Hory Fuck

The fucking Rothschilds is calling for Trump impeachment now. Plus Hannity's ominous "tick-tock" and JFK' files to be released to the public. Shit might be going down man, calm before the storm indeed.

Other urls found in this thread:



Even before I was redpilled while I still bought into the whole GREATEST ALLY cuckservatism bs I had read a book about the history of money and I couldn't believe that this family was still walking around alive given the treachery they have caused over the centuries.

A.K.A the same turbokike dyke that Shillary was emailing xoxo's to, presumably due to their having munched bare murdered toddler carpets together before. Hopefully it'll spiral out into a climactic genocide of a few shitty kinds of subperson, but that's how I want everything to pan out. Given that we've got shit-tier hooknoses like these that can't keep their fat kike mouths shut like their forebears that at least had their shit together sort-of, we might be getting things my way sooner than later.

What the fuck is wrong with these people? They're supposed to be the top jews and their twitter makes no more sense than hurt SJW's.

Tbf Hannity has been doin his tick tock shit for some months now. But yea, I'm hoping for happenings.

That's the thing. The mastermind kikels are dead, or far too old. Soros, in reality nothing more than their lapdog, is probably the most competent one left, and the clock is ticking fast for him, too.

These little outbursts can assure us that change is coming.

user, SJW-ism is the Jewish modus operandi. For every place that isn't literally their backyard, they propagate gay rights, more non-white people, drug use, income inequality, sex work, pedophilia/necrophilia/bestiality, and every other form of degeneracy you can imagine. Look at the fall of Rome, Weimar Germany, and many places in Europe today and tell me that these people aren't top-tier SJWs living high on society.

Besides, could you POSSIBLY imagine a more spoiled brat than a Rothschild?


I think this is the tweet she was referring to.

can't wait
they'll do it after shorting the markets of course

I never saw why some special interest group couldn't hire ex special forces to take out omega kikes such as Rothschild members

try to give better price then a kike that controlls all money in the world.

they have so much money they can buy an entire army, or even entire countries

How much is Lynn plugged in to the family business? I know they have a black sheeps in their family so I'm wondering if this is just autistic screeching or something more of a threat. Hillary was emailing her, so that raises her stature in my book, but it could also be that she's just a cash cow.

Haha have the Rothschilds sold their brains for more goy gold?

How will a certain (((faction))) on this board spin this thread?

Two hours.

It's all part of the jew's 6000000d chess!

They impale them to death on a metal yggdrasil, user.

Fucking based jews!

This is why you have to dump all the nasty stuff together, at once, to everyone, so that they don't have the advantage of buying someone off in advance.

It's SJeW.

You fucked up a good OP mentioning a ZOG propagandist

I wonder what they would charge him with

B-but goy, your (((fair pay)))! You can't flip burgers on just 15/hr

I hate this smug fucking kike so much, I hope people gave him plenty of shit in the comments.

underrated for strategy tbh

Illegal levels of smug.

didn't these kikes cause the great depression or something?

It could only be achieved through a coordinated coup between the world’s top powers. Try negotiating that one without them catching wind, near impossible. If any single nation attempted it then they would have war declared upon them by every other nation by lunchtime. Yet for the world to be free and for goodness to have a chance to flourish once more it must be done.

I can only feasibly see it being possible if hardline Nationalists were in power across the board and I can’t see that happening whilst they live so it’s a catch 22 situation.

Polite sage because this is a waste of a post but I'm still posting it.

We're still living in our grandparents world, dealing with our grandparents problems, but with 21st century technology in our hands. We're like those first lines of men in WW1 that were ordered to march like a Napoleonic battle line into machine gun fire, because the old generals' stratagem has not yet changed.

Once our grandparents generation of politicians have died off or otherwise lost power over the world, we will be left with their real legacy. It'll be browner, yes, and more degenerate without a doubt, but it'll be more polarised, more dissoluble, and not controlled by the devils of the 20th century. Most of the young Rothschilds are like typical decadent royals. They don't care much for the family business. Here comes the next dark age!

These particular kikes are responsible for the vast majority of human suffering over the last 100 years.

