Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California


Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill Friday that lowers from a felony to a misdemeanor the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection.

>The measure also applies to those who give blood without telling the blood bank that they are HIV-positive.

>Modern medicine allows those with HIV to live longer lives and nearly eliminates the possibility of transmission, according to state Sen. (((Scott Wiener))) (D-San Francisco) and Assemblyman Todd Gloria (D-San Diego), authors of the bill. “Today California took a major step toward treating HIV as a public health issue, instead of treating people living with HIV as criminals,” Wiener said in a statement. “HIV should be treated like all other serious infectious diseases, and that’s what SB 239 does.” Supporters of the change said the current law requires an intent to transmit HIV to justify a felony, but others noted cases have been prosecuted where there was no physical contact, so there was an argument intent was lacking.

Other urls found in this thread:

HIV is a natural state of being gay. Of course it will eventually rise ten folds in liberal countries. You can't allow lgbt without allowing all their diseases and degradation.

A "felony" is a federal crime. California can't decide what is or isn't a felony.

These kikes are trying to kill us all. Hope you don't ever need blood in California.

First it was allowing people with HIV to donate blood and now it's this. Someone burn this miserable state.

Every. Single. Time.

Here he is at some sodomite parade.

The masses don't care and those that do care are denied a redress of grievances.

They test the blood before the blood is being used to help the people so why do they need to delegalise this for? It's useless as it is easy to find out if they have HIV. Wew, they are that stupid. I hope all of the medical professionals quit.


Do faggots who say this shit realize that a lot of these medications do longterm liver damage, and some are starting to stop working due to the continued mutations of the virus?

Whole state needs to be quarantined, I bet there's going to be a whole lot more sick sodomites going around infecting everything with their pozzed loads as a form of sexual release. I wouldn't even touch anything from here anymore, nor eat the food.

I think this is going to solve itself, mates.

We need to meme HIV-chan to mutate into all mighty waifu.

Figures, a bug chaser. Probably wanted to give his 143rd boyfriend some legal protection.

It already happened and is spreading.


Let's count up the various failures that inevitably led to this:
1) Allow Jews
2) Let fags hold power
3) Single-party rule in California
4) Mexishits, who will never know anything about this, and who wouldn't fucking care if they did, now a majority and vote reliably for their fellow invaders and traitors.

Cheer up, all. California will be the most glorious theater of battle in the war. I live here, and my kill list is already over a hundred names long.

Make sure everybody knows that California Democrats are pro-AIDS because they're faggots. Add that they hope your kid catches it so they'll have more activists later on.

DOTR When?

So you can run around injecting people with aids. Because otherwise fags feelings are hurt. So to protect degenerate feelings they must hurt health of everyone.

Land of Poz is no longer a meme.

Land of Poz is no longer a meme.

What are false negatives?

Their 'grievances' were homophobic and also probably racist too. If you don't allow a 40 year old man to sodomize your 12 year old boy and give him HIV, well than you're just a bigot!

This is one of the reasons why we're growing in numbers. One libshit event doesn't cause a person to convert to the far right. It's compounding issues.

B-but California already decided it can decide this, and they decided they can decide who is a U.S citizen too! Oy vey just fucking take it, you dumb god damn goyim!

Do these people have no knowledge of history? Hard times happen and when they do there isn’t always enough food to go around let alone fancy medicine to keep a low value selection of the population alive. When the meds run dry these people will wither away within a matter of months. Their health is just an illusion, they are in a worse situation than most junkies who at least stand a chance of getting clean.

This is a good thing. It should be completely decriminalized and perhaps even rewarded with a bounty system.

Look who benefits from this the most. Hint, big pharma. This is a handout to them, the more HIV infections the more drugs they sell. And they end up with a lifelong customer who will die if they decide to stop being a customer

This is not even liberalism. It's big pharma exploiting retarded liberals who will support anything that pretends to align with them. It's fucking sad that liberals can't look at this and realize it's just a ploy to ensure HIV spreads for the pharma companies.

Oh, look at this

Takes about a year to draft up a bill for this, no? Bravo California. Give Gilead's patents protection so they don't have competition, and then give them laws that encourage spread of the disease they have patents on. All done by liberals, who have supporters running around talking about how this is such a big step forward against bigotry, homophobia, etc.

why is Holla Forums upset with this? You fuckwits want fags to live?


Because it's a public health problem, and being promoted to children as a desirable lifestyle.

The police will now have to deal with needle sabotaged pockets. This sucks!

Because the gays wanted to infect the people with hiv to increase the degeneracy.

Are you retarded, or just an idiot?


I'm not really upset, only the most degenerate fags are going to be taking advantage of this. It's just really curious how dems are basically giving a pharma company with court protected patents for HIV a law that will encourage the spread of HIV.

This also has the potential to spread further than the gay community, girls can get HIV from guys who are mostly gay (it's happened before), guys can get it from secret gay encounters, etc.

Whole thing will be glorious when all these people who no one suspects starts getting HIV and it outs a ton of fags.

No it fucking isn't, you triple-nigger. Stop posting here until you're not retarded.

Reported for being illiterate.

Wouldn't it be great if we could all just live and let live? Whatever consenting adults do in private is their own business, and we shouldn't oppress innocent people who just want to live and to love in the way that God made them!

