Muh Trinity


I always liked the holy polygon for mmos

Who are you quoting.



When wasn't it, OP?

Shouldn't it be
Crowd Control

Although often the roles are spread out across multiple classes and Sub-Roles are also included when certain classes aren't available, for example Sub-Healers for when you don't have a Tank so you can have one of the DPS/CC classes tank
Sub-Tank when you have no CC so that your main tank takes on the bosses and the Sub-Tank takes out the adds

I don't despise the trinity itself so much as the terminology that poisoned all discourse involving the games. you have people spouting so many acronyms and charts like they think they know any fucking thing period and just puts me off the whole thing.

No themepark MMO since Everquest has tried to break away from the trinity and had success.

The last one who really tried were The Secret World and they didn't really manage to rock the boat. The biggest successes beyond WoW were WoW-clones.

MMO player are faggots who don't want things different. Just more of the same.

You can argue about splitting up DPS to Melee, Ranged DPS or even further into Magic ranged, Magic melee (kek), Physical ranged and Physical melee.

I really don't see the point in splitting them.
While it sounds nice on paper to split it up, all it does is makes the idea of grouping up a more rigid experience and doesn't allow improv teams.
Take for example there's a dungeon that has a boss with huge Defence and then huge Resistance. In these instances then you'd need to bring along a physical DPS and Magic DPS class which, then requires more specific people to join the group and has to be balanced around play numbers rather than just have a straight up "Damage" or "Attack" meaning that you can run a Tank, Healer and 3 mages or 4 DPS and a Healer.
Tera (imo) did well in not splitting them, allowing each class to have it's own niche without feeling that one specific class is needed. I haven't played for about a Year but the last thing I remember was that certain DPS classes were being passed through end game dungeons as Tanks while Sorcerers still had their niche of CC and Debuffs

Jesus christ, Grace Jones is a hideous sheboon but at least her face is miles more symmetrical than Arnold, he looks like the most overachieving microcephalic of all time

City of Heroes.
Only one of the "healer" archetypes (Defenders) just had heals and buffs. You could be The Invisible Woman and use Force Fields, or focus on debuffing enemies until they couldn't hit for shit, or any number of things.
No Defender? Use a Controller to lock down enemies.
You didn't need a tank or a healer as long as you had a mix of archetypes.
Plus you could group with people at any level, your character scaled up or down to match.

Then you just end up with buff bots. Better to consolidate that stuff to a different class.

I wish there were more cool looking ugly chicks. Ugly girls are afraid to be cool except for her.

Guild Wars 1 did it best.

Diablo II did it right until the patches came.

It might have been a joke user.

I miss when classes existed.
This jack-of-all-trades shit that every new MMO does is boring as fuck.

GW1 best MMO.

I also miss multiclassing. a few still do it but really that's like sprinkles on spam.

Easily one of the best MMOs, right up there with Guild Wars. They mixed things up in a lot of good ways.

Shame Guild Wars 2 sucked and any successors to CoH fizzled out.

Game design concepts aren't the problem, buzzword fetishists are.

muh nigga, fuck the trinity

Tank, DPS, Healer really is a fucking awful system. Thanks Blizzard for popularizing it.

Ok faggots, time to design a new MMO combat philosophy. I'll start.

I miss the days of classes bringing something unique to the table. I liked it when one class could handle a situation better than others. Or made someone go "oh thank god, X class is here!"

Now everything is either everyone can do everything, or if there is a holy trinity, all dps classes just do damage, all healer classes just heal and tanks just tank.

For example, in WoW, it was handy having a warlock in a demon filled dungeon because he could crowd control / tame them. A priest could shackle and do damage to undead, a rogue could CC/distract humans and allow mobs to be skipped. etc.

Not that it all matters anymore cause all mobs in most themepark mmos are now just trash/canon fodder and no strategies are needed anymore.

I'm sorry man. Here have some Dolph.

You just described DC Universe Online. Everything you wrote, except for the "no aggro system" thing, is in DCUO, and even then, it still sort of applies. Enemies switched aggro at a very high rate in DCUO. They would never focus on one particular player for more than a few seconds. Tanks using super powers made enemies temporarily (read: read 3-5 seconds) redirected enemy attention to themselves, but they actually had to be smart about when and where to use powers or enemies would aggro someone else when they were trying to heal or about to use a super attack.
Shame they cut the game up into a thousand chunks of paywalled content.

