Watch the video at time mark 7:58 and 8:22. The driver catches a shots fired from the top of the Luxor. Now that I think about it, it's the perfect place to hide since the bright light conceals muzzle flash.

Maybe a sniper at the Luxor took out Paddock, who knows.


Other urls found in this thread:

I didn't really see or hear anything, what am I looking for OP?

quads say it all

Webm it you stupid lazy nigger.

its from the taxi video, im pretty sure anons already uploaded a slowed down version unless they only did that for the "shooter on the ground at point blank" which was false.
anyways OP is talking about the audible pop with a flash at the top of the luxor, it seemed really odd but not new.


I couldn't really hear a pop over the other noise, I saw a flash during the 2 closer shots of the top of the tower but that looks to be a visual thing with the camera and the lights more than anything I don't remember shit about this type of thing from high school so pls no bully

this. stop being niggers, anons.

edited or cam glitch.

I was only saging because it should be in the vegas sticky but this much shilling made me mp4 the clips and slow it down myself. get fucked, its not the light at the top of the Luxor and there is a flash with a pop in sync.

luxor is the only casino i semi-approve of because of its outstanding architecture. it's too bad that nothing but degeneracy goes on inside.

Thank you for mp4ing that video user.

If it means anything, I got this from a 4cuck post that was deleted after four replies, and not because it was slid. It was outright deleted.

4cuck deletes practically anything incriminating. but slowed down to 25% speed the flash both sounds and looks like a muzzle flare so its good enough for me that its a potential sniper.

That's pretty fucking damning. I would even call it a smoking gun

Was it only one shot? Do we have more footage of the Luxor? Also, thanks for the mp4, cuck OP let us down.

Certainly looks like something. If its not doctored footage. Someone save it plz incase baleted. This needs an explanation. If there was a sniper ..

And our politicians react like hysterical women to ban another piece of armaments, what is particularly unique about this shooting to justify it?

This is fake and edited in.

You're fake and gay

I'm pretty sure she just hit her phone against the window and it distorted the light at the top of the weird pyramid thing

Fake. Wouldn't we see the flash, then hear the gunshot? It appears to be some distance.

weird, the "gunshot" looks like it comes from the very top though. So unless someone scaled the building and decided sit on top of it there has to be another explanation. That light is extremely bright, you can see it throughout vegas at night. It probably would be extremely hot and extremely blinding if you were to get that close to it.

Obvious well-poisoning. Hope you get banned for this.

That's clearly what it is, but both 8/pol/ and 4/pol/ are being flooded with blatantly retarded theories for some reason.

Oh shit, no!!!!!

I watched this shit yesterday and there was no flash/pop from the top of the Luxor. It's fake. Guarantee it.

No dont think so, and the taxi video only shows one shot. However the police scanner makes mention of a black car being dropped off at the Luxor sphynx as well as a possible sighting of someone with a gun going into the restroom. LVPD scanner says stay away from that area. Possibly thinking its a bomb in the car.

It's in the original video from days ago you fucking shills.

Nothing else is distorted, no other lights, only the light from the Luxor. Bumping doesn't explain it.

That's quite large and bright for a muzzle flash. And like another user said, that light on the top of the pyramid is so bright. l doubt you'd be able to see something like a muzzle flash in front of it.

The original video was posted on Oct. 2, and was not on Youtube. I don't remember what site it was and I'm sure that makes me a fucking shill, but that's not the original.

Shouldnt that be easy to reproduce? Need a las vegas user to try it

Also why would it only distort the top of the lux and nothing else?

I do agree that the muzzle should appear before the sound, but how damning that is, I'm unsure of. Certainly made me skeptical.

I meant the timing I'd the muzzle and the sound of the shot. That would be a pretty loud shot as well and we don't see the reaction of the driver.

How big is the muzzle flash on a .50 cal BMG sniper rifle?

Here's a video of one:

The brightness of the muzzle isn't a thong concerning me, since it is so fucking dark in las Vegas, ive been there. The dimmest light from the muzzle would still show against that sky.

thats not very bright

seeing muzzle flash and sound later is really down to how close they are. The taxi driver was right near Mandalay Bay but drives away from it, and Luxor is right next to it.

heres the police scanner clip of a black SUV being left at Luxor

The the flash definitely was not a muzzle flash associated with the sound.

