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Noodle sandwiches edition


Previously: >>10692100

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since i didn't get an answer last thread i'm gonna ask again
is there anyway i can get acces to the half life 2 models, textures and animations
I do own the game if that matters

second for plant

Pretty sure you can use GCFscape to open and extract files from the .vpk's in the main HL2 folder.

What said should work, but if the models aren't in a usable feature, this might help too

Reposting because I think the last thread died not long after I posted this.
Making a shotgun for a simple arena shooter. The 3d model is just to make painting concept art less irksome. I'm gonna spend some time making the actual game with the rough model before I do the sculpting, retopo and texturing.

The concept art looks a lot like the shotgun from Painkiller.
Not that I mind.

So in the spirit of vidya modding, I decided to try and romhack CV:COTM again. I didn't save anything from before, so I basically need to remap the save file structure again. This validates all 8 save files by calculating the checksum the game expects - if any checksum on the save file fails, all save data is erased.

Everything is hardcoded, unfortunately, but it works well.

how 2 collision

Just make a web of if/elses, trust me

I don't even know what to put inside those, it seems as if it the godot engine can only detect collision from the thing that hit something

For the love of god, nigger, if you're using an engine then take care of reading the tutorials and the documentation.

I have but it doesnt work and I can't find anything about detecting collision with rigid bodies and with kinematic bodies it doesnt work. i dont know why

How many contacts are you reporting on the Rigid Body?

The kinematic body can detect collisions but I only can figure out how to report it, not do anything about it like deleting the node that it came in contact with and change a variable when it comes in contact with that kind of node, which is what I wanted to do. I tried to do it on the thing that is meant to be deleted but I still can not figure out how to delete it only when it's hit by the kinematic body I am talking about. Also, it seems that it won't even detect the object hitting it, so I think it can only detect collision if it initiated it. So what I am saying is that I'm retarded and can't figure out how to do something in a specific collision with a kind of node, the body that is being hit can't even detect collisions, and I don't even know how to detect collisons with rigid bodies. I tried both rigid and kinematic bodies for both of them.

Rigid bodies have a property on them which specifies how many contacts they report.

Contacts, being a list of things they've contacted which is then handled by the event processing (body_enter, body_exit, and whatnot).

Now you've used so many pronouns in your post that I've lost track of what you are trying to do.

I take it you want a rigid body to delete itself when it touches a particular kinematic body? The way to do this is to specify at least one contact reported (with the Contacts Reported property). Then make sure your collision shapes are set up properly (trigger off, in every the same scene as the rigid body, or every scene it turns up in if you aren't sure). You should be able to hook into the body_enter signal and then test the body you are given (check its name, or type or whatever) then do your deleting.

man I am fucking retarded.


Trigger forces the body to become like an area trigger. It's a bit stupid in it's name.

As for the scene thing, it's just something I've noticed when trying to reuse a body scene.

I had a setup where I had a scene that was a kinematic body with a shape inside it. The shape wouldn't register in another scene that I placed it in unless I put another collision shape inside that body. It's just a weird quirk that came as a result of what I was trying to do, but I thought I'd mention in case you were doing something similar.

How do I focus on what exactly I want my game to be instead of trying to make it too many things (resource management city builder rts rpg sim)

how would I check the name

Node.get_name() == "muh_name"

i am retarded and can not do anything you said other than get the name

to clarify i dont understand

Have you programmed much before?

not with anything other than the base of python

Well, what exactly do you want your game to be? Figure that out, and then cut everything that isn't that.

But I want a game that does all those. I want it all user, and I know I can't have it all. I can't seem to decide on what I should really go with. I'm edging away from a city sim because that (eventually) requires a tremendous amount of AI work

How about making a degenerate porn game?

I can't draw.


If you haven't already, you should read up on the Scripting docs. They have a section on signals and how to connect them.

Inside the function created by the body_enter signal, you'll be given a reference to the body that was touched.

if will look something like:
func _on_rigid_body_2D_body_enter(body): pass # some bullshit here

You'll want to check that passed in body variable's name, compare it with the name you are expecting the kinematic body to have, then delete the rigid if they match.

func _on_rigid_body_2D_body_enter(body): if (body.get_name() == "KinematicBody2D": queue_free() # the node delete function

Does that help?

Neither can anyone else making porn.

I have nothing to contribute to this thread. I just want to say I love you all and I know you'll all do great.

Just steal art like everyone else does.

Now this could be neat if it was done right

Then write.

I wanted to make a game user, not write a book.

My biggest issue was how you worded it, but now I understand, thanks. But how would I do:
if what I want to know the name is just the same scene spawned multiple times via code? I checked their names and it's all "object" then "@[email protected]/* */", "@[email protected]/* */" etc


codemonkey pls

Yeah, that's how godot names things.

But it's not really the best way to do it. Ideally you'd put the kinematic body in a group then you can check if the node is in that group with

Looks like somebody needs some to brush up on regular expressions.


i forgot about groups

i am done


What are you struggling with, in precise terms?

If you could post your scene tree I'd have a better idea of what you're dealing with

hold the fuck up

But how would it be able to delete itself if I'm just connecting it to itself? There is no other object colliding with it, so am I getting something wrong here or what? I don't think I can connect it to the thing that is going to collide with it because they aren't in the same scene, they are two instanced scenes so I don't think they can even know of their groups either unless groups are a global thing.

how do I stop shitposting and get back to work

by looking at the remainder of your lifespan as a percentage of your total lifespan.

>Could have a midlife crisis right now if I wanted to

That makes me want to drink myself to sleep.

I think you're confusing how the body_enter signal works. When an object is touched, it will fire the body_enter signal from within itself. When it does that, it will send with the signal the other body that it touched. So even if we reference that signal from within our rigid body, we will still have a reference to the other body.

Signal always fire, even if they aren't connected by the editor. When we "connect" them, we are hooking into a connection that's already there, interrupting it and doing our own logic.

By reminding yourself that other people are working hard to improve themselves and their work and that doing nothing will result in you being left behind.

Then why is this not working

Dunno. Post your scene tree and the RigidBody properties and I might be able to see what you're missing.

changing the group does nothing

also I don't know what you mean by scene tree but I have the scenes set up like this:
one main scene, with the object I want to make the other object disappear is in, and the object I want to destroy is a separate scene that is instanced with code

Not all that dev related since this is mainly for practice.

After I figure out the exact shape I'll probably do a high-poly version of it.

SceneTree is the tree that comprises the scene you are trying to get working.

In the inspector tab for the RigidBody2D, do you have Contacts Reported set to more than 0? If you have, try putting in a print before the group check in your money code. If you are getting stuff printing then it means your groups aren't named properly or something. But from the sounds of things that doesn't seem to be the problem.

It's just a rigidbody and kinematic body with sprites and collision shapes

I did this and it is not printing. It doesn't even seem to be running the _on_money_body_enter( body ) function.

In that case, I suspect you have your signals hooked up to the wrong objects.

I'm going to mock up something like you have now and see if I can find out what is happening.

Ok, just got it to work.

I was confused for a bit because I mocked up what you'd described and found I had the same problem.

I then saw I had "Contact Monitor" off on my Rigid Body. I checked it and it worked.

For reference here is what everything looks like for me. The coin is the Rigid Body and the logo is the Kinematic Body.

it doesnt work even with that turned on

What happens when the two collide? Do they pass through each other or do they just bump and do nothing?

bump and do nothing
also earlier before I did anything of this I managed to make the kinematic body print when it collided with something and I can still do that, but for some reason it only works if the character hits it with it's head. I doubt this is related to this issue though

Is your character made up of multiple bodies/collision shapes and whatnot?