This line of propaganda has been extremely productive for the Jews who work to our ruin. If there was any truth to it – if antisocial mental illnesses could be contained exclusively to their practitioners – then there'd be no need of National Socialism. We could all be laissez-faire liberals who lived alongside our faggot neighbors and kept our lawns nice and neat.

But it is never so.

Faggots are mentally sick enough to turn their natural use to that which is against nature, and this madness never stays still. After they're free from legal and violent social consequences for their acts, they move on to seek out the bastions of decency, instinctively sensing that clean living is the enemy of their debauchery, with an unfailing instinct. It's why they have to persecute christcucks and put family bakeries out of business – simply keeping to yourself and privately disapproving of them is a capital offense in their scattered, insane world. You must be found and punished until there is no love, but that of Big Brother's cock.

Jews are the same way. If mosquitoes just painlessly bit, sucked a tiny amount of blood, and then flew away, we probably wouldn't mind them. But they can't do that. Mosquitoes must inject saliva to keep the blood flowing, and so the little fuckers happily give us malaria and yellow fever for an extra slurp of our blood, which wasn't theirs in the first place. Jews, the disease-laden mosquitoes of humanity, must do likewise.

They inject their poison into art, destroying centuries of tradition and the most technically accomplished artistic tradition in human history, just to convert the walls of every gallery in the West with fecal splatter and puddles of urine dyed cerulean blue for effect. This is their method of keeping the blood flowing in the arts.

They inject their saliva into music, converting the technically demanding classical and even folk music of whites into the thumpitty-thump of nigger beats, with a hefty dose of muh-dick and gangsta-niggaz to boot, in order to keep the blood flowing.

They inject their saliva into economics, turning a merit-based food-and-luxuries distribution system into usury and communism. This keeps the blood flowing for them.

They inject it into politics, converting normal nationalism into globalism and centralized control, all the better to keep the goy blood flowing.

They saturate the media with degrading filth, partly because they can't help themselves, partly out of jealousy for their Aryan betters, and partly to demoralize us and keep our blood flowing into their greedy mouthparts.

They cannot abide healthy families, because those families will expel them like a plague. So they have to turn your son into a faggot, put your daughter on top of a nigger, blur the line between you and a spic assassin, and castrate the male head of the household until even his own wife prefers the colored rapist who comes for her. And this helps keep the blood flowing.

Now, they want everybody to get AIDS. This will inevitably increase dependency on the government for "life-saving" medication – forcing you to stay close to a pharmacy, and by no means go innawoods or to the land the way your instincts tell you to – and making you a drain. This is to keep the blood flowing.

I swear, by all that is right and by the soul of my ancient ancestors, the blood will flow. The blood will flow freely before I lie down to die. I will give them more blood to drink than they can swallow, until even the River Jordan runs red with their last generation.

Reminder that Gilead is Donald Rumsfeld's company. I guess he just can't kill enough Americans.

It's changing?

Good, let it mutate further, just like with gonorrhea, let the faggots have a repeat of the 80's. They didn't learn anything from historical examples and let them drag everyone who support their debauchery and sickness.


Yes, HIV evolves very quickly. Once you get it, your doctor has to figure out which strain you have to determine a course of treatment. Then you go on a cocktail of harmful drugs that inhibit the virus from taking over completely.

Problem is, the fucking virus is RNA-based, so it mutates WAY faster than a more stable organism, and the cocktail really just creates a challenging Darwinian environment for it to adapt to. In time, the drugs you're on get less effective, and your T-cell count drops. Then, you have to switch meds to stay one step ahead of the virus, which then adapts further.

It never stops. Every poz-fag's body is like a Galapagos island for AIDS to evolve new and better ways to infect and kill us. Every pill they pop – and some AIDS-fags are up to 25 prescriptions a day – cultivates a more resistant strain of the virus. Then, when the faggot starts jonesing for a fix of his favorite club drugs and sells his ass or his blood, the new Super-AIDS spreads to the next victim.

There's no answer to this. Because it merges with host DNA, HIV can never be scrubbed out of your body once you're infected. It's inside your genes. So there will never be a cure. In time, the retrovirus will (presumably) merge with the human genome and become something everybody has some genes from. It's happened dozens of times before in our evolution.

The only way to prevent this is to stop its spread and isolate the faggots who already have it. No matter what we do, short of killing them off, there will always be some drug-addled faggot who likes to infect other people, and that one vector can hit thousands of others in a lifetime. With this new law, we can't even lock him up in prison for deliberately infecting the public with his filth.

Couldn't you use say, CRISPR to "delete" aids from your DNA? That's the only cure I see for Super AIDS.

If a faggot or a HIV person from commiefornia goes to another state and infects the other person, will he/she be prosecuted by the state which he/she visited or from commiefornia?

Rolling for 39 million dead Californians.

Flat what. I don't know where you got that idea but its absolutely wrong. State prisons exist specifically to punish people who commit felonies described in a state's statute. This is why every state has its own definition of first degree murder for example.

Worst part is, is that there's groups of these type of people, that get off to the idea of infecting people. It's sadistic shit, and honestly, the fact the punishment is being lowered even more is simply disgusting.

Thanks for the question, Satan.

