#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Going For The Classics Edition



- Spread the Trello leaks via the #HackHarassment hashtag
- pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated June 3rd)
3. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ gamergatewiki.com ]


- oneangrygamer.net/2016/09/wikipedia-admins-filibuster-crash-override-network-page-to-bury-chat-leaks/11772/
- twitter.com/icejournalism/status/758023920918421505
- twitter.com/mombot/status/763725521628700672
A guy filed a copyright strike on a Kotaku piece, Univision got on Kotaku's ass, had them remove most of the pictures, and linked back to the post that Kotaku was copying.


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
• Use tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted;
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
• Operation Prime Rib: v.gd/ChMVI8 (stacks with above for x2 damage);
• Operation DigDigDig: v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption);
• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
• Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
• An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: v.gd/HTjBk3
• Support List: v.gd/bFfDrJ
• Boycott List: v.gd/eYq9go




Other urls found in this thread:




alright this time lets hold the shitposting until the bump limit, ok?

First for Vivian


Well well well, look who lost for once! I WIN VIV

don't forget the mighty meme frog


Wrong answer, do i have to remind you your place, my little bitch?

I wrote emails today

Good for you. What do you seek, a cookie?

Sry for offtopic but this is just too good




You can hear all those students she fucked over by cancelling Legends of the Gaming Industry crying

old bread: archive.is/soUPp

no, other people doing emails too would be nice tho


Expecting mediocre anime adaptation.

Shitpost to 350

post cakes!

God I fucking love Clarke.

'tis requires the spoiler


Fucking faggots.

or we post as always animus.

Is this >her? >She was at Anita's patrician party

Watch them cry about not getting police escorts though. Shit's gonna be hilarious.

No, that's just some random butch

And what will be my only off topic post ITT: Have you paid your respects to Clay Martin Croker yet? Guy helped make early Toonami and Adult Swim, now he's gone. Going to miss the voice of Moltar and Zorak.


That's a game Vivian doesn't mind losing

Yeah, I did last night.

Ironically, I tuned into Adult Swim last night, figured I'd watch some Toonami since I had nothing better to do.

An hour later, the news broke out among Clay's friends that he had died.

But surely it's just another coincidence, just like with Matsuki, Prince, Bowie, Rickman, etc

who is this?

That's what gets me.

What the flag represents goes beyond what most people know, the flag's history, hell our very freedoms are steeped in sacrifice and blood.

And these over-paid, over-privileged babies are taking a knee during the anthem to defend a bunch of stupid niggers who got their asses shot for being retarded, keep in mind they never mention the antics of their own like the numerous riots BLM has caused.

So yea fuck these people, hope the cops tell them to fuck off.


working on some too, mail server was down or slow

yeah u-uhm about that, i-i don't think this is working this time.

Your shilling is pathetic.

This thread is entirely shit posting at this point.

You know all this shit really exposed how the far right is just as bad as the far left.


Who fucking cares if they are sitting down or kneeling. It really shows how bad mindless over-patriotism is.

When I was in school, sometimes i didn't stand for the pledge. Did that mean I don't care about the soldiers that fought for my freedom? Fuck no. Would those faggots who are complaining rather them block highways and block students going to class? They are literally bothering no one but people who are OFFENDED.

This whole thing is fucking stupid.

shilling or shitposting. Who can tell the difference here?


I dunno. Some random drawfag probably drew it. Have another.

But that isn't new.

Is this all one series?

They say one of the definitions of a tyrant is the person you can't talk about, sort of like how anyone who talks about Hillary in anything but glowing terms is either found dead or loses all their revenue.

Hell Dr. Drew mentioned Hillary's health once and had his show canceled and now he's afraid of going on Herman Cain's podcast cause of it.


Shut the fuck up

Their reasons for protesting the flag is retarded

"Oppressive to Black people" american blacks are the most successful blacks on the planet but we got Multimillion earning half whites speaking on our behalf like they didn't get everything served to them on a silver platter

Go to fucking brazil if you want to see a country oppressing black people Kerpatrick cock sucker

america is not


Way to prove how right he is in saying you're no different than the far left.


Do we know anyone from USC?

Actually user, for a lot of people that's exactly what that means. The difference here is that you weren't on live television, being broadcast to all of the people who would have told you that.

It's not really about the pledge, it's about giving strength to criminals and force us up into a full race war. Most of those killed were thugs practicing some crime, they don't deserve being lauded as some sort of heroes

Thats nothing, troops dont call them vets, they were mostly shits who went to afghanistan or iraq were applauding this shit.
Its one of the reasons why if war is declared I will probably betray canada depending on who we are told to side with.

Enjoy his company.

This nigga gets it.

But isn't that what America is about? Bending your knee to criminals?

Their reason is retarded. I'm saying the whole thing is blown out of proportion because people like you are offended. Let them do it. Why the fuck do you care so much?

With great memetics comes great responsibility. So I ask you to use your memes responsibly. And consider watching the next televised debate but watch and concentrate your memes on candidate Klintaan.

Don't forget those niggers have killed more of themselves than any white person in the name of protesting.

Truly brilliant.

Niggers are like retarded children.

Fuck you

& fuck them & Kerpatric thats why you fucking nigger

I got Half whites telling me Im oppressed by whites & the police would kill me for looking at them wrong when my mother got helped by the cops for a wellness check & took her to the ambulance

So yes people telling me these people are monsters & decrying my country a country that won't throw me in jail for wrongthink unlike the europoor faggots is insulting

I'm going to sound like Holla Forums here, but those are not half whites. One parent probably has the nose, and the noses are so susseptable to their own propaganda that they have laws to punish those who fall for it in isreal.

Jesse Williams mom is swedish

& jews don't fuck niggers often


Fair enough, but obongos mom has the nose.

Reminder that defeatist shills wants people to be apathetic and their familiar call will be that of despair, along with a faggoty plea of 'why do you care so much'.

Shes old money

Shes like related to lots of previous presidents

Like bush

What really gets me are the whites that jump on board with this shit. All the white BLM strike me as whites trying waaaay too hard to prove they're not racist. Virtue signaling at it's finest.

Somewhat related story, recently I got a black girl working for me on my overnight crew. We hit it off really well, and she's a hard worker. Kinda slow, but she does a good job. Loads better than my previous blue haired overnighter, lazy bitch. My other overnighter spent the first whole night going on about all the black friends he supposedly had throughout his life, went on and on about how much he likes black people. It was so embarrassing. Girl started laughing halfway through the night. And of course the fucker is a bit of an SJW. Funny thing is, me and her get along great. But him? He can't talk to her without acting like he's walking on eggshells. He won't even call her black, he exclusively says "african american."

All these SJWs, it's all they're doing.

>"Look at me! I'm not racist! Not like those other icky white people! I won't genocide you!"

Yeah it's insulating, but I look at it this way, it's their right. Fags like Kerpatric and flag burners and shit like to think they're making points about what's wrong with America with their little virtue signalling stunts but the irony is that the very country they aim to insult allows them to do so without fear of retaliation or harm. They claim they're oppressed with their temper tantrums but nothing could be further from the truth by the simple fact that their antics are tolerated.

So while all those fags were kneeling showing blatant disrespect to the flag of a country that allows them to make millions a year playing a ball game on the anniversary of the most significant event in recent American history, I was watching an eagle fly by as the anthem was sung followed by a flyby of A-10 Thunderbolt IIs over the stadium knowing that more people love and respect my country than don't; I'm not even mad.

So basically the media is every bit as corrupt as ever. Shocker that.

Yeah, and most of them are mixed from many places including isreal. Just to isreal, they are usable mongrals all the same

Proclimations like that that cannot be backed with actions, only inactions, seem to usually be untrue.

Does he see black people as pokemons and he's going to catch them all as a socjus diversity trainer?

>I can say things!


On 19th September, the Pastebin articles for the CON leaks vanished.
By default, Pastebin saves ALL articles permanently.

This means either:
- It recieved so many reports it was pulled.
- CON used them (through nepotism or threatening) to get the article pulled.

Either way, do NOT use pastebin anymore.


It was never safe you dolt, it was always too easy to get shit removed from there

I'm a shill for not giving a shit? I really regret even replying to that post. I always hate when these threads turn into Holla Forums lite and get fucking derailed with the BLM nonsense and Trump vs Hillary bullshit.

I really enjoyed Holla Forumsfags autism over my post though.

Is that your account? That shit is hilarious. I love when SJW's take its tweets seriously and agree with that bullshit.

Stuff to fart









Is anybody even doing anything anymore? I know it's the weekend but every GG front is way too dead

Naw, I just screencapped. I actually did make a parody account like Godfreys before, but I found out it would take too much work and lost interest.

No, not really, the majority of people that are left, that aren't devs/journo's whom actually get shit done, are just a bunch of limp wristed chuckle fucks having twitter slap fights with equally retarded socjus dipshits looking to "virtue signal" their battle of wits via screenshots of how they totally TOLD that one nobody.

It's really depressing now. It's really only even alive anymore because the media keeps talking about it.

Sheeit, I thought GamerGate was dead. I haven't been a part of this shit since May 2015. Since then, I've taken refuge on 4/pol/ which has gone to shit.

Wew lads


DEAD !!!

I'm keeping the pastebin leak so we can see what got fucked and what didn't.
Hell, maybe you want to re-upload them to pastebin to prove a point.
Or ignore pastebin entirely.
Whatever works.

Main chat Part 1
Pastebin: pastebin.com/Ds8ffjbC
Archive: archive.is/G2531

Main chat Part 2
Pastebin: pastebin.com/4m7Eifgk
Archive: archive.is/zhuD5

Main chat Part 3
Pastebin: pastebin.com/i4CqJ18T
Archive: archive.is/iRR4f

Main chat Part 4
Pastebin: pastebin.com/pCa5QdB4
Archive: archive.is/hXGRb

Main chat Part 5
Pastebin: pastebin.com/Dnshjygc
Archive: archive.is/RIUi7

Main chat Part 6
Pastebin: pastebin.com/XUcNkgWu
Archive: archive.is/gKMzL

Main chat Part 7
Pastebin: pastebin.com/ms6dJDrs
Archive: archive.is/2h0dG

Main chat Part 8
Pastebin: pastebin.com/hsmLfEek
Archive: archive.is/zFazS

Main chat Part 9
Pastebin: pastebin.com/RuzQ8rSx
Archive: archive.is/as22v

Main chat Part 10
Pastebin: pastebin.com/gc47UJKy
Archive: archive.is/d2eWz

Serious chat (short)
Pastebin: pastebin.com/emCc8aDN
Archive: archive.is/kqGOm

Serious chat (long)
Pastebin: pastebin.com/8uRrd3EY
Archive: archive.is/3J6Dg

Pastebin: pastebin.com/QkfLCA8m
Archive: archive.is/eBVCb

7zip of all files: mega.nz/#!lsMz3DxQ
Pw: is7X8ThzzMC7CL2VtAvd

Spread it far and wide!
Send it to the people who praised them. If they do nothing- send it to their advertisers!