Currently messing around with my proc-gen terrain system, and shaders.
Pic provided is the lowest LoD (largest area though, 256^3 size in total (so fully 3D… caves, overhangs, etc), loaded at 1.8~2.7ms via compute shader with multiple octants of 2D noise), and has a 1x1 cube for reference at close/far away.
Note, that there will be 8 of these surrounding the player (players at xyz, chunks at (x+1,y,z)/(x-1,y,z)… (x+1,y+1,z+1) etc, as the camera will be in the center, but will only be rendered if not occluded/culled via the frustum.
Not sure if it's a large enough view distance though… and I will probably go with something like 512^3 for lowest LoD in the future using some amalgamation of not just fully 3D terrain but also 2D height maps for the edge of the view distance.
That's so I can see mountains and such in the distance once at high altitude… and my thinking is why have a complex terrain system if you can't revel in it?

Lately I've been messing around with shaders (different procedural methods, mostly from GPU gems), building a nice library of functions (procedural textures/designs via noise or shader effects for textures), and trying different combinations of effects.
Also, I've been building up a small library of noise functions for the terrain (on the GPU), but before I dive too deep into that I need to implement some SSAO that displays more detail on a per-vertex basis for my terrain (alg so far uses noise field to determine occlusion value via raycasting the signed distance field at high detail to determine amount occluded). Which will have negligible overhead since it'll be done on compute shaders.
The main reason being the example of the striation stuff looking quite bad when you consider details, but for an example of the layout of minerals in a cave it looks like it has potential.
As it doesn't have any depth to the terrain, and it's not exhibiting small features; which I'm damn sure SSAO would fix… so it does exhibit small features exhibited by the noise (bcs if you query the SDF at small intervals it has some amazingly complex surface details).
Although, I'll be first doing a normal SSAO shader to see how it all works as I have to do that yet, but wish me luck.

now this is impressive, very nice work user

whats game going to be like?

Then I'm not sure what to recommend from here without seeing your scene. If you can upload your project (or just the scene or something if you don't want the whole thing up) then I could tell you more.


The script for the player is just nothing but the script for making the player move

also I know the labels are retarded but they're just placeholders for now to display things

In your money code, you are checking for the "money" group. That means it will only enter that block when the object the money touches is also money.

You also call queue_free() on the body, not on itself.

it didn't work that way so I switched it up

first I tried checking for the player group, which is the group it's assigned to, and I tried both using queue_free() with body and self. They don't work. I tried making it print when it went into that function itself and it never printed when I hit the money with the player, so it's apparently not even running.

I'm gonna record a demonstrative of the current state of my platformer physics this weekend, but I'm also gonna be revising a few major components of it soon afterwards (wall collision, floor detection, etc).

I also recently freed up a BIG chunk of my schedule. I'm trying to decide whether I want to dedicate that to what I've been working on, or if I should risk starting a side-project.

I usually like to have a side project to keep myself stimulated while I think out the next step of my main project. Nothing that'd overtake my main, it just helps me retain work momentum. Previously I didn't have time to, but I barely had time for my main project either. Now I'm just not sure what to pace myself for with this newfound availability.

Here is a project with kinematic-rigid collisions working. Try comparing yours with this one because I'm stumped.

Just to make sure, I'll reiterate everything:

With all that you should be able to get collisions to work.

what trigger

This one.

its off

So what you are saying is that it isn't on?

thanks user, I appreciate it.

autism tier simulator a'la 3D dorf fort in my own cosmology


What kind of progress are you planning to make this weekend?

I'll try to take a break from working on my engine and make a random small game.

If I manage those three things, I'll be happy.

Oh shit, the Konami Justifier. Patrician taste, my bro.

I've got a mockup for a supervillain management/strategy game that I'm planning to make some time around the heat death of the universe.
The map and moonman junk is just a placeholder, I'll probably use a real world map/cities. Maybe an x-com style globe.
Panel on the left is an overview of mooks, one on the right is active tasks sorted by region.

My idea for Training/Exp is a little unintuitive, but I can't think of how to make it more obvious without using too much or too little vertical space.


I'm finally killing myself!

I'm going to make an MMORPG

completely redoing my maps & tilesets or work on my side project

Help that one guy with his Gamejam then.

Big project I worked on for a year with a team needs a complete refactor, extremely badly. Except I'm now the only programmer left on the team. I kinda feel like joining instead, for obvious reasons.

Make it like wurm but with dynamic water.

I gotta work on furthering the GDD, design a few more singleplayer levels, and keep my team running in general. Should be fine, as things are picking up again now.

I also need to make a thread on AGDG

Pic one is a bit of the GDD for the very first level, Pic two is the level's terrain and number three is comparing the level on paper to the one in game.

seems a bit overly complicated to me, mate but if you can explain it properly to the players it shouldnt be a problem..

what do you mean, a refactor?
1 year? Nice, i'm at 1.5 years myself

suicide is not a solution, mate.

K mate, I'l see you in 26 years then.

going to practice mid poly
progress has been a bit slow this week due to burn out so I'm changing the subject from programming to modeling.

why bother breaking out an xp system into two different things in the first place? heck, why bother having xp at all if you're not tying it to specific minions.

slap a time delay on assigning basic mooks to a new job and call it the training period. or put in apprentice versions of each job that contribute half as much and bump them it up to full fledged if it succeeds an rng check after each mission or something.

Rewriting everything from the ground up.
College Project by 4 programmers, one of which made results but in the worst method possible, fucking up the basis everything else got built on and making the project almost unusable by now. I used to just set up the networking, do some menu stuff, and do character animation/sound programming. Then most of the team left, a small core continued work, and I'm left as only programmer that has to work with this behemoth. And thus I'm just going to rewrite large parts of it.
I'd drop it too if it weren't for the fact that we're in contact with some pretty big-name publishers.

pics or it didn't happen

damn, that must suck. Weve got 1 programmer and 4 designers whom do light programming work

our programmer is God tier, though, does a shitton of work with a bit of help from yours truely

We're just going to self-publish

Lord knows how I'm going to market it, but luckely that's years in the future

I hate physics engines so much. I am trying to implement the my doors making a sound when closed (in UE4). Depending on the force involved, they should make different noise. Calculating the force involved proves to be a difficult task, as those fucking physics engines are so inaccurate. From time to time the values are completely wrong and the door will make no sound despite me smashing it into the lock.
Doesn't work.
Helps, but only a bit. The wrong values are so far off, that they still break the function.
Same as above.
I'm running out of options here.
Lesson learned: Fuck physics engines.

Do you know what an NDA is? Can't show code, especially now that I established that I'm the only remaining programmer so there's no ambiguity over who posted here. I'm lucky enough that there's nothing in the NDA about complaining about workload.

Our game's pretty damn weeby, including a full japanese localisation which could be terrible for all I know, I don't speak moon. You can't exactly self publish to Japan easily as they hardly use PCs. Don't exactly care about getting fucked over either, portfolio building is more important right now than profits.

speaking of physics
i did this a few threads ago
but now my issue is these balls
i have no obvious way of telling which vector they collided with, so i can't properly tell in which direction they're supposed to bounce
the way the game tells if there's collision right now, is that it loops through each polygon of the background mesh and checks if a vector is within it. however i can't figure out how to get which of the 3 vectors of the polygon it collided with

NDA from who? Did your publishers buy the whole project? How can your team whither to the point where you're the only programmer if you have publishers controlling you?

Are you using polygons just for the sake of using them? Because it seems like a game that would be better served by some AABB-type collision, with everything being very, well, axis-aligned.

If you do want to use triangles, you should probably check for collisions before they actually happen, and if there's more than one, resolve for the one closest to the original position.
You could do the same thing with AABB as well, and for those cases where it's inevitable that a ball gets stuck in a wall, you'd just see which side was penetrated the most and consider that to be the side that was collided, shoving it to the surface.

