Harvard Jew Economist says Japan Needs 200k Immigrants per Year

Diversity for the goy, makes the Jew filled with joy.

Probability of being Jew = 70%

Probability of being Jew = 99%

Probability of being Jew = 99.999999999999991000%

Probability of being Jew = 100%

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From Africa, OFC. Must be from Africa. And not those whiteys in South Africa. They need some hard pipe-hittin' niggers.

that op got a sensible chuckle out of me

So this is the guy that keeps spamming cuckchan with "I'm Japanese and my country needs 200k immigrants per year", huh.

Fuck off. It is obviously on (((the agenda))).

Imagine still thinking mass immigration from shit holes are a good idea. I can understand Jews pushing it, because they are machiavellian shitbags that want to destroy everyone not Jew. But to actually still believe there is a normative argument (either ethical or economic) in the face of increased rape, terror, social disorder, and increased crime is fucking retard-tier on the part of the non-jew left wing, liberal, and cuckservatives.

Whites wouldn't be needed in Japan period save for english teachers or the occasional highly specialized position. Our current economic system is all about the grunt migrant labor to 'take the jobs the Japanese don't want to do'.

The system depends on exploiting an underclass, and in Japan's case a flood of cheap 3rd world labor probably would benefit said system. But only sicko psychopaths would care when it also brings crime-waves, collapse in community cohesion, ethnic blocks forming against the host populace and utilized by the pro-migrant parties that compound the problem until it can't be stopped and the migrants use their vote against the Japanese to bring more migrants in and vote for welfare for themselves to leech off of, until…

Ever wonder why the Japanese are big into robotics? Better to phase out low-paid labor entirely so they don't have to commit suicide like the West has. They are in a race against time.

Japan is crowded as shit.
Like US, real estate values are insane.
Only (((real estate owners))) profit from this.
Population drops and houses become affordable again.
We need this in America, fucking yesterday!
Population surges again after this.
This is part of the business cycle.

BPS did a good video on the subject matter. Japan is tackling its debt problem rather than doubling down with immigration and the fallacy of ‘perpetual growth’, combine this with automation and Japan’s future is looking pretty rosy.

That's a meme, Hokkaido has a lower population density than most of europe for example

Japanese need to focus on robots to replace jobs that the rapefugees would do, send their undesirable hikkikomoris to fight and die in some war, tax breaks for 3+ kids for normal Japanese couples, heavy taxes on 30+ single men and women.

Apparently it isn't hard to do. Step 1 is to convince a people that they have many crimes to atone for. Step 2 is to erase the rest of their history. The (((USA))) managed that in Japan by 1950.

Step 3 is to fuck with the economy until young people of the target group would rather have bone cancer than a child. Step 4 is to induce crisis, ideally something involving complicated debt instruments nobody understands. Japan is now at this point.

Step 5 is to propose a solution: young immigrants who can "work" to "support" the older generation. If you've done your work, the Baby Boomer-san generation will still electorally outnumber the young people who have to pay for their elders' free ride in blood, and most of the young will have been brainwashed with yellow guilt (now with 30% more Nanking!). Step 6 is to suppress the truth about what violent, insane monsters niggers and demi-niggers are, preferably with hate-speech laws enforced as selectively as a Jew in a brothel.

Bang! Got your genocide. And all of it in the jewiest way possible, via lying and manipulation.

Somebody should warn Japan. Vid related is tearful swordniggers converting to Religion of Cuck™.

There are a lot more mormons in Japan than muslims. 100k of them I believe, mindblowing.

Real estate is one of the most deliberately evaded topics when political figures discuss immigration. The long term goal I believe is for property to be so expensive that it is impossible for the average citizen to become a homeowner and for socialized housing to become standard for the majority. In my country this is becoming very close to being a working reality, within a single generation home ownership as plummeted thanks to immigration and foreign investment, the residual wealth of the middle classes is being spent on this generation’s offspring to bridge the gap between earnings and property prices. By next generation there will be nothing left and the state will likely swoop in and offer out rabbit hutches in exchange for who knows what.

Had the natural population decline amongst natives however been accepted rather than over compensated for via immigration then there would already be a surplus of property occurring and life would actually be easier as a result (which may have boosted the native population).

Japanese are really authority oriented and conformist. Just walk up to one and tell him or her whatever retarded thing just popped into your head. There's a non-zero chance he'll believe you to be polite. Their society has little experience with parasites like cuckoos and Jews, so they're vulnerable, despite their generally high level of functioning.

Daily reminder the mods are gigantic faggots.


Stop having kids!, oh looks like you need more foreigners now.