He's a pretty big guy

Stop playing shit games with hotkey combat then?

I masturbated out of my apartment window this morning, and it gave me a great idea.
What if instead of choosing a class, the game chose it for you? You choose a basic faction to play as (melee, shooter, magic), but what effects those have depend on faction control points.
So say if you are in the melee faction, and you win a team based battle for the healing control point. That would mean for everybody in the game, the only way to heal is to use melee based techniques.
You can change factions at any time, but not in the middle of a control point battle, even if you're not in one.
I think it make an interesting social experiment, since certain combinations would work better, but factions will get greedy and wrestle for more control points.

EQ Enchanter is the only class I know that is 100% crowd control orientated. What a fucking wicked class, fam. If you played an EQ enchanter you are so much cooler than everyone else.


Is… is that real

for her


PSO2's jet boot bouncer is exactly that. It's a weapon based entirely on kicks, but it also has access to all magic. It can use pretty powerful heals, buffs okay, but attack magic is more for utility rather than damage.

CC in WoW was nice because it felt like the abilities were something the class should have naturally, like the Warlock's enslave demon ability, or the shackle undead

druids had hibernate which affected beasts and dragonkin which was useful when dealing with end game dungeons and raids

I like the game but it's hotkey combat as well

Never have played fun MMO in my life only GW was best fun of my life and yet it was online RPG. World of warcaft was true MMO but medicore.

thats a woman? holy shit


There, it's fixed. Everything, everywhere is fixed.
Healing spells are the fucking cancer of gaming and destroy everything they touch.


Blame lazy game designers who rather play with numbers than more circumstantial tactics, choices and maneuvers. It's a simple plus/minus equation.

Also even autismos can understand that and won't whine how imba and broken the game is because they're too stupid to adapt to any given situation.

Lowest common denominator. Not sure if it's approaching zero or is a division by zero.

Man, DCUO was a bad game but you're right, the classes and the fights where somewhat inspired.

Not only did healing and tanking take a bit of thinking like you mentioned, every Power played differently. Icetanks tanked through damageresistance, Firetanks through selfheal, and ragetanks had to deal damage to heal themselves.

And yeah,i was always fun to see some braindead Melee DPSs get wiped because they were to fucking stupid to notice the incoming damage and dodge.

Do you consider DMC to be hotkey combat as well?

you're right it's spam click combat with the occasional button press :^)

Did you hit anything?

Ok listen to this motherfuck, everyone, all action games are hotkey combat since you press keys or buttons to attack.
Good to know that there is no difference between DMC, Godhand and WOW after all, thanks for enlightening me.

of course, thats what gave him the idea.

Yeah I live on the 4th floor and there's a bush right below. I walk out and can see the cum on it and a bit on the sidewalk. I haven't gotten any complaints so I guess nobody sees me do it.

Or the idea of confronting somebody who masturbates out windows seems like it will put their body and soul in peril.

Not really, you just call the police and they lock degenerate up.

I definitely recommend it, it's a more thrilling way to wake up than a cup of coffee or cold shower.

I seem to remember Bard being the OG crowd control class but fuck man it's been way too long and they probably changed it like a million times anyway.

Bards and enchanters filled roughly similar roles. Mana regen and CC with some extras.

This is why we need the Holy Trinity. The faggot OP acts like it's some oppresive widespread force when in reality you can't release a fucking MMO anymore without some retarded special snowflake personal class building gimmick.

I want to log into an MMO, and play a healer, and heal. Period. Not this "dps with healing elements" shit, not that "everyone tanks a little bit" cancer. That's the MMO equivalent of racemixing. There should be multiple healing classes so that variety can be maintained, but beyond that true individuality comes from the skill of the player, not a retarded mishmash of unrelated abilities artificially forced by the devs into viability so that your feewings aren't hurt.

You might call it "boring" and "limiting", but a truly well designed encounter can still play with the Holy Trinity and make it interesting. Like the encounter in Icecrown Citadel where you have to heal the "boss" to full health rather than kill it. That's gotta be far from the best example but it's been so long since I played the good part of WoW that I can't remember.

healfags everyone.

Bard does everything you swine.

