So, do you guys ever fag it up and wear vidya shirts in public?

So, do you guys ever fag it up and wear vidya shirts in public?

Other urls found in this thread:

Never ever. That's normalfag behaviour.

No, I don't wear t-shirts that have writing or have a picture on them. I saw a guy that had pic related on though.

Of course. Fuck what others think

I knew a kid who had a LoZ "find item" ringtone. I hadn't cringed that hard in a while.

Yes, i find nothing weird about it.



I remember seeing a guy who wore a Sonic 3D Blast shirt once when I was a kid. I thought it was cool, since I was a sanic autist as a kid. In retrospect, why the fuck would you wear a shirt for Sonic 3D Blast, of all sanic games?

Agreed, I don't understand what the problem is with gaming stuff. Someone has a ringtone based on a song? That's ok. Ringtone based on a game? "OMG WTF CASUAL FAGGOT"

Honestly I think anyone reacting to this shit with anything but indifference is a butthurt autistic faggot who needs to spend more time in their hugbox.

I have a shirt with the FOXHOUND logo on it. That's about it.

I don't even have any. What kind of fag wants to be a walking advertisement?

I saw a guy in public wearing pic related.

i'd wear graphic shirts if they all didn't look the exact fucking same




iz pretty polarized tbh monica

sum normal nycka could might b b wearing dat ish on some ironic ish or may rly rly lyk angry birds or sumn.

da mo niche shieet, lyk i seen dis hoe wearin sum bazinga shirt w/ dis tell tale lookin nigga on it idk tbh fam

but naw naw cuh i can't go out lookin lyk dat fam shit b gay af

most nigguhs in dis thread b lyin tho n got dat pokemon snap belt buckle on ryt fukkn nao tbh.


I wear a minecraft shirt, but only because it's the comfiest cotton shirt I have.



Fuck ya'll niggas, that shit's comfy as fug.




Go somewhere else.

I don't, but I would if I found one that was subtle and didn't look/feel like shit


I just wear plain shirts

I would if they were subtle and someone couldn't tell it was a video game/anime, pic related. Does anyone know where to find shirts like that?

I only do to a certain degree. What does and what doesn't can be a question of it's own. What does and what doesn't? What is and what isn't? An can only say for myself, but I can't say you can for either.


Where can I get this?

Thanks, I like some of these.
I used to wear gamin t-shirts but I started to care about what others thought for some reason Trying to get pussy so I went and got some shirts from zumiez, bullshit brands like Diamond and The Hundreds they are a size bigger than what the size is for some reason and felt horrible after i washed them like wet cardboard. Money well wasted but I learned something from it, just be yourself and you should always feel comfortable with what your wearing
Sage for blogpost.

I fucked up that spoiler, spoiler.

I was gonna slap this on a shirt and buy it, but I realized that since I live in the city, it might get me shot.

isn't that the one approved by anita?

Just wear it with a blue bandana and you should be fine :^)

I also heard that Anita likes cookies and milk.

I'm not going to let her stop me from getting things that I like. Just don't care and everything will be fine.

This. Don't limit yourself to liking/disliking stuff just because someone else shits it up.

If I'm gonna wear a vidya shirt, I want it to be subtle. (Something like Datadyne from Perfect Dark or Sariff Industries from Dues Ex)

Makes sense, real men like muffins and tea

Real fags you mean. Manly men only eat coffee and donuts.

You might as well be an Amish.

You fucked up

I have some shirts, my favorite is the Kamen Rider Black one.
I'm currently looking ones of Flandre and Mai Shiranui

The only problem i have is how small some pics on the shirt are like in the OP , only covering the chest part instead of having it in the whole shirt.

You mean pigs?

It would be better to be Rolf.

I see this all the time. Are you guys really that scares? What do you idiots where then?

I have a Super Mario Bros. mushroom shirt that I got from Target for $7. I also have SMB sweatpants that I wear on weekends to get beer because I don't give a shit what some trendy cunt or hipster thinks.


Is English your first language?


Not so surprising. Bulma is a popular porn pop culture figure. At least its usual seeing these kind of shirts here

Not really, mostly just comicbook ones because all the normalfags wear them.
I don't want to be the weirdo who stands out the crowd with his graphicless non-comicbook T-shirt.
Just don't wear a Flash one otherwise everyone will yell "Bazinga" at you.

if the motive is nice and the shirt dirt cheap I'd wear it wherever the fuck I want to

end your life, dmx

Got a pacman tshirt. That count?