It isn't a meme. Just because more rural areas have space doesn't mean the cities aren't crowded as fuck.

urban sprawl is crap, i'd rather have tall futuristic Japanese cities thanks.

Japan doesn't need that extra birthrate you idiot.

And you want a particular kind of African, I'm thinking Somalis or Sudanese. They tend to adapt well wherever they're transplanted.

That's not a good thing. Judaism, Religion of Cuck™, and Christianity have no place in Japan.

This would solve Europe's problems in a flash but Japan is pretty close to capacity for its size so they don't need a growing population as much, (((increasing GDP%))) is unsustainable Jewish bullshit and completely unnecessary if you don't have a debt-based currency that you need to pay constant interest on.

▓▒▓ Isla­m-o-niggers ▓▒▓

It's really all backwards rationalisation. It stems from deep emotional manipulation.

They've all been influenced to hate whites and love foreigners. Hitler killed the Jews. White people killed the natives. Slavery. Africans are starving and need food. From a very early age, they have been brainwashed into hating themselves and feeling sympathetic towards the plight of foreign people.

They just use logic to try and rationalise a society that hurts white people and helps downtrodden foreigners. This is why they're so logically inconsistent, because the desire to replace us doesn't stem from logic, but from Jewish emotional manipulation implemented in their developing years.

It was a nice chuckle OP, today you were not a faggot.

He looks like the bad guy from mega man.

The Jews have been pushing or "diversity" in Japan for a long time.

Wow, this is the same kind of bullshit that they are peddling here in the west, these kikes absolutely abhor monolithic societies don't they?

I'm sorry to say that this foundation is cucked. Most of its events held/sponsored by its local branch in my country have limited playlists.

Not even the Japanese underworld has the guts to fight/backtrack that now.

We need to start assassinating these Jews

I saw this the other day and really pissed me off. Black started out as a (((Goldman Sachs))) employee

It's more satisfying to watch their golems turn on them.

Fuck you for showing me that.


We need to flood 2chan with as many racial realist infopics we can before this bullshit gains traction

As a Canadian, I don't want my enemies to win

Intredastingly, I was talking about the same thing last night with someone though not with any real scope.
While robotics / automation seems like a good solution to low skill labor without muh gibs as well as without crime from feral niggers it could be a slippery slope where robotics do more and more until human life is phased out.

For a country with an almost homogenous population, yes automation is good. For us whites in our diverse and multicultural hells, its very bad.

But hey, there won't be jobs due to "automation" - so you need to import millions of unskilled workers, goyim, because???



3rd looks half-jew

Link to article??

as a hapa(German Japanese) I can confirm mass illegal immigration from China, Korea, (Shin Kobe) India, and Somalia especially in Utsunomiya (north Tokyo).

wonder what kinda anime we'll get, should we nuke isreal

Or they could clear south-est asia, dunno.

They did that once. Unfortunately we stopped them, and now we are dealing with the Chink Jew economy.

If they're using the same playbook, they haven't a chance in hell of succeeding.

my thoughts.

That's the cities.

The first three I can get how that can happen kind of easily, but fucking Somalia even. Truly human-shaped rats. I imagine they stow away in every single crack of a ship they can.

which is perhaps why it's been hit with so many disasters…

checked, based reeee frog

There are 360 million people between indonesia and the philippines alone.

Since white population is bordering on a no return scenario I hope that in the scenario where we fail Japan will pick up the torch Germany left behind and become masters of the universe in our place after eradicating the Jew.

her videos are shit, plenty of better looking girls

has she been released from Jail yet?

Why is this news?

Nips need to invest and expand towards Space Colonization.

I know this prick. He talks lots of shit. He's a big shithead with banning cash. A bullet really needs to find it's way to his forehead.

Hokkaido is a remote island in the far north you fucking retard, it is a unique case not a fucking example.




Told you this was an angle they were going to try.
We still have a huge advantage with the fact the Japanese are inherently stubborn and xenophobic.
Their language also helps to prevent the kikes influence, they love how easy it is to pervert english for their own goals.
Right now we have a huge head start, we can reinforce their resistance to the diversity virus by using our ability to meme.
With the right memes we can start additional momentum to make these hook noses fuck off with their injection of more poisonous outsiders, salt the earth before they get a chance to gain a foothold.
They will try every angle to infect Japan.

Some brave lone wolf user with a few free Gs mount up and kill this kike

You know, if the world decided to acknowledge that "money" was a construct, we could end this tomorrow. "We're not paying you back your imaginary credits :)". It really could be that easy, but it will never happen because the idea of "money" is ingrained in every human on earth.