Fuck off ANet, your "every class can do any role [but some classes will do certain roles better than others]!" (ie the Liberal-Marxist "everyone is equal but some are more equal than others") is bullshit. The Tank/DPS/Healer thing has existed in RPGs for fucking ever, including tabletop; it's a basic structure and order to RPGs.

QFT. Was actually going to post about GW2 when I saw the OP, then saw that another user already addressed this.

It's just melee using magic as buffs.


You've been playing too many shit mmos. That triangle should be square.

She was pretty good in Blade.

In their defense they were rignt and wrong and you are too right and wrong. They actually told in early development of game that every class can be tank,healer and dps so for you was just to choose which do you like and then run dungeon with some people. It turned out really ugly because most of people who had main word in making of GW have left the company because CEO was huggest cuck that has ever walked this earth. So you are right and wrong but in the end you are right.

The difference is that Wizards take a shitload of time and effort to actually become powerful and have a gigantic attrition rate because at level 1 a stiff breeze will kill them. A half-orc warrior is capable of actually doing shit at level 1.

Basically warriors, barbarians and other similar classes have fairly linear growth where you stop seeing massive improvements since they gain them at a low fixed rate. Wizards start with virtually nothing but normally have something a growth rate that us quadratic or something equally absurd, since they start with such low skills and utility it takes them awhile to catch up to melee characters but after that point they completely outstrip them simply because of their growth rate.

Simply put, if you're running a short campaign where no one is expected to get above level 8-10, then a Wizard isn't as good as a orc with a stick. However if the DM is a dick and introduces anti-magic armor or something then Wizards are boned.

Fix aggro. No more of this bullshit where entire games revolve around exploiting retarded AI. It would have been a nice gimmick for one boss fight but holy shit it should never have become the norm.

Yeah the whole 1 level is a real downside.
Seriously Wizards in DnD are power creep incarnate.
1st edition "instadeath no saves"
2nd edition "Instadeath with near impossible save"
3rd edition "best debuffs in the game in addition to best attack starting at level 3"
4th edition "no one plays this shit"
5th edition "no one plays this shit"
Pathfinder "I can't pick up my mouse by it's cord so weapon chains don't actually do anything"

The holy trinity is holy for a reason.

Sounds similar to runescape tbh

Healers are shit. They shouldn't exist.
They are there to prolong fights. What might have seemed deadly is now a repetitive enemy move that a healer recovers you from.
I know many mmorpgfags love to do the ancient *slash slash slash slash* at a boss for half an hour or more but it simply devalues the fight.
Bosses should be dangerous, attacks should be dodged or should take half your hp away.

Vindictus had that right.

That guy who said:

Something tells me that this translation is misleading.

I'm okay with healing spells, it's healing consumables I've never much cared for. Actually, all support consumables for that matter.

Any sort of healing and to a lesser extent support skills just drag out fights, but at least when it's magic-based it's just like managing magic points for anything else, getting that back is always simple. But when it's consumables, you're also having to deal with extra grind to get/buy/craft the consumables in the first place just to be able to handle fights balanced for needing them. In which case, I'd rather just see them not fit into the equation at all. Just cut out the grind to get them and rebalance combat to not expect them.

Also, you never forget to rest and refill your MP, but it's easy to forget to restock your potions. Which also involves tedious inventory management, unlike magic.

Ultima Online, you hideous underage

Except that right there is the problem with healing spells.

Mana is almost always an infinite fount of power.
And with healing spells that mana is now an endless supply of health, and sometimes a bottomless pit of revives too which makes an even bigger mess.

There is no adventuring going on when you have never ending supplies, there are no long term consequences, and even shortterm the mechanics have to tend towards stupidity in one way or another to deal with healers existing.

If we go with WoW, then perhaps include a way for all classes to have a role beyond just Tank, Healer or DPS. Rogues can scout ahead, disarm traps. Mages can send some scout of their own to look things over. Tank characters could aggro enemies before a boss encounter, so when it comes time for that the boss has no back up.

If devs wanted to, they could get really creative with how to change things up.

Trinity is cancer to mmos.
The other cancer to mmos is internet itself- wikis, video walkthroughs and other shit that make actually playing the game redundant.

Even Final Fantasy (expect for 2) and JRPG have this system. Lets take FF4

MMORPGs are just a small evolution of the ATB system in FF series

The problem with a buffing class is that you don't really need them for the fight itself, you can simply pay a buffer to buff your whole party beforehand and be done with it. Unless we're talking about spammable buffs with a really short duration.

