Nier: Automata



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New trailer


I'm starting to think it won't be good. The more I see the worse it is.

If it's like Metal Gear Rising, it's already better in gameplay. I'm curious how the story is going to be when they bring a bunch of dead characters back.

you had only yourself to blame

Least it wont be anywhere as poor as Drakengard 3.

We haven't seen enough of the game, and the content planning from square enix to garuntee that.

I'm being cautiously optimistic. It's not like the gameplay can be worse than Nier's since Platinum's average is better than Cavia's best.

Automata's probably the only game I'm excited about in the future.

I am more into Nioh. I actually got to play it and can confirm I like it. This game would be a financial gamble for me.

The Drakengard series itself has pretty much shown that the creators don't give a shit about their own lore, or rather, took themselves too seriously. Nier itself is a direct sequel to one of the bizarro world endings of the first game, so they can pretty much shoehorn anything they want at this point for the sake of infinite spinoffs just like most Nipkike creators. The whole series is like if a single writer got a game made for each of his shitty early-phase drafts.



Then pirate it.

just watch a LP.

It's a PS4 exclusive. For now at least.

Oh fuck no it isnt. I didnt realize. I will pirate it.

Now I never played Nier, but Drakengard 3 was repetitive and ran horribly, so much so that I cant even work myself up to start Branch B.

To be fair it was only recently that a PC port was announced


Was hoping it would be like that boss fight they showed off. Oh well, the music and concept art seem relly good at least. That chick on the right is HNNNNGGGGG.

Just a terrible shame this is going to release so close to Nioh.

I miss when this fanbase was like 50 people, tops.
Now we gotta explain basic, stupid shit to these unwashed retards and hear them complain all fucking day about the stupidest shit.

Still stuck at the last mission on Branch D.
Kill me.

PC gaming was a mistake.

anyone here played drakengard? whats it about? i heard the games are related somehow?

I miss when faggots like you didn't post

you've recieved your hipster cred for the day


Remember when Yoko Taro Posted Here? I wonder what he has in store for us this time.

Of course it wont be greatest thing ever anymore, its no longer PS4 exclusive :^)

Is Nier just another meme game like Dragons Dogma? Should i bother pirating it?


Drakengard: Madness
Nier: Sadness
Drakengard 3: Insanity
Nier 2: ???

Dragons Dogma was such shit. Holla Forumsirgins are so easily swept up by "hype" and a stupid j rock song. these are the people you discuss video games with for hours a day.


Why are you here?

Drakengard is a shitty game about a psychopath named Caim who trades his voice in exchange for a pact with a dragon to defeat the evil Empire. Your party consists of the mute psycho MC, a misanthropist dragon, a racist genocidal priest, a coward pedo (who's the nicest guy int he game), a whiny shota and a cannibalistic elf. It's pretty shit overall but it has a very bizarre, dark atmosphere that's the draw for many people. The game and its endings get progressively more batshit insane, with the last ending (which involves the protagonists teleporting to modern day Tokyo, defeating a giant god monster and getting shot down by the JSDF) being the trigger to the events that lead to Nier.

It's not required to play it to enjoy Nier, but you should give it a go if you're interested in the premise. It's pretty shit but interesting in a fucked up way.

4chan's the other way, buddy.

Well the story sounds like typical nip fantasy shit but I've always heard the games were shit because of the gameplay. Is it true? Is drakengard worth playing or not based solely on the gameplay?

The only reason to play Drakengard is for the the crazy characters and atmosphere. The gameplay is terrible.

I tried playing Drakengard 1 and it felt like the life was being sucked out of me. I quit after spending half an hour on a mission, dying, and having to do that shit over again

git gud

It's rather the opposite. The party members are all insane degenerates and the game doesn't hold back in portraying them as scum. The only reason they're the good guys is because the Empire is so evil that they look good in comparison. There's no good ending in the game except for the first one and they only get worse from there. It's an interesting deviance from the typical nip fantasy shit. Drakengard 2 is the one that's typical fantasy nip shit and it's shat on by everyone for that reason.

As for the gameplay, it's pretty shit to be honest. It's a drag to play through mechanically and has a lot of annoyances (archers are dead fucking accurate when you're riding on the dragon, hitstuns are annoying as fuck, the game is overall a slow, clunky mess), etc. If you're interested in it only for the gameplay then don't bother, it's very shit in that regard.