Tsars, Emperors and Kings will return, real money and values with them



The Japanese are already recovering. Their birthrate is already higher than Germany and others even with all the rapefugees Germany takes in. Abe even set up reasonable working hours to the point Japanese now work less hours than Americans do. It's over, the game is done, usury kikes.

He means niggers, of course.

So niggers can help those Japs spend their money faster via programs for the perpetually helpless.

I don't think he's saying increasing taxes and debt so 200,000 Poles or Hungarians can have free housing, health care, and food in Japan is a good idea.

Nope. He's saying those Japs who helped the nazis are getting replaced with niggers and there's nothing they can do about it. Except side with based Kim.

Side with based Kim, Japan. The future of humankind may depend on it.

Too late. The HFV-Gamma "Nig Killer" vector has already been deployed in mainland Japan.

There is never a NEED for immigrants. Fucking kikes.

I think the japs proved that 'dem programs' dont really work.

Smug kike face needs a bullet

Where does this meme come from that Japanese history (or culture) has somehow been erased?


An oldie but a goodie.

Sorry I must embed it

Due to effort similar to "denazification" to paint everything after Meiji to be racist, imperialistic evil with no redeeming factors.

It's also worth noting that technically, Japan can take all the niggers in the world and just treat them to local food (It's some seaweed i forgot the name of) that just happens to be highly poisonous if not lethal to everyone but the Japanese ethnic group.

I've seen plenty of anime that takes place between Meiji and the end of the war that didn't have anything like that.

It's their public, compulsory education, not anime/manga
though it might be old news, I was busy with actually learning the language than studying their education system and amount of poz received.
It boils down to what goes down during the (((olympics))).
Only safeguards are the language, and the gaijin-lethal seaweed

The less xenophobic Japan (or any country) becomes the faster it will die.
There are 4(or 5, depending if you treat lack of it, as a level) levels of Xenophobia
That's western europe right now
Poland is there in regards to ukr*ps
Japan is at level 2 right now, as foreigners are prohobited from working at the government, the government can cancel visa or citizenship over "disrespect towards Japanese culture and customs" and marrying outsiders is shunned.
Saudis are here
At lvl 4 you organize pogroms and mass killings to preserve yourself
Israel, North Korea, South Africa and a few others are at 4.

simple reminder Japan with their declining population and refusal to accept immigrants of any number are perfectly poised for the looming future of mass automation


Well clearly this education–if it even exists, which I doubt it does–is not actually getting through to students.

I only got 1:07 in before I wanted to oven every kike that exists 6,000,000 times

>originally came to Japan working for (((Goldman Sachs)))

I fuckin wonder (((why)))?

Imagine shooting that kike in the forehead.

Japan is overpopulated, not underpopulated. And even if it was, their main problem is that their men have to work so much that they are either too stressed to have sex with their wives and increase the population or in the worst scenario they don't even have time to come home. Another major issue which the west has as well is the boomers, they simply refuse to die, east-asians are known for their absurdly long lifespan.
But the fact that this kike thinks Japan should take in niggers and muslims as well is proof that they are assuming that their plan in the west has already worked and they are now pushing to spread their control to Asia. This can also be seen in how rich kikes like Zuckerberg are marrying chinks to make them physically adaptable to Asian society and blend in there as they have done in the west as well by marrying whites.
Anyway, it will never work. Asians are mostly civilised but they also have zero empathy for anything that lives, they won't hesitate to commit genocide if mass-immigration comes knocking on their doors.

Actually, there's another half to hit. Wives expect them to work real hard regardless of the circumstances. If workers end up leaving early for the day because the boss let them, they go to an arcade or some other area to relax to give the impression that they were working hard.

It's been destroyed just like Germany's was after WW2 and just like they've been doing in every other western country since the 70s.

The difference with Japan is that there are so few jews there that their efforts haven't been working, the same story in eastern Europe like Poland, Hungary, etc where all the Jews were kicked out.

You're right, they're trying to make a new breed of Jews that are half-asians so they can infiltrate the east asian countries.

Right now they will never be able to succed in pushing immigration and genocide into those countries like Japan or China because they are still controlled by their own ethnicity.

I doubt they are truly redpilled but they are at least smart enough to know that immigration is suicide. Most asians are not willing to interact with any other racial group besides whites (And Ashkenazi Jews because they don't know the difference).

They have already done it. Jews are so far ahead of us it's almost impossible for us to win. They have halfbreeds everywhere. I see nigger jews everywhere, also nigger spics. Asian jews are just more difficult to identify.

*Jew spics

Japanese do have werid fetishes for blacks though

Only in Tokyo

The nigger was just delivering a case of 40s and mom decided to let him have some tea. vid related