Discussion on Jews and How to Fight Them

Alright here we go.
So, Jews are absolutely the most evil group in the world and are literally directly or indirectly responsible for practically every single negative thing to happen to non-Jews since the first Jew smelled the first shekel. Their demise isn't only something that should happen, it's something that is needed to happen in order for humanity to continue existing; that is, not as the mindless slaves the Jews want to shape us as, but as free– MEN. Unfortunately, many of own, our people, are blinded, brainwashed, or ignorant of the Jewish enemy, so it falls to us, as our moral and ethical duty, to save our neighbors from the serpent that is Jewry as efficiently, effectively, and soon as possible, and it is to that end that I propose that we not only now but until the very last Jew has been dealt with, brainstorm and advice each-other in ways that we can weaken and eventually permanently dispose of the Jews.

I will attempt to start the discussion.
Their historic and current strengths involve finance, media, and cultural warfare. Finance includes the fact that they have their goblin-like hands a hold of the majority of the worlds wealth, own all the major banks, and use money like a carrot on a stick to control any entity that desires it (read, everyone.) Media includes the fact that the Jews control most if not every faucet of information that the large majority of us have access to or, more importantly, habitually access; additionally, they can poison, modify, or out right create information to feed us. Finally, their cultural warfare is in reference to their efficient use of their Marxist doctrine, namely the destruction of morals such as those involving murder and theft, traditions such as that of nuclear families, and patriotism/nationalism such as that in their pushing of globalism and hatred of everything European. I believe we must counter the Jews in each of these areas (finance, media, cultural) in order to properly combat them.

Now, I believe that in our current state of opposition, we are hopelessly outgunned, outmanned, and facing Goliath on steroids. What would be great to have right about now is an organization that can stand up to the Jews directly (physically); unfortunately, the Third Reich was largely defeated long ago, and along with it any major organized resistance to the demons. That being said, I think it would be great if we collectively, as a people, decided to just form the Fourth Reich and gas the Jews, but I don't see that happening any time soon, as, previously stated, many of our people aren't, willfully or otherwise, actively opposed to the Jewish menace. Even if we wanted to form the Fourth Reich, we here on the chans are generally a lazy people, spurring us to action would require utter chaos outside our doors. All that being said, any measures we do take should put into consideration our decentralized nature, how many of our people that are unaware of the Jews, and our lack of physical manpower.

Other urls found in this thread:


So now the challenge, we must successfully take on one of the most powerful, organized, and subversive groups to ever exist in publicly known history, using nothing but a ragtag group of lazy bastards that are scattered across the Earth. We're so fucked, but for the good of our people, for the good of humanity, and for the good of our nations and God, we must never give up until either we or the Jew breathes their last. Allow me to remind anyone who reads this of some summarized but important lessons from Sun Tzu: flow like water, strike where the enemy is weak, and feed off the enemy. So we must ask ourselves if we are to succeed against the Jew, where is our path of least resistance, where is the Jew weak, and where can we feed off the Jew?

Until recently, our path of least resistance resided in the internet as a whole, and it went relatively unblocked, but now, the Jewish powers are pushing through companies like Google to censor, deny, and destroy the truth, our work, and the work of our allies. I would wager, and this is obvious, that it would be in our best interests to ensure the internet goes as unmolested as possible; fortunately, opposition to any laws that censor or control the internet seem to be staunch in the normie groups, so access to the internet shouldn't be going anywhere any time soon and internet remains our path of least resistance as of right now.

Where is the Jew, weak? The fact that we are alive is evidence that the Jew has weakness. The fact that we can speak out against the Jew on the internet is evidence too. It scares me though of that implication, sometimes I wonder if we're all in a honey pot (probably,) but at least honey pots can still be broken. I would wager that the Jew is weak on the internet as they don't want to flip the switch right now as it would be too soon and would scare their prey. As of right now, I think memes, select celebrities, and our presence alone is the wedge in the door keeping it from closing. Perhaps we are less a wedge that was hammered in, but more the byproduct of Jews surrounding us, I don't know. What matters is that the Jew is weak here, on the internet, or at the very least, doesn't have full control.