Might be all smoke and mirrors. Will see. But there is quite a lot of stuff to keep your eyes on :
1. Iran nuke deal
2. Las Vegas shooting
3. Catalonia/Kurdistan independence
4. Tariffs/Chinese gold Yuan etc.
5. Israel kvetching about security
6. Financial cooldown
And the list goes on and on…

It's 2017 user. Isn't it closer to 200 years now?

it's over 200 actually:

search Rothschild +Waterloo on a non-pozzed search engine

To say nothing of funding both sides of the Napoleonic wars, the slave trade, both world wars, the rise of the European empires' worst aspects and their fall when no longer useful, the Russian revolution and associated fuckery…

United front when they need to be, ain't they.

Are we going to reach a point that leftists will defend them simply because they are on "their" side?

Post citation


Probably had a plan to try and assassinate him.
Pence is even more unpalatable to the ruling class than Trump. He's a minor puppet who has gone beyond his station.


If these reptiles are saying bad things about my president it makes me think he’s doing a good job.

How will they take the burgerland when they hate guns?

She is not actually a Rothschild, she married into the family. To my knowledge she iswas white.

Also, I was under the impression that that twitter was fake. It isn't verified, if that means anything.

Where the fuck was Antifa during the Bush Administration? ;^)

If senate user is to be believed, he is a traitor to our nation. He may be a cuckservative, but that does not stop him from associating with individuals tied to the world wide pizza delivery system.

You do know all the media is owned by the Rothschilds, right?

You guys really need to let go of this left/right - liberal/conservative dichotomy. This isn't the eighties. All politicians must stand on their own, and be examined regardless of label or professed allegiance.

Sure thing Richard Spencer!


Based Democrats!

Its still something worth reporting on when theyre doing it directly instead of trough their puppets.

It will be interesting to see if the tweet remains or disappears.

I take Hannity's tweets with as much credibility as that fat faggot who created megadrive. Im tired of these people stringing us along.

Price? Nope. Personal motivation based on emotions boiling until braking point nobody can buy or repay.

Good one

Smoke and mirrors.

The late 1700s is when they started, around 1760s. This is when they said (paraphrasing) 'I don't care who's the king if I control the money'. They literally called themselves 'Court Jew' before founding a banking dynasty in every major European centre.

These are the low level dregs of the (((Rothschild))) family, I'm not sure the top are even known to the public at all.

I cant believe there's people on this board that don't realize (((Rothschilds))) are the ultimate gigajews and the final boss of the world.

The thing that makes him unacceptable to the rulers though is his disdain for their sacred cows.
He's quite happy to butcher them.

Hence why he was supposed to languish in the lower ranks for his entire life. A way to suck in people who would normally oppose the US government.

Gass yourself.

they're not where they are because of intelligence.
they are there because they are willing and able to be sneakier, slimier, dirtier cunts than we can even imagine is possible, let alone emulate.
there is a simple cure to their kind however,

Maybe a giant rock will smash into them


use the RICO laws where they are meant for.
inb4 the CIA/FBI is already backtracing Rothchild involvement in the 2016 elections.

they are running out of muppets fast as their empire crumbles underneath their feet.


The CIA/FBI are controlled by the (((Rothchilds))) you moron. Bushes/Clintons/Skull&Bones are CIA, I'm sure they report to them.

it really isn't, this is their MO and has been for ages.
However, this generation had more access to information than any generation in history.
We now have the networks that they relied on for too long.
The internet censorship movement was never about ((intellectual property)), it was about control over information.

inability to rationally lead - the mental disability angle. because we really need perfectly sane, competent Killary in the WH

Damn, this fotoshoop really solves everything

let them drown in their own bullshit, and let their empire fall by their own incest

Salty kike detected

Shut up faggot

faggot cuck




now those tweets look terribly like dropping liabilities in the restructuration of an organization
the roths are sawing dead wood and throwing ballast overboard as fast as they can
their ship is sinking
watch for rats

The Rothschild family's very own magazine:

A 'global legal order' that they themselves refer to as the 'New World Order':


their global order is the unnatural order which must be enforced by laws. it was always bound to fail. In order to have order you must first have chaos… and chaos exposes their rootlessness.