Send it to people who are on their side. If they do nothing- send it to their advertisers!

Send it to Twitter shareholders straight off the bat! Use $TWTR in a tweet- TWTR is Twitter's stock code, and $ acts like # for stocks on social media.

Turn SJW's name into mud!

Listen to this user!

Where do you think we are?

Then again, is it because of the mod staff and influx of shills that made you return to 4/pol/, among other things?

Gamergate can never truly die. People can stop posting but SJWs and the regressive left built it into folklore tier territory.

You're gonna still here about Gamergate years from now; if SJWs have kids they'll tell them about the gamergate boogieman that steals little girls' souls and lives under their bad

Isn't he just a PR monkey

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

They will tell their wife's son who is undergoing corrective treatment to become a xhe, at most.

what about this user

You know how these people like to boost their ego

wtf is gamer gate anyway?

what does this have to do with video games?

Kuchera has 5 kids I think.

More CON related articles.
You'll need to dig through One Angry Gamer and William's tweets to FaRT the original source (which is better for trending/getting it noticed in tweet feeds??)





> Gamergate never harassed Anita Sarkeesian according to CON




And the last few pictures I saved.

I'm surprised they haven't killed themselves

You have .50 deposited to your account

Just caught up on that today. Not quite as left field as some series, but given the death of the lead female, as well as another leading female, I'm not sure why they are going full shounen filler with a tournament arc. They already gave some hint that the sister is dead/going to end up an old lady from her stunt.

It is an alright manga series on the whole.

If it amuses you, user, kneeling can be seen as a sign of submission.

Its also the laziest fucking way to do something. With any luck, most of these fucks will get destroyed by the alimony monsters lurking in their bedrooms.

He's got 5 kids to feed?

Washington Examiner article as well.

Is it an h series? Could I get a name?


It is not an H series, though it comes pretty damn close, and I've noticed that the artist has been becoming more bold as of late.

Good morning fellas. So, what's up with our feminist and SJW friends as of late?

Holy shit his wife sure loves to have sex with black men


This is the sort of shit that starts wars.

Syrians don't have to be their audience anymore.


Fuck, we should have had swiss pacts decades ago. We need swiss pacts after this. Fuck everything.

Listen to this user



NISA damage control soon

Did you miss the part where they fucking abused the legal system, Rami?

Jim fatass Sterling thrown under the potato bus! wew!


I know it's Fagtheory, but he mentions how game bloggers, AKA Kotaku, polygon, SJW fags are helping to set laws that govern the games industry, and the making of fan games.

Worth a watch, and it's a webm. Don't bully.

unless there is subtitles I ain't clicking that shit. I heard that guy's voice once; never again

Yeah no, sorry. I don't care if we happen to agree on this topic. Not after the Phoenix Wright shit.

How much do you wanna bet me that that fag doesn't even have sex with his own lady, if he has one?

Well they're not wrong, journos are working as gatekeepers, we've already had numerous not come out here plus all the censorship and yea, everytime a big outlet covered a fan game like AM2R it would get DMCAd.

So, How about we start faxing some Pepes over to Hillary's campaign?

The chat in star trek online is pure fucking cancer, I swear.

S.E.V.A. masterrace.

Sad thing is, the USA is the freest country in the world, by a large margin. A large, massive margin.

Start Trek is pure fucking cancer, I swear.
*fixed it for 'ya.

[currentyear] never should have been allowed to happen.


Nice find. Do we know anything about LA Mag?

Explain, nigga.

I don't know, but it's fishy she went from not having any PR since the Legends of Gaming thing (this was April, mind you), to suddenly being Woman of the Year. I know it's an LA mag, but none of the dots are connecting logically for me

I bet she paid that LA mag to get that.


That was my first thought and the second was "with taxpayer money", but we don't know anything about it. The editor could be a friend of hers or something.

BTW, possible happening in progress: Twitter Sued by Investor for Failing to Deliver on User Growth
bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-09-17/twitter-sued-by-investor-for-failing-to-deliver-on-user-growth archive.fo/UaM4i

It's as if banning popular users and censoring the site like it's China caused user growth to slow for some unknowable reason.

Nah, i think they are so pozzed that they do it just to spite the evil nerds out there.

I just sat here and watched as 4 SJW cock sucking faggots teamed up on anyone that disagreed with them in Star Trek online, spewing nothing but pure insanity and madness.

>Trump is the fucking devil! He'll open death camps! All he does is lie! Hillary is in the lead! 50 points ahead! SATAN MUST BE STOPPED!!!!


Anyone that tried to engage them got reported, or so they claim.


Yup, they're not hiding it anymore, even at the Emmy's.

Jeffrey Tambor is a real human bean

Soundsl like one of them. Then again, awards are always shit.

Yea all 3 of them.

Silly trannies, you have to earn those things


The ape is loose.

Bingo. And it has to be both interesting and truthful, which they never are.

But even Harambe wasn't safe when he was stuck in cage!

meritocracy?? UGH TRANSPHOBE

So I don't watch the news, does anyone know if the media covered the Minnesota stabbings? Cause it was a mudslime and the person that stopped it was a law abiding gun carrying citizen.

And archived.

so brave

meant for

Nope. Nothing of it in the Sacramento market.


Game Theorists are cancer. Essentially what they do is make up really stupid and dumb "theories" about games that seem KUH KUH CRAZY (what if the stupid Skeleton from Undermeme was actually Ness lolololol) in order to produce shocked reactions so their 12 year old fanbase goes "duuuuude!" and then proceeds to descend on every forum that's remotely related to the subject of that game, shill the video and then talk about how smart Mattpat is for coming up with this idea.

Anyway, he did one about Ace Attorney recently that claimed that Phoenix Wright was the real villain of the series…because he took a wiretap from a witnesses room as evidence. Anyway, his points made it clear he hadn't played more than two hours of the game and when actual fans of the series pointed out why his theory made no goddamn sense he proceeded to do what he always does and threw a shitfit ("Oh yeah, Ace Attorney, those games every claims to love but no one has played"). Keep in mind this guy has been told by the creators of Five Nights At Freddy's and Undertale that his theories are dumb and wrong, but it just makes him sperg harder.

Any time he makes a video about a series you can guarantee online discussion about it is going to take a hit in the intelligence department.

He's a menace, and so are his videos.


I see things like this and think we are in a computer program

We probably are, and its going rampant.

After every sleep, you start a new session in a slightly altered universe with whatever progress you've made. It's not "we" that is in a computer program, it's (You).


You're cool.

Funny how a barely cohesive group of individuals are doing journalism better than journalists.
I would like to see SkinCube draw the DF sisters.

I'm not going to even bother listening in order to make a transcription.

Anyone triggered by the green and purple ship yet?

I'd say the funniest joke I've heard from the Emmys is "The one thing we love more than diversity besides money is patting ourselves on the back for promoting diversity."

Isn't it always NISA damage control time?

Live2D DF sisters when?

My GAAAAAME theory is that MatPat is a grown up version of THAT kid, who's completely oblivious to the fact that he's creating an entire generation of THAT kids, and doesn't realize that everyone fucking hates THAT kid.

Between this and the green-screen glitch-out from one of her speeches, I'm beginning to think Hillary is a Patriot AI. Has anyone tried giving her scissors?

Reminds me of ScrewAttack's Death Battle

Anotha one

You mean "which character is the writer's favorite?"

a meteor would be too good for us

am i cherrypicking yet


Results by Jewish Gematria
pandora 236 414 69 1233
black people 236 588 98 1172
dance of the dead 236 570 95 591
signs 236 408 68 931
laugh 236 294 49 837
ginger bear 236 516 86 782
islam clock 236 588 98 753
the hidden hand 236 624 104 743
ariel plan 236 528 88 598
mock them 236 528 88 369

Results by English Gematria Results by Simple Gematria
tianjin 799 462 77 800
troll 270 462 77 791
animus 370 462 77 690
condemned 181 462 77 682
research 272 462 77 681
shame her 227 462 77 674
green man 208 462 77 1074
jeheshua 917 462 77 1073


It's entirely ridiculous shit to try and reconcile the insane OP shit that each character does in their respective world. Sure they can pretend they're scientific by calculating the land speed of a Goomba or whatever, but fuck, the amount of autism it would take to actually balance everything out, they're not even close. They just seem content with shitting out GAYME THEORY levels of garbage, ignorant of the retardation they foster in fans, and unwittingly, themselves

Not yet, but somebody recognised my character being a reference to Vivian James. I think he was one of ours though.


I don't get it. What am I supposed to see here?

Its Hillary agreeing that she should be sent to prison

he said "Hillary for prison"

Those fucking eyes, what the fuck? They're not working right or something, they are going all over the place.

Oh, it really sounds like President, that's probably what she heard.

I also heard "president"

It's Parkinson's

that's the joke

This part was already known. MatPat, whatever the intentions, does not represent the science aspects of his theories in a genuine manner. But he also has admitted he's jew-like in his purpose: getting attention and networking. I only dropped him when he never stopped sucking on FNAF's dick.

Your case is pretty clear, tho. MP as stated is an idiot doing it for clicks. Some of the shit is fun so long as you don't engage fandom (which is the number one fucking rule of fandom in the first place break it at your own risks). I have my own reservations about the Ace Attourney series on a whole but I just ignore the thing. Shame to hear he's about as thick skinned as Egoshitor, Dobson, and the rest of the retard e-rembrandts.

he is either vaati tier and takes advantage of other peoples hard work or just bullshits into existence the most stupid of things. He also gave the Pope tumblrtale for whatever reason.

Different kind of poison. Preemptive sage for off-topic. I don't care who you are or what your willpower. If you had a moment in your childhood to stack action figure against action figure, you're predispositioned to tune into shit like Death Battle and there's nothing you can do about it aside of not tuning in. But even then you're going to succumb. There will be a stupid power levels thread, Flash can beat x thread, or something that will draw your attention. Because it's a base instinct we've had (at least in Murica—not sure what the rest of the world grew up with) since we were brats about who's hero can beat who's hero.

