Like KEK, and Hitler as Wotan, Moonman is an actual deity named Manni, god of the moon and brother of the sun.
Man on the moon = Manni of the moon.
Like KEK, and Hitler as Wotan, Moonman is an actual deity named Manni, god of the moon and brother of the sun.
Man on the moon = Manni of the moon.
Did you really think the moon was just your average nigger killer?
not Manni
wew, very spooky. Really gets me in the Halloween mood.
Throwing in two Norse scholars who are pretty deep and beyond all those austru fags.
Warning real ancient viking talk sounds like Elves underwater.
Interesting. Apart from it being a moon god, does it have any relation to the moon man meme?
Yeah, he's the man in the moon? Mona holds him in her arms. I thought this was common knowledge here.
Talking about the De Idola Germanis a Protestant author wrote down the idol's inscription which still existed in the late 1400s:
The Saxon rune poem has the similar passage:
ᚹᚣᛚᛖ ᛞᚩᛗᛖ ᛋᛁᚾᛖ ᚦᚫᛏ ᛠᚱᛗᛖ ᚠᛚᚫᛋᚳ ᛇᚱᚦᚪᚾ ᛒᛖᛏᚫᚳᚪᚾ
Another Protestant Account from 1600s before the French destroyed it:
Well his name is literally Moonmani
I find these very interesting.
Odin created man by giving breath to wood from trees, and so did Zues. YHWY gave breath to clay.
Semites confirmed for mudbloods
Do not forget there were three including him. Back then he went by Won, basically before he ascend the throne he was the deity of "winning", with his brothers Wil for will and Wea faith. Latin characters don't give the proper annunciation of such old names though.
Greek words do. Logos, Agape. Trinitarian belief seems to predate Christianity in this sence, however. Interesting.
The problem is that even Noah predates Semites. Trees are very much in an important role in the creation stories either way. The roles are different, and quite low resolution.
I'd argue for a unified source for both myths, or at the very least strong influences. The Finnish creation myth is quite different, for example.
Kek. The universe just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
Well Odin and his brothers Vill and Vee had the father Bore and mother Estla. The ancestors of them were not really known even in times of Tacitus though.
That's a way of hiding it though from the Church who didn't want paganism but would be OK with history of Troy. The names of the gods and characters are like ruins, hidden meaning. See video:
Does star man get mentioned anywhere in that lore?
Fucking retards
CIA trying to get us to worship meme cartoons
I had previously wondered how willingly the Norsemen accepted Christianity. It seems that the difference between Roman Catholicism and Odinism / Wotanism isn't that great.
In Finnish mythology, Christianity is actually an entity near the end of it. The young Kiesus has an argument with the divine bard Väinämöinen, and wins.
I'm loving it.
fuck off back to your thread CIAnigger.
You do not need to worship every metaphysical entity you encounter. Admit the interesting times, contemplate on your life and live it like you should.
I disagree both Volsupa and Gylfaginning say the same thing about Odin. According to the many times outsiders have encountered Germanics their pantheon has evolved and changed, it is not so static as Greeco-Roman deities have died or stepped forward or have children. Just because he was apart of the process of creating man and woman doesn't mean he was always recognized as leader of Aesir, why would someone like Freya care about that? To works written by Germanics things evolve by wyrd ways.
Tacitus spoke of Tuisco as being ascended to the throne for the tribes he encountered. Greeks way back when even speak of very old Aesir like Flint known to the Germanic Wends who is depicted with a lion when lions still roamed parts of Europe according to the fossil record. There is also Gaut and Mathilda, from the poem Deor, very important deities to the Goths, who kept using the name instead of Deus as well as ancient Saxum the deity who smashed his foes with a rock flung above his head and so the Saxons named all their rock-metal weapons after him.
As far as I know the Germanic tribes had important deities not considered as important to others but knew to them all and of course they all had the same seven day week even to ancient times by the system known by the Golden Hat of Berlin.
I know thou hung from the windy tree, nights of all nine, thineself sacrificed to thinesefl on that ancient tree, no one knows where of the roots run, none gave thee drink, none gave thee bread, into the depths thou stared, thou took up the runes and fell back screaming in madness, but thine knowledge though shared.
This tbh family. The Germanic religion is cool and everything, but if you want to build an actually structurally sound belief you need to start off with either Greek or hindu beliefs. From there you can even readopt germanic names for deities if you want to.