They're robots. You just fix them and turn them back on.


Let me put it this way, this game fucking hates you. No, I'm not kidding, this game despises you, your family, your pets, just everything about you, and wants to make you suffer for the high crime of existing.

You know how most games will give you the good ending when you get to 100% completion? The land is saved, the hero gets the girl, his best friend is revived through the power of dreams and shit like that? This game doesn't do that. Instead, as you go farther in this game the ending end with your characters in situations more fucked up than the last.

Ending 1: Your sister is dead, the dragon is sealed, and you wander the Earth with the bitch responsible for it and make her see what she wroght.

Ending 2: Your dragon decides humanity needs to die and summons all her buddies to do it, you put her down and then go off to what is likely death by dragon horde.

Ending 3: Your sister still dies, and her dipshit boyfriend tries to bring her back anly to turn her into some twisted abomination and then YOU have to put her down.

Ending 4: The gods come, thy're giant man eating babies, and the only way to stop it is by freezing time for everything in a huge ass chunk of the world.

Ending 5: Same as before, but Caim goes "fuck that time nonsense" and takes the fight to the god queen that ends with a rhythm game in another world that leads to the events of Nier.

Ever want to go back and play drakengard, do so, and then immediately turn it off due to boredom?
I wish it was more fun to play

I somehow lost my pictures of caim, feed me pictures of a dragon-loving serial killer

"STANDING HERE" would be more appropriate.

Has Caim appeared in anything post D-2?

I try but I usually just end up re-reading that one dark-ip playthrough instead.

Oh shit, everything is gonna be batshit insane!

Can do little man!

Not in a game, but zero wear's his outfit.
We need more of that fuck

I didn't know this was a thing, and I'm gonna read it now. Danka


I sometimes play one stage but get turned off from the gameplay. It does take a certain mindset to get into the game. I even found it kinda fun to kill hundreds of people at one point; that combined with the chaotic soundtrack makes for a weird feeling.

Have some happy murder man

He made an appearance on a Lords of Vermillion game with a stupid-ass outfit. Outside fromt hat he hasn't appeared in any other game. There was an edgy manga following Drakengard 3's ending A where he appears and gets even more batshit insane than the original Drakengard, which then leads to the Drakengard 1.5 Novella that was included in the Drakengard 3 special edition, I think.

Watch up a movie version and look up the lighthouse quest that's what I did because no consolo

I bring good news! embed related

That's the thing, I've gone through it and it's just impossible to get back that murder boner.

Well at least I can teach the next generation the joys of drakengard, even if I can't relive them

Whoops missed the embed

Why does everything they touch turn to shit?

The suffering never ends.

Can I hopeā€¦ for Nier to be back from oblivion?


Holy fuck, look at that be-hind
Wew lad

I want to hug that Caim

I don't know anything about this game but all the girls look cute.


The broads in this are something else

Irish repellent.

Why do their faces look like they're pulled straight out of PS3 FFXIV?
That very same hair, lips, skin, eyes, maybe different nose and eye brows.

Because it's the same character designer.

Are you seriously autistic enough to post that on every thread?

I'm gonna pirate the PC version. I bought the Drakengard DLC and it didn't even come through because I had a different version.

So Squeenix basically stole my money

This is going to be a very odd statement, but I hope the gameplay doesn't compromise the overall experience. I do want a game that feels great to play, but more importantly I want one that's going to leave an impression on me like the previous games. I want it to do stuff that's weird and unconventional that makes me feel uncomfortable, and part of me is nagging that it's not going to be as weird or unconventional as a Yoko Taro directed game should be. Make me have to fight the final boss as a DOS-looking CYOA game thing, or to start the game make me have to restart the game once.

I'm tired and cynical. I love Drakengard's soundtrack and the true final boss' theme is unnerving yet pretty.

pregophiles leave

Enjoy being genetic waste

I think that's a fair point given that Platinum is working on it. The game being "too fun" and having the joy you feel from the gameplay conflict with depressing story bits could be an actual problem. Look at Drakengard 1, sure the gameplay was terrible and made you feel like shit but it was exactly the same with the story and the music. It was all repetitive, shitty, and depressing so the end result was greater than the sum of its parts.

I think they can still certainly pull it off though without compromising the actual gameplay. I'm thinking of something like the part in Lisa where you can choose to lose your arm and the set of things you can do in combat becomes much more limited, but still consistent with the rest of the game. You feel the actual loss of your arm and sympathize with the protagonist much more than you would if the gameplay was the same and he just whined about it in dialouge.