All they did was monetize the fuck out of a basic instinct. I can't call them faggots for that. I CAN call them faggots for having Tifa job to that blond bimbo from that tension-deficit show RBWY. Cause not only was it bullshit, it was a cop out pissy final flag to a man that was cuckmurdered by a shebeast landwhale.

That and fucking googly eyes.


You explained it far better than I could

You can call them faggots on most of their reasoning. I don't remember when I dropped them. Somewhere in between Starscream's loss and the Goku vs Superman shitfest


Because we already spread it as much as we could.

Its like the gamejourno pro stuff, eventually it lost its impact.

guilty, but fuck I did emails today and I've got only one functioning arm currently

we can only fart effectively so much. The CON leaks are a really good piece of information, but we need something better to do with it besides just farting it and spreading it on Twitter.

There was that #ONA16 thing that nobody saw coming. There's probably other tech conferences about to happen and nobody is looking for new audiences to send the con shit.

what dimension are you from? Emmy's have always been pozzed.

You are aware the ONA hashtag was a damn near dead hashtag we took very easily probably because it was so dead.

These people spread these blockers around like crazy, we need new blood or something cause our reach is being diminished.




Here you go.

Is that even possible?
At this point, I would've guessed that people would've tapped into every community and forum to tell folks about the pro-GG side of things.

Also, archive:


is this a form of meme magic?


It was near dead because the award happened between sep 15 - 17 and people noticed it on the last hours. My complaint is that maybe if everybody takes a moment to check here and there we can avoid missing opportunities to show the leaks and other gg related stuff. There was also the #NationalVideogamesDay thing that we could have used to spread the deepfreeze entries and all the other retarded shit the gaming press does

that's something already

m8, spoiler: you can only spread SO MUCH inside an echo chamber. Twitter's GG section is full-on an echo chamber. Aside of the honest blip of trending that gets quickly beaten back down by trend tampering, I'm not sure what you hope to see. 4k retweets about the CON shit? I'd love for it, too.

Good luck getting past the news on trolling Hilary, what Trump had for dinner, the Emmys, Tokyo Game Show, and just general Sunday boredom.

Also stop relying on ecelebs to do the work for you.

I've been emailing every news organization or professional organization that has commented or has an open case file or has put out something even tangentially related to gg or CON.

Imagine the hell that would happen if giving a game a vote on Steam Greenlight meant it was a preorder.

This, we don't have the manpower of the old days, there's a reason we're more of a consumer watchdog group now.

less trash would get through that way
good idea

I don't remember posting anything about ecelebs

the only jaggoffs doing an lol show me ur x on the list right now is the panda & crew.

That's actually not a bad idea.

The only person who rivals this guy in faggotry is his parody account made by that SJWeeb and Gaijin hunter.

I think our problem is that these organizations won't pick up on this, and they are getting more effective at quarantining us. Which is a key part of their strategy, to quarantine the majority so SJWs appear to be the majority instead.
I appreciate you getting on emails, we need more people like you.

Not that I care—let 'em have their stupid fun. Hell I'm fancying a fap right now but can't get that done cause lost my fodder in the fucking mega folder that's too many fucking gigs tall.

Please stop. I don't need this to become meme magic.

makes a lot of sense too.
of course you could always cancel.

Yeah but have you seen the bullshit that has slipped through greenlight?
Its like saying "Okay we will let this in but someone has to buy it"

I pointed it out because that's what popping on my screen that isn't trump or emmys. I'm not shitting on everyone and being a whiny bitch (at least wasn't' my intention), I'm just trying to push people a little bit to pay more attention to stuff related to GG. That's all


So many people are asshurt about the new SMT game being sexist or some garbage.



Valid. Most of what I do is what you just said. Censor topic crosses my feed, I boost it. I know a bit, I say a bit. Journo shit crosses, boost it.

I sound like a whiny fag but I'm in your shoes too. that and I'm cross about losing this fapbait.


I think it's a given that nearly all of them were streamers going "WHO WANTS TO SEE THE WORST MOBILE RPG EVER?"

the one that just gave you the award?
the one that produced her show for 3 seasons?
even despite getting some of the lowest ratings of any program, they continue to push it?

“Transparent” season two averaged a 0.68 rating among adults 18-49 and 1.49 million total adult viewers.
Among the other half-hour streaming originals that out-rated “Transparent” were Netflix’s “The Ranch” (4.34, 9.54 million); “F is for Family” (3.47, 7.01 million); “Master of None” (3.28, 5.85 million); “Love” (2.18, 4.09 million); “Flaked” (0.97, 2.07 million); and “With Bob & David” (1.04, 1.98 million); as well as Hulu’s “The Mindy Project (0.88, 1.63 million).

fucking retards patting themselves on the back for doing less than minimal effort and getting their participation trophies acting like they accomplished something worthwhile.

I let them know their has been an update to their story and to place the new evidence in their files etc, and to consider updating their viewers or readers etc. Not expecting much but they will not be able to deny that they were made aware in future pieces that contain legal ramifications brought upon them. There are quite a few major pieces still left to drop and the fallout from those might ensnare a few.

I think that would solve a lot of problems. Not only would it deter shovelware devs botting, but also the "free copies for upvotes" bullshit.

There's the Austin Game Conference 2016 happening sep 21 - 22 and it have the IGDA fingers on it


>either everyone who voted on greenlight has to pay for their upboats please god no

Just fucking bully me. I don't deserve to shitpost with you faggots anymore.

It's ok. I forgive you. I won't bully you.


where is the rest of his legs?

You forgot one.

To add to this he's known more for gamergate than his time at bioware.

A vast amount of the games there are better than Kingdom Hearts and it's guilty of many of the same sins people chastize those games for and worse ones, except for the Order, it's objectively better than that thing.



controlled disposal most likely

no they are not a vast majority of them are tripple A console garbage

shit talk KH all you want but at the very core it still has good gameplay and looks great and was pretty unique take on the generic Square RPG
almost every game on his shelf is marios and shooty tooties and cenimatic garbage and made by ubisoft


Its fine, it was intentional but totally not terrorist related.

What a fucking faggot. Fucking artfag?

What is the userbase for that site? They just seem to attack anything and try to make lulz out of nothing.

Good gameplay my dick, it has shit gameplay at it's absolute best, it tries to mix action combat with an rpg system and end up half assing them both, nothing in that game is stand out except the sheer amount of autism on display, maybe the intro cinematics and themes that go with them. I don't even like most of the games on display and I hate at least half but Kingdom Hearts is shit.

go to bed 9volt

That's something sensitive you dummy, a spin-off that really angry ex-goons made, their life's mission is to destroy and expose goons.

Their the ones that exposed the pedo among, mod by the name of Aatrek.

Something sensitive

I'll go to bed just after I finish ploughing your Waifu


go to bed 9volt

that's enough twitter for you


Why don't you both shut the fuck up already


Nice thanks for making me aware, it is good to see those animals cannibalise their own.

Not seeing the issue here.

no need to be ableist tho

go to bed birdfaggot


Bronyism is like the go-to accusation OTI these days. I almost feel bad for them sometimes.

Wew lad

Either the NY bombs were a smokescreen to take the news attention off the US basically openly working with ISIS by bombing a Syrian defensive point.

Or its the start of plan to enact martial law to keep Trump out of office.

Could go either way.

Isn't that an oxymoron?

King nigger is not going to enact marshal law, its not possible.

You'd be surprised how possible it is. All BLM has to do is show up with guns, literally start murdering everyone they see in several cities, and because he's black and because his worthless opinion somehow matters, the media will push for him to stay President while saying that martial law is a necessity.
What those power-hungry retards don't realize is that it'll start a Civil War.

He cannot start martial law in all 50 states and BLM doesn't have those kinds of numbers.

Man, I remember when Clinton was going to use FEMA to declare martial law and cancel the 2000 elections. People say this shit at the end of every administration.

Marshal Law no, Martial Law you need an executive order, basically a Presidential decree that doesn't have the deal with congress.

America is a constitutional Dictatorship after all. Kind of like wikipedia.

But as I said, could just be a smokescreen to take the news away from basically admitting they supported isis the whole time.

BLM isn't an army, Obama has the army to be the army. Not sure whether I'm even opposed to a civil war though, maybe it would improve the country?



Why would Obama call BLM terrorists? He had meetings with them. No. I'm sure if there wa sa decision to enact Martial Law, it would be due to 50% of Americans obviously being secret Nazis due to Pepe.

I heard the new world trade center buildings are just the right height to set a nuke off on the top of for maximum damage.
Wouldn't be surprised if (((they)))'re going to nuke degeneracy central to get obongo in a third term or start ww3 with russia or some other orwelian bullshit.
Keep an eye out for jews leaving nyc en masse.

You're missing the point. He doesn't have to call them terrorists. It's just a (((peaceful protest))) that's gone awry and needs to calm down and he's clearly the only man available to do it.

This is pure tinfoil.


None of the words you said make any sense in the order that you said them in.

Literally who?

Man, being Jewish must be great. No only do you get to be whiter than white people in terms of privilege but you also get more oppression points than the Irish, Ukrainians and Armenians combined.

Another part I forgot to mention.
The people who would be fighting desperately to survive that assault? Clearly KKK members with backup from several white nationalist movements you've never heard of before. The martial law will be to clamp down on their carefully crafted non-issue.

Attacking BLM in any way doesn't support the Media, or the elites aims, minorities vote majority democrat. Major media has barely criticised BLM.

Republicans, alt-right "White supremicists" however…

Alls it takes is a handful of bombs going off in major cities and a "White supremicist group" anonymously claiming responsibility, even though no one really heard of them before then. To enact such a thing.

Would be quite convientent for the president if it did happen, wouldn't it be?

Might just be the smokescreen story though, we'll see how things go. Rothschild has already stopped trading in the sterling pound and the US dollar. I wonder what they are betting against?

They have been amassing gold. Where do you think canada's gold went?

Rothschild is betting on gold, China is betting on gold. Everyone smart is hoarding gold. China is hoping to have a gold backed Yuan soon.

If that happens, and it hits the market, everyone would switch to the reliable gold backed Yuan. America would become Somalia overnight. Since its multi trillion dollar debt would be considered no longer repayable.

You seem to be suggesting that the Democrats are zionist globalist elites but the Republicans are not.

Memes be upon Him.

China having a gold-backed Yuan won't help the fact that their economy is currently in tatters because they started trying to soak international trade for higher worker wages.
Include the fact that fraud is a civil legal issue and not a criminal legal issue, and they'll never go anywhere good in a short amount of time.
If anything, it might bolster European goods if they manage to get their collective heads out of their asses.


