So i come here expecting shit tier Carl the cucks and get a mix between carl cuck feminists and hardline Stalinists.
As someone who has always been of poor class both Nationalist socialism and Communism have attracted me but from what i can tell /leftpol/ has no argument to convince me, I'll admit i got banned for not being a total sperg on Holla Forums so now i came here to look at what you people even do. i did at one point consider myself a communist when i was a teenager, because class divide is unfair yet i fail to see how any of you are respectable human beings with any moral character. you seem utterly to have a disregard for anything sacred, fuck over your race? sure, Fuck over your country with policies that don't work? sure let your wife get fucked by other men ? why not. Why is my main question. i would ask you one question.
Try and convert me to your side
i want to see an attempt rather than shitposting.
The fuck even is this board
In adendum Holla Forums pol is flooded with 4chan aids.>>1072491
You seem retarded so I'd rather not convert you to our side.
You're thinking of us but of:
>>>Holla Forums
the only communist states around today are impoverished shitholes, and i dont think most /polacks/ would let someone fuck their wives, maybe they would if they had a fetish for that shit.
You shouldn't be a communist, be an ancap or nazi. Go out and protest loudly, make sure to yell about cucks and niggers as loud as you can.
thats correct
no such thing
I already know most life has no meaning outside of god.
People here are more likely to be in college and have friends, and not suck at life. These three things keep you
isn't god a purely egoistical being?
I didn't know that Stirnir was Hannibal
Ah yes, the cuck porn spamming was just ironic.
Its as edgy
dude there's literally only 3 anfems out of 750 users
Top kek
You sound super haunted by racist spooks. If you can't see how solidarity with all proles is more important than preserving race or whatever you were never really a communist.
Underrated post.
So is Burgerface your favorite Undertale character? That's an alright choice, you can stay I guess, if you get your act together and stop talking to us like we're Holla Forums.
I guess I am an anfem I just dont have tha flag
Full of shit fam
If a society, a city, or a territory, were to guaran tee the necessaries of life to its inhabitants (and we shall see how the conception of the necessaries of life can be so extended as to include luxuries), it would be compelled to take possession of what is absolutely needed for production; that is to say — land, machinery, factories, means of transport, etc. Capital in the hands of private owners would be expropriated and returned to the community.
The great harm done by bourgeois society, as we have already mentioned, is not only that capitalists seize a large share of the profits of each industrial and commercial enterprise, thus enabling them to live without working, but that all production has taken a wrong direction, as it is not carried on with a view to securing well-being to all. For this reason we condemn it.
Moreover, it is impossible to carry on mercantile production in everybody’s interest. To wish it would be to expect the capitalist to go beyond his province and to furfil duties that he cannot fulfil without ceasing to be what he is — a private manufacturer seeking his own enrichment. Capitalist organization, based on the personal interest of each individual trader, has given all that could be expected of it to society — it has increased the productive force of work. The capitalist, profiting by the revolution effected in industry by steam, by the sudden development of chemistry and machinery, and by other inventions of our century, has endeavoured in his own interest to increase the yield of work, and in a great measure he has succeeded. But to attribute other duties to him would be unreasonable. For example, to expect that he should use this superior yield of work in the interest of society as a whole, would be to ask philanthropy and charity of him, and a capitalist enterprise cannot be based on charity.
It now remains for society to extend this greater productivity, which is limited to certain industries, and to apply it to the general good. But it is evident that to guarantee well-being to all, society must take back possession of all means of production.
I guess i'll lurk and see your ideas im open to anything,
Holla Forums can you not be edgy retards for one second?
You were never a communist. You never knew what communism was.
I was told by a cucky californian that being a communist would be cool.
i was a kid didnt give a shit etc. im looking for an ideology that makes sense.
With your mental capacity, you won't find one.
Just join a turd position ideology
Then you've come to the right place, if Holla Forums is the only website you're physically capable of accessing.
You should know your ideas of "your" "race" "your" "nation" and all that, is merely fabricated, made up to control you and keep you in line.
It is told of Rothschild that, seeing his fortune threatened by the Revolution of 1848, he hit upon the following stratagem: “I am quite willing to admit,” said he, “that my fortune has been accumulated at the expense of others, but if it were divided to-morrow among the millions of Europe, the share of each would only amount to five shillings. Very well, then, I undertake to render to each his five shillings if he asks me for it.”
Having given due publicity to his promise, our millionaire proceeded as usual to stroll quietly through the streets of Frankfort. Three or four passers-by asked for their five shillings, which he disbursed with a sardonic smile. His stratagem succeeded, and the family of the millionaire is still in possession of its wealth.
It is in much the same fashion that the shrewd heads among the middle classes reason when they say, “Ah, Expropriation! I know what that means. You take all the overcoats and lay them in a heap, and every one is free to help himself and fight for the best.”
