Mount & Blade Warband

Just bought dyeworks in every city

What next?

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Get an army of Swadian Knights and attack large armies until your renown goes up

It's 462

Is that enough to start doing some of the late-game stuff?


This shit has more grind than a korean mmo.


Your next goal should be to capture a castle and fill it up with a shitton of peasants.

If you hold ctrl+space, grinding trade is pretty easy

I just start new characters off at level 20. Makes it much more enjoyable.

Enjoy the price plummeting. You will not make any money with dyeworks anymore.

Holla Forums has a very special relationship with grindan. I would like to call it autism, but it's something a little more retarded than that.
This place is as much an echo chamber as any other place is.

No it isn't.

You might be onto something
You do sound you can't think for yourself


Yes it is

In what way?

Dyeworks aren't profitable in every city. You need at least one or two tanneries.

If they cause the overall price to go down, its still not to the point where anything else will earn you more per week, excluding in the one or two cities where velvet is already cheap.

try to make a post about mgs5 or total warhammer and you fucking tell me it isnt an echo chamber

What's your point? Are you implying that everyone is going to have the exact same opinion about those games? A general consensus does not an echo chamber make.
And even then, if someone makes a well reasoned point it will be considered fairly. I will concede not by everyone, but by some. If you go into a thread with the mindset of 'this thing you don't like is good/bad because I like/don't like it' then you are inevitably going to get people to tell you to fuck off.

This is a pretty autistic argument tbh

You are going to hemorrhage money, you fool. Tanneries and oil presses are the most reliable for most cities (in vanilla).

Once they start losing money, I'll swap them out

Also - I didn't get dyeworks in the city where the game said they would run a loss.

I got the enterprise with the highest profit in every city.

People disagreeing with an opinion does not make a place an echo chamber.

Purge Swadians. Vaegirs 4 lyfe.

Remove kebab and either rule their shit sand cities or give them to a faction that isn't the Rhodoks.

Get some music on


i'll shit you with a force of thousand javelins infidel
Why can't this game do long pointy sticks justice?

The demand for the raw materials will soon outweigh the demand for the velvets dumbbutt

I have a mod that makes pointy sticks really useful tbh.

Javelins are top tier for short skirmishes.
Spears and Polearms are great all around.

Dealing couched lance damage in tournaments is incredibly satisfying, but is there really an advantage to using these types of weapons on the battlefield, when a decent sword with good reach seems to be a more efficient, versatile, and safe (in the event that your horse bites the dust) means of mounted slaughter?

I think all they'd need to change to make spears more viable would be to make holding a thrust attack work the same as couching so people and horses couldn't just run up on you and make the thrust do zero damage.


Was released today for consoles, I bought it for ps4, I have it for steam hundreds of hours on it. I was morbidly curious how it plays. Don't just don't. It is absolute shit on console. The combat is ok if you're on your own, however if you want to do anything else it's so slow and unintuitive, I gave up after 30 minutes.

Atleast this way taleworlds won't release butterlord on the consoles
I know some bulgarian will lynch me for this but, taleworlds are some pretty cool turks

Comeon user, steppe it up.

I'm not surprised.

The industries in the base game are pretty shit. Nova Aetas does industries pretty well.



Have you watched any of the videos talking about Bannerlord?



I think the entire Metal Gear is average and Kojima was one of the first failed film students to resort to vidya as a backup plan.

I haven't played TW, is it like Rome or have they changed it up?

Forget about him. The last thread where the devs said they would port the game to consoles, Holla Forums sperged like the overly autistic retards and called bannerlord a failure.

Aren't they just porting Warband over?

Build up a warchest of about 250,000 denars then you should be good to do some Calradian public service and wipe out the Saranids and claim your throne.


The claimant quests have only despair, don't fucking do them.


the claimant quests were uncompletable before 3.5 even

that's an interesting siege tactic
what's your army comprised of?

- work as a merc for a while, switch between factions and get cozy with a few lords from each faction, win tournamets
- after some time you should have built up a good army and relations, possibly even a few buisnisses
- now it's the time to pick a faction. Get cozy with the king and marshal and ask to join (marshal may offer)
- take the opportunity to take an enemy TOWN, ask the king for it. Ask other lords to support you in this.
- once you have a town, start making your own knightly order, butter up to the best lords.
- woo the best lady and wed her
- take enemy castles and ask for them.
- keep doing this until the king refuses to give you the castle you conquered.
- you can now rebel and carve out your empire.

Archers in PoP are OP as hell and far too accurate.
If you have your custom knightly order archers or the elven archers, you will MURDER the castle defenders by sniping them off the walls

They're super buggy in vanilla anyways

I thought I could get some lords to join me. At what point can you solo an army? I'm 30 but spent most points on charisma. I also kinda suck at the combat

I managed to make some progress by capturing some castles and then hoping the Fierdsvain capture it, though in the end Ravenstern loses instead of me winning.