How about

Robot girls can have any damage repaired easily enough so it's fine.

I can't really picture that. I can picture a situation like Hotline Miami or Metal Gear Rising though where the fact that the combat is fun for the protagonist is a part of the story and it tries to make you feel bad for the fact that you sadistically enjoy butchering other humans.

I don't think you can get robot girls pregnant anyways, which of course makes them supreme because in addition they wouldn't smell, wouldn't have periods, and could be programmed to be happy and loving all the time.

In regards to the Drakengard gameplay, I believe Taro had said the gameplay was a result of dev inexperience and not being intentionally bad. If they had the capability they would've wanted it to feel good and enjoy slaughtering everyone, to put you more in Caim's place. What we did get ended up working well with the tone of the game, and really goes to show you a game is a lot more than the sum of its parts.

I don't know what the source is, but I remember hearing that Taro said he wants a boss or something that intentionally lowers your framerate. Something like that in an action game would be interesting. I'm not excusing poor performance or oversight; I'm saying intentionally altering the performance may have a neat effect on the experience.

I can see that working, maybe it makes it ridiculously low like 1FPS and skips 10 frames so it turns into a semi-turn based game since you have time to think about your actions but once you commit it would be hard to cancel them.

It's the FLOWER again

These weeb fuckers are like women, there is no logic to anything they do. They will shit on Skyrim like its the worst game ever then fap furiously to Dragons Dogma.
I think most of these fuckers are mental ill.

Surprisingly quite a few characters returning from Nier. I'm more curious as to whether we'll see some form of Gideon. He pretty much said he'll make killing machines at the end of his quest, so I wonder if he's involved in any of this.

Gotta love Yoshida's artwork. Guy knows how to make them thick .


I forget if Yoko Taro said if this game was a re-imagining, alternate timeline or a loose sequel. Reusing the old characters can be a good setup for some bait-and-switch, like using what we already know and expect from the characters, and then make Emil an asshole antagonist or something. Or maybe that's not Emil and that's his sister.

Loose sequel sounds about right, I guess they don't won't to lose any sales by people needing to play the first Nier. A alternate timeline could be pretty interesting though, they could straight up go nuts and create some mindfucks.

Once genetic/bio engineering reaches to a point where you can raise babies outside of the mother indefinitely you'll see a rise in gynoids and a decline of rabid womyn. That's the ideal utopia anyways.

Is that February release for everyone or just Japan? Also, the PC port is going to have Denuvo isn't it?

I guess it wasn't shitty enough for you

reminder that the translation will be shit because americans apparently cant handle mature themes unless they're childishly executed in a clique walking simulator

>Not wanting post or during alien war Emil

Calling it now, it's going to be about whoever was running the other Replicant colonies making more androids to protect Gestalts, because why the fuck not, it worked the first time around.

And it'll end with YOU WERE A ROBOT ALL ALONG as you murder the last of the Androids/Gestalts.

but we already know the protags are robots

These niggers are absolutely insane for wanting to release the sequel prior to the original game.

seeing how this game will be a Platinum action game many people will hop onto the first one expecting something similar when what they'll actually get is a barely tolerable game

Or it'll just end with two Adam and Eve expies.


Robot girls will probably end up being no different from elf, monster and alien girls: desperate to be impregnated by human males. With their enhanced strength good luck trying to escape.

He does come back (sort of) in Grimoire Nier


Because they are shit.

At least there's this?

This, I'm here for the amazing looking girls.

the dark id. SA goon who did a let's play of drakengard.


I tried playing Nier, and I honestly didn't understand a fucking thing about it.
You start in a post apocalyptic modern city, and then suddenly you're in ancient greece, and there's lots of people but really they're just ghost people that you see as real people because some vague reason, and you're doing fishing and fetch quests for ghost people because ????

Should i even bother?

Since when did Ancient Greece have a military factory?

Didn't they do the translation for Nier?

Yes, and Yoko Taro gave them permission to change the script however they see fit.

Well shit, and I can't be arsed learning nip.

Reading and trying to understand Drakengard/Nier lore is like diving into Tartarus and finding that it contains a deeper, even more mysterious second hell.

Drakengard shit right there, wonder what they'll do with it.


