He literally posts for the (you)s. Stop feeding attention-whoring shitposters exactly what they want.

I didn't reply to him this time.

anyone else know this feel?

What's a squeaker? That's what I call my higher pitched farts.

a derogatory term for child

Says who? I think you're wrong and they're in fact my high pitched farts.

yeah a squeaker is a young kid, so called because their voices are high pitched and "squeaky"

i wont try to stop you from rebranding the term


I will.

Cease and desist motherfucker.

=OY VEY!==

Only if they make porn of the archer and that stealth elf with the wide hips

When is Overwatch on PC going to have Mod support? I think that would make the game better IMO. Also; If Overwatch on PC would have mod support would anyone ITT play a mod were all of the Overwatch characters are replace with Dreamworks and Pixar characters?

Gif unrelated

Saw some gameplay on that. Actually looked legit fun but it's a very different concept to Overwatch.
While you do have points to attack and defend and the game is also round based, there's some deck-building outside of the game to give you advantages in-game after every round, depending if you won or lost.
There doesn't seem to be a very strict meta on roles either with characters being mostly "I kill people" but doing it in different manners.
There's one thing I liked which was how huge the maps were. When you storm a castle, you get a freaking castle with battlements and walls other people can climb and shoot down from.

It also has it's slew of problems and quite a lot more than Overwatch:
It has a mount system very similar to HotS but it looks horribly lame, which is quite a shame. The maps are huge and you need the extra speed boost to cover the distance but you look very silly on top of a horse.

The card system you can use is also constantly changing since this is in beta and they have no idea what they want to do with it.
This is most likely because it's easy to game it and come up with a strong build that beats everything else and considering you can buy those cards or some boost to get them faster (I forgot which) it can end up being a p2w element.
There's also the fact that it can lead to some severe snowballing. You win a game and get more cards for the next round making the game even easier when it's clear you're already more advantaged than the other team, something Overwatch doesn't really have a problem with.

There's also the over-sexualization of characters but not in the feminist way. There's a ninja girl made specifically with a large cleavage to atract fans, mandated by Hi Rez CEO. He personally asked for that character to be designed that way since that's what brings more players. (He's probably right, considering Smite)
Now, anyone can appreciate the glory of T&A all the time but knowing a game is made specifically to appeal to that so you spend money on it comes off as patronizing. There's H-Games already for anyone trying a game specifically for T&A.



when they're all now multiplayer focused


Also trips


So what? You want a cookie?

Fun fact: there's a ninja girl (that looks a lot like Akali from LoL) made specifically to atract people like you, with a large cleavage.
The artist that worked on her was drawing that character when the big wig in Hi Rez came up from behind, looked at her and said "make her boobs bigger and put a boob window there. That's what gets all the fans to try the game".

Never. Because that's just giving the community the ability of making for free what Blizzard can sell you later.
There's also mods that give people major advantages, like in TF2 where people increased the volume of Spy's uncloack sounds to 10X the original and pretty much ruined all stealth for him without him even knowing.
Among other things and advantages you can get.

Only way for that to happen would be to only allow mods for Custom Games, but that'd hardly be a popular decision.

Oh yes sir, I would, thank you very much sir.

I'd like a source on this. I don't entirely disbelieve this, considering that Aphrodite in Smite once received a new model with more revealing clothing. I won't be satisfied though unless there's a character with tits big enough to hold a soda can while topless.

Of course its true
Blizzard knew all their fans masturbated to porn of their characters and that most ASSFAGGOT players were fans or knew their brand and did the same.

Also trips

id love custom map support in overwatch. i think thats the biggest disappointment.

good for them, although thats inconsistent with other behavior at hi rez. last i heard, they removed a 'mega milk' taunt from a large breasted cleavage touting character in smite.

genji has pretty much disappeared for the most parts with this season for me its been pretty nice not to get dashed to death as a support anymore

There's a video I've seen comparing Overwatch, Battleborn and Paladins a long time ago, it mentioned that and a few other things about that guy at Hi Rez.
He starts talking about it at 11:24. (embed doesn't seem to recognize the URL when it includes time for some reason)


what game is that in the 3rd pic?