Finally, where can we feed off the Jew? Let me clarify what I mean by this, I mean what can we take from the Jew and make our own in the same way an invading army would take food stores of their enemy. Taking from the enemy is more important than making something your self, as not only are you gaining something, but the enemy is losing something, so the net difference is two fold. In considering what to take, one must consider what one is actually able to take. Right now, it would be great if we took over the Federal Reserve and burnt it down from the inside out, but right now, that's out of reach as our agents are few and the Jew's many. What we are able to take is, you can probably see the pattern, the internet.

The internet is our path of least resistance, it is where the Jew is weakest, and it is something of the Jew we can take for ourselves. The process has already begun, but in order for the internet to fall into our hands, we must see that all sources of Jewry is neutralized, our power is the only thing to be found on it, and it must be secured like a bulwark against Jewry. In using the internet to accomplish our goals, I think the process of taking it will, and already has, happen naturally. In winning the internet we gain the greatest super weapon that the information era has to offer in the war of the minds. We then need only direct the super weapon, but as of right now, while we are adept at using the internet to our advantage, we don't have complete and utter control of and domain over it.

Despite not having complete rule of the internet, we remain capable, and through this capability we must work against the Jew. Using the internet, we must continue to wage war, but at the same time we must ensure that our shots do not merely bounce off the hull of our enemy but penetrate, hit weak points, or damage critical equipment. The critical equipment of the Jew has been stated already: finance, media, and culture. Utilizing the internet where possible, we must strike at the Jewish finance, Jewish media, and degeneration of culture by Jewish hands.

Jewish finance. The greatest tool of the Jew is money. Take away the money, and their major device of control is torn away from them. Fiat currency must go. I know many of you will voice against it, but I see it as the easiest path to take. It is already setup, widely accepted, and growing in popularity. It isn't a fiat currency, and it is a currency that would be usable by the normie as opposed to gold, silver, or copper coins, and it is a currency that already exists as opposed to a preferable currency based off the value of work rendered or goods produced. "It" is of course, btc. Support it. Use it when able. We must make btc the defacto currency of the world. Why? It will cut the Jews off, they won't be able to print money from nothing as easily and it will take power away from them as anyone can generate it. Fine, you can have your work rendered and goods produced perfect currency system after we form a sovereign nation or wrestle control of the current ones away from the Jews, but right now, support of btc will do the most damage for the time and effort.

Jewish media. Historically, the Jews owned and used the media nearly exclusively. Media being practically every source of outside information available to the public: newspaper, broadcasting companies, and printing companies. The Jews still control all these forms of media, and they control the majority of the newly formed media on the internet, but unlike every other form of media, they don't control everything on the internet. What is happening on the internet right now is that non-Jewish media is reaching the normies. We need to support this in any way possible. We need to compile a list of "independent" news sources and spread it around as much as possible to the normies. The normies of which, as according to many polls, are as distrustful of traditional media now than they ever were before, so spreading alternatives should be priority whenever the opportunity arises. Some user out there needs to make a list of non-Jew, non-left, good media, and we need to all go over it ourselves before we then pass it out to normies, but we need to pass it or something like it out in order to make competition for the Jews. Using social media in this regards is very useful as it's predominantly a tool of the Jews too, and by us subverting it we are taking it away from the Jews (feeding off our enemy.)

