Sanders, who come in second place to Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination this year, has repeatedly voiced his concerns with the party’s lack of support in middle America.
Sanders, who come in second place to Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination this year, has repeatedly voiced his concerns with the party’s lack of support in middle America.
Comrade Sanders will bring a red terror so horrific that all the world will drown in blood and tears.
'Punished' Sanders was on our side all along
he'll lose support from liberals
Take time to remind your local liberal-moving-towards-leftism that by "White Working Class" we mean the 46% of the population who did not vote, not the ~25% who actually voted for Trump. 77% of the US are White People, and only 10% of them are rich.
They're all making a flip now
Sometimes I think liberals are more deserving of a bullet than fascists.
Not really lad
Trump didn't "get all of the working class votes".
ITT post yfw idpol is finished and class politics is back
I bet Holla Forums still thinks this election was a success for nationalism, Trump is already selling out and the Democrats are self destructing. Secretariat Sanders/Commissar Corbyn dream team is coming
He'll never get the working class vote after the comments that he's made
is this aeons for ants
You've got it wrong, the white working class that would have actually voted for Bernie didn't vote at all when election time came.
He's not wrong, though. Fucking Iran and Afghanistan have more women in government than the United States.
rip anime
Surly that's not going to backfire. Surly.
That's easy:
Old Regulations:
1. Regulation A
2. Regulation B
New Regulation:
1. Regulation C
- Subclause: Regulation A
- Subclause: Regulation B
Eaten by the monster he created
Like pottery
Punished Bernie has a lot of work ahead of him
really makes you think…
what does this even mean?
I marvel sometimes at poltards' conception of political history
Did Barnie not fight for social justice when he was young?
That's why the Dems aren't making him an "official" party leader. They don't want to scare away the liberal money.
Being against racism doesn't make you for identity politics. Being against idpol inherently makes you against racism.
I think he was only going with idpol during the elections because it was the flavour of the month and he needed to win minority votes. Now that it's over and he's basically retired he can say what he really thinks.
He was part of the civil-rights movement. Fighting Jim Crow to give blacks in the south full civil-rights is a tad different from what SJWs are all about these days, don't you think?
He has stated numerous times in the past that he's not too fond of identity politics and thinks the major division in society is by class. That's why I was kinda disappointed when he bowed down to pressure to appeal to liberals and their idpol nonsense in the primaries.
The civil rights movement was nothing like the modern SJW movement
Comrades Jane and Bernie Sanders Reportback from Soviet Union Visit
Comrades Jane and Bernie Sanders Reportback from Soviet Union Visit
stop using "working class" as a euphemism for poor whites
most black people and immigrants are working class, and they have been just as devastated by neoliberal policy
the fact that politicians separate race issues and economic issues is fucking infuriating
This is basically the hashtag to identify rich/classcucked liberals.
Holla Forums were not out to get you
That's real cool. My point was that it IS identity politics to say we need more women and blacks in government.
Furthermore, there've been a lot of tea-leaf reading analysis of the election but no one seems to be questioning whether Trumpberg actually won:
Proletariat works just fine.
I like how you think social justice is in itself a bad thing.
If Trump lost, it was by a very narrow margin. Clinton was cheated, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.
I like how Holla Forumstards don't understand what idpol is.
Like… pottery? What?
Which will probably make the TPP look protectionist by comparison.
Why are they considered so terrible? Far smaller group out of that percentage are irredeemable racists.
The majority of them just want to see their standard of life raise, and Trump sold them on that. I think just writing them off wholesale is terrible.
It's idpol to say we need more of minorities and women in video games and movies.
It's not idpol to say a representative government should be…ya know, representative of the people it claims to govern.
Left insanity is still hilarious, thx bunker-chan
This. There is no white working class or black working class. There is just working class.
COINTELPRO doesn't care, the security services defend the capital interests of a nation and an unending lurch right doesn't cause them concern.
Nevermind that opioid addiction is reaching epidemic levels, suicide and other preventable diseases are skyrocketing, and the gap between working class people and the rich widens the day. Here's an unattractive white person!
What a piece of shit
Are you for real?
this. trump support rose with income.
May as well be pure rhetoric tbh.
to the vanguard, borther, to the vanguard.
seats will be sold out quite soon.
this tbh
who wants to eat burned flesh
Most liberals didn't even notice
Not really. If black people and women aren't properly represented, that's a sign that something is wrong with our representative system.
Democrats don't give a shit about the working class in general. They just happen to NOT be white supremacists, so minorities fall in line regardless.
That's still idpol. If a black woman wants a white man to represent her interests in government then that's representation.
Said the guy who can't move beyond supporting a mobster.
That's a guy isn't it?