I usually go full ravenstern rangers with the occasional rescued solders when sieging. Anywhere else I just bring whatever

I actually did the mercenary thing for a while and have land in every town. Didn't know you can make your own faction that way though. Probably would've been easier than doing the claimant quest.

Its the usual siege tactic in PoP

you bring an army conprised of 60/40 melee and archers, Ravenstern rangers are the best peasant trained archers in the game

no its ONLY ravenstern, knights and noldor that have that kind of accuracy, even D´Shar suck at archery when off horse
try sieging a castle with fierdsvain archers and see what happens

by "usual" I ofcourse meant "munchkin" because crippling yourself for PR purposes does usually not end well

You need around 200-300 affinity with a lord for them to join you at the start of a rebellion, if they are already landed and part of your family through marriage. Dishonorable and unlanded lords will join you if they dislike the current liege and if your strength is relatively high. Otherwise, it takes to get around 500 relations for them to choose you, because of how unpolished the system is. The PoP politics sim is relatively unchanged from vanilla warband.

Also every time you go down in warband, your "luck" stat takes a hit. When your luck runs out, you're forced to retire although in PoP you can get more luck with those potions you trade a qualis gem for. You can check your luck by going to camp > retire from adventuring, where you can check what epilogue you'd get before being able to choose to go back to adventuring.

In PoP, qualis gems are everything, they let you pad your stats to ungodly levels and get the most broken weapons. Most strats to beat the game involve getting a large quantity of gems sooner or later.

Thats because their weapons skill is so damn high. It makes them swipe super fast and aim super accurate.


What version do you need to play PoP?

If you make dyeworks or something other profitable in a town, do you have to go there and get the product and then sell it?
Or is it sold automatically and the money comes at the end of the week?


The dosh magically appears every week.

sweet. Any good strategies for max pprofit?

dyeworks > all

Oh fuck my primary siege strategy consists of killing myself.

From what I've seen dyeworks give the most money

post yfw op will lose 1/5-4/5s of his dyeworks when he takes a castle or joins a faction

M&B has a simple economics sim where supply & demand affects commodity prices. Each city recieves supplies from the villages that pay tribute, that's why the farmers visit the cities once a week or so. Towns on the edge of the map and bordering the sea also get imports from off-map that are dropped right into the cities. Traders carry goods from city to city and make their profits playing to demand, and when you make a business the profits you receive depend on the value of the commodity, and how easy it is to get the materials to make a commodity.

Dyeworks, for example, don't use any trade good to make dye, but the dye itself is used to make velvet. For cities that produce velvet, dye is in higher demand and will earn you more, as well as positively influencing its prosperity.

On the other hand, if all your cities are making dye then the market will be oversaturated with dye and eventually your profits accross the board will drop. That's not to say that you will ever start losing money from your businesses, but that the optimal business may have been something else.

You can find out what each town and village produces by asking a townsperson/villager.

Here's a forum post explaining it all.

i hate that burned village music
it sounds like people being slapped on the ass while crying to generic sad music, and it doesn't go away after you enter the village until the song is over

The advantage of rebelling when denied a request is that you right to rule and prestiege don't take a massive hit.
Plus, if the king likes you ,the point at which he won't give you more land is when you have 4-5 castles. And that gives you a solid power base.

Yes. Which is why I specified noldor and knghts. I should have typed "elite archers"

The entire soundtrack for PoP is shit with the exception of one song, and it doesn't even fit the setting.


Under sequestration

I see, thanks. Well, time to overhaul all my properties if I ever have peace again.

yo did the latest Gekokujo patch fuck up mounted polearms again?


ymira top qr

I made Ymira my top heal slut.

you could tell them to give you the product rather than having it sell automatically
that way you can sell it to towns you choose or wait till the prices go up, so you can get the maximum possible profit

Any recommended character builds for a new player? I heard Int/Chr was generally considered best for easy mode conquests or is that just a meme?

put all your points in int - trainer/surgery, and give your companions trainer too, since it stacks
after that just focus on getting money
eventually you'll be getting swadian knights easily

Noice, thanks man

there's a ton of shit you might not know despite playing the game for years (even shit in the fucking tips)

Here, let me show you how to do some kingdom building.

I personally hold 1 town, 2 castles and a few villages. Ereything else I distribute among my vassals.
I got an army of 320 and AM FUCKING INVINCIBLE.

griffith apologists please leave

White PHOENIX, not Hawk.
The king of this kingdom isn't a some emo prettyboy faggot.

a phoenix is a chicken on fire
and yours is white
it's pretty much the same thing

if by good men you mean assholes with crossbows

Best heal-slut i want to discipline her till she becomes an obidient slut
Also she levels up quite fast since she is at level 1 and can end up being proficient at arms while comprimising the heal skills

If you said a hawk on fire you might have been closer. But still quite far.