Literally the hardest choice of my life.


I recommend Sigrun.

I'm leaning towards Sigrun, i just wish her armor didn't look so grey compared to Valkyrie.

I think that's the appeal, is kind of more "sober" compared to the other armor.

Left is best by far unless you want to be a flaming mardi-gras nigga



No quads for you.

Wew. First day using getwatch little boy?


I would give Sullivan and Mike to replace Roadhog and Junkrat. For Reinhart and Torbjorn, Mr. Incredible and/or Po from Kung-Fu Panda for Reinhart and Stinky Pete and/or Dr. Cockroach from Monster Vs Ayyliens for Torbjorn.
What? You do realize that Pixar didn't made Frozen right? For the Mei replacement, I would give that to Frozone from The Incredibles and/or Jack Frost from The Rise of The Guardians
Woody is the better option IMO

Imagine this, your team successfully defends Point A, then is time to attack, you take the point and win the match but then the game continues as a bonus round, your team will get extra points for capturing objective B, if the other team successfully defends it then they reduce or completely negate their rank loss (you still rank up though), this could also be interesting to see on earlier Draw scenarios to at least give the players some kind of relief.

So, what do you think?

Also I played a game where a diamond was in a quad group with 2 silver shitters and a gold. That seriously shouldnt be a llowed and we lost because of it.

RAID and NAS are utterly retarded and you're a cuck. RAID is especially retarded. You're a dunce for even suggesting it.


i want to leave my failure of a team behind

I'm gettin real tired of these Meis everywhere

But do you want to leave and keep your rank or lose all of it?

My goto chink for koth.


Is Pharah objectively the most effective attack hero? I feel her E is extremely under appreciated.

I hate when Rein charges instantly after a nano boost, I mean, the fucker has lots of speed and he is wasting a lot of dps in trying to pin someone.

She is good at medium range and he can harass teams as long as they don't have a good hitscan.



Being an Overwatch thread should suffice

i.e. never.

Depends on the Bastion, some indirect fire fucks him unless he has a Rein for him alone.

Yep, is horrible, on the other hand, I have been in a premade and we were stomped by 6 "solo" smurfs.


premades arent always scary, i think it inflates their matchmaking rating to compensate. so if they are just friends playing a game and arent actually coordinated theyll probably get dicked.
good ol blizzard, reminding you not to play with your scrub ass friends.


I can't tell you how many teams I've been on where the only DPS is Tracer, Genji, Reaper, Pharah, Junkrat, and/or Mei. Pharah can go unopposed for way too long, and then when someone finally does switch McCree it turns out he can't aim which is why he was playing Junkrat to start with.

This is in Diamond, just a hundred points shy of Masters.

Just the Tracer/Genji combo alone (and maybe Reaper) is enough of a problem that bringing Pharah just to FORCE someone to go McCree sounds like a good idea.

In my experience, Genji's actually pretty good against Pharah. This is assuming the Genji player can actually aim, though.

Pharah when uncontested by hitscan heroes is a monster and can carry teams alone due to her shear damage ourput, and AOE.


Why on earth would you counter Pharah with something that isn't hitscan?

I mean, yeah, sure, if you're good enough to CAN counter Pharah with a Genji as opposed to a McCree or a Soldier. But it's like countering a cement wall with a whiffle bat when you have a sledgehammer all lined up, ready to go.

Any non-hitscan hero gets fucked aiming at her though. She's basically strafing not just to the sides but also up and down as well and it makes for a very erratic and unpredictable movement compared to any land-based hero.

Genji's projectiles are fast enough that it doesn't really matter much that they're not hitscan. Zenyatta's pretty good at taking down Pharah for the same reason.

This. With Zenyatta its WHONK WHONK WHONK dead

More like WIFF WIFF WIFF zen-ded

Pharah has a MUCH easier time hitting Zenyatta from long range than he does her, because Zenyatta has no movement and she has splash damage. Meanwhile if she does get hit she just drops, the sudden change in direction and speed mean any still-incoming projectiles miss and there's not enough time before she falls behind cover to aim new shots.

