Got this Game a month ago. I'm still playing it and killed the Warden on Ultimate difficulty.
Anyone else still playing it? It's Fucking great.
Got this Game a month ago. I'm still playing it and killed the Warden on Ultimate difficulty.
Anyone else still playing it? It's Fucking great.
It's on my '10$ or less' list
why not just pirate it
I still playing. Finished all content and wait for Expansion. Bad thing game is to gear depended and without resists you cant survive even first difficulty because Reflect Bosses can reflect status effects and DoT I get in face my 135k bleed DoT and died even with 85% bleed resist
My other gripes with the game are factions/reps seem half-assed, and the summoner build seems blah after a certain level in the game.
The Crucible made me realize how badly I need new tech, so it's on hold until I get some.
Looking forward to the patches and expansions, anyway.
I'm doing a summoner druid build right now and I've been sticking with a non-empowered wildcaller's cowl for fashion purposes since level 35, and I'm 80 right now. The only way you wouldn't be able to get past something would be because your build is shit. Period.
Further more, what class(s) are you?
Doing conjurer build right now. I have 5 permanent pets, + 1 that I can summon at will but lasts twenty seconds, and 1 that proccs after an attack, as well as the ability to summon skellingtons if I get the killing blow.
I actually don't have enough skills to utilize all my devotions since I focused on pets and group buffs.
Pets wreck buttholes since they have 5x the amount of HP that I do. I just run around with orwell's revolver and can't upgrade since nothing comes close to the lightning weapon procc, which I actually take advantage of because of shaman gear and raven group buffs. I recently got a legendary helmet that also has a lightning proc.
turns out that lightning proccs can procc off one-another and that almost makes my game crash. fun times
I'm playing it right now, and I have the same complaints that I had with Titan Quest - the classes or "masteries" all seem really uninteresting and there's not a single skill that feels satisfying.
It's way too toned down.
Take that high level arcanist ability called devastation or destructo meteor or whatever its name is - the one that drops a huge chunk of chaos and has a huge AoE for example: you actually use the ability and a dinky little light particle goes "boop". That's fucking it.
Where's the massive explosion? The blinding flash of light? The roaring boom? The screen-shake? The fucking anything to at all indicate that you just used what amounts to an ultimate technique?
God damn, I like everything else about the game, but give your special effects a little fucking PUNCH please, you fucking hack fraud devs.
Is the tech/engi class any good?
boring grindy dogshit for autistic children
I can't wait till all these grindfest games die off, mmo's are pretty much dead and these are dying genre
timesink =/= skill, get good at a real game faggots
thanks to mpc4utube, consider any bad reviews about grim dawn to be him.
for all I know it might be true but he is still a bigger faggot.
….is this guy blind?
The PR is right there on the map, and the game gives you a fucking tutorial for the classes
you tell me.
I'm starting to he's just fucking with people. I'd like to believe it, anyway.
My build is more of a caster build than anything. All I use is the briarthorn and the summon primal spirit for 20 seconds, and then I spam entangle vines and devouring swarm. If I get in really sticky situation then I use that mirror of whatever spell that absorbs 100% damage for 3 seconds. I can't tank at all and if I take as much as one hit from an enemy on Ultimate, that's like 30-50% of my health and don't even get me started on bosses.
The point I'm trying to get across is that this game really is not hard. You would actually have to be incredibly stupid not to make an overpowered build.
I kind of wish there was a cosmetic tab or some shit for when my character ends up looking like this.
But… what? How? Does that mean he basically played using absolutely nothing but basic attacks?
he appears to be a turbo autist retard
Does anyone here have any items they want to trade? I tried doing it with randoms and that got nowhere. Life is suffering.
the game is slow
There is a mod for this, Transmogrification like, applies visual of one item to another, check official forum.
oh shit nigger what are you doing
It is possible if you don't have an idea of what you want going in, and instead just sample shit, or if you don't look at ability descriptions and come up with the idea from there.
