Man with screwdriver tries to destroy a painting by Adolf Hitler
Man with screwdriver tries to destroy a painting by Adolf Hitler
Interesting painting.
Cant have people thinking Hitler had any talent…
That isn't even one of his good paintings, why attack it?
Because Hitler. That attacker was probably Jewish too.
Let me guess, they're Jews, right?
I like it. It's /comfy/ in a gloomy kind of way.
That painting looks how I feel.
Fuck Trump.
Fuck Capitalism.
I get the same feel as looking at Gondolas
Trump is a cuckold, but this post makes you look like a retarded spic.
is this the next level of irony?
Nah that's the other guy.
I'm glad you agree about Trump being against Holla Forums's interests, I've known this since the beginning, but he isn't really a "cuckold". He's ruling class and acts in his interests, exact same as Clinton and the Rothchilds. He is the establishment and always was.
So were you sincere about that "fuck capitalism" remark?
Well i don't disagree with you but that doesn't make you any less of a faggot.
Because muh Hitler. The kikes want to erase Hitler as much as they can, let that be clear.
I shit you fucking not, that painting looks uncannily similar to a reoccurring dream I've been having for years.
You're not the smartest guy.
Is there anyone who sells reproduction Hitler paintings? I genuinely like his paintings.
Hitler had the feels.
Chocolate flavored?
Bet his name was "Wojak Shekelgrabstein"
To be fair, his work on the photoelectric effect was groundbreaking and solved a lot of problems.
It makes him a very easy leader to love. I'm glad I've got German blood.
it is a good painting
All of the kinds he "discovered" where stolen user. All of it.
Did you ever hear him speak about his mother? He had the feels alright, he felt what we feel user. He lives through us.
I found the original.
My eternal nigger.
10/10 fuggin sabed
He released this album too. Good taste user.
Surprised Hitler even got rejected to art academia considering the crap that they now claim is art. Even back then, I'm quite surprised he didn't even get in he showed enough talent and potential.
it was jewed as fuck even then.
This. As he was not a sodomite or a mongrel lickspittle (((they))) had no use for his talents.
Other paintings by Hitler
The jews that did (((modern))) art all got a free pass. That's how it works. They say Hitler was bad as a painter, which is untrue. Even so why would one go to get schooling? To learn and to get better of course. So the fact that he got rejected makes no sense at all.
I was going to say that this looks like a proto feels meme. Looks like I wasn't the only one who thought that.
This is the first painting that shows something about the psyche of hitler. All the other ones that are in public have only buildings. The question is:
Are there more paintings like this?
very nice
It's such a mystery. Shame he never wrote a book or anything like that.
I think he was reject because his style wasn't in at the time. It isn't like he couldn't paint, hence why they recommended he try architecture instead (which he couldn't since he'd have to take many more classes he couldn't afford).
Didn't hitler work with propaganda in his early political career? Did he make any political caricatures? I seem to remember from Mein Kampf that he was in charge of the propaganda early on. Maybe I remember it wrong.
fuck off ,I actually laughed
Degrelle said that Hitler did do architecture when he came into power, the buildings that where build he helped to design as well. He was self taught with most of the things he known through his life, from medicine to engineering he had knowledge of that and could easily talk and discus things with the best scholars at the time. Degrelle stated that Hitler could read a book per day and was able to remind almost everything like a computer. Read "The Enigma of Adolf Hitler", its a short read. Degrelle has more books about Hitler and his legacy.
Hitler is such a amazing figure, it's something to behold alright.
Shame he never wrote two books about that.
Propaganda as in he designed the logo and flag of the national socialist party.
Not like in political cartoons and shit flinging things.
In uncle Adolf diary he said he was encouraged to be an architect and towards technical drawing.
But that is kind of logical even back then simply painting realistically didn't cut it and academia were pushing towards a more deformed reality,I'm not an art fag so I don't really know much but my guess is that the whole obsession of kikes with subvertigo the arts has something to do with fucking up the goyim.