Trinitarian belief is not Christian. It was a European belief adopted by the early church. Nowhere in any of the Gospels does it refer to Christ and God as a singular entity. The story of Jesus is closer to the myth of Osiris and Isis than anything. There's still sects of Christianity today that reject the idea of the Trinity.
That's obviously /x/-tan.
Rick and Morty's moonmen is a psyop intended to weaken the real Moon Man.
That's obviously /x/-tan.
double post
Who came first lad? Our Germanic ancestors and the forces behind them have been leading them into the unknown for a very long time, sometimes they succeed others do not. The structure is like the tides, now the tide rises and now it sinks but the flow of these rivers always continues as according to Uuodanz about The Great Gap gap var Ginnunga.
There is only one thing you can save from the Abyss, others have failed though.
Also, this.
Pretty amazing lecture by Manly P. Hall - On Norse Myth - Including the Scythian origins, Wagner, the human mind, and a bit of Hitler at the end.
Who's the sun?
Who cares
gas yourself
Days of the Week?
I dont think my IQ is high enough to understand this show
Watch your Jim, user.
nice autism thread you kekistani faggot. Kill yourself
So we have runes now?
So what are we at now, Kek, Wotan and Mani versus Moloch? Next thing you now we will discover that Ben Garrision was the sacrificial body of Osiris brought back to create divine wrath.
No, but we do have Marth from Fire Emblem and Mario from Mario since this is all a cool cross-religion fighing game. Pic related is proof, this was found on an ancient scroll in Japan after some /ourguys/ broke into an area only the emperor and his family can enter.
Whoopsie doo, forgot my pic!
I want useless autism to go. Fuck Kek, fuck prophecies, fuck inner earth ufo nazi theories, it's all just false hope based on nothing. There's no deus ex machina coming to save us. Hit the gym, hit the range, stock up on supplies and prepare for total war.
no fun allowed
>>>Holla Forums
You're entering a wrong territory.
The sun from the south, the moon's companion,
Her right hand cast about the heavenly horses Arvak and Alsvid.
The sun knew not where she a dwelling had,
The moon knew not what power he possessed,
The stars knew not where they had a station
Praise Moonmani the negro slayer
Protocols Of Arya Two: The Path Of Light
Symbolism (memes) control the world you moron. The military uses it. And no one is buying your fake tough guy meme. I already know how to fight and run around during a fake civil war.
So the sun is Moonman's army. The fucking Moon leads the Sun. I like this.
The memes are starting to have a life of their own.
This one.
Some of this is interesting but most of it is bullshit Freemason hermetic retardation
Hey, since pol-tan and Erika represent Holla Forums the community maybe they represent the sun also. Still the sun for us makes perfect sense. The Norse goddess for the sun is fucking called Sol.
This shit is fun! I hope there's one for Trump and Seth Rich!
Moonman is Allah
Look what (((they))) did to the algirz rune though! I'm sure the kikes use symbolism from our group memories to make us feel easy in the Hel we're all in.
So Moonman is God?
Thanks for reminding me of this qt
[ciatation needed]
I thought her name was Rachel Purity
Well shit. Neo-Pantheon when
Streets stay hot like a Moonman Doom wad
Honestly, I wouldn't know how to fit in any of Holla Forums's deities, neither kek, nor moonman, nor ebolachan make sense as forms of the Norse pantheon.
But let me give it a try.
Pepe, frog, smug, a creature associated with fresh water, metamorphosis, living in hidden locations, difficult to catch, slimy.
The most logical form would be Loki, but Loki is bound and the element of deceit and lust are there, but not strong enough.
Therefor kek must be a form of Wotan, shapechanger, smug, being of the deep waters (primordial waters, but also the subconscious), etc. though no genuine connection extists between him and frogs, while Loki has a connection to the water.
A third, somewhat more logical connection, would be to see Pepe as an aspect of Mimir, which would explain his association with water and some of his Wotanic elements.
Wotan controls the head of Mimir. so my conclusion is that Pepe is perhaps a form of Mimir's head, though partially controlled by Wotan.
Moonman, a killer of demonic entities, not much doubt that this would have to be a form of Donar. But there is no connection between Donar and the moon I can think off. His ultra-violent nature, would make it difficult to associate him with other Gods.
Tyr is associated with the sun and the day sky and gives people victory, instaid of taking things in his own hand.
