can they do anything right?
Dead Rising 4: Capcom Continues to Disappoint Edition
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I hate how it's just LOL SO WHACKY with not a single shread of seriousness anywhere. DR1 balanced that wonderfully but it seems that every game after it completely missed the point.
Also what's with the flames at 1:03?
Half right
game is still an MMO, so its shit
The shitty Jack Black tier dialogue really doesn't help with that.
Capcom running it into the ground 2016 edition.
and people honestly thought Capcom would have a comeback after DmC tanked.
Like I guess it looks sort of fun if they didn't overuse "COOL TRAILER SLOW DOWN" and I love the idea of a Christmas setting. But the removal of shit like the time limit and completely getting rid of TJ as Frank West is a huge disappointment, makes it feel less like Dead Rising.
At least 2 had Chuck trying to get medicine to keep his daughter alive even though he made a quip for some psychopaths he killed. 3 on the other hand was a mixed bag in a lot of ways, no thanks to the fact that they made it look ugly as sin.
the irony is that while they are talking about how silly it is and showing that aspect off, the art direction and graphics couldn't look more serious and boring.
Hell, just look at the thumbnail for the video.
Made me chuckle.
I don't think Capcom even cares about the IP at this point. It's probably now known to the japanese office as "that game we outsourced to those dumb gaijins that make us some money from time to time". I mean the fact that Microshit keeps shilling DR ever since 3 probably means most of the investment comes from them anyway.
I just remembered the boss fights were designed around the 7 sins, I honestly didn't mean that.
But still, having the game look so grey brown is disgusting compared to how nice and vibrant the previous two games were, and how easy it was to see what weapons there were in DR1 instead of everything blending into the background
Oh, Dead Rising bosses were designed arround the 7 sins? they all look so shitty I couldn't tell.
Dead Rising 3 I meant.
That was their plan for the beginning, yeah. Like the fatty on the motorbike obviously represents gluttony, I guess the cop represents lust, the doctor represents pride, and the nerd represents envy.
The doctor represents greed. You can tell by all of his fancy bling and that he was harvesting organs for money. The one who represented pride was a boastful body builder woman. And it turns out that the cop wasn't a cop, but the evil general's right hand, and not one of the sins at all. Just for some reason, the General's right hand just happens to be needlessly sexual to the point of uncomfortability. The one who is lust is the guy in the cowboy hat in the strip club.
These bosses were really over the top caricatures, unlike the believable ones in 1 and the sorta kinda believable maybe ones in 2. I didn't like them very much. Greed was kinda cool since he was different, but overall the bosses are like Nick. Shit characters.
I haven't played Off the Record so I'm curious what you guys think of it, I've beaten 1 and 2. There's no way OTR can be as terrible as 3 and 4 look right? Mainly curious if they got Frank's persona well in it, as I'm expecting the story to play out pretty much the same as stock 2.
OTR is better than 2.
Kind of off topic but I hate how body building woman in modern media essentially means roided up dude with what used to be tits.
There's literally no reason to play this.
Well what do you expect user? The media wants people to be fat and stupid. Hell, I read an article recently claiming that lazy people have higher IQ's than active ones.
Pride in general has really lost it's meaning.
I blame the jews.
Off the Record Frank is more of a wiseass than DR1 Frank, but in a way it kind of makes sense after his life of celebrity and having gone through all the shit at Wilamette.
He's gone through it all before, and is in turn a little more blase about the situation, but he's still Frank.
Really, if they never said he was Frank I bet people would jus assume he was a new character. Nothing about him is like Frank.
Reminds me a lot of these shitty images.
But I digress.
Yeah but he's not such a daredevil wiseass to just make funny quips after every kill or take selfies with zombies in OTR, is he?
Which really begs the question why even make him like this and not just get another character or another series to shit on? If Deep Shit Silver is doing it why can't capcom get the idea that maybe we want more DRs similar to 1 rather than 3?
Except his life of excess already made a swell excuse for him being "rusty" in dealing with zeds. There's no reason for him to not express the slightest in disgust at seeing somebody cut in half with a chainsaw twice before his very eyes, after so long.
That was what people assumed when the promotional material got leaked before they started this 'frank is back' shit to try and market the game.
He is but it's still way less bad than it is DR4. The zombie selfie is a move you learn from earning PP and is meant for gaining outtake points, similar to how Frank could fuck with zombies in the first game by slapping pies on their faces or tripping them up with marbles.
He makes dumb puns after some psycho bossfights but Terotolo's delivery is actually, you know, good. It's less like 'I'M SO FUCKING WACKY XD!!' and more just sarcastic asshole like original Frank leaned towards every now and again.
I'm not saying it isn't a lighter tone, but it's not the fucking Saints Row level of garbage we're getting here. Frank doesn't express disgust at seeing someone get cut in half at that point because he saw some serious shit in Willamette that, even after a few years of relative peace, probably still hardened him up a good deal for Fortune City.
Ultimately all I'm trying to say is that OTR Frank still feels enough like Frank to not be overtly distracting.
Also Terotolo, that's my biggest issue with DR4. They replaced Frank's iconic voice with some Troy Baker-tier fuck.
That's what they are supposed to be. The point is you had to chose between wasting time and weaponry trying to kill your way through, or risking life loss by going around. If the zombies were anything but weak, it would be stupid and gay.