Don't forget about emailing CON

I need to do that soon. I was hoping there were maybe going to be more leaks before I unleash the emails.

Incomplete List of Articles Giving Positive Coverage to CON

Supportive Coverage of CON

To be fair, we really shouldn't be arguing over dumb shit like that in the bread anyway, detracts from things we have the ability to fight.

I feel we should; really dig into this person again. They were deep into the cancer if I recall and had some COIs.

Outside of being linked to Indiecade, I don't know

Also why the fuck do these people that do nothing get dumb rewards? You know what? I'm still miffed about Greg Miller. Who the fuck is this guy? Why did he get that dumb award? All i remember is that 25 benefits of white privilege video he was in.

I've watched it, it was decent I suppose

Corresponding tweet: twitter.com/OneAngryGamerHD/status/777742043279872002

If America really goes to absolute fucking shit, states would start collaborating to secede and start over properly, right?

Perhaps you may have inferred it. No, Republicans and Democrats are as bad as each other. They probably sexually abuse the same children together.

Trump, not receiving support from within his own party, in fact the republican party could have imploded had they not been forced to pick him, or from the media, or from the elites, tells me he's not really "one of them" some of them turn eventually, because they simply want to ride his coattails, but I think the major media corporations, the global banks, CIA, Mossad, the Israeli government, whoever is pulling the strings behind the scenes has a distaste for Trump himself.

Perhaps, it depends how many of the senators and governors are actually "in" on things at washington, they could mobilize the national guard to keep the population in check.

The areas that are culturally stronger would. I'm curious how the city/country divide would play out.

Look at this guy trying to talk about Gamergate in the Gamergate general.

Then at that point soilders start fucking rebelling.

All really speculation at the moment, I'm just going to stick with the US just wanted to cover up the fact they support ISIS. And the Russians accused them of that. Unless there is more news incoming.

After all they did it before in the 70's by supporting the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan to attack the US enemies Russia, its simply history repeating.

Depends if you would believe the cover story or not, the President and the news wouldn't lie to your face would they?

Texas wants to leave again and no one's stopping them. Other states deciding they're sick of the blatant rigged bullshit that America's become would have every justification to want an actual proper government and trying to stop them by force will spark a national riot.

Sorry, let me add on to what I said, they are amassing gold and canada sold its gold to them most likely so they have another way of controlling the economies from their ivory towers. And turd sold the gold because he is a cuck.

If everybody secedes, who will be stuck with the debts?
If you abolish a nation, do the debts disappear because the entity that has them no longer exists?
Why hasn't Africa tried that yet?

Start fostering enough dissent and eventually we might actually get widespread civil disobedience against the feds. If that attitude lingers long enough with no major changes, people will start wanting to get the Hell out just to have a proper democracy.

The Global banks and the IMF(International Monetary Fund) will be there to deal out debts to states I'm sure. Since they are above the Governments and the UN

Were people as distrusting of their own neighbours and community as they are now?

The last one remaining, or the weakest military wise nation. So in the eu's case, its probably going to end up being greece

But they are not above a bullet. So they will go after the more passive states.

If you feel like flying to Zurich in Switzerland and walking into a meeting of the Bankers of International Settlements and shooting them all the head, I invite you to try.

I think you'll be stopped however.

We'll just shovel it all on Luxembourg or Monaco.



If you abolish a nation, you have to say that you will not reimburse any of the debts because you are not that nation. Soviet Russia did this after removing Tzar.
This really pisses off other nations, especially ones you're indebted to, forcing really bad early trade agreements which may break a young nation.

Not that way, I mean they won't try and get the ones with the means to fight back to pay debts since while a war is profitable, its not so much on your own turf. They would have to factor in the damages of potential conflict too, and places like texas that might be more gun happy may not be worth the effort of getting them to pay. Its easier to get passive people to take more of a burden, as long as you do it in a way where they dont break because of it. But people who snap easily should be left alone.

Why are they always like this?

Perhaps this was China's plan all along. No currency in the world is backed by anything since 1969. The only reason the US Dollar is so strong and they are able to maintain massive debt is due to invasions and coups they faciltated from the 1950's to today in the middle east to ensure Oil producing Governments made the US Dollar the standard for Oil trades, or Petrodollar as they call it. Iran is the only one to not do so after a revolt. Saddam was planning to change his oil currency before the Iraq invasion. As was Gaddafi before the "uprising"

Without a currency backed by anything, the world is playing pretend with money for the last 30 years or so. Which is why you've seen bigger and bigger market crashes.

China probably realized all of its US Treasury bonds will be one day worth less than the paper they are printed on. The Major banks realize this too, and so everyone is hoarding gold and waiting for someone to step up to provide a gold backed reserve currency.

Once that happens, America may break up as it already impossible for the US to pay back its debt, it just pays interest every year of several billion. It decides to default and legally the USA doesn't exist anymore. And you may go back to the un-united states of America

The UE doesn't have debts of its own, afaik. In the case of the USA, I guess if the secession were bilateral then the debts would be negotiated, but the USA doesn't seem like the kind of country that tolerates secession wasn't the second amendment supposed to prevent this situation? so they will probably declare themselves not to be the heirs of of the USA.

I cant tell the intent of what he said. It reads to me as "see, they aren't gone you whiny sjws" but it also reads like hes whining in defense of them.

That sounds about right. And no clue on the whole preventing sucession thing. My coutry can be dissolved by the whims of britian anyways canada

He probably doesn't give a crap either way. He's happy it might draw more visitors to his site.

If you want an idea how things would go, a good guide is what happened at the beginning of the Balkan crisis in the 1980s.

I'm going full /k/ommando sciencefag here, so buckle up.

What would be most likely to happen in the US in the event of a collapse of the dollar:

First step would be suppression of the news by our major networks. At this stage, Internet-savvy fags would be hearing about it via the danknet and have a few hours to do something with their savings and investments. The usual tinfoilers would be the first ones to break the news publicly, but your average normalfag would refuse to believe them until it was too late.

The next morning, the media would begin to very lightly touch on the subject even as the stock market was rumbling like an earthquake as people dumped their dollars on the market. The resulting run on stocks would cause a general run on the banks by all the big outfits. By about 1pm word would be out via social media and ordinary people would be at their banks trying to withdraw their money to spend it before it devalues.

As the run on the banks escalates, the government would finally act. Banks would be ordered by the government to close up shop the next day "until the crisis had passed." There would be a ton of red herring bullshit from the media about the FDIC and "your money will be there, don't panic." Meanwhile the dollar would continue to devalue hour by hour.

Over the next few days, individuals upset that they can't get access to their money would protest or riot outside of banks. This would be known via the Internet, but the media would be dead silent on it. Arrests would be made, and the big social media outfits like Youtube and Twitter would censor the shit out of it at the government's request.

After a week, all hell would break loose. People can't pay their mortgages, their car payments, and bread just hit ten bucks a loaf. Not because prices went up, but because it takes ten devalued dollars to buy the same amount. People can't pay, they can't get their money, and most importantly: They can't eat. The rioting in the big cities will intensify to the point they may not be able to contain it, and the media will finally talk about it. The government will ask for calm and tell everyone that things will recover "in the next few days" as some bullshit "emergency measure" is put in place. A State of Emergency will be declared, and normalfags will breathe a sigh of relief.

Only the emergency measure will be about dealing with their own unrest, and not the economy. Even as the Feds call for calm and make promises, the National Guard will be Federalized, meaning activated and handed over to Army control, as can be done under a State of Emergency. They'll be sent to the worst cities first, to "control the looting" and "arrest the criminals" who are "attacking the banks and making recovery efforts harder." Narrative city. Meanwhile everyone is going into the second week of nomonies.

Finally the feds will reopen the banks, but there will be strict limits and all your assets will be frozen. All your money will be effectively seized by the government "in trust", and you'll be allowed to withdraw only a fixed amount they specify. Say, ten dollars a day or so. Even as this happens, prices will continue to skyrocket.

to be continued.

Because your money is essentially worthless, the fixed amount you can take out of the bank won't be enough to live on. 90% of American citizens will find themselves in literal poverty overnight.

And it will keep going, in a reverse trickle-down effect. When 90% of people can't afford to pay their electric bill, and coal for the electric plant now costs $90.00 a pound, the power plant can't afford to keep operating. So it shuts down. This is what happened when the Argentinian economy collapsed a few years back. When enough people can't pay their bills, its not just individuals who suffer - entire services go under in days or weeks for lack of revenue and even the people who COULD pay their share get fucked.

So now we're at the end of the first month. There is an armoured vehicle outside of every major bank in the US, and round the clock armed guards at the rest. Crime is going absolutely crazy as people literally rob Peter to pay Paul. The richest assholes are fleeing the country after dumping their dollar assets. Police are massively overstretched nation-wide and the Guard are serving as auxiliary police. Services like power companies and city waterworks are panicking because they can't afford to keep operating much longer, the media is calling anyone protesting the situation a criminal or a radical or a domestic terrorist, normal folks are now living under curfews and what amounts to a military occupation, and the media and government are looking for a scapegoat. Because the public is starting to howl for blood.

It depends really, the last year or so "someone" has been testing the ability to take out the entire internet for a short time with testing DDoS abilities.

Most people say Russia or China, but if a state of Emergency was declared, and the Government needed communication to stop whilst they did their business. Then a DDoS attack from an enemy power would be the perfect cover story.

Acid, please. This is fanfic tier Micheal Moore reactionary garbage.
Not to mention this complete economic collapse happens in the span of a week, the US dollar collapsing via sheer magic of china's currently tanking economy and the jews, this entire situation somehow not effecting the global economy at all.

Wouldn't it be more feasible to just call for everyone to do whatever they were doing as if nothing were wrong, just without getting paid or paying anything as economy is fucked and money worthless. So the only way to maintain society functional, would be to skip the money thing and keep rolling until shit is worked out proper and payment can be reenacted.

Sure, people will still be stupid about it and pissed they lose all their savings in the process, though the cascade failure may be lessened in magnitude. Only problem would be import/export related businesses, though internationals would have an easier time switching to foreign currencies for the time being.

No one thinks its a certainty, but I do think it's likely a US Samson option that would be on the table if say China decided to report its gold reserves over 6000 tons, and they unpegged the Yuan from the US Dollar and to a gold standard.