Ebolachan. The only thing I can think off is that she could be a form of Frigg, by way of her being associated with health.
To clarify; I mean us and them simultaneously representing the sun.
Awesome job user!
The more you look, the more similarities you see in religions.
In my opinion, there is a singular universal truth from which all religion springs from, and we must find it.
Haven't found a lot of worth in the Greek pantheon, but the Indian holy books are absolutely ancient, and the most devout practitioners are still seeking new knowledge and enlightenment. What other mainstream religion continues to grow as Hinduism does?
Its already been speculated that he's Thoth, and ergo also Mercury/Hermes (Trismegistus). Keep in mind Hermopolis Magna, the main cult centre of Thoth in Egypt was also where Kek was worshipped
In terms of meme magic, he's definitely one of the most potent figures. Just look at his appearance, a crescent moon with a face, a motif primarily associated with occult imagery.
reported for nu/pol/ smiley shitposting
Downvote nullified.
If your trying to get at something along the lines of paganism = occult = kikes, remember that the diadem of stars is also used in Christian Marian imagery. That's ostensibly where the EU got the symbol from.
>not allahaV
What a bunch of retards
Also we need to edit pic 4 for indians
The occult is potent shit. In this materialistic age, skepticism can be forgiven, but really, just try it out and see. What has a skeptic got to lose in experimentation?
Genuinely the biggest coup the Jews ever pulled off was on one hand to become a race of magicians and on the other to convince us Gentiles that magic was either inherently evil or nonexistant. To paraphrase Baudelaire, the Devil's crowning achievement was convincing man that he does not exist.
This isn't occult though. This is open EXoteric shit. Holla Forums isn't hiding anymore
Right fucking now brother
Write it
The memes, Jack!
BTW, anyone have archived Moon Man songs? They got shoahed on JewTube, whole albums and hit singles like "Take me to church"
So when the Edda's warn against witchcraft, that is somehow a Jewish influence. ditto Roman and Greek pratices against witchcraft?
I have never seen this guy before. I will be running it by the head of my Odinic group to see what she says.
I hadn't heard of her before, either.
I have been pro-white for a long time and busy fighting and supporting our people much more than studying, once I got the basic picture. I am glad you linked these, based user.
She's a feminist Swede so be forewarned. But she is a high level scholar, PHD and loves her people's history and faiths so…
Snorri Sturluson, the man who wrote the Edas down for the first time, was a Christian. Undoubtedly, his Christian bias had major influence on how he interpreted them. The Edas were solely passed on by word of mouth up until that point. The only Edas we have now are through a Christian's take on it. So yes, the Jews had a hand in that. The originals are lost. Educate your fucking self faggot.
Seriously, though, that is unbelievably fucking disgusting. I guess we'll have to post shit like "were ancient kikes ACTUALLY nazis?" while we burn Tel Aviv.
Seriously, do you want a shitposting contest with the Final Boss of the interwebs?
That's disappointing, but as long as it doesn't cloud her religious talks, then I suppose I can deal with it. I am glad that Odinia isn't into feminist garbage. She actually values being a woman. But, then again, she is literally one of the smartest women on Earth, rather than merely (((educated))). One can tell that she is very intelligent because she hates academic men and says they are all fags.
She is apparently also fairly critical of the male professor, but she says that it's because he is not in depth enough. It's fine enough for me, though. I must learn more about what I have been fighting for.
Do you think we can syncretize Manni with Thoth? Moonman refuses to be praised and acts as an equalizer, exactly like Dyehuti aka Thoth. I heard some comparative theology anons compared Kek to Jesus but called him Yazeus.
We should find more. Our enemies are the Red Bull, White Rabbit, and probably some kind of owl. The Owl's hiding in the dark, but the Frog *is* the dark.
Shut up kike.
How can that be? Why would a "natural force" refuse veneration? What could be more natural than thanking a primeval force for it's presence?
Chesire cat?
He was the only one who kind of helped Alice.
Meme cats are kind of like pepe. And cats were known in ancient Egypt to drive away evil spirits as they walked inbetween the realms of the living and the dead.
Sekhmet also is a solar deity, sometimes called the daughter of the sun god Ra. She hunts the snakes of Set. Sekhmet's name suits her function and means "the (one who is) powerful". She also was given titles such as the "(One) Before Whom Evil Trembles", "Mistress of Dread", "Lady of Slaughter" and "She Who Mauls".