See art is what man aspire to benor aspire reality to be,art thus can be sublime or niggerish and low brow but they both resonate with the human instincts be it looking up or looking down,kikes went further and decided to distort reality and encourage and funded that,thus you end with toilet exhibitions and retarded shit,the fiat equivalent of art to money,not real art but a shadow of art used as value.
And what is the whole point of that,is it for the sheckels?i don't think so,I think their true goal is to alienate the white man from his culture,when you show them niggerish natural art (low brow) and artificial kiked shit(((modern))) man tend to pic whats natural,thus lowering the bar of expectations and condemning the goy back to his rightful place nothing better than a nigger.
That's my understanding but as I said I'm not an artfag i simply saw human art in history and it was always those 2 kinds abstract shit stinks of Judaism
Thanks for the recommendation. Here's the pdf if anyone else wants it.
This Hitler dude just gets cooler and cooler after every comment here. Is there any non biased, autisticly over-detailed autobiography that someone made of him?
I went to an all-black school in the DC Metro area when I was a kid. I can confirm your first webm is exactly what black children are like. No one needs to put them up to that. They will spontaneously engage in group sex behavior the moment adult authority is absent.
White children are also sexual at ages people find uncomfortable to admit, but the style of blacks is much more savage and unrestrained. Even though I "played doctor" and kissed several girls before the age of seven, I was absolutely scandalized by the animal behavior of the Negros. It's hard to steer clear when you're one of the only white students in a school of nearly a thousand, but I managed for most of it.
He talked about propaganda being a means to an end and about methods they used to create pamphlets early on. So I figured he had a hand in designing those.
And I would've just like to have seen a caricature-ish picture of a jew made by Hitler, would've been neat.
The shit you posted was degenerate jewish shit.
Don't mind me I'm fucking retarded. thanks for the book recommendation.
Am I the only one who is hopeful for the coming generations? We always are made to believe that these "but he was HITTLEERRRRRR" kind of reactions are the norm and on the up, but what if it's just the last gasp of a desperate juden?
You can't upload .pdfs to this board, so I zipped it with the jpeg. Open the pic with 7zip/winrar and it should work.
Daily reminder that Degrelle completed multiple books for his "Hitler Century" series that will never be released, thanks to Mark Weber's takeover of the IHR.
thanks a bundle user
>save jpeg
>rename to .zip
>lurk two more years before posting
refused to have so much as a rabbit or a trout sacrificed to provide his food. He would
allow only eggs on his table, because egg-laying meant that the hen had been spared
rather than killed. "
I wonder how Hitler would react egg factories in America and Europe, where all the males chicks get thrown in meat grinders or gassed. I wonder if part of the reasons kike push meat consumption so hard on television is to spite Hitler.
If this is actually a Hitler painting then i submit:
The painting features Hitler and his father. His father seated behind his trademark desk. Hitler stands near his father, the irascible German worker, who has no eyes to see what Adolf knows.
Hitler and his father occupy a room together. In the distance there appear to be many similar rooms. All of the rooms are dark except for a light far off in a distant frame. Each room is almost like a frame of a painting itself. Is Hitler implying that his father and himself occupy a dark frame in history together, that will inevitably be taken over by another?
Is Hitler expressing his displeasure at the immutable character of his father, upset at his choices?
There are many people who have had similar experiences. I would be curious what David Lynch or Satoru Iwata would think of this painting, and its representation of "Father and Son, in a frame".
The fact the vid isn't from america or africa but south america is to me the proof that niggers be niggers regardless of uprising,of course nigger mothers don't help but educating a niggers is like teaching tricks to a monkey,some might be bright monkeys and might learn tricks but even so their children will always show the monkeys the instinctively are,their nigglets can also be trained but regression to the mean is a hell of a drug i do pity smart enough niggers able to realise and be conscious since even if they manage to get away from other niggers they will most likely see face stupidity in their own children.
At least that I know of there ain't any,if someone finds…I'll be happy to see them.