So, I was playing the Viking DLC and was wondering if there was any other mod that had such neat stuff like an animated, 3D backdrop of the towns while you are in them and quests with different choices and consequences?

i think prophecy of pendor had voice acting but i'm not entire certain
it did have retarded voices on the female characters

What's the best implementation of Freelancer in a mod?

It had some old lady give the female voices, it was kind of hilarious.

She later died.

Not voice acting, but all the neat scripting going on. I really like the storyline and the situation it creates.

in the name of dignity and sanity can somebody tell me how it's humanly fucking possible to survive Brytenwalda for any worthwhiele span of time?
who fucking makes a mod where you can trip and fall?

Just disable that shit, it's fucking retarded. Especially since you are the only one affected by it in game.


It's there to distract you from how everyone looks and fights exactly the same

This. Actually, the only thing I hate about Nova Aetas besides the mediocre spelling is the colony build system. It's so fucking tedious, and it makes me seriously wonder why the idiots who bought Fallout 4 like it so much, since it's similar. Though, part of the pain is the fucking invisible walls every time I plant something, but why have the trouble in the first place? Should've done an over-land map or something so you wouldn't have to move around on foot (probably wouldn't be so bad mounted, but you can't ride in the scenes). Also, I don't want to put trees in; they should be spawned in randomly, if possible.

Yeah, colonies are bad. Thankfully they're not really required to do things in the New World. I haven't actually fought the Acztaocs yet, I don't know how many troops it would take to smash them and their puny wooden sticks.

It takes a bit of time but it's worth it.


Please tell me the companion interaction will be fleshed out more. I'm lonely

Cyan is for easy visiblity (color can be changed)

Banner is the banner my mercenary band (and my knightly house) used to have before I became king

White Phoenix is just a name. Why? Because I like white (implies purity, light, goodness) and I like the phoenix (hope, fire, ressurection, destruction).

I might change the banner or kingdom name…


You can disable that. Highly recommended you do so, tripping is one of the worst ideas for a mod ever.

Butter you lords up…with a feast.
Also, having martial lords is a big help.

You should give the marshalship to a trusted vassal and let him have his own shitfest campaigns while you personally conquer stuff.


Man I just realized how short are mongolian steppe horses.

They're called ponies and horses used to be too small for grown men to ride, which is why they used chariots back in the day.

Yes. Being able to oneshot knights.

Is that a joke? Couching lances was is the quickest way to kill a heavily armored target (unless there are guns in the mod you're playing)

Even though I prefer long spears to lances (I'm glad some most remove the pointless distinction), I can't imagine why anyone would use a sword on horseback in this game outside multiplayer. The shorter range is already bad.

Lances are OK, but the AI is terrible with them.

Personally I never give my custom knight order lances - I give them a shield, hammer and two-handed sword. And my seargents get a flamberge, doom mace and silverwood bow.

The combined forces pretty much murder-fuck everything.

Hopefully Butterlord finally lets us do proper cavalry charges in formation.

grind tournaments for about 20 hours, spend a few hours buying land in every city, team up with whoever is at war with the sandniggers and chinks, spend 50 hours following them around, 50 hours recruiting units, get your own town, spend 50 hours protecting, spend 50 hours running back and forth between your town and wherever the war is, spend 50 hours attacking, spend 50 hours trying to get a castle. Takes about 50 hours to get anywhere in the game. Multiply that by hoever many mods you wanna play.

ywn go on a journey of romance and conquest together with your companionfu

AI is also very stupid not because it doesn't do good charges, but because it often refuses to switch weapons and tries to poke enemies with a lance in the middle of a melee (for a whooping 1 damage!).

A fast blunt weapon + shield to deal with armor and archers, and a fast two-handed weapon to cut down the small fry.

I do hope the Butterlord will also fix the lemmings AI. Sieges are comically easy to win if you get inside the walls. enemy reinforcements bee-line towards the wall and ignore you unless you're right in front of them. Which means you can just stand to the side and swing your two-hander like a maniac and watch the heads fly. And the retards just keep coming.

And now that you mention it, some better control over what the AI is doing.

Does M&B even track what armor you are wearing? I seem to recall armor only having one stat and not taking into account what kind of weapon you are using, just the damage associated with the particular move you are executing. There really was no difference between chainmail and plate other than overall damage reduction.

Also, I wish they'd do away with having the combat based around shields. Why should someone in full plate bother with shields? Why should someone like that fear sharp weapons?

Or against pike formations. I so wish you could charge your zweihanders into a pike wall and have them cut off the pikes.

It seems to look that sieges at least have had some serious work done to them.

Then again, considering how much they have opened up for modding, and that they are using C#, it gives me hope that modders will fix it. I do hope the modular approach works so you can mix and match parts of mods you like.