Or somethin'.

i did try and predict when it would collide, but that didn't quite work since my movement works like this
since i'm using deltaTime, i can't say exactly how much i will move, since i don't know exactly how much time it will take to reach the next frame (unless i automatically assume that shit is gonna be a constant 60 fps)
and so in some cases i might be able to predict if the ball is gonna collide with a wall, but in other cases it might be too late, since i won't know at what precise distance to check

and i'm using polygons since i already combine the new meshes into a single one, and if i'm doing that i mind as well use that mesh to determine collision, rather than having a trillion colliders/bounding boxes on the scene

You can't get into talks with publishers without having an NDA, it's not the publisher's NDA. In fact, the publisher has to sign it too before they can see stuff.

Can you detect which polygon you're colliding with? Because checking where you are in said polygon, combined with current velocity, should be plenty to determine if you should invert your X velocity or your Y velocity.
On an unrelated note, I'd be interested in seeing the mesh as a wireframe.

There's probably some fuckery you can do with the ratio of the velocity and the distance traveled and seeing if a collision happens this frame or in some upcoming frame. Not entirely sure when you should shove the delta in there, though.

Why would you need to know what happens in the next frame? You move the object and then check for collision in the same frame after you've moved. Save the previous position if you need to do something with that.


yeah, fuck me i'm retarded

i'm just combining it with some built in unity function
if i have to optimize it, i think i'd have to take the current vertices of the mesh that are on it's borders and make a mesh out of those, so it would have less polygons. but i'm not sure how to detect whether the vertices are on the border and not inside the mesh

Are lore questions allowed here?

I have a sci-fi setting and my player is wearing armor. I want the armor to approach something functional, rather than just looking cool. Could I get away with using a medieval armor design? My setting already has an unobtaininum super hard metal that is bullet proof even when relatively thin, so using plate armor would be viable. I just want to know if some other armor design is more viable.

Think about the resource and production capabilities in the setting.

Is that material common? Is it hard to make? Is it a secret compound that only few know how to make? How expensive is it? Are there cheaper alternatives?

There is a reason why medieval armour looked the way it did. It worked.

Also think about the uses of the armour. I imagine that putting on armour, even if it's Scifi stuff, is a long and tedious process. Sometimes you don't have the time to put it all on. Sometimes you need something lighter which is easier to move in. So there could be all sorts of different armour types depending on situation and intended use.

let's say you had a bunch of players talking to a server. player 1 holds down the W key so he starts moving. Every frame, a position event gets sent to the server. As you can probably tell this would increase the load on the server by a lot with just a few players moving at the same time. so Instead of sending an event every frame, what could potentially be done to increase efficiency here?
Mouse based movement is one idea I had since then I could process clicks only.

Using UDP to save on overhead. The alternative is to use TCP and send only when players push/release buttons or otherwise change direction, but the TCP overhead probably kills that benefit in practice. If you trust clients you could probably also have them send updates every N frames instead of constantly, and just smoothe their movement on clients.

Thanks, this is the answer what I was hoping to hear. Medieval armor here we come!

To answer some of your other questions, this suit of armor is warn by only one person at a time. When this person dies the armor is reforged for the next person who rises to the mantle. I'm not outfitting an army with this stuff. When they want to put the armor on they step inside a camber where robotic arms assemble the armor around them.

As for why this armor is only worn by one person, why only one person needs armor, why they have a special robot armor assembly chamber, and where the armor material comes from, you're just going to have to play the game to find out :^) or wait for me to need help ironing out those aspects of the lore.

not really
as far as bytes go it's fairly minimal as far as server processing goes it's also not a lot just a few people pressing a button
I mean even if it's hundreds it shouldn't be a big deal
The bigger issue is having the player movement being done client side and the delay it causes
If you press w to move it will take time for the server to receive the package and that same amount again for the player to get a package back from the server
Which will make controlling your character feel clunky and slow if the server is far away or the player has a bad connection
Ofcourse in terms of fairness it's probably best.

I am going to be working on my own little project, which is a game where you're a medieval european trader.
I will be using ncurses for the graphics, which will be ASCII.
Do you have any resources for map generation basics, and other essentials for building a game (however simple) from the ground up?

It's not that hard to take an armor set based on medieval armor concepts and give it "modern"/sci-fi or streamlined design.

Hoping to make an art mockup for a prototype I want to work on.

I've come across a very strange and interesting bug in my game. Long story short - My rotation function was writing new pixels in the wrong memory - before the buffer and that makes the sprite…. scale ?? That's right, the fucking sprite is scaling and it's pretty nice scaling too ! How is it possible, that arbitrary writing to some memory makes my images smaller ? Check out the webm to see what I'm talking about. And here's the function responsible for this.

void TenmaBlitTransparentRotation2_orginPoint(SURFACE* srcSurface, SDL_Rect* srcRect, int dstRect_x, int dstRect_y, int degree, int orginX, int orginY){ for (int i = 0; i < 182*182; i+=4) { *(unsigned int*)(RotationBuffer + i) = 0; } dstRect_x -= orginX; dstRect_y -= orginY; int smallest_y = 0; int smallest_x = 0; int biggest_y = 0; int biggest_x = 0; int newW = _ROOT2 * srcRect->w; int newH = _ROOT2 * srcRect->h; if (newW > newH) { newH = newW; } unsigned char* rotM = (unsigned char*)RotationBuffer; char rotMO = (newH >> 1)+2; for (int y = 0; y < srcRect->h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < srcRect->w; x++) { int offset1 = ((srcRect->y + y) * srcSurface->sizeX) + (srcRect->x+x); unsigned char color = *(unsigned char*)( (int)srcSurface->pixels + offset1); if (!color) { continue; } int newX = (x-orginX) * cosDegreeTable[degree] - (y-orginY) * sinDegreeTable[degree]; int newY = (x-orginX) * sinDegreeTable[degree] + (y-orginY) * cosDegreeTable[degree]; *(unsigned char*)( rotM + (newY + rotMO) * newH + (newX + rotMO) ) = color; newX += orginX; newY += orginY; newX += dstRect_x; newY += dstRect_y; *(unsigned char*)( (int)theSurface->pixels + (newY * SCREEN_RESOLUTION_X) + newX ) = color; } } for (int y = 0; y < newH; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < newH; x++) { int offset = (int)rotM + (y * newH) + x; unsigned char col = *(unsigned char*)(offset); if (!col) { offset++; col = *(unsigned char*)(offset); if (col) { offset -= 2; col = *(unsigned char*)(offset); if (!col) continue; int newY = y + orginY + dstRect_y - rotMO; int newX = x + orginX + dstRect_x - rotMO; *(unsigned char*)( (int)theSurface->pixels + (newY * SCREEN_RESOLUTION_X) + newX ) = col; } } } }}

To give you some context :
I'm using 256 colors only, so each byte is one pixel containing index to a palette. In order to rotate an image (without any AA) you need to do this calculation on each pixel

int new_x_pos = (x - orgin_point_x) * cos(angle) - (y - orgin_point_y) * sin(angle)int new_y_pos = (y-orgin_point_y)* sin(angle) + (y-orgin_point_y) * cos(angle)// then you add the orgin pointnew_x_position += orgin_point_xnew_y_position += orgin_point_y

This will work fine, but it will give you an image with holes, (for example, pixel one will get position 5x5 but pixel two will get 7x5 and you have empty 6x5) so what I do is :

1) Draw the image to the screen (with holes)
2) Draw the same image to the buffer (here was the problem, some pixels were written outside of this buffer)
3) I read the buffer back. If there's an empty spot I check if there's a pixel to left and right. If that's true, then I draw a pixel of the color to the left, which patches the holes. If not, then do nothing.

