When you first saw Leon S. Kennedy, did you ever expect him to be as much a mainstay of the franchise as he is now...

When you first saw Leon S. Kennedy, did you ever expect him to be as much a mainstay of the franchise as he is now, complete with his own movie trilogy?

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I began playing RE when 4 came out. I wasn't aware of the previous games because I never had a PSX as a kid. Leon was the first character I was exposed to, and I didn't give it much thought. I didn't even know there were more protagonists. I think that answers the question.

Back in RE2?
Well mostly people just saw him as a little weird.
In the cinematics he was very thin, very pale, he almost looked like a zombie himself.

He was unremarkable otherwise but that was sort of the staple for horror games at the time, have some random dude as your protagonist that didn't talk much, knew how to handle a weapon, and that's sorta it.

In RE4 is when he really started to shine, you can definitely see the proto-Dante incorporated into his character, he became much more fun and playful in general, much more of a cheesy action hero, in a good way.

Post RE4 due to his ENORMOUS fanbase, especially in japan, he's become more of a gucci model prettyboy kinda guy.
His fun personality is fading away as he becomes more like the kind of person that enters a room, fixes his hair and sparkles appear all around his face while dozens of fangirls get ready to suck his cock on command.

Basically he's becoming boring.
But that's the least of RE's problems as a series right now, there's much worse shit that is killing the series than Leon becoming a prettyboy model.

The Japanese like all of these things, so it's not a surprise he was popular with them.

As someone who's played the RE series from the begining, the characters in general were never really seen as a main stay. This only really started to happen after RE5 and I personally wished Capcom had move on from them.

You need your eyes checked.

It's honestly inconsistent.
Depending on the game and concept art/CG he goes from black, to red, to blonde.
Currently he seems to have very dark blondish semi-blonde or whatever the fuck that shade is in RE6.

How about when you first saw Barry Burton did you expect him to become a fan favorite and meme of the series?

Ah, I see. I forgot all about his CG render in RE2.

EVERYONE loved Barry immediately.
Because it's an old badass guy with an old badass gun that is especially powerful against living things.
It's not rocket science, such a character was bound to be popular from the get go.

I think the common bond with characters was that we were both doomed to death and tried to extend life.

Franchise and series are parasite terms that see things in terms of false matter for fools whom they can profit by exploiting.

RE2 was a serious game, 1 was too*. As is anything that tries to be good, it is. The expectation was that another game would be vastly better than the last, whatever game it was. Good games far more so, for having more effort. The assumption that people flock to a good thing to help it. And that games/movies etc are from distant godly entities, no consideration at all on how they are made (I thought by building blocks for RE2) other than being impressed they are. Things are. Their makeup irrelevant. They are as they are.

As regards Leon directly: No. Expect a happy ever after ending and game is not over until they get it. Expect that in every game. Playing as someone who should get that, not someone who provides that. You are that. You and the help in the world. You want the main char to survive and it's high tension when it seems you may fail. Like something you invested died, ends that way. Maybe abandoned in other attempts, which are cheating and conforming to the game.

Leon wasn't a good guy. Considering cops support psychology etc they are scum no different to the people they should be against. The perspective of them then was different. Especially from Jap perspective, which just supports anything it sees powerful. Eager to attack otherwise. Or ironically attack power, needing things beneath them. Pretty severe character flaw, another irony when they appear otherwise, super polite sorry etc eager to be nice. Everything is bigger than them. Good way to get allong if both do the same.

Cop wise from my perspective (then)just doing routine sabotage to vengeful or harmful efforts. Against opportunists, which is fine. People wanting more out of life is fine too (Bank robbers). Pretending some things are ok isn't. History was honest for a while, go to prisons and look at noose and realise these traitors are the scum of the earth and as a people we were not that. Were the ones in chains and hung. Know what is out there, naivity has it's place. People died standing for something. Your own duty is small by comparison. Cops, enemies etc have no honour whatsoever. Not kneeling doesn't have anything on it's side. But it is a side that prevailed.

*I didn't finish 1.

I got some catching up to do

It's funny when you remember that right now, canonically, his character is supposed to be almost 40.

Nah, everyone knew some of the characters would come back and this was kind of obvious by RE2 when you have a connection between the character of Claire and Chris and Leon says at the end "it's up to us to take down umbrella". And then Jill is the main character in RE3 and Claire the main character in Code Veronica. I remember we all were wondering what happened to Leon for years which is why people were kinda stoked to see that Leon was gonna be the main character of RE4. I honestly think what made Leon likable then though was the voice actor who played him in RE2. His voice added a real naive dorkiness to the character especially when he tries desperately to save his waifu.

Yeah, I think one reason people often played Jill's scenario more was cause Barry was in it.