Jesus fuck, what is this form of writing? I got angry from reading this.

he may have his offspring and gf, but I will NEVER stoop to wearing nerd shit in public. I don't have many standards being a shut in, but at least I can have some self-satisfaction knowing that I don't parade myself like an autist wearing my hobby as a banner for people I hate, being mostly everyone.

Yeah no it is not. But I try to speak as good as I can. But you understand right?

It's not my first language either nor do i have any kind of english lessons, i'm all self taught but at least i try to improve myself.


I can't for the life of me figure out what you were trying to tell me.

Necrodancer is really fun. Just because Silverstring media had some part in writing the plot doesn't change that.

Are you guys really that scared? What do you idiots wear then, I see people dressing up like this all the time.

It's pretty fucking easy to figure out.

That's better.
What is there to be afraid of?
Hawaiian shirts and shorts, even during the winter time.

No because I don't have autism.

I wear this kinda shit though, I like being able to pick and choose clothes that all match in 2 minutes on days that I do wear actual casual clothing. Which is not manys

A stahlhelm and lederhosen. Also weather permitting a trenchcoat.

/vr/ here, I want one

Are you the user who bought 10 copies of Towerfall and made a thread about "trolling Holla Forums" two years ago?


Your brother is going to fucking kill his kid, I'm not even joking.

No, I was just making a point about how you shouldn't hate things because someone you dislike likes it. Can't say I recall that thread or ever making such. Got any screencaps of it?

i'd wear this maybe

Where did you find that?

I bought this 2 years back.

I don't really wear it anymore though because Skullgirls died and Lab Zero started getting into the SJW shit.

I hope it's lewd hawaiian shirts.

Shirts made of comfortable materials>Shirts with decals>Regular shirts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Long sleeve shirts

It IS you, isn't it.

Also I like the Tarot-like design. Seconding

Called it when Runkachunk was hired as a VA.

i found it on amazon

I own all three starters
I wear them in public
how much of a faggot am I?

I had/have a Halo 3 shirt with just the MC's head on it in silver/gray but I got some sort of yellow stair right in the middle of it and it's not fit to wear.

I wish I could still wear it

You will fit in with all the normalfag pokemon go players.

join a club losers. you will never get laid

I wear shirts that I like to take low quality pictures of with my cat

I like my Wrath of the Lamb shirt.


You mean a regular Hawaiian shirt?

user I have no earthly idea what you're talking about.

Oh I see, this is your way of asking for attention

Sure thing Towerfag. You gonna buy 10 copies of Numaledancer next and claim you "trolled" us, redditor?

I like where this is going. Bully me harder.

I kinda want a polo or a regular t with this on the top left hand corner

What's it like to have donated at least $100 probably more, you cuck to Anita's scam?

I don't know, I never had any money to begin with.

Anyone know any good animal crossing shirts? I'm looking for something that's subtle, like a minimalist logo that only other fans would understand. Something that won't make me look gay like in pic related.

I looked it up and it's an extra item from the atelier meruru collectors edition. I found some sellers on eBay selling just the shirts though.

I checked shirt.woot daily for several years and ended up with around 30 shirts from that, some of which had video game references. Got a couple from the AGDQs as well.

user, nothing can make you look not gay, especially not an animal crossing t-shirt.

Just embrace your fruitiness.

Do non-niggers still get shot for looking like they're in nigger gangs?

Well there was that janitor who got shot for wearing purple last year. I forgot where it took place, but it's still pretty retarded.

Waluigi's Life Matters

The only shirt I would wear is a Metroid shirt, if it was obscure enough.

I imagine people with Undertale shirts should be everywhere by now


No, my mother still buys me my shirts and they are always either green or blue.

If I had any 2hu shirts, I'd wear them all the time. I've got a Madotsuki shirt though that I wear once in a while.

Friend got me this because I like playing fighting games, but, I mean, look at it. Look at this fucking thing, it's a trainwreck.

That's a legit good shirt.

Also I bought a pair of DOOM socks and didn't realize I gave Bethesda my money until I looked the the packaging closely. Kill me.

Zelda and TARDIS hoodies get bitches. It does help I'm reasonably attractive and capable of basic human interaction, seemingly unlike 90% of this board.

And why the fuck can't I upload more than 1 image at a time suddenly? Fucking gay shit.

I see those a lot at FUCKING GAMESTOP, along with a classic Mega Man shirt I bought for conventions and shit.

haha your a gay

I have one of these which I think is a bit less overt while still being borderline costume. I haven't worn it in a while but people at my old work thought it was cool.

not if i can help it. i dont like how the paint makes the shirt all stiff.

thats like when your grandmother gives you an aol trial cd because you like using the internet

You can find it at uniqlo 3 years ago i suppose.