As for a debuffer, that could easily be fit along with the crowd controller.

Why don't you just remove the need to press buttons to interact with the game while you are at it? I mean it's just needless grind to hold w to move when obviously the game knows you're gonna be moving and can just do it for you.

this is actually how i've always explained any tabletop RPG to a new player if they want to understand how classes work. hell, i made a chart for one particularly thick friend (who ended up being the biggest nerd in the world as far as Rifts was concerned)

i have painstakingly recreated this chart for your discerning eyes

I legitimately liked the League-style MOBA sort of dedicated role system.

objectively superior combat triangle coming through

Datamining is the worst offender.

Before SMT: Imagine's western servers died, your choices in casting (if you wanted to be an efficient damage dealer) boiled down to Magic Bullet (Magic/Ranged DPS) or Destruction Dash (Magic/Melee DPS). One was a bitch to your wallet thanks to all those bullets bought, the other was a bitch to your wallet due to all the weapons you'll be stockpiling, burning through, and repairing. (Good thing everyone farms IchiGold eventually, anyways.) But DD was also centralizing as all fuck because hybrid damage was resisted far less than regular physical OR magic damage and the damage it output was as much based on the numbers in your skills as it was the numbers on your swords.

That said, melee magic isn't a new thing, fam. It goes as far back as the Red Mage and archetypes of the Spellsword. If you want to stretch the definition of "magic" to other things, monks with access to chi can also be considered melee magic, too.

The funniest irony about GW2 is that everything in their "manifesto" about changing MMOs, GW1 already did.

Minus, of course, the whole "getting rid of the Trinity" part.

Because something fags like OP don't understand is that the Trinity exists to promote intraclass interactions; classes rely on each other to cover their weak spots and cooperate. When there's no need to tank and no need to heal, all you have are four retarded Zerker Warriors and a Zerker Elementalist, all five of them spamming Might/Fury, all five of them just mindlessly damaging the boss and dodging the red circles of doom.

If you're going to get rid of the Trinity, then at least have the decency to replace it with something else.

The one true trinity

No thanks, I'll just stick to shooting rabbits in Central Park from my 28th floor apartment with my air rifle. Have fun aiming for caterpillars with your yogurt cannon on the 4th floor, pleb.

Have you guys ever even played D&D? The wizards just cast sleep. color spray, entangle, grease or any of the other "fight ending" spells and contribute more than any fighter ever could at level 1.

Seriously a wizard with a sling or darts is far deadlier than a fighter.

Healing justifies giving people ridiculously low health pools so they can get one shot by a crit or some big boss attack etc etc, when it would be better if there was little to no healing, but taking damage actually meant something. You should have to budget your HP over an entire fight, not budget it over ten seconds since every ten seconds it will be fully refreshed, it would allow bosses in MMOs to not revolve around one shot stand in the fire mechanics too.

Make healing require time and calm, so it's done after the battle. Then the healer can have some other purpose during the battle, like backup, boost, distraction, crowd control, alchemy stuff and keeping seriously injured players from dying.

God I miss that game.

i really liked the feel behind the campfires in darkest dungeon for limited-use out of combat recovery. real shame that free and easily abused in-combat healing spells ruined that too

The Trinity system that WoW popularized is fucking dogshit and ruined any chance you can have a good time that doesn't rely on pure number.
When I was playing RO in 2006, I could go Wizzard and resurrect people with an Ygg, locking an MVP with ice wall so ranged guys can murder it from outside and stall it from coming to the party mate and maybe throw a heal here and there with my already big INT and a Vitata slotted accessory.
You just can't do that nowadays. Closest thing I've seen is FFXIV where Scholar can do quite a bit damage and Summoner can peel aggro off the tank if he's dangerously close but that's it.

is this true?

There is only one true trinity

My dick and balls are the real holy trinity.

I genuinely giggled, thanks

RuneScapes combat triangle is way better.

The holy spirit is just a form god took once and jesus is not god any more than adam is god or the universe is god.

wew, he's actually vice president of blizzard now and director for overwatch.
That's rather disturbing to learn.