Destruction of our culture by Jewish hands. It is Marxist doctrine to erode and degenerate the target nation to soften it up for mass murder executed by the Jews and control by the Jews. Our family structure, religions, and morals are specifically being focused by the Jews for destruction. Destroying our families destroys our safety nets, makes us feel alone, and makes us vulnerable to the Jew and the Jewish controlled state. Destroying our religions is like destroying our umbrella, except instead of protecting us from water, religions protect us from all manner of decadence in the forms of bestiality, pedophilia, and homosexuality, immorality in the forms of gluttony, undervaluing human life, and dismissal of rights, and degeneracy in the forms of laziness, mutilation of body, and unhealthiness. Even if one rejects the possibility of God, one would be foolish to dismiss the bulwark against evil that religions such as that of Christianity provides (or at least provided.) Historically, Christianity has been one of the greatest enemies of the Jew, both in the days of old Rome and when Uncle A was alive. The preaching of love of your fellow man, importance of family, and importance of freedom is as lethal to Jewish subversion as rat poison is to rodents, so Christianity, a religion that supports these things, isn't something to detest, but something to support. Like it or not, but Christianity is well rooted in European culture as it stands today. Many of our morals and ethics come from it. Our tradition stands in defiance of the Jewish enemy, and Christianity is the backbone of our tradition.

So how which steps should be take against the Jew? We should strike at their financial, media, and cultural control. How? Through the internet we shall support the adoption of non-fiat btc to weaken their financial control over us, through spreading the habitual viewing of non-Jewish independent media we shall weaken the Jew's control over the normie mind, and through the support and spreading of Christianity we will halt and reverse the cultural decay the Jews have forced onto our people. We can and must, even if not using any of the proposed methods here, weaken, oppose, and destroy the Jew in any way possible.

tl;dr How do we gas the Jews?

I mean, despite the abject depravity and evil deeds to Jews surrendered themselves to long ago, I still think it could be possible (Although extremely improbable) for the Jews as a people to redeem themselves enough to be worthy of life. I'm not saying it's going to happen or that it wouldn't be a tremendous effort, but I am saying that anything is possible with enough time and willpower.

All of this being purely theoretical, of course.

We're already doing it.
How redpilled were you before you came here?

There are no good jews.

I understand, it was a pointless mental exercise on my part, I still can call myself an optimist at least. On a related note, I share a name with King Cyrus, and although many don't feel as though a name has any bearing on reality, I do. I'm always mindful of what could very well be a personal spiritual weakness because of my Cyrus name that could one day make me fail to undo the Eternal Jew as the actual King did in the story. I don't know what I should do if any of that is the case.

Holla Forums isn't all about you. Stop huffing your own farts and get to work.

let me skip to the last post of your retarded rant

you are not smart. you are not educated. stop writing, STOP FUCKING TALKING, start reading

the six million video on jewtube right now is the most important tool we have. it totally BTFOs the holohoax and is irrefutable

Post broken link.

I think it might be better to be #notalljews. Let people know what the Jews have done, but allow jews who detest this and fight it to remain. I dunno, I know and am friends with a few Jewish people who are great people. I can't help but feel the full "hoping for holocaust" is just a tactic to shut down far right ideas.

It should be possible to reduce the influence of Jews without resorting to violent extermination. If that is necessary then kill the ones pulling the strings but you're average normal person who is Jewish need not be killed or fucked over imo

The whole "All Jews are Evil Thing" that OP is espousing is a pretty bad idea. I understand that this place has a lot of people who need to display their internet bravado in rather eccentric ways, but lets be realistic here. I've fought a lot for right-wing causes, including donating large sums of money to the correct candidates for office, fighting against Antifa with 'security' (read: commie bashing) purposes in mind and I've been a frequent visitor and contributor to Holla Forums since it was /new/. To say that I know the entire right-wing movement in the US pretty well would be an understatement.

The amount of people who actually believe what OP believes is a small subsection of Holla Forums as a whole, which is a small subsection of internet-based right wing politics, which is a small subsection of the right-wing in America, which is only about half of all politically active adults in America, which is a country surrounded by people who hate us. My point is that I highly doubt your idea will gain any stream outside of 8pol, at least in its current iteration, not to mention the fact that it lacks originality because everyone here was already doing what you propose in the first place.

I understand that wants to participate in an ideologically pure movement, but this entire thread is a joke conceived by a person who most likely got redpilled a couple of months ago and believes themselves to be the second coming of Hitler. My advice to you is to take a marketing course.

