♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
Say Hello to my little Friend Edition
♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
Say Hello to my little Friend Edition
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Not anymore
(faith fanatic)
There are no such rules
fucking losers
Can I pay you to not bring it up again
my sides are leaving the solar system on an epic voyage of kek :')
Except there is.
I get instabanned if I make a thread.
To the kek system in hyperspeed.
Buttfox isn't the admin anymore. You're fine.
Me? honourable old me?
to be payed off?
That's the reason why we moved boards in the first place.
Look. Sabrina. Not all of us can have a magnum dong.
Speaking of which. Um. ;3
My payments are in pets and kisses though
Hey Grim, she was talking to me. Can you back up?
Back up onto this magnum dong
Sex chat with nude photos
no homo
Now she's not going to respond to my post because you already answered... thanks
Is that really valuable?
I know.
Just using it as an excuse. I never made a thread, and probably never will. I feel like it'll make me seem self absorbed. Kinda been a silent rule of mine for years.
you have issues darlin
Of course they are
ugh don't group link me, you bitch
she looks like a bug
i'm totally self absorbed, it's how you get really popular
love yourself and others will follow, or something
So whatchu been upto?
hey darlin'
Why aren't you currently sexually satisfying me with memes
Scanner you should not do things like that if you want to stay head of the club
how old are you anyway??
you look like a cumslut
do you think this is a game
that's not super convincing
that club sounds hectic lol
Where is the tl;dr version?
i don't into memes
nuuuu that GET was for lord Satan >_
What kind of useless girlfriend are you
The only club I was head of at uni was the STRIPCLUB
Gonna be heading out in a second. See you guys later.
I already knew that.
Whatcha up to?
Sorry. Didn't think that would offend you.
I like my current level of popularity though. It's comfortable.
Do you want to die young?
Wanna find out first hand then ?
Grim Lenko fight.
Pleace your bets now.
But I already have a BF
Please respond to me when you get back
I'd destroy Grim. No contest.
They're both on the heavy side... hmmm
well since you insist
I'll tell ya when you come back!
We are all dead
this is hell
not if he destroys you first.
i could beat lenko up
pick one
Put your money where your mouth is, bitch. Fight me.
What's your BMI?
i'm 120 pounds
i'm even less heavy
you don't stand a chance
I'm not really the head, more of a volunteer that drums up interest in the place.
My idea is 'Yo, most of them are going to be suggesting Attack on Titan, Tokyo Ghoul and other horrible stuff; so fuck it.'
I can't help it, I literally have no filter.
That was the tl;dr
It fucking is, I have to try and be a responsible adult AND try to cater to weeaboos.
And if not that, trying to gauge everyone's interest and try to grow that interest.
I'm the only guy who knows what's up.
Head leader thinks it's all about pokemon and Adventure Time stuff, and I know for a fact some of them are drawing yaoi fanfic of characters.
Oh man I should make a Rukia folder
I thought you weren't gay though...
Who even are you, Norwegian?
I love you
he never loses his way
The way Izaya(?) sounded on voice
he's probably the most brolic out of anyone
One punch and I'd knock you into next week with comatose.
Scoot, dollars to donuts you have a bigger dong than I.
I don't understand how you are interacting with teenagers in a school club
unless you are a teacher
Oh you didn't know~?
Haven't weighed myself in a few days, brb.
he doesn't
can't hit what you can't see
I hope you aren't fat...
The most.... Brolic? What does that mean exactly?
I can't affiliate with the gays... They stole my memes.
Come again
Yeah Grim would just suicide bomb and be done with it.
Jag hoppas verkligen du inte är så dum i huvudet.
I think that like Grim has some weird Indian fighting style that wins the day.
ah well, at least it's some way to spend the time
I have good eyes. You couldn't even hurt me if I let you hit me a 1000 times.
I am literally the most /fit/ poster in the entirety of this community.
I am a volunteer, and it is a youth club, and they were looking for people who can help with the more auts interests than 'oh let's play football'.