Indeed,he was agreat man in many ways.
David Lynch would say it's shit and that Hitler was an awful person, then he'd go molest a child and kill Jack Nance again.
You’ll have to do way better than that.
Not him but you can post pdf's in plain form. Also the file won't unzip.
Shows you don't know much about David lynch.
Fathers rarely understand their sons artistic endeavors.
Are you willfully ignorant?
worked for me your windows software is just shit
The agricultural industries don't need kikes to have interests to propagandize for.
If you think David Lynch would say anything even remotely neutral about Hitler, you're a fool. Lynch is a shabbos goy.
Yeah, you’re going to need to do a LOT better than that, you fucking vegan yid.
A man who could capture anyone's heart through words, art and personality. What a gifted man. .Glad this happened, kikes fail yet again to erase Hitler and his legacy. Since they failed it'll only remind people how artistic and peaceful he was.
Derail elsewhere shills, or go make an anti-capitalism thread which would be nice to have
Okay, then why are there literally endless shows from places like (((Vice))) (((Buzzfeed))) and others that promote meat eating, all with Jewish hosts?
If you want to ignore the fact the overwhelming evidence that meat consumption is propagandized, that's on you. Try actually reading about what Hitler believed, and you'll soon find that the American meat industry is highly Jewish.
I don't pity the talented tenth. They have advantages white children don't dare dream of. They also still have all the emotional instincts of the average black, and know their own people in their bones. Their proper place is with their own people, ruling them, and shaping them for the better.
No, you can't. Best I can do for you is convert it to a huge jpg.
Hey guys, I've been sitting on an idea lately, maybe you can put it to better use.
Why aren't we weaponizing the whole "destroy X because it was linked to racism" bit? Let's start convincing them EVERYTHING was linked to racism and see how much they try to destroy before all the normies finally demand a stop to it?
In fact, I just recently found out (details changed because I don't want to reveal my general location) that a local POC group was actually very well known for taking slaves from other POC's… so much so that there are areas named after it.
I'd love to see their faces when "destroy all these tributes to these POC because they owned slaves!" becomes a thing.
PDF link for ultra-plebs
Well to be fair to the owner, he probably knows that he could be jailed for even owning this and by suing for damages, that might be seen as anti-Semitism and then he would be gassed by the Jews.
Don't tell him its Hitler then, if you think that he's going to knee-jerk when you mention its Hitler.
You can get it off of in pdf or epub or other formats.
Well of course I pity them in the west since in the west they are but mediocre when if born in a non niggered west and instead born in africa they could be rulers and the best thing is a country doesn't need to be fully smart with a handful of smart rulers it could do relatively ok.
Niggers should have been castrated like the muzzies did,is almost as if they hadn't learnt anything from jurassic park and the dangers of letting animals reproduce.
Many of his paintings are held by USA in a military base secret and never to be released.
They keep them, will never release them, yet haven't destroyed them. Why? Too cowardly to destroy them?
The jews keep his paintings for themselves so they can learn from them. These paintings must be rescued.
Then they'd better shut down the history channel first
That painting is very dark and I would possibly like a larger resolution to take to a print shop and hang on my wall.
Albert Speer's Inside the Third Reich talks quite frequently of Hitler's enjoyment of architecture and his insistence on having a hand in designing the great buildings of the Reich.
They did that years ago. 15 years or so ago the History Channel used to show (((documentaries about Hitler))) every damn day. These days they don't show even that. They only have reality TV shows about scripted clownish redneck personalities that do stupid irrelevant shit.
That's the point you retard. Degenerate kike bullshit was en vogue. Hitler's still life paintings weren't.
Nigger-tier reading comprehension.
The attached to image thing works best with WinRAR files because they put the header at the end.
We have a library board to upload >>>/pdfs/ to (see what I did there?)
Hitler shares the feels we feel.
I wonder what he would have thought of Gondola?
I see that gondola
We do not know because they have not released the identity of the attacker yet.
