See r/The_Donald stupidity for yourselves

r/The_Donald is literally 50% irredeemable imbeciles and 50% paid shills
Nationalist Front Responds To r/The_Donald
by Hunter Wallace
r/The_Donald asks "What is the Nationalist Front event in Middle Tennessee about?"
This event is about the recent Emanuel Samson church shooting in Antioch, TN, the fact that it was buried by the national media, the dumping of Third World refugees in Middle Tennessee and expressing anger at the Trump administration and Republican Congress for continuing to allow this to happen.

Recently, the Trump administration took Sudan off the travel ban list and quietly announced its so-called “America First Refugee Program” which is continuing to dump 45,000 refugees a year in the United States. The Trump administration congratulated itself for its “responsible and humanitarian approach to refugees.” After all the talk of the 2016 presidential campaign, it turns out that “America First” in reality meant we aren't making any real changes to the refugee program.

>r/The_Donald says "It sounds like you are critical of Donald Trump."
r/The_Donald asks "Are you socialists?"

>r/The_Donald asks "Can you elaborate on this?"
Sure, I will even give you a local example.

The Tyson Foods chicken plant in Shelbyville, TN is the embodiment of our skepticism of free-market capitalism. It is a magnet for Third World refugees and illegal aliens who work for low wages. It is a classic example of how the costs of immigration and refugee resettlement are socialized and borne by communities like Shelbyville while the profits are privatized by powerful corporations who prefer to maintain a cheap, pliant and ethnically diverse workforce.

Whereas the libertarian would celebrate Tyson Foods as an example of the triumph of the individual and free enterprise, we dislike how refugee resettlement and immigration combine with the profit motive to threaten the identity and social cohesion of our communities. We’ve been dealing with the black/white racial divide for 400 years and the pursuit of short term profit is creating social costs that communities like Shelbyville will still be wrestling with generations from now.

>r/The_Donald asks "Are you leftists?"
r/The_Donald asks "What is the point of rallies?"
We’re holding rallies in order to advance our own agenda and grow our own movement.

>r/The_Donald asks "Is this event in Shelbyville a “false flag”?"
No, this is more retarded conspiracy nonsense. We’ve been holding rallies for years now. We held a rally about this very same issue in Murfreesboro and Shelbyville years before Trump was president.

>r/The_Donald says "The Alt-Right was invented by Hillary Clinton."
r/The_Donald says "The difference between the Left and the Right rest on the spectrum of freedom. This means you are leftists."
r/The_Donald asks "Why are you calling it a White Lives Matter rally?"
For several reasons:

1.) First, we aren’t going to even bother with the cucks after what happened in Charlottesville.
2.) Second, the horrible Emanuel Samson church shooting which was buried by the national media shows how vicious anti-White hate crimes are swept under the rug. The Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom murder which was also in Tennessee is another example of this.
3.) Third, this event is for our own movement, which is explicitly pro-White.
4.) Fourth, the bickering after Unite the Right in Charlottesville.

>r/The_Donald says "The Nationalist Front is the False Right"
r/The_Donald says "But Charlottesville was a false flag …"
No, Antifa attacked and disrupted the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, but that’s what they do everywhere. In Charlottesville and Berkeley, the police stood down and allowed anarchy to erupt cause they are extreme leftwing cities where law and order is hit or miss on any given day.

>r/The_Donald says "But Trump …"


It needs to listen, r/The_Donald is far from being an asset or an ally, it actually hinders.


At least a few of them are here shitting up this board too, a lot of these same the_donald quotes are seen here, particularly the obsession with pants of shit well after the election when it's not longer remotely relevant.

And apparently they live in your head rent free

The_Donald is a cult. They took the God Emperor meme and made it their literal philosophy. ANY criticism of Trump, no matter how constructive it is, is met with move to silence that is so fast and fierce, even the left would go "Damn, son, take it easy!". I used to view them as useful idiots. Now they're just idiots.

Sounds about correct.

reddit is trash?

They promote and champion neocon jews they are the enemy


If everyone knows this already, then why is Holla Forumsacting like a surrogate home for rediitor_the_donald then?

Right now we have threads celebrating every zionist neocon jew in government as ourguy, and one currently filled with kikes telling us CHabad Lubavitch jews are iur greatest allies.


Nice article, OP. Occidental Dissent has done very good work for years.

Occidental Dissent is the "hip" site of Occidental Observer, which is overseen by Kevin McDonald, so, great stuff.
But the greater is Hunter Wallace, I think he's the best thing there is right now in the sphere, specially after reading this article of his:

Never avoid perfect recruiting grounds.

Nationalist Front should put more effort into posting on chans, where people will actually listen and aren't retarded.


Redpill them. Redpill Holla Forums. Redpill /christian/. They are coming for you, it takes literally nothing to redpill these people - there is no excuse for inaction. Shills come in? Spam redpills. Spread redpills just that fuckin easy stop bitching and do it faggots.

Agreed, this is the best way to handle shills

It would be possible, but to engage with them on Reddit is almost impossible, as there's constant censorship and paid shilling/damage control.