Me too. If it turns out horrible, just buy used or wait for a sale

At least with the PC port, it gives me a certain kind of hope that some pissed off soul will make an undubbed retranslation if 8-4 ends up fucking up the game too hard.

I swear to god if it uses Denuvo I'll resort to pirating it, no matter how much I want to suport Yoko Taro's wild ride.

I have a 5yo son. If think that's funny, then something is wrong with you.

Would you kindly kill yourself user-kun.

Hopefully we'll get a retranslation team like Nep autists.

It's squenix of course it will have denuvo.

If your wife's son kills himself due to heartless cyberbullying then maybe you will regret your awful post. For shame.

yep, but at least fanfiction writers take their stories more serious and give more thought to it than the dragonguard writers did with their story

This, those dudes doing Gods work and I don't even like Nep that much

is the going to be that futa chick?

No, no, it's not that they didn't take it seriously. It feels like they sat down and said
Every bit of critical bullshit is accounted for and the entire thing ties itself up rather nicely. Mind you there are some big holes in the beginning of timeline and the events in Fire of Prometheus and NieR don't really seem congruous with Automata. All the humans should be dead and sentient, hiveminded robots should be doing Kumbaya worldwide.


Oh yeah that's nuts. A group of spergs with too much time on their hands can do a better job than paid "professionals".

This game takes place in the far future. Kaine will be long dead.

But you said re-reading. Hell, someone that replied to you said that they would read it as well and you never corrected it. Did you mean re-watch the whole time?

Is it actually them, or just more robutts of the same model?

Is it me or does that ass seem excessive? It isn't like Japs to give women fat asses like this. Wide hips, maybe. A toned ass? Perhaps. But an ass like that? That's not Jap at all.

This entire thread is filled with PS3 faggots salty as hell their game is no longer exclusive.

Before multiplat

After Multiplat


I always though that the salt about games going multiplat was a myth. I know people here get irked about it, but I never see any full on autism. I then read the youtube comments on the Nier steam announcement. It's amazing how angry people get about losing their exclusive game to "scum PC players who ruin gaming because they all pirate"

Its the same with Dark Souls.
Yes Dark Souls was rushed, yes Dark Souls had cut content, but so did DeS though not as much, so does almost every single game out there.

When DaS was on consoles exclusively it was "One of the greatest RPGS IN EXISTENCE"
Then when it went to PC, THE PC CROWD IS CANCEROUS, despite many of the cancerous aspects were there before Prepare to Die edition.

PC won amirite

Really PS4 faggots on suicide watch, needing to lie like Hillary.


Now why would Square Enix suddenly stop using it for this game?

Just Cause 3 was the first SE games that use Denuvo. From that point on, every SE PC release is using it. Based on this pattern, its safe to say that Nier will have Denuvo. Unless you can give me a recent Square Enix games in 2016 that doesn't use Denuvo.

I thought normalfags just bought games

SE has always been anti customer as fuck.

Were gonna have to kill Emil aren't we?

Can someone explain why denuvo is a problem on a product that isn't shit? I get not wanting it on like dude sex where I don't want to pay for it, but I do want to pay for Nier. Is it just lazy poorfags who care that it's on the game since everyone else intends to buy and support the devs.

Kills SSDs, support intrusive DRM.

Well it is known to fuck up SDDs as well.

Thanks for telling m8

Isn't that pretty well known to be a BS myth? I hate DRM as much as anybody else, but let's not just spread straight lies.

Only the very first variants of it, as seen on say Lords Of The Fallen. Newer variants only waste CPU cycles. Still a piece of shit that fucks with performance regardless.

I've seen it proved, but never disproved. So I'll be sticking to it for now.

Got a source at least? Also yeah, I forgot that it also fucks with performance, thank you.


how Sony is getting all their games stripped away.



When he says valve it sounds exactly like vulva

What games does the PS4 have now?
Bloodborne(Which I've been told that is just like DaS 3, so kinda shitty and only worth a single playthrough) and Disgaea 5(I hardly doubt they could top Disgaea D2, but oh well)

Did you even play Nier? I love it but it looked like a late PS2 most of the time.

There's also the games by Gust, so the Atelier series and that one game with the not even subtle lesbians.
And Persona 5, since it just came out in Japan.

Yeah there's Bloodborne as of right now and that's it. Yakuza 0 is out now if you know nip or don't care, otherwise it's out in January for the west. And Nioh is out in February. Overall if none of these go to the PC, that's 3 games in 3 years.