What if that's why (((they))) won't release his captured paintings?
They're co-opting culture. It's what the kikes always do. Name it: Music, Painting, Literature. They take treats and make them trivial, then they offer-up their endless critique.
Well this just speaks for itself, doesn't it?
This is correct, but you ought to also point out that (((veganism))) is also a kike trick. jews play both sides, and bend both of them to their own ends. They do this, so they are guaranteed to win.
Jews hate vegans and condition the goyim to hate them as well. Veganism is all about rejecting hedonism and debauchery in favor of living a life where you don't support immoral actions through your consumer habits.
If you think veganism is bad, you've been misled by kikes.
Sounds groovy and all… but if he didn't like the death of living creatures why did he start his whole crusade? Of course I have heard several times that he wasn't trying to kill the Jews but rather push them out of the country or seclude them from the German population, and that those who died were merely casualties of living conditions and basic human fragility (malnutrition, disease, old age, etc.). But I also hear the whole "genocide" spiel a lot too, and the whole idea of people being able to tell lies at all confuses the shit out of me. The whole war might not have even happened and it could just be an attempt to smear some german dude some people might say; others would say that 7 gorillion jews were killed because of his creulty; others still might say that Hitler was just misunderstood and we demonized him for that very reason. The fact that any one of these people that could say "Oh Im telling you the truth - he was evil/neutral/good" really fucks with me and I can't tell what to believe. I need some seriously hard proof, but then even by this point I know that proof can be forged as well - another lie used just to sway someone. I can't trust words or physical evidence, because it could all be mud….
then again, I tend to not care. To me, whats in the past is in the past, and I wish people would just shut up about this stuff and move on with their lives. Its VEEERY rare that I take any sort of interest in any of this stuff.
Then why are you on Holla Forums? Hitler was not trying to wipe anyone out. All he wanted was peace and prosperity for Germany, that's it. The Jews declared war on him.
>(((managed escape)))
This is one of those "rare times" I mentioned. I came on here for other things and saw this trending (hoping that a shitstorm was brewing over one of hitler's paintings because I am a sucker for public unrest over such trivial things) and I clicked and read.
Why the fuck would you use a screwdriver to slash a painting? All Jewish IQ really is verbal, the rest they have is below average to retarded.
Chose save as "all files" and add .zip to the end, worked for me.
These are actually very good for watercolor. The Madonna and Child shows that he didn't just have a boner for scenery but could properly draw folds in cloth in runny water color no less, which is hard to do.
It's almost like he was rejected by a kiked-up art school which wanted to push abstract shit or something.
write the dream down user, it might mean something.
It's surprisingly petty, but I guess if you're either a Jew or a shabbos goy, there's no such thing as too false.
Tumblr/DA getting mad.
This whole "lel hitler had no actual talent" shit always pisses me off when people spew it.
I've seen a lot of his paintings and they seem pretty good to me, definitively something I'd hang on my living room; I'm not an artfag so maybe they have issues on a technical level I can't really pick up on and are not perfect, but isn't polishing and refining your raw talent the whole fucking point of going to an art school? And that's what he wanted to do, wasn't it?
People just want to feel good about themselves by shiting on everything the man ever did.
You know why we fight, Holla Forums? Aside from NatSoc robo-waifus we can populate space colonies with? It's because, reading that list of attributes above, I realized that it was more than enough for the Jews to hate him. He didn't even need to lead Germany or to be antisemitic himself – those things just upped the volume – No, it's the traits described above that set off the Jews. They hated him because he wasn't the slithering filth they like to see running our countries.
Maybe FOIA could be used to get at least descriptions of the paintings.
I think I just figured out why the kikes were so worried about GG and the rest – Pepe in 2012 was Hitler from 1912.
So, Pepe in 2033check 'em would be. . .
Disregarding the fact that that's bullshit, pretty ironic coming from a comic that looks that shitty. Is that the reddit webcomic?
