What is to be done with climate change deniers?

What is to be done with climate change deniers?

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Elect them to the highest offices of authority, clearly.

I don't know, but do you think we could radicalize Glenn Beck? I think it'd be the greatest coup in the history of the left.

Honestly at some point you just have to line them up in front of a wall. How much longer can we wait to clean up the corruption when every year we edge closer to irreversible doom? Their continued existence threatens human civilization itself.

Human civilization is what's causing global warming in the first place. Good luck saving civilization from itself.

Dick em before they dick us any further.


Nice strawman but my actual position is that the only thing we can do to save the environment is to stop burning fossil fuels, immediately.

The problem is that the evidence for climate change requires a decent level of understanding of climate science. Hell, even if you ask most people who believe in climate change to say why they do, they haven't actually examined their belief or looked into it, and will generally just defer to the knowledge of experts as being sufficient evidence. While almost the entire scientific community agreeing is a fairly compelling point for it, this is not enough to satisfy skeptics, who have been urged to question it by ideologues or simple curiosity.

Here comes the problem, as soon as you try to look for evidence online you are barraged by a huge wall of data, graphs and articles for both views, with varying level of validity. Most people are not going to or - even if they were willing to - able to reading into all the sources for these graphs, data and articles to decide whether they are valid. So what you end up with are a large number of people on both sides who don't actually know enough to make compelling arguments besides throwing dubious hyperlinks at each other. When skeptics squash believers who are not equipped to argue with them, this further reinforces their belief that they are correct, and it may also turn these defeated believers towards skepticism.

I'm kind of new so forgive me if the conclusion is retarded. But essentially, it's similar to unexamined ideologies clashing.

Wait for the mass of humanity to be killed by famine and war, and the world's ultra wealthy have amassed enough technology to create a post-scarcity communist society in space.

I think you're right about this.

Guys, what are we gonna do about the boogeyman!? He's coming for us! I even made a graph! You can't deny the truth!

Most people can't and won't examine primary sources. Ordinary that wouldn't be a problem, but combined with the weird position science occupies in American christian society (yanks are anti-intellectual fucktards, ignorant even of what the scientific method is).

Combined with mass media propaganda aligned with fossil fuel industries, especially domestic coal mining, and there's the whole problem.

Outside this exceptionalist pit on religious retards, climate change isn't even controversial.

What would you consider to be a good primary source to examine? I'm kind of in a neutral state where I lean towards climate change being likely but would be unable to fight off deniers because I haven't examined it thoroughly or compiled a list of reputable sources.

Reputable sources would be peer reviewed scientific journals

A better question would be: what should be done with the Green who use "climate change" to justify tyranny of Capitalists?

Remember: until state is Socialist, it does not belong to you. This state is your enemy. And every right this non-Socialist state gets; every bit of propaganda that makes proles more scared and docile - all of those would be automatically used against you, to take your freedom, your money, your life away.

When the Green are harping about coming extinction, it's not about "saving the planet for our children", it's about explaining why people - and their children - should be enslaved. Because there is no law, no policy that cannot be subverted, twisted, corrupted, and abused by Capitalists - it is they who decide how it will be phrased and how it will be implemented. Every such "Green" law and policy - as any other - will be used to their benefit first and foremost - and 99% will foot the bill.

Tell me, would you prefer to be free and have ocean level rise 10-20 meters and have whales gone extinct, or would you be happy living as a slave - and have all your children be slaves - but have pristine ecology on the planet?

So I say: fuck this. Let this planet burn, it does not belong to me. Let the jungle, the whales, the lions and every fucking dolphin go extinct. Only when the world will be mine, only when my freedom is ensured, will I care about it.

And I'm not alone in this. Most people think this, even if some don't fully understand this or don't verbalize it that way. Most rationalize this refusal to be scared, to be coerced into slavery into "Climate Denial".

But now the Green that do not demand unconditional direct democracy, unconditional nationalization of the land and of the means of production as the very first step to be taken before any Green policy is implemented - the absolute and total majority of the Green - demand instead for force to be used against the people who do not wish to submit to the strengthening of Capitalist state.

So let me ask again: what should be done with those Green?

What a great worldview you have there, blaming climate science for the exploitation of capitalism. Maybe we should kill off all the workers, too, after all it's their labor that allows the evil Capitalists to enslave us all!