For those who don't know, CRISPR is a gene-splicing technique that uses bacteria to cut-and-paste DNA in a host organism. In fucking theory, it might be useful for scrubbing out a retrovirus. It's not a cure for AIDS, though, for a few reasons:
1) It's ridiculously expensive. Maybe useful right now for breeding really profitable strains of new crops, but way out of reach for medicine right now, especially on the scale the AIDS epidemic calls for.
2) Nobody really knows whether it can even find HIV, let alone selectively trim it.
3) You can get AIDS, euchre the taxpayers into dropping half a million dollars on your CRISPR treatment, get cured, then go fuck raw the next day and get AIDS again.
4) Do you really think Jews will let a technology like this go uncontrolled? It's like the MSM of genetics – perfect for spreading their control. If CRISPR ever becomes marketable for goy budgets, watch for mass media campaigns to encourage gentiles to buy sterility genes for their kids, the way they currently circumcise their boys.

psst, listen up goy. did you know even if you take anti-AIDS drugs, so you can bareback every pozzed nigger at your local glory hole, that you can still get The Gift if you inject hot viral loads into your cunt 15 times per day for 21 days continuously?

if you don't want to Convert if you too don't want to be pozzed that means you are an anti-Religion Religion of Cuck™ophobic bigot and you deserve to lose your guns and freedom of speech.

hopefully soon Progressive Enlightened California will pass a law making injecting pozzed loads into your kids mandatory as another vaccine.

by providing mandatory poz injection stations for your kids it will save pedos who just want to share The Gift from the stigma of breaking the law and stalking and kidnapping and gang raping your children

I fucking get it.
The ultimate goal of kikes here is that when HIV will reach final form, start spreading around straight couples too through sluts, rapefugees and bisexual cucks massive sterilization of europeans will occur, to combat "biohazard". This is how they kill europe. Through eliminating everyone by making everyone pozzed bioweapon. Fags and nigger rapefugees are bioweapons. And we know how niggers and muslim rapists can help spreading aids faster. And there will be no scientists to stop it, because all doctors will be jewish, since education is fucked on a basic level. Eliminating principles of marriage and promoting polygamy, abortions and divorces will also help spreading the virus and reduce birth rates at the same time.

I would have never known that Brown signed this and the sanctuary state bill if it hadn't been posted her. The news is inundated with Vegas crap.

Fucking MSM. Nobody cares about 50+ people dead. The shooter is dead. But CA is itching for a civil war like never before.

This is highly disturbing.

Here's a simple comparison; if a weed dealer (from a legal state) leaves and sells in one where it's still outlawed, they'd get that state's law. Watch tho, I wouldn't fucking doubt there'll be a few that get away with it.

I think you're overthinking this. Jews degrade their hosts because it's their instinct to do so. Leftcucks go along because they care more about one crying refugee/faggot/Mexican than all the legitimate people in America because they have zero volkish feeling. A normal person would prioritize what's good for 200 million white Americans over the comfort of foreign invaders and subhuman niggers, but active measures have made them hostile to the idea that a normal white person has rights or interests.

Put another way, would you beat your child to stop him stepping on a line of ants? Neither will a leftist "beat" a nigger or a faggot for ruining white culture. To them, everything that's good in this world is no more valuable than whatever the ants are getting up to, while a single drowned refugee child is worth shredding every law in England.

Comrade Bezmenov taught us about useful idiots. There is no plan to their madness; likewise, there is no cure for it. They must be destroyed and replaced with a properly volkish people for anything like democracy to be safe. In the meantime, we fight where we can.

If kikes are watching us point our their big plans, do they just suddenly drop them because the goyim know?

I think the goal is more to get everyone infected (using fags and rapefugees, yes) and then to make billions selling the cure. We're worth too much cash to the kikes for them to genocide us.

Actually it's to get everyone infected and make billions selling the cure. But you got it mostly right.

If kikes are watching us point our their big plans, do they just suddenly drop them because the goyim know?


Claims of semen-tainted flutes roils schools across Southern California
For years, hundreds of children in the Fullerton School District have taken part in a seemingly heartwarming program called “Flutes Across The World.”

The initiative aims to connect young students in Southern California with underprivileged counterparts in the Philippines through a simple round of arts and crafts, according to Robert Pletka, the school district’s superintendent.

During the classes, students were shown how to make colorful flutes out of PVC pipe, Pletka said. Then they would write personal notes to students half a world away that would be folded inside the instruments.

But in the past 10 days, the program — which is said to have collaborated with schools throughout Southern California and large national charity organizations — became ensnared in a grotesque scandal that has left parents and educators horrified.

Yeah, a virus that infects millions of people inevitably evolves quickly. It doesn't help that the hosts deliberately try to spread the virus.

Where's that source

sounds ok to me

problem is public health funding, these people should have a difficult time getting access to these supposed normal-life-enabling meds. we should go back to the model where you had to be rich in order to gain access to them.

Checked, Also funfact: The Folsom Street fair is Organized by rabbis:

Which is expensive as fuck and you have to take for the rest of your life, so it's okay to fiancially fuck people I guess.

He won't help you, the bible revels in misery, but the anglos are telling you that Odin drinks semen so you'll be forever damned to be chained to Yahweh.

All virus that survives the medication mutate user.

Basic microevolution principle.
Why would HIV be an exception?

Since you appear knowledgeable about this disease, what is your take on the claim that aids itself is a man made softkill method?