>Jews slander fags because fags don't buy their (((products))) and end up being healthier because of it, thus also avoiding their (((medicine)))
Actually makes sense. Do you have any recommendations for transitioning to a fag diet? I know you're supposed to take a B12 vitamin. Any other tips?
Why are the mods so perpetually buttblasted?
I just wanted to post in this thread to tell you that you're a fucking idiot and I hope you leave in order to improve board quality. How many other threads have you shit in?
You understand that you'll never be a National Socialist, correct? The fact that the mods on what is supposed to be a NatSoc board are banning and censoring animal lovers, is pretty damned disturbing.
I used to do that, I don't remember word for word like some jew reciting his rulebook, but I basically never forget anything
Some few will be redpilled I'm sure, most of them know they are being fed nothing but shit as opposed to older people thinking they are actually informed or objective, yet as far as I can tell the kids these days are dumber than a box of rocks and repeat hollywood/tv/advertising memes to the exclusion of anything else.
I would like to know more
Most of them are disgusted by them, that's why they don't eat them.
Animal rights have nothing to do with national socialism in a political way
That being said animal respect and the way to treat them does have a lot to say about your own character,as it teaches you how to behave when you're superior and many leadership skills can be learnt from animals.
If you can't even gain the trust of an animal how can you mantain that of other man.
So it's more of a character thing,that being said I do eat meat and of course think of it as a personal choice.
These kids are not dumb, they just receive the lowest end of oversimilpified (((education))) to the point its counter-intuitive disingenuity is apparent even to them.
Back in our day the ZOGdrones that were used to reeducate us were at least putting some effort and half truths in their brainwashing and they weren't full blown niggers and pink-haired hambeasts.
I read online somewhere that in the 1950s the US airforce put on an exhibition of captured Third Reich art. However, it turned into an embarassment when it became clear that the public was very impressed with the work, and said things like "Now that's real art, not like all that modern rubbish they're always pushing nowadays".
The exhibition was quickly closed.
Because Poles had started conducting an organized genocide of ethnic Germans in Polish-occupied Prussia. And Hitler wanted to stop that, so he declared Poland. USSR also declared war on Poland since they saw a land grab opportunity. Churchill used this as an excuse to declare war on Germany (only Germany, not the USSR).
Jeez. What a faggot. Please give your Hitler paintings to somebody who isn't so gay.
Wait what the fuck. I thought I've seen all Hitler paintings, but I've never seen this one. doesn't have it. Are there other paintings I've also not seen before? Where can I find a complete list of ALL of his paintings?
Any sauce on that?
The protocol for attempted destruction of cultural heritage should be being flagged for TTDOSL (torture to death on sight legally).
I think I disagree somewhat. There is only so much you can make of people who have been kept ignorant and whose education purposely wastes and destroys their potential in the years where their minds have the most ability to learn.
At least the ones who know they got fucked can be pointed in the right direction, if they can ever be made to care.
They should fear. Hitler and his Prussianism were relics of a gentler age and a gentler people. This time it will be America. Not a nation of communalists but one of barbarians. Americans burned Hamburg and Dresden, Americans nuked the Japs, Americans can and do slaughter their enemies when libtards and kikes aren't holding their leash for the sake of worthless shitskins. Those SS officers who ran the camps for dirty commies would never have killed them, they hung an officer who raped a kike woman and then killed her to cover it up. Americans will put a bullet into the head of every kike, nigger, mestizo, and saracen on the planet and laugh while they do it. They will smile as 20mm autocannon rounds slice through hordes of children and women. They will yip and yowl as they drop canisters of V-series on towns full of muds. They wanted monsters and that is what they will get. By the end they will pray to be facing their bullshit vision of the Nazis, at least those imagined monsters were inefficient in their slaughter. Americans will simply kill everyone as quickly as possible, not out of any mercy but because there are only so many hours in the day and they want to kill more. A people who are drawn from the most bitter expats and mercenaries of Europe and so dour that they would spit at the triumpalism of Germany as naive and soft will show no mercy. If they break their chain they will kill everyone in their path and they will enjoy it.