I don't think I've experienced this in a video game before, personally fighting in an exhausting war of attrition. It's pretty fun.

Given that I modded weapons, I can tell you that it does. It's a simple system, but armor has different resistance values for different damage types.

What's your army like?


The samurai way no really, i did this too but i used empire crossbowmen instead of archers.

They'll only accept peace once you caused enough war damage to them. War damage is caused by raping their villages and taking castles(no idea if imprisoning lords helps, but it's a good idea to have them all in the dungeons anyway).

Oh, and asking for peace gives you a penalty at actually getting said peace, because they believe it's an act of weakness. So if you spam peace requests…

That's the point, fam

how do you ask for peace?
i thought only the AI could do it

Only faction leaders can do it. First you go to your main(usually the first you get) caste/city and talk to the npcs there to appoint a minister. Pick one of your companions or your wife, otherwise you won't get all the options. Then, you send another of your companions as a messenger to the other kings.


better girl coming through.

Those two look nothing like the shit-ugly in-game models.

use your imagination, dummy
you get the most enjoyment out of m&b by RPing

Come to that are there any really good rp mods? Ones that flesh out companion interactions etc.?

none that i know of
it's possible to make extra dialogue for the companions, although as i understand the mount and blade modding, you'd have to make it as a separate module
so either you need the source files for whatever mod you want to add the dialogue to, or you need to make a mod yourself from the ground up
in my case i used the source files for diplomacy plus

sorry, not autistic enough :(

I really, really hope Bannerlord allows for more elaborate quests and for proper role playing. It would require to allow multiple dialogue choices, stat and skill checks, the ability to add additional skills, more advanced scripting mechanics, maybe even a good cutscene editor that uses in-game assets.

Some of that they've already showcased, but I rather worry about their comment stating that you will be able to edit everything but the very base of the game.

there's nothing really preventing that right now
the only thing that probably made them not do it is the way the dialogue is coded into the game
making lots of dialogue this way is just tedious
although technically this is just for mods, i have no clue if they did it like this for vanilla, but looking at the txt files, it's probably similar

it needs decent army controls first; the ability to seamlessly switch from main character controls to army controls like in kingdom under fire is needed. i don't want to wank around with shitty menus like in the first game.

I'm about as knowledgeable about programming as your ghetto nigger. I know that modders will be able to use C# to do their shit, which I interpret as leaving them the ability to inject fairly complex scripts and mechanics into the game that don't conflict with base gameplay.

What it first needs is the ability to make the camera assume a zoomed out, "tactical" view that lets you command troops RTS style, and preferably one that lets you do so Total War style.

Too bad, because all the footage they've shown so far was with the old interface, using F keys, with minor interfaces retouches for added feedback.

Then again, what with the promise of being able to mix and match mods, someone will hopefully figure out a "basic" mod that overhauls troop command.

God the floris mod is pissing me off. Why is it so impossible to find fucking trade caravans now? And on top of that trading is now near useless, the only good thing to trade in is slaves! And the tournaments are harder for shittier rewards! Why is this mod praised so fucking highly? So far the only thing it does better than silverstag is being able to enlist with a lord and work as a troop unit. Other than that silverstag is better in every way.

play native expansion if you want a vanilla+
Floris is a kitchen sink mod of the worst kind

I was actually thinking about trying ACOK next. I've heard a few good things but have yet to try it out.

Isn't the modder of that one an autistic faggot that forces events to play out exactly like they do in the books, with the player lacking any ability to interfere in any meaningful way?

To be fair, vanilla tournaments are piss easy and the rewards are stupidly large. It's too easy to finance yourself purely through tournament wins.

Silverstag now has a similar system to that. You can also bring a few troops with you and function as an personal elite mercenary unit of sorts. I haven't tested it yet because the troop recruitment system rubs me the wrong way.

if you want to go vanilla 2: electric boogaloo, try Nova Aetas, should be breddy stable now
and if you want Mountain Rape, try PoP

No idea, havent tried it yet. But can try razing winterfell to the ground later to verify.

They are. I actually like the increased difficulty from floris, but tired of always having a black sturdy horse from every victory and 500 denars for my trouble. If I hadnt been serving a lord and couldnt leave town I wouldnt have even bothered fighting.

Nice! Sounds like I have little to no reason to even bother with anything but silverstag at this point.
Personally I like silverstags recruit system more. It feels more natural to have the castle born soldiers being knights and not it always ending up as some bum from a no name city. And you dont have to spend days building up troops, rather just recruiting men and going to war.

What exactly is mountain rape? Am I delving into loverslab territory on that one?

You are right. I just haven't taken the time to get used to it.

I believe he means there are masses of large armies everywhere wanting to tear you asshole into shreds. Which is the case in PoP.