The main issue is they seem to have forgotten the entire point of Dead Rising: you're trapped in a mall and your only weapons are what ever trash you find lying around. You have to use your environment wisely. Even if you find good weapons, you have to use trash so you don't waste your good shit on something you could have taken out with a trash can or some shit you find lying around.
That's not how PTSD works, user.
You see some serious shit, and you'll never "unsee" it.
Well to be fair the choice between wasting time and weaponry is no longer there because DR4 doesn't have a time limit anymore.
Which is a fuck up in an entirely different direction.
Hence the "they seem to have forgotten the entire point of Dead Rising". The fact that they took out time limits and let you dupe weapons (is that how it worked?) in DR3 pretty much meant they turned the game into minecraft, except without the building or exploring.
anyone else notice how few zombies they had on the screen at a time?
It's a console port.
But DR1 was 360 and it had a decent amount of zombies on screen.
That's because it ran on the MTF engine. All else is havok.
Me personally, I like Frank West because unlike most video game characters, Frank West was designed to be a normal human being. He's short, he's kinda ugly looking, and he's kinda vain and selfish, mostly only caring about his career. In Dead Rising 1, he's characterized really well when things get very bleak. Eventually over time he warms up to other people and then he becomes a celebrity and becomes fat, bald, and washed up, and still a little self-centered. He's a relatable real person.
The developers like Frank because he's got big balls and has badass weapons.
Also, remember the gas zombies from DR2 that no one liked? Well, now there's even more of that.
He was designed to be an amalgamation of American action heroes. A dick-nosed brown-skinned Dan Aykroyd, if you will.
I want to say it's because of the jump from MT framework to 2 engines the canucks only used once to Unreal 4, combined with the fact that DR4 is supposed to take place in a small town and a mall, but even then I could've sworn the Gamescom demo had more zombies.
oh god what is that, I haven't followed DR4 at all but good god, POWER ARMOR?
Well hey, they couldn't get enough of combo weapons, now it seems they want you to become Iron Man.
Who is that guy who also happens to be named Frank ?
It looks bad, like a fire.gif was slapped there to save time.
All the new combo weapons and this power armor stuff undermines what made the zombies even threatening in the 1st game. That is, the fact they were actually a threat, and you didn't constantly have tools to mow down mobs of them without any effort. A sweet spot could've been hit with by introducing the DR2 gas zombies near the end of the game, and use the "let player make combo weapons anywhere" thing from DR3, or hell introduce some sort of stronger in-between of the common and gas zombies midway through the game. So rather than be overpowered weapons you can use to just breeze your way through crowds, now they're something you kind of need. The gas zombies in 2 were annoying because to make combo weapons, you'd have to go out of your way to find a workbench, make your weapon, then proceed where you need to go. Being able to make weapons any time in 3 encouraged you to use them more often, but didn't back it up by having tougher zombies show up. The worst example was the shock hammer thing, where you could go into a group of zombies, mash X and completely wipe out 200+ zombies by the time the weapon breaks. Then add in the combo vehicles and 3 was a boring power trip.
tl;dr stronger weapons need to be backed by stronger enemies
Combo Weapons were a mistake.
A logical conclusion for the franchise would've been to make it so that everything is a weapon. Make it so that there are even more props, and even more weapons. Flesh out the survival part of the game so that guns actually work like guns, and maybe add an ability to take survivors out with you as a "posse" to round up more survivors and defeat psychopaths with. Give survivors rankings once you save them so that you can determine which are the most fit to take out, in the first place. Some foods perish faster than others, and you have to restock on a timely basis. You can treat survivors with "shopping therapy" to relieve their stress, and even gather weapons from the outside for the inevitable.
Those nacucks took the game in the wrong damn direction. That's for sure.
But user, that would require efford when it is easier to sell a meme filled zombie game and make players empowered with silly weapons.
Is 7 Days to Die the only game where you feel real zombie apocalypse fear?
Not really a zombie game but The Consuming Shadow really makes all the creatures you fight a threat.
Dying light at nighttime untill you reach midgame
I thought Dying light is just Dead Island but with parkout.
Not entirely, unlike Dead Island combat isn't really useful in the early game, and around nighttime zombies actually pose a legitimate threat.
Don't you get random quality colour hammers, planks and other related weapons like in Dead Island or other Borderlands shit?
Dying light is a more serious dead island yes, the difference is that the nighttime will wreck your shit and you will be hauling ass to the nearest source of light. You have to actually be careful plying during nighttime so that makes it fun, rest is still dead island yes.
Bravo codemonkey
Also, doesn't the DLC ending makes any efford you made in the game totally pointless because you only have two bad endings?
No idea, I played the original up untill somewhere in the 2nd map and then I quit. I heard about the QTE final boss and im sure I was pretty close but I just couldnt be arsed, I already got like 50 hours out of it.
I can second that experience. It's pretty fun and one of the better first person zombie games, but after a few dozen hours you start to burn out.
It's not as bad as Borderlands because most weapons you find later are perfectly viable; just comes down to preference.
Actually me and my brother would just camp near a water source like a pier and kick the ultra tough zombies into the water until they'd drown, which was rather easy. It was kinda funny we basically grinded levels and the night away doing that shit.
it's like I'm watching a hollywood comedy movie trailer
That idea would be awesome.