The only way to kill Pharah as Zen is his right click, and you are only going to get one chance.

check these instead

Genji isn't going to be sniping her out of the sky. He does have a good chance against her though. He's hard for her to hit, doesn't stay close enough to the ground to splash, and he can actually get in close enough (briefly) to negate her range advantage. A good Genji CAN kill her, though if she survives his Swift Strike attempt she's pretty much completely safe until he gets it back.

Forcing Pharah to retreat is a won battle and a Pharah that can easily single out a Zenyatta is either killing a shitter or is overextending herself considering Zenyatta normally sits in a position behind the team where he can easily dodge rockets. Those rockets are a slower projectile than the orbs.

Gotta disagree.

And this is why.


I strongly disagree that forcing Pharah to retreat is a Win. Healing takes next to no time, it gives her an easy position to flank from and as soon as your team loses sight of her they stop paying attention, meaning the next time she pops up in

it really depends on the layout of the map. in general though if pharah wants a good shot at actually killing zenyatta before more attention is drawn to her she would have to be at a range that she has a fair chance of getting whacked by her own prey.

You forget that the game isn't about getting kills. It's about controlling positions. Killing is just one of the best ways to take control from an enemy. Also as for heals, in general the only health kits close to the action are small health kits that heal less than the damage of two bodyshots from Zenyatta and collecting the health kit would also allow Zenyatta to heal up just off of shield regeneration. If she gets healed by a teammate then most likely Pharah is sitting on the other side of your team as Zenyatta where the rockets are at a distance where they can be trivially dodged or she's flanking and said healer is way out of position unless it's Ana or another Zenyatta. Large health kits are generally far out of the way.

You are severely overstating how easy it is to hit with Pharah's rockets at range. They are slow projectiles that outside of close or mid range can't reliably hit anything except stationary targets and don't even have a particularly huge splash radius when they detonate. Zenyatta outranges Pharah just due to the speed of his projectiles to the point where he can even force Widowmakers to flee at great risk to himself. Pharah can't do the same.

I will admit though that if the only counter to Pharah on your team is Zenyatta, you're probably fucked. A single Genji, Widowmaker, Tracer, whoever to kill Zenyatta and now Pharah's free to fuck up anyone she can look at.


I main zenyatta and I fuck pharah up. The discord orb paints her a giant airborne target and pretty much anyone will go after her once they see it, that is if I don't kill it first…

You can easily destroy pharah the following ways:
she'll have to be on the ground, or just about to jump, you can get a quick kill if you're reaction time is fast enough. Note: you shouldn't play tracer if the enemy is pharah

your projectiles have no fall off damage, predict her and get some headshots, if she's low you can dash into the sky and kill her there.

sneak around and wait for her to land, predict her landing spot, go to it, and blast her in the head as soon as she is within range, reaper can be surprisingly effective at longer ranges

predict projectiles and shoot her out of the sky, once she's airborne she can't go anywhere else except down, this is your chance to get higher ground. alternatively you can blast her into a wall with your E and then she'll be cornered (works best in closed maps)

pharah is a solid counter to junkrat, but if you can aim and predict you can kill her. i'd switch off junk in that situation…

ice to the face, ez. Mei is a sniper.

Soldier and McCree are solid choices if the player can aim, probably the best choice. If you have a team that refuses to switch, switch for them.

I was in a game as zenyatta and we had a junk and a hanzo who refused to switch to a flanker, so, I switched to reaper from zenyatta (because I was going to do all the DPS anyway..) and we went from 2-0 to 3-2, with hanzo, reaper, junkrat, roadhog, reinhardt, and a lucio.

oh, forgot you can also reflect rockets as genji


Is this is new loss?

wud u pirate


I feel like I've hit elo hell in competitive, and that quick play gives me better teammates. What do I do?

I laughed.
I cried.
I came inside.

No idea, last 2 days I was reaching a new career high (I got as high as Silver 1965) then today I got onto 1780ish, a single day gave me a losing streak of 8 games lost both full team and soloQ, the good old 50/50 strikes back.