God give me the senility to avoid the people I never liked, the good fortune to run into the ones I do like, and the eyesight to tell the difference.

Been searching for an appropriate venue for venting drama as redpilled anons deal with the frustration of the pozzed kiked public.

I shall begin with a personal anecdote:

Known a kike musician for years, did some work recording his music for some time under a deal which he invalidated before the work was done. Now I am holding the masters while he pisses and moans threatening me with hit men and other jacked shit, because he is spun out. The more he digs his heels the more his price goes up and anons this is pure comedy. Stay tuned more to follow.

Meanwhile I thoroughly enjoyed sending the "fuck off kike" meme I requested earlier to him, and just now sent him The Greatest Story Never Told while also telling him regarding gas and ovens, not to mind the hissing sound.

does this make me a bad person?

I'm not too great on big-picture stuff, but when you're dealing with one in person remember a few things.
If you keep your cool, they'll break first. They can't stand being looked down on and mocked by dose goyim, so if you have a quick wit and a sharp tongue you can usually get them to take their mask off, which helps redpill people watching. Also, know the basic kike argument tactics so you can immediately call them out when they try and slither away.
Don't let them get away with "fellow whites". This helps the former point, as once they're revealed as a rat they can't help but verbally suicide bomb in an attempt to fix their shattered ego.

Nice work, user. Can't wait to hear further updates.

Cryptofag user here. I've been knee-deep in this game for a very long time and just want to say OP couldn't be more right. BTC (particularly bitcoin cash) is an ideal vector for attacking their source of power. Yes, a lot of us bitcoin barons are lolberg autists (suck my balls), but bitcoin is genuinely a once-in-a-generation opportunity to cut off the Great Parasite. When they have lost the exorbitant privilege of issuing currency, the remaining work of inoculating Western Civilization against their poison will be a gorillion times easier.
A lot of us who saw bitcoin for what it was back in 2011 are free thinkers (white males); we watch you guys and are sympathetic. It is in our greater interest to work together.

Why not just use their tactics against them?
Create a polarizing issue, make them trip over themselves, and divide them into two tribes. Destroy one of the groups, repeat until no more jews.

That is pretty much what we're doing right now. My friend's brother is 16 - all of his friends are Trump supporters. They openly talk about Trump in school and they openly hate SJWs. He is a rather popular boy and has a lot of friends, maybe 30 or so who are all little right-wingers.

This effect is accomplished in two ways, one passive and one active and is based on one very important theory: The youth are the future.

The passive way of doing this is based on the fact that the youth like to naturally drift towards what is rebellious. If your teacher is some stuck up, conservative guy who keeps telling you how to behave, you'll end up being a tatted, junkie degenerate because fuck the system. Likewise, if your teacher is a blue-haired, fat social justice warrior who keeps telling you how to behave, you're going to end up on Holla Forums. The reason this is passive is because leftists are doing the work for us. By infiltrating schools, they are naturally getting kids to rebel against them. All we have to do is promote easily palatable right-wing role models for the kids to look up to, like Milo. I understand that Milo is far from ideal, but he is easily accessible to kids and serves as a gateway to greater understanding.

The active way of accomplishing this is by fighting leftists everywhere we can. When leftists are confronted, they behave in one of two ways. Either they get triggered and surrender - but this shows weakness and both kids and adults hate supporting losers and weaklings - or the leftist doubles down and becomes increasingly radical in their beliefs. Increasingly radical visions from leftists are not in line with the plan that Soros has for us because Soros is trying to boil the frog, but leftists chimping out and going full communism too soon will turn the heat up far too quickly and cause the frog to leap out of the pot. Forcing leftists to take more radical stances scares away normal people from their causes, and only making rebelling that much easier for kids.

In general, we need to promote right-wing ideology as cool and heroic. This is easy because right-wing ideology is naturally masculine and strong while left-wing ideology is naturally feminine and weak. Right-wing ideology must also be closely tied to physical fitness while leftists must always be associated with being frail, weak or overweight. These physical characteristic associations are extremely important in enforcing the correct ideology, especially in our youth.