Unless if you run into a peasant rebellion, which is a bloodbath for their side.

Prophesy of Pendor
Its vanilla-like in its basic structure, but it has its own map and lore, unique game mechanics like custom knighthood orders and all new factions
the mod DEMANDS smart play and troop min-maxing from the player, its also requires a good amount of git gud to not get on the Red Brotherhood Pendor Vaseline Train that is unless you know how to exploit certain mechanics

I wouldn't say that ridiculous grind is getting good.

The peasant rebellion was the most fun event in PoP
literally just a stack of 1000 peasants and a drunken lordling, with its own medieval party music and all that shit

set player and companion XP rates to 4x or import a character, or do both like I do
if you have trouble to git gud even after that I have somber news for you

git gud at grindan

Doesn't sound fun. When I'm desperately searching for prisoners to rescue so I'd have some troops that aren't pure shit, I'll reconsider playing.

you could play a mod that lets you forcefully recruiting villagers, ACOK does that and i think there were others
you either fail of doing it (usually happens more often when you have a larger army) or you get 5-15 recruits, but it lowers your reputation with the village and it's faction
and this works perfectly for you since it sounds like you've fucked up or are too retarded to figure out how to git gud

I don't have problem in most mods. Just PoP where "difficulty" is ramping up numbers.

You do realize that the multipliers are already set to 1.5 in PoP?
Or are you one of those "muh artistic vision" faggots?

If something is a deal breaker, change it until it aint. If something isnt fun, change it until it is.
Its a fucking mod so fucking mod it.

He does have a point. PoP is the very definition of pointless difficulty, the mod expects the player to munchkin the shit out of everything, game the system and win through grinding.

That's not a challenge, it doesn't demand the player to engage himself into the game, it just punishes you for not bothering to abuse the wiki and spending countless hours pretending you are playing a jRPG.

The mod is designed around those variables. Might as well play something that isn't inherently shit instead.

Ahh okay. Sounds right up my alley. Even now in floris I have as many bandit heroes on as possible for the added dangers. Much funner that way, either being in danger of death or being forced to plan your next move.

What's the name of the song in this webm by the way? I really like it.


Im not even arguing against that, the difficulty IS arbitrary in some places, which is why I recommend to MODIFY this MODIFICATION, thats on top of the tweak pack

Vanilla is based around vanilla variables. Might as well play something that isn't inherently shit instead. ;^)

Vanilla is fine as it is. PoP other hand is a turd no matter how you look at it, and fixing how fast your character levels isn't going fix shit design.

Well it obviously isnt since everything around this game revolves around MODDING.

You can drop the spiel now m8, your "muh artistic vision" notion is just as misplaced here as it is misplaces in bioware games.

vanilla is fine, the only complaint i have with it is the fact that getting knocked out makes your troops retreat
otherwise it's perfect and can only be improved by more armours/weapons


well i don't have any issue with it except the one i listed
i spent weeks playing vanilla when i first discovered the game, and then i spent even more time when i started putting mods

started a new save in floris evolved, probably the luckiest start so far
now i just need to hide in my castle while recruiters go and get swadians, maybe i occasionally go out and force more rhodoks to join me
eventually i'll have enough to start taking rhodok castles while still having a large enough garrison in my castle

this already existed in warband, you could click and order troops around the map on the battlefield by pressing backspace or \ or something. Im pretty sure me and like 3 other people are the only people who know about it, though.

is the Star Wars Conquest mod fun?

combat is a bit wonky yet fun
not-blackjack is the greatest thing to ever come to mount and blade
barfights are fun
sieges and battles are a bit boring
village upgrades are awesome, since they let you train extra troops from them (droids, clones etc.)
it's pretty fun

yea, you can click somewhere on the minimap and they'll hold that position
but it's still lacking
you can't tell a line of troops to rotate to a certain direction
you can't tell troops to keep formations while moving
unless you're using mods, you won't be able to tell your troops in how many rows to stay

How do you command horse archers properly? Do you take them with your cavalry proper and lead them around the map pin-cushioning the enemy before charging, or use them like standard archers that have enhanced mobility so you can move them around faster?

i forgot that all the formations stuff i played with was from floris.

tell them to follow you and circle around your enemies

horse archers are much more accurate while stationary. first you eliminate the enemy cav with your cav or infantry wall, then you order the horse archers behind the enemy infantry line and pepper them to death, moving them if the infantry get too close. Combine with cavalry or infantry for a winning pincer attack.

Works even better if you have a mod that lets you split your troops into multiple groups, that way no matter which way the infantry turn youll have a group of horse archers bombarding the unshielded side.

The only mod I found that handles horse archers (and combat, to be fair) correctly is Anno Domini; they actually cantabrian circle the shit out of infantry soldiers.


Anno Domini does some weird shit on Linux. I do remember dealing with this cavalryman in one mod, not a horse archer though, who kept circling me. It might have been Nova Aetas or something.