Not only that, some of my teammates said they were getting 1-shot by Reinhardt, and I mean 1 shot, as in, a single swing taking away as much as 200 HP, a Torb on the opposing team even got molten core 30 seconds into the game with none of us dying or taking damage from him or his turret.

Could it be possible that team balance and win ratio is enforced the same way balance is enforced in TF2 by increasing and decreasing certain stats?

if its PC i'm starting to lean heavily towards cheaters.

You are in silver, the people you are playing with are just idiots who have literally no idea what is going on. There is no stat adjustment.

Hackers do exist though. I HIGHLY doubt there is a damage hack, but I'm fairly certain an ult-charge hack does exist. I wouldn't really expect those to be in Silver though, how can you possibly cheat and still end up that bad?

The only forced 50 is matching you against progressively better players in an attempt to find your correct level (based on hidden MMR). At some point if the system can't find better players it matches you with worse players on your team to balance you against the enemy, the same way Masters are often matched with Platinum because their opponents are in Diamond and those team averages have to match.

3479, if I win this next game I'll be in masters, Solo queue Mercy. Unless I get KOTH for the 8th time in 12 games that is, then it will be Lucio and I might end up at 3499.


I thought cheats were limited to aimbots and the like, not something that literally tells the server your ult charge is faster, on the other hand I think I have stumbled upon lots of smurfs, but some of them even say "there is no point to smurfing in OW", basically saying it was not possible to find smurfs in this game in particular.

I have to admit my friends are still not quite the brightest and I am not exactly a carrier, as for SoloQ it seems like people without mics are usually my bane, but other times there is that asshole who complains about having a shitty team but not even trying to lead us.

Hell, the last one I had in my team kept saying "stfu, we are gonna lose" when I was trying to tell my teammates to take control of a certain spot on the map.

Fuck this game sometimes


Miso is an amazing zarya player

What's in your "Ebola-chan" harddrive?

Is console having an easier time than PC right now?
Because most of the people at my job are console players and they tell me I'm garbage for constantly floating in the low 2000's on PC.

However, I watched how console plays and I've had one of them play a match on my PC and the conclusion is that its very very very different.

It might be bias, but I feel like PC players have a higher skill requirement to progress.

rank 35 in top 500 he'd better be.

We have a chance though, its 1 to 1 right now

Also, I know I am not GM kind of player stuck on silver, but I can't believe time and time again I get into a situation where I am holding a certain position by myself and get at least 3 solid kills only to realize none of my teammates have survived the assault and those 3 kills are closing in.

It was 2-3. On the bright side, I lost exactly 2 points from that so I still have a shot. Now I'm imagining what I could have gained

Zarya+Tracer ults hurt, but what really turned it around on us is their Reaper switching to Soldier, there just wasn't anything we could do about the Soldier+Ana ults. Maybe if our Zen saved Trans for it, but he never did.


too bad they couldn't find someone attractive or purple to play widowmaker

I'd have higher hopes of them having a purple porn star.

the people im playing with at 2550 are fucking idiots too

danny's cock is so big

Let's not kid ourselves here user. The game is fun but it's tremendously different from Overwatch.
The card system has been going through almost a dozen iterations and it's changing fucking every patch. Balance is all over the place and HiRez haven't done nearly as much polishing as Blizzard did with Overwatch.
"It's a beta" is an acceptable excuse for more high-design shits but not basic craps like hitbox, hit detection, server problems and myriad of other basic gameplay mechanics.
There's absolutely no reason to dump Overwatch for Paladins. Not yet.

I sweat to god if they don't end this with a "play of the game" sequence…

Paladins is also your typical p2w microtransaction garbage. I know a lot of normalfags go for that anyway but the lack of that bullshit is one of the things that makes overwatch tolerable

What's in the game that you can pay for to get advantage over other people?
Microtransaction sure.

Shadowplay is pretty neat indeed, but I just couldn't deal with the latest version of GFE. The overlay was too much.

Pretty sure you have to buy cards and/or characters. I haven't really looked further than that.