The deal is that it's just optimal play to split it up like this. Minmax autists are more autistic than fun autists, so no matter how you originally set it up, minmax autists are going to boil things down to "what does x class do best", and crank the dial to 11. If everyone does everything equally well, then individual people will get assigned to certain roles. It makes most things easier and quicker, but to some less fun. And then WoW happened and made all those decisions for the players, and the rest is history.

none of those are level 0 spells. you don't learn colour spray or grease until level 1, and let's be real, everyone takes magic missile at that point

What? At level 1 you get level 1 spells, what are you talking about level 0? Cantrips?
If you've only played with awful players that take magic missile and nothing else then sucks to be you. Whilst I've seen people take magic missile, I've never seen them not also get some of these "cast it once and win the fight" spells because even the most retarded player can tell a sleeping enemy is a dead enemy.

Blood Elf or Draenai?


Sure you can fuck shit up unless you run out of spells or you roll badly, if you do either of those a fucking goblin will murder you.

Low level wizards don't have the Strength or Dexterity to adequately defend themselves in melee, and low level wizards have very few spells that can take out a group of enemies.

A level one elf wizard has 8hp while a level one goblin can dish out about 1d6 damage. It makes playing low level wizard extremely dangerous if you don't have a meat shield to protect you.

What if we just took the gameplay of (party system) Ys and turned it into a MMO?

You could scare away minmax autists by obscuring the numbers behind vague descriptions and estimates so they can't calculate dps, tank or anything really.


MMO Autists aren't like your average autist, they WILL find those numbers bro.

They always have, always will.

Of course. Magic autists. Can't deal with that. It's magic. No way around it.

Why include healing in games? It's like everyone has to have the mandatory "girl class" where it can do nothing itself and all it does is heal team mates. It's always the most boring, least interesting, and overwhelmingly "necessary". it shows up where it doesn't need to. It's always infuriating to fight against in competitive game modes. And this isn't just MMO's, but things like MOBAs have it too. Or Overwatch. Healers are anti-fun. They aren't fun to play and they REALLY aren't fun to play against.

Like just get rid of healing.

The most perfect situation imaginable would be purely server side calculations and vague text descriptions, AKA muds. And as any oldfag who played them knows, that was never enough to prevent the player base from working out all the relevant formula.

gnostics plz

If anything has a number, or if anything is based off of numbers (fucking everything is), you can find the exact number through black box testing, even if the exact numbers themselves are obscured.

You can use the relation between two targets and their health differences, assuming you don't just hack the game files to find out yourself inside the code. There is always a fucking way, in and out of code, it's simple experiment science.

Crash the WoW model, in fact, and stop creating things with the intent of massively multiplayer online roleplay, because since everyone doesn't live in the game, and everyone will try to look cool if they do "roleplay", then it's not worth doing.

It breeds the special snowflake problem.

The only fun MMO would literally be just real life with magic. Or star trek holodeck.

GW2 removed class roles…
It made the combat really boring. There is no point in playing anything other than the highest DPS class and the only useful gear is the one that boosts your dmg. Dungeon runs consist of 5 random people running around in circles randomly pressing keys.
You need class roles to make the game more interesting.

GW2 tried that, it failed.

Add player skill into the equation and you have a indeterminate variable.

The Magic Autists are the bain of my existance.

The sole reason as to why I don't even play WoW anymore, is because of this one faggot kid in my guild who constantly tries to brag about how he has the 'best' dps within our group, meanwhile he's not the tank, he's not the fucking aggro.

He's just there and we carry him through raids cause he never bothers to level up properly cause he's autistic.

People like him have ruined MMORPGs for me.

Honestly I'm thinking of just playing that Jap shit Vindictus, but I don't know if that'd run on a laptop cause my big rig isn't with me at the moment, I can't even think of any other MMO I'd wanna play because I sincerely don't want to run into another magical autistic clown that I know I'll be forced to deal with.

Not if it's stat based, it isn't.

No MMO that is stat based accounts for skill, so it's a race for the best gear and learning rotations.

MMOs are not fun. The only way they WILL be is if your own body is involved in playing them, as in walking through a virtual world, or having your mind control a character directly through a brainwave scanning headset, which we already have access to technology wise, but it needs development.

God damn it, see just thinking about that faggot kid that I'd play WoW with made me fuck up with such a babby tier typo. He's the bane of my existence, so much so that I have a transparent picture of him to photoshop on to anything and everything.

Life already is a MMO, just a shitty one. Second, I believe we're close to having the technology to actually replicate the holodeck from Star Trek, but like on a smaller scale.

