Thank you based Gaben. Without you, democracy will die.
We The Voters
Other urls found in this thread:
Democracy is evil
Gabe's been working hard
This looks like some trashy liberal propaganda film about how evil conservatives are and how "We The Voters" should vote for the right side but voting for the left. Is this what it is?
I'd fuck the girl on the left.
We are going to need a very strong rope for ol gabe.
That sounds like a bad choice.
Which is why I won't actually do it.
Ebin :^)
So basically this is either "Why we should have nominated bernie sanders", or "ELECT HILLARY CLINTON: THE MOVIE". Either way, they're going to bash trump.
are there other countries in this world besides the US?
They're both shit, don't be silly
What, so you can watch it for free? What even is this movie shit on steam
What does this have anything to do with Valve besides being published on their platform?
IS Defense and softcore porn is also published on their platform.
It does, and that's the fucking problem.
Not vidya and free political propaganda for "gamers"
Yeah, but those are games.
You have yet to answer my question
They aren't making any money of this and it's not vidya.
That means even though it's not in their primary market, they still went out of their way to publish it free of charge. It's not a money making scheme, it's a betrayal of their core audience and it's a blatant political statement by the company.
If you don't get it by now, you're either from leftypol or seriously retarded.
searched for it so i could thumbs down.
I think it may only be in the U.S.
Probably talking about VNs, that Genderbender shit and Nekopara for example
Not videogames. Fuck off gook.
Valve is a digital distributor, it doesn't matter the media. They change their statement like 6 years ago.
aids ridden sodomite
Your question is stupid.
My issue isn't that there's liberal shit on Steam, my issue is that they aren't fucking games.
Nah, Lord Gaben is actually really Holla Forums. He's just pretending by letting this on steam.
Gaben is actually reddit. He has a reddit profile and regularly posts. He also plays dota non stop and hasn't played an actual video game since he was clean shaven.
Cuckchan Holla Forumsacks like you seriously need to go back, is this the current state ofg 8/pol/ or is this a false flag?
Yeah, can't you use a patch or something to decensor the Steam version of Huniepop?
dude how many variants of this image do you have jesus fuck
it's not even a good image just make one and stick to it
Go fuck yourself. Yell Holla Forums at your racist grandfather, not me.
You don't publish nu male hipster movies for free on a primarily video game platform unless you're doing it for a friend or are sympathetic to their cause. Also go look what vidya movies they have. It's from the same people GG fought years ago.
That's two strikes. Valve is fucking cancer. As if we didn't know that from before, but this is just another proof. And your strike is calling the pol boogeyman where there is none. Cretin.
I don't know about cuckchan but here one Holla Forums doesn't shut up about how Communism is great while the other wants National Socialism.
Also movie is free and thanks to it I watched Kung Fury.
Yes, it is fun to live stream over steam
You cant be this retarded, this has to be bait, if not kill yourself.
user, have you browsed the movie section? It's generally bad movies or some weird indie movie. I think this is no different. Software section is pretty interesting too. Like it or not, steam does offer movies and software as well, although it's userbase is tiny. Still, weird indie movies are a thing.
Memorize this guys filenames/filesizes, he is a chronic shitposter always trying to derail threads
Maybe you guys can ask Sam to Hyde the bodies.
The irony
I hope he releases a DVD of World Peace
Boy I wonder how balanced and unbiased this piece of shit is.
I would fuck the qt on the left
More like We the Voters for Bernie Sanders, mirite?
Move to best Korea and spare us your wisdom. They need somone to gather rice.
I love her dead eyes and wierd necklace
Aside from that retardation, he probably meant to say, "Representative democracy with a racially, nationally, and culturally non-homogenous society is evil."
What fucking video is that from I still can't find it
Never reproduce.
Get some standards.
My condolences for having to watch that lame bullshit.
You triggered my autism user.
Just look at the latest released shit. Either guides or weird indie shit. If you put it by relevance of course the clickbait-tier shit is gonna be at the top.
Gone Homo is also popular but it doesn't mean every single game is like it.
Wasn't that a JoJo stand?
You haven't refuted my point. You just showed how abysmal "movies" they have are.
Care to elaborate why?
Can't pull the look off
Because you're wicked. Mentally unstable. Sick in the head.