WEW.. I was having a hard time waking up. Thanks kikes your kvetching is like the finest coffee, steak and whine in one.


I assume thats the most likely explanation but christ you'd think a group that managed to steal the entire worlds money and power would be smart enough to prevent us rekting them.

Imagine what would have happened if we hadn't discovered magic?


I don't like the feel that this post is making me feel.

there is no reason to be a blackpilled concern faggot

This is what led to the collapse of the USSR, all the commies were too old or dying off.

Checked. DIdn't she mention Lynn and a goat or chicken?

Kristol is definitely on the list of worthless kikey scumfucks. Along with Erick Erickson, Glenn Beck and David A French. And they all have that smug douchebag look.

I'm sure they have plants everywhere. In every special interest group. In every branch of government or policing or any place else you can imagine. You don't become ultra powerful by not infiltrating every aspect of society.

They could just be playing retarded to put on an act for normalfags, that wouldn't surprise me in the least. Your average person would look at a tweet like that and not realize that it's coming from a family that owns the world and almost everyone in it.

Rolling for dubs


Haha! Gold Standard when?

They drank their own koolaid.

Exactly nine years after Obama won the election. (((They))) sure like their numbers.

What about the top hidden half of the DeRotheschilds? The idiots on twitter and Soros may be falling apart but I'm not convinced anything is going to change yet

trial balloon, shoot it down!

Surely you don't mean to suggest they are real jews?

It's afraid.

So, hannity claimed t-minus 7 roughly 13 hours ago. Does that mean a week from now, or are we getting some funs today?

If Trump gets impeached the Jews are going to get it. Today is not like when Nixon faced impeachment. People will see it as a political move.

Where have I seen this before?

It's Hannity, man. I wouldn't put much stock in what he says. Didn't he say he'd get waterboarded and never followed through? Not to mention the whatever Seth Rich thing he was promising that he didn't deliver on. Hannity is basically like any other LARPer.


history repeats itself. though this time, we'll make sure to wipe them out once and for all.

do you recall the name of the book?

Just with decades of loyal ZOG servitude. Hannity is an enemy.


I also would like to know tbh

Oh, absolutely. He's in no means on our side by any stretch of the imagination.

Fucking checked, your digits and your text. Remember, if it doesn't aid (((their))) agenda, it didn't happen!

I would rather have had Seal Team Six kill the Rothchild's over Osama Bin Laden

Exactly the reason why it won't happen unless the majority turn on him. Until then they'll try to neuter him completely.

I see things differently, Mr. Death Trips. They're most likely get their ANTIFA faggots armed and spraying down in DC. Their going to try it come the forth, or they're going to look impotent even by Commie Standards.

The truth hurts

Wait wouldn't they use this to get gun control passed?

What's the deal with Hannity saying tick-tock though?

I think I've found the flaw in (((their))) plan. The lynch pin is the U.S. In fact, (((they))) were so convinced that the U.S. would always be (((theirs))) that they deliberately undermined every other western power. The U.S. is the only major military power left in (((their))) sphere of influence. That's why (((they))) fear Trump so much.

to add to that list

>theres a huge lawsuit going on with veterans suing most of the banks involved with libor i need to fact check this further but Ive been approached by several lawyers wanting me to join it

There is a lot of shit going on indeed.

google elsevir and put some autism into digging into them. They are bigger and have been around longer than the rothschilds. This is hyper important actually they are the biggest publishing company in the world and have complete control of (((mainstream scientific literature)))

Yes. They should be dead, friend. I think it is quite likely that they are fucked because of the internet. They cannot possibly purge everyone who knows. Millions of us are skilled warriors. Eventually, there will be an opening, and a bunch of them will get wiped. A few more dead upper management, and the whole political game is over for them, and then it's a thousand years of pulling them out of hiding spots and wiping the clan. Even if it weren't for the hundreds of years of shit they have done, they would deserve it for WWII alone.