That's a big gun.

2nd shooter is a bullshit ploy to detract from the fact he was a converted Religion of Cuck™ic fucknugget.

So the cia mossad zionist plan is to make Isis tell the truth and alex homes make conspiracies ?

Isis has been caught lying before when claiming responsibility, though, hasnt it?

There is NO delay in this video:

At the distances involved, there should be significant delay.

Maths. This isn't feasible and I do see distortion slightly on people when the phone hits the window

Being CHARITABLE there should be at least 800 feet delay.
This doesn't even take into account the height of the Luxor.

==__This thread is bullshit, mods should delete it and BAN OP FOR WASTING OUR TIME WITH HIS BULLSHIT==.

>Being CHARITABLE there should be at least 800 millisecond delay.
Is what I obviously meant. .8 seconds. Very noticable. There is ZERO delay in this video:

this is the most plausible thing I've heard so far.

The fact that it coincides with a pop on the soundtrack cannot be happenstance. And it's WAY too bright…like 10 orders of magnitude too bright…to be a muzzle flash.
I don't want to sound woo-woo, but it looks like a radioactive particle when hitting film. Could be something numinous…it is at the top of a huge pyramid during a mass slaughter, after all.

this is fake you retards. this guy is what, 1, 2 miles from the luxor and the flash happens in the same frame you hear the report? that's fucking stupid. from that distance there would be a noticably delayed report from when you witness the flash. someone doctored this footage but they're retarded so you can easily tell. however, this indicates that some fags are faking footage of the incident to push >le 2 shooters meme, so expect to see more realistic footage soon that will probably also be fake
looking at the replies now other anons already noticed this but i'll post anyway because yolo
also there's a lindybeige video concerning this exact same phenomenon in a movie where even down a hallway there would be a few frame delay between the flash and the muzzle report

pick one, noguns faget

this is also retarded. banging a camera wouldn't cause such a distortion. it was obviously faked

Probably somewhere between 1,000 to 2,000 feet away, but you're right. There should be a significant delay:

Went and plotted the taxi drivers path and where it looks like they would have seen the the flash. They turn their head to the right and see people climbing over the fence so it's impossible for it to have been on the closer side. So chalk this one up to a phone bug or a fake edit either way putting this one to bed.

High quality .50 BMG ammo (read: not surplus machine gun ammo) can be very accurate at long ranges. .50 BMG is sometimes used in "sniping" scenarios, though mostly for hard target interdiction…

really makes one think

Hail Kek, full of base.

That's the position I figured too. 1500+ feet.

I meant turn left
apparently im dyslexic tonight

say it with me, user
a n t i m a t e r i e l r i f l e


Correct. Though it's been used against men on occasion. It's really not meant for "sniping", but like most rifles can perform reasonably if pressed into that role.

yeah but even used in a sniping role you wouldnt call it a sniper rifle tabun

Cmon guys, you know the muzzle flash and the audible report of the gun would arrive at significantly different times at that distance, right? Have you ever been outdoors? Whatever that flash is, it is correlated with a noise *inside* the car, and therefore is probably not actually coming from the top of the pyramid.

If you are going to fake shit, at least understand the physics enough to know that the flash has to happen nearly a full second before the sound. Stupid larping JIDF. SAGE.

You are awfully concerned about deleting this thread…

started the path plot matching up the lights. so this confirms the taxi's starting position. following along the video noting where they turn puts it on the outside side of the festival.

There's also some of the same popping sound scattered randomly throughout the video so it's a phone bug.

Because I proved it fake and OP is either malicious or an idiot.

>even though OP has been proved wrong

Bump, wtf is this shit? A camera malfunction that happens identically twice?


Listen to the shooting at :30, then listen to the shooting at :53


Gullible dumbass.

And shooter in the crowd dressed as cop. Shoots then runs away

You've proven nothing. The time between a muzzle flash and the sound is imperceptible from a certain distance and you have no idea how far away she is.