If there was some magical light metal in current age that was good for body armor
It would probably have a lot of synthetic padding and propping in certain places and not really look like medieval armor
Allthough it really depends which factors are important
Maneuverability, comfort, levels of protection maybe even weather or something
And what medieval armor you wanna make it look like

The number of photo references that exist for the armor is top priority. But yeah, I'll work from a set of medieval armor and try to figure out where it would make sense to place more armor padding. Time for me to do some research. Science fantasy is looking more and more appealing by the minute…

By only writing every n-th pixel correctly, resulting in integer scaling?

The thing is that the buffer I'm talking about is not the screen. I'm drawing the ortated image to the screen (with holes) - everything is fine. THEN i write the same image to a buffer and that makes the sprite THAT IS ALREADY DRAWN ON THE SCREEN smaller. Weird, isn't it ?

Either way, you should be using three shear rotation instead of this buffer fuckery.

You mean to precompile the rotation matrix ? That will work only with one orgin point.

Should've clarified, you can rotate by shearing the image three times, and it won't have any holes to begin with.

I see you're still working on this problem, good luck!

Maybe you can point out where in your function the undefined behavior is.

It must be because they are different scenes, but I don't know why it wouldn't work because of this.

This is neat but wouldnt non 90 degree increments of rotation introduce a need for aliasing/interpolation?

Thanks for the image, I'll try to implement that.

Well, the bug is fixed, but I just want to know why it's happening.

This line
*(unsigned char*)( rotM + (newY + rotMO) * newH + (newX + rotMO) ) = color;

writes to the buffer. Interesting thing is, that even if I skip the later half of this function (which reads the buffer and patches the holes) it still scalles the sprite. The sprite is already in the framebuffer, but suddenly writing to this buffer changes the framebuffer ? I'd expect some garbage, but as you can see, the sprite gets smaller and I can see the floor underneath. It shouldn't be possible !

Actually, it works if I turn on gravity and let the object fall onto the player, but that's not what I need to happen.

Does anyone here have any experience using libgdx with GWT? How do I properly add an external dependency to GWT using the Packagename.gwt.xml file? This is driving me nuts.

It's not meant to be pretty, it's meant to be fast. It's an authentic old method of rotation so it probably suits that salami game. If you want pretty transformations, just implement full blown texture mapping.

Maybe you should get some memory debugging tools, or print out everything you can and read through it

pls help

So, /agdg/, we're having a discussion on /k/, and I wanted to know if anyone thinks this could be made into a "game".

The idea is to make a game that lets you build makeups of squads, platoons, companies, battalions, and possibly higher than that. It then pits your homebrewed makeup against real ones from various nations at the same time period. It doesn't just give soldiers and armor/tanks hit points and just subtract numbers, but things are randomly decided they're "hit" and incapacitated or killed/destroyed after any armor is defeated. Circumstances like ambushes are given in scenarios and the game tells the player how well the unit performed in each battle.

Does this sound feasible?

yeah it does, not a terribly complicated game to make. Most of it would be the battle algorithim and the interface.

Although if you wanted 3D graphics it would take a while.

You'd want to make a good AI system for that assuming you're going to see or perform in battles. That'll be your biggest hurdle, the rest of it would be relatively simple, assuming it's 2D.

Just like said, if you don't want each member of your platoon to act like a fucking retard the hardest part is going to be the AI.

Naw, it's mostly a probability calculator. If it had any graphics, it would be 2D sprites to represent soldiers and vehicles.

Another thing would be keeping the system open-ended by allowing a user to fill out various stats and allowing them to upload their own sprites. This way, it can be used for new entries. And I was planning on having scenarios where a battalion faces enemy air, but the player wouldn't be facing their own air wings off against enemies.

Little update.
I've partially finished my long range ambient occlusion, per vertex, using a method to query signed distance fields (noise values for surface) to determine the occlusion value in my compute shader (adds… 0.1 - 0.2ms, for a moderate amount of samples… so negligible impact like I predicted, luckily); which is used in the fragment shader to interpolate an occlusion value (for light, per frag) when doing my lighting calculations.
I can step up the samples quite a bit later, and get higher detailed shadows/features once I make my settings a bit more editable (easier to access, in the compute shader via a wrapper script, more like).

Currently it's just long-range occlusion, so it's basic details (stuff outside of view range too, atm, since it's only one set of chunks atm), and next I'll do short range for surface features.

I provided a few pics, some with the intensity of the ambient occlusion value setting really high, and some to just demonstrate it at a reasonable level; also in a scene that's at a moderate LoD.

last pic, bcs of pic amt limit per post

Mystery solved. I was overwriting the cos table with 0s. If it's filled all with 0 i get scalling instead of rotation.

We back now? Can I post my sword?

Don't really have any visual progress to show since yesterday, but I spent the whole day learning trigonometry. Math is surprisingly easy compared to what it was like back in school. I'm guessing most teachers are just retarded.

I think it's more about you wanting to learn it. Now you need it, back in school you probably thought it's useless shit. And of course learning with computer where you can directly apply you new learned stuff helps a lot.

Developing your math skills for future reference is still progress. I'm fucking garbage at math so you got that much more of an edge.

I mean I knew it was useful, I just didn't know what for. But yeah, I think it's about having motivation to do it and not having to juggle multiple subjects at once. I also learned more about programming in a couple of days than I did in 2 years of the best IT high school in my country.

I really recommend it, but only bother with it when it comes up in your work, so you have motivation to learn.
So far the most useful things I learned that aren't elementary school-level are cross/dot products and trig. I hear matrices are extremely useful, too, so I'll get to those soon. The rest of the fancy sounding words usually have very simple definitions.

Great to hear, it's what I was going for.

It's much easier to learn things when you can use them for something practical. School tends to just teach you things without really telling what you're ever going to use it for or why you couldn't do something simpler to get the same answer. Our teacher told us something about how you can measure the distance between buildings or some bullshit like that, and it seemed like the most pointless thing ever.

This is the new build of my game, 0.7.4:!MB4mSIhb!oiekDQyLmQZSpptv4nvOTHNBtVksWMyNoaifBlbSN6U

I added a bunch of features for convenience, like "next gun / previous gun" buttons (q and e), and keyboard look if your mouse isnt working or if you want the game to be more difficult.

I also finished a new level, "warehouse", which takes place inside of a bunch of warehouses. Its easier than the other finished levels.

Sorry that the video quality isnt that great.

movement is still to slidey
I honestly don't think there is any reason for accelaration to full speed should take more than a few frames
You get muzzle flash every time you click even if the gun isn't firing which is very deceptive
You should create some more feedback when you get hit look at the way doom does it.

alright, I will try and fix the movement (again).

I'll change it so that the gun fires on the first frame of the animation and not the last as well.

Just forget about acceleration man it's generally not a positive thing in games
unless there some skill involved like with tribes

too much of the game is about acceleration - I just need to tweak the values more. I fixed the issue you had with the guns. I'm going to make it so the face changes to the "FACE_BADTIME" face when you get hit.

it is?
Which reminds me i noticed you also get some random midair acceleration when you jump
And it's kinda hard to notice when you get hit.

yeah, the game has full air acceleration, but I did tone it down for this release. Maybe i'll make the screen a little reddish when you get hit?

by that, I mean its programmed where i mostly alter the acceleration vector instead of the velocity vector. so the physics would be very different without it.

okay, so I want you to try the movement on this:

I tried to make it really tight, so see how it is, the acceleration and deceleration should be really fast now.

pl hel

You mean the Hel city in Poland ? What about it ?

