My team > your team

My team > your team.

Yeah, you're team is greater.

Greater pile of shit that is.


The more you add to a team, that less value each individual has. That being said, I'd just have nothing but aoe mages and a few healers for revive and so the mages can live long enough to nuke and a support for aoe buffs and cc I guess.

low energy

Why bother? Just pick the most OP guys. You didn't set any limit on the game so I'm just going to put Max from Scribblenauts in there for every slot and win every encounter, since he freezes time and can spawn anything that can be written.

What are you doing with your life?

who is your secondary tank?

Beatrix from FF9.

This sure is an interesting thread.

This sure is an interesting post.

Also, to your sentiment I can only say TITS.

The perfect post for dubs and it doesn't get them

What a shame.

1,000 Hours in MS Paint.

At least there's that

I heard this is the designated dubs thread.

That is too much for a normal rpg and it has too much has useless bullshit for SRPG


Meant to quote

I secretly want dubs, but don't have anything of merit to say, but I'm using a subversive tactice–if I say I want dubs, and admit to not having anything of merit to say, then people won't realize that I haven't said anything.

That's a bit too many individuals for my liking so I made my own. What do you think?

Here's template if anybody wants to do a smaller one.