Hey pals is there a good youtube channel, pdf or something where I can get wow's lore from the very beginning to whats happening in legon?
World of Warcraft LORE
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Don't bother. It's a clusterfuck of corruption.
Go watch Nobble
Just play Warcraft 3. It's the only good story.
And then realize that nothing ever really be resolved because of WOW.
This is all the Warcraft lore you need.
But you will get some chink pandos and goat sluts or something gay like that
Well, perhaps he is wondering why someone would a corrupt a man, before throwing off a plane.
it's pretty much a neverending shitshow of mindbreak porn without the actual porn
How do they not know that they did the same thing for every game ever? Kerrigan, Arthas, etc.
I wish the autistic red shirt guy would ask this next cuckcon.
Nobbel makes some good lore vids
but if I remember right I think jesse cox made a couple of good ones too.
What makes you think they don't know?
Well they could be corrupted for starters.
Well ofcourse at least Sargeras wasn't corrupted from the start, he was…. oh wait
at the beginning, you had orcs and humans beating the shit out of each other for years
then everyone gets corrupted
the end
summarized it
but you forgot the new twist redeeming
Is there a list of all the antagonists that are that way because they got corrupted?
The entirety of WoW lore right there.
Warcraft Lore:
Gods make world, it gets CORRUPTED,
Gods make guardians and soldiers to heal corruption, they get CORRUPTED.
Gods best fighter gets CORRUPTED, kills all other gods.
NOTHING HAPPENS for a coulpe of billion years.
Trolls get CORRUPTED into Night elves.
about 10,000 years or something the queen of Night Elves get CORRUPTED and tries to summon teh CORRUPTED God and his CORRUPTED army.
Fantasy Pangea blows up in the ensuing fight.
Many years pass with much CORRUPTION happening in them.
next they can start redeeming everyone and bringing back alternative timeline version of dead guys, only to be corrupted again
the cycle will never end
Allow me to give you a start.
Just read the text of the quests you are doing. They explain the lore to you, and they are literally presented to you every time you play. Sage because simple question:simple answer.
Well, now with Metzen gone, It's not as probable as before, but who knows what kind of nutjob will write the continuiation.
you know part of me really wants to porndump right here but the mods banned me like 10 times last time because they just love blizzards giant cock up their ass.
fuck this shit.
so guldan didnt die in wod? and he somehow brought back illidan?
And who will be the writer's stand in, and will sylvanas still be his waifu?
at this point nothing less could shock me
at this point it would shock me if this didn't happen
More likely then you think, he is surprisingly popular and WotLK technically didn't actually kill him off. due the Phylactery loophole.
And if they do you can bet they will use his Hearthstone characterization and MAYMAYS.
My bowel movements create a pretty accurate summary of the WoW lore.
he teleports away after the fight to be a raid boss
Man you forgot like 20 corruptions or somerthing. How could you.
Nice trips.
I can see them explaining some lore shenanigans how Kelthuzad was just training in order to fight for the creater good against an yet unseen threat in future and his corruption was just a masterplan in order to gain insight into the evil guises plan
Do people really believe this?
But then I realize their true intent:
shit I really did.
thank god for doing a better job than me with just one word.
Archimonde bails Gul'dan out in the final WoD raid.
Maiev put Illidans dead body in a crystal after the raid left and Demons have been retconned into having the same "corpse-run" ability as players, and since Illidan is a demon post-Gul'dans skull so does he.
For the record all thing point to WoD Gul'dan being demon now too.
It is obvious that Gul'dan is planning to put Sargeras soul in Illidans body.
I thought the lore behind corpse run was that there is no lore
Yeah, it is LORE now.
Demon Hunters starting zone have Illidan talk about it if you die, so now it is canon and Cataclysm acknowledged Spirit Healers as a canon thing with Azuregos before that.