Yes im
And i feel good with it
I thought (((he))) died in a g*merg*te driveby.
I'm just following free speech standards. Right now this is what's popular on the West so of course people will make free movies based on it. If it was a movie completely going for democrats in the US would everyone orgasm over it or point it out as something similar? Honestly, the elections in the US are a fucking joke.
You say that anything from the current progressive side shouldn't be allowed on steam. I say go make a quick cash grab or attract attention.
I'm sorry if I'm not refuting your point well but it's really hard to argue since I'm generally against both Trump and Hillary, it's just that I'd pick the lesser evil of Trump.
I'm saying movies on Steam is a mistake and progressive drivel published there, for free, as propaganda, make it even worse.
I'm currently watching JoJo through the anime and it's stuck on halfway through part 4. I asked someone who knows JoJo, apparently there's a stand that sort of works like that.
Valve just wanted to expand on profit. The profit is negligible. If you want to complain at least complain about DRM. There no matter what point I put, I would still be in the wrong.
Why don't you go make some conservative propaganda then? It's their right to publish that shit just as it's your right to publish your shit. The difference here is that they actually bothered to make something and publish it.
Kill yourself.
If you're using the argument for that movie itself than why attack movies in general. Because they're all bad? Because you might not find something to enjoy? If it's free movies and if you can usually ignore it.
Is this even vidya related? It's more towards the non-gaming side of Steam. Can this count as a video game thread?
Holy shit. How is Gog such a better platform for movies than Steam? Is Valve even trying?
Lurk more before you do stupid shit like this.
Alright, fags, here's a video from WeTheVoters. You can argue that maybe they're cringeworthy, and you can argue that maybe they're incredibly simplistic and therefore gloss over details. However, as this video demonstrates, they're more akin to shitty "edutainment" style propaganda that seeks to drip feed viewers information about a given function of our governing processes. Look at the video; is this not an apt description of a two party system?
Yeah, Plato's Republic BTFOd Democracy a long time ago. Anyone who is pro-Democracy after 380BC is an uneducated illiterate.
mad man
More webms?
You're one of those cunts defending shit on reddit, aren't you? You should go there and stay away.
It is pretty simplistic but considering the fact that most people have no idea about politics i would say its pretty ok
then upload your own fucking trump movie, or shut up
there's no trump movie because nobody made one
and don't even tell me it's because gaben is a liberal cuck, not after he overruled his own staff on the whole hated fiasco
Why would I give a fuck what a bunch of fat pieces of shit think?
Democracy doesn't work.
Either put the right one or fuck off nigger.
Democracy is kinda like communism.
It might work but nobody really tried it FOR REAL!
does any political system work in the long run really
they all seem to fail after awhile
Man, the Voters look really goddamn depressed.
Any system will be eventually exploited. It's what humans DO. It's what makes humans human, really. The breeding patterns of wolves? We exploited that shit for free labor and now we have dogs. Plant growing and seeds? We exploited that, it's called agriculture. We exploit everything.
It wouldn't work anyways.
If the total vote is 100, if you collect 51 among them, you can make it rule by the majority. But that majority is divided into many factions. Namely, if we add up 26 from among those 51, they can rule the whole we spoke of before. People being allowed to vote beyond party lines makes the very concept of majority rule futile.
These systems are created by man. Like a car, they stop working after a while.
Why is anyone fucking surprised at this?
Steam is known to smear shit on it's platform. What do you think Greenlight is?
You faggots go ballistic over anything
Good thing the U.S is a republic not a democracy then right?
I always knew Florida was a nigger.
another quality vidya thread :^)
Those two things are not exclusive
but muh special snowflake definitions
The US is a republic only in name.
You have no idea what a republic is, do you?
Where people vote directly on the issues
Regardless of the argument whether we are an oligarchy or a republic technically we are a republic.
Your first time encountering Holla Forums cross posters.
Holla Forums has degraded to such a degree you will have better political discussion on /d/ then you would there.
Also you're less likely to get banned for having hot opinions.
I'll attack it if it's directly done on games. There's a lot of shit Trump vs Hillary games. No one is talking about those. I'm not from Reddit but I'm annoyed that anons will look at this and not things that are related to vidya and affect vidya. There's been enough backlash on most politics yet these sorts of games get ignored. This is what triggers me.
Same difference.