They have these gloves with this strange forcefeed back shtick that allows your hands to be registered in game as multiple entities, voxels I think, and at the same time, you feel the pressure in the glove? Not too sure, but I believe there was a tech demo concerning Gundam shit.

So you have to add this condition in to make a point.
Add player skill.
Obscure what stats are used.
Require dynamic tactics and coordination.

Problem with almost every MMO is that it's combat system is based solely on damage vs health and all fluffy skills are just feeble attempts at obscuring the lack of depth.

In the end it's lazy, brainless game design, that allows lazy, brainless minmax autists to ruin the game into a lazy, brainless clickfest.

Lowest common denominator. I swear, it's a division by zero.

I think the biggest one we have is the brainwave headsets we have in hospitals and shit.

Slap some precise electrical stimulation into it, or use it to override the senses completely while keeping the rest of the body inert ala Sundowner's brainwashing braincamp and you have a portable game console where fantasy becomes reality. But that's in the dystopian future where the government uses that shit in interrogation, so it's far off.

Static stats, balance it like a fighting game (aka the most skill based fucking genre in existence).

If you obscure the stats, it will be unobscured and you'll still have the SAME EXACT FUCKING PROBLEMS.

If the player receives any kind of feedback on an action, then you ultimately cannot obscure the underlying information. And that's even if your game is a perfect black box, and each action performed clientside makes that proposition less attainable.

Huh, didn't know we actually had brainwave headsets nowadays, I thought when my friend was telling me that shit he was trying to yank my dick.

Very interesting, but a damn shame that it's only being used to interrogate bums and mudslimes, which I mean is good in it's own right, but not good for us.

Sundowner's Funtime Cum Camp was the best part of MGR, if only we can actually harness his charm, maybe just maybe, VR will truly be real, Or you know, like that shitty TV show, VR Troopers.

there are home versions of them, they're kind of shit, had a sensor died in mine and never got around to warrantying it.

it's not magical mind reading or inserting things into people's brains at the moment though


That's pretty neat, minus the fact it looks like the build quality is ass.

So, does it approximate shit using just the electrical impulses and heat, heart rate?

Cause I can see that being used for like a horror game with an AI director like L4D but you know, VR.

This was the case in FFXI. Paladin's heal is pathetic but necessary to pull and maintain aggro along with other skills that helps with aggro maintenance. The healer is to keep tank and co healthy but watching the rate of pulling aggro from tank if overhealing while also buffing the team. The damage dealers can go on without touching their keys if they have the right haste equipments.


I play MMOs for support roles because there's no single player equivalent to that sort of play. Don't take that away to turn me into a damage dealer with maybe some buffs and a weak healing effect

Shut up and suck my dick, pussy.

Cumskin genetics in general are really bad. They have to dope up with a shit ton of steroids like Arnold to even look like normal men. When they don't you just end up with flabby pale bitch tit having neckbeards.

Healing is definitely for girls. Its the only thing they play.

EQ ruined MMOs. Oh and Runescape.

It takes a girl to know it. You that desperate for my cock, bitch?

No it just takes experience and not being delusional.

Yeah we already established how experienced you are with the art of deepthroating your healers whenever you ran out of health, pussy. Go get pozed elsewhere.

Any vidya that breaks out of this unholy anti fun trinity ?

Dude you have some serious problems. Get a psychiatrist.

Ayy spotted he slut. How wide is that leaking cunt of yours?

Naa you just need your holes clogged.

What's the matter with you?

Holy fuck that is some mental issues. Just get out of the closet already, you're clearly destroying your own psyche.

What's the matter? After getting pounded multiple times by multiple cocks you think it's a healdude after your skirt? You want to be bullied that bad?

Dude we all know you're projecting the fantasies you want to have happen to yourself unto others. You're being pathetic and unattractive. Exactly like a feminist.

I bet a fist or two will fit easily inside of you.

We know you're getting turned on by this, you slut

Is this the ERP thread?

Says the babe who thinks healers are an all girls troupe like her real life counterpart. We've got ourselves a beauty here.

More like bullying the needy.

You should stop pretending that you're more than one person. Don't make your mental problems worse. Get a psychiatrist, I'm sure it will help you get out of the closet or resolve it in whatever way.