4 years ago maybe. Now, not so much. They might use it as a vector for Gun Control but it's going to fall flat, and many Faggot are going to turn their weapons on each other. Their massacre will turn into mass suicide. I really hope they go through with it, Live targets are more fun than paper.

yea the rothschilds are so kikey they actually serve as a red herring. There are bigger and older kike families than they

Probably has something to do with the GOP running out of time to repeal Obamacare. Or implement the new tax policy.

This, the exact same global struggle between the left and right, new world order vs people who don't want to be enslaved by it, was going on 100 years ago and has never stopped since

commies shooting everything up would make people much more defiant about any gun laws. This is why they are shitting their pants about the fact that paddock was atleast sympathetic to antifa.

There is only one thing that can defeat the white man, and that is other white men. They've made it so there is only one club and we have it.

This event in las vegas was so fucking botched that there is no way the truth will not come out. Too many people dont trust their explanations and they will not except some bullshit like they did with the 9/11 investigation. There is no structural mechanics to consider there is only who is he, who was he there with, how did he plan it, where did the weapons come from, and why. And they can not give a single answer aside from the truth that will have any legs to stand on.

Speaking of which.. those cameras watching down the hall.. I bet ya that apartment was serving as a sentry point for the saudis staying above it. The fact that the msm will not even touch that the saudis were there is telling. And kek

they have made it so fucking easy for us to red pill people

Goddamn I really hope the Commie faggots fuck things up for themselves on 11/4. Maybe some of the hippie faggot boomers might join in to fight "Facism". Good times are a' Comin'.

that November 4 thing is already on the first page of search engines; they really are pushing it

Someone should use the new tip lines for the Department of Homeland Security. Although riot control isn't their usual MO all those Black Lives Matter protestors must be loaded to the gills with illegals.

I'm ready for the let down of the decade, tbh.


are you saying we shouldnt worry about them as much?
would you mind naming said "bigger and older kike families"? it would behoove us to know who they are, wouldnt it?

you're giving them too much credit. i think they were always like this. jews werent somehow smarter in the past. nothing about them has changed - the only difference now is that the light is being shined on them

He knows. Always has. There is a reason they have been tapping him since early 2000's. He is about to NESARA the jews.
(6 day war commemorative coin. Coincedence )


kek confirms. the kikes played their last big cards with 9/11 and it's been downhill for them ever since. happenings no longer serve them, though their audacity is still the same

Cashing out.


Oooooh off by one. These old cunts (why haven't we killed these two old bags?) are bored and have dementia. They never did anything but spend their daddies money. They aren't bright or anything else. When people call turds like this the, 'elites' I always wonder, in what fucking sense? There's NOTHING special about these people. I've met a few billionaires in my life and none have impressed me. Just ruthless and at the right time. Essentially lucky. Look at Bill Gates, Faceburger etc.etc.

Not him, but there's a reason why they changed their name to "red shield", and it isn't just because they had a red jew symbol (that wasn't a jew symbol at the time) on their door. They're the "fall jews" from before the 20th century. Basically the 19th century Soros Which means they do everything openly and take all the credit from the other jews work. So if we ever figure it out, they get the rope, we kick the other jews out, and the other elite jews stay untouched.

Ever wonder how the jews got back into every European country after getting kicked out? They always have crypto jews that hid until things calmed down. We probably haven't even heard of these other elite jews. They probably live a modest (for a jew) life and stay out of politics. All the while the jews we think are in charge take orders from them. All it means is that we can't just stop at the big visible kikes. When we win we have to root them all out.

Sometime last year, during the whole Podesta email thing, there was a random jew that seemed to be a little too well connected. No one had ever heard of him. He looked poor (for a jew) but he was corresponding with all the big names. Right after people starting digging stuff about him, the thread got deleted. Could have been nothing, or they could have started digging info on a man we weren't suppose to know.

Red pills people should be dropping to random people: if modern day jews are the original jews then why are they so light skinned compared to their muslim/arab cousins?

Until i start seeing citizens putting bullets through these peoples forehead this is only going to get worse.

Rothschilds saying that someone should be in jail, and not in power.

Bit of irony there, isn't there?

Been wondering this for years myself

This is true in more ways than you know. I know a lot of wealthy Jews who have been very very worried and stressed since the election. They think power comes from exploitation. They can't understand love. We are birthing a new era and they just don't get it.