Might be. Nova Aetas is known for being so complex it often acts derpy from time to time.

Its fun but some of the sieges are such a pain in the ass because of spawn placement. For example:

At the time it was pretty stupid, but it makes sense now, why would he charge me directly after I just butchered his friends?

The horse archer AI isn't that bad - it's scripted to charge the enemy once, then skirmish while focusing on individual targets. It dies a lot because it gets boggled down during the initial charge.

its bad in vanilla because they switch to melee after charging and never attempt to get back to doing skirmishing as they should.

Has anyone tried this one (and is it actually playable, unlike Red Wars)?

Well crap, I just looked for the sauce on the image and I realized it was from leddit. Fucking Jewgle images I swear.

She should look a bit older, as she is supposed to be a mother after all.

that is a great opinion indeed my man

Seems to me, much like white cucks, not even the cockroaches get how you are supposed to make waifus.

I have personally modded PoP a bit.
Balanced the food prices and qaunitties, some equipment stats, the prices and build time for some buildings.
And there's a very rare chane that Qaulis Gem might appear on the market. I upped the price considerably, since the stock price felt too small.

Playing as a soldier in a lords army is immersive. No fucking around with an army - you get your equipment, you get your weekly shekels. Follow the lord around and fight in the unorganized clusterfucks.

you mean follow the lord for a whole week with nobody to fight

The problem with M&B is that it expects you to micromanage your army without giving you the proper tools to do so.

I seriously hope the command interface receives a massive overhaul in Bannerlord.

The song's name is Khuleg Baatar.

Wrong vid, sorry

Finnish music is shit

What the fuck did you just say about my heritage you little shit


someone help me out
i'm trying to run floris evolved, with it's own WSE
but it gives me the activation screen for m&b
ingame activation says it can't connect to the server
manual activation gives me "internal error"
wat do
mod doesn't run perfectly without WSE


You mean abusing the AI.


no, I mean literal tactical superiority, microing cavalry charges and infantry retreats on advantageous terrain

kill me now

Are there any Dinosaur mods for Mountain Blade?

the closest you'll get is probably whatever the lizard people are in warsword conquest

Y-you too.

What an original joke user.


b a l a n c e

I seriously hope that shit will bleed out by itself
otherwise Id have to get the Sheiks merc company thats 4k people, and its fucking expensive

It all makes sense to me except tumblr. Why the fuck do they do that red nose shit?

DIfferent areas of the face carry different tones, the nose and upper cheeks are usually in a warmer tone, eyes and forehead in a colder tone

its a lazy approach to stylistic exagerration aka LOOK AT ME GUISE I KNOW COLOR THEORY

AD1257 or A World of Ice and Fire or that other GoT/ASOIAF mod? Only ever played vanilla and Floris

This was sitting in my backlist until this thread motivated me to play it, thank you.

ACOK, i feel like it has a lot more content
1257 was a bit boring for me, since certain factions just don't do shit. i started as bulgaria and if i dare to do something to any other faction, the tzar gives me an ass spanking. and there's hardly any bandits to fight, so it's difficult to get money at the start
meanwhile ACOK has tons of interesting lore-related quests, lots of items, factions, troop trees, unique castles, etc. the only major downside for it is that it runs and loads like shit because of all the content. it's worth it though

Thanks. Why ACOK over AWOIAF?

haven't tried awoiaf
but i really doubt it has less content

actually fuck it, i'll try AWOIAF, the screenshots look decent
if it runs better than ACOK it might be decent

You realize that there's a good chance that the hud and gameplay are going to be significantly dumbed down so that it'll work on a controller?

Bannerlord should be dine as it'll be a PC game ported to consoles, I really hope it doesn't sell well on console because then there is a real chance of the series becoming a console series that is ported to PC.

iirc AWOIAF is newer than ACOK, and has a lot of unfinished areas and placeholder content. am I wrong?


i just tried it
it runs just as bad, if not worse than ACOK
graphics are a bit better
quests seem to be as good as in ACOK, although i didn't get a huge chance to explore them
map is pretty much the same, except that there's lands beyond the wall, and there's A LOT less docks, which is annoying
there's a dialog option to duel lords, which is pretty fun since it puts you in an arena, and you get to choose weapons/horses and the lords are pretty fucking brutal. i got assraped by a stronk nord womyn, since my sword pretty much did 0 damage to her, while she was swinging at me like lawn mower. and i really would have enjoyed it if the damn camera wasn't bugged, since it would constantly sperg out and pretty much force me to go blind while i'm dying
custom battles were fun though, i got to pilot a ship

Incite one.

Good to know, guess I'll go for ACOK for now, unless AWOIAF gets any substantial updates

This is a pretty retarded reply tbh

Even when they sing about Mongolian Death Jesus mongolians sound like they're about to kill someone.