I have more dumb stories where you think 'Yeah, no, way too immature to be helping lead a group of 20 teenagers/kids'
I don't like them either, that's why I hate Erin
He also got that bear strength as natural. Lenko all roid.
do tell
I don't have a particular fighting style besides trying to end a fight as quickly as possible
Bull fucking shit
No one is more fit than Niggy
you are SO lucky there is a sea between us
or rather, i'm lucky, cause it's be either manslaughter or murder i got charged with if we ever locked horns
Damn it, I wish I had my laptop so I can spam Niggy's abs
From my experience Swedish people hate when you call them Norwegian.
Oh, well you aren't wrong. I'm a good amount of swole.
Then why are you dating a boy, faggot.
Get to work. And don't be shy with the tongue action.
Niggy is /fit/?
BITCH please. I know that these are just jokes and you're gunning for a reaction but, I'd redacted you.
It's okay as long as our balls don't touch
Yes, you ever seen him?
i'm gunning for YOU m8
ahhhh g2g!!
I'd take being called norwegian over danish any day.
You're not even a cute boy, either...
Whoops, guess I got a footlong for supper
bear maul attack GO!
Durga is dissapointed
Danish are worse.
What else are you supposed to do with them. not like you can eat them.
I believe Grim's stance is ChowMein
Afraid not.
Get back to me when you can repeatedly lift something 3-5 times your bodyweight.
here is a picture of david shushing ace ventura when we were drinking and taking mdma a few days ago
If I was hindu I would probably worship
Kali, Shiva, Laxmi, and probably Hanuman
Isn't being called Swedish the same thing as being called gay?
Holy cow, I think I just almost fell asleep.
Send help.
I'll remember that next time I'm talking to Swedes in CS. I love calling them the opposite of what they are.
The fuck do you lift that's 3-5 times your body weight?
You can eat horses
I am immune to your mean words!
Deadlift. 495 max for 1.
Go to sleep
i can lift several objects
with your mouth
i can lift my laptop on one finger
thanks apple
But you also don't deny it.
then do it!
ill get coffee
Hey i can kill a dragon in skyrim
Shit swole nigga. I don't get to deadlift often in my gym but my max was 295 after breaking my hand.
shouldn't be hard finding some. swedes seems to be one of the bigger parts of the CS community.
Maybe in a 3rd world country like Afghanistan but not here.
I love it, it is giving me experience on how to teach kids. Is just sometimes I cross the line because I have the same strong interest and understand that anime isn't really catered to kids anymore.
A few notable quotes.
I got more situation based stories, if you want.
Point is, I know what the subculture is like. And it is like... well... 'Oh please mum, get me this South Park DvD. Oh don't worry, it's a cartoon.'
It's only 4, it's way too early to go to sleep!
Tanks, bby.
Ouch, how did you do that?
That or kids are into darker shit these days. I dunno.
I don't need to, I am immune to it.
So it's gonna be a long ride.
Ayy lenko still got that vagina of yours?
*Don't know what you're doing.
Basically giving adult lessons to teens
Being the worse role model.
Ye, too bad I'm shit at CS:GO so I never play it, and no one plays Source anymore.
Snowboarding, fucked it up real good going way too fast. Did a couple flips, hit my head, landed on my knuckles on the final drop. Lost so much muscle man.
scoots come down here
shoot me in the head
is that a blowjob pun?
if not, why am I shooting you?
Damn, I feel you. That sounds terrible. I hate getting injured or sick, lose gains after a week or two cause I can't eat properly or lift. I have to make it the gym or do some exercise for at least 6 days out of the week.
scoots down there
ruffle loco's hair, then kiss the top of his head and tell me what's it's like
How did you do this? Did you get vaccinated or something?
Anti-me juice?
What media is this referencing to
I will not
because I am agnostic
Horse meat (or horse beef) is the culinary name for meat cut from a horse. It is a major meat in only a few countries, notably in Tonga and Central Asia, but it forms a significant part of the culinary traditions of many others, from Europe to South America to Asia. The top eight countries consume about 4.7 million horses a year. For the majority of humanity's early existence, wild horses were hunted as a source of protein.[1][2] It is slightly sweet, tender and low in fat.