Probably because you'd have to take out the entire network at once (as in, within hours) or you'd get retaliated off the face of the planet along with everyone you've ever known. And anyone with the resources to pull that off, if it's possible at all, would himself be part of a wider network that may contain informants so how would you go about planning the event? Maybe people have planned a purge like that and now they're dead.

The first happening will start with a cough from an airborne respiratory pathogen. It will cause untold chaos in the city centers across the world. And you won't be able to shoot it or even see it but you will know its in the air because it will leave the stench of death and decay.



These people have committed crimes against America, why can't the FBI arrest them?

well, use those activated almonds, user
if you were the most powerful group on the planet, who had controlled civilization for centuries, and were hyper evil to boot, wouldn't you have the best of everything yourself? Wouldn't you have every bought-and-never-heard-of-again patent, every government technology, every secret thought lost, etc? These people probably have shit we've never even dreamed of, much less stuff that we suspect to exist.

Even if they only have stuff we DO know about, that's still a lot of really scary shit, and they have all the money in the world to buy and use it with. Also, who has the most experience, spec ops? or ex-spec ops mercenaries?

There is also a book which was originally to be a limited-print internal history based on Rhodes Trust archives, but it caught a cult following when some of the print was 'accidentally' heh distributed.
Tragedy & Hope
by Carroll Quigley.

The version linked is the one I've had saved for about 10 years. In it is missing pages 62 and 63. I have noticed this version is not on Library Genesis, and the couple of versions I checked there were missing two strings of page 62 and 63 so they are also abridged in at least the same way (if not worse).

Pages 62 and 63 are as follows:


Bottom of pp 61: In 1924 Sir Drummond Fraser, vice-president of the Institute of Bankers, stated, "The Governor of the Bank of England must be the autocrat who dictates the terms upon which alone the Government can obtain borrowed money."

Montagu Norman and J. P. Morgan Dominate the Financial World

In addition to their power over government based on government financing and personal influence, bankers could steer governments in ways they wished them to go by other pressures. Since most government officials felt ignorant of finance, they sought advice from bankers whom they considered to be experts in the field. The history of the last century shows, as we shall see later, that the advice given to governments by bankers, like the advice they gave to industrialists, was consistently good for bankers, but was often disastrous for governments, businessmen, and the people generally. Such advice could be enforced if necessary by manipulation of exchanges, gold flows, discount rates, and even levels of business activity. Thus Morgan dominated Cleveland's second administration by gold withdrawals, and in 1936-1938 French foreign exchange manipulators paralyzed the Popular Front governments. As we shall see, the powers of these international bankers reached their peak in the last decade of their supremacy, 1919-1931, when Montagu Norman and J. P. Morgan dominated not only the financial world but international relations and other matters as well. On November I l, 1927, the Wall Street Journal called Mr. Norman "the currency dictator of Europe." This was admitted by Mr. Norman himself before the Court of the Bank on March Zl, 1930, and before the Macmillan Committee of the House of Commons five days later. On one occasion, just before international financial capitalism ran, at full speed, on the rocks which sank it, Mr. Norman is reported to have said, "I hold the hegemony of the world." At the time, some Englishmen spoke of "the second Norman Conquest of England" in reference to the fact that Norman's brother was head of the British Broadcasting Corporation. It might be added that Governor Norman rarely acted in major world problems without consulting with J. P. Morgan's representatives, and as a consequence he was one of the most widely traveled men of his day.




The Development of Monopoly Capitalism

This conflict of interests between bankers and industrialists has resulted in most European countries in the subordination of the former either to the latter or to the government (after 1931). This subordination was accomplished by the adoption of "unorthodox financial policies"—that is, financial policies not in accordance with the short-run interests of bankers. This shift by which bankers were made subordinate reflected a fundamental development in modern economic history—a development which can be described as the growth from financial capitalism to monopoly capitalism. This took place in Germany earlier than in any other country and was well under way by 1926. It came in Britain only after 1931 and in Italy only in 1934. It did not occur in France to a comparable extent at all, and this explains the economic weakness of France in 1938-1940 to a considerable degree.