California: America's Sweden™


This is possible.
We need that fucking white ethnostate pronto.

I start to see a pattern…

It's a

Human immunodeficiency virus.
Of course it's going to mutate.

I could honestly believe this.
Big pharma putting everything on lifeline medication that they either take or perish. I want off this crazy ride.

wtf i love jews now

From the earlier Degeneracy threads.


Inb4 people start fucking animals because humans are too goddamn risky through potential of super-HIV.

Inb4 sudden release of sexbots as super-HIV hits the news.


So in like, 20 years, are we just going to be living in a cyberpunk hellscape where a majority of the population all suckle on the teat of the pharmaceutical industry, because without it, they'd die from AIDS?

Its not a felony in California to knowingly infect someone with an infectious diasease? So if someone injects a baby with malaria they get off with only a year of jail time? What the fuck Commiefornia

Also, consider the fact that more intelligent people will avoid sex much more due to the (rightful) fear of HIV infection. And the dumb ones won't care at all. Meaning fewer babies coming from intelligent people who are afraid of infection, and more coming from dolts who don't care about HIV.

It fits into Western efforts to make sure educated whites don't reproduce.

Trips of truth, shut it down!

Still, even if the current strains are eliminated there will be more strains as long as large populations of dindus, kebabs and regular faggots are outside of cages.

This will freak out even normies (right?), this could be excellent propaganda with some efforts.
Rapefugee AIDS and other disease statistics would be usefull too, most normies don´t want AIDS or tuberculosis either.


Every day we get closer to 40k being a reality.


My nigger.

There's more.



Actually he's white.


There's no way in hell Senor Common Filthowitz is white, he's a spic jew, because he hates white people.


But real talk, I was getting burnt out on his fixation on the sodomite, but at the end of the day, this shit seems to be the end goal, be it normalizing STDS and HIV via using the Trendy homosexual as the catalyst, a spiritual virus wasn't enough for ((( them ))) and now they're moving on to REAL viruses.

I have no idea how the fucking "classical liberal" rationalizes this shit.

I am not even mad.

Right next to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Kek'd

The true demise of moral relativism. Just let this system cannibalize itself and watch it burn.

I really hope they are still not allowed to donate blood because of "muh freedoms". I wouldn't be surprised if some organisations leave people untested, only give you some boxes to check and pray for honesty. If those blood packets leave the state everyone is fucked.

Live and let live would be great. Until that woman from the bar who will give you HIV because "muh privacy rights, don't oppress me"
Don't take me as an asshole I would love a peaceful world but we cannot be willfully ignorant once you are aware of the amount of poison shit you eat, breathe and get thaught then everything gets more negative. I just don't want my kid to get exposed to "learn queer culture" lessons and getting indoctrinated to fuck him up mentally into a gayretard. You know, ignorance is really bliss. Present families will not get a scratch, sure but it is so hard to form one in this circumstance.
All this shit wouldn't exist if these lefties wouldn't make morals and feeling into political arguments. If people wouldn't be such stupid apes to realize they have no idea about politics. The best stupid is convinced everyone else is stupid you know.

Another interesting recent development is that there are now a significant number of fags that have developed immunity to HIV

Why would the (((pharmaceutical industry))) currently collecting truckloads of money for keeping bugchasing faggots alive pass up the chance to get even more money?

So these are faggots with pretences of national-Socialism?
Middle pic, faggots looks like kebabs.


They really should be tied to beds like the Sloth victim in the Se7en movie, injected with anesthetics until they go mad from feeling nothing.

Some good news. Sooner or later, maybe even right now, HIV will be weaponized into something worst.

Spoiler that shit.


You must have an IQ above 50 to post here. Pozzed faggots can donate blood in Weimar Commiefornia. You get in a wreck or otherwise injured and lose blood. You need a blood transfusion. Oops, you got the GRIDS blood. Guess you were a "sinner" and "MUH GOD" will damn you because you were given bad blood. Kill yourself.

That's a funny way of spelling "jewish".

And like clockwork, here's the commonspic fanfags out to claim commonspic is anything but an anti-white kike that wants all whites genocided because less than the population of jews in a country are degenerates.

That's a Fucking KIKE Jew scumbag that marries blacks to whites fuck off. This shit IS the problem

Never Forgetti


Yeah, like many Jews he is also active in calling out the Holocaust.

I'm assuming that knowingly murdering the thing that gave you HIV will also be lowered from a felony down to a petty misdemeanor.


We've had a thread about this many times because this is really old news.

This is some serious fucking degenerative heresy going on here.


Do blood donations travel across state lines?

Heresy and Degeneracy have no limits.

CommonTaco can be the biggest spic in mexico and the biggest jew in Tel-aviv but would he still be wrong about the problem at hand?

This isn't a problem that can put on the backburner because "There are bigger things to worry about" Hell say you hypothetically solve the root ((( problem ))) over night,what do we do about those within our own ranks that propagate this shit?

I'm legitimately curious.

Demolition Man is still one of the best and most prophetic movies ever.

You can only add new DNA with crispr, not remove it. I'm pretty sure it would be impossible to add such DNA sequence that produces an enzyme and protein combination that identifies virus DNA in host DNA (which are the same by the way), cuts it off, and does absolutely nothing else.

Kinda this. To kill people they just have to stop providing treatment.