I think my uncle visited some naval defense museum there while visiting a friend, recommended it to my neighbor who's big on that kind of stuff.

I don't think there's much else to that town, really.

pls help


i dunno man it still seems to take more than half a second to accelerate and decelerate to and from full speed
And i honestly don't think more than 0.25 seconds reach full speed is acceptable in a game about dodging projectiles
also are you using nonlinear acceleration or something? it seems a little strange

accel is linear - but velocity isn't of course. is it better at least? I think this is a good medium, because I still want it to be slidy, but not too slidy… right now you cant slide at all, which I dont like very much.

I made it a little more slidy- but you still accel faster. I dont really understand the complaints about it being slidy, because I never had trouble with it. Doom is a lot more slidy than this is.

why do you want it slidey?

I like moving faster, and having more momentum. Games like quake and doom are like this, and those are the games I mainly play, so I enjoy how it feels.

doom and quake have alot more accelaration and higher top speed if i remember correctly
but by all means copy doom


Is this for lewd stuff?
Reference looks cute.

amateur game ded general

ur ded

alright, i think i'm done with this
i got the balls to collide correctly (they check if they've intersected with edges, if so then they bounce off)
if they collide with any of the player's lines, you lose
if the player collides with any of his lines (unless going backwards) you lose
i can't quite get certain shapes to behave exactly like i want them to, but it works as far as i care


everything is for lewd if you want it to be

You are doing it backwards. Do not calculate the screen pixel locations of each pixel in your sprite buffer. Calculate which pixel in your sprite buffer each screen pixel you want to draw maps to under rotation. No holes to deal with, no precision errors.

Also, consider that a square rotated 360 degrees creates a circle who's radius is exactly the diagonal length of the square.

I have solved this problem and went down the same road as you did when I was starting out. I'll post SDL C code but you should give the reverse-rotation code a shot first.


AGDG? More like ADHD, because it stands for the following acronym:

Destroyed (a)

Try to fit in more newfag. What a lazy acronym with no thought put into it. Kill yourself

How do you gain self control?

how do you even make it so when a physics object hits something it actually makes a noise? you would think something like that in unreal 4 would be simple or already implemented

how the fuck do you implement push notifications for unity?
there's not a single tutorial that just tells me exactly what to do

Calm it down, Aggressively Disgruntled Hack Dike

t. Anal Damaged Hebrew Dipshit

Thanks, Amazingly Dapper Hero of Devs

Nah, Astronomically Dicked Hormone Disposer.

I hate this feeling, it just puts me behind.
gotta think less and just do et

but it's a dating sim/rpg where you play as a loli, dating monstrous men

How do i reconcile this?

Think big, for Trump senpai

black as your soul

Ok, faggots.
I'm back.

I got that new job thing and haven't been working on by Deus Ex like project for a while outside writing but during the past week I decided to make something with stolen assets new as a training excersise.

Enjoy, comment, share ideas:!5oVERaiB

fuck, didn't add the key thing!5oVERaiB!2seg-iScE74kFvZK2pbdPhdjKcpVvoK8WVKaiOXBO84


Looks noice.

runs like shit when i'm looking at the trees
you might want to disable their wind or something

post screenshot

but the screenshot would run at 60 fps

There are lots of tutorials for that when it comes to general purpose object sounds. Basically you enable "Generate hit events" for the actors and put some logic in the blueprint (Hit event). Doors are a special case though, which I need to handle separately.
After looking at Unreal 4's audio toolset, I decided that it's not powerful enough and will use fmod studio. They have quite good licensing terms. Another upside to using it would be the fact that it can be used with a variety of engines (Unity, Unreal, CryEngine, Source, probably more). Once I learned how to fmod, I can do great audio in all these engines.

It's supposed to look like this

I just ran the thing at 1280x720 on my secondary GTX260/Core2duo computer at playable framerates.

I can tell you that Nvidia Share/ShadowPlay can fuck with the framerate. Try turning that off. It's not supposed to be that taxing on your computer.


just run it fagget and tell me what you think

Noticed some behaviour that you might find is wasting processing power. If you send a group of tictacs to a single location, they'll all constantly push at each other to get to that exact point. This does have the effect of making neat hexagonal shapes but they're all probably constantly pathing to the center of their group, colliding, and so on when they should just be still. Not sure if this would become a problem gameplay-wise when enemies come near if they're busy trying to stand all in the same spot and don't react to the approaching foes.

Yes, this is an unintended behaviour, thanks for pointing it out. The tictacs all currently go to one point and they are most basic nav mesh agents. I should create some NavMesh.SamplePosition based system for them to spread evenly.

The current idea is to make the game mechanics relatively simple so some micromanagement will be required in order to make your units most effective.

You can make them act even funnier if you played with follow orders.

I need advice from ideas guys:

I'm trying to make a NPC "mind status" attribute system akin to most common RPG stats. The goal is to tell an NPC how to react to a given event according to those mental attributes. Like, when under attack: is he brave, in panic, agressive? etc.

I'm using Plutchik's Emotion Theory but I don't know how many emotions should I add.

Forget this, I already solved it.
Now my question is, what's more convenient or efficient to store flags in C/C++?
-A "Flags" array where each element is a flag,
-A "Flags" structure where each member is a flag.
Size doesn't really matter since it's not a heavy game, I can just set the flags to "int" type.

lots of flags can be easily set using bitwise operators.

an int is really a binary number that can store a bunch of bits, like a uint8_t can store 00000000 to 11111111 - so imagine each digit is a flag. You can alter flags by doing something like this:

uint8_t flags = 0;//flags = 00000000//change flag 1:flags |= (1

Whew. This took a couple days.
Weapon pickup system done. Now you can actually fucking pick up your weapons and have them in your arsenal, instead of starting with them and having them manually activated later.

Slightly inspired by Metroid's song-and-dance routine on picking stuff up. As usual, graphics/text is placeholder. There's room for some spiffy GUI art here, but maybe later.

Voice is placeholder, too, taken from Street Fighter X Tekken. Not sure if VAing would be good to have for this–my previous project's voice work was really fun, but I lucked the fuck out and got some genuinely talented grills; I doubt I'd be able to make lightning hit twice with this. Plus, there'd be far more characters to do.
I guess it's a bit of a moot point, though, since if I did go with it there'd be options to turn it off.

I know about bitfields but I can't use them.
For some reason my fucking Windows tells my compiler it doesn't like 8-bit variants of int and throws exceptions when used.
I can't change the compiler at this point, I don't wanna risk current progress. Maybe once the project gets to a somewhat stable stage.

Did you mean a byte?

have you tried #include ? its part of the standard library so you should be able to do that.
uint8_t is equivalent to an unsigned char, so if you cant include that header for some retarded reason then do "typedef uint8_t unsigned char" and its the same thing.

you don't need a specially defined 8 bit int to do this- what makes you think that you do? it will work just fine with a regular int.

1. Your compiler can use an 8-bit int. It's a char. Use that.
2. #include (or cstdint if you're using C++)
3. If you can't change compilers with your current codebase, your code is already fucked up and needs to be fixed, or your compiler is fucked and you shouldn't use it.
4. Windows isn't telling your compiler anything. That would be your compiler itself complaining.
5. If your program is throwing "exceptions" when using a char, you're already horribly fucked, and you've ruined something very badly. Go back to CS 101 if this is the case. I'm assuming you actually meant that you're getting compiler errors, not that it's throwing exceptions.

What do you guys use to record stuff?

I use Dxtory. It was kind of rough to set up, since I knew nothing about codecs and none of the provided codecs actually recorded properly for me, but it's very powerful and chock full of features.
Before then, I used Fraps, which had a lot of bloated filesize but it was very simple to set up and run.

Open Broadcast Software

post your bp

My -what-?