I agree, combo weapons were a mistake I enjoyed DR2 a LOT more when I stopped using them.
It's not effort that's ruined this. Believe me, when I say that there's a lot of talent being put into this game, as with most AAA titles. The problem comes with direction, and how they're basically a headless chicken being guided around by (((investors))) on what sells. So much for those nips being immune to this breed of usury.
The worst part is that they actually removed some of the good weapons from the original, and made them into combo weapons, simply for the sake of making them better by comparison. Take the excavator, for example.
only the most hardcore of weeaboos would claim that, the only thing the japanese haven't fallen to is SJWs, and even then just barely so.
The Japanese have that balance between wackiness and seriousness down to a FUCKING artform, this is why you never let western devs touch games with a serious story with wacky gameplay, is like they do not understand that story and gameplay can be both different in tone and create something unique out of that juxtaposition.
That's only because "SJW" types are merely a subtype of Marxists. They're not meant for the orient. We have old-fashioned cons like (((Saban))), for that.
The "SJWs" may not be winning, but they weren't exactly the pestilence of the world, to begin with. Just another symptom of what really ills the world.
alzheimer's one hell of a disease
I wonder when the shills are gonna get ordered to actually push the sequel, rather than just shit on the original game.
It's one of three forms of humor that they're allowed to do, I'd hope they're good at it.
So, I've never actually really played a DR game before, but from what I'm reading here, is it fair to say this new game is basically going the Saints Row direction in terms of "fuck seriousness and challenge, all people want is a wacky freeform open world where you can do anything and don't need to worry about difficulty"?
Also, how's the DR1 PC port?
you've pretty much hit the nail on the head with that comparison. I haven't played the port yet, but there is probably a thread up you can ask.
Pretty much.
The sign was there in 2, 3 wanted The Walking Dead audience, and now 4 is pretty much SR3-tier 'whacky' shit.
Basically just how Saints Row went down the fucking gutter too. It hurts to see it again.
What is their problem? do other developing teams get their work in an IP they don't understand? do they listen too much the social media?
I think it's a social media problem. Most of the time listening to fan feedback or playtesters is a death sentence because the general public doesn't understand what exactly makes video games good, just what seems more fun to them. It leads to pure flanderization of a series.
I even can probably pin point what happened. The Dead Rising 2 team said "Hey, what do you remember from Dead Rising 1?" and someone said "That clown guy was pretty wacky and cool" and another person said "I liked pressing the 'make zombie die' button", which leads Dead Rising down this road of trying to make it as goofy and as over the top and FUKIN BAD@$$ JUST LIKE MOM USED TO MAKE, while simultaneously claiming that Dead Rising was never serious. They can only remember the stand out non-serious parts of it.
So now you have this Dead Rising with no time limit, because time limits means I can't hit zombies forever and that's not fun, and now zombies are even more non-threatening cannon fodder because I have literal power ups and a dependence on combo weapons because all these explosions are super fun. Until the playerbase gets bored 8 minutes in and returns it. Then Capcom will go "Boy, no one seems to like Dead Rising anymore!" and that'll be the end of the series.
If you need a better analogy it's someone making a cupcake with a cherry on top, fan feedback says that they really liked that cherry, so they next cupcake they make is a solid cupcake-shaped block of cherries and wondering why no one wants any.
That… makes sense. For me I would even forgive Dead Rising not having a time limit if it had a good zombie story or a LOT of survivors to rescue where you have to run like crazy to save them before they get killed.
And yeah, we could say Dead Rising was wacky, but mostly because it was made by japanese people trying to understand the western fiction, which was great. Also, the character design in the original game was closer to Street Fighter or even Final Fight, helping it to be unique.
Now, why did they make some shitty western company do it, then?
My guess is that Keiji Inafune is the one that pushed for it to be outsourced.
He did the same for Lost Planet after the second one because "it was too japanese" (he really said that).
I mean I'm fine with westaboos but coupled with an inferiority complex it's really a recipe for disaster.
He thoroughly approved of Lost Planet going down the shitter, there's an interview floating around of a LP3 dev saying how Inafune nodded to every shitty idea they had for the game when they met with him. He only talks about the setting and shit though, they probably didn't even talk about the gameplay to him but Inafune probably never had anything to do with that in any of his games.
I think people wondering how people could misunderstand a game so much when talking about Dead Rising should take a look at Lost Planet. We went from a game with over the top action, huge guns, giant aliens, multi seat transforming robots, unlockable taunts and outfits to a cover based third person shooter with slow ass drilling robots playing country music.
Honestly I enjoyed 2 despite the over-reliance on combo weapons, but 3 is where it all goes down hill really fast.
DR1 port is top notch, if it works. People are having issues getting it to run but for a lot of people it runs perfectly. Pirate/buy it, if it doesn't work for you and you can't get it running just refund it.
I'm not a staunch "ANY HUMOR IN DR IS SHIT" guy but it's clear they're taking it too far with 4. I loved DR2 even though it felt a stone's throw away from DR1 thematically. People might as well play Saint's Row 3 if they want wacky bullshit.