They literally can't do that, it's in no way economically viable for them.
The only economy china has now is because it's currency is so worthless, they purposefully keep the Yuan low. They know it's the only way their nation has any external investors. Not to mention over 70% of it's population is completely abject poverty.

No dice, people are conditioned to get an immedeate recipt for their efforts, and some will definitly take advantage of the situation "pay me more or the powerplant shuts down" or go full lazy "its not my problem, my job was not essential anyways". You need a temprary recipt system in a small scale economy. Probably smaller than state size.


China now owns 1% of Australian agricultural land. Or 76,920 square kilometres

Oh no! Not the wealthy Chinese investors who've been moving operations to vietnam! Remember that failed Alibaba expansion into the US? What about those empty cities they built in Africa to land speculate?
Going real well for them isn't it.
Christ, I knew Holla Forums and /k/ were retarded when it came to anything involving global economics but this takes the cake.

I'm sorry but I don't actually see any counter arguments from you, just ad hominems.

If its so ridiculous as you claim, you should be able to debunk it easily. If China and Russia wanted to defeat America, then the easiest and most efficient way would be to simply turn it into a Hyper inflating currency Zimbabwe nation, unable to pay its soldiers or purchase ammunitions.

Most of China's investors are american dumbass.

ni hao anonymous pres no rook at chrina

It's fine, it's not my job to convince you of anything, this is just a hypothetical situation. I'm sure you've read through many Financial Journals. Read up American geopolitical History, and such.

Everything will be just fine.

Read up on Economics at all there hotshot.
Yeah I hate when my plans don't include first contact from aliens who were plotting to devalue the Yuan

As the situation drags into the second and third months, shit will get weird.

As major utilities start to suffer, the government will "step in to help." Military personnel will be assigned to operate things like electric plants and water treatment facilities, but only in the biggest urban areas. A sort of class divide will happen, as the cities become absolutely dependent on the government to continue operating, and the rural areas go into survival mode and begin taking emergency measures of their own.

In your small rural hometown, the Sheriff will keep working his job essentially for free, along with volunteers from the community. The few trustworthy militias out there will finally have something to do as they end up serving as auxiliary police in their small local areas. The cities on the other hand, will be under siege. Federal troops and Guard on every other street corner, strict curfews, mass arrests of protesters that will eventually and literally overflow the jails and require the establishment of actual detainment camps just because there's nowhere else to send them. Hello FEMA.

Meanwhile people from the cities will flee into the rural areas to get away from the chaos, only to run into the local police and militias trying to keep troublemakers out. There will be eventual clashes and even deaths, with the media spinning it that it was the local authorities who were the bad guys. The government will eventually attempt to reassert direct control in the rural areas, and it will be met with resistance, distrust, and resentment.

Around this time, the scapegoats will be tested. Probably, IMO, China will get the blame for "manipulating the economy." You'll start to hear new buzzwords like "financial terrorism" and "economic warfare." The media will spend a few weeks ginning up general resentment for the Chinese among normalfags. Think a condensed version of what happened leading up to Iraq. After a few weeks of this, Congress will vote for something along the lines of "authorization to take whatever means necessary to solve the financial crisis and punish the foreign powers responsible."

And that's when things will get REALLY hairy. The US will resort to gunboat diplomacy, sending a massive chunk of our navy into Chinese waters. The threat, part public and part private, will probably be something along the lines of "accept responsibility and forgive X% of existing US debt and establish trade with us under Y favorable terms so our people can buy stuff again, and offer up politician Z so we have someone to blame."

The ball would then be in China's court. If they chose to do it, the dollar would gain back a portion of its value as the market restabilized. If they didn't, and decided to press the advantage on us, we'd have a Cuban Missile Crisis level event where both sides are at full alert with nukes pointed at each other and ready to launch. China wins this by default, as all they have to do is call our bluff and watch us collapse. Unless whoever is running our government is actually crazy enough to push the button, then literally ALL bets are off.

But let's assume that we're bluffing. China tells us to suck their dick and nothing comes of it. The next step would amount to piracy, as the US decides to take back its trade deficit or a part of it by force, by interdicting Chinese shipping in the Pacific. Japan, tied at the hip with the US, helps, and shit pops off at a low, Vietnam level between Japan, China, and the US. North Korea, South Korea, and Japan all fight a proxy war backed by their respective powers.

The situation doesn't get any better, but the American public has someone to blame. At this stage, major utilities outside the big urban areas are actually shutting down. The government is in control of most rural areas as well and is making everyone miserable, but isn't doing anything to fix their problems and resentment is boiling.

THIS is the point where the individual States are going to start taking sides. The states with large urban centers who are now utterly dependent on the Feds - New York, Massachusetts, Florida, California, etc on one side, and the more independent rural flyover states on the other. The media will of course side with the first group. This is also the stage where most of the US Internet will go down because the ISPs can't afford to keep operating and the government will have zero incentive to bail out a medium they don't control.

Things will go back to how they were in the 80s. You get your news from local TV or the newspaper or not at all. The rural states will propose various austerity measures and solutions in Congress only to be cockblocked by the urban states. The war will continue as a major distraction even as the US defaults on the national debt. Until finally, finally, some of the most aggrieved States begin to consider the idea of secession. Congress will be aghast at this, and the media will start bringing up "muh civil war" and "muh South" and "muh racists" and "muh traitors" again. The Feds will move to quickly stamp out any secessionist movements, removing Governors and state legislators pushing for it, sometimes by force. Proposing secession will be officially criminalized, and some States will back off it while others double down. The country will go into a sort of Civil Cold War.

And who the fuck knows what will happen from there.



I also saw some Phil Fish handwaving in there (people only hate him because he hates Japanese games!), lying about why Mika was censored, and a guy who said he's not an SJW who wants to scour the earth on devs he disagrees with was banned. I wonder if there's more gems in this great neogaf thread on why they hate certain devs

That said, I actually have no problem with boycotting a game for pretty much any reason, that is your right as a consumer. My big problem with SJW devs for instance is how often they attack their consumer base and inject their personal politics into the games


How can they go even deeper into the garbage lands

A normal garbage dump won't do for that place.

Neogaf is something else.

why wouldnt you be able to cross the lines in that image, internet and fucking gas dont share the same line the fuck

I dont have autism but that is a stupid image and has no resemblance to the real world

btw i was just pretneding to be autistic haha

Makes me feel good knowing I bought Shadow Complex twice, once on live arcade and again for the pc release. And it was all worth it, fucking great game. He didn't even write it, he wrote the setting that the story takes place in. If they actually knew anything about the game they'd at least get mad over the joke ending.

I fucking hate these pics because I know they can't be done but I still feel compelled to try

fuck you I want to go to bed

you connect each house like a wire so lines go strait up then split between each house

The one where you just leave?

In the early pages of the thread, the guy asshurt over Doug TenNapel references GayGamer. Didn't they get asshurt over GG before?

Anyways, this thread is a goldmine. Guy arguing over Doug get's banned and those who don't tow the line, a guy unironically called it "straight privilege", and of course tons of asshurt over GG devs as demonstrated. This isn't even half of it

aaaahh shit

stop namefagging, pedophile


Why isn't neogaf dead yet for fuck's sake

I think that's enough for me tonight


Meh. It doesn't say the lines can't be parallel, only that they can't cross.


With how butthurt they got over GoW's "bros before hoes", I thought "plenty more fish in the sea" would at least register with them. But, it's not like they'd notice anyway. Great ending, too.


This one could've fooled me if it wasn't for that adam's apple.

Woosp, forget half my post. Getting that golden armor was the best. Best addition to the game in the port.


Holy fuck. It's getting to the point its easier to count unbanned posters there than banned ones.

Pic related


Are ya winnin', son?

Remember when that was a game? Everyone loves playing the Xmas level they released as a teaser?

Maybe in 5 years, we might get news that the game has been worked on. A little.


High definition too. It would take a week to download on dial-up.

This is becoming really gay here.


Yeah that seems to fit.


reported for posting gays

this thread is a shithole.

You know? all these threads I've been always wondering.

Who the fuck are you?

Last one, time for sleep. Neogaf threads are always fun even though I didn't get a chance to finish even half of it.

Every person who wasn't retarded enough to completely buy the narrative is in here. I think even Ken Levine was in here too I remember he had a good interview on pretty much how diversity is just token BS and not how you write good characters so maybe that's why he's on their shitlist

Does anyone have this one of a guy saying someone's looking for his big dick? That cracked me up with the way he delivered it.

Oh boy, here we go again.


Sorry, I'm lazy and I don't have the mood to read articles. Tell me what's in there.


You're a bit of a slowpoke, but yeah, that's retarded. Thankfully no one's heard of that blog before anyway.

this one?

Who needs nostalgia? Every picture loads like that for me these days.

Val, get your fucking ass out of here, please. Go to KiA and leaderfag there.

Yes, thanks. I fucking love gay porn acting.

Of course user. Only the acting. That's all you "fucking love" in gay porn. Sure thing.

To be honest, gay porn actors have more talent when it concerns actual acting than the other porn artists.
I mean, look at this.

Don't project, faggot. I just enjoy traps every now and then and only as feminine in body type as possible.

In other news, Jesse Singal is trying his hand in psychoanalysis


Forgot link.

You're pushing it.

I aint reading this shit



I thought I took that flag off last night.

Wew lad.

Singal basically makes the astounding observation that Pepe was never exclusive to the alt-right, and that the rapid rise in rare Pepes primarily stems from Anons laughing their asses off over the media outrage.

He also goes on to iterate that Trump still is literally worse than Hitler.




Damn, the new site upgrade is 50/50 split between huge improvement in site navigation and fucking cancer.

They'll simulate the game by having the main character who is a disembodied voice doing walks around a moving background.

How the fuck do you adapt a single man walking forwards while mumbling a monologue for fifteen minutes to a play?

I think when something like Waiting for Godot is possible, Dear Esther should not be a problem - at least not from a technical point of view.

Retards will destroy their own arguments. Hopefully my words will come to be echoed by others who understand.

I'd actually like to try a "walking simulator" someday when I git gud at 3D development. I honestly feel with an actual gamer's sensibilities and direction, something both cinematically impressive and a solid psychologically story driven platformer could be a real diamond in the rough.

I missed you guys! I haven't been able to read this thread for nearly a month, longer than any other time since GG started, I just started catching up yesterday and I'm reading through the archives. I missed the anniversary and Gawker's death. Just wanted to let you know you're appreciated.

Right now I'm just catching up but I feel like trying to dig on corrupt journos. Anyone have any suggestions for journos/developers/sites I should look into?