But such jests are irrelevant as well as flippant. What we want is not a redistribution of overcoats, although it must be said that even in such a case, the shivering folk would see advantage in it. Nor do we want to divide up the wealth of the Rothschilds. What we do want is so to arrange things that every human being born into the world shall be ensured the opportunity in the first instance of learning some useful occupation, and of becoming skilled in it; next, that he shall be free to work at his trade without asking leave of master or owner, and without handing over to landlord or capitalist the lion’s share of what he produces. As to the wealth held by the Rothschilds or the Vanderbilts, it will serve us to organize our system of communal production.
The day when the labourer may till the ground without paying away half of what he produces, the day when the machines necessary to prepare the soil for rich harvests are at the free disposal of the cultivators, the day when the worker in the factory produces for the community and not the monopolist — that day will see the workers clothed and fed, and there will be no more Rothschilds or other exploiters.
No one will then have to sell his working power for a wage that only represents a fraction of what he produces.
“So far so good,” say our critics, “but you will have Rothschilds coming in from outside. How are you to prevent a person from amassing millions in China and then settling amongst you? How are you going to prevent such a one from surrounding himself with lackeys and wage-slaves — from exploiting them and enriching himself at their expense?”
“You cannot bring about a revolution all over the world at the same time. Well, then, are you going to establish custom-houses on your frontiers to search all who enter your country and confiscate the money they bring with them? — Anarchist policemen firing on travellers would be a fine spectacle!”
But at the root of this argument there is a great error. Those who propound it have never paused to inquire whence come the fortunes of the rich. A little thought would, however, suffice to show them that these fortunes have their beginnings in the poverty of the poor. When there are no longer any destitute there will no longer be any rich to exploit them.
Neither can you apparently.
Don't you want democracy in the workplace?
If you're lazy, you can watch this.
Otherwise, give this a go.
All we want is the means of productions fam
Your ideology is based on ignorance and immaturity, and requires a complete lack of empathy, which is ironically, very much against the human nature you claim to follow as rule of law. You're a fool.
So is this from a book? Quite eloquent.
Yeah, this book
Maybe you're better off just b8ing basic bitch Holla Forumsacks user
But I already am. Your attempts to steal our imagery, words, and rhetoric will never work as long as there's at least a few real communists to call you out as being retarded nazis.
Then what argument do you have for your ethno-state? For enforcing a monolithic culture over an arbitrary area? For insisting we keep wage labour and the state around?
And before you go off on a tangent about Stirner, I never said I was turdpositionist i told OP to be because he would seem more at place in it than pure leftism
Oh. Well fuck off with that.
I may not be a nazbol but I don't have to be to see how buttfuck retarded anarch-anything is. Adopt a proper ideology kiddo
Oh yes, like ML, or MLM?
This guy. This guy tho.
You will look back on this moment three months from now and cringe.
You realize you also deride marxist communism with this, right? You're not so ignorant as to think there is any form of communism at all that has a state, right?
Everyone look at this edgy child in my picture. He doesn't even get his opinions from Holla Forums memes while never having read marx, what a fag!
I am not saying it doesn't, the joke is that an anarchist finds hierarchy everywhere!
Okay sure.
I still love you, user, even if we don't agree on the best method to get to our goals.
And I would serve the revolutionary state if it ever came to be, while a viable anarchist alternative was not around.
Well, I'm neither. So, I can't really "convert" you to that autistic shit.
However, I can inform you about ideas such as civic republicanism, syndicalism, guild socialism, mutualism, and cantonalism. As well as the history of leftism and nationalism. The former would be too long to describe in one post, so we would have to talk elsewhere for that. But, the brief summary is that capitalism is not free markets, the free-market vs planned-economy dichotomy is shit-tier, welfare has little to do with workers seizing the means of production, and I am for workers owning the means of production and competing in markets under the regulation of guilds, which would be divided by industry and trade.
However, the latter is much easier to explain. Nationalism was BORN from leftism. The French Revolution created modern nationalism, and the American Revolution it was based on was very patriotic. It was the French revolution that created national fraternity through a levee en masse and uniting a nation against foreign aggressors. The same was true for the 1848 revolutions, which attempted to create nation-states as opposed to dynastic-states.
Labor unions and the labor movement in general were staunchly protectionist and anti-immigrant. The unions were responsible for the Chinese Exclusion Act and for decreased immigration rates in the early and mid 20th centuries.
Also, here's a forum filled with folks with similar sentiments for yourself.
Well, having a monolithic culture and an attachment to the geographic area is of most importance to a free republic of property-owning citizens, which would be the result of a worker's revolution. Without this common bond against outsiders, the democratic commonwealth would be divided and apathetic, either weakening or falling prey to a new oligarchy or, even worse, a despot.
Also, he said nothing of preserving wage labor.
Oh it's this asshole.
Nope you don't, and it's impossible to enforce arbitrary behavioural norms without a state, and turd positionists/nazis have no intention of removing wage labour.