When he says "I GOT THIS!" in Revelations 2, I'll admit I had a fangasm


Yeah, just about the only goddamn good thing about Reve 2.
What a piece of shit the entire Reve series is.
And what a disappointment since it wouldn't have taken much for it to be really good, even a straight up revival of RE as a whole.

Instead they fucked it up and now we're stuck with RE7: outlast edition.
I want out of this timeline, take me back to the good timeline where i'm playing REmake 2 and 3 and new Onimusha games are still being made.

He was always popular in Japan, men want to be like him with his and women want him for his hair. And RE4 pretty much cemented that for him which was a great innovative game at that time.

RE7 is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. I appreciate that it's going back to its horror routes but was it originally going to be a new IP but turned into RE at the last minute?

Kamiya; without permission, added that and the Claire going to find her brother line, and it messed with the original planned script for later games which is pretty funny.

RE3 has tons of epilogues that are unlocked after beating the game each time, which gives clues to each character's next appearance and a little story. Leon joined with the government in order for Sherry to be protected.

Well, the reason they scrapped the beta of RE2 was partly because it was too conclusive and would have been harder to continue the story. After RE2, there was not only the threat of Umbrella, but also what happened to Raccoon City itself.

It's not weird, and it's not "going back to the horror route".

Capcom literally saw Outlast and went like "that shit is popular, and fans seems to hate when we go full action oriented…let's just copy that i guess".

RE7 is what happens when fan try to speak to suits, but suits are 500 years old and don't even know what a video game is so they just look at trend, at what streamers and let's players are playing and how many kids watch them and buy the games that they endorse, and all they can think of is "how can we make MORE money with LESS effort?".

And it's gonna be halfassed as fuck.
Outlast at least has the balls to go all in, it explores gore and sexual body horror with a certain degree of freedom, you really think you're gonna see THIS shit in RE7, or anything near this?
Think again.

You can't really blame Capcom for wanting to cash-in on a trend that is likely to make them money.

Honestly, I'm interested to see what it can do, but that might just be because I'm glad that they're not doing the RE4 over shoulder action format again.

Who cares about Chris Redfield

His RE1 incarnation is the definition of "generic horror protagonist dude".
Vanilla icecream personified.
But at least he was just neutral.
From RE5 on he's a fucking disgusting bloated abomination Vince Mcman himself would jack off to every night and he looks like a fucking gorilla, it's probably one of the most hilariously bad redesigns in the history of video games.

Looks like someone is afraid of a little muscle.

No, but he's easily the most interesting
Atleast in 4 he is

I'd sort of forgotten what that felt like
It felt happy

I wasn't expecting him to go from a Backstreet Boy to a grizzled badass, that's for sure.

I didn't expect a man to rock the backstreet boys look so well even into his 30s.

not really, given how flat and boring he is as a character

I dunno, I think he's got a point. Chris has some problems from RE5 onward. But hey, it gave us the opportunity to see a man punch a boulder into lava and then punch a man-made God in the face, so I'll take it.

Maybe they wanted to beef him up after Wesker made him his bitch in Code Veronica

No, i always thought that chris would be the main man in a movie before RE4 showed up and everyone got their boypussy wet over blonde emoboy.

Which is replaced by something worse. Fps this day and age are lazy cop-outs for devs who don't want to animate a full body. Keeps them from needing to make a body look fluid at all times.

Pay no mind, hes mentally ill and constantly writes incoherent shit like that around Holla Forums.

I suppose. I'm just trying to be more optimistic as at least the horror element seems stronger here and it kind of almost reminds a little of the RE4 beta.

I agree that FPS is a lazy cop out, but both this and Revelations 2 at least seem to hint that Capcom is experimenting with the survival horror aspect again. And hopefully that is a good sign for the RE2 remake in the works.

Chris was always fit, he just wasnt a 'roid mass.
I think the point in-game was that he got assblasted over wesker killing his "partner" so he started going mad over gainz to be able to fight wesker.

He was willing to do

I liked him from the start, but not enough to expect him to be so prevalent in the series.
I also expected Chris to be a pillar of the series, but not in the retarded homosex boulder punching meathead that we wound up with.
I also didn't expect Wesker to wind up as evil Neo, nor did I expect him to wind up with some OC donut steel kid who winds up with Sherry Birkin.

There was a lot of cancer I didn't expect to come from the RE franchise, yet here we are with everything that happened after RE4.
Don't get me wrong, I loved RE4, but you'd be in some serious denial if you didn't realize that marked a huge downward spiral for the series in general.

I kinda wondered "Where is Chris and Jill" at first.

And then Capcom gave you Jill in a tube top

And it was glorious.

That was the absolute best part of RE5.

Hell i'd ever go as far as to say it was the ONLY good part of RE5.
Fighting Wesker in RE5 was fucking awesome.


I'll just leave these here.

It was fun as shit, but I still think turning him into blonde Keanu Reeves was fucking stupid in regards to his character development (though I guess that went out the window with Code Veronica anyway).