Sekhmet was the Eye of Ra and was created by the fire in Ra's eye.
In ancient Egyptian mythology there are legends concerning the defeat of Apep (the Serpant) by a great cat. The cat goddess Bastet represented both the home and the domestic cat but was also represented in the war-like aspect of a lioness, lynx or cheetah. Cat Goddesses were revered for both their powers of protection and their skills as fierce combatants. Mau and Bastet, both cat goddesses, were credited with killing the evil snake god Apep.
Then there is Freya, she is the wife of Odin and goddess of love/fertility/beauty in the Norse pantheon who drives a chairot of cars like the ancient Mountain mother goddess of the Cromagon, and Cibil of Anatolians (Celt/Germanic during the Trojan era).
Chariot of cats I mean.
That's because most of the ones that you're familiar with are Indo European. They all literally have the same gods, down to the names. They're just put through the linguistic and cultural filter of their respective races. Deus Pater=Jupiter=Zeus=Tyr, for example.
What interests me is the aspects of completely unrelated religions that share similarities. The biggest one that comes to mind is the flood myth, or a god giving mankind free will or knowledge.
Interesting to note, Judaism and its descendants are the only religion in which the entity that gives mankind free will is viewed as an evil or negative figure. They're the inverse of every single religion out there.
That faggot cat is already one of the major meme deities in /monster/.
To be fair Zeus was quite a dick to Prometheus but I guess he was alright to just let Hercules free him.
Fucking hell OP.
There's little more cucked than following the lead of a woman. Looks like the feminist corruption of Nordic beliefs is well underway.
Why don't you just become a wiccan (feminist religion where men are simply cucks/window dressing) and stop pretending?
Just to add, Varg Vikerne's wife's efforts to re-interpret the entirety of Norse paganism as being about women and their wombs is another shining example of CRITICAL THEORY being applied to traditional West European beliefs.
Mani is a female
Mani is male you shill kike. Sol is female
Mona (female) always holds Mani (male).
Yes, there are many kinds of non-trinitarian Christianity (the early christological disputes dealt with such matters), and I-slam is radically monistic as well.
Not completely wrong, but beware of universalist perennialism types.
We named our cats after Norse gods, Both Manny (manni) and Loki
You're very clever. I do have a few ideas, but I'm afraid to so them.
You're very good at stopping us.
God gave us freewill.
Does Santa exist?
And more importantly, does Santa oppose White genocide?
Except we have the yid who designed the kike flag saying he designed it on representing the 12 tribes of Israel.
Santa is Odin
Moon is Isis.
I wasn't going to spam this time but then I was banned.
einstein turnout fw jewellery pay pies entitlement pale punishment kawasaki interfere webmail petitioner mindless snack oakland. stevenson fx rhythms certain hardcover hentai cha lung donald pim bonuses soundtracks crucial cameltoe tbh.
Do he does exist.
Assuming that Santa exists and is also the Norse God Odin, I think it's safe to also assume Santa is against White genocide.
So if this is the case, why has Santa Clause not done anything to thwart the Jews in their efforts?
You know if you're a polytheist you should stop that. While the Catholics did use some aspects of Germanics to put together their new faith in colder climates the name Saint Clause and with it Saturnalia is more closer in name to Rome and Saturn/Kronos then anything Germanic. The bishop of Myra account never got very far into Western Europe so I have to doubt its just based on St. Nicholas.
Strangely as far as I can tell Krampus is actually a holdover from the Celtic belief system that the Germanics didn't have time to root out before encountering the Romans.
The key difference between the Saturnalia and Christmas versus the Germanic way is that Germanics always celebrate Yule for twelve days straight, like most of their wholedays, never taking a day but around a fortnight or so.
Santa is actually Odin. The 8 reindeer are his 8 legged horse. The stalkings, were filled with hay for his horse to eat and then he leaves you a present.
The tree is pure Norse mythos
Because white people would rather bow before a Rabbi god. See this faggot here
He believes Christianity is historyn and the Jews just started making Krampus memes in the media because they hate pagan holidays.
Christmas will be awesome this year knowing it's not Jewish/Christian
There are two Edda's. The poetic Edda with ancestral poetry and the proze Edda written by Snorri.
Read up about a subject when you comment!
also, the prophet Mani
The City of the Moon God