How do you do this? PoP pisses me off because it doesn't give me time to set up my troops; even the infantry are close by at the beginning.

Use your head, mate. Easiest tactic is to let the enemy come to you and fill them with arrows while your infantry holds position. Have a small cavalry force to intercept any flanking cavalry. Obviously it works best if you can get to higher ground, but I've had great success on flat terrain. It helps that I have very high tier troops such as legionnaires and heavy crossbows.

literally tactics skill, puts you into advantageous positions

but usually if you tell your archers to hold their spaghetti you have all the time to position yourself you want
the action starts with the first kill, until then the AI holds defensive position

TOP KEK as they say


Sir Timothy really doesnt fuck around


Well I'm an idiot. I just realized I had put very few points into tactics; typically, I put many points in, so I hadn't noticed.

Wew, couldn't wait for that 1870s mod, so I got something similar for multiplayer and a lot of the soundtrack is from Tank Lolis.

You sure about that? I know that it helps when determining casualties in autoresolve, but I never read anything about it changing where you start the battle or whatever. I never noticed it anyway.

eh, might as well be placebo


Is Prophesy of Pendor fun?
Any tips for someone that hasn't tried it yet? I've played Brytenwalda so I know how a mod can be a bit brutal but I hear PoP is in a class of its own.


wut mod

Porphesy o' Pendor

I will say that every NPC seems to deal more damage, because their stats are generally higher than vanilla. Try not to go in with a level one character, better to import someone who is at least level 10.
A good strategy at the start is to recruit noble mercenaries as soon as you can. They start off lightly armed but mounted. However, their first promotion gives them high level equipment so they can start kicking ass quite fast. Their horses also help you keep the party mobile, which will be handy when escaping dangerous mobs.
Companions, use them. Get Leslie, she's free and comes with Trader 5. Check the wiki (yes there's a wiki) to see what other companions you think you'll need.
Otherwise, standard M&B tips apply. Get an enterprise in every town, capture prisoners as much as you can (Prisoner Management lets you take 10 dudes per level in this mod) not only for dosh but because some prisoners are inmensely powerful such as the rogue knights, serve as a mercenary with high leadership so you get mad cash.

PoP is through a combination of both great and horrible design decisions ballbustingly hard.
You ever played stalkan gaems? Its literally MISERY mod.
Its a shiny polished gem under an easily removable dusting of diharreha, most people talk shit about it because they are too lazy to grab a fucking towel.

Then again the early game sucks and I strongly recommend installing the tweak pack and upping the XP rates for played and companions to at least x4 in the early game and to x12 when you reach the 30s. Its just unreasonably grindy at that point.
Theres also no shame just importing a character.

Sounds like a job for my lvl 40 Killbuff McSteakfuck

Thats exactly what it is m8.

Just remember, theres 2 qualis gems outside killing minor faction heroes, one in Rane in a chest, and one in the first Red Brotherhood hideout you find, you can get the location in the tavern asking for rumors. The qualis in Rane becomes unavailiable if you import before you get it.

HOWEVER if you import after you get it, any swag that would otherwise spawn in the chest later wont be there. Its a le ebin anti-cheese measure by the retarded devs. You have to decide for yourself since the swag can be really, REALLY good sometimes, like end-game armor.

Keep in mind that the ACOK dev is some underage faggot that goes around using his sockpuppet accounts to downvote other mods so he can keep the top stop, and he tends to spreg out at anyone that criticizes his "masterpiece".

Also, the gameworld is static for the most part, and it takes herculean efforts to change anything about it, and the asskissers that surround the developer (mostly GoT fans, so cancer of the worst kind) decide what happens next.

Is Medieval Conquests good?

oh, speaking of which, in the character creation in AWOIAF you get to choose whether to have the factions war like in the books, or like traditional warband
so that's a plus to it i guess

What's the best faction?
What's the worst faction?
What faction is the most French?

best? khergit
worst? sarranid




Am I wrong is seriously finding TLD very mediocre?
It doesn't feel like LOTR to me, that weird system where your soldiers are basically loaned to you and the lack of hard currency is just really off putting to me, I think the specific locations from the books and movies look really impressive but otherwise everything has this weird sterile sort of look, I think even Brytenwalda conveys more Middle Earth-esque landscapes and environments than TLD does.

I'd say Swadia only because it has a combination of Crossbowmen and Knights, but there really isn't a French nation.

the gameplay really annoyed me
the currency system just doesn't work in this kind of a game
the enemy orcs are a fucking joke, i could beat pretty much any groop with 20 good men
it would have worked a lot better as a generic warband overhaul mod

Everyone hypes up TLD but I didn't like it at all when I tried it. People need to get some goddamn standards.

Brytenwalda or ACOK?