There needs to be a good balance though. 3 is obviously too far in the wrong direction, 4 seems too far in the other direction so far, something like 1 or 2 is a nice middle ground.
But who knows, maybe it'll be fine on release
Fuck off, Keiji.
What sort of emulator would you recommend I use? Most of the copies I can find online are iso discs, and I'm not really on good terms with Daemon after an incident where it wouldn't let me eject a mounted file.
It's not really that complicated.
Most of the copies on kickass are in .iso form.
I'm checking, the real remake.
I used to use Daemon Lite for .isos, but then it fucked up and I had to uninstall the entire program because it wasn't letting me eject the disc image that I had mounted.
Now I need something more reliable.
WinCD Emu.
Use that and don't ever speak of Daemon Tools.
He's not shitting on the original game, he's calling that user out for being a retard.
There isn't a single believable psycho in either Dead Rising game except maybe the old guy having vietnam flashbacks and the Chuck fight in Off the Record
Its funny seeing this game posted here, its an Xbone and Windows 10 exclusive, none of you are going to play it, you're just whining for the sake of whining like you fags always do, also poisoning the well against so the few people that maybe wanna talk about it can't.
Because Capcom of Japan didn't give a fuck about Dead Rising, it sold more in the US than Japan so they discarded it pretty much, after huge fan backlash they gave it to blue castle games for DR2, the game did so well they made Off the Record using the Frank model from Case West and where turned into Capcom Vancouver.
I know you guys love your retarded conspiracy theories but you're entirely wrong this time, oh wait that would imply you retards are ever right about anything.
Stop trying so hard to fit in.
>he's not shitting on the original game
>stop trying so hard to fit in
The wat is because why the fuck would you try and emulate Dead Rising 1? For one, afaik there are no x360 emulators and it has a PC port.
I guess you meant virtual disk drive but you already got an answer.
I couldn't find a dead rising pc port thread so I will post my question here, I just bought the game after playing the CODEX version. How do I port my save game.
We get it. Every game sucks and no one should ever play anything ever.
Wheres your bait flag.
It's not bait if you're being paid dimes per post. DR2 a shit.
While I disagree with your opinion you have to agree it is objectively better than 3 and 4 based on what has been shown from trailers
I didn't say it was an opinion.
Canada does nothing right.
wew lad.
Can you explain what problems you have with DR2 then? You just hate the crafting mechanic?
Try reading the thread.
m8, I'm asking why YOU don't like it.
Try reading the thread before you enter the discussion.
Nigger, not even the people on youtube like this shit.
How many times is this going to fucking happen?
The 2020 Summer Olympics haven't even come to light, and already Japan is beginning to lose what little remains of luster it has.
I don't necessarily have a problem with simple combinations like making a spiked bat or molotovs, but when you start making stupid shit like lightsabers, flaming scythes, or traffic lights that shoot out lightning, that's where I draw the line.
You shouldn't have the time to make things like that in the first place.
The only way to survive is to grab whatever you can get your hands on. I wouldn't mind TECHNOLOGY like having spilled alcohol be ignitable, but the line should be drawn when you're meticulously sitting at a table, crafting away, rather than dealing with the zombie apocalypse proper.
Inconsistent tone is shit tier and you have shit taste if you want it.
That's why anime is for children and no one takes it seriously. Tone is one of the most important things in writing and having le whacky episode one week and le serious episode the next is dumb as hell and makes for a shitty anime, same with games.
All you had to do was not reply
The DR1 remaster.
Never again.
So a patch for the PC port of DR 1 came out. Anyone still having problems?
I figured it out, in order for the game to read the save it needs to be the right spelling ex: DeadRising_01_Main and DeadRising_01_Photo
Aside from the usual stuff that's probably been left in on purpose for the sake of authenticity, nothing.
Capcom is good at sucking
No they don't. When they try to be serious it's hilarious and when they try to be silly it's cringeworthy.
If you've got nothing nice to say, then fuck off you ugly cunt.
You don't have a monopoly on being a dick, cunt.
Like if I don't, cunt.
It's a port, Jim.
Pretty good one, though.
Have you ever even played the Dead Rising series?
He's a shill, mate.
Soon as this thread dies, a decidedly "neutral" DR4 thread's gonna pop up, and they'll only become more obvious as that one dies, as well.
this crappy game shouldnt even have loadings on PC
It was ported by QLOC, user.
You're lucky it was as good as it was, if that's the case. It is Dead Rising, after all. Very memory-intensive game.
They still haven't explained who the guy voicing new Frank is
DR1 port is gr8 m8, it runs fantastically even on my shitty toaster. The game plays well with mouse and keyboard, mouse smoothing might annoy you though but I think you can change it in the config.
It should have workshop, the only thing it lacks is good mod support.
The only thing they can do anymore is ports.
I've just finished DR1 again and it was even better now in glorious 1080p/60FPS.
It's to be noted that they gave the port to the poles who probably used their ancient whichcraft on it.
Good lord I'm so glad I work a job where I exploit those people's weakness all day. Stuff like that soothe my consciousness
Well they ported DD, that's something I guess.
Well spit it out fugger. Do you sell cars or something?
You're not far.
Normalfags are a scourge.
Real estate?
Although I do my best to bring people what they want, they always go for the most retarded choices and act like they know better.