Seems about right.
Certainly managed to explain my voting preferences.
It's not a Platonic republic though.
Normal republics are ruled by people voted into office to vote on issues, as in the Roman senate or the US senate.
The Platonic republic is actually an autocratic government run by the philosopher-king, a hypothetical autocrat who truly holds the best interest of his people at heart, which is a long shot in any situation where dictatorship is more than just a state of emergency.
Learn your shit, nigger.
I knew valve is shit and I've wanted them to go out of business for years, but I never would have guessed that it would have been Holla Forums to help us remove them. I guess you guys are good for something when it comes to video games after all.
As long as majority rule is present, it is still in essence a democracy.
Why did Valve even think people would want to watch Libertards tell about their hurt feelings, and how we should be #WithHer.
Please tell me that there isn't anybody who seriously downloaded this shit.
So you are saying a idealistic Utopia would work better then an actual feasible government system?
Wew, colored me surprised.
Also there were several philosopher kings that were produced by the Empire.
Augustus and Claudius. Though both were closer to historians.
That's probably what happened, work in business sometimes, it doesn't matter what the politics is of the person who is bringing you potential business, pr or attention.
I was just laying out how the user I responded to was wrong.
But yeah, what you said goes too, though the philosopher-king had less to do with studying philosophy and more to do with doing right by his people, like Cincinattus.
Here, have another webm. This one talks about the commodification and distribution of information on the internet, and with a specific focus on politically charged propaganda. From what I gather, all it's really saying is, "be careful what you believe in, children, because it's easier now than ever to get sucked into mental and philosophical complacency. It's your responsibility to maintain your education". Try and twist that into some conspiracy. Fuck this thread, though. I'm gonna go actually play some vidya.
It's not like Holla Forums only came to be, as of recent.
They've always been there. It's just that things weren't going their way, until GG.
Can any of the Steam movies be actually good?
I watched Kung Fury today. The only movie I watched on steam. One of my only movies watched in years. It's a fun movie.
I know, I figured you would just kindly stay out of video games as long as they weren't infested with politics, but now that they are, you're here for them. I don't really mind what the reason you want to take down valve is, be it politics or not, as long as it ends with Valve getting fucked.
Thats pretty much J.Geil
No its degradation has.
Holla Forums is full of reddit fags using (((reddit memes))) screaming kike or shill at anyone who disagrees with them.
Democracy can work but on a smaller scale, like in city states.
It can work if you gas the Marxists, shoah anyone too Jewish, brown or black and leave women in the kitchen.
Part of it is her shitty outfit, part of it is her ugly makeup trying to cover an uglier face, and part of it is that resting bitch face never looks good. Referring to the SJW, not the girl in your pic.
I take things philosophically. Isn't it better to take things on with thoughts rather than emotions? As far as I'm concerned, every single progressive move on recent times was emotional based. I simply think that in a battle of wits, becoming like your opponent means you've already lost.
the only vote that will ever have a beneficial effect for YOU is emigrating to an unfucked country
Oh boy, time to do this, huh?
Surprisingly slim pickings. But there are plenty of things here that another man might (((echo))), enough to shake my trust in him. Besides, who gives a fuck about philosophy majors' opinions? Go grab a PoliSci doctor and I might begin to give half of a fuck.
Op-eds really need to die.
But goy, what about your freedumbs? The people won't have a voice! And neither will my multi-billion dollar company and my bank that lobbies your representatives for my interests rather than yours :^)
Which could be avoided if your parents didn't care more about watching sports then voting and if you actually got involved in politics instead of larping.
Wew three fucking morons posting in a row what a treat.
In a perfect world it wouldn't be like this, but unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world which is the main crux of left leaning ideologies. We need an ideology that, rather than trying to be perfect and create a utopia which is inherently impossible due to human nature, an ideology that achieves the best possible condition for as many people as possible.
Left ideologies like Marxism and democracy always end up in the power of the few and the favor of the few due to the nature of human beings.
In summary, utopia is an impossible end condition and designing any ideology around it is destined to fall apart quickly.
Steam's movie section has always been trash and always will be, this libtard trash is further proof of that.
(((echoes))) is a TRS meme, not Reddit.
Pic unrelated
So you go to say that all governments will fail then go on to specifically state only left and democracy.