People sold me on the basic replicating missile and I've been using only that and one other ability. Then I started getting passives to make those stronger. I went ass backwards in that regard, I should have taken the passives when I was still leveling up the replicating missile and I think my build suffers for it at the moment.
Replicating missile just isn't very good
I'm playing through the game as a bomb-throwing Commando that uses two-handed guns. How are bombs at endgame?
Which bomb? you only really get enough points for 1.
Cluster Bomb is pretty fun up until end elite, then it falls off.
Grenado is decent, the cooldown is really what stops it from being OP.
I've never used spark jacks
Blackwater is also pretty solid.
I've never done one myself, but I feel like a lot of the items are skewed towards fire damage, so you should probably be fine as long as you pump up your damage and watch your health.
I am definitely start to feel that.
Mate, if putting skill points into shitty skills is your problem, there's a lady in Devil's crossing that can reallocate your points for a small sum of iron, as well as your devotion points if you somehow managed to fuck that up too.
well there's your problem
meant to quote
I'm planning to build Brimstone for chaos damage. I guess I should max all of the skills that lead up to Brimstone.
Jacks are good for stuns, and cluster has a mod that adds stuns (which is the only reason why I might keep the point in it). I might just throw a point in cluster, and focus on grenado.
How are mortars?
So bad.
They are so bad.
now, I have to say that character is from 2 weeks after launch at that stage and all kinds of shit had changed from when I played that character last and when I recorded that footage about a month ago
I also played with a friend that tanked for me so I went all damage, even spent points in spirit just to get more damage as it was more beneficial to invist in spirit than it was to invest in cunning
So skip mortars, and use the points on Soldier buffs?
That's what I would do. Although I'd also go Shaman for wendigo totem and heart of oak, because you're 2 handing.
Skills get the OOMPH they need when you jack them up with devotion abilities.
The hellfire I call upon the mooks as my gunslinger Pyromancer NEVER gets old.
Meteors from above, fissures from below, soul-scorching eldritch fire from within.
Good shit.
At least we know where he comes from.
Maybe it's just bait.
Almost all of his videos are amazing.
I got pretty bored of this shit after killing the main bad guy who is actually just an underling you kept hearing about since the beginning of the game. Too much mashing 1 on the keyboard for your single damaging skill and shit loot.
Now here's a game that has really kept my interest even though you're still mashing the same button over and over.
Are there some ancient Iron lore devs working on this or something ?
Yes, that's exactly what it is.
Also posting this, shows how much the retarded suits fucked up titan quest
Yeah, GD is pretty much TQ but better.
Well, I was looking for something different after TQ but I'm not going to complain those devs are still going.
Damn and I was going to buy it too
I tried it til Act 2 but it wasn't as good as Path of Exile so stopped playing. Maybe I'll get into it later, but I watched some youtube videos about end game and the combat seems really slow paced even in end game. Like terribly slow paced, no matter what build.
This is what I mean. I looked at tons of different builds and end game is this slow anyway. It takes ages to clear maps.
I just can't go back to this kind of shit after the insane fast speeds movement and combat of PoE.
I've gotta be doing something wrong, because last time I played PoE the combat was horribly slow, and I played as an assassin character.
Can we have one thread without PoE?
No, never ever. PoEfags can't actually progress in their game without begging for scraps from other people, so they have to constantly recruit new blood or their MMO falls apart.
anyone wanna play the pirated gog version with me?
Nobody needs a reminder to how shitty big house developers are, but boy do they strive for that negative experience.
Did I accidentally go easy mode? I feel like I should be struggling more on lategame elite.
How far did you get? What level were you?
It's definitely the most fast paced ARPG.
Besides it makes no sense to say "can we have one thread without PoE" when this is like the first Grim Dawn dedicated thread.
All the others have been ARPG threads, and obviously the king of ARPGs has to be in all of them.
lmao someone's triggered
I had a reasonable amount of respect for your "PoE > GD" opinion and you had to ruin it by being THIS retarded.