Even a broken clock etc etc.
Actually SJW was invented by America.
Sadly niggers here are aping it now thanks to the internet. But the freedom to ridicule and laugh about someone's most deeply held beliefs is strong here so I have hope for the future.
People with thin skins don't last long.
How about I give you a broken cock? The opinions are obvious. The trailers look like trash, the gameplay looks like trash and they've taken out anything that made Dead Rising Dead Rising. Now if it happened to leak and turned out to be DA BEST GAME IN THE SERIES then good, worth a pirate. But given the fact that nothing from the footage shown has any indication of that happening, coupled by the fact that DR3 was fucking garbage and it seems to be shilled by and only by Microsoft, I'd say the chances of that happening don't exist. The numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for this game.
Can we outclick them, I wonder?
I don't give a shit about seriousness. You can't sit here and tell me you truly cared about Dead Rising's story-line. It's just a means to forward you to kill more zombies and psychopaths.
What you sould be complaining about is that it's coming out for Win10.
But it's a telltale sign of horrible optimization as Win10 only has a userbase marginally bigger than XP.
Am I the only one noticing the awful aliasing in a fucking trailer?
I truly cared about Dead Rising's story-line. It was pretty good.
Other way around, rather. Just like in the original Dead films by George. A. Romero, the zombies are not meant to be the main focus of the film, but rather, a device to move the human element of the plot forward, like in most disaster films, but with a horror element to it.
Nobody wants that.
What's wanted is a tone that consistently shifts between serious and silly.
Gameplay is silly.
Story is serious.
That's how it should be.
The gameplay can get somewhat silly, but it's important to remember where it caps off. Dead Rising lets you make shit like fucking teddy bear sentry guns and whack zombies around with dildos you just find lying around clubs. Dead Rising 4 is candy cane crossbows, exploding Christmas ornaments, and a god damn exosuit with an Icee machine upgrade. The goofiest things about Dead Rising 1 were whacking zombies with toys (which were totally ineffective as weapons) and some sports items or CDs/plates. But even those were actual things you'd find around the mall and one of the main selling points of the game was using anything that isn't nailed down as a weapon.
Sure, you also had the Mega Buster and a laser sword, but you had to accomplish ridiculously hard/tedious achievements in order to unlock those.
Also, in regards to the story– It should be noted that while the original DR had a believable and pretty serious story, the dialogue and acting all had an appropriate amount of awkwardness and cheese sprinkled throughout.
Daily reminder.
*Dead Rising 2, sorry.
I just started playing the original's PC version and didn't want to make a new thread.
Is it normal to lose 20-25 minutes of progress many times in a row because you can't find a save point (restroom). Hell I did the first Case over two times now up into meeting the old man, but can't seem to find a restroom, I'm not sure if there's a time limit in these missions so I skipped some corners, first dying to the Carlito guy because I didn't realise I could actually AIM the gun and then later after meeting the old guy I died to a tight hallway filled with maybe a hundred zombies and my weapons died.
Is this basically Find Save Points At Every Chance: The Game?
Oh and after jumpkicking those zombies for ten times I also learned that you have an invisible stamina meter and Frank has to stop to breathe while getting shredded to bits. Great.
Yes. Especially during, before, and after rescuing survivors. If you think that fighting through a crowded store filled with dozens of zombies is bad just wait until you have to do that AND protect two japanese tourists with retarded AI from dying.
Basically. Dead Rising can be very unforgiving until you know its layout, what weapons spawn where, and work within its strict time limits and shit survivor AI, it certainly aint for everyone. On your first playthrough I wouldn't even recommend trying to do all the story missions until Frank is fast/strong enough and you're very familiar with the mall, and thankfully your progress carries between playthroughs.
The game is about learning where everything is, later on you use this knowledge to quickly get to places via shortcuts or get items you need for the mission.
Will I get more weapon slots when leveling up? Four seems a bit tight if you wanna have one or two healing items on hand.
I laughed out loud actually when I realised I can also hit my buddies. Knocked brad the fuck down on the floor with a baseball bat. Also makes it quite difficult to save them from a pinch due to weapons having such large radiuses.
By the way, when you read a book/magazine, do you have to keep it on hand or does the upgrade stay forever?
You have to keep the books on you for them to make it work.
Levelling up increases a lot of Frank's stats including inventory, speed, throw distance/damage. Just press start and check the status screen (you can also check your skills there).
You can save at every toilets in game, use the map.
Survivors have infinite ammo and unbreakable weapons, guns work best on them but some melee weapons are also decent. When escorting survivors setting up waypoints is a decent way to work, that way you can clear up zombies beforehand while the survivors are in a safe spot. Don't set up waypoint in the middle of the area though because zombies can respawn there, instead make them take refuge in a store since zombies can't respawn in there.
Learn useful weapon spawns and special zombie spawns (zombie cops with pistols, zombie with knives etc.).
You can mix drinks in some stores, drinks have various special effects.
When you're low level a skateboard can come in handy to move around the mall when you don't have any survivors with you.
Cardboard boxes and trashcans have items in them, most common drops are food, baseball bats and handguns. Just take one and throw it on the ground.
Those are the first useful advices I can come up with. Don't beat yourself up if you miss a case or lose survivors. The game has multiple endings and your level carry on to the next playthrough.