I had one of those. Also had a Sonic 3 & Knuckles one, was 6 back then.
But Sonic was the shit back and then and so much autistic bait.

Muh nigger, I got one that looks like Tommy Vercetti's one.

you could swim in pussy for all I care, you still look like a tool
at least the mouth-breathing autists that wear that shit fit the look

and not so much*


you seem jealous

On a plus side, you have nice friends. On the other hand, your friends have shitty taste. Your life is a O.henry short story.

Post tits

I'm getting a Hatred T-shirt in the mail for winning a contest, should I wear it along with a trenchcoat to my college courses?

Go all the way through and start killing people on your campus. I´m bored and we didn´t have a school shooting in a long time.

I buy mature shirts for mature players as myself

If you actually wear that in public you should honestly consider suicide. Not even joking.


Avert the Male Gaze is shit, just listen to Nightstop or Killstarr instead.

I only wear wrestling shirts


I got one of these (it's light yellow instead of white though) and wear it every once and awhile. Most people just assume it's some weird avant garde design (I've had two compliments that came from people that would have absolutely no idea what Dark Souls or the Yaranaika face are). And the people that do recognize it sometimes make for decent friends just because we have something in common.

No vidya shirts, but I do have a mega milk shirt I wear a bit. Comfy but I need it hemmed.

post one tit

I read that as Haze Gaze

I have the hat. I wear it when I'm out running sometimes. I also listen to the ost

Video games lose their appeal when you're faced with survival in real life. It's not just as intense anymore when you realize there are literally no consequences to losing in vidya Only consequences for playing

Normalfags up to age 30 wear pokemon shirts to work on a regular basis. Don't be a normalfag


Post yourself wearing it.

I'd totally wear pic related if I could find a seller for it. A guy at my high school had one but I've got no idea where he got it and I have no way to contact him.

I like 3-5 but I have no idea what games 4 and 5 are from.

shit I need to buy this



well these are the only remotely subtle one, and even then that is a drastic overstatement. Why the fuck would anyone wear video game clothing in current year? You're begging to be attacked by "XD dank souls is haaaaaard" fags and the like.

I have a doom shirt i rarely wear.

Pretty much only thing I wear

That's a big sum of money.


For you.

This is the only vidya shirt I still wear in public. I've got a Sonic shirt and a Zelda shirt but neither are as subtle as this one.

i saw a dude in a yiff tshirt at a devo concert. some weird ass Japanese band called tripple nipple was opening and he was trying to talk to them, you could tell that was probably the most uncomfortable they had been in a long time. which seems weird for someone who would shove an entire box of strawberries into their mouth and spit it into the crowd.
theres a serial lain tshirt i want to get and i want to make one with pic related as a joke.

I have a protomen shirt if that counts. I actually really like it

I wear stuff like this. I konw it's not vidya, but it damn well should be.

I was thinking an artifact from prime or something.
I-is it really that bad of an idea?

I used to have this shirt and I'd occasionally wear it on school mufti days (casual Fridays for you Yanks). My schoolmates would invariably ask what going 'Zelda' on you would entail.

good god, please describe it. Also devo still tours? that's awesome.

Fuck, I realize that I meant subtle rather than obscure

Hah, gay

it was just an orange shirt that said yiff in white letters. so it wasn't like he had diaper porn on it but still. god damn.
and i dont think their touring anymore, bob 2 died in 14 and meyers died in 13. i managed to get a bob 2 guitar pick, but its with my parents right now.

only in shit schools man, i wore iron maiden shirts and didn't give a fuck. had a bloom county shirt for a while too, that was awsome.

In Britain most schools wear uniform, which is how it should be

I'd wear these if I had them.

Nice, but to aggro for my taste.

I'd have a massive boner through out all school days.

Honestly I'm surprised nintendo didn't try to make the clothing in splatoon merchandise. It's designs could be worn without looking like an autist. I know they had the special event shirts, but with 30 shirts being decent for public wear, that arent repeats or general clothing that anyone can make, I don't get what they are thinking. Then again modern nintendo is brain dead so no surprise.

it seems like nintendo is trying to self destruct.

No it just needs to have a big logo so people know you played and liked SPLATOON BUY IT TODAY.

I'm an edgelord

I used to have this minecraft shirt on back when it was popular. also my mom got me a shirt with "play me" on it and a NES controller.

it was ok.

is this real? why pay so much for a belt`? you cant even see most of it aside from maybe the belt buckle.