International Financial Practices

The financial principals which apply to the relationships between different countries are an expansion of those which apply within a single country. When goods are exchanged between countries, they must be paid for by commodities or gold. They cannot be paid for by the notes, certificates, and checks of the purchaser's country, since these are of value only in the country of issue. To avoid shipment of gold with every purchase, bills of exchange are used. These are claims against a person in another country which are sold to a person in the same country. The latter will buy such a claim if he wants to satisfy a claim against himself held by a person in the other country. He can satisfy such a claim by sending to his creditor in the other country the claim which he has bought against another person in that other country, and let his creditor use that claim to satisfy his own claim. Thus, instead of importers in one country sending money to exporters in another country, importers in one country pay their debts to exporters in their own country, and their creditors in the other country receive payment for the goods they have exported from importers in their own country. Thus, payment for goods in an international trade is made by merging single transactions involving two persons into double transactions involving four persons. In many cases, payment is made by involving a multitude of transactions, frequently in several different countries. These transactions were carried on in the so-called foreign-exchange market. An exporter of goods sold bills of exchange into that market and thus drew out of it money in his own country's units. An importer bought such bills of exchange to send to his creditor, and thus he put his own country's monetary units into the market. Since the bills available in any market were drawn in the monetary units of many different foreign countries, there arose exchange relationships between the amounts of money available in the country's own units (put there by importers) and the variety of bills drawn in foreign moneys and put into the market by exporters. The supply and demand for bills (or money) of any country in terms of the supply and demand of the country's own money available in the foreign-exchange market determined the value of the other countries' moneys in relation to domestic money. These values could fluctuate—widely for countries not on the gold standard, but only narrowly (as we shall see) for those on gold.

The Foreign Exchange Market Acted as Regulator of International Trade

Under normal conditions a foreign-exchange market served to pay for goods and services of foreigners without any international shipment of money (gold). It also acted as a regulator of international trade. If the imports of any country steadily exceeded exports to another country, more importers would be in the market offering domestic money for bills of exchange drawn in the money of their foreign creditor.

pp 64: There thus would be an increased supply of domestic money and an increased demand for that foreign money.

Thank you, hero of Holla Forums

Archive.org's version is unabridged. Just checked:

Trips confirm.






So… the ATF?

Got a name/dox?

Isn't that a fake account that's trolled us before?

No, the thread got deleted before I thought to save the info.

This is a sick logo

KONY 2017

Could use a change to NatSoc, from the kike word.


Haim Saban?


They relied on this for too long and then the internet came along and bit them in the ass:


gas yourself kike, go promote your lies to another blog

They have had a complete, secret, tight grip on all major events in over the last 200 years and the only one that backfired in a way that could actually threaten them was funding hitler in the 1930's not knowing that when he meant all the jews he really meant ALL the jews. They have been siting on their bloody decadent throne for far too long and the time for their upheavel nears with every day.

Saw on halfchan it said "T minus 7", so the letter M? PV/O'Keefe's going to obliterate the media tomorrow and One America is airing it.

Saw on halfchan it said "T minus 7", so the letter M? PV/O'Keefe's going to obliterate the media tomorrow and One America is airing it.

that usually means in 7 minutes… if english is your primary language jeez lad

You're right in principal–the kikes were never exceptionally intelligent, just more ruthless and unscrupulous than any other species on the planet. The thing that has change is their genetic stability though. Tay-Sachs disease doesn't exactly mark a successful race.

if you're expecting anything from Hannity you're going to be disappointed

he's balls deep in the inside job that was 9/11


someone kick Kristol's fucking ass please?

That source either never existed or was deleted years ago. Get a new image.

But guise some totally legit anons told that "Drpmpf is controlled by the jews!" Why would the ultra kikes want to kill him if they control him?

Really activates my almonds tbh


Where were they during the Adolf Obama adminastrayshun! Dems r da real fascists!

just checking these quite accurate trips. think of "John Wick" the movie about the secret society that has infiltrated every aspect of human life and can kill off anyone with just a phone call, this is them but probably on a higher and more evil level.