Teach me your ways. I can trade calls and puts but there so many shitcoins I can't keep track of which ones to trade, and certainly, as you know, TA is useless.

Op undercover kike..

Btc - jews will runaway with this money, if they don't do that they will just pressure banks/govt ala China

Media - ya let's give up all the uncompromised actually good sources to him.. I'm keeping them to myself

Religion - right let's all become cuck-christian then we can go to israel as Jewish slaves… I'll stick to buddism

honest question here: Was the middle east peaceful before israel moved in? (Since the crusades)

Protip on learning something: Buy a book on it, read it.

Thanks for the posts, that's kind of what I was thinking. I guess I just see Jews as a people that can be tolerated, they pretty much have been throughout all of Europe's and America's history. They just need to not be able to assume power and control, when they are a small minority things are fine. Sidenote but I also kind of think there are more jews than are reported.

The kike has zero creativity. They are neurotic monsters and their own inspiration is their own fear, hence why they label hatred as phobia. EVERY tactic used by the kike is one that they themselves fear, and many can be seen at work against them in israel. The easiest way to terrorize the kike is to use their own methods. Every single one is proven to work against them.

Even when they're a minority they establish little ghettos and engage in strange acts like blood libel and animal sacrifice.
Secular jews might not engage in the same practices, but they're still sick in the head from ages of inbreeding, and some jews can be 1/16th jewish and they still identify more with their kike background than anything else.

BTC is the "common denominator" of cryptocurrency – kind of like USD is in the fiat world. but other cryptos like XMR or whatever offer benefits, like relative ease of CPU mining and better privacy.

fuck off

no need to break links on Holla Forums

Don't dilute our ideology. This is supposed to be a natsoc board.

Allowing jews to continue existing is a bad idea. They are a genetic stain on any civilization and look what happened after a long time, after people felt sorry for them. As soon as you give them something, they will keep grabbing more and more until they get into power.

Why are you larping as a trader on Holla Forums at 4 am?

The shills are trying a new tactic today with "notalljews" across multiple threads. Call out every fucking one and report them for the ban.
We will not repeat the mistakes of mercy that our ancestors made. Not a drop of their evil blood will be spared.

All we need is an army of hidden lone wolf assasins.
If every single true patriot was to kill at least one enemy in his country, this situation would be resolved in a week.

LARPing is the meaning of life, it is what makes the world spin.

Look it up.

It's simple really. Get our people to realize that it is beneficial to them as individuals to bond togheter. If we have unity and solidarity then we win. Every loss we have taken from any foe is because of traitors from the inside.

Do this by showing them that every non-white wants us to die (and not of old age). Show them that it does not matter how much we support niggers or jews, they WILL strike the hand that feeds them. Take away social security so that people need each others support and the most beneficial path in life is to have a family, kids and a white community.

At least someone is awake out there, this will be how we win against the forces of evil.



You have to come up with a foundation ideology that cannot be subverted, then teach and follow that.

There are no good Jews
All of you reported for being newniggers or literal kikes. It's always the same tactic.

Their weakness can best be summed up as: "By way of deception we shall wage war."
They hate the truth, and the truth hates them.
They lie and are exposed by their lies.
They do not stop waging war, even upon people who have accepted them and seek only peace with them.
Their domination of the media and their suppression of the truth have shown the truth to many in these last couple of years.
They become obvious deceivers in their unwillingness to admit to their obvious lies.
Truth cannot be contained as it was before, enough people have broken rapport with their instruments of deception that it is now snowballing.
You do not even need to accuse them, you need only repeat their words from before and after they changed their story.
Accusing them is pointless and counter-productive, it is fuel for their victimhood narrative, which is used to silence speech against them.
Their lies make them hypocrites: what's right for us to do is wrong for you to do, and what we reject, you must accept.
Showing the double standard of this hypocrisy reveals their deception.
Awareness of their deception will continue snowballing.