All of them.
None of them.
Swadia, because it's based off of central yurope (so it's also the Holy Roman Empire as well)
Rhodoks are southern yuropoors, Nords are Scandinavian, Vaegirs are Baltic, Sarranids are Saracens, and the Khergits are mongorian

adding to this, is Brytenwalda even worth it at all, or should I just buy Viking Conquest instead?

Brytenwalda is what Viking Conquest wishes it was.

Get Brytenwalda Repolished.
Keep in mind there's some retarded Eurocuck gibberish dialogue in a lot of places and some spelling / grammar issues in addition to pure laziness.

I like VC for what it is. The plot is actually interesting. It's like playing the show Viking without all the faggotry. I just wish I could steal myself a bunch of concubines.

was actually about to ask about that, thanks

I can live with that, some of it might also be understandable as I'm Norwegian

this annoys me, but I guess I'll have to live with it. Floris is not perfect in this regard either


the fuck do I use quail gems for?

They are VERY important. You can use them with the book merchants to obtain either an elixir with various effects or to obtain the map coordinates to a man who sells magic weapons (you can find better weapons elsewhere tbh).
You can also use them to found a chapter of a knightly order once you have a town or castle.
Other uses include opening the elf equipment vendor and purchasing elven troops in Laria.

Really, you want them for the stat-boosting elixirs and to make an order chapterhouse. The other uses are not quite as important. Plus, elf equipment is expensive, better to loot it from dead elves.

Fuck TLD, and fuck the LOTR fanbase in general, hyping every goddamn mod for the setting to hell and back regardless of weather or not it's actually fucking good.

You want a good fantasy mod for Warband? Play Warsword Conquest or PoP.


They updated it around 4 months ago, added Kislev, Beastmen, Vampire Counts, and Wood Elfs. A bunch of textures were updated, namely the empire and chaos now look MUCH better, new neat little abilities such as dodge, ward saves, and shield bashing.

Not to mention how every faction now has unique cites and sieges to go with them.

If the new pics they released last week mean anything then they are going to updated the dark elf cites further.




`Tis only a flesh wound


this time around I aint giving Wolfebode a chance to get fat

apparently, this is the fabled horsearse stone of the Mystmountain Clans
my entire army just spawned in it, so now I guess I know where those niggers come from in droves

Is there a torrent for version 1.168 that isn't a trojan?

I have never been able to clear out the red brotherhood camp successfully. I play on 135% difficulty and no quitting without saving, and as your level gets higher, more and more bandits are there.

I always knew there was something wrong with those misshaped penis stones

you dont need to
you just work your way to the chest and once you got whats inside, you just do whatever, it doesnt matter if you win or lose the encounter


I sure hope the faggot Portlander that made Gekokujo will make a similar mod for Butterlord.


hmmm, the ps4 version came out around the same time this thread was created. and you went out of your way to find the PCDVD box to post instead of just a generic cover…


How the fuck do you even control anything in the game on a console?

try looting my village now you filthy horsefuckers


Full Invasion 2 is filled with nothing but LOTR kikes and Roman/Greek fags. I miss the times when everyone picked the socialist enemy faction just to shoot at waves of angry LGBT protesters with STG 44s they picked off dead SS waffen soldiers.

its always fucking pyrric victories against the horsefuckers, I wonder if I should just dismount all cavalry for the meatshield because it doesnt matter if I have a lot of cav or not, horsemen just get rekt regardless

Anyone know any good Roman mods?

Black sun?

Now Im curious, will the AI onehand/twohand a biedhander depending on situation?

Im thinking about giving my knights some extra melee power and its between a biedhander type longsword and a good oldfashioned halberd.

Bellum Imperii wasn't great when I played it, but that was ages ago so it may have improved. Check the Caravanserai. You may find something to your liking.

Depends on whether or not they have a shield. With a shield they one-hand it, without one they two-hand it.

But they wont twohand untill the shield is broken right?

In that case I might go for the halberd.


What spanking new mods do you kids play nowadays?

I've been fucking about in VC and Gekokujo

Nova Aetas just had a stable 4.0 release

Havent played much of it yet tho since Im playing PoP right now

Mystmountain Army more like MYSTMOUNTAIN SUCK MY DICK

It's not save compatible, is it?

Behold my lovely queen and court advisor.
And my mighty warriors

how is it in the field?
I was contemplating about turning my seargents into a singalian rapesquad but Im unsure about the actual combat effectivity

The extra length gives it quite a reach and it packs a whalop.
Still for my knights I give them warhammers, since they are fast and versatile. Shit for range though.

Need a break from Floris.
Brytenwalda or ACOK?

use tactics, if your enemy can take a horse charge it's best that you order your own infantry in a line formation and when the enemy is distracted you tell your cavalry to charge

Thats what I mostly do but horsefuckers are usually 70% cav, and better cav than mine

For any curious: