So, D3 is releasing this. It's probably going to sell like hot cakes, right?
School Girl Zombie Hunter
Wow. What fucking slop.
Now kill yourself and never return you fucking tasteless faggot. Fuck you.
By the time if it it gets a western release they'll all probably have Victorian era underwear.
Clothing damage is in.
Soo…are they normal zombies or rape zombies?
I might actually have been interested in it if they had shown some fucking gameplay during the livestream, but instead, they just focused on stripping the booth babes. Either it's too early in development for them to want to show anything, in which case why the fuck reveal it yet, or they know it's bad and don't want to parade that just yet. The only truly surprising information about the game is that it's a PS4 exclusive in a sea of games that are going to be on PS4, PS3, and Vita.
Why does inserting moe shit make games so much more appealing, am I just some pathetic weeb and the devs know exactly how to push all my buttons.
Yes. Yes you are.
And there's nothing wrong with that.
Japan only, hope you know how to import.
On the plus side, EDF5.
Enabling companies to sell shitty games just because they add little girls is not an ideal way to act, no matter what nepfags think
There's a ton of games that got culturalized in the past few years that I would never have expected to see in the west. I would have bet completely against games like Senran Kagura, Valkyrie Drive, Galgun, or Demon Gaze ever being on store shelves outside of Japan, but here we are. At this point, it wouldn't surprise me to see this game come west a few years from now, heralded into our borders by a slew of SJW hit pieces about how it's so problematic despite the heavy censorship it's sure to get.
Meanwhile, western take on zombie game. Does this look even remotely appealing?
Yeah that looks awesome actually what the fuck?
i dont know a lot about the non blops zombies but blobs zombies is fucking great for some reason
they just tell the zombie devs to go fucking mental and they do
Sucks. I've been watching Card Captor all day but at least I can't stand jrpgs so I'll never get sucked into buying those.
The CoD zombies/aliens/dragons/whatever DLCs all share continuity and tell a larger story over the course of the series.
Zombies has always been the best part of COD.
I hate COD and even i know that the zombie modes in the series are the best thing about it.
Thus i officially declare everyone in this thread a weeb faggot.
It's a jap game and it has schoolgirls.
you know its' not complete without rape!
I know it's retarded for him to even suggest it. Clothing damage is another layer of showing damage that isn't HP bar focused, like leaving a trail of blood or a change in idle/movement animation. Visual cues that are less conventional and more male oriented.
Get your head out of the gutter user.
I'd honestly consider buying this if I could get it separately.
Woah user stop being such an heteronomative shitstain there's lesbo femanon and bisexual femanon as well and even normal femanon that enjoy the sight of a prettier girl having her clothes ripped off and getting molested by rape zombies.
Seriously, have you seem the zombie modes of the COD games? They would be a freaking awesome standalone game that I would buy day one. But, since they are packed with this trash.
They get really creative with the zombie stuff to be honest. I think this is how they convince the team to keep spiting shit CODs every year, by giving them the liberty to go crazy on the zombie modes.