You can buy champions by either gold or crystals.
Grinding gold for champion is easy though, since they're 5000. Each match gives you 300 and each time you gain a mastery level with the champion you get 500. As for ability cards, you can only buy them with gold. 1200 a pop and you can modify their rarity freely when building deck. Burn cards (which give you bonus damage/whatever) is purchased in-match in MOBA-style, 4 categories of burn cards, only 1 card in each category allowed.
Microtransaction is stupid though. Recolors can drop from chests and bought with gold but the ones that actually change the champion's look costs money. You get 50 crystals a week though so it's not exactly impossible to get the skin you want for free. Not practical, but possible. But they were pretty much giving all the high-priced skins for free in the last month. Some skins you can get from playing the game or fulfilling certain condition like TF2 Barik by winning 5 matches with Barik or a Viktor skin by following HiRez on Twitter.
All in all when compared to OW, it's so much like LoL compared do DotA it's kinda disgusting, but I'm not too bummed out about it because all the basic champions are pre-unlocked.

smh tbh fam #PLM

i wouldnt say to dump either game for the other. however, hi rez has put lolis in smite before, they may do so with paladins. whereas blizzard has in the past expressed that they want to avoid actual bonafide child characters because porn, after all, look how defensive they got when people started using models for porn animations. they probably wanted to make d.va a 13 year old girl very badly but theyre huge pussies.

The voting shit is for faggots anyway. I never for for anyone ever.

They'll pick the ugliest bitch even when much better girls are available for less.


DVa as a 13 year old would make her a child soldier even outside of Overwatch with the whole MEKA thing. I really doubt Blizzard would have wanted to do that even without porn being a concern.

Yeah man, her E is extremely useful in a wide variety of situations.

I've finally managed to make up for my shit placements and got into Plat yesterday, but any games I do from now on are primarily to not gradually lose score, I've given up hope of climbing any higher.
The fact that winning an underdog match gives you less points than the amount lost on any loss is hell.

No but Widowmaker was really helping us eh

A loli. Hi-Rez has put a loli in Smite. There's only Scylla.

Attack mains can seriously get fucked. "I pick reaper every game" isn't a valid strategy

How do I get good in solo ranked? I just can't get out of platinum hell. I don't think I'm bad, but there's definitely room for improvement.

The worst thing is, I actually bought the game because all my "friends" told me they'd play it and I thought I'd play with them. Turns out I can call myself lucky when I get one of them to play with me for an hour or two. I think I wouldn't mind ranked hell at all if there'd be someone to have fun with. That's where tf2 shone back then, you could play the game all by yourself all night with a handful of random people on a community server and everything was just alright.

That kinda reminds me of HotS model where you get re-colors of skins by mastery with the hero and you can even unlock (the purchase) of a Master Skin for them, all without spending a dime.
However the skins that do change their look actually cost money and there's no way around it.
Heroes can be grinded for or bought directly as well.

It's mostly similar except for the lack of a currency specifically to buy skins (the crystals).
Blizzard just flat out tells you "this costs 10$" which is actually a lot less patronizing then the scheme with extra currencies many of these games usually employ to convince you to spend more than you'd need to.

I also get that they don't want crystals to unlock those cards since it makes the system look too close to p2w, but that just makes it kinda pointless…
You can have 2 players with equal skill facing against each other and the outcome is decided by who grinded more.

Is that the default or are you counting a "1st win of the day" bonus there? Because a lot of people count those in their calculations for grind in many games when that's just another scheme by the Devs.

Well they've all got to start somewhere. Really I just want more lolis in vidya because little girls being extremely violent is a rare treat outside of nip games.

It's why I still have my cousin's copy of Lunch Money.

The rule with doing solo ranked in lower brackets (and this applies to almost every me with a ranked system) is that you can never depend on your team, so you have to be able to solo carry. That means playing a character that can backpack a bunch of shitters.

I don't offhand know who those are in Overwatch, but my first guess would be McCree and Genji. Possibly Widowmaker, but you need to nail every headshot.

You can only start depending on your team to know their shit at higher ranks.


add zarya, reinhardt and ana to the carry list


All kinds of shit. It's for torrents, and I have a folder where my client just dumps all torrents, then one where I copy and sort them.
Loli contains, well, lolis, also all other kinds of pictures, chan screencaps and stuff like that.
D is for programs ect. and C is basicly just my OS.
C and D are internal, Loli is external, Ebola-chan is an internal but in an external casing.