I wholeheartedly disagree. Look at the hair, the shadows, the models, the FUCKING EVERYTHING looks worse.

Persona 5 is coming out for the ps3 too, though.

Oh right. Well in that case the PS4 somehow managed to be an even bigger nogaems than PS3 in the same amount of time.

To be fair the Xbone isn't doing much better either. This has got to be the shittiest gen yet.

It's probably the best time to own a decent PC, though.


The book where he turn into a goddess with Khaine and fought android gods to protect the earth?

I was talking about this

I have a 7 year old PC. Somehow I can still play every game in 1080p60 on relatively high settings. Then again modern consoles are shitty 400$ PCs with unified memory(which by the way is a terrible fucking idea since DDR is not optimized for the type operations that GDDR is).

You people disgust me. Play the fucking game.

Wat? Wasn't a big part of the ending to NieR or at least in Grimoire Neir that you fucked the replicant system by killing them so the current generation was the last one?

According to the official Nier timeline there were Gestalts who managed to rejoin with their Replicants with the assistance of the Androids, however these were pretty rare cases

Bloodborne is 100% goldenfaec worthy.
It's a brilliant game. And if you havent played it your "gamer cred" has a massive hole in it. Every other fucking aspect of the console is abject SHIT.

And that isn't fanfiction?

Sorry, I should have linked this as well

Yeah it really is a shitty gen. I'm not sure how sony is doing so well with literally one exclusive title worth playing. The majority of people are just playing 3rd party titles as well which is even stranger to me. If you're not buying a console for it's exclusive titles then what the fuck are you buying it for?


Fuck knows, I imagine they'll say convenience or something.

That doesn't matter.
"Joined" replicants/gestalts like what you're talking about will still die because the fusion of Grimoire Nier and Grimoire Weiss was prevented. That fusion would have forcibly returned and fused all gestalts to their replicants and restored "true" humans. The situation you're talking about is a gestalt inhabiting a replicant body and suppressing its consciousness.
Because fundamentally they're still just gestalts, they all relapse and die after the death of the Shadowlord causes an end to the production of red maso.
The androids had to have found a new 'Original Gestalt' like the original Nier somewhere on Earth and somehow completed (or at least drawn out) the project.

nuh uh nigga

o no u did ant

because its intrusive bullshit and more importantly it sets a precedent

your are basically arguing:

its shit, and its an old argument, it doesnt even fucking work in the long run, the peglegs of olde are literally rolling their eyes at us younguns getting salty that nudoom took a few months to creck, its shit, its always been shit, if you dont understand this you deserve pegleg in the anis and youll probably like it

You should think higher of your kids, user. They'll resent you if you don't love them.


I'm not the same user. I just assumed he fucked up and typed dark-ip instead of the dark id. also the lp is in text format, not video.

Denuvo also makes modding next to impossible. Now, these type of games don't usually get modded, but something as simple as a JP voice pack with subs might be out of the question if the game doesn't come with them.

You should remember to mention that the elf is cannibalistic exclusively towards children.


Thats how Iwata went

Iwata had bileduct cancer, which in the BEST case has a 5-year survival rate of 30%. The "average" of all types (not that that makes a lot of sense) is 13%, the worst cases being 2%.
Iwata knew he was about to drop dead any moment.

that's how you can describe more and more platinum games.

Did someone manage to capture the nier interview at tgs? Missed it like a dumbass.

A bunch of new gameplay videos.

One such gameplay video in particular

I'm really feeling it, Holla Forums.

Some of the animations remind me of MGR, there's one attack where the character straight up holds the sword with her feet. It looks fucking ridiculous, and I'm so glad this is a thing.

That's all I know, but it's enough reason for me not to buy games with this shit.

Dodging also reminds me a tad about Bayonetta; 2B kind of phases out of existence a bit after she successfully evades similar to how Bayo broke down into butterflies when she evades.

I'm really hoping the robot learns more shit other than bullets and laser rays if it ever hopes to replace the magical might of Grimoire Weiss


Tied to servers
Can't install game on different machine

Twins they were

Nier is probably our last chance for some curahzee action.

Really hoping they don't fuck up the localization cause the game is looking very good. When the remix of Emil's Karma theme dropped I actually felt some hope for this shitty industry reappear.