Kinda this. To kill people they just have to stop providing treatment.

California is the first state ever to become a bug chasers.

I'll take the bait. If HIV doesn't cause AIDS, what does then? Chronic fucking off the anus? The drugs used to "cure" HIV? You cannot make the assertion that the correlation between HIV and AIDS is not a relationship of causation without providing an equally plausible theory to supplant it.


Best way to fight against this is raise awareness on any platform you have available. I have feelers in the normiesphere being a functioning autist and a faceberg account and pretty much everyone is outraged at this, even the more liberal normies, it is only not a major issue because few people are aware of it. The more people we can get to boycott blood banks the more likely it is that their remaining donors are pozz freaks which they are legally liable for, I sent an email to united explaining such and explaining that they will not be getting another drop out of me. This is an easy win, and it will be easy to reverse, but spreading awareness is absolutely necessary.


That seems pretty far fetched, user.

The film is better.

The sodomite lifestyle in general. That's why GRIDS is such an accurate name for it.

I always thought DRIDS (Degenerate Related Infectious Disease) would be much more appropriate, it's not just buttfucking men that make a person prone to exposure to the germ. Drug use and blood transfusions are also transmitting the disease (which is why pretty much any blood donation organization will not take any blood from people who have had homosexual sex in the past five years, at least this is the case for Hema Quebec). Promiscuous women are also prone to the disease as well (as explains, HIV is easier to transmit from male to female than the other way around).

So really, in most cases, it would say a lot about you as a person if you caught such a disease (granted, there are cases where it may not be the fault of the infected, like getting raped by negroids).

You know what the word "syndrome" means, right?

I don't get what you're trying to do here.


Seriously this still disturbs me after all these years.

Every Holla Forumslack in California needs to leave - NOW.

I don't know why I come here anymore. It's self-flagellation. The things I fucking see here, they kill a man's spirit, bit by bit…

It's just difficult to comprehend the never-ending whirl of constant degeneracy, of depravity, of absolute viral bitch-black filth.

It makes a man grow harder I suppose. Tougher. Resentment builds. It bubble to the stop until nothing but cold steel is left in a man's soul.


We have to firebomb the state. There's no other choice, or else California will be the staging ground for worldwide infection.

What the fuck is that in their hands? Is that the pre-intercourse anti-aids drug?

This is basically why so called "gay marriage" exists and divorce.

I think you may be on to something here.

Consider some of the follow up replies to this, specifically

Yes, but who is most likely to get aids? Faggots and niggers. And, who is likely to spread aids? faggots and niggers. And, while it may spread to the rest of the population over time, who will they specifically target with their sterility meds disguised as antiRV meds? more well off whites of course. The "nigger version" of the meds, the generic stuff, won't have it. The stuff the fancier white people can get will have additions to it that cause sterility most likely, in order to prevent them from breeding and kill them off.

I mean, think about WHY they're importing mass amounts of shitskins to begin with, lots of new debt slaves who are ignorant as fuck and will take out millions of dollars in debt if they could, and mindlessly consume shit, as long as they can mix them just enough with european genetics to get a more docile version of them (probably a second reason for pushing race mixing) that will be at least somewhat productive, working the counter at some retail store or flipping burgers, then they can load them up with debt and have them flipping burgers forever.

Meanwhile, the biggest threat to this, the fight you see disguised as the middle class vs the rich (supposedly the rich want to keep the middle down so they don't move up and take their money) is really the whites vs the jews. So who will be targeted for extermination one way or another? The white middle class naturally. Kill them off, leave nothing but docile niggers from a few generations of race mixing, ruled over by kikes who keep them living in slums and taking large amounts of debt. Importing just enough new shitskins to keep taking on debt and interbreeding with the mongrels here to make them more docile over time and repeat the cycle.

And what group will happily spread aids, not give a fuck, and take all their pills so they don't die horribly of a common cold, just wage slaving away to keep feeding shlomo some shekels? the mongrels.

AIDS is likely a key part of it all. Hell Ebola may have been a part of it as well, kill off the most feral and useless of niggers in apefrica, leave only the ones that arent 100% retarded (just like, 60% retarded), so they can breed and spread up a bit, making their integration over here in the future less of a problem for the kikes, fewer generations needed to make them docile like their mixed race bastards will be, quicker to get them into the system wage slaving away and pozzed up and spending all their shekels on pills and taking out lots of debt for shiny things.

If it was just to get us, as we are now, all on pills for aids, we'd spend a shit load of money fighting it and figuring out how to stop it once it was to wide spread (think, plague inc type "suddenly the whole world cares"), way more than anything we can imagine now. And eventually OUR race would figure out how to stop it and kill it. And they dont want that.

The saddest part, is eventually their plan would doom everyone on the planet. It wouldn't just stop and be suddenly perfectly controllable like some tamed animal. It will go wild just like their pet niggers do and destroy everything, including the kike handlers. So even their little dystopian horror fantasy with them as kings everywhere, won't happen. I suppose thats not "sad" though, at least it gives me solace knowing that if they win, they still lose eventually.

Can't spill AIDS blood, or you risk infection. Have to burn - purge them with holy fire.


I look forward to the second coming when God strikes down all these sodomites!

Niggers will spread this like wildfire

The reason he watches 6-8 hours of homo porn a day is for studies, he stated so himself! -D

One can shut down the other.