Yeah. Worst part for me is I hate eating, so I'm already low on gains. I find it hard to get 1g protein per pound. I get like 100-150 a day at the most.
I can't tell you, it's a secret.
i can not imagine the monotony of giving a shit about gains
but then again
all i do is play on the internet
equally monotonous to the uninitiated
I suppose that is a fair enough request.
one large espresso, there you go
I think it depends on the generation.
they all think differently
owh okay
good lord
Grim, did I do a bad thing this time?
Then do things
true suffering, counting macros is a bitch. I have to stick to this 500 calorie deficit diet if I'm going to shred down back to 160.
I know plenty of girls who got super serious about lifting but are still stupid af when it comes to lifting.
they're teens
it's slightly bad
but they're teens
Mhm. And then y'all snuggle in some comfy grass under a tree and tell me 'bout that too.
I demand to be told.
I had an extra large coffee earlier,
'cause my dad got me one from Timmie's,
and I had a serious case of space brain.
I still kinda do.
Usama why you have sand your vagina?
Well. When you say it like that. :3
i'm too physically weak and spindly to pull a trigger
bjork why do you have gravel in your cranium
Fuck dude. I'm skipping cut this year, I'm bulking hard due to what I lost from breaking my hand. I'm h u g e right now. 175 and going up.
Just lay your head back a little, open your mouth and close your eyes.
my point was the lack of a point
but i close on the note of solidarity that there is little more point in my day to day.
Well the team leader is fucking clueless.
Her idea of an event was 'Ok, I'm going to pass a paper around and you will write down your anime nickname and your real name to introduce yourself.'
'Ok, now that's done, wouldn't you like to try and draw who you would be like as an anime character'
'Yo, throw your fave anime in a hat, we watch the winner next week, but now let's teach the kids who never ever drawn anything about head proportions'
Get told.
you shouldn't be encouraging that. I should be taking an active stance in giving blowjobs. so i learn.
Have we started the flame war?
Well just tell when you're hands trembling, I guess that that's too much.
Yeah, and the REALLY young ones, 7-8, I keep that back and be like 'Ok, you came to this club, and you don't know anything about anime, right?
You like to draw? I'll teach you. Everything starts with a circle...' and basically go from there. I then lend out Gintama, xxxHolic and Samurai Champloo, followed by my fave comic 'The Amazing Screw On Head' and teach them how to read backwards.
The kids LOVE xxxHolic and Screw On Head. I don't even know if it's innappropriate or not since I haven't read it in years.
Lucky you. I fucked up my bulk earlier this year and ended up losing the cut look. I'm trying my hardest to get back down before I can lean bulk, with gear maybe. Not sure yet. Max I want to get up to is 175 but that would probably make me huge.
Feel free to take the initiative.
mine is like
still, would rather be smart than get huge, but thats personal preference.
But what if you make them tremble?
I'm not always bad, I pepper it with the good.
I maybe an inappropriate drunkard but I'm usually right about these things. ;w;
I just really hope I haven't given that girl nightmares. I did that sort of thing when I gave my 12 yr old cousin Dead Rising when I was 17
why not both? I like to.
i got told the other night that i'm really fun to be around, and i should drink socially more often
but fuck that i have autism i drink alone
Literally my every drunken outing ever.
i would actually rather be the opposite of huge
slim, almost too much so
it's like right where i'm at which is nice
I don't see any reason why spending time on the internet would make you book smart by default.
it doesn't by default, you have to use the internet correctly, genius
see Sci, kroni and murder for further reading
I'll hold them until they don't.
that looks like a good christmas gift
Since when was I a thing?
let's make this clear
i don't like you.
Dont you hate them? :O
what, on the internet? lol, no, i'm not retarded.
And this is why I keep posting spooky girls till everyone loves it.
"Studying" would have made more sense than "on the internet."
If that isn't the footnote from hell, I don't know what is.
g4u then
Is that a no?
Gotcha, Ace.
I love you too Bloodchan, in my own way.
glad we established that
let's get on with ignoring each other's posts.
now drink up
Heya prudeflake, what's good?