Fingers still crossed for smug loli omnic so I can get a reason to go clang in this game.

Btw, since floating machines seem to be commin, I assume that Zen floats doe to that, not just pure buddapower.
…does that mean he has some antigrav device in his ass?

left has nice, yellow wings when flying (fuck that ugly blue shit) and has style. right's clothes don't even match because she's a slut. it's pretty obvious that she had to put on the first clothes she found after waking up from a drunken gangbang and then haphazardly made her way to the battlefield.

Soldier quite possibly, he can hold on his own fairly well, has good mobility and self healing as well as burst damage and very good damage with an hitscan weapon if you can actually aim.

Alternatively Tracer provided you're VERY GOOD with her. Just decent won't cut it.


The have a nice, thicc French girl to contact too. Liza del Sierra.

Sacre Bleu


Reminder to sage bomb this shameless rip-off.


It's the same shitposter that's been in these threads who's trying to false flag and create drama between these two threads.

Just wait for her to start floating down and cook her.

Reinhardt seems to be my best choice since my internet isn't very good, but it's still frustrating sometimes when you barely get heals.

I really like playing tracer, but she's usually very unforgiving on my wifi. Soldier isn't much fun to be honest, but it'd stomach him if it means I can rank up.

Eurobeat is making my MMR go up.

Why is penalization for leaving Quickplay even a thing?

What if I don't want to be on a team of shitters FOR THE FIFTH TIME IN A ROW?

What if i don't want to carry their sorry asses only to lose?

What if I don't want to waste time in a losing match when I could be playing with people actually know what their doing?

I get why they do it for competitive matches; it's a scummy thing to commit yourself to a ranked game and then just leave your team high and dry.

But for pub matches? Seriously?

Stop playing shit games

Ohp welp I guess that's it guys we can't play Overwatch anymore this user said so.

The solution is votekick. However, we are in the future now, where you not wanting to play with retards is immoral, so it will likely never be implemented.



100tick servers when?

Your mom wishes she could votekick you from her basement.

They uped it from 20 to 60 so it's a start


I'll feed you.
[Citation Needed]
No I don't think they will; >100 tick when, should have been a big clue newfag
Not a standard feature, never works as intended for the most part
Tied in to the shitty tickrate, should be better once higher

Education put to good use, eh.


You're on fire user.

How is this shitposting you fat fucking kike?
Did eating that whole cake make even more retarded?

What makes you think theyll do it again?
For what fucking purpose?
Nobody is bitching about it any longer, not as widespread as it was before when it was stuck to 20Hz along with the "fixed" hitboxes.

won't, not can't

Wanna try think about that for a moment?

It's hard to tell with you to be honest in between how you've spent months posting in threads for this game that you don't even like and blatantly posting misinfo intentionally even after you have received irrefutable evidence to the contrary on some claims and spamming the thread in between posts of photos of your life savings to prove you're totally not a poorfag and bitching about football fans because you have nothing better to do in Portugal.

Feel free to post what cancer free games you recommend.

I wonder if the other Portuguese poster is still here?

user, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you are the cancer.

Not you, the one that would vehemently defend this game.

See, that wasn't hard now was it? you can shitpost a few more times but THEN you need to recommend another good game to play, mkay?

It's the new janitor. He's a bit of a dullard.


This is essentially "my 5 year old says gays are cool" tier.

Literally a hugbox

don't worry

just remember;

Overwatch is the Best game with the Greatest graphics and it requires the MOST Strategy and Skill

Overwatch is quite simply, the best video game that has *ever* existed, it's a literal 10/10, it's the fucking CITIZEN KANE OF FPS, OKAY?

Overwatch is the best.

meant to post this, woops.

But yeah, so what game is worse than Overwatch? all of them.

Mods are asleep. Post best girl.

Yes, I'm offended your shit skinner box loot crate game exists


Oh no, two of my unlimited proxies
Whatever shall I do?