Africa and the middle-east as well.

If you get pozzed, you win.

I propose we appoint Max Zorin to the CDC

Why is shabbos goy jerrry in such a rush to kike up (((california))) in record time and beyond its level of kikery it held before?

Reminder that as California goes, so goes the rest of the country. Just look at no-fault divorce which was signed into law by Gov. Reagan.

That has to be a joke/satire account right?

Meanwhile in the same state if you don't use someone's preferred pronoun…
(by the same fucking Gay Wiener legislator)

Mandatory viewing.

Just kill all fags and we would cure aids.

Anyone live near Sacramento?

Get one of these and put an ad on Craigslist for some near-dead AIDS-ridden druggie to get a 'sample' from.

So the skinheads who said 'Hail AIDS!' were Jews all along?

This is now thread on legal ways to kill troublesome legislators using AIDS.

Kill motherfuckas like they did EZ-E (jew record producer murdered him by injecting him with full blown AIDS)




Can the superhiv survive during the Ice Age era? Ice Age is due in 2030-40.

I honestly wish it were that simple.

BTW Cuba, which these progressives worship, literally quarantine people with HIV


I fail to see the downside here

It's just something they do, don't be so critical.

I remember awhile back we were all joking how one day they would start saying "DAT DIZEEZ, IZ RAYCISS".
This is CY+2 motherfuckers, and no meme remains merely a dream.

This shit is fucking demonic

You're a special kind of stupid

Step 1: Dehumanize yourself
Step 2: Face to bloodshed

The blood transfusion part is silly. But I'm sure hospitals have protocols for testing blood donations, right? They don't just hope the blood is clean and rely on the testimony of donors.

In a way this might make people more cautious about who they have sex with

IIRC they put all the blood into big batches then test it. Not sure how foolproof that shit is.

On another forum someone from Poland and the US compared notes. Our system is WAY more lax.

Also HIV is nearly impossible to transmit via straight, vaginal sex. One study said the transmission rate between straight couples was zero in a 10 year period, where one partner was positive the other negative.

Another study based on epidemiology said it takes over 2000 instances of sex for HIV to transmit between straight non-anal sex couples.

It's mostly for Gays or anal degenerates.

Yeah, most HepC and HIV gets transmitted by needles, so now imagine some faggot mad at the world because he has HIV running around with a dirty needle at the club

He wouldn't be mad, he'd do it to get off. Faggots are mentally ill walking biochemical warfare.

that's kind of different, since its assault, even if there was nothing in the needle simply stabbing people would be criminal. no?

Also the only "clubs" people should frequent are pic related.


So you can shoot people dead with your dick but not with a gun in California?


People who save this shit to conveniently post as "information" are most likely fags themselves. If they cared about spreading this info, they would stick it on a site to be used a repository. These anons are sick fucks for even keeping this on their hard disks, and I don't trust them. Neither should any of you.

Trust them for what you fuck? You saying the pics are false? Or are you saying that when we throw out annual friends from pol BBQs we should leave them off the guest list?

Fact is that I, and I'm assuming a lot of other people here, would have no idea about this kind of shit and would even tend to think it was a fake if it wasn't for all the first hand sources posted by these fine archivists and ancient historians. I'd rather you get thrown under the bus then them. How brave you must feel for jewing others.

There was, months ago, when this was news. This is old, I don't know why it's gaining traction a secone time.

I guess it was just signed a law, previously it was just a draft or in the works. Nevermine. Fucking jews.


Hm, I stand corrected. I thought a greater proportion of the HIV infections were due to IVs.

They have been pushing this bill for months now you unread nigger.


'Kay, but what needs to be done is end this insinuation and defamation that gay people are UNSTABLE MURDERERS and can't defend themselves. We must stop the bigotry and clear all weapons license checks from anybody who happens to contract aids, so all the gays who are being disgustingly vilified for having aids are able to have an easy access to self-defense. California must STOP stigmatizing gays as people who can't be trusted to walk into a gun store and purchase a weapon. Every day a californian homosexual walks defenseless. Every day the Californian enforced stigma KILLS.

What would be nice to know are
1) Who profits from AIDS drug treatment
2) Did they contribute to Senator Faggot or the Governor

Nope, just fags.
The really fucked up thing though?
Look at the ages.

Most new AIDS cases come from those aged 13-19, and non-White.
Basically, old fags fucking underaged or very-young men and giving them HIV. Shit is gross man.

1. False negatives are a thing.

2. HIV tests work by detecting the antibodies produced by your immune response to the virus. It can take 3 months or more for a recently infected individual's immune system to produce enough antibodies to be detectable. Their viral load can be enormous but HIV blood tests don't check for that.

Most new gays are inducted by old fags with a taste for young nubile flesh called Chickenhawks and they solicit on Craigslist and more recently, KiK. KiK in particular is full of 13-25 year-olds sexting each other and getting into puppyplay and other degenerations early.
This video will explain everything in the most memorable way possible:

I'll tell you right now: if I find myself in commiefornia, and God forbid I forget to keep my cock in my pants and get infected unwittingly, the person in question will be killed. Not by me, I'll work for as long as needed to raise money for a hitman. If you don't like it, change the laws. 5 years in jail for bioterrorism is light. If I was governor, firing squad would be mandatory.