You heard him. Post your British Petroleum.

I was thinking about int_8 and int_16 in terms of bits not bytes, no need to get upset.

Of course I included back then, but shit you're right I could use a regular int too.

I don't know if my code is FUBAR, never used anything other than MinGW for this project since it almost never failed me but
turns out I am retarded. The uint_8 bug only happens between Windows and my old, Code::Blocks default MinGW version. I just had to search in sourceforge instead of the official site for new updates, that's why I couldn't find none.
And yes it was warnings + program errors not exceptions

in the C stdint.h types, they get specified by the number of bits. So uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t and so on…

Just ask here, I remember one thread where there was multiple people who could imitate snake pretty well.

why is there a limit on the amount of units you can select at the same time.

Gamejam user that got recked in OP-image.

We did attempted a pseudo-MMO/local multiplayer thing. One instance of the game is launched by visiting After that anyone could join the game using their smartphone as a controller. The game was played on a shared screen, we used a projector in a lecture hall. We got 10-15 people playing simultaneously.

Simple lane-fighting game where you buy units that walk to the other side, divided into two teams. The goal was to push the nuke into the opposing teams spawn.

I was merely joking when I suggested an MMO, user. But that's really cool, good job.


Thanks anons. I'm really happy with the result, the only problem was, as usual, performance being limited by Unity and AirConsole. Been a long time since I produced something actually playable so this felt really good.

that's for tweaking. It was good for testing the whole unit selection system. I was thinking about making a C&C-like faction with no limit (and cannon fodder units) and a WarCraft-like faction (with tougher units) with a to-be-decided limit, which is currently 16.

I better make some UI, although I am opting for something akin to minimalist KKND style.

Oh, I do like the inspiration behid this. Gotta play this in the evening. and play it with bros on the weekend

Was it a AirConsole sponsored event?
How was the whole thing? Were there many hacks and hipster scum?

And how many players can the system actually use at maximum?

I imagine it's just an optimization question. IMO your game idea deserves full developent. Did the organizers appreciate it?

I used to record things with Shadowplay and re-code them to my liking with VLC, before my OC software fucked it up. Now it's OBS which I used to stream with although I will be trying to fix the goyvidya solution as it's fast as fuck.

Nope, just a regular gamejam. I had never heard of AirConsole before, but one of the guys in the team had looked at it and wanted to give it a shot.

The people who attended were great actually. All the games turned out pretty great. Among them was a VR co-op game where you played tank gunner and driver, a platformer where you had to switch character color to be able to jump on different platforms and a first-person fighting game/brawler.

The event itself was shit, no theme, no contest, no presentations. The organizer didn't even show up at the end so we didn't get any feedback really. We never even got proper internet connections, had to use our phones.

I think we got decent performance out of 8 players. Mind you, that's with the above mentioned shit internet, so no idea how it performs in an optimal environment. Any number of users can connect, just depends on what AirConsole and Unity can handle.

There is a lot of optimization to be done, that's for sure. Batching AirConsole calls, simpler animations/graphics, probably dropping ragdolls, simpler particles etc etc.

As a proof of concept it worked great. Would probably drop AirConsole and just do our own app. Possibly even our own WebGL-implementation too, dropping Unity (all of my team are low-level programming enginefags, including me).

I'm the only hobbyist among my friends, who are also C/C++ faggots (and UE4 devs too), while I only know C# and Unity. We'd make great things if it weren't for this limitation.
Too bad they can't get themselves organized and I'm the only one with any authority to actually get them off their lazy asses

You dudes are lucky. Use this to your avantage.

Is there any place where we can download other games from that jam?

Well, assuming your friends are not complete faggots, you guys should be able to make something. I'm rooting for you user. AGDG is what keeps my game devvan alive and I love to see you guys succeed. no homo

Most of it is on

just learn c++ then

Of course, that is in the pipeline but again: I am a hobbyist and I have a lot of excuses.
I still want to continue work on my original project, which would take most of the time I could spend learning
with a team of programmerfags it would be perhaps better to learn making better art assets
or maybe i should making tic tacs my current priority- it seems to be a simpler project

It was the same here for a long time for me. Then I got the new job and lost touch with AGDG, Holla Forums and gamedev for a few months… I'll try to stay though. I like you dudes.
I wonder how many old projects I remember are still alive. Thank God Tetrachrome dude is still online, I still vividly remember the drama with his confused grandma.

Getting massive Deus Ex vibes here. I like it

yeah I had those.
Once I finish recharging my batteries with the tictac project, I hope to return to the Deus Ex/System Shock/Rainbow Six/Splinter Cell inspired project I always love to shill here with full commitment.

That's not how I remember this mp4.

I found the reverse to be less spectacular

What engine?


Most people are surprised that it's capable of lighting like that. I was as well. There are some things that I find lacking, but I stick to my guns like I had dementia
And the F.E.A.R. feel could also be caused by the non-metallic, low smoothness standard Unity material everything is covered with

I read your posts after and realized that it was Unity. I know Unity is capable of a bit, I always point out that Endless Legend was made in Unity and people usually stop replying after that. Looks good, makes me wish there was a remake of Deus Ex, a community remake.

With Squeenix owning the IP, we all know what the chances are of that happening.

A Thievery/The Dark Mod situation would be ideal, with core gameplay being ported and somewhat improved upon and levels, art and story being completely new.
A man can dream. I'll stick to treating DX as an inspiration after I'm done with tic tacs, which I encourage you to play

posting these mp4s makes me somethat sad. I haven't made enough progress this year

oh hi

I love the horse head, it's so bad. as in it fucks up the physics of attached objects but it's so beautiful…

if you're having trouble with the horse mask, try moving it's position by code rather than attaching it to another gameobject
changing it's position in LateUpdate worked for me

Ok goys help me out I'm using Unity and I have a HUD that I want to slide in/out from the screen. Kinda like Banjo Kazooie's collectable HUD.

I tried using Coroutines, but thing is, they seem to accumulate in a way that, when I collect multiple objects, the HUD items seems to stutter on the way going up because its using multiple timers to disappear.

The only other way I can think of is to do this shit manually in the HUD's update function, but I'm doing this for ar least 4 HUD objects and that sounds like it would be really clunky to program.

make a reference to the coroutine and stop it everytime you're about to start it
and honestly, if you want a sliding UI just use animations, specifically mecanim

do this, but write it so that you can apply the same script to each HUD element.

Unless you want all the HUD elements to slide in at once. Then you write one such script for their parent object- the other objects will inherit its position. Just lerp it in.

Use the new Unity HUD, not the old UI system.

I'm on v 5.3.1 and I don't see any references to "HUD" systems, just UI. Is there a difference?

he means UI, not GUI
GUI being the coded one, UI being the one with gameobjects on the scene

sorry, I used the wrong term. Use the UI canvas provided under Gameobject>>UI and add images/buttons/text to that

the deprecated feature was called GUI, as in GUIElement.GetScreenRect or void OnGUI() { }
Don't touch it

yea, sorry

Do any movements in the HUD's update function, or lateupdate (camera related, so it fits), and if the interpolation of position is smooth it won't stutter.

For the actual movement, just do some type of interpolation over multiple frames (lerp, slerp, bicubic, etc).
Here's a good example, specific to unity for your convenience:

Could be due to the update function you're using when translating the sprite/etc.
Unless it's straight up not moving fast enough per frame, or not smooth enough movement… could be many things; I'd have to see the code to tell.

Gonna have to rework movement completely, but it's "good enough".

Using the animation method right now - Beautiful!