I'd rather have had to fight some deranged African warlord infected with nigger plagas than see Wesker turn into the most retarded plot device in the entire series.
He worked far better as a mysterious backstabbing scientist that only got directly involved when absolutely necessary rather than an in your face action villain with some generic "cull the weak" motivation.

it just reminds me of that scene that was supposed to be a really big deal… then wasn't at all.

Nigga what? Rev series are the best RE games since 3.

Post the rest fag

have you been watching the trailers though? Unless they are holding a LOT back, there are three enemies, and each are just regular backwoods hicks with super powers. On a very basic level they are failing to create anything scary.

The Jill fight and the Wesker fights are the only parts I actually enjoyed.

The boss fight at the end of RE5 was straight out of Jojo pt2

At least there's some sense of vulnerability to the player character again though, which is something Resident Evil 5 & 6, being action movies with invulnerable action heroes, lacked.

Check >>>/vp/

Wow, is RE:CV and RE0 that bad to you?
Anyway, as someone that just binged both of rev PC ports, I'd say that's a fucking stretch, but not as bad as 58aa0a thinks it is. Rev 1 I get the vibe it's a mediocre pc port like all jap devs make, not as bad as dark souls but leaves something to be desired. Getting herbs was way too easy with the scanner once you figure out it gives more points when an enemy is alive and closer to you. Also the ammo cap in Rev 1 reminds me of The Evil within and Doom 4, designed to stop people being ammo jews merchants, which pisses me off. The fixation of Dante's inferno in rev 1 was cringy, especially when the bald nerd recognized 'Abandon all hope, ye who enter here' from said book, your average person is going to make a joke about pirates instead. This is personal taste but I felt nothing really was at stake in rev 1, especially when this shit happened before re5 and all of the 'new' characters are never heard of again.

The rev 2 PC port is better, probably has to with it being made for a playstation console in mind instead of a 3ds, so the controls are also better as well. Also the ammo cap is gone, so all the ammo pouches do is increase the limit of a ammo type before it takes another slot, not an issue with a invincible pack mule. One the major flaws about this game is it's an episodic game, the amount of one way slides and garage doors makes this fucking apparent. If it wasn't designed around this stupid idea it would of been a much better game. Fem wesker's/rev's 2 obsession with Kafka felt corny but not cringy, like alan wake monolouging about blowing stephen king instead of "I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with LIGHTTTT" from DMC1. This is probably because I have no fucking idea who the fuck was and I was thinking of fallout everytime when she talked through the bracelet. The seems to have a more personal stake because of claire and barry since you haven't played them in fucking forever. Moria at first comes across as that bitch in Life is Strange but then mellows out after a while since she's not awful cunt that bitch is. Especially after you play her extra chapter.

Honestly rev1 needed rev2's controls and inventory mechanics and rev2 needed rev1 level design for them to be good instead of decent games.

How so?

They should have added more characters and levels to the RE5 mercenaries mode

Leon is cute as fuck in that first pic. Why do nips know how to do western men so well?

I consider them terrible games because they show potential, but then don't deliver on their potential.
It's a million times better to be straight up bad, than to show unfulfilled potential.

Fuck the in between or "what if" scenarios, give it your 100% as a team or fuck off.

The same goes for RE0, when i think back at the whole train intro, the absolutely stunning spritework on the backgrounds, and then i remember just how fucking SHIT that game is and how all those backgrounds are utterly wasted on a PIECE OF SHIT game it gets so mad i want to track down every single person in the team that made that game and beat the everloving shit outta them until they can't move anymore.

There is nothing in life worse than being mediocre.


You can say the same thing when France make anime style shows.

Daily reminder

I'm not really sure having sex with someone that has been pumped full of mutant snake venom is a good idea.


Maybe that's why a trained specialist like Wesker was tricked into shooting it?

I was just hoping for a thread where I could post this.

trailer is out

Blocked on 8ch

This. I fucking love RE5, it's like a cheesy action movie but enough to keep you hooked. I also enjoyed Desperate escape. It went full churayzee.

My favorite part of RE5 was the game over you can get at the very end if you don't do the QTE, I had a good laugh from it.

Post it

Ah the old running forward but your head is backwards part. Straight out of a Looney Tunes.

This is the part I meant, I don't know why I found it so amusing.

Im still waiting for the lewds, anons.

Assuming you haven't seen ?

Not enough user, NOT ENOUGH.


No thanks, im not gay.

I think it is odd how they turned from SWAT cops into super secret agents. It was better when they were normal people in a highly abnormal situation.

It's called a promotion.

Eventually you get good at it.
Leon was forced in to it.
Barry only shows up if the others really need his help. He'd rather be with his family.

When they started the franchise they had a road map for the series, till the ending of RE2 happened and a certain dev fucked everything up with an addiotion to the ending script, kek.

Think you can read it in Crimson Head fansite.