And no its not an "all-girls" thing. But it is a woman thing. If you're healing you're taking the role of a woman. Whether you're a homo or a woman makes no difference, you're still taking it.

If you need it so bad go find an S&M forum or something. I'm just plainly stating the truth. There must be much better sadists than me out there.

Guess your first time must be a big one. Or did you suppress that memory after getting a thousand hotdogs later?

you really think I have the time to proxy my way to your skinny little ass? Go look at a mirror you dumb whore

You're in denial, so cute.

you already slipped of your panties to dig your fingers in didnt you.
Not that it helps, knowing how used up you are

This is just sad.

Don't use that as an excuse when asking for more. I don't want to get myself filthy on a used up rag so off yourself, sow.

no trinity always was,
but some are retard and replace support by healer because it s the easiest type of support.
it s also the easiest to balance in videogames.

support serve as CC/buff/debuff and shields.
it s less braindead as: "go on get hit i ll heal you"

You're the one who threw away yourself. You're the sad case here and the best part is that you love it.

That's the problem when introducing multiple classes and trying to balance them. The lazy way out is to give each role a simpler task and homogenize each classes.

Crowd control only works well in games where pretty much all bosses have a shitload of minions since otherwise they become either entirely obsolete or only useful for specific areas

You're projecting again. If you weren't the one who kept asking for more you wouldn't have become so defensive when you were proven wrong. You're the only one keeping this going after all. Just look at how much effort you went into after the "you're sad" reply, no normal person would do that unless they were desperate for something. And nobody is falling for your proxies.

No amount of denial is gonna fix your worn out cunt.

Bet your facts are as pure as your panties.

Here's a tip for next time you want to get told: When using proxies try to spread your posts out.

Anyway good to see you stop denying your extreme feminine bias. Only a woman or womanlike person would go to such lengths to cry and scream at people who don't care. I still think you should seek some professional psychiatric help so you don't relapse.


You really don't understand that you're the fucktoy? All those dicks must have left a mark on your brain.



Get your daily dose elsewhere

I was actually implying that you're dumb.

Multi-device samefagging is rather desperate.

And you like getting aids. Want to explain what the fuck you're rambling about?

I am the holy trinity
Me, me and me
They all agree
Multi ID

I haven't seen this much autism in a single thread for a long time.

all me tbh

im redownloading Lineage II because i hate myself

what the fuck is with that new 24 hour captcha popup? porchmonkey fix that shit

(You)'s received by other IDs would never show up in a screenshot, even if you were using a proxy. Taking one to prove you're not is even more daft than trying to prove anything to anons in the first place.


Pretty sure the (You)s work if you're on the same browser when changing IDs. Unless this is changed by the apes again.

also me

The problem with healers is the exact same problem as with other classes. It's just easier to see it on them. The only reason girls play healers as much as they do is because they seem more brain dead than other classes, when they're actually the exact same.

Games with trinity have no weight in the character's decision. DPS just has to press the damage button, tank just has to draw aggro and healer just has to heal. As long as everyone positions themselves properly and play like a good bot, every battle will play exactly the same.

MMOs nowadays are designed so that no matter what you're fighting and no matter what your team is, you'll play the exact same way and have the exact same success as any other formation.

Games have all of the fun sucked out of them so that every scrub can play "muh favrit class" the exact same way no matter the situation and be as effective as any other class. In the end, the game only has tank, DPS and healer and palette swaps of those three.

this, paladins suffered for years because blizzard are jews.

Any MMOs that allow you to have freedom of skills with a cap? As in you can be a jack of trades master of none or dedicated in that field with a few minor skills minus classes? I feel like classes ruined what MMOs could potentially be due to balance issues.

you should already know the answer

I dunno. Maxing all skills isn't fun when everyone is a jack and master of all. Plus I got bored of it.

oh i get it, what you want is to be able to be a jack of all but a master of few, is that it?

Kind of. Basically like stat allocation but for skills. That way you could RP whatever you want. That is what I hoped when I entered the MMORPG scene. Instead I already have presets ready that determine my fate from the beginning.

Mmorpgs are cancer and FFXI the biggest of them all. Dozens of cool as fuck classes and the shittiest, laziest balance so all players are equally useless beyond Tank&Spank.

I'm amazed at the fact you managed to be wrong about both games you tried to describe.

Good job proving me wrong right there, friend.