They indeed do. Pics related. Think Agent Smith in the Matrix.

It doesn't work on the Bauer family (their real name) because of their bloodline.

t. has the bloodline too, has been helping you for the past three and a half years, you'll probably see my wife and I in politics some day

Jesus christ is that duct tape around onigs paws?

Don't forget your roots, arsehole. Your roots are in the mud with us.

Gee thanks google, that's clearly some really important information there, what (((celebrities))) were born on a certain day, surely nothing more important could have possibly gone there.

Quads of commie wrecking checked

Yup. What I've been pondering lately is… They have been like that since atleast as far back as we have written texts. It never changes. They come into a place and start introducing spreading vile sorts of degeneracyt to attack the societies norms until it has become a broken nation and they flee with their swindlings. But they always face backlash for it ranging from prison to full blown shoahs. And yet as one kike falls the rest of them keep moving forward with it. Without skipping a beat. Nothing seems to stop them even for a second. Its almost like they are literally a parasitic species that is capable of emitting anesthesia to elude detection until it is done feeding…..

fuck that is making too much sense to me right now


Just realized something.. The rothschilds exclusively breed with goy women dont they? have they kiked the other kikes into becoming inbred retards?


Have some more fuel for that inferno of rage.


thats exactly it. Which just got me thinking that as we are right now… It feels very comfortable. We are winning. But what if they made us believe we are winning by giving us a couple of concessions because they knew if everything looked like it was going our way we would rest on our laurels.. because thats what the white man does. When we feel that there is an urgent and desperate need to do something for our survival we tend to get shit done but when things arent looking so bad we go back to watching anime cuz 'we are winning so I dont have to put 100% effort into it anymore'. Basically what I'm saying is we rarely get an event that we know will happen and much of the time when we knew what would happen we already knew the outcome too. We have one of those events coming up so why not go on the offensive?

I mean look at what has happened since the shooting:
>but then all of a sudden that witness shoots himself was he verified as connected to it?
sounds like a good distraction to me
(real good distraction)
Thats a pretty big fuckign distraction. What better way to distract from a botched evil plot than by making nigger uppitiness go through the roof

Removal operations soon

Before Trump announced that he was running for president there were many attempts to create a red pill suppository. Every time it got subverted. And eventually it turned into 'put some redpills on a thumb drive and leave it at a park'. Which is good but the original plan of the red pill suppository was to gather all of the red pills and reassemble them so that they were more easily digestible and make a ton of oc with it and when it was all good to go start plastering the shit out of it all over the fucking country all at the same time so that people everywhere would see it and the media would have to address it and no one would be able to not talk about it.

Maybe its time to try again?


I'm down for some techno-barbarians

She has been trolling about that since trump appeared on the world stage. I used to follow her on twitter.


I don't want concessions. I want every kike and muslim dead, as a start.


Checked. Should be bolder, decrease the height and make it less rounded.

Multiple variants are being prepared.

Debt jubilee is Rothschild kryptonite.


"If someone is attacked by the Jews, that is a sure sign of his virtue."
-Dr. Joseph Goebbels

Comes as no surprise that the site is now broken.

Project Veritas also has a new video on the (((New York Times)))


That's because the ones who consistently screw up isn't the de Rothchilds themselves, but their fucking women.

What if we slapped it as a watermark on all new OC going forward? We could sieze memetic battlefield in one fell swoop, all good memes would bear NatSoc seal of quality, without tracing it directly back to chans.


Fair point.

Related note; consider the level of intelligence displayed through leaked emails. The smartest people were the ones being ignored and marginalized. One wonders if these bearers of bad news are even still alive, or for how much longer.

These are not the top people I suppose, but they are something on the level of generals and vassal lords. One would think they should be sharper, and less interested in Jay-c or chicken sacrificing.

Change is Good Goyim, Praise Tzeentch

Is this the homosexual kike that made it possible for poz fags to infect other people without criminal charge in California?

Sweet hubris there juden, too bad your flawed and kiked vision of "humanity" is at it's end.

Erin go bragh


What white, archeofutruist utopia is this?