I knew that was the case, I didn't know THAT much though… I hope to the Gods that the civil unrest will come soon, that I might hunt these disgusting abominations for sport and justice.

These people just need to be gotten rid of, there's no recovery once you've gotten into that shit. Up against the wall, then into a shallow grave. There's really no alternative.

Sad, but I am not some moral degenerate who will be getting AIDS. People think their actions do not have consequences, so its fine being a whore or gay. Then they get AIDS and realize they don't live in a bubble.

I don't feel like clicking on that…

Someone please make a meme of Wojack on the cross dying for the feels of Calipornia.

Until it mutates, The Clap, and Syphilis are already starting to gain antibiotic resistance thanks to the "Gay community" and Tinder using sluts.

These ailments will stop discriminating before long.


It's a gay varient of Santa Claus is coming to town, except with old men hunting for underage dick. There are lots of awful faggot christmas carols Singing about their awful habits. Here is a podcast from 2003 with a lot of them. Nothing like Shirley Q Liquor the original trans-nigger to fire up the ovens of hatred.

Forgot link:

tfw gang warfare in California will soon be fought using dirty needles instead of firearms

So let's say I'm feeling like taking a drive to this faggots office and I want to stick him with an AIDS needle.

What's my worst punishment ?
And where can I get an AIDS needle?

The California hepatitis A outbreak is on the verge of reaching statewide epidemic status, as cases have spread through homeless tent cities from San Diego north to Sacramento.

California health officials have reported that at least 569 people have been infected with the hepatitis A liver disease and 17 have died since a San Diego County outbreak was first identified in November. Cases have migrated north to homeless populations in Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, San Francisco and Sacramento over the last 11 months.

Although local and state authorities have tried to underplay the risks and severity of the outbreak, the most recent annual totals for cases of hepatitis A in the United States was 1,390 in 2015, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). California only reported 179 cases during the same year.

The highly-contagious hepatitis A outbreak may have taken root because of the City of San Diego’s efforts in the run-up to Major League Baseball’s All-Star Game held at Petco Park in July 2016 to push the homeless, and the rampant drug and prostitution trade among them, out of the downtown tourist venues. Those effort included locking public bathrooms and essentially relocating the homeless to the congested tent city encampments that stretch for blocks east of downtown near freeway onramps.

| No; {Asians={X, Kazakhs=Jews}} are advancing themselves.

| AIDS hoaxer = antifa

The blood bank checks the blood 6 months after it is donated if its hiv+. If it is HIV+ the subsequent donations of the person will be discarded and the person from then on will be informed of his situation.

Besides all of this how would someone find out that someone donating blood is a faggot? Yeah you can ask them but who says that they will be honest about it? How can you verify their sexuality? You can't. So you just ask it, hope they aren't lying and do the tests. Bloodbanks work well because they have proper procedures in place to prevent getting hiv+ hepatitis B or C infected blood. There's little need to worry about this change.

The biggest con for this though, is for homosexuals themselves. Currently if you're gay and the other side doesn't disclose his positive aids status he can be charged with manslaughter (I believe, not sure of the American translation but this is the case in my country).

Open tor browser and you will see plenty of it.

Actually thinking about it I knew of a really weird chatroom on the open net that was full of degenerate max faggots talking about druggs and other crap. Forgot the name though.

There is just no weasling out of this. There are times when violence is legal (self defense), there are times when nonconsentual violence is legal (saving someone from an accident by shoving), but this violence that helps no one, has no consent, and no positive outcome. This is no different from legalizing first degree murder and saying it's to "get repressed murderers into to therapist couches". California has no laws, all crimes are legal there.

California is the bug chaser state.

And notice how the only people supporting this are the psychos, the Marxists and the Communists on Twitter, this is radical, what they're doing, and even the centrists are getting cold feet at the thought of something this objectively evil being legalized. The elites of California have declared themselves a separate species from the human race and follow no human laws from this day forward.

Compiled. Spread it.

Nice post, user.

3-5 guys x 15-21 days a month = 45-105 sexual partners a month = 540-1260 sexual partners a year.

Reminder that every single STD can be CURED in a single generation.
We simply have to do what must be done.

You cant even argue about it, because its so horrible on every level. Literally infecting people with fucking aids. I cant imagine how anyone can defend this.

So that data is worthless.

rolling for "Pharmaceutical companies now refuse to supply California Clinics with HIV and AIDS drug"

Are you mentally ill?

Possible in theory, impossible in practice. Unless you start nuking the shit out of the World. Plus vermin can transmit a lot of diseases. But its possible to stop spreading by lunching fags, yes. But you know what will happen? They will infect everyone via blood transfusion and CLAIM THAT NORMAL PEOPLE ARE JUST AS BAD AS FAGS REGARDING HIV! They will start blaming normal people for it. Basically you will have to live like a hermit away from the world and never be near hospitals, because they will become breeding pits of disease. In fact they can destroy all of blood banks in the world in just one generation by doing this in one state.
This is some pandemic kind of bullshit. Everyone knows that fag diseases affect their brain. Its like that moment in the game when you can tell virus to avoid all the pretense and start infecting everyone by every available mean including mind control. I cant fucking understand how he is not murdered yet.
At least this bullshit can lead to a fucking purge of degenerates.