R u aa gril?

offtopic but wew: Hillary's email guy asked reddit how to alter archived emails on July 24 2014. If the emails were under investigation at the time, that was a crime.


Since you're talking about NeoFAG, how about some good old fashioned >MUH SEXIST JAPAN?

Is there any proof they were banned

Not even wasting my time reading all their bitching about nip media just because of "muh soggy knees".


I don't get it was someone hurt?
the only really bad thing that happen is it got broken which is the developers problem and if he wants to spend the money to keep doing it I don't see the problem.

Their feelings were.

Japanese consumers really need to take a hardline stance as early as possible.

At this point I'm fighting my own personal war against those trying to shame sexuality.

Giving honest reviews should be considered a divine miracle at this rate.


Glad you enjoy our reviews!

of all the things likely in a SHTF scenario this one worries me the most. My town could easily survive the entire national economy going down the shitter as majority aren't traditionally employed and we have a very strong barter trade with many local farmers. Cityfags fleeing to here with the backup of federal government preventing us from kicking them out would fuck us over hard though, we wouldn't be able to support a bunch of outsiders.

So what ending did you get?


This bit is how its supposed to be done
Ye the demons are sexualized and yes that one is a giant penis
Its not exactly a bad thing and the rating reflects that

Yet there are some reviewers who will lower scores despite the box saying exactly that like they are shocked despite knowing full well that is what the game has


Always happy to see reviews which don't force the reviewer's personal politics down one's throat.

Because we're actively screwing them over on the geopolitical landscape by destabilizing all countries they were allied with in the middle east even when it means aiding islamic extremists like al nusra to do so. Like that recent "accidental" bombing of SAA forces in Syria.


What was Planet Robobot?

I know Kirby has a humble, but large following all over the world, but I've heard ridiculous levels of praise for it all year.

She has absolutely no idea about politics and every time she speaks about them its so clear the only reason she is backing hillary is because she is a woman
She has no idea about about anything else

Elite Shit-Talkers; #OpAhab

Does this have anything to do with verbally harpooning whales?


Hollywood is filled with people like that. It just baffles me on how just because they act or do standup or sing, they feel like their opinions hold more weight.

They are also so hypocritical and fake while doing it. Remember when Jlaw bitched about hollywood not wanting fat women in their movies, then complained about amking out with a fat Christian Bale in a movie?

I didn't write that review, you'll have to ask twitter.com/AfterAnAutopsy_ I have enjoyed the Devil Survivor games though

We try to just call out what we see and let our readers make up their minds if the game is for them or not.

Dang, hopefully he went full Lawful on the heathens on his playthrough, still a good review, unlike say Hunter Dickwolfe's archive.is/1BTWM

What's your favorite game you played that was also the most "sinful"? Just out of curiosity.

Do you have autism?

The thing is that they don't say a single thing about muslim's literal rape culture.

I still find it funny that they've become more puritanical when it comes to sexual depictions than a religious site.

Witcher 3 was pretty fun, but South park Stick of Truth made me laugh and then feel guilty about it

She's gone full koolaid a while back. And when somebody goes full koolaid it's the same as having a humorectomy. It happened to Jim Carrey too.

I'm not a christian but thumbs up and keep up the good and honest work.

I remember when one of my greatest dreams was to see Will Ferrell and Jim Carrey in his Ace Ventura element team up for a legendary literally hospitalizing from too much laughter comedy.

I think they could have really pushed each other to do their best in the past.

And it helps destroy their bullshit to no end.

So, have you made Christ-tan your mascot already?


Is that Duke Doomguy in the last pic?

The Jim Carrey that made you laugh only exists in recordings now. The current year version might as well be a pod person. Carrey in Dumb&Dumber is still a comedic gem. Seeing his performance in the sequel many years later you can see what the koolaid has done to his sense of humor, and it's sad.

No, it's Domeguy

So basically, the media shouldn't even bother to fact check any of their articles, because the outrage inaccurate articles cause is good for clicks.

If the journalists are being constantly tricked by "a group of anonymous online idiots", then what does that say about the journalists?

No but I see her a lot on my Twitter feed :)

I'm so mad at you right now.


What's this I hear about GG doxing and attacking Hillary's IT guy?

Can't blame them. Not sexy enough.

Where did you hear that?


There's a thread about it on KiA, last time I checked. But it only showcases that said IT guy asked for advice on how to delete archived emails on Reddit on all places.


that's a new one. can list user put it in?

Due to lack of citation, I'm thinking 03bc46 is either joking or bullshitting.

Someone should let her know the Berlin Wall fell 27 years ago.

What the fuck is with dems and wanting to wage fucking WWIII against the ruskies
Pray to God Trump gets elected archive.is/Ijr3d

It was the the world's most infamous and dangerous hacker known as S4m H1deo, he just can't keep getting away with it.

Does he happen to have white supremacist views and committed many terrorist hacks on US soil?

The hacker know as four chan got him with the deplorable Pepe Virus

I just watched HyperBitHero's video on Vergil from DmC and I have to say it really puts into perspective what contempt for your audience can lead to.

That faggot hated DMC's fans and history so much that Dante and Vergil were reduced to smug contemptible asshole protagonists who fucking destroyed the city and killed a large majority of the people they were fighting for TWICE just to piss off the bad enough to take down.

The fact that the climactic showdown unfittingly opens with who's supposed to be oppressive evil incarnate calmly and peacefully yet audibly pained asking why the hero he killed his unborn child is sickeningly hilarious.

Sage for offtopic, but in honor of halloween I bought little pumpkins and made a cumming slut pumpkin getting fucked by another one.

Do we have confirmation of that, it's still possible the madman escaped by uploading through the Darknet. He must be stopped. Hold on let me install a BIOS and I will check back with cyberpolice.

Does anyone have archive links to the journalists don't have to be good at games/anti git gud articles?


Why do these people literally despise customers and customer agency?

Paste Magazine: archive.is/bXOfs
NYMag: archive.is/ZN7lY
Currently trying to find the Polygon and Kotaku articles on the matter.


Found a RPS article in the meantime: archive.is/jAySd


Reminder that Dynasty Warriors is too Asian.


I was in the kitchen making a sandwich, and my friend was in the other room watching the Emmys (didn't even know the emmys were happening that day), and the first thing I heard was OBAMA OUT, HILARY IN

Did you watch the Emmys it was LITERALLY, the Hugo awards but with more money.

The fact there are so many famous people out there who actually want to share their opinion about shit on Twitter based on fucking nothing, no research, no evidence, enrages me, so much.

What a coincidence, before that, Aziz Ansari made a comment about people of color getting 'kicked out' of the emmys.

Don't be mad, they are losing viewers. They can prop up their shit, but look at how much Trump is gaining compared to Hillary. They are losing traction, people aren't even tuning in to TV anymore, they just look up the winners later on a separate site at most.

Oy vey, pepe really was nazis all along.


You must be really embarrassed now after making fun of the media.

How shit is Heatstreet?

And this is why Ian is NEVER EVER getting his ads back.

Hillary doesn't know fuck all about anything, she got kicked off the Nixon trial team because she was unethical.

I don't even know why anyone believes anything she says. The proof is right in fucking front of them and they don't want to look.

This shit will never not be hilarious, this is the best election ever. Holla Forums should have gone into politics years ago.

Jim also retired and I think was dragged out of retiment forcibly for dumb and dumber 2 I think. He made his wealth and did not burn through like most of the shits do.

If they did, we probably would not have this divide or the ammount of neolibs running around.

Wumao pls

I know for sure you're a shill for the Chinks now

.50 have been deposited to your account

Apparently people just found out Hillary DNC IT guy went on to fucking REDDIT to ask how to remove her name from email archives befroe turning it over to the FBI AHAHAHHAAHAHA

People linked it back to his real name.

How does this woman still have supporters?



I'm so disappointed in Ian right now.


I think it's all shitposting, at least from his part, user.

she is the most corrupt politician in the history of the world.
she is so corrupt that Metzen has wet dreams about her.

Why aren't you gay, Val? Your life would be so much easier.

She doesn't have supporters, she only has people who don't like Donald Trump.

That's literally what all of her campaign is about, demonizing Trump and his supporters. I don't think she has ever made any argument for her merits as president, besides the obligatory woman card of course. It's all just "I am the person who isn't Trump! Please vote for me!".

And that will probably be her downfall, it's a campaign of negativity.

This reads like satire. Are you sure this isn't satire?

It's not about what you know these days, its ONLY about who you know. How do you think people like ZQ, exist? Why do you think games and TV and comics are getting so ridiculously shit? It's cronies all the way down.

My reply to Ian.

I know… we don't get to choose I guess…

You know its funny how as soon as people bring up Chinese jewery the same guy defending Kerpatrick bitching over the "Extreme Right" disliking his shit he starts going this "nothing to see here gwei" act

Theres a difference between making a troll post on some website, adn then writing an entire troll article for HeatSt. Have some fucking professionalism, or he actually thinks that way.

Should we meme Nazi Cheong back?

Ian has a nazi past, how he came to work there is very suspicious, there are also a lot of namefags vying to become a "ketchup", so try not to put any stock into anyone with an agenda and certainly don't let them speak for you or anyone. That fact that pepe is a campaign strategy for the dems is only grasping at straws.

"HeatStreet" is a dog whistle for antisemitism. We all know exactly where that road leads. In fact the websites best games writer is a Nazi sympathizer.

I have to wonder, what is up with you and wanting to be gay. Did you have a friend you fell in love with once but couldn't get hard in front of him?

My little pony has been co-opted by nazis! Hillary needs to make a speech about this and ban my little pony.

This concerns me more

It's mostly a joke honestly. Oh and the fact that gays I've met tend to be really… "open-minded" regarding sex, in the sense that if they meet a fag they just fuck even just for the sake of fucking sometimes. It seems much simpler and friendlier than with girls basically.
I'm obviously aware it's more complex than that. I just find it fun and silly to joke about this.

Thats not new at all. Mlp had nazi shit day 3 onwards.

Humanity would be so much happier if we fucked for no reason a bit more.

You dumb niggers.

I would be content with that if it was possible to ditch all the diseases and infections associated with sexual contact.
The problem is that nobody's willing to do what's necessary.


Well shit, reddit knows.

Now that's true wisdom bro.

Goddamn it. How long until they start really shitty meme magic experiments of their own?


Eh, the donald is like half pol half plebbitors

The power a woman wields simply because of her being a woman far outstretches any bonus being a man has.