Why would I ignore your posts?
That's true, but I've been trying to emphasize as well as compare and contrast between gens.
I'm sorta like a big kid, really.
One that drinks heavily and is well studied in stupid bullshit.
I went to the store to buy dinner but bought beer instead. What about you ?
That's fucked!
I will...
courtesy. a courtesy i will grant you in return, rather than calling you out on being a contrary, immature, tryhard little window licker at every opportunity.
Whoops, linked wrong.
Have a (you)
I woke up, cleaned my house in The Sims 2, then cleaned my house in real life. Now I'm just lounging around until I get hungry enough to smash some food.
You can do whatever you want.
I wanna play video games but there's nothing to play
should have guessed you'd be contrary and immature
later thread x
I like kaybe
he's smart
Good job~
oh that's a kid alright.
but it's fine, it's your jam
At least you can beer down on an empty stomach. If you have an SNES, I recommend Super Off Road: The Baja. That game rocked when I was like 7.
You're a good guesser, probably all of that internet intellect you were talking about.
I want to kiss kaybes brain
I spend so much time on the internet, I'd better be.
these are the only games I have, all my consoles are at my parents house rip
Yes it's a no?
I don't even want to imagine what that would taste like.
It's not only my jam, it is my bread, butter, toaster and peanut butter too.
My kidiness is perfectly whole-rounded that it is decent breakfast.
I don't even want to imagine what that would taste like.
Even if that was ever meant to be sincere, I don't think that phrase will ever sound not sarcastic as all hell.
Probably all slimey
B-being d-d-d-d-d-dumb? on the intenet?
Good evening.
That character is a psychopath.
now you can stay awake, the day has more to say
that's a lovely analogy
I don't even want to imagine what that would taste like.
I don't know, man, dead island, the game of life, fable, fable 3, and psychonauts all sound pretty fun to me. Maybe you're not drunk enough. Or too drunk. You need to be more Goldielocks with your alcohol consumption.
Is slimy a taste?
I think it's possible.
This is taking like 40 seconds to post
I'mma play vidyagames now.
See you later!
I love you
Yes, you. You know who you are
Coffee doesn't really keep me awake.
I love you too.
what does keep you awake?
This site is shit.
Someone said it was down for cloudflare most of this morning.
That's a pretty low max man, but good luck to you. I like more of the bearmode look anyway.
Just got back from squadron workout, I hate being forced to do shitty exercises after I do a good gains workout.
Maybe lewder stuff.
"Down For Cloudflare" sounds like an EDM producer.
hay dood
breaking baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
I didnt watch more than one season, I thought she was alright
ohh I like that thinking, it's the same for me.
*triumphant toot-toot*
She's alright...if you don't mind psychopaths.
I don't.
Let's get engaged!
how do you wanna do that?
A super shitty one that only turns out garbage, maybe.
How are you, Miss Sabrina?
wow, easy on the furry
They're all super shitty ones that only turn out garbage if you ask me.
Sorry, I forgot to spoiler the image.
Mah stoopid compooter don't have a bloo ray drive, so I can't get them pretty screencaps like that! ♥
I'm ok. Just kinda sleepy. I'm about to sneak out of work early and go home! How are you?
Let's get married!
Most electronic music just sounds like someone throwing mice in a blender with obnoxious synth drum beats backing it.
h-huh are you sure?
Hopefully you'll get some good sleep tonight c:
I'm making cornbread
Fuck headpats
giv bellyrubs
I'd eat Nezi's cornbread.
No good?
Dude don't make it gay
It better be Martha White.
How is it gay when my post isn't directed at anyone
head pats are nice ^^
no no
uhm it's fine
Rename that "what it's like to eat curry".
team bellyrub tbh
they are an best
Both are equally homosexual.
-head pats you-
Does it have to be a pat? Because a head scratch is better than a belly rub, but a belly rub would obviously be better than a head pat.
Tbqh, I'm not on either team.
Except that's a lie, because head pats are amazing.
We should probably wait until after that date though.
