why don't you take antisemitism seriously Holla Forums
Why don't you take antisemitism seriously Holla Forums
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Because Marx and Bakuin were antisemitic, duh.
because accusations of it allows a fascist, apartheid state to continue to exist
As a thing to support? It's fucking retarded.
As a thing to fight? All idpol must be fought. All racism is idpol.
Because 41% of the 1% are Jews.
marx was a jew and bakunin hated marx desu
but Israel is not an fascist, apartheid state desu
Israel is definitely an apartheid state
For the same reason they don't take racism and sexism seriously:
Because they're fucking white males.
This meme needs to die. He was raised protestant(thus explaining his strong hatred of the jews) and every relevant way was not in any contact with the Jewish community.
I hate all spooks equally
Dude Marx's way of thinking is totally influenced by Judaism and rabbinic thought.
Care to explain or prove that claim? His way of thinking was influenced largely by French catholic communists, not to mention all the non-leftist influence in his works(Hegel in particular).
so he was a self hating jew
It's a very good ghost story
then why aren't you fighting against the creation of palestine?
He was not Jew according to any official documentation made by state of Prussia nor otherwise. You are basing this claim on old non-reformed Jewish religious law that did not apply in state of Prussia nor anywhere else in Europe post Roman Empire.
Because it would mean I would be fighting for the creation of another state, whichever that one may be, retard
It makes being heavily critical of Jews justifiable.
Oh no don't oppress my very powerful minority that controls most of the media, the money, and majority of corporations.
you still have not posted a source
no it doesn't
being against the creation of an state does not mean that you are for a creation of an state
source bitch
well i guess unicorn exist now because i say it is the most verifiable fact ever
Do some research retard.
time for the weekly jidf thread is it?
do some research about unicorns
they exist because i say so
no one is debating whether or not jews exist though
I'm not the other guy, but stop being a dipshit. It's blatantly obvious and true, you're basically asking someone to prove that copper conductors electricity to waste their time.
Wealth: takimag.com
American Politics: ihr.org
so you are all fucking wrong
are you retarded?
Ah yes. My mistake.
So now you're moving the goalposts? By Jews we mean people who are racially Jewish. Plenty of people are Jewish but not religious. Additionally the "weird blog" has plenty of sources, the "obscure institute" is generally untrustworthy (just look at their main page) however that article in particular sources all its quotes and claims, so the issue of their motivations isn't relevant.
Even if it were true, who fucking cares?
it points to a scientific studie
cnbc is not the one making the numbers
Yeah you are retarded. You call this research, this is pathetic.
I heard it was 43% but upon looking it up I found this:
That article you linked was terrible.
No one said anything about all the wealth, just the 1% which usually refers to America and their 1%.
That doesn't make it any better since Jews are a very small minority in the world:
Exactly. Zionist bankers supported and funded the Bolshevik revolution. Jews are great.
I don't mind antisemitism so long as it's not eugenic antisemitism.
I have Jewish ancestry but I'm an atheist who rejects the Jewish religion as much as Islam and Christianity .
No, Zionist and American bankers funded Hitler.
its just a comment
im not trying to give you numbers
its an clarificatioj for the guy saying that i moved the post
and i didn't because claiming jewish decent is useless
its like saying that we all came from adam and eve
Yes, who cares indeed? All that matters is their position in the relations of production, I don't care what their ethnic background might be.
Because I do not care about race, but I do oppose apartheid states.
Kill all whiteys amirite?
Desmond Tutu said that Israeli treatment of Palestinians was "worse then apartheid" and I think he'd now. What's more racist some laws keeping people apart or starving your next door neighbors and blowing them up with drones, 500 pound bombs etc.
And 98% of the 1% are white males.
See where this is going?
How? Because they don't have immediately apparent racial identifiers? If we were to claim that Asians constitute a disproportionate percentage of people in higher education and STEM fields (which they do) is it "useless" and "nazi"? Because saying all people of Asian descent are Asian is like saying we are all descended from Adam and Eve?
Checks out pretty well.
look at
basing your ethnicity by a old non-reformed Jewish religious law is not accurate
give proof (that is not from the government who is shelling them)
I understand your position, but can you not draw any conclusions or implications from the fact that they are over represented?
Blacks and Latinos disproportionately make up 60% of the prison population. Do you say who cares or do you look into the issue and try understand why that is a problem that happens?
In Case you don't want to click the link.
Hitler was a Jew that wanted to give his people the biggest cop out excuse ever.
wtf i love lenin now
You're acting like people on the right care about Hitler.
A lot of the Holla Forumsyps that raid here do.
i want Holla Forums to leave
Destroy zionism tbh.
We all know who's really behind it all
The richest are always mostly from the original founding culture of a nation. The richest french are french, the richest Japanese are Japanese, etc
Not defending anti-Semitism, but I just dont think thats a good argument
Ill bet that a large percentage of those white males are anglos and jews, just like in 1776
George W Bush is not Irish. He's WASP as fuck. Come on now.