The most successful warrior fighting with this strategy that I have seen is nontolerantman.

Literally this!


You're overestimating their power.

Read Siege, even 1% of the US population being on your side could defeat their infrastructure there.

How do you defeat the jews? You destroy their security. The spooks and people who serve them in defense are the only thing standing in between a jew and a barrage of bullets. Make the security too scared to work for them for any amount of money and you win.

I want to tell you about the fate of those who chose the way of deception.
There is one force that stands against physical entropy in this universe: life.
There is one force that stands against information entropy in this universe: the truth contained in the minds of this life.
Those who chose the way of deception have chosen to align themselves against life.
There is one fate for those who chose the way of deception: death.

OP blackpills, and I reply saying that we are winning and that it is snowballing, yet you speak out against what I am saying.
You might as well say "Grab your guns and head to Charlottesville!"

Holocaust was used to radicalize jewish groups, 'anti-semitic' content i think only serves to fuel that fire.
The meme's and pilling will disillusion some normies but will also further radicalize jews especially the young as they are the most impressionable and likely to stumble upon such content, for jewish youths it could quicken their indoctrination.
Not calling for a halt to the the afformentioned tactics, just pointing out pros/cons.

I feel there is a better way to approach normies. Usually any content that points out jews doesn't tend to last long on social media, content gets taken down and accounts banned. And if it does last for a decent amount of time(=views) it is likely to be take as proof of the 'alt-right'. My advice would be to never refer directly to 'kikes' or 'jews', instead such references should be 'they' or 'them'. Then all it would take for people to make the connection would be a single bit of clear anti-semetic content to tie the proverbial knot.

And still is. I tell people this and they can't seem to wrap their heads around it. Are normal people just dumb as shit? You create a radical supremacist capable of barbaric inhumane acts by brainwashing him into thinking that the entire world throughout all of human history has hated, slaughtered and persecuted him for no reason whatsoever.

Likewise, you create a self immolating autodestructively-altruistic cuckold by brainwashing him into thinking that he and those like him have continously oppressed, slaughtered, exploited, enslaved and dehumanised all other peoples for no reason other than their innate evilnes.

Goddamn kikes.

A good way to counter kikes is getting them out of your head, mainly identifying subconscious behaviors and getting rid of them. One of these behaviors is categorizing every political ideology with a shitty definition like 'left', 'right' or 'center'. Well, people should know that these definitions, as well as the political opinions that are based on those, are products of 18th century liberal thought, sourced right off the French revolution. It thus saddens me to see NatSocs and White nationalists use such terms to desceibe themselves. Though I may agree that they see the irony behind such definitions, many of the entry-level redpilled do nit, and even base their opinion sphere on such ideas (i.e., the Alt-right, which we all should know by now is infested by kikes).

Here's what's bugging me, though, and I need your help on this: what other system is there to categorize political ideas? How did people speak about political ideas in the pre-poz age?

So much this, one of the things that continues to suprise me is that very-well writen posts whom the writer of i dare presume possess an above average intelligence do often seem to end up completely stuck in tribal-esque Them vs Us kind of thinking. This is some controlled opposition tier shit.

How can one be concise in expression or interpretation when neither party takes time to clarify their position?

Where the fuck do you think you are?

First you must repeal anti-discrimination laws.

whether or not they're doing it on purpose (and they absolutely fucking are because they're paid by the shadow government), the mods are breeding this place into a retarded cesspool

absolutely correct, but needs a broader approach

target federal thugs, national media figureheads, thinktank leaders at universities, and bankers

Call them what they are: discrimination laws.

Still, it is fertile soil. (or maybe just fertilizer) Sow good seeds, user.

Violence lends credibility to the jew brand they have been marketing forever: oy vey, we are victims, look at the evil goyim.

Using the whole nazi brand is like rolling a two ton ball uphill against decades of programming in the average person.



The truth is your weapon and sword.

