"Don't look up her skirt you perv~!"

Was that the joke? Or did this game just not know how to do fanservice?

The joke was that the warning was unneeded I guess.
Kille7 thread.

There is a reason for achievementfags tho.

No, that was autism.

So, no pantsu shots at all, right?

Is this game worth playing at all or am I better off just sticking to Bayonetta?

If you like lots of pretty sounds and lights and a semi-funny game, then yes.

If you like a decent combat system, then no. It's pretty much junk.

I was just thinking about this game, actually

Did it ever actually give us some proper fanservice? Or was it just teasing?


It's pretty much the same throughout. Cleavage, then not much else.

You can ask yourself why any Nip game that features almost-nudity is worth playing.

They're not good games. They are not good porn.

Like softcore porn "movies".

Softcore porn movies usually have nudity

Why do you think so many ugly girls like it?

Most of the softcore porn I've watched tended to be pretty nuts in terms of the story, like the prostitutes navigating their way out of a city about to get it's ass torched in WWII or the voodoo rat cursing a family.

but that was on cable before the internet really hit off.

Just buy a Wii U, it's a one time investment since it has piracy now.

Funny, because there are nip games with more nudity and better gameplay that this trash

Years ago, I was watching TV at 4am and flipped over to Cinemax. They were showing some softcore porn about alien women who came to Earth to fuck human men.

There wasn't any penetration, but there was so much nudity and gratuitous fucking that there may as well have been.


If you want to play it get it real cheap.

Just be grateful it wasn't Ashley Burch

SEGA has said that they are working on quite a few PC ports and I don't think there are still "quite a few" sonic games that haven't been ported so I'm half expecting Vanquish and Bayonetta to be announced some time this year.

lolling out loud

if you have to askā€¦