Oh I see. It's a biodiversity preserve in the UK called the Eden Project. And it was built in a reclaimed strip mine.

Fucking white people, man. Turning wastelands into gardens.

Who's going to do this when we're gone?




Looks like whoever this guy is, he's pretty important so much as a bunch of nobody shills working for free would make the effort to insta-delete any and everything that even remotely mentions anything about his nose. About time the hidden boss gets hunted down like the fucking jew he is

Eden project is pretty rad. Not just gardens, literally built a jungle in one of those things. Theres a pretty cool area where they show all of the important spices in the trade and grow the plants there. Also its a bit of a libcuck zone with muh preserve the world shit but it makes up for it with some great art and a sweet zip wire. Haven't been there since I was a wee lad so its probably changed alot now though.

It's always funny looking at Enviromentalists and how pretty much everything they do makes the problem worse
Always doing against what is actually good for the environment
Honestly Holla Forums should start an Organisation that is actually pro-enviroment, like how the first man to make an Animal Welfare Organisation was good old Uncle Adi

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I want to set up a nonprofit that hires and trains hikers and naturalists to go out into wildlands and exterminate invasive species.

The soros bots have arrived.

what do you hope to achieve, and why do clowns have to be a part of it

the pizzagate pedo James (rothschild) alefantis? pic related?

Leftists co-opted it almost instantly because it had a moral component.

Intratesting. They know that their tarin ride may be over.

The art in the direction which you prefer has been prepared.

We have to stop fapping to traps and lolis and start procreating.

More of these.

an organization that sterilizes africans would be a huge boon for the environment

wtf i love zionism now

I like it.

We need one with a swastika as the dot.

so smuggling ?

I suggest you look more into the activities of elsevir, as they name suggest they are just a rename of alzafir and original helschevier, a kike family really powerfull that goes futher back then the rothschilds. Their mainline is being the gatekeepers of knowledge due to being one of the biggest publisher of academics currently in the world. However what is even more interesting is their pharmaceutical endeavors as they own the company that makes ritalin and several others that make antiretroids. This is just speculation but due to how antiretroids work they could be working on an advanced delivery system that would administer substances or organisms directly to the brain. It could be used for your scenario as an airborne respiratory pathogen that cryptolobotomizes people.

There is more. Adrenochrome and DMT are 2 very expensive substances to synthesize , although not impossible really expensive. That's also speculation but they could be having some activity in which they torture children to extract such a thing in large quantities. If we link them to pizzagate it would be quite interesting for that theory.


Oldfag astrology student here. Empires (it is written) last one revolution of Pluto, about 240 years. That planet is now at the same place in the heavens as it was c. 1776, geburtstag of the USA, the Bavarian Illuminatti and the current economic system. Uranus is in about the same place as it was in 1935. Neptune is in the same place as it was in 1855. For a crash course in astrology read Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook by Kempton-Smith (for the laymen) and Horoscope Symbols by Robert Hand (high level). Speaking of the Crash, it will come next year when Uranus (instablity, chaos) enters Taurus (money, material things). Neptune will enter Aries c. 2024. The last time this happened was 1865 the exact day or two of the first shots of the American Civil War at Ft. Sumpter. I shall now return to weeping naked for not buying a shitload of bitcoin when I could have, two years ago.

Here you go. Even with the swastika, this logo can be scaled to about 7-8% zoom before becoming illegible. 6% if you don't mind the swastika reverting to a dot.

Forgot transparency, sorry.

Neptune will enter Aries c. 2024. The last time this happened was April 14, 1861 the exact day or two of the first shots of the American Civil War at Ft. Sumpter.


It scales even better as a vertical logo. This one is legible down to 4% scale.

Last two of these. They are legible down to about 3% scale. I'll take additional requests, but my feeling is this series is complete.

Holla Forumsacks for Presevation began here lads


Trump is fulfilling their wildest dreams of having the Christians and Muslims genocide themselves for Greater Israel. They secretly love him, but don't want any of the blame for the war.

Moveon is also sending emails asking for donations to help stop Trump from starting war with Iran. Does anybody seriously think Soros is going to allow even one penny of that money to be used to save Iran? Complete bs.