Its ok user, at least you can derail any other thread including the Paladins one.
Just dont derail this one.
Our glorious board owner willingly gave Blizzard money after all.

Its like 8 PM on the West coast

What even is the consequence of leaving a quickplay match? I do it all the time and never really noticed anything.

You stop playing a shit game

post fun multiplayer fps games


ai is dull as fuck
i've never seen camping in versus as bad in any other game as that

A good solo carry heroe is not so much about doing a lot of damage, instead it´s about negating the mistakes of your incredible retarded team, while doing a decent amount of damage yourself. So Zarya comes to mind or Reinhardt or Ana.


Athena when?

Game is in desperate need of Omnic pussy.

I would ask if anyone on this thread wants to group up for ranked but I don't think we have the organizational ability for it.

>implying the maps are linear enough for those to be effective

Athena isn´t an omnic as far as i know. She´s an AI programmed by moon monkey. But it´s speculated that Sombra could be a loli omnic.


I meant that you can't predict which corner they are sitting round removing the effectiveness of smokes. There aren't that many wide flanks to begin with.


If you know the maps well you can, depends how far you go from spawn.
Just smoke and make your teammates smoke everything.


Athena has a body, it's this which appeared in the original cinematic and in the Recall short.

Notice the Athena logo on her head and on her robo snatch.


That still doesn´t mean, that she´s an omnic though.

now theres jing wei

Reminder everyone that the shitposters are now gonna try to get fans of Overwatch and fans of Paladins into a flamewar so they can laugh about it and ultimately ask the mods to ban both from the thread because "they cause too much drama".

Reminder that the best way to avoid this and piss the shitposters is to keep playing the videogames you like and being polite with other people.

For instance: while I believe Paladins is not currently a better game than Overwatch, I can see the potential there and the oportunity to capitalize on it, as long as they differentiate both games strongly in order to avoid direct competition. While they seem to be abusing waifus even more than Overwatch for marketing, it's good to know they are avoiding a very p2w as well.

I wish Paladins fans all the best and that their game ends up as a good alternative to Overwatch so competitions forces both to be the best game they can be.
Something that TF2 desperatly needed all those 10 years…


Overwatch doesn't exactly have Robots or Androids. As in, I'm sure fabrics have the traditional realistic robot to work assembly lines, but every sapient robot is considered an Omnic, so if that body is the physical manifestation of Athena, an AI (and by definition of science fiction, sapient) then, she's an Omnic.

I honestly expect them to release at the same time as Sombra, with Athena being all about vision and information just like Sombra. But while one tries to hide it away from the enemy team, the other tries to share as much with her team, countering it.

If that ends up happening, then Sombra will most likely be an Omnic, Athena's counterpart for Talon.

Needed Genji Changes:

Swift Strike now requires an actual last hit for a reset rather than any elimination.

Swift Strike's base cooldown has been increased from 8 seconds to 12 seconds.

Fan of Blades will now trigger a 2 second cooldown on basic attacks, up from 1 second.

Deflect's duration has been decreased from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds and its cooldown has been increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds.



You're retarded. Unless she's made from an Omnium then she's not an Omnic

Have you considered getting good?
If he were to get changes these are what I'd advocate for

I really don't get the complains about Genji.

Especially his ult, that thing is second to Pharah's in getting its user killed when trying to use it and at 6 seconds you're strongly discouraged to try making use of Deflect during its usage since doing so eats up an entire third of the ult time now. I kind of think they should make it so you can interrupt your Deflect with the ult's primary fire.

Actually that or what says.

Are you able to carry a team or lead them to victory in the first place? don't misunderstand but, what would happen if one or more of them are asking you to tell them what to do?

Blizzard seems too eager to stop implementing stuff that would "hurt others feelings" as proven by their ggez filter and the 50/50 win ratio system.

He is kind of broken here and there, let's just say he is half-baked which made him too good at almost any job, for a flanker he has a toolkit that highly surpasses his role.


are you fucking insane? that basically gives him invincibility frames. actualy no, not just i-frames, it gives him a fucking super star

The fuck are you talking about?

Jing Wei is a teenager.

