So I attend a fairly liberal college in a really southern state.
I get along with all my professors since I started school as a Democrat and sympathized with their beliefs. However as time went on, I saw the ugly side of the modern progressive, but I didn't want to get on my professor's bad sides so I kept playing along.
For this reason, my professors think I'm a "progressive" when I'm actually now a straight-up libertarian.
Today, a Professor sent me a message on facebook regarding the Vegas shooting.
I point out the problems with the article, saying that the article had skewed statistics, used words that made it sound worse than it really was by leaving out context, and had a basic misunderstanding of gun law.
I admit to him that I'm a libertarian and believe in gun rights and free speech absolution but don't call myself a conservative.
He has since not messaged back. Now I'm afraid that I've become enemy #1 to the department and that I've shattered the illusion.
This situation is absolutely ridiculous and I'm not sure what to do.
Shattering the College Illusion
Read The Diversity Myth and Zero to One
You're in the wrong place
Because usually I can play it off without giving anything away. It's the only way I've kept my sanity for the last four years.
Besides, if I didn't have a conversation with Marxist professors, I wouldn't be able to speak with anyone in the department, and having references is advantageous, even if they are people I disagree with.
Your first and last mistake was getting too close to profs. Only have everything to lose.
send him this
Well my political compass has me far right, but if I identified as a conservative, I'd be blacklisted from my department.
Depends. Is it jewish? I will enjoy it.
That out of the way, save those messages, particularly the one where he says he's afraid you're becoming conservative. When your grades inexplicably tank raise hell with the dean. If he ignores you, contact every media outlet you can.
Yeah I know. I didn't know back in freshman year that things would turn out this way, that I would drift further and further away from my little safe space before I came to the realization that the world didn't work that way and that so many professors in the department thought me as some sort of demon for one reason or another.
stopped reading there because only faggots start sentences with "so" and only faggots attend "fairly liberal colleges" and proceed to blog post about them. fuck off nigger lover.
He's not my professor anymore. He was over two semesters ago.
regarding gun control tell him about the muslims using trucks
at least you're a typical Holla Forumsack now
This is an amazingly successful slide and distraction thread! Well done leftypol!
This isn't the board for you
Should have studied
to avoid most of the liberal faggots,
then you wouldn't have become such a nigger.
No. At this point I wish I was in the math department. I'm in the languages department, which is heavily tied to the WGS department, as much as it really should be separate.
dont know how these faggots can stand listening to college teachers. most of the teachers have no connection with the real world. the only useful thing to get from college is the diploma, rest is about work experience!
The absolute state of modern education.
There's nothing wrong in loving juicy bbc.
So? He'll certainly tell his work colleagues that you are a baby murdering serial killer. I'm telling you to save the evidence of the politically motivated attacks on you that will occur because leftists are incapable of not lashing out.
Maybe a decade ago, these days even that is worthless for getting a job.
My point exactly. Being labeled a conservative shouldn't be an academic death sentence.
Isn't discussing politics a violation of the NAP? Suck a thousand clocks and lurk more faggot.
The power is starting to wane in Democrats, I've seen in my department to a more "CivNat" take, which I see as bad as the Progressive agenda because at least you can have a good fight dancing around the core race issue, how do you explain to your opponent that they are some kind of deracinated mystery meat with no culture or history in a White man's country.
Even autistic liberals are half-way beyond the pale in current year indoctrination camps. Academia has to be torched to the ground and started again from scratch.
Oh don't get me wrong, if he starts destroying my reputation, I'll drop on him with the hammer of the gods.
I worked too hard for my degree to have it all ruined because one professor decided I wasn't the thought child prodigal son.
You can always come to the dark side or at least shady one and help the cause?
Doing some bad things for good purpose is really just semantics when you boil it down
How would I do that?
I'm fed up with the current status quo and would love nothing more than to help out a good cause.
I couldn't agree more.
Stop acting like an idiot.
Hey OP he's encouraging you!
There is no such thing as illegal weapons .. merely controlled access to them
The only situation you would ever want or need a diploma is if you're working in medicine. Otherwise it's a waste of time.
Even though you are a lolbertarian, you still have a power level that needed to be hidden. I disagree with everything my professors say but I control myself. Just bite your tongue, you will never win an argument with any of these brainwashed tools
Yeah but my parents wanted me to be the first person in the family to receive a four year degree. Make something of myself and whatnot.