Even if you didn't like Hitler, that's a piece of history right there made by a significant historical figure. Can't they at least respect that?
Oh who am I kidding, they're leftists. They respect whatever Jews want them to: nothing. Also that painting looks eerily like the scene from Downfall where Gunsche tells Hitler that Fegelein left the bunker. FEGELEIN! FEGELEIN!
not too shabby tbh
Yes quite a lot and almost all have a bias.
Some argue that Hitler wasn't really gifted since he performed not very good in school. From what I've read he just didn't give a shit about school and hated their authority leading to poor results.
If you want to understand Hitler's motivations you also have to have a solid grasp of what Germany was like pre the first world war, during the first world war and in the aftermath. And with that I mostly mean societal factions and how the people where thinking at the time.
The cruelest thing he did as a person was the knight of the long knives. Rohm was his best friends, and had many friends in the SA leadership. Hitler ordered the SS to kill the SA leadership, Hitler personally arrested Rohm and took him to a cell. He gave him a gun and told him to kill himself. 10 minutes later someone else shot him to which Rohm pleaded 'if Hitler wants me dead, let him do it himself'.
I've been wondering how Hitler felt about it all. The incident was covered up that the SA wanted to overthrow the government and redistrubute wealth in a 'second revolution' similar to communists. Every elite hated the SA due to Rohm's demands and speeches, the local population hated them since they behaved like a bunch of drunken ANTIFA mobs. The army hated SA due to the SA demanding that the army would be integrated into the SA.
I wonder how Hitler felt about doing that.
On a volk level, righteous.
On a personal level, disturbed by what he had done. But his rationale was solid and that's why he went through with it, in my opinion.
Dub dubs confirms that guy for being a faggot. Please go and stay go
It's the combination of a racially aware SS devotion to the cause and no fucks given, god will know his own american fighting that will probably be necessary to awaken the sleeping giant within our race that is necessary to save us.
Tangent: I think this is why the jewish media memes all the ptsd and feels and softheartedness in war movies. Likewise, it's why I think Grossman (presumably jewish and probably projecting) does the same in On Combat and On Killing only with added pissing and shitting yourself and fake statistics on not shooting the enemy.
What a failed artist :^)
Wait up fam, Hitler was ahead of his time in terms of meme smithing.
Did he draw that cat picture? Looks like something you'd find on Holla Forums.
Uncle Adolf had little to do with prussianism for he was from so south down he was born in Austria and catholic,that being said,I do agree when the time comes we will have to fight our humanity and give them hell.
Colonialism wasn't a mistake,letting survivors was,to think that nowadays we have the means and technology to our and cestos could only dream of as they died fighting the barbaric hordes of shitskins and their descendants are so kiked and pussified they let themselves get robbed mugged and their sisters raped.
Whenever I see shit like that I try to remember so that if ever there is a time I have a choice of letting survivors I'll remember the dead faces of so many other ones killed not for our hate but for our kindness
This is why people hate fags.
No. I simply thought it might be an appropriate reaction image since my first image was a cat and this is a thread about paintings.
But then da goyim can fuhget da SIX MUHILLION
People hate v3gans because v3gans aren't hypocritical retards like the rest of so called animal lovers.
In my opinion there's nothing wrong with eating meat that was raised locally by ranchers/farmers, cared for, and kept uncaged in natural fields until the end of its life, with being killed humanely, none of this kosher/halal throat slitting tomfuckery.
And I also would agree that factory farms are monstrous creations, it just ain't the way it ought to be.
Go graze some more, fruitcake.
They will push anything if it makes them a shekel.
It's obvious to anyone who lurks or posts here why modern art exists, and why art itself is under attack. The question is now what to do about it.
Eradication of white art.
Eradication of white culture.
Eradication of white identity.
Eradication of white race.
Eradication of whites.