Thanks mate
I got an A ranking I think last time around I got the same rank. Battling the overtime boss but I couldn't do it because for me PC controls are really sensitive so I can't seem to pull them off. I've already beaten it but I think I recall I really struggled with that scarred old faggot last time too.
Hedonists belong in anarchy.
Of course, the game would be annoying if you couldn't.
I've played DR so much that I know it inside out. Other than missing Ken's case I've done everything else so far up to Case 4. Even done some PP stickers, killed the convicts twice, did all the treadmills and plates and even the Servbot head.
Its a nice feeling.
Its why the time limit and short length of the game makes it work so well. You have about six/seven hours before its over so you learn a lot and carry that knowledge and better skilled Frank into a new game to do even better.
When you think about it, kids are anime figurines for womn.
Is that a rhetorical question?
The camera uses the same zoom sound effect that they use in Halo.
Reminds me of when Sucker Punch tried to claim this was Cole McGrath.
Only for the ones who were raised to be such. Proper traditional women without daddy problems tend to be better-trained in maternity, knowing that they are raising men, and not children.
Of course, people who shouldn't have kids can't think beyond them being children. Such misconception is responsible for the children of men making up the world's brine today.
You did not understand my post, newfriend
Just give them some shottys from the gun store, the owner of which you can easily kill using the .50 Cal. off the convict's jeep, which you can bring to a stop using the shotty off one of the deceased entrance plaza survivors.
Pistol and Uzi are better for survivors I found. When they're using shotties they wait forever before firing (probably waiting for the zombies to get close), by this point they either fire and kill maybe 3 zombies max or melee them with the gun which does shit damage. If they do fire the time before they fire another shot is enough for them to get grabbed like morons.
When using pistols/uzis they seem to fire a lot more often.
I had to double check myself for a second to make sure I wasn't accidentally on cuckchan.
Please leave.
I thought that series was never serious to begin with.
Different for me, since I prefer charging in and clearing hordes while constantly on the move, which is perfect for shotguns, since survivors will keep shooting, whenever they make periodic stops as you're busy with crowds.
One thing you should never do while escorting is standing still, as you're just asking for somebody to start crying and get caught on a zed. Don't think spamming "follow me" will make them focus, either, as that should only be used when they're getting dramatic, as I've already said.
Am I the only one who just tells most survivors to wade through the sea of undead and just sets a waypoint on the other side?
For the most part, it's working out pretty well. I didn't even have trouble with those jap tourists.
I just downloaded the first one.
You like this shit?!
Don't call them constantly, like Dumb Shit Phil. Only do that when they aren't actually moving.
Also, don't stop running ever. Despite all logic, it's better if you just wade through the crowd, rather than back up for every survivor caught on a zed.
Its feelings like that which are sort of turned down with Dead Rising 3 and have sadly been completely eliminated in Dead Rising 4
Is anyone else unable to bind mouse button 5? Button 4 works but 5 doesn't for whatever reason.
I just can't beat Carlito with the sniper rifle, so would you suggest instead of trying again and again I should just continue the game with scoops and go for the 2nd round?
Why won't these stupid unts follow me?!
Only one of them came in.
or worse
A+Ctrl them away from the step and A+Ctrl them to the duct.
You can also bodyblock them so only one go at a time.
Git gud. Grab a couple handguns from the bins/cops and the katana next to the Orange Juice fridge in Paradise Plaza (drop to the platform below).
Of course? Go for the second round.
Though here's a trick you may find useful. During the fight against the spic with a sniper rifle, there's a sport shop nearby that has lots of hockey sticks. Grab one or 2, and go behind one of the pillers, enough that you are able to shoot pucks at him but he cant shoot you. Thats how I was able to beat him
I just got the girls in and got Carlito as well. Always when you go and ask you get it before you go back to see the replies.
kek works in mysterious ways but if you have problems like that again try jump kicking them away in the face a few time or do as I said and order them towards the elevator and then back to the duct
Just finished Overtime mode again. Been a couple years since I last played DR1. Still great and 60FPS makes it even better. Love this game, anons. Only wish I could remove my memories of it so I could experience it all again.
This is the pro tactic. One hockey stick should be plenty if you hit him like 10 times.
I just grabbed an SMG from the overhang in paradise plaza. If you duck in and out of cover, it works well enough.
It's possible to just hide behind a pillar and headshot him with a handgun. I'm finding the the handgun to be a really effective weapon to have on you due to the ability to aim with the mouse on the PC version. It makes quick work of cultists too.
By the time cultists arrive you should have the mini chainsaw plus the two books that make them last for basically the rest of the game.
You should wait until you get the rifles.
Three, you mean. Don't forget about the psycho book, which you can find in the same bookstore you'll meet those two japs in, around the same time you're bringing down the clown.
Yes, three. Two in Paradise; Construction and Entertainment the other in Wonderland, Criminal Psychology I think.
Just finished the PC version. This is only the second time I've played it since it was released a decade ago. The game is overall pretty mediocre with the exception of its pacing, and even that falls apart towards the end when there are no more survivors to rescue and you are basically left with nothing to do until the next story event. NPC pathfinding is the most infuriating technical problem in this game, with survivors often getting stuck on ledges, doors, counters, each other, and all sorts of other shit.