Or people might think it's weird.
i don't get how patting someone's head can be pleasurable
Tfw you realise it will never happen
and you find that big empty hole inside you again
I enjoy giving headpats.
I have been told it incites feelings of belonging and approval.
lol what a gayfag
What are you, gay?
Hair-ruffles are like hybrid headpats and headscratches, right
i would do anything for a male dog...
the real question is, how you gonna fill that hole
I need some coffee myself
ohh yeah that's true.
afterwards then.
well at first yeah but i mean once you pass the 5 pat mark it's just another person kind of smacking their hand against your head awkwardly
but bellyrubs feel better for way longer
A good head scratching includes intermittent ruffling. It's hard to say.
Female pets are way more tame than male ones so they're more low energy and better for just lap cats or companion dogs.
i've never had either a head pat or a belly rub so i don't know what i'm talking about at all
Self-pat and rub. It's just like tickling yourself to feel better. Very very sad.
It's a plan then~
I haven't started drinking yet :c
And yes slimy is a taste, it makes your tongue all slick and feel weird
True. One would use the head pat for a short amount of time, two to five seconds.
Bellyrubs can be slow and have a period of an undetermined amount of time.
Yes, while male pets have higher energy and are more vocal and good for brightening up the place by a marginal amount
you poor soul
the second seems objectively better to me
I bet you play the star spangled banner on the skin flute every night, queermo.
Become 12 again and enroll in one of my classes
produce good code and be head-patted
you will be in ecstasy for literally two seconds
The afterglow of pride tends to stick tho
I guess if it's slimy you won't be tempted to consume any of it, so that's good. You should start drinking a bunch and when you're really under, start a new game of Fable Anniversary and throw up with the main character when he finds out that his parents are dead and everything he's ever known has gone up in flames.
You had me at "head patted"
Woa, now.
How active do you think my sex drive even is?
a fun plan!
Look at this faggot tranny bitch's fake plea for normality so he can go and creep in the women's bathroom, what a fucking retard
that doesn't look like a bathroom
And then our sipping wine on a bench overlooking the ocean will be more enjoyable too!
G-good as in functional, right...?
wow that guy can turn his head all the way round
Yours is at like "boy, I just can't stop sucking dicks" level.
I'd be more likely to throw up at how much worse anniversary is compared to the lost chapters
It must be
reflect the problem
easy to read
So it's not gay to fuck them?
I hope it's bait
Please, Tsuchi.
Your ass is like a black hole for dicks.
Even dicks travelling at the speed of light cannot escape the vicinity of your ass.
I-I'll manage!
Why do you have that saved?
hmm the best time, and cooling nights.
If theyre girls it isnt gay.
You are confusing me for Ghost.
good luck
I don't
heterosexuality literally means fucking girls.
so if a woman is heterosexual does that mean she fucks girls
but then girls fucking girls is homosexual
This is why I don't want to hangout with you in for real life
It sounds so enjoyable.
Oh, my bad, my bad.
How is Toast anyway?
I won't let you down!
But girls can never be straight theyre bi by default
so no.
Hell if I know.
I haven't talked to him in like four years.
It was just a Ghost about his homo romance with Saya and how both were so adamant about being hetero.
You don't want to hang out with me irl because you're so afraid I'm going to meet the real blood-chan, a sad man in his late twenties who works as a food packer in KeyFoods.
I wish I were a bi girl
Oh, I see.
The most I remember is that he came to Otakon 2011 and met Hakkou and I.
Then you'd get all the dick in your front cunt hole.
I don't have any other sewer rats in my folder, though.
I still play the regular version, check your privilege.
I would have so many holes to put dick in
and I could rub my pussy against pussies
team tummy kissing tbh
Lets face it, if anyone here was a real girl they'd be getting slammed by all the dick all the time.
scissoring while ski'ing and having a footlong at the same time
The original Hakkou was so whiny.
I had forgot all about him.
Jesus, that was like five years ago.
The only thing I even really remember from that time was constant "Nope." conversations.
Indeed, oh and I want a pool.
or just swimming in the sea.
I'll choke you
You have no idea how confused I was when I came back the first time, and everyone was calling Angel Hakkou.