Leftards hate beauty.
abstract does not equate to "modern art" and can be good nigger, as long as it comes from a place of knowing why it is being made abstract and lacks the artist trying to claim it has some kiked up profound message every chance it gets.
those are wonderful.
He taught himself to paint while living in a fucking homeless shelter. He sold his paintings on the street for money. He would have been a very hardworking student in the art academy. He would have probably have had a successful career as an illustrator.
As it stands yes, he didn't have the technical skill of a trained painter. But many of his works are perfectly good as wall hangers in a middle class home.
Half-correct, they want an easily established boogeyman they can scapegoat as this planets ultimate evil from now until the end of time, they don't want people to know Hitler was actually a person trying to erase the wealthy badguys.
This is really good. Thank you.
I strongly believe that hitler was rejected because ,during this period, kikes were defining what was or wasn't considered as Art.
Goebbels felt the same and was frustrated with the kikes who owned the litterature industrie and wouldn't buy his productions.
Both anomalous rejections were key to understand their mindset. The rest is history.
I can see a lot of similarities between this period and our's. The kikes keep doing the same mistakes. They keep corrupting everything and a lot of talented people can't break the glass ceiling. They will in the forefront of our epic war.
This is really good. Thank you.
I strongly believe that hitler was rejected because ,during this period, kikes were defining what was or wasn't considered as Art.
Goebbels felt the same and was frustrated with the kikes who owned the litterature industrie and wouldn't buy his productions.
Both anomalous rejections were key to understand their mindset. The rest is history.
I can see a lot of similarities between this period and our's. The kikes keep doing the same mistakes. They keep corrupting everything and a lot of talented people can't break the glass ceiling. They will in the forefront of our epic war.
>operating like a lobby group with (((interests)))
Textbook shill tactics, leftipol. Nice try though
How about public slapping instead? Everyone in the area gets to smack the person in the face while law officials hold him back. If any person knocks him out then it ends because of course slapping a KO'd dude ain't gonna do shit.
Because it's not the kind of narrative they're painting about Hitler, remember he's supposed to be bad at art.
I'm extremely late to this old post, but why don't you read what he FUCKING SAID ABOUT IT? Rohm was a traitor looking to either oust Hitler or have him assassinated (I'm not confused on this, he wanted either one). Look for Hitler's Speech to the Reichstag, Berlin. July 13, 1934. He explains everything. The man was always straightforward, unlike any other politician to date.
can I use a Skrewdriver to destroy him?
cool painting IMO
Hitler painting, surely a piece of history, but to this fucking stupid kike basically just an effigy. Let this animal strike as it will, pathetically, with a snivelling demeanor. Adolf Hitler isn't his fucking paintings. He is the prophet and purveyor of the eternal, ultimate ideology of the white race.
Struggle as you will, hebe.
These are beautiful. The people who say he was a bad artist should be ovened.
Hitler was a drug addict Jew who destroyed Germany and Europe for the Jews. And enabled the creation of Israel.
And you fags worship him.
Fuck wrong thread.
Alright, prove it.
There were no "ovens" WN genius.
Hitler's art was rather low-key and more representative than expressive, but the piece in OP's post has a really subtle surrealistic quality. Kind of surprising.
Fuck off, newfag. We don’t want you.
The holocaust didn't happen, but it should have.
The holocaust didn’t happen, but it will.
It makes perfect sense if you understand Jewish nepotism, and the fact that most of the art-world at the time was a money-laundering scheme for wealthy Jews…just like it is today.ptxb
None of those artists made those works while at the academy and the academy wouldnt have approved of such works. Schiele had to draw life models and plaster casts in an academic way just like everyone else at the time.
The Allegory of the Cave, user. The younger subject is in the next frame, peering into the previous frame where the older subject sits and stares at the projections on the "wall". The "wall" is the picture plane to the viewer.
Our reality is nothing but a willful illusion.
This isn't cuckchan, everyone here is pro-white.
I love the painting. Would be a pretty cool album cover tbh
Archived for beautiful paintings, good information, etc.