Are there ANY games where you can play as a Gyaru?

Are there ANY games where you can play as a Gyaru?

Any at all?

Even one?

Any game with character custimization you fucking nigger.

What about games where you can play as a ganguro?

kimochi warui

There is one in Samurai warriors 4-II. But for the love of god, pirate it.

look at this weeaboo faggot
look at him and laugh

sometimes i want to make a barely vidya related thread about things i like too

Senran Kagura, if you count Shiki.

A game with snapdragons would go nicely with gyarus.

You just wanted to post Galko didn't you?

How is that a "belief" related to "paranormal folklore"
They objectively look like fucking skulls

despite her interests in fashion she's the most lovely SK character period

TN Note : Gyaru means girls

You got me.




i think the japs are trying to tell americans something.

What gives you that idea?

Considering the subculture has been reported as fading…

They're trying to be westerners.

Galko is too perfect not to post, user


i saw it in a hentai once

Is this a good anime cartoon?

I bet you did, you pervert.


Yes its great, go watch it right now.

I haven't seen it, but Galko reminds me a lot of my girlfriend and she really enjoyed it so it's probably pretty good.

Watching the 12 episode anime series takes about half an hour, it was an anime short.

Okay, thank you.

kill yourself

i really love that doujin




Yes, yes I know

Thread is bumplocked, post more Galko

Team Ninja Note?

They look like a drag show.

Everything is carefully chosen to distract you from the fact they are ugly women.

sounds like feminism


You have summoned the Gyaru goddess.
Prepare thyself for a tanning !

Is that the cosplayer who got stickied and is now a banner?

Now I understand why their birth rate is plummeting.

Yep. Know thanks to the autist who really disliked her and the really annoying semi duck face with showing teeth she often does.

Don't suppose you know what movie that is?

Samurai II: Duel at Ichijoji Temple

Why even live?