Just started playing grim dawn, but I played PoE and its strength was trying something different from other hack and slashes. Quality wise it was certainly nothing mindblowing..
Also you're being absolute cancer.
Yeah, GD fags, as usual.
Well it's actually true if we're being rational. Or are you seriously going to claim something like D2 is the best? The old Diablos were great but they are pretty outdated and don't compare to more improved new games like PoE or Grim Dawn. Both are better than the Diablos.
You know whose being absolute cancer? The GD fags who in every single APRG thread start whining whenever PoE players talk about PoE to each other.
Well if they have crippling social anxiety and can't interact with other players, then by all means play a single player ARPG, but your own autism is not a valid criticism against an online multiplayer ARPG.
God damn, what crawled up your ass?
And yes, trading is begging for scraps. Having to trade in an ARPG to get the gear you need makes it a shit ARPG. Go back to your fucking MMO already.
>Grim Dawn Thread
Nigger you dumb.
Alright, so just assuming you are going to find the best gear is going summoner good enough to clear the game on the hardest difficulty?
As far as I know, just about anything in GD can be viable for Ultimate if handled right.
Not so much for hardcore, though.
I've only just started mucking about with Devotion stuff now. I'm also doing a Gunslinger pyromancer right now (took a Shaman/Soldier up to about level 40 and decided i hated it so started over), but focusing only on passives/toggles until I've maxed them out, then I'll worry about active abilities.
How many "%chance on skill use" devotion things can you stack on a single ability?
Do they stack on "default weapon attack" abilities?
Only one devotion can be set on an ability at a time.
You can link the devotion procs to a proc from your worn items though.
No they don't stack on default weapon attacks.
It's really unfortunate because if you go above a 100% proc rate, any other abilities above that 100% will not proc ever.
Only 1 ability at a time too
The way this guy talks - I'm not sure if it's his meter or his accent or the ridiculous voice - but I've heard it before from other people. All of those people were over-the-top retarded and confused about blindingly obvious things - like the Dark Souls video about the guy who claims there's no way for players to understand how to equip things (DSP?).
I still can't decide if it's anger-baiting for views by pretending to be retarded, or actual deep autism or other brain malady. I have a hard time believing that people can be this autistic and still maintain a monetized youtube channel. DSP, at least, absolutely must be an act. Right?
Disappointing, but it also makes sense from a balance perspective so that's fine.
That sounds like a clever loophole. Basically, you stack proc-on-hit from your skills and from your items and link the devotion things to each of them to effectively stack them on the same click-action? I dig it, and I'm absolutely going to try it.
When you unlink a devotion, such as when you switch to a new gear/linked skill, does it reset to level 0? Or does that xp gain persist and you can just hot-swap it?
What said.
However, you should also note that devotion proc chances increase depending on the cooldown of the skill you assigned it to.
For example, Eldritch Fire from Solael's Witchblade has a base proc chance of about 20%, but when assigned to Canister Bomb, which has a base cooldown on 8 seconds, the chance of Eldritch Fire proccing becomes 100%.
Also, skills such as Curse of Frailty "roll the die" for their devotion proc every second they're active on the enemy.
It's the same guy
All the exp stays.
Now this shit's starting to get delicious.
Oh, my bad. Well, that tips it harder in favor of autism rather than some kind of clickbait strategy, I suppose.
Devotions are really what make a character come together.
For example:
>Twin Fangs bound to Reaper's Call does an entire shit ton of vitality damage to everyone around me, heals me for a ton of health, makes my pets faster and causes them to do cold and vitality damage
Oh man, I really hope you can respec devotions as easily as you can respec skills, because I've just been randomly popping points into things that looked cool without really understanding them.
The one I'm working on now is the scorpion. I think it has a poison proc that synergizes with my current on-hit abilities.
It costs a crystal and some bits.