Just one problem, though, the animation triggers every time I pick up a collcetable, so if I collect two collectables during the animation duration, the animation will flash twice - what's worse being that it waits until the animation is done before repeating itself.

are you transitioning to the animation from any state?
if so just tell it not to transition from itself in the transition options
and if it's queing up a second animation, you might have to make an AnimationStateBehaviour class that tells you when the animation started/ended so that you know when NOT to trigger it

Make a Cooldown Timer in coroutine or update, then a pickup method like:

void PickUp() {
if (cooldown > 0) {
//no code to animate
else {
cooldown = the time you want;
//code to animate

I assume that's due to using one state machine (animator controller) for all your objects.
Just tested it, and yeah that's probably it, as it's been awhile since I've done animations heh.
Just use multiple state machines/animators, w/the same animations/clips.
If you want it banjo style, like that other user, then this is the way I'd do it for that "rapid fire" esque iteration of animations for collectables.

To make it have near zero overhead you could have a pool of said objects, which get reused per call so you don't destroy/clone any, and you could also make a bit generic too (to reuse for other object types… say switching out sprites/etc but same basic animation so the same controller, but maybe different inputs for the state machine).

Alright, so my solution was to add a transition from the "flashing" state to itself with no exit time. Converesly, I could also make the code trigger the exit state per pick up if I truly wanted it to flash like Banjo, so I might end up doing that.

Thanks for the help, niggers.

rts user here i decided to use line of sight after all and surprisingly enough adding it in gameplay wise was the easiest part.
Now i just need a way to make it visually obvious you can't look through certain objects.
this is the code im currently using

sf::RectangleShape fog = sf::RectangleShape(mainView_.getSize());
fog.setPosition(f2(mainView_.getCenter()) - (f2(mainView_.getSize()) / 2));
fog.setFillColor(sf::Color(100, 100, 100, 255));


sf::RenderStates fogStates(sf::BlendAdd);
fogStates.texture = &texture_;

window_.draw(game_->units_->fogOfWar_, fogStates);

sf::RenderStates states(sf::BlendMultiply);
states.texture = &texture_;
window_.draw(vertices_, states);

the fogOfWar_ are white circles and vertices is the rest of the game
Now all i need is to be able to overwrite part of those circles with polygons in such a way that the color goes back to the fog color
but when when 1 whitecircle overlaps the polygons it should be dark but when circles overlap it should be white again unless there's also 2 darkness polygons
Anyone got any ideas I tried to use subtract but it doesn't seem to work the way I was expecting it
I don't really understand blendmodes very well but i feel like what I want should be possible

When I get to creating a fog of war, I'll be glad to discuss it with you.

In the meantime I'll steal your work

use visual studio
your code literally runs faster

you can take whatever you want I'm probably gonna end up using the gpl license anyway

I love y'all to death but I would be genuinely surprised if any of you could pull off an anime girl voice.

consider suicide

We got a few underage people on here, they could probably pull it off.

Kill me

rip my project




Well post pictures so I can find out whether not I should care


So do all of you folks do games all by yourselves or do you get organized or some shit? Would be neat to have a distributed game development team, except instead of going by nicknames everyone's still anonymous, so no shitty "ideas guy" gets in the way of actual progress past the occasional brainstorming.

Solitary atm, but my brother helps me out with brainstorming every once and awhile (I raised him to have good taste in vidya).
I do hit up the IRC every once and awhile though.

user projects themselves seem to fall through from what I've seen, but my "sample size" is small so take that with a grain of salt.

Can someone give me a run-down on how people make cracks? I'm a solid programmer, and I think I get the basic concepts, but I would never be able to do it myself.

That's cute

The problem I see with that is, most "user projects" set a scope way too big for their experience and expect other more experienced anons to show up and work for free. IMO (but like yours, take this as just a guy's observation) for an anonymous group to get off the ground as even mediocre developers, it would be very beneficial to start with some simple gimmicky title and gradually expand on it for a short amount of time, then moving on from small project to small project until all the participants get a better understanding of developing teamwork and tech based shit.

Internet projects in general have success rates comparable to sperm cells. Coordinating programming tasks is already a bitch even without people being inexperienced, underage, having fleeting motivation, living in different time zones etc. The most successful ones tend to be one artist and one programmer, both imbued with some flavor of autism.

I'm inspired! I'll set up the github and we can get started on our gimick game :^)

oh fuck I did not mean to use autism face

I've made the experience that if there is no money involved, you will have three different kinds of guys on your team.
Will lose interest in Developing after 1-2 months and your team splits apart.
Will stay on your team, but makes abysmally bad decisions and constantly forces special snowflaking.
Will stay as long as you do, but works either once in three weeks or his work is extreme shit^3.

So i simply work/learn/make games on my own. If i am lucky i will have success, or can join another company.

So which one are you?

working by myself, and nearing completion.

The only way you can make it work is if everyone can agree on a single leader.
Good luck finding one that doesn't suck and convincing everyone he's the right one and still contribute when their ideas are rejected.


You know this question seems so familiar, but I never remember the past answers. I guess the fact that no one does that explains for itself, for some reason people here don't get along in teamwork, and to be honest, getting a team to work in something on the long run is really difficult unless is some crazy chaotic crowd-sourced shit. I say this because I've been there done that.

That's what I've seen with the Anton & Coolpecker project, and they seem to be updating every blue moon or so (not sure if they're still at it tbh).
Although, maybe even that's too direct, and maybe it should be rough goals that the team can work towards (make small demos, like u suggested, for say a gamejam or a rough genre/skill/teamwork building projects, and let the below as I will mention to occur).

Teamwork, and the balancing act that that is requires a lot of time to refine; in addition to each user like suggested comes into their own spot in the team (in addition to the inevitable kinsmenship that will form, and/or comradic competition which is great too).

In addition to lead(s) like this user mentioned
Although, imo there's a need for multiple leads for different skill sets (artist, story, programming, etc); which can communicate effectively to the below.
Yet, there needs to be a "direction"… so I'd say one leader for the "vision" who has a nac for making a whole out of broken fragments (i.e. piecing together a solution from multiple perspectives… art/sound/programming/story/etc into a cohesive whole); or even one with the type of personality to allow this to happen on it's own (i.e. guiding the conversation (e.g. direction) to built that into occurring).
Which results in each person within a skill set having someone to communicate to, and you knowing who to talk to for A or B if you need help or have questions; in addition to the point that you know what you're shooting for due to the "vision" garnered via the above (be it to team built, practice your skills, or actually working on a full fledged project with your eventually "tried and true" team).

I tend to go overboard with details, but that's how I see it.

Do you guys shit on people who use gamemaker? I'm trying to figure out an error and I need a little help.


No we don't bully, what's the problem?

When I try to test run the game I get

action number 1
of Draw Event
for object ONode:

Fatal Error: Can not create vertex buffer of size 98304 bytes
5774 vertex buffers allocated with total size of 997120 KB

at gml_Object_ONode_DrawEvent_1 (line 1) - draw_self();

I'm still really new to this but I think it has something to do with pic related. I'm basically pissing in the dark trying to figure out what I did wrong

Good lord.
I don't know gamemaker but at first blush I think you need to think real hard about the size of those "buffers"

Pic related

Do you know what instance_create() does? It creates a new object. This means that you allocate a bunch of space in memory to hold its data. Now, objects are usually quite small. An instance in game maker has a number of common variables like X, Y, sprite index, and so on, maybe about 30 variables in total. So every time you cal instance_create, you're asking your memory to allocate 30 variables.

How many times do you call instance_create()? Well, this obviously appears to depend on your grid size. For fun, let's say you've got a 1024x768 room with a grid size of 32. This means, because of the loops, you're calling it 32x24 or 768 times. That's a lot of objects. This is in the draw event, so it's creating 768 instances per frame, or 46,080 objects every fucking second.

Literally Skyrim.