The best thing I've done now for recruiting and redpilling was to post on outside places. Like the "Car and Driver" comment section, or Gun sites, Video Game sites, etc.
They're new oblivious public, with little political formation and very malleable - when I throw some redpills, it's always effective and there's always a couple guys jumping the gun with me and helping.

T_D is getting better. They openly talk about how bad niggers are and mods don't remove the post (unless they actually say the word nigger) and there is quite a bit of talk about jews now with some of it getting downvoted but a lot of it being left alone. Third post on the first Weinstien topic yesterday was "hes not white" etc.

T_D is a normie gauge. Things are heating up.

Most people still taking and posting seriously on the_donald isn't someone that is useful to the cause. If they haven't woken up to what's happened yet, they are never going to. Like it was said earlier, they are a cult of personality, they have no actual convictions, and will change their believes like the wind changes direction. If Trump does a 180 on something, they are gonna do the same without hesitation.

Then you have all the virtue signalling, muh based negros, muh based Israeli,DEMS ARE DAH REAL RAYSISTS.

I started out over there like 2 years ago maybe? At around 30k subscribers and there was a lot of half Holla Forums cross over, it was a fun time in the begining, but things got worse and worse as time went on. You had the shit like that faggot Milo, several moderator changes, reddit purposely altering traffic, Israeli shilling etc. I spend about a year there, stopped going before the election once the Israel shilling got real bad. In the comments of the Israel posts, there was quite a few bad goys talking about Israel being bad and daring to question them being our greatest ally. Wouldn't take for mods to delete whole chains of the posts though.

I haven't been there in nearly a year, so I can't say for sure, but Reddit is so hard with censorship so it would be difficult to try and hit them with the truth about the JQ and niggers. Most of /ourguy/ tier beliefs have moved on I suspect.

Pretty big of true, it's been a while since I've checked.

They go off on the nogs all the fucking time now minus saying any racial slurs its similar to reading cuckchan. The jew stuff is still warming up but people use the echos and make off handed comments about Israel quite a bit. There is sto;; a pile of GREATEST ALLY bot shilling there still but comments do fall through the cracks and you can tell a lot of em understand whats really going on.

I still lurk t_d occasionally, but i've mostly checked out of the building. I fear that the_donald has been overtaken ever since the suspicious moderator shift a few months ago.

Any time I make posts commenting on the lack of movement on any real issues by Sessions' Justice Department, the huge number of jews in his govt, or his backpedaling on the Bannon nationalism agenda, I get ignored or shouted down as an unbeliever.

It has become a complete echo chamber

Pic attached currently on the front page,

That thread title is 100% true but this thread is 0% needed.

Wow. Amazing discovery there, OP.

It's really about reinforcing zionism and the zionist agenda. They just dress it up as Trump instead of putting worn out asset Bill Kristols and his hooked nose in your face all the time.

A subreddit isn't a person, it isn't even anonymous. What is this thread?

Fuck off subversives Kike scum

Only 50%?

Someone in the comments might say that Jews aren't white, and perhaps the mods let it slide, but half of the comment thread will be shills or civic nationalist types "muh based jews like to MAGA too" . Then there's the "herr derr, we hate when you call us conservative white guys Nazis but here's this white guy on the left who did something and HE is the REAL NAZI,, rite guise" circlejerks. These are the retards of MAGAland, not much better than half of the leftists, other than as cannon fodder.

Fuck off The_Donald

Listen hunter, you hang out with actual CIANiggers like Richard Spencer
Fuck right back off to where you came from until you disavow him and kike Enoch
Show me one faggot

It's worse then that. They're stuck in a ground-hog day in which they relive the 2016 election over and over. They are literally still campaigning. They don't seem to understand that the election is over and that the rest of the world has moved forward and left them behind.

The Donald is one of the most effective propaganda tools we have in existence. You would be correct to say that they aren't Pol. But they also have more eyeballs than CNN. If you haven't noticed they have normalized Pol in the eyes of many of their the regular readers.

But to be even more clear, The Donald does the heavy lifting that Pol can't do. It's hard as hell to take a regular, mainstream media consuming person and get them to doubt the official narrative than is spoon fed to them. But once a person is open to the idea that the media is disinformation, that professional sports are for cucks, and that it's ok to go against the grain, that is a person who is a soft push away from going full 1488.

This should be obvious to anyone who reads here.

Every fucking time

It's nice you are motivated to D&C on Pol based on a pronoun, but what have you done to destroy the official narrative in the eyes of indoctrinated people?

If you haven't done anything, let me go over it with you. Everything is a progression. You don't get a normal person to go 1488. You get the CNN viewer to watch Fox. You get the Fox viewer to go to OANN/The_Donald. You get the OANN/The_Donald regular to come to Pol. The see the doctored photos from WWII, see TGSNT and from there it's down the path to enlightenment.

When I see posts that are trying to break one of the steps in this progression it is frustrating. No forum has been better at getting the large groups of people on the internet to distrust the media than that subreddit. They constantly post /pol content. If you have a problem with /pol ideas being normalized let me know.