Look at how many of "you" there are making nearly copy pasted arguments and shouting "sage".

You are abnormally invested in shutting this discussion down.

Everyone should highlight and read all of this guys posts and compare them to other shills you've seen in the past.

Not at 1000+ feet. The difference would be significant.
We do. See:

>They turn their head to the left and see people climbing over the fence so it's impossible for it to have been on the closer side.
They were 1500+ feet away. Even if she were on the other side of the block, which doesn't fit the video evidence, she'd still be 900 feet away:

The time between the muzzle flash and the gunshot sound should be at least .8 seconds (at 900 feet). More realistically, 1.3 seconds.
Check the maps and math for yourself you moron.

>1+1 doesn't equal 2 if the conclusion contradicts what I want to believe
I find it hard to believe any legitimate user on Holla Forums could be this dumb. You've probably been sent here to play stupid and shit up the board quality.

Kill yourself kike. Take a screwdriver and slam your head down on it.

You can't refute a damn thing I've proven, dumbshit.

there is a delay between the start of the flash and the sound

You can't prove a damn thing you've said, kike.

At the distance involved, there should be a 1.3 second delay before the sound. The video isn't even close to that.

Open the video up in a video editor and go frame by frame to measure it. Pull up maps of Vegas, measure the distance yourself. Do the math yourself. If you do all of this, you'll find that I'm right.


theres also the possibility of slight audio desync issues. its pretty common with cellphones and youtube uploads. we have to find something visible in the video other than the flash that makes sound to confirm the sync. also find the unedited video if this is an edit. theres also the possibility of the flash being real while the pop sound is a glitch. ive had cameras that have made pop and buzzing sounds as glitches in recordings of bright lights.

Look at the reflection of her phone in the window - the sound is coming from her bumping her phone into the window.

Watch the last, slowest replay. Keep your eyes on the space below the light atop Luxor. Makes it clear that it is a phone camera glitch; if we're going by occam's razor here…

There is a glitch that happens twice in a row in sync with her bumping her phone against the windows, twice? And this light glitch happens in the exact same area (top of the luxor) twice? And she just so happens to bump her phone in sync with it each time?


It's not a 'light glitch', everything else in the frame jumps too

Watch the last slowmo in the mp4 again and look at these areas


Or maybe flashes were in sync with the sound because the bump caused both? And not gunshot traveled at multiple times the speed of sound to arrive at the same time as the flash?

She bumped her phone which caused a flash of light, and both times the flash of light just happened to be on top of the Luxor?

When the video is slowed down there is a slight difference between the flash and the sound. It is there so either more information is needed on the location or he didn't do as good of a stitch up job as he thought.

You're either a complete sperg or being deliberately disingenuous - watch the very last slowmo in the mp4 again and look at the areas i circled, and also the light at the bottom of the Luxor which you can see peeking out from between the two white structures - notice how that and the things I circled are also the brightest things in the frame? That's because *everything* in the frame jumps, you're just noticing the top of the Luxor because it's the brightest thing in the frame.

Muzzle velocity is variant on several factors. A high end rifle can EASILY surpass 5000ft/s.

That's not what he's saying. He's saying sound is limited in speed, the bullet obviously can exceed it as does light from the muzzle flash. At a distance of twice the speed of sound travels is should be more pronounced than even what it was when slowed down where there is an obvious delay.

fake and gay

At the distances involved if the flash were muzzle flash and the sound were the gunshot, there should be a delay of 1.3 seconds. There is no way around this.

Do the math yourselves, dumbshits.

The bullet is supersonic. It arrives on target before the sound of the gunshot, because sound propagates slowly. The muzzle-flash arrives before the bullet, because light is as fast as it gets. In this video the light of the muzzle flash should arrive more than a second before the sound. That's not what happens. Either the video is doctored by a moron, or the sound/flash are not a gunshot/muzzle flash.

well what about the sound? isn't there a delay, light travels faster than sound. the normal shots sounded weird too, no echo's, sounded phony as hell. or maybe luxor does that periodically as an indicator for air travel or something. the fact that that sound happens instantaneously with the blink makes it definitely seem off

(upon further lurking someone already said this stuff but w/e)

If you inspect the frames individually the right side of the Luxor goes dark as well which suggests the window shifting when she bumped into it with her camera device.