For programming in general, arrays are like a "group" of instances of a particular type. For example, an int[] called playerStats could hold a number of integer-backed values that happen to be the player's stats. There are different kinds of arrays, and one that is great for grid-like is called a multidimensional array. It looks like myArray[x,y].

Game Maker has these, and you create them with ds_grid_create() or something like that. What I would suggest you do is perhaps call this during your object's Create event, making one of the appropriate grid size, and then during the draw call, populate it.

At the very least, you should avoid creating instances during tight loops or during draw steps.

One way I figured out how to fix it was by turning down the resolution of the room but I have a feeling that I'm being a retard and there's a better way to fix this. I appreciate the advice.

What would be the best way to make a turn based rpg, logic wise?
Right now I'm thinking about starting with a text-based one made without an engine, then working my way up from that(probably using Godot).
Good idea y/n

I need help with making quirky, charming characters in my game without making them annoying and faggy like the ones in Tumblrmeme.

no, embrace tumblrmeme and sellout
remember me

Correct. You shouldn't be creating instances here, at all. If it's an out of memory problem, of course it was "fixed" by scaling it down. For it to truly be fixed, it should be able to work at any size.

So how do I fix it?

I'm kind of shaky with Game Maker, but you'd do something like:

globalvar map;mapWidth = room_width / GRID_SIZE;mapHeight = room_geight / GRID_SIZE;map = ds_grid_create( mapWidth, mapHeight ); // Allocate the 2D array// >NOTE: As with all dynamic resources, data structures take up memory and so should always be destroyed when no longer needed to prevent memory leaks which will slow down and eventually crash your game.

// By convention, most people iterate yy first, then xx, so that it goes left to right and then from top to bottomfor (yy = 0; yy < mapHeight; yy++) { for (xx = 0; xx < mapWidth; xx++) { ds_grid_set(map, xx, yy, ONode); }}

Though I'm not sure of the specifics of ds_grid, I'm pretty sure it only accept a numeric or string value. Thus, instead of ONode, you'll just have to give it a value manually, or else have several ds_grids:

Learn how to program. Seriously. Everyone is sick and tired of shitters coming in here with their gamemaker and UE4 problems that show they have no idea how a computer functions, at any level. Your fucking game is going to take you 2-10 years to finish, it won't kill you to spend a few weeks or months learning how to program.

One other thing to consider is about variable scoping.

This creates a global variable not bound to any particular object instance, and can be accessed by anything at any time. It needs to be prefaced with global.myGlobal, for example. It's useful for settings and stuff, but try not to overuse it.

If you create a variable this way, then object1 and object2 both have their own local copy of the variable, which is fine. However, this will permanently add the variable to the object instance, which means if you use a modular script, you might run into unintended behavior since the variable might persist longer than what you wanted.

This will make the local variable exist only as long as the current script is going. Make sure you use this extensively, since it will cut down on memory leaks and unintended behavior.

Practical example:
In your for loops, you just said for(xx=0), but what you should have done is for(var xx=0), or whatever the syntax ends up being. This way, if a later section of the script makes reference to "xx", then it won't be looking at the wrong value. I remember running into a lot of issues because of loop iteration values having a wide scope

Wow, you sure showed him!
But you're right

I'm sure you already know this, but I'm also sure the guy you're helping doesn't: it's not just a convention, it's crucial to access time, and doing it backwards can slow things down to an impressive degree.

Not sure if it makes a huge performance difference or not in Game Maker. Direct 2D array access would be a lot better than calling a function set(x,y,value)

Take it to /r/gamedev

Doing it the right way won't guarantee optimal performance depending on what GM does between the scripting and the compiled code, but doing it the wrong way guarantees worst-case performance regardless of what GM does, because draw calls (or anything else that needs to iterate through the whole thing) will miss the cache for every element in the array.

If the array is big enough that is. If not it may not miss every iteration, but for any given size array the result of allocating by row or column and later traversing the opposite way will be the worst case possible for that size.
In fact, I'd guess that it's even more important when using an engine than when rolling your own code. If you allocated by column when making a program in C, for example, you could make sure that anything that iterates through the array also traverses by column. Just don't show your code to any neckbeards.
On the other hand the engine inserts code that is not under your direct control, and if it searches through your 2d array for whatever reason it will almost certainly do so by row.
Just food for thought.

Keep working on them. Give them a personality beyond whatever quirks they have.

i've asked for help several times and everytime someone agrees they almost immediatly quit for no clear reason
I got at least 1 good sprite out of though so i guess it's a net win regardless
Hell even when I agreed to help someone else he also quit very quickly

I guess I'll ask again though if any wants to help with my rts project you are very much welcome
And it's also totally fine if you quit after 1 day.
Heres the whole project

Would you guys recommend codeacademy as a basis to get a hang of coding AND mastering it?(and yes, i know you'll have to do your own projects to help "master" it as well)

Problem 1: you're creating that many instances EVERY FRAME. Whatever you call in the draw event is done every framedraw, which can and usually is more often than your room speed.
Problem 2: it appears you're trying to draw tiles. GM has a tile drawing system. Don't create objects for tiles, please. Or if you're trying to make something like terraria, first of all WHY IN GM and secondly you wouldn't load the entire map at once, you would load tiles nearby, and update the file containing all the tiles when you change shit.
Note that I'm assuming shit here, because you haven't told us anything about what you are trying to do, you just gave us an error.

I tend to work by myself, though every now and then people poke their head in and go "Hey, need help with something?".
To be honest, I'm quite unused to other people actually wanting to actively do stuff for a project, and while I'm incredibly grateful for any stuff, my team management and organization skills are quite arse.

This has caused no end of frustration on some folk's ends, since it usually results in a whole lot of "So what do I do now?".
I've been attempting to rectify this by starting roadmaps with clearly defined "shit that needs done" tickers, so that people can pick and choose what to do or that I can point out right away things to do.

I guess that's because most Holla Forumsirgins have their own ideas on what makes a game really good, despite each of them having a broad understanding of what makes it bad

The problem of having team leaders for an anonymous project is that they tend to inflate their ego to Dobson's proportions once the final product is coming along

Ooooh yea nigga

got dat code to run silku smooth


Also, turns out someone already baked a new thread and din't feel like informng anyone.

Humm, I could see that happening too, but if one takes the measures against that; it may be preventable.
Such as the process of doing incremental projects would expose one's personality traits, such as that… and other unwanted traits for said positions.
Issue is, you'd need a team that effectively communicates, and could deal with issues such as that; as they arise.
I would assume the best method would be to building mutual friendship through incremental projects, and hence the willingness to communicate in earnest.
Although, a large ego and confidence shouldn't be mistaken for each other, as confidence is required for a good leader (willing to take risks, willing to make mistakes and admit when one makes mistakes, etc), and ego (i.e. not admitting mistakes, everything I do is correct, etc) should be immediately noticeable as it's a personality trait that's hard for one to hide.

It's actually not hard if you treat it as a framework and not some Game maker toolkit.

haha :^)



It's rare though. Whenever I watch STRIFE gameplay for example, I shudder imagining the fucking meme-level code that has to be under the hood…

I have learned the hard way that re-writing and re-formatting with help of the profiler is obligatory.

Thank God for TetrachromeDev. He helped me a lot in getting the game to run as fast as possible, although his levels of commitment to acquiring the best framerates is unachievable for me.

Oh and my professional programmer friend finally got me to format my code neatly and name classes properly. Makes things much easier.

I just hope

will be able to run the tictacs without a hitch in the next build…

I just need to re-do one bitch of a script


Will be happy

Anyone here understand the math behind taking penetration, location of impact, and a normal and calculating where the player would move from there?

Thread is about to die, ask in