Teenagers are not lolis.

This is known.

Think it's worth using the Sit emote to hide for res? I could probably go completely unnoticed here. Second image is pointing to roughly where that hiding spot is relative to the point

Is there an animation that locks you there for a moment as you get up? I wouldn't trade the ability to get out in a pinch when you could just crouch.

There is, for about 1 second.

On the other hand

OW just updated for me, still no fucking patch notes, the fuck is wrong with Blizzard?

They always do that.


Note the reason I was able to sink in there is because I HAVE to crouch to stand on top, my head hits the ceiling when I emote and it forces me down.

I honestly can't even recognize that map.

Volkskya point B, the small health room next to the choke.

Probably not the best place to be on defense. Might work on attack

So does anyone in these threads ever party up for Competitive?

I don't want to solo queue. It's shit.

I have been OK in solo today, you wanna party up with a miserable silver? I can do that.

Anyone play on PS4?

inb4 I'm insisting on a lynching.

no thats not the definition you android.

She has the body of a 16 year old at the very least.

Her body is not childlike.

Here, here. There is nothing wrong with being attracted to 16+.

did you just called a google android you fucking google?


id agree if i saw her as 16. earlier teens are still within the gravitational pull of loli planet

The whole body suit texture and stuff makes me really want to squish those small boobs tbh.

widow is a disgrace. you cant be that old and have tits smaller than d.vas

Also, wallpapers.

Junkrat is disgustingly good at doing his sexy sit inside a wall to contest some points.
Hell, in Eichenwalde he can completly hide just before the first point.

I could see it working for Mercy, but usually a large res means you had a feeling of shit hitting the fan and ran for it while the enemy wombo'd your team.
I guess it'd make for a nice potg though, just chilling there while your team dies, then slowly getting up and ressing everyone.


who is the mysterious fourth starcraft?

I don't know.

maybe its the same guy as doomfist

Am I bad for choosing classes that require no aiming?
Cause I am shit at aiming, I played Mcree once, and I felt like I was shitting on the floor.
So I just instantly pick Rien, Mercy/Zen cause I can actually play with those. Really well I would think.

There is nothing wrong with practicing aim or characters on quickplay. Even if some people complain and shittalk you, there is no harm done compared to competitive. So if you want to git gud as McCree, why not just hop a few rounds into quickplay? You will notice that you get better and at some point you will be finally confident enough to pick him in competitive. If you just refuse to play him because you´re shit now, you will never get better.

No. You're still an asshole if you pick him when the team already has 3 dps or 2 other mccrees or he just doesn't fit the team comp in some way. Doesn't matter if the game gets rated or not because OW's a very competitively focused game. It's not like some of those custom cs/tf2 lobby servers with a 300 flag cap goal that never gets reached sadly. I miss just screwing around in these lobby servers the most. OW has no chill mode. Anyway, it's stupid to consider quick play to just be a "do whatever" mode in this game because you'll ruin the game for at least 5 other players. I don't queue into a highly competitive game so that I can get stomped in under 2 minutes and neither does no one else, not even the 3 hanzos on your team. they'll say it's just quick play, just have fun getting curbstomped cause your team has virtually no backbone but after you TP them off a cliff it's no longer fun and you shouldn't have fun, you should instead try to win.

If you really want to practice aim, make a custom match with headshots only, vs Ana bots.


The only thing i said is that it is alright to play heroes in quickplay with which you are not that good. I didn´t say that you should play with a fucked up team comp all the time.

yeah, I agree then.

Did they fix Roadhog's hook bug where your victim gets pulled to the right or left of your crosshair?

If you have any korean names just announce you're north korean and love kim jong un. They'll lose their composure.


I honestly wish they would actually make those joke arcade games, I'd be a lot more interested in Fighters of the Storm and the Siege thing than I am in Hearthstone or HotS.

You would think a fighting game would be natural for Blizzard considering how they want to cater to the MLG/Tournament crowd almost exclusively.


When I tried that the hitboxes were very funky. I'd constantly shoot right through her head. Maybe it's normal, but it's very weird.

The thread is dead. Long live the thread.