This is why I seeing hate Gilda being posted here.Reddit's useful for numbers to get messages carried out but should be kept at a safe distance otherwise.


Remember to spread info like the CON Leaks to other websites and forums such as The Escapist rather than rely too heavily on reddit and/or twitter. Do I even need to point out how to not lead them back here, either, especially en masse?.

The article takes itself very seriously, and Ian is defending it on twitter.

But reddit doesn't even like Gilda.


Slap 'em around, then.

If you have to ask, yes.

You forgot that satire's dead. The only thing "satire" is good for these days is for tricking people into thinking that something is what it isn't.


Does it change the fact that they still made the thing, and we have someone playing to reddit's 'character' of being retarded in here? Don't want something to happen as a result of that like with Rea-user only worse. Doesn't come off to well in light of the GG=reddit meme.

That "thing" was actually made by an user using that lewd paper doll program that /d/ liked using for a while. The only thing reddit was in charge of was giving her a name.

Got the archives for it? I remember anons initially hating the design and mocked reddit for.being shit with OC.

And I remember anons laughing their asses off at how reddit took an image from halfchan because they lacked the artfags to flesh out their shitty ideas. In terms of the archives, I'm looking for it but I'm not having an easy time.


I thought plebbit used the k-on paper doll porn thing and a drawfag on halfchan took pity on them and made something that actually looked presentable.

That's what I remember, too.

Unfortunately, the Holla Forums archives for late August 2014 when all of this happened are mostly non-existent.
But I know for a fact that I specifically remember anons laughing their asses off at how reddit was so unbearably shit that they couldn't even design a character, let alone submit original content.



Allowing Gildaposting, even for bullying was a mistake. It's like ironic shitposting

And I disagree because we've put more effort into fleshing out the avatar of reddit than even reddit has. Simply posting it openly mocks them and their inability to do anything right and besides, retard moe is a thing.


Isn't the fact that Gilda Mars was only a half baked, incomplete character that was easily subverted to become a representation of a retard only reflective of what reddit (and the majority of its users) is actually like?


Will Vivian stop being so mean to poor Gilda for once? I wish I could adopt her

You misunderstand. Vivian and Gilda are having fun in that picture.



Is black twitter trying to shitpost? It is awful.

But Gilda is crying! How can someone have fun that way, Gilda isn't into sado stuff!

She isn't crying. She is moaning with pleasure.


You lads fancy a giggle?…

She wasn't crying until someone pulled out a camera. She's crying from embarrassment. She was on the verge of cumming till then.

This makes me smile. Only way it could be even better is if harry joined in.


You gotta be fucking kidding me

It cracks me up that bitches like this seriously think we live in a patriarchy when it's women who are pandered to and mollycoddled in Western society. Cunts need some fucking perspective.

Not at all, projectorheads who will probably suck up hard if trump gets in, since leaving hollywood will probably damage their careers by lacking centeralization.

To quote Holla Forums, its a jew doing the jew thing of striking while crying. though they are not tears of sorrow, but tears of sadistic pleasure

Facebook cracks down on Trump supporters with 'deplorable' names

The social media company is forcing users who include "deplorable" in their profile names to change them because it violates Facebook's Terms of Service.

Some Trump supporters have embraced the moniker after Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton said "you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables."

Facebook's community standards force people to use their real names, and if Facebook suspects an account has an anonymous account, users must provide documentation, like a driver's license, to confirm their identity.

I'm getting tired of this, every time I see someone trying to convince people to vote Clinton, it's because she's a woman, and Trump, is racist.
So fucking what? Women are common on earth, what does it change?
As for racist Trump, everyone is racist. Put a white boy on a black district, see what happens.

And people wonder why I don't go on Facebook anymore…


I only came here after the "Heat Street loses credibility and agrees with Hillary that a cartoon fucking frog is Nazi" bullshit.

If Louise Mensch isn't being inundated with shops of her face onto Nazi uniforms (which, by her own rules, makes her very identity Nazi symbolism) then everyone has failed.

She's now Jeb-tier.

Then get cracking with the shitty shoops. If one person can't do it, why would anyone else?


Her saying it's "depressing" tells me she gave up at trying to win. She knows she's fucked, but her puppet-masters won't let her go.

The way she acts it almost feels like shes controlled opposition. And she seems to forget her own party was the party of the racist redneck south for the longest while and has so many connections to racist groups like the kkk that the holes between them are seldom.

Can anyone here read Chinese and verify this translation?

Specifically, does Rose Eveleth have any relationship to NetEase or are they only reporting on her?

didn't the actual grand wizard endorse Hillary?

it is almost sad how much the media is pro Hillary

Such is simply the result of playing against someone in 5D chess

It's fucking hilarious how despite how much the media is pro-Hillary, the the pro-Hillary idiots actually think just the opposite.



Fucking retards

Holy cow. Are they this desperate?

to be fair he does play them like a damn fiddle

Has gamergate shown you nothing? The antigamers/feminists/Hillary have all tried to use the same arguements, the same tactics, the same fact free bullshit that they used against gamergate and the population at large are no longer buying them any more. The population seems to have reached a level where they are numb to the propaganda. The normalfags are sick of the agenda pushing.



Some of this is accurate but for the wrong reasons, but reading their reasoning made my head hurt.

pretty sure it's a joke user.

The people who wrote this clearly don't like anyone.

Everything HuffPo does is a bad joke. It's bad in the sense that they're serious about everything they post, and the joke part comes from them having no idea what they're saying.

If only I was here earlier: archive.is/JR4Jd
You can also find it via Vivian James' ED page.

Unless you're brown and a rapefugee shit isn't easy. You have to has a financial sponsor, a certain amount of money saved in your back account and you aren't allowed to legally work for one year.

Plus it's gonna be like bush; They said they'd move to canada; but US to Canada immigration rates did not change at all during Bush's presidency. Hell more people moved to Canada during Obama's 1st term than during Bush's whole presidency.

It's a bunch of bullshit and some mainstream news sites misreported on it.




I'm sick as hell and I run shift tonight at my job. I called in, they never let me call in, ever. But just this once someone is willing to work for me! I'm so happy! I feel like garbage, but now I can veg out and drink cold medicine all night rather than bust my ass at work.

And twitter wonders why the investors are suing them and the platform isn't growing

Is that you, service station user?

get well soon, watch some star trek voyager

Turd might let aome in to tip the polls, but they aint coming in for a year at least.

No, I'm a shift manager at a restaurant.

That's not a bad idea.

Even if they manage to get up here; there is no jobs available for the type of people that fear Trump. You think they'll go into manual labor or pick up a trade? Because that's all there is up here.

Get well soon.

Huffpost mentions Hillary losing, now even the young turks? I don't trust this. Think they're trying to give Trump voters a false sense of security?

They are trying to make hillary look like the underdog, fighting back from almost assured defeat.

This is almost certainly a trap. If at any point you see anyone saying it's already decided, reprimand them IMMEDIATELY like I will.

I can't believe absolutely no outlet for Trump is concerned with cheating.

Yes, and if they were willing to cheat in the primaries, you know damn well they will cheat in the big one any way they can.

I've been dreading exactly this the entire time.

i know that feel

except i never called in and they never told me they got someone else to fill in so i turned up to my shift and got either a nice surprise or a rude reminder of how disorganised things were

only day i ever had off work too

And yet no one seems to feel like talking about it, least of all Trump who literally called out the system for being rigged.

You never know. If some people think getting A is so assured they slack off the day it matters, why would they be surprised if they got B instead? They slacked off, they know it's partly their fault.
The goal now is to try to undermine the opposition's voters, not the opposition.

he has called for supporters to become election observers if I remember correctly

It is honestly very sad and unfortunate how the Left right now just can't seem to EVER put their finger on the root cause of the present situation.

They should know better, because it has been identified for them. Here's an article that puts the root cause in words that the Left would actually understand:


key quotes:

two key excerpts:

Way too bland for my taste. It was more watered down than gamegrumps and last time I saw it was when Jon left, it's probably worse now

Good, but I don't think that's going to be nearly enough to counter worse shit than what happened with Brexit.

What's Shitter saying about this? This has to be stopped in its tracks.


Don't know. I'm not on the twitterfront.

Jesus Takei is such a faggot. I mean, yes, I know he's gay, but does he have to be THIS gay?

He's not a literal faggot. Just a faggot in general.

Just call it now and give us an early christmas present

canadas tech sector is growing, so probably there

Sulu would let the torpedo fire and land in the warphole to blow in the hole.


this is actually not bad. not bad at all. why is this on vox?

Even if they're feeling good, it won't stop them from voting. They're among the most likely group to vote, because they're all excited about it.
We just saw Brexit win not because it was winning in the polls, but because people who wanted it went out of their way to vote to vote in the worst of conditions. They wanted it more, and they got it.
And that matters a lot: Trump voters want a real shot at change, Hillary voters don't want some "asshole" in the White House (but somehow lack the self-awareness to see that their own candidate is far worse).
And that's how Hillary will lose. People who like Trump really like Trump, because they're sick of the shit. It's not a miracle solution, but they're pressing the reset button and hoping that they can sort out any issues as they arise because it's a better alternative to what they've got now.

If Hillary wants to win, she needs to motivate her voterbase, and she's too politically damaged to do so.

That's all well and good, but, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here, didn't the DNC tell Bernie to do exactly this when he was forced to support Hillary?
They asked a certain group of liberals to forfeit the idea of real progress in favor of PC "progress."

I don't know if Sulu gives a damn about what Kirk has to say anymore, to be honest.
Shatner thinks for himself, but for the most part, Takei has gone full SJW save for the occasional, accidental moment of clarity.

I feel like today's Sulu would say
As if there was a chance in worthwhile diplomatic relations in the first place.

Why are gays always liberals?

This is the GG thread, not a politics thread. If you want to do political strategizing you'd be better off talking to the Holla Forums Trump thread. And political derails are pretty cancerous to both this thread and twitter, GG is apolitical and politics is divisive.

Lincoln was gay

Going to need a bread soon it seems

Assuming this is true, I always see people posting Reuters and RT, are they just as dumb as the rest of the media?


They almost had a twinge of self awareness until that part. Did you guys catch it? It's the part with compromise. Notice how they always seem to want and expect everyone else to "Compromise" to their demands, but they themselves will never do it. That is not compromise, that is deceitful. It's a fucking scammer and a thief saying they want your valuables, but out of the kindness of their heart they will -only- take some of it today, and come back next week for the rest. Regressives still don't get it. Has it ever occured to them if people keep saying ,"no, I don't want your koolaid in any flavor or in any dosage, stop shoving it everywhere". The problem is with them and the fucking koolaid, not with the people they are trying to shove that koolaid into.

