Who is the moralfag of video games?

Who is the moralfag of video games?

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who is the gayest of the thread? OP


Dubs confirm, OP sucks cocks.


Children tend to enjoy moral centric protagonists. It appeals to the moral policeman freshly instilled in their young brain. Older audiences tend to enjoy characters who are reflective of real people, characters who are morally ambiguous or at the very least are logically fleshed out.

Adults who cling to black and white heroes are essentially overgrown children. It is likely they own every silly piece of plastic Nintendo has spawned and think the Nintendo NX is an innovation.

OP had to be a faggot

Isn't this some new pasta? Also nice job bumping the thread faggot.

It's retarded on oh so many levels, but nice bait tho.

Thanks for bumping, gayboy.

It's destignated shitpost thread, you can't go wrong.

Probably Griffith since he did nothing wrong.

Cuckolds tend to enjoy women who fuck niggers. It appeals to the prepping the Bulldog fantasies instilled in their cucked brain. Older Cucks tend to enjoy women who they never even had a chance to begin with, women who are sexually ambiguous or at the very least are lustfully fucked silly.

Adults who cling to finding a respectable woman are essentially overgrown children. It is likely they have some form of self respect and decency and thinks having a GF is better than cultural enrichment.


Lend-Lease fukboi.

Yes it is. Just part of the entire pasta ranting about Kenshiro.

This faggot.

Gone Home.

Who is the check em of dubs?

Ironically, while you argue that black and white overly moral protagonists are great, you post an image of Johnny Joestar, the most morally ambiguous character in the entire manga. A protagonist who is extremely selfish and is willing to ruin the entire USA just so his lame feet can move again.

You can tell how much of a total fag someone is if they don't like Kenshiro.


Mega Man classic is sentient, but not sapient. He's programmed to help people, and knows it, but doesn't possess the ability to choose not to.


this meme is almost as stale as your dickcheese

I should clarify my point. Because of how he operates, you could argue that he's either the most moralfag character, or not in the running at all.

I wonder if the person who made this believed it.



fucking scumbag

I'm not even into comics and I know this is false.
Firstly, you can't just charity social problems away. And even if you could, if he wants to affect the world in a positive way, it makes sense for him to maintain a level of wealth where he's able to do so. You've got to spend money to make money. If you give away everything to help those in need, then you lose the ability to do it again, and you're just back on the same level as everyone else. Secondly,
He mostly just catches criminals for the legal system to deal with. This depends on the writer, I guess.
It's actually because he's a stunted man-child who had just finished watching a Zoro film in the 5 minutes prior to his parents being shot. He's still a vigilante via money, though. Also,