Jews control society via their banks and usury. they can rig markets because they can create money out of thin air. In 2008 when the Jewish Banks went BROKE from giving out too many kiked loans to shit skins the White American Tax Payers had to bailout the Kike Banks… and how did they do this? By radically increasing the money supply (hurting white savers by creating inflation) to the tune of trillions of dollars. Now the kike banks have complete control over America because they got bailed out. And all these kikes did was bribe our Government leaders and then threaten America with Economic Terrorism " Bail us out goys or we implode the economy because we are too big to fail" What a complete crock of shit. I hope and pray everyday that Odin provides a way for Whites to massacre each and every fucking Jew that walks this Earth.

your mind is totally constrained in law-abiding terms, which seems cowardly and illogical to the point of insanity.

What if we start executing publishers who censor the truth? Now I suppose you rattle off your blackpill bullshit totally unsupported by anything other than your irrational terror of the unknown and your deep-rooted delusion of eternal life without pain posting on the internet forever.

The fact is that some of us are going to have to give our lives for the freedom of our people. I'm not sure why you people think that with things worse than they have ever been in history we can get out of it with less bloodshed than ever in history.

Honestly it seems like the tone of this board, this controlled opposition, the "alt-right" pseudoculture, is aimed above all at suspending the illusion of immortality by choking out all discussion of actual action and sacrifice. We should all be thinking long and hard about what it means to truly give ourselves to freedom.

That doesn't seem to be a question our oppressors are asking THEMselves….and we are in much better shape with much greater numbers.

The information game is important and all, but there is weeding to do none the less.

And then we have these. The hard-cases with the delusions I described above, professing some kind of "psyops" solution, but really they're just here to feel less lonely and don't understand or care about freedom. The way they obsess over these retarded idols of Trump, green frog, and anime totally betrays their state of mind. It's all a fashion statement to them; their input is nothing but empty virtue signalling.

If you want to use "meme magic" for something good, meme that. We need to purge the idolators.

gonna refer to myself as "music user" moving forward for continuity.

dr jekyll/mr kike update:
still completely on one that likely started months ago, dickhead sent me this today:
Oh yeah,,,,nearly forgot,,, TICK TOCK!!!
Sent from my iPhone

this and several other text messages went ignored until just now after a long busy work day. after processing the pile of blather i sent this just now:
tell [name withheld] i got something he can put in his file, right here.
have fun storming the castle.
[amount withheld] cash, that is what you must pay to get your files. non-negotiable.
only contact me again when you have the money and are ready to pay.
and then i included the meme of the facebook hand done up as a hitler salute with the words "hitler likes this"

not sure it was the best play but sure does feel good after hitting send just now

First of all OP. Stop calling those fuckers "Jews" but call them jews, that already hurts the fuckers. Second of all read Leon Degrelle's books, he explains very well what Hitler did and how he did it.
The guys from TGSNT are republishing his books for free, with 3 works already out.

This is how mental Jews are and what their endgame is. Not content with all the Shekels and easy lives, no, they want to wager it all on the book… they wrote.

So this is what's supposed to happen according to them. When it's just Jews and a horde of mystery meats, their Messiah is supposed to show up. Probably because their bitch asses are going to need saving. Next they get 2600 slaves each. Apparently they didn't see what happened during the 17th and 18th centuries because having slaves ISN'T all that profitable and is a giant pain in the ass.

So that's your mentally ill, batshit insane Jew in a nutshell. Topic is how to fight them so, I will say, with Paddock p0wah! Seriously, a hollow point in every one of their heads. NO survivors. Check all attics and godspeed anons.

I know that the lack of capitalization pisses them off, but why?

im a fan of David Irving's Hitlers War

and of course The Greatest Story Never Told

jews were the first slave owners. and the first pedophiles, and the first murderers.

rev 2:9 and 3:9 those who say they are jews but are not, but are the synagogue of satan and do lie

You know, here's my experience.

I'm a potato nigger, and I comment on my country's media websites. Now, I've had over a hundred fake ID's over the last couple of years.