With the removal of the timer from DR4, the series is now thoroughly generic and mindless. I don't see a future for it unless it leaves the hands of Capcom Vancouver.
Dead Rising was always a mediocre meme game
Removing the timer didnt change anything
finally playing DR1, they really do handle this quite well, its fucking silly as hell but at the same time quite intense
Just saved that mom with the broken leg, weaving in between zeds with her on your back was filmworthy and easily on par with something "serious" like state of decay
It's a shame most z-games aren't full of features like this, from the start. It's a really low podium for DR to stand on, because of that. The only thing that holds up similarly is L4D, but even that is tied to multiplayer, unlike DR, which I'm thankful the pollack crew didn't sully the purity of, in the remake.
What the fuck are you doing user
So literally the same thing that happened to Saints Row after 2.
It's like it keeps happening. They make a game with amazing balance between wacky and serious then they think it's just the wacky that made it do well and kill it.
With DR3 it was the complete opposite because they made it look like a Saw film. And in DR4 it still is too far from the first two games from what I've seen, especially in terms of streamlining mechanics.
Just started my second attempt from the beginning, at level 25. It seemed easy enough for the first 20 minutes, but I have a bit of a problem. Is it even possible to get to those two guys in Al Fresca Plaza (the other guy attacks you first with a 2x4) and get them back to the security room before you meet the prisoners with the car and Susan? How the fuck am I gonna beat the prisoners with 3 people to save from them and zombies at the same time?
But man I love this game, it came out 10 years ago so I guess invention and fun were still key elements in AAA design.
The answer is no.
You have to punch Burt until he becomes exhausted, and even then, you will have to make a mad dash for the saferoom. Despite fighting back seeming like a good idea, you're better off running through the park and picking up Sophie, on the way.
Lol Dead Rising players.
You can bait the convicts to drive into a tree or something and easily kill them since the retarded AI will be stuck unless you move away.
This game is baby easy
That's a pretty big risk to take, considering you're so low-level by the start of the game.
That, and the game's designed around movie logic, so you have to keep running, or else your party members will halt, and a panic will ensue.
This game makes for some fun moments
I'm not the only one getting a rather "rustic" feel from the mall and it's goers. Am I?
m8 I took out the convicts and escorted every survivor available after the first case at like level 4. Grab a shotgun (I grabbed the one from the Entrance Plaza when the zombies rush in) and an SMG. Grab a bottle of OJ/Wine and they will be planted into a tree. Take out the gunner abusing cover and grab the LMG and go to town on the rest.
Jesus, this thing really is the best weapon that isn't a chainsaw. This thing has to be some sort of oversight.
Have you ever been hit with a mannequin torso?
Have you?
It was extremely painful
That's more for after you deal with the retard bus, so that way you can not only deal with them in a more focused manner, but also use the nog's MG to it's full capacity for getting to and dealing with the slack-jawed yokel in the North Plaza gunshop.
No no. I can and have killed the convicts with Bill, Aaron, Burt, Sophie and Leah in two and at a very low level.
>Brock just wants to ethnically cleanse spics and pave humble white communities over their land
He's not a very good example though, considering how insanely hostile he is in response to at least one person needing something. Isn't a usual grocer response "okay that'll be 7.50" or possibly "sorry but we're closed" instead of shooting them?
If anything, the butcher might not have done anything wrong, if he's aware of Carlito being the bad guy and he has a black sense of humor. His behavior suggests being retarded but it's not inconsistent with him just joking around with Frank, and Frank doesn't make an effort to convince him he really does need Carlito alive.
You aren't the first. Consider the "Shadow of North Plaza" scoop as evidence that a lot of people during any disastrous or apocalyptic situation will want supplies at no fee, and will do anything to get that. Same case for Cletus, and his victim.
Mr. Chang, on the other hand, is a gluttonous insect who abuses the scenario he's in to "try something new". Namely, human flesh. He's more comparable to Jo, who's instead using the situation she's in to get back at all the non-gigantic ladies she remains envious of through unspeakable sexual harassment and ritualistic murder.
Is there any in-game evidence of that, though? I get that that's the impression he makes, but is there anything to contradict, say, this sequence of events?
Most of the protagonists in the dead rising games do terrible jobs talking psychotic persons down.
Even playing to their psychotic delusions can disarm an explosive situation.
My friends uncle was a cop before he retired. He talked down a Vet having an episode by convincing the Vet that he was backup and that he had orders get the Vet back to the FOB, where he then was tranquilized up and put in the drunk tank until MHS could pick him up.
I'm not sure what they were going for here? It's neither "cinematic" nor does it show off the gameplay well, so what are they even trying to do?
One, he's a chink in a game made by nips. Two, there's perfectly edible cow carcasses aside both you and him, which he makes swell use of for makeshift weaponry, rather than food.
Three, as you mentioned, he's been holed up in his butcher shop with zombies outside. The only possible people as aware as he is are the grocers upstairs, and even they were more concerned with the commotion about their inventory, than anything else, with Steven notably being the only surviving member, by the time of your arrival. Cannibalism doesn't equate to savagery, by the way. Frank wasn't wounded like Carlito was, and because of that, he didn't see him as meat about to spoil.