Still doesn't change the fact that for any government to function people have to care, for the last 50 years politics has been a taboo subject, treated like fucking your wife to talk about with others, then people wonder why we are in this mess.
However a Republic ended up lasting longer then any other government structure so I believe it works quite a bit better then anything else.
Right, its not from here and is as deplorable as reddit.
Democracy works if you have a homogenous nation. Sadly most countries in the west have been compromised. As soon as you have a parasitic class of outsiders (non-whites) who will vote for the bigger government left, democracy fails because it becomes vote buying instead of people voting for their own best interests. It cannot function when you have multiple people with different racial, cultural and historical backgrounds fighting over the steering wheel
Fuck off you retarded shitskin wannabe aryan.
Even when the country was majorly white it wasn't homogeneous as you had polish, Russian, German, Italian, Czech, and others all dealing with each others.
Fucking Holla Forumsacks are so fucking unbelievably retarded.
I never said specifically democracy will fail. All governments will fall, I stated that leftist ones typically fall faster because they're easily exploitable because "everyone needs a voice" mentality. When everyone has a voice in the function of government then you allow the undesirables an equal voice as yours, and if they have money, a louder voice than yours.
The only possible way I can think of where humanity finally perfects a system that "just werks" is if we perfect AI. An AI would be immune to human mental failures such as greed and lust for power.
I don't think U.S. can be classified purely as a republic because there are local elections where you can vote directly on legislation
And they integrate into the nation within 2 generations. Like the Irish. Equivalent status (earnings and education) in American society and marrying outside of other Irish families by the second generation. That does not occur in people from third world countries. Their kids go backwards, because they regress to the racial mean of their homeland.
idk, I thought the coincidence detector was a pretty good idea myself, though the echoes are a little overused now.
I disagree strongly, I don't care about a nigger having a voice as long as the general public can decide with logic and reason whether what he is saying makes sense or is fucking retarded.
The problem we have now is emotion>Logic which leads to people listening to BLM idiots and saying they make sense despite making literally none.
The current failing of government in my opinion has more to do with the degradation of the species do to lack of natural selection and less about what politic tilt someone leans.
Dune is a really great book which I think everyone should read, the problem with an AI controlling everything is one we were evolved to be lead by another human which will probably have long lasting psychological impact as well as removing the natural selection that politics creates.
Fair enough, but I think its a matter of realism.
We don't vote democratically state or nationwide because it would require a shitload of manpower to tally votes and campaign for every single policy, meanwhile locally its much easier to manage for a group of others.
Nigga what planet are you living on the Irish were considered to be on the level of niggers for nearly 100 years.
Which is disproven by chinks who were brought over to build the railways, who were living in a china which at the time was a 3rd world shithole filled with Opium use and poverty.
Thomas Sowell points out that Niggers were finally acclimating to U.S culture UNTIL the civil rights movement where you actually see blacks in every aspect move backwards.
China has a long history of bureaucracy and state examinations. Their IQ is certainly high enough. But a Nigerian doctor moving to America will more likely than not have kids who go down from 130 back toward 70. And then further back for his grandkids. Irish and Chinese have high 90s to low 100s, so they don't pull back like niggers would. Blacks fell apart because their families got fucked by civil rights, welfare and drugs. But they are still operating on less horsepower than whites.
And yes, the Irish were doing that well. Pic related. (Missouri Irish: The Original History of the Irish in Missouri)
Niggers are retarded because they live in an environment where intelligence isn't needed but stupidity and nigging is what gets you through the day.
U.S niggers score I think 10 IQ points on average then African niggers.
Which also has nothing to do with our breeding programs as they were trying to breed the giga niggas for more work which ended up having a breed of football players in modern day.
Niggers are a problem but they are not THE problem, the problem is a weak society, derived of any want, focused on distractions, which gets weaker every generation because of the lack of competition.
The fish developed eyes to see, and high metabolisms to escape predators, but when the fish moved into caves and couldn't get back out they lost their sight and high metabolism.
Same goes for humans, we grew intelligent, willfull and had strong society because we needed it to survive.
Now we don't as technology and medicine has made most of that pointless, so like the blind cave fish we are losing what made us Human.
You see this repeated through history, the only hope is that when society collapses, strife is reborn and once again the weak are forged in the fires of struggle and become strong.