Don't spill AIDS blood, and bleach the areas where they potentially left bodily fluids. Burn the HIV/AIDS carriers to death, or gas them and burn the bodies - there is no alternative.

You're all kinds of wrong. I bet if you looked into the campaign donations for the authors of this bill you would find drug companies.


Hope you wearing your Tyvek coveralls with your medical grade nitrile gloves taped on, user.


Now imagine what sort of person infects toddlers with AIDS while addicting them to meth to ensure they put out. Heres a hint, that person's father.

The problem for us is when some 'bi' faggot spreads HIV to straight women who pretend to be 'wholesome a Holla Forumsvirtuous'.

Fucking degenerate shithole. God damnit burgers.

Like what the japs did by burning shit contaminated with radioactivity out of state/prefecture, in order to say 'oh look it's not Fukushima, it happened everywhere'.

The extent and scale of promiscuity amongst homosexuals is insane. Whilst those figures are certainly on the high end of extreme the reality is that the average partner count for a homosexual male would be considered indicative of a compulsive sexual addition for a heterosexual. Critique is as much as outlawed when it comes to homosexual behavior even when an in-group health advocate raises the concern.

The ‘gay movement’ was always a Psyop orchestrated by an outside group, the homosexuals themselves are collateral damage.

The felony arises from non-disclosure, not having, or even transmitting the disease.

It isn't a public health issue, it is a legal issue. It's called "informed consent". If you tell someone you have the disease and they sleep with you anyway, that person was informed and consented.

Saying you're disease free when you're not is like saying you're a multimillionaire lawyer or doctor to get women to sleep with you. How can a liberal call one of those situations rape and not the other?

Gays are a social health issue

Everytime i see this bug chasing shit makes me feel sick by just looking at it

God has responded.

This POS needs to be tested to verify his intent


Seriously I'd like to see that trend and put this felcher to the test.

You'd just be giving his current aids pets some new friends.

His aim is off.

San Fran should be burning, and Jefferson should be enjoying a cooling northern breeze fanning the flames and spreading them to Southern California, leaving not one alive.

If I get dubs or better, then super-aids will eliminate all the gays

Its when a person with aids takes an aids test, but the test comes back negative.

What does the h. In Jesus h Christ stand for.
Also good law iff it didn't apply to blood donations.
Let the gays give each other aids imo. Best law ever passed by homo-chan.

But blood donation???

WTF any lab techs or docs contacted the CDC and asked about this??

What about the red Cross will they take potentially infected blood?

Some blood products are pooled like fresh frozen plasma or platelets will someone in the US get aids in Vermont from some homo in Cali? Superstrange.

Like it's already a federal from the red crosses stand point
Are these ppl now not legally responsible for exposing ppl to aids?

Any docs or labs techs contacted/inquired the CDC, aabb, or red Cross about this?

This gay cares so much about gays that he is going to let other gays infect gays with aids. Don't care. Communist logic at work.

However the blood donation is of concern specially pooled components such as ffp, and platelets.

Pay attn to the writing of the first pic, below the cuck faggot shit of
The Treasure Island Media Director (((Paul Morris))) spells out that he wants to infect every man woman and child on earth with Aids, and he's making it a quasi-religious crusade to normalize bugchasing. He goes out of his way to say that all the so-called normal gays will be targeted too, nobody will be spared.
He is an enemy of kek, and a moloch worshipper of his own admission, and needs to be dealt with accordingly.
Now have some more fuel, little oven, and smoulder merrily for a harvest of strange fruit growing from metal trees.

Oh, I was worried for a second. It's a good thing that straight people never get AIDS, am I right?

Jesus Christ, how long has this been a thing?

A while. Look up bugchasers if you dare user.

This is a good thing. Faggots will now be able to poz other faggots more freely without fear of charges against them. The gay community is committing faggot suicide

That was the most degenerate thing I've ever read about.

Can the retards who donate infected blood in Commiefornia potentially have said blood end up in other states?

This is what happens when you treat the mentally ill as normal. Our parents should have just stuck to killing them like our ancestors did.

Didn't Cuba kill off all their GRIDS faggots?

Despite the disgusting content, can I point out the amusing irony?

Yes, the spic would be wrong. So would subhumans like you that follow him. Commonspic belongs in the oven with his jewish friends. Pointing out the truth that the jew is behind degeneracy and trying to take blame away from them and shift it onto the degenerates that fell for their tricks is yet another jewish trick.


I wouldn't doubt it.

Ants are natural communists, they're plentiful pests and best be eradicated.
t. Dense

California: The land where you can go to prison for being rude in a woman's general direction, but get off with a misdemeanor for using biological warfare on homosexuals.

'Tis a silly place.

California: The land where you can go to prison for being rude in a woman's general direction, but get off with a misdemeanor for using biological warfare on homosexuals.

'Tis a silly place.

fag "m*rriage" is nothing more than a sorta-legal contract about performing sexual service on certain terms.
Purpose of marriage is family, purpose of family is creating and raising offspring.
Humans are a sexual dimorphic species, therefore members of the same sex CANNOT create or raise offspring.

It's like in my capeshit screengames where a clown got superaids and ruined all hospitals' blood supply with it!
I want to get off this ride.

That's a very rare species of gamma male. Jesus.

if the donating blood thing wasnt there this would be a pretty good law

I’d like to think this is a troll account…