I'm pretty hot-tempered so it's a miracle that I lasted four years of this. I guess I couldn't handle it anymore with our crumbling "liberal" society, you know?
I remember when I started university. I just spoke my mind, both about politics and the bullshit they teach. Didn't last long there I tell you. Hobo life for me, no problem thanks a lot society.
Gun lobby is of the people. Monsanto lobby is not.
You're a professor asking Holla Forums for advice? :D
Get in touch with Heterodox academy if you are a conservative in the humanities or social sciences. They are sympathetic to your plight as a minority in the academy.
Proffersors are not your friends. Why would you even do this. At very least you are just a meal ticket to them or at very worst, a useful idiot meatshield/jail cover. Did you honestly think they acutally care about you? You? Student #112313423423543454? Like hell. You fucked yourself and yes, they will now cripple you in any way they can.
You want/need to go to jew school? KEEP YOUR FUCKING HEAD DOWN AND MOUTH SHUT. Never draw attention to yourself. You don't go posting around on your normie accounts that you go on Holla Forums do you? Same thing. Just pretend you're a "man politics is confusing, I just ignore it" normalfag and THAT IS IT.
Remember when on campus, you are on enemy turf. Don't try to win a fight on enemy turf alone. Do what any alphabet would do: infiltrate.
In one of my classes (((they))) are literally bringing in a Black Muslim speaker to lecture about race and white privilege.
Save it and especially anything sexual. You might need to sue that professor for sexual harassment.
Wow, that's really impressive. That's like, way too hardcore for here.
this, how stupid are you op? are you some civnat nigger or something
>(((Shattering the college illusion)))
You go in the oven first
The good part of beeing a brazilian: If you don't come out of school a marxist gerrilla man, you will never ever fear being "the n° 1 enemy" of a… teacher. Being called a a conservative here is like sopa de macaco, at least twice a day.
Grow up man. Study hard, make him ashamed by giving all the right answers and being the best student of the class. Buy your school and fire him.
Why is OP talking to his professor outside of school? That's creepy and as you now see, nothing good can come from it. He probably wants to fuck your tight 18-21 year old asshole. Why else talk politics with a kid?
I too have noticed this habit of beginning sentences with "so" for no reason. If you listen to NPR for five minutes you'll hear it. They must think it makes them sound more interesting, but it makes them sound both airheaded and pretentious at the same time.
the teacher is a jewish female and op wants to fuck her
Kill yourself and fuck off back to reddit. Remember to report and hide shill threads.
I hope you're in a major that is useful to society and can allow you to pay back your debts
Make them think you're on their side. Report back. Dox the niggers. What is your professors name or got a cap of his fapbook?
This is not your blog
Consider a gas chamber kike
You're implying dozens of "Well Holla Forums?" b8 threads and interracial porn slides made Holla Forums great? Reported for being a kike.
Because honestly that's how things roll here. I've had a professor ask me on a few occasions to housesit for her while she goes to New York for vacation. I've gone to a pub with another professor after his book released at the local bookstore. Knowing the professors outside of school is just common practice around here.
I have plenty of garbage from the school. Like the time a professor of mine told me that she decided to not cancel class the day that Jill Stein showed up because she didn't want the students to hear any political opinions that would convince them to vote for anyone besides Hillary Clinton. She told me straight up that's why she didn't cancel class that day.
Fucking kill yourself you liberal shitrag. You're a cancer.
I know you no fun allowed, "muh report" crybabies aren't the ones making Holla Forums great at least. Not reported because I'm not a faggot like you.
Try Again
I just have a habit of writing the way I speak. I start a lot of conversations with "So" because it gets people's attentions without being a word that would be missed if in getting the person's attention it gets forgotten.
Yes, I am that autistic.
Dumbass, liberal degrees are called that for a reason, and unless you are well connected, which you now are not, has no jobs. You wasted your money, and now owe the jew for your stupidity.