SMN in FFXI is used mostly for their 2hr ability mob wipe especially in astral burns parties or end game when we need to wipe something fast. Not sure about heal since the other heal classes out heals and out buffs whatever summoners can do. Which is a pity since I like pet classes.

- Ifrit has a cast time of 4 clockticks, that's as fast as a the basic Fire spell, which is very short. An endgame fast unit takes twice as long to get a turn.
- Ifrit has an effect range of 3. Thus it's unlikely that an entire party of 5 would be standing in the spell (unless your friend is absolutely retarded).
- Ifrit has a spell power of 24. Which, while respectable, is unlikely to cause any wipes.

- FFXI summoners are either used as a pet class or like described.

SMN was also used as long range DPS Predator claws was a solid endgame dps option for a long time. Post Abyssea release I have no idea. A long time ago shells used SMN for aerial armor rotations in the early days of sky farm and HNMs, because not many people used /NIN then. I'm talking pre CoP days.

I should've posted together with the post above but in FFXI: Blue Mage is exactly what you're looking for. You can pick abilities you've learned along the way from monsters. Abilities can be any property allowing you to use ranged magic/physical, melee magic/physical,de/ buffs, and heals. Of course you're limited to how many abilities you can equip and you can't change mid battles. I think I had a full team of blue mages once and it was pretty crazy.

Don't fight shit that resists fire.
That's what you get for playing with retards that don't understand summoner dps.
It had some of the best balance because every fucking class filled a niche, besides dragoon but that was fixed in the 2 handed stat update. Sounds like you just couldn't fuckin learn to play or overhunted like most fucking retards did back when the game first came out.

I played FF11 from 2005 to 2007 and at level 60 using summoner for anything but healing would still get you kicked from exp parties. That with the best possible gear on. Otherwise all you were good for was burning once with your 2H. And i had all summon from the get-go and maxed summoning skill.
Sure, at 65+ you have a FEW other uses, but how many hours did you spend dump-healing by then? The best thing with SMN was by far doing the miniforks by yourself, or capped content with your 2H. It's still exactly as i said, if you want to play with others, you heal until you max level and use SMN as a 2Hr whore.

For FFT i might be wrong about which summon i used since it happened years ago, but the story doesn't change. When the entire enemy team can move before your wide area summon lands(which happened), it IS a long ass cast. Did you ever play FFT against humans? My friend didn't even have summoner yet and thought i was casting a weaker spell.

Except ranged ranks destroy all of those.

So did I. Your server must have been filled with dipshits because I never had that problem on mine. Did you not know any BSTs or SMNs to duo with? I'm talking VTs, not Ts. Easily much better exp than in a party.
I spent 0.
Too bad the game is dead, I really miss it.

You've joined the wrong group/linkshell. SMN and BST (and very rarely PUP) are in their own world with how they party since buffs don't work on them. Not sure if it does now since I stopped playing when I was in my finals.

I had a similar experience after playing Warcraft 3 and then WoW. My expectations for paladins were shot down pretty hard when I learned paladins don't smack shit with their hammer while also healing allies.
It's not like it would be hard to make a hybrid DPS/healer, you'd just need to give them instant cast heals with a cooldown instead of a casting time.


Is it really dead? Shit, and I had hope that I could come back. Not like I remember my account or remember where I put that token password key. It really was a unique experience where even matched rabbits can fuck you up.

You can come back but the game was outsourced years ago and went the route of other MMOs and added item level cancer and terrible scaling. Loot just spiraled out of control starting with the level 80 update. Here is a typical level 99 weapon, compare it to one of the most popular monk weapons at 73-75.

My story might not be accurate, but it did happen and it's not what the post was about. The point clearly went above you.
Oh right, you just wanted a (You)

Your point is that you wanted to have the same feedback you had playing against a retard in a single player game as you had while probably doing things wrong with a group which also doesn't know how to play.

I'm also disgusted at the fact you'd use a situation in which you were playing against someone with no knowledge of what they're doing as an example. You're like those people who believe tiering Pokemon is stupid because that one time you beat a team of legendaries with a Baton Pass team with a Magikarp.

I'd fuck both

Everquest has always been shit

There's joy in playing a healing class since you can just troll DPS by being impossible to kill even if you can't kill them. Eventually they give up like the quitters they are.

Too bad the TRPG was shit.