I have a few vidya shirts that I wear as undershirts for my work/dress shirts.
I try to be in public as little as possible, and even less wearing just a t-shirt.
I have a Mighty No 9 t-shirt that came with the kickstarter. Only thing that I paid for that those fucks actually delivered.

So that other people who spend five hundred dollars on a belt recognize that you spent five hundred dollars on a belt.


I saw a guy at a My Little Pony convention wearing pic related and overheard him talking about how few of these shirts exist and how rarely someone recognizes it.

would you?


Yeah sure let's fucking strike up a conversation about how great truck-titted egg-shitting futas are.

Now that the fall season is kicking in, yeah. I got a replica James Sunderland jacket and a Leon Kennedy jacket from RE4. normalfags ask me all the time where I got the Sunderland one. I have a few vidya tees, but I try to keep them low key or subtle. Promoting in-game locations (Heaven's Night, Grillby's, The Stray Sheep) tend to be safe bets, though places like Junes have no subtlety.

The only things I ever wear are my official Holla Forums battlegear so I can be ready to combat the jewish menace at all times

sans doesnt wear a white jacket. jesus christ these chinese ripoffs always get the most basic shit wrong


I got these but the fags running the site are gay hipsters and the shirts are tighter than what I was expecting. I feel like I'm too old for tight ottermode shirts. They work with a jacket, I guess.

It's not even the right fucking belt, the buckle is wrong and there are too many keepers.

Does this count?


My friend got this at a Goodwill but it was too small so he gave it to me. I've never worn it outside the house


This shirt I got from a free coupon on Jinx back in like 2009. Comfy as fuck.

I'd wear a vidya shirt if it was subtle and actually looked good.

The James Sunderland one ain't coming back, but the Leon Kennedy one is really cheap, like $90. The inside is cozy as fuck, but don't expect it to keep you warm with the bottom ending above the beltline.

You're making me angry.
I don't know whether or not you're baiting but you're making me angry.

The one time I went to PAX there was someone wearing Vivian James colours.

Where the fuck do you live?!

Now this is some top tier quality b8, m8

It made me giggle but the best bait is indistinguishable from actual retards. Noone was going to fall for that, so I don't even see it as bait. It's more just parody of retards as opposed to imitation of them.

Alright you triggered me. Fuck you

Hey /int/


Only vidya shirt I own


Glimpsing the thumbnail it looked like human bodied Knuckles with a ripped ass.

me walking around with my cat is not very subtle, people have noticed.

I'd wear some subtle ones.

r8 my shirt

It's OK/10

I haven't worn it in public yet. Think people will think I'm in some military program? I'm a water drinker so I'm not your average fat Holla Forumsirgin.

I'm not sure what you are implying here user


I don't know how you don't understand. I'm a water drinker, as in I drink H20, exclusively. Corn syrup, carbonation, simple sugars, haven't touched my tongue in years. Pure water, and not that mineral shit either. Tap water filtered through a charcoal filter, sometimes distilled when I'm feeling a bit on edge. Always with ice. And never a snack, not when I'm playing a game anyway. Sometimes after I beat a game I'll treat myself to icecream but that's it. I'm as healthy as an field fed ox. I think that shirt compliments my figure well, but we'll see if I get any compliments when I step out in public.

I can't think of a single extant federal gun control law the NRA didn't endorse.

I know you. Your dad is bald.

of course not

Lots of dads are balds.

Oh yeah and this exists.

Yeah, but your dad is cooler.

my dad is the coolest.

4 has Prinnies on it, originally they're from Disgaea but that shirt was made because someone was speedrunning Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero?

5 is just a star from Mario mixed with Iron Man's Arc Reactor.

So who the hell are you, you're making me nervous. You can't know me because I have no friends.

Calm down dude, like your dad just gave me class on 3Dmax, that's it. It's probably not even you.

I got a bunch, but I only really wear them when I go to conventions or tournaments


and that's it

That's a girl's shirt

l o n d o n

Hope I didn't scare ya, user. Your dad is pretty cool, tho.

At the bare minimum your shirt shouldnt say the game's name on it and the best shirts are ones that don't even look like they're about a game unless you've played it

I have this one instead and this fox beanie.
I didn't buy them though, a bunch of classmates got them for me for my birthday back in highschool. I wear both because they're comfy and they're pretty minimalistic.

My dad's an engineer bruh. You don't know me.

Damn… I like the darker one, it's a bit more subtle. Although black and yellow is a good combination. Black and grey is meh. Cool hat.

It's ok, satan, he's still cool and bald.

just for (you)

Had a friend in high school who wore this, an ishimura shirt, and a dark souls shirt.
Of course I wasn't really into vidya back then so I didn't realize he was a homosexual.