Wasn't Nope just everyone's default reaction if anyone said anything?
Also, I still have the AsideIsQuick images. Why even live.
That reminds me, we used to have a pool when I was younger.
It's a lot of work to upkeep though, but so worth it~
With a stench like yours you could choke a mule.
Cornbread's in the oven~
Cornbread is the superior snack.
This is absurd.
Squish didn't gib me his Polar Bear's Cafe folder.
After all the times he said he would
is that what you really think of me?
Just remind him.
Nah, Angel was Hakou, with one k.
I meant Al.
Holy hell, I regret checking old bookmarks.
I still have that meetups gallery bookmarked for god knows why.
then let's get a pool!
But you don't have an oven.
No, obviously he did it on purpose to be a cunt.
Hey, I never said that it was a bad thing. Maybe I like gagging on miasma.
I can't find a streaming website to watch that on
Remind him that he's a cunt then.
stick your head into an oven and slam the lid shut
Still confusing when you're coming back from a hiatus who knows how long.
I didn't know Al so well.
I still to this day misread his name as Ai the first time.
And we can invite everyone over, and host pool parties during the summer!
Or maybe get a hot tub, so we can just relax under the stars sipping wine on those cool summer days.
I might fall asleep.
no bully
I shower twice a day though
Ovens don't have "lids," do they?
Then I'd be mooching again.
Aw, yeah! Cornbread! Gonna have anything else with it? Some beans or somethin'?
Wellp this is all the free time i've had, give kanra my best if he shows up again.
If you want you can use mine so it won't have ads and be in 1080p.
There are no channels of communication with which to remind him that he is a cunt.
I always just called Ai "kidfucker" to differentiate.
Ive already uploaded it and sent the link to you .
Ive already uploaded it and sent the link to you .
omg yes that's so fun.
ohh don't fall asleep in a hot tub
I do too, baka~
salad, salmon, and rice :)
gotta go back to the kitchen to help out, see ya~
Probably that you hit "New Reply" after it said it failed to post.
It doesn't help much if you use the same water every day, and you're sourcing it from the same reservoir that you do your other business in.
I would, but I'm not sure I could stomach it.
There are a few I think. But he probably did wholly intend to cut you off. I mean, the nerve, asking for his dumb anime folder. I'd cut you off too.
>rice and cornbread
That's two starches.
Just no.
but then it would have said "flood detected"
I never really had a reason to,
since I never really interacted with Al.
I just got confused for a second whenever spoke about either.
As fucked up as it all was, I think I have some fond memories of those times.
Don't worry, I'm really light, so if I do it can be really cute, and you can carry me out and to bed. ♥
I want a cute anime girl to lick me
stop ruining things i like!!1one!!
That's how all waste treatment works, though.
Sewage is pumped to a waste plant, that turns it into drinkable water, that's then pumped into one end of a lake, where it's drawn from the other end, filtered again, then pumped throughout the water lines.
Hmm... I should be a food packer though.. .That's actually not a bad idea lol
-hides behind you for protection-
Never get too close to someone who has PTSD
Ugh... I don't want your handouts
My food pyramid has a base of starch, a middle of dairy, and a top of meat.
I guess you'll have to settle for a fat hooker punching you in the gut.
He was always so passive aggressive.
He wanted people to talk to him, then would just bitch them out when they did.
I don't particularly have fond memories of that time other than two people.
Apart from that, all I remember is constantly telling Jan, Omega, and Eva to kill themselves in the chat and getting banned by Ghost, only for Hayate to always keep me unbanned.
He's not running a waste treatment process on the trough of sludge in the shed.
heh well okay then, but I will dry you off first.
hmm I could really go for some bubble hot tub right now..
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It's not ruining anything.
Starch heavy meals are the worst for any diet, as in a specific weight conscious one.
Starches heavy breakfasts are ideal since they're the calories you'll burn throughout the day, with protein heavy dinners since you'll body only convert starches eaten late in the day. Lunch being just a smaller meal than either.
m-my dream
I never asked for it, he offered and repeatedly stated he would give it to me.
Yet you always steal my money.