That's because only some of them are actually psychotic, as vague as the term can be defined. Not only that, but Frank isn't exactly trained for these types of scenarios, or equipped with chloroform pads, either. He's a civilian in his entirety, as that's the whole point of the game.
You're a big guy
For you
Thats like the number 1 thing you shouldn't do. It's great that it worked out for your uncle but seriously, do not do that.
Cash in on hype like every game's been doing for the last nine years, or so.
what the fuck
Thats what always happens with shitty meme games in this place.
Tumbrltale had threads reaching post limit everyday.
Nah mate, it's okay. My friend's uncle was a cop.
I got this.
It depends on the delusion, and you don't follow their delusion because it has problems later on, like them getting attached to you.
During a situation where your life is on the line you better fucking say your name and rank, soldier.
That'd be the real blue balls. Wouldn't it? There's still the "P.O.W.s" he's got in the storage room, which he'd proudy show you as he anticipates the various tortures he'll put them through.
Lurk moar, or get back to where you once belonged.
Are you implying tumblrtale isn't a meme game?
dead rising was never good
So we're officially labeling DR1 as shit now since people enjoyed it for a brief time on the board?
Good. I was sick of not being a contrarian faggot.
He bumped the thread, mate. Compliment him.
shit survivor AI
shit """""""""""""boss""" ai
controls are janky as fuck
no real challenge unless you handicap yourself
filled with bugs, in fact the port broke it even more since it's 60 FPS now and the game was designed around 30 FPS
literally dark souls tier fanbase
These faggots grew up playing this garbage, its nostalgia goggles in action
It's fun, not "good." It's enjoyable to play, partially because of its flaws. Psychos aside, they're fucking garbage.
Thanks for the bump, lads.
If Dead Rising is shit but fun, I'd love to see what the definition of actually good is.
You got your (you), no need to samefag.
Listen kiddo, I know 4chan's going through a rough time, but trying and failing to shit up the board with garbage shitposting really isn't going to help.
What is it about DR2 besides the combo weapons and the boring survivors that makes it so unsatisfying to play compared to the original?
I think I might have to get it again just to get an answer to this, last time I gave it a shot I didnt make it past the first half hour
Thanks for the second bump.
I think a lot of it has to do with the way Chuck moves and controls. Despite smoother implementation of things like shooting, his attacks feel floaty and less precise. The game also has an overall lack of polish and attention to detail that made DR1 such a joy to play.
you kiddos think you are on reddit or something? we dont go around downvoting threads just because the game is crap and the fanbase is bunch of casual babies
here's another bump you seem to be pretty desperate for them actually.
DR1's story is like a Zombie B-movie, and I like it that way. It's like one of those 70s Italian zombie movies. A reporter goes to a mall and finds a pissed off spic let bees that turn people into zombies out to get revenge for the US gov killing his town when they were trying to breed cows.
The first time I played the game was 10-11 years ago, and I saved a lot in fear of the RROD, but now on the pc I only safe after I drop off a batch of survivors or when the game asks. If you don't know the layout the game will punish you. Learn where the restroom's are and where the uzis and swords are, always have at least 3 OJ/Milk on you and for the love of god get the books+chainsaw combo, you become a god at that point. Also the shotgun has amazing range. When I free aim it I find I killed zombies 30 yards away. It's a nice change from them having shit range in most games.
says it right
Just mash the "over here" button ( Y if you're using a controller) and the way point is good too. Just tell them to go to a way point and kill the zombies in the way. Hand them guns and swords MAKE SURE YOU TAKE THEM BACK BEFORE YOU GO IN THE SAFEROOM and you should be fine. The AI is butfuck stupid, but I was able to get the save all achievement on ending A my first go at it ( level 50 with the megaman blaster of course)
Can we just talk about DR1 and 2? Fuck 4.
I'm thinking of giving Case West a try? Is it worth playing? I might play 2 again now that I've played DR1 on PC a few times. My 360 died years ago, so I never played them again till now.
That's not a very good idea, since you wont exactly scratch any itches with it, and it rapes the lore like no tomorrow.
That's none-too-wise, either, with the aforementioned lore rape and overall disappointing gameplay.
Believe me when I say that there is nothing you can do to play DR again, except maybe wait for some more extensive mods to come out that can change the experience enough.
What about Off the Record? I didn't Think DR2 was all that bad. Not as good as 1, but It was fun to play a DR game again in a new setting,
And "lore breaking" how? I know 2 is a bit more silly. I'd say it's really on par with Saints row.
Both first games are a mix of funny, a little serious and grounded
the 2nd games are less grounded to have some more fun moments, but don't jump the shark too much
The 3rd games jump the shark and go too wild and lost what made the games so fun. .
Just DR2, with "Frank" in it.
It takes the game's setting, and completely runs off on a tangent about something else, rather than even touch on the loose ends mentioned right at the cliffhanger of the original game.
If Dead Rising is an Italian B-flick, Dead Rising 2 and onward is the foreign mess of sequels which followed such a success. You should know what I'm referring to.
Dead Rising keeps the silliness solely to gameplay. If you change out of your children's clothing into something more "serious" before a cutscene, things immediately come back to frame, unlike in 2.
full retard?
Even Mary-Oh has lore, user.
The Deepest Lore.