Yes, environmentalism and climate science can be twisted by those in power. But to then demand that Greens be gulag'd or whatever is completely retarded. Pollution and environmental destruction fucks over ALL humans; the rich just have the means to avoid most of the suffering. Environmentalists are trying to HELP the masses, most mainstream climatologists would probably be anti-capitalist if they aren't already.

Attracting environmentalists to leftism, and integrating modern ecology into contemporary leftist thought, is essential to the socialist cause. Socialism without ecology is just as barbarous as ecology without socialism. No one is gonna want to live in your "free" utopia where every city looks like Magnitogorsk and the oceans and countryside is barren and dead.

It's not hard to have a read through the IPCC report.

Can't you prove anything without resorting to blatant strawmanning?

Nobody blamed genetics nor biology in general for Nazism. Neither does anyone blame "climate science".


Law could be twisted by those in power. Authority could be abused. Science could be corrupted. But is this reason enough to excuse everyone who simply "followed an order"? I distinctly remember Nazies being executed despite their attempts to use this as an excuse. What makes you think that Greens are special? What makes their actions exempt from persecution? Why should some special consideration be given to the Green?

Simply saying "it's for your own good" does not justify anything.

What they do IRL is helping those in power gain more power - at the expense of the masses.

I've already pointed out the very first step every actual anti-Capitalist Environmentalist should begin with. Unless you are claiming that "most mainstream climatologists" subscribe to those first steps, I don't see how your apologia, your hopes that they would - i.e. wishful thinking - is relevant to anything.

What is this "socialist cause" that demands acceptance of Fascism? We already had National "Socialism". Now it's time for Green "Socialism"?

For the same reason we dismiss pure idpol as anti-Socialist, we should dismiss pure Green as equally anti-Socialist: accepting all idpol or Green, regardless of their methods, goals, and actions, is not something that "integrates" anything into Socialism. It's a rejection of Socialism.

Therefore, the truly essential thing is to separate anti-Socialist - Fascist - Green from the Socialist Green - however many, and whoever that might happen to be.

We should not be scared of drawing lines and defining boundaries before we start integrating anything. Hiding from truth does not make anything go away. This simply makes Socialist movement vulnerable to being hijacked - something that happens all too often.

Go fuck yourself.

I'm not going to accept this Nazi bullshit that human life is worth the same as the life of some animal. And if it isn't then Socialism is more important than Ecology.

Make a goddamn poll before claiming that submitting to Capitalists is what majority willingly chooses.

Let's bump this.

Apparently, some people think that Trump going Green is somehow "Communist".

Well, for example…

A better question would be, what is to be done with animal agriculture?


peer review is a jewish conspiracy

It's not the deniers themselves. I would pin the main cause on porky. I might shed some light on the whole reason American rural people get so ticked about the EPA and think climate change isn't real.
It pretty much goes to enforcement. Most of the small rural people have had to deal with EPA regulations cracking down on them, while driving by places they see large corporations whom have been accused of doing awful shit to the environment with no real punishment. In the area I lived in we had emissions test that were both expensive and annoying, that commercial vehicles were exempt from. So your tried and true old truck was being punished for just being a truck, but the big box truck spewing out black shit was not. They hear of places like deer run where mercury was dumped and nothing happened to the company who did the shit, while they have to pay money out of pocket and maybe loose the tools they depend on to live. That sweet spot of getting to be a larger family farm was a bad place to be as you had more regulations to cope with on the farms, while large corporate farms were seen as doing the shit your getting fined for and not getting so much as a slap on the wrist. Now the thing is, these people have a weird trust on some things… they basically assume that if these large corporations are doing it and no hell is being raised then its really not that bad, and they feel that really the regulation on them is just to extort fines. Because in their mind if this shit was really awful then they wouldn't let them get away with it because you don't let people shit where you eat. So you hear all this stuff about the world ending due to climate change and see the big guys still getting away with it while your under the yoke of fines and BS and so you think that its nothing more than propaganda to re-enforce the want of the gov to keep getting fines and being invasive to your land.
Not saying its right or whatever, but thats the view and not many people will talk about it because when met with someone who says its real and they say otherwise they usually get insulted and degraded rather than having a discussion. This only feeds the martyr complex they already have.

seems relevant