It's not that bad, but hope you have tons of crystals
For the record, I play PoE on and off, but the game is pretty horrible (Witch is the only likable pc in the game. The other classes suck).
What devotions are good for a ranged commando (again, bombs and a 2h gun)? I got Falcon for the cunning and physical damage boost, but there's a 2h devotion that seems to be pretty good (Kraken I think).
I think the sandbox skill creation system PoE has is really damn interesting, and they occasionally have a league with fun or amusing little gimmicks.
I find the level design, monster design, art style and story to be the pinnacle of mediocrity, however, so I can also only play it on and off.
It's strange that a genre as seemingly simple as "hack-and-slash dungeon crawler" has so few notably worthwhile entries.
Kraken and the fire one on the far left, Urzael's Torch or something like that.
Quite sure Kraken is indispensable for any 2H ranged character.
You should go for that first, then make your way for the constellation that's focused on your main type of damage.
I assume it's fire, so your goal would be Ulzuin's Torch.
I liked PoE when I played it
But having to grind for specific items if you wanted to use any non-orthodox builds really turned me off.
Fuck grinding skeletons for days on sion with weapon throw just for some orbs to trade for an item.
And the fact that I started playing seriously when it got an influx of players from steam and thus a bunch of fags trying to scam new players didnt help.
It's interesting, yet it's somehow limited and really complex for it's own good (you're very limited with builds if you want to experience everything in endgame). Prophecy wasn't too bad, but the Perandus league can eat a std-infested dick.
You know what? You're right? The genre doesn't have a lot of good titles:
-Torchlight has generic as fuck items with the worst itemization out there. Random everything =/= good.
-Sacred 2 is hit and miss (great on console, shit on PC), but 3 is ass.
-Titan Quest was honestly mediocre.
-Diablo 3…well, you do the math with how horrible Diablo 3 is (the team got smaller, and seasons killed the game).
-PoE..well…we all know about PoE.
Who knew it's really hard to make something that can be just as good as Diablo?
How many ARPGs let you get away with using unarmed characters?
You know what would be interesting? A summoner class that is different from a typical Necromancer-like class. Titan Quest and Diablo 2 sort did those with their respective Druids, but said builds weren't really good iirc (D2 Druid's pets were shit).
It would be interesting to see a summoner class that would use creatures like Orcs and goblins, or even robots (yea, I know TL1 had mods that changed imps to robots). I'm kind of tired of seeing the Undead always being summon monsters.
Technically, you can be an unarmed character if you play a summoner class, using your weapon as a stat stick.
Why isn't there a mind-controller type class? That seems like it would be an interesting pseudo-summoner.
holy shit that would be rad to try out
Like, a Charm spell?
Yeah, maybe it could last a short time and beef up the enemies under your control, or maybe it would just last until they die. I dunno, I'm just spitballing. It could be a class based more around crowd control and using the enemy against itself rather than BIG DAMAGE BIG DOTS STACK 100000 HEALTH
A mind-controlling class would be pretty cool.
I've always wanted a kind "the thing" or "blob" style summon:
I've never seen any summons that use complex mechanics like this. It's usually just boring stuff like skeletons, wolves, birds, and so on.
I don't know enough about Grim Dawn, but I don't think you could in Titan Quest, you can in PoE though, with gloves called Facebreaker or Doryani's Fist.
I'd love it if there was an ARPG with PoE's depth of builds but offline, I got a shit connection and Grim Dawn is a bit too slow for me, or at least in the point I'm currently in, which I admit is not too far.
Have a skill that lets make a targeted goon allied until it dies. Put more points into it to increase amount and rank of goon.
Boy are you fucking stupid.
He kites constantly and complains about how slow it is. He's fucking retarded and could easily solve his speed issues with some crowd control.
New Adventures of Van Helsing has a engineer class that uses robot pets.
Wish New Adventures of Van Helsing got some love
Well gloves aren't weapons in the game, just armor, claws are something different.