Considering shills and MSM are still going simultaneously with, "Trump is literally crazy, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY he will win", and "OMG It's practically over guise, Clinton is losing close the gate". Yeah.

this tbh fam. he was black too

Google Log Cabin republican

The thing is there were always homos in history but they felt like it was responsible to get a bitch raise a family on the side

It's not always that way.
But it's hard to be when you have gays telling other gays "just how bad conservatives really are" and demonizing those who don't support the liberal agenda, as if who you fuck and how you want to vote is somehow mutually inclusive.

Yes, nearly all MSM at this point is pretty much compromised since very few outlets practice or even strive for fact based journalism anymore. About the only factual things you'll get are maybe the weather report, and the sports scores.


I know, but the thing is stopping Shillary has directly been something in everyone's best interests for the simple fact that piece of shit and the government are more favorable to the idea of censorship and passing laws to restrict the masses.

Trump's at least a non political businessman who doesn't give a fuck about "political correctness".

Somebody point out how non-educated blacks are one of the main reasons why Bernie could not have won the nomination.

And nobody cares about sports scores. Also you can get weather reports on the web at any time, so what use is the liberal media, except to old fogeys?

Also, LEL!


Man is it me or is Square Enix getting hit hard with the Socjus brigade lately. Also, I'm getting real tired of people having a cry about vaguely "native american" apparel in games lately.

Luckily, it seems most are arguing against him

I'm just confused since a lot of people link them. I'm guessing they're slightly better on current news or politics but still.

In retrospect that was a dumb question of me, I should have learned long ago that MSM is kill and can't be redeemed.

Funny the education angle didn't play the last 8 years when key supporters were nogs

Imagine being an Indian and the few times games have hinted at your existence some white people scream offensive until it gets removed

This fag thinks that just because someone got a degree they're "smart"? Doesn't he know colleges admit the retarded too? Fucking classic democrat delusion that they are the most rational and enlightened among the unwashed stupid masses of the greater US, and that the only reason people oppose them is because they are ignorant and don't know any better. The pretentiousness and arrogance that comes from liberals was one of the first things to turn me away from the democrats.

Wait until they make it mandatory for you to pay to go to those indoctrination factories before you're allowed to vote.


Let's just make sure we finish them off before they can do shit about Tifa.

This will never not trigger me.

So how is wearing a war bonnet on Halloween any different than wearing a policeman costume?

How many of them would actually condemn dindus?


woops lol

Our Millenial, feels fist heroes to the rescue

I'm still very worried about the remake.

It's going to be a shitshow regardless

Hah fuck no.
Thing is I actually remember a time not that long ago when even a left leaning liberal rag would still have some standards, or at least an editor in chief or ombudsman who can set aside their political leanings when it comes to things like fact checking, and striving for fact based reporting. If any writing staff was caught lying or playing fast and loose with the facts in an article or a segment, they'd be fired because at that time they still believe their reputation is worth protecting, and once that trust is broken it is very hard to nearly impossible to recover from.

That seems like ages ago in current year.

RT posts a lot of bullshit, they're a near-tabloid and an outright propaganda outlet for the Russian government. They also do lots of real and normal reporting, but they're definitely not trustworthy for things you can't verify yourself. They take a vaguely anti-establishment line (so long as that establishment isn't the Russian government) which combined with a tendency to be dramatic helps their popularity on places like Holla Forums. And then the majority of their articles are just the normal ones everyone writes.

Reuters I think might be slightly better than the average mainstream outlet, I seem to hear less bad things about them, but I'm not sure. Seems all the mainstream outlets are far from perfect and are just pulling from the same general pool of journalists (and subject to the same incentives to get out stories fast and draw clicks), so there's not that much distinction between them in terms of quality. Presumably some manage to enforce standards better, but it's hard to tell which are avoiding fuckups and which just have fuckups I'm not hearing about.

Its why I like powerstone.

Welp we just killed Hillary's campaign.

Guess we were always right and you should have listened to us about everything.

Why would they change her breast size at this point, after the post-VII compilation, Dissidia, Kingdom Hearts, etc?

The only thing people are seriously worried about is the Wall Market "infiltration."
… Well, that, and I'm worried that we'll lose the Fascination Girl enemies.


(Yeah, same poster)

Oh, and also worried about the game just being shit, period.

Another Milo university talk. Be on SJW watch as always


I'll bake. Tentative title is "Me Time Edition" and will be released at 700 posts or page 15. Anything to change/add?

Has someone in the audience ever asked Milo in the Q&A if he or anyone at Breitbart knows about the CON chat logs. It is at least semi related to what he's dealing with in terms of twitter.

I'm on standby, although it probably will take a while before we hit 700 replies.

Yeah, something fishy is going on. Hillary's twitter bots aren't retweeting/liking her tweets into the ten thousands anymore

5/10 I replied

Hm I see, thanks for the info

I think Advent Children Tifa also had big breasts but because of her outfit they looked compact


>get shown proof that they're a bunch of scam artists
At this point, I can't tell if they're genuinely idiots, or just have their heads up their asses.


Wait, what are they reporting on over the con leaks? I mean, besides anything to take the attention away

She looks pretty busty to me.

He was tweeting about Pepe and the Heat Street article, I think those tweets were in response to that.

They managed to get a presidential candidate afraid of a cartoon frog. There's no harm in them saying anything, unless it's something right wing.

What the fuck is she wearing?

New bread when?


Page 15 or post 700.

When did this happen? I thought it was page 13

Since Holla Forums got slower.

I still want an official statement from Nomura himself just like Cloud comically crossdressing that they won't do anything to reduce her size.

Uhh, user, tossie the riveter waspropaganda at its finest, and the model riveted for a week if I recall correctly, then left after getting paid because "its too hard".



The thing is different people prioritize different issues, and the fact that both candidates are historically disliked makes things even more complicated and divisive. Let's say someone decides the most important issue is global warming - after all most decisions won't matter much 100 years from now, while the CO2 released in the following decades is going to continue to have an impact for fucking millenia. A "minor" decision about something like funding renewable energy research could outweigh everything else done during a 4-8 year term. Or they could prioritize healthcare policy, or they think Trump would be incompetent enough at governing to actually empower SJWs if he's in power and visibly fucking up, or that both candidates are so bad that the gridlock of a Democatic president with a likely-Republican house is preferable.

The ambiguity of what candidates say vs. what they do makes this even worse. Someone might think Hillary won't actually be any better for global warming since she's such a corporate candidate. Or they might decide Trump's statements about "locking down the internet" or expanding libel law or whatever makes him a bigger threat to speech. Of course it's easier to make the negative guess about the candidate you like dislike most already. The point is, there's a lot of people who are going to disagree with you even if they agree about your prioritized issues. In the last GG survey people who voted for Obama outnumbered Romney voters 4-1, there are a lot of issues where they'll still favor the Democrat.

Furthermore, and very importantly, a lot of people dislike politics or mixing politics and GG in general. Some of the impetus came from people sick of politics being injected into gaming journalism after all. So while you might be passionate about your issue, and they might even agree about that specific issue, bringing it into GG alienates both the people who disagree with you and the people who dislike politics or view it as co-opting.

thanks for correcting the record.

You do realize that you have become the mirror to the "everyone that disagrees with me is Hitler" people on Twitter, right?

Funny how when this tweet was about M&Ms and men, Twitter lapped it up like a dog and collectively jerked each other off over it.

But now, no, suddenly the logic is faulty. just, fucking kill me


I'm just thanking you for setting the record straight, correcting it, if you will.

not suprised

He likely just understood. Thank you for correcting the record

I just want someone to make that one observation and let it gain traction.

I'm so sick of these fucking hypocrites getting away with shit.

It gets fucking worse;

Jesus fucking Christ

Some people are legit retarded. Those people are you.

Why is lo-ping now retweeting SJWeebs on twitter?

Does anyone have a picture of this? It's time to remind them on their hypocrisy.

Huh? What?

Now that is some amusing reaching.

When isn't a panda known for stealing content ever not retweeted SJW material.


That's one hell of a reach. He should try out for sports

How? Ask them if they wont kill anyone? Its pretty hard to properly vet anyone, but people without documented histories are impossible to vet for safety.

I really wish these threads were about video games.

Kek amused.

I shouldn't be surprised but these people are straight up retarded

And i really wish you'd get bullied, nerd


frogman, if anything, is a usurper. Kek will punish him in time.




That reminds me.

Hillary's IT guy is so fucked beyond belief. EVERYTHING of his has been compromised, leakers making it public.

This skittles shit and the newest Singal nonsense just makes my blood boil

I cannot fucking believe this bullshit. I don't get it . I don't get how the fuck people can just go on being this fucking full of shit. I hate it.

And watch as they hire a less competent guy.

This sort of thought-terminating baseless shill-calling is part of why Holla Forums is so much shittier now. I think it's why they seem to never verify anything anymore, causing all sorts of fake shit to proliferate.

Even that video they made about the refugee crisis that got a bunch of mainstream attention had some pointless fake shit in it. I still remember some months back when someone posted a years-old picture of Australian steroid users being arrested they had gotten off Holla Forums and said it was "Syrian refugees", and then I ended up learning it was fake from fucking Reddit. That's "forwarded emails" or "Facebook meme" levels of easily-debunked bullshit.

You're going to have to learn how to accept being bombed and child grooming gangs just like Europe has, I mean anything's worth avoiding being called racist, right goy?

Remember who they are outside of their keyboards.

Look at Joe Bernstein, he had all the fucking cash and opportunities handed to him, went to journalism school, and now he's making articles saying "10 reasons why you should quit pokemon go".

They are pathetic if you meet them face to face.

He's also a furry


Go watch the Milo stream and get some laughs there.



Bread ready…

That would be a good method, if they would actually use it, the "families" canada has let in have been proven to be violent, and I wont be suprised if there are deaths covered up, we already have syrian brats strangling their classmates.

I'm baking and releasing at 700.

All the reason why they fight so hard online: It's not only their own safe space, it's the only place where they can feel that their lives are important and relevant.

Thus their mortal enemies are a bunch of faceless, anonymous nobodies that only wanted to have fun and play games.

To these puppetmasters, this isn't a game but their very lives are on the line.


Wait until China gets control over the internet in october.

They are done for.

Gildafag be gone.




Yeah, I hope the next thread people try to avoid responding to derailing bait as much