Our Beloved Führer Thread

Share images, videos etc. of our führer.

And please, no shit posting. Anyone who shit posts, posts anime or other degenerate bullshit is a confirmed jew.












Smugness must be in the blood.



attention jews














just a reminder, he brought germany from webm and first and second pic related to third and fourth pic related in 3 years. So if anyone tells you that we need the federal reserve or a new world currency to solve a economic crisis they probably have (((ulterior))) motives.



Huh how is this thread not deleted or anchored yet btw?

Hitler was great, but he shoulda gassed your grandpappy, Goon Kike.


When will he come back, anons?

I hope none of the mods are enough of a manlet kike to do that, but I am ready to be disappointed.

He is always in your heart, never forget that.

where have you been at for the last 9 months?

You've got me all wrong, I know they'd do it. I'm just preempting them doing it by suggesting that anyone that would do it is a manlet kike. If they go ahead and do it anyway, they know how I feel about them.