Didn't waste my money. I'm in school on scholarship for my grades. If anything, I wasted the school's money.
a week into my freshman year the professor for my english 101 course had us write an argumentative on whatever. some girl decided to argue something along the lines that the rolling stones were better than beatles. the professor lost his goddamn mind and not because she picked such a retarded topic but rather that she had the audacity to say that the beatles were something other than the second coming of christ. for the rest of the semester we had to write papers on the fucking beatles while this passive aggressive fat fuck make snide comments every time that girl opened her mouth. honestly m8 you want to bitch about how the marxist cunt you willfully kept in contact with is a marxist cunt? try having to write multiple goddamn papers on the "deeper meaning" behind a beatles song because apparently its something more than the drug induced pretentiousness spouted off by fucking faggots between sessions of dropping acid and having homosex with one another. fuck you.
Take down all of their names. Make note now of how you'd characterize relations before the realized the Little Red Book wasn't your Bible, and relations/ behaviour afterward. Film/record what you can. Take note of the comments made about and the grades of your assignments. Keep any texts…. As far as what to do now, they'll probably be a little cold for a day or two, but relations probably aren't bured yet. You probably have 3 choices. 1. Avoid confrontation, don't discuss politics, if pushed nod and smile. 2. Continue pretending to be a proggressive, maybe occasionally drop a fact they can't refute while still maintaining a good goy image. 3. Say what you think. If you are going to confront them, get them into a debate in a public setting, like in a class (obviously you can't properly debate them, they'll say no), and prepare for their lines, like 'blood on your hands', when democrat ruled, gun controlled cities like Chicago are awash with blood, and the democrat answer has been to brainwash society into accepting a massive increase in crime and murder, as a natural consequence of white oppression. If you go this route, make sure you have all anglles covereed because they will switch and eventually just go to calling you a nazi. But it would be great to shut them down in front of the students. Not that hard either, I had an American politics T.A. led our seminars last year and we'd have a 10 minute discussion starting every class, he very quickly stopped talking, and eventually it was me refuting all his points against Trump and white supremacy against a gay liberal Hillary lover who would reeeeee a bit, but less and less so, and more and more sheepishly, and the T.A. just seemed demoralised. I enjoyed it. He gave me 15 percent worse marks than i think a fair judge would have, but for me it didn't matter,as the course didn't count on permanent grades. For him to say 'I fear your becoming a conservative is outrageously unprofessional, and almost a threat really, because it implies that it would motivate him to take action, out of the danger a conservative student would pose to society….fucking absolute self-righteous faggot.
Idiocy and shilling are not allowed, too bad you can't tell the difference.
What have we told you about revealing your power level? Also, you should really just skip the fucking middleman and go full 1488, since libertarianism is a luxury only afforded to affluent, homogeneous white communities. Live and let live does not fly in the ghetto.
Never underestimate the pettiness of commie academics. Their entire worldview is based on their inferiority complex. See the writings of Saint Theodore Kaczynski of Innawoods.
Why are you so retarded
The "gun deaths" fallacy again. How can someone be so unanalytic. Especially someone going to a school for higher education.
Find out who he cares about and ask him if it would make a difference to him if that person were killed by a gun or a knife. Use that to point out that you have to look at homicide stats not gun homicide. Then you can point out that there is no mathematical correlation between gun ownership and homicide within the USA and worldwide.
As for that ridiculous "enjoy the blood on your hands" (it is an embarrassment that this emotional idiot is a professor. Give me is number. Let a physicist talkt to him) fallacy. Tell that faggot that by that logic the blood of dying African children is on his hands because even if he is donating to them he could always do more (e.g. Give more money or go there himself) but he doesn't cuz he doesn't give a shit about dying children. What a fucking terrible human being. He disgusts me.
Seriously though such an emotional unlogical uncritical piece of shit is allowed to be a professor? In what? I wish I could talk to this piece of shit.
more like punch in the face and then put in gaschamber, worthless excuse for a professor
Well, I'm from rural nowhere, so definitely not from some fancy-schmancy homogeneous community. Most people I grew up around are hard right. I just don't like the idea of being on a polar side, really. Things get too crazy the further you go.
I think I kept the fire from burning the bridge, if not for the sake of appearances, however in the past, I have recorded a few classes with a professor who was teaching blatant propaganda. Particularly one that was preaching why we need gender equality in the middle of a British Literature class.
Batou, pls. They are just demon-possessed. Most could still retain agency if they were ever compelled by that evil to go in a direction they didn't fundamentally agree with.