>>10715751 >>10715877

Distance from the Luxor to where she's positioned is approximately 1,500 feet or 457.2 meters.

Speed of sound is 343 meters/second

457m/343 m/s = 1.33 seconds

Sound delay should have been 1.33 seconds, and there was no sound delay. She must have banged the phone against the window or something.

Forgot image:

if you think that's a muzzle flash you literally are the dumbest fucking nigger on this site

Look how many different ID's are trying to shill this "she bumped her phone" explanation.

Maybe it's because that is obviously what is happening in the video?

eye wintess reports of at least 7 shooters starting to surface from people who where there
saying the media is lying to us

Do you understand the difference in the speed of light and the speed of sound? Quit being retarded.

You are literally too retarded to insult.

Wow you 4Chan guys had us figured out quick. Guess you're as smart as people say you are.

This is not helping your case at all.

Get a friend and a hammer that you painted french titty pink for high visibility, take that friend and hammer to a football field, have said friend hit the goal post with the hammer while you watch from the other side of the field, note the delay in seeing the hit and hearing the hit.
A foot ball field is a whole hell of a lot shorter than the distance between the top of the lux and the taxi here and yet there is absolutely no delay. The speed of sound doesn't change because it's louder.

Alright, I give up. How about the fact you can literally see the reflection of her recording device move towards the window, the pop then the device moving away after? How does this not scream dumb bitch bumping her phone into the window?

Yeah, I thought this video could be something at first. But this debunks it completely, I can't believe I didn't see the reflection before.

But just look at this thread, a thorough analysis of a tiny section of video showing a strange anomaly. I'm glad OP shared it with us even if it turned out to be nothing. People should be free to make even the most outlandish claims here, and people should be more than free to tell them they're retards, but both sides should have a platform to present their arguments. I have faith that the truth always wins in the end if you have true free speech.

This should have been thread.

Why are people still replying to this? Recommend reporting anyone who bumps this slide thread.

I hope all you stupid niggers ITT who insist this is sniper fire will end up under rifle fire during nighttime at some point, so that you can experience the magic of the differences in speed of light, projectile and sound for yourself.

To clarify further, the lack of delay in the sound was a pretty solid debunk anyway, obviously assuming that the video in question was originally in sync to begin with. I downloaded the original video soon after upload and the anomaly appears identically in that also, with the rest of the video showing the vision and audio to be perfectly in sync. The reflection of the phone is pretty conclusive though. We can move past this now. But it's good we are looking at every angle here because who else actually is?



This is shooped in.
Nice diversion and muddying of the narrative.

video seems fake in that I know how I would reproduce it in like 20 minutes of editing. Also the flash it way too big. It feels like there is definatley an imposed setting of the luxor either way so it wouldn't surprise me.

I don't think it's fake. I thought I saw the same thing from the original videos posted of this. The pyramid flashes ever so quickly. Or it seemed to.

I could pause it right on time. This mp4 maybe enhances the effect. However, if it were a gun shot from that distance, the flash should have proceeded the sound noticeable and they are seen instantaneously in this clip.

The phone hit the glass. I don’t know what would cause the brightness on the Luxor by tapping the phone, but that’s definitely the sound from hitting the glass

The phone hit the glass. I don’t know what would cause the brightness on the Luxor by tapping the phone, but that’s definitely the sound from hitting the glass

I couldn't* pause it on time

You glowing again faggots.

Btw, the main witness (One of your own I presume) just an hero'd yesterday. Get this 3 hours after the FB eye left his house. He took his disabled daughter in the back yard and blew her head off with a shotty. Then…put the shotty to the back of his own head and also blew his own head of as well.
According to this report, upon the FBI searching the Mandalay Bay Hotel room used by CIA gun runner Stephen Paddock, a cell phone charger was discovered that had no accompanying phone—with SVR technology experts noting that this type of charger is used to charge a CP502520 3.0V 600mAh Li-MnO2 Non-rechargeable Thin Cell Battery used in various communication devices by both US Special Forces and CIA forces.

This thread about 'where is the LVMPD dump with encryption key' got archived swiftly on 4chan

Instead of yelling to the world that they are GOING to post this shit, they should just post it. Makes me think its a bunch bullshit otherwise.
Crisis Actor gets outed

They do this with every fucking one of these stories but people STILL refuse to get it and pretend it's a stand-alone coincidence every time.

Maybe this time it will be different? Normies are questioning everything about this shooting. MSM keeps changing the direction of the narrative daily.

thumbnail posters get the rope too…

Which song was Aldean playing when the bullets came?

really makes those cogs cogitate.

Holy shit, you're one dense motherfucker.

First, you can clearly see the reflection of the phone as it hits the window as pointed out, causing the "pop" and the flash due the vibration.

Second, sound travels slowly, in the video you can hear the "pop" sound and see the flash at the same time, despite the luxor being at least half a mile in that direction.

Third, the temperature at the luxor's sky beam room exceeds 100ºC, enough to make the water in your body boil, this is because the energy needed to make a beam of light so visible also causes a lot of heat, so good lluck to anyone wanting to be there at that time.

What if OP is doing a double switcharoo.
It would be logical that a shooter was positioned on the capstone of the pyramid to rain down on the attendees and not to be seen. I saw a lot of footage that showed the hotel and there were basically no muzzle flashes, especially strange since he used AK's.
So the cone would be perfect to mask it.
But OP does a masking and redirecting in one swoop by attributing a shitty video with a doctored/error image in it as if "hurr durr there is a muzzle flash 10 meters in diameter with instant sound" thus making this theory seem retarded. A sort of a gaslighting technique.

Would be preferred if popping the Air Fuel Tanks was intended. Puncture, then spam the tracer ammo that wasn't used for whatever reason.

How close are they to the Air Fuel Tanks? Cabbie's on the right side of the concert to pass near them, no? Aerial view with tanks here: ← Does that accurately represent the car's position at that moment? A little further back on the street puts the apex of the pyramid in line with the nearmost Fuel Tank (about midpoint of the green half-circle in the Concert area.)

Fast enough round that hits close enough for the impact's sound to arrive sooner than the sound barrier crack, or original report itself? Would imagine higher velocity munitions at play if going for the Fuel Tanks.

Lens-flare type thing going one between the camera and window

The people going out of focus seems to indicate the camera getting cross-eyed, aperture opens too much when it taps right next to the glass, there you get the flash. This

Cabbie had one too, kek

Remote gun platform. Helicopter passing – or hovering thereabouts to obscure fire.

OK, so maybe this is a glitch or fake or something.
But the way to verify whether it is or not would be to find other footage that is pointed at the pyramid and see if you can make out any sort of flashing light.

Logically, hiding muzzle flare within one of the brightest man-made lights ever made makes a lot of sense.
Even if this turns out to be a dead end, I think it's worth taking the time to look into, especially when all of our other leads have gone cold.

It's worth noting that police scanner reported a "black unknown truck" moving south towards Denuvo at one point, and there's footage of two black SUVs around the Luxor.
Maybe the "black vans" -john spoke of were transporting the shooter away from the pyramid…?

Deep state forced to use cheesy and transparent video effects to support their narrative.
Hilariously fake.

Sorry for double-post but

What the hell happened at the Luxor hotel the day after the shooting?
It couldn't be…


What the hell happened at the Luxor hotel the day after the shooting?
It couldn't be…

Ugh, double posted, Holla Forums servers incredibly unresponsive right now…


You retards are hopelessly braindead retarded.

That light on the luxor kills like 5000 fucking birds a year by cooking them alive. Similar to that solar energy generator/mirror array nearby.

No one is sitting on top of that bitch and firing a rifle.

God you people…….

Also: SOUND DOES NOT MOVE AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Jesus Christ CIA disinfo shilling thread. Sage as fuck.