I comment in support of anti-immigration, support Trump, because it pisses off the leftists and cuckservatives in my country…etc

And of course, every few weeks I'd be banned…

So I decided to set up a fake jewish persona…

Of a jewish liberal woman…

I created a fake facebook account, supporting jewish issues, Israel etc…

So I took a break in the Spring and summer of this year, I was exhausted commenting, on current affairs…

But I kept occasionally updating my "Jewish liberal woman" account, liking jewish stuff etc…

Then I started using this "Jewish liberal woman" account to log in to Irish media websites and comment on current affairs…

I presumed I'd be banned very soon, so as usual, I was abusive towards niggers, beaners, told everyone immigration should be halted, etc etc…

The leader of our country is Leo Varadkar, a half Indian (Indian father, Irish mother) homosexual who paraded his boyfriend in the media a few months ago. I regularly comment calling him Leo the Last, Queen of Ireland etc…

Now here's the weird thing.

I haven't been banned yet from commenting on major Irish media websites…

I even, in my persona as a "jewish liberal woman", abuse jews and Israel and Zionists, and myself, and describe myself as a "self-hating jew".

And nothing.

For the last 3 months I've been able to comment freely. It's amazing, that's the longest I've ever been able to go without being banned…

And here's the thing, Ireland is one of the most jew free countries in Europe, I think there is only a total of 3,000 jews in Ireland overall.

Jesus Christ, I knew that jews ruled the world, but I'm stunned by this.


This board is done, we can't make new topics anymore? lol Good day boys an old fag out. You let it get to this point.

The jew loves to boast and to feel better than anything else on world. Yet when someone does not abide to their will they cry like children that just got told they will not get any candy. In fact I would dare to bet they they are just a little above the Aboriginals if we were to rank the races of the world.

The only reason why the have positions of power is because of their soullessness and their sheer insanity they have. That is was happen when you mixed the people of the world into one and that's why the jew promotes race mixing so bad, to degrade the beautiful people of this world to their own lowness.

And just typing jew instead of "Jew" shows how weak and fragile they truly are. It is a disgusting race but it's all done by their own.

Perfect recommendations too. Anything Irving is good.

Checking that sweet ID. Great posts.

If each of us thoroughly redpills several other people, and those do the same, we can grow really nice numbers in a generation or two. You should have kids, too, and don't use excuses. By the end of your life you need to have had kids.

Another very important factor is propaganda. We should make stories, documentaries, and I believe most importantly games. Games that are politically incorrect, nice to play, very fun, and perfect for the new generation - a fresh departure from the bullshit of paid DLCs, meaningless achievements and other crap. Any user here will tell you how games shaped their youth, and the jews are working overtime to ruin western games.

That's what I believe, at least. You can tell pretty nice stories with indie games and might even make some shekels for yourself if the redpills you push aren't too extreme (but we need edgier stuff too).

I think this will be very easy considering most big studios are shooting themselves in the foot.

Agreed. I wish I had the time or energy to convince /pol to get into crypto. We're really not far off from creating a new redpilled ruling class.

Pick a few which sound promising to you and learn how they work. Truly understand them.

Don't try to daytrade. Unless you're a shit hot lightning fast thinker you'll get burned.

Do a lot of research.

For example I believe LTC is undervalued at present. It's fast, and cheap to use and they're working on innovation for it. I invested because it's my 'go to' when I transfer.

ZRX seems undervalued. It's more of a very long term hold. Learn about it and see if you agree.

Read up on bitcointalk threads and skim through all the shilling on the 4chan /biz board. Occasionally you'll find gold amongst the dross. Use your reading to create your own well informed opinions.

If /pol gets truly interested in crypto it'd be one of the hardest blows to (((them))) we could hope for. (((They))) do not want a very wealthy class of redpilled enemies. Creating wealth for your children's future is not in conflict with our values.

Anons, if you get into crypto now and don't fuck up, you'll be wealthy. I'm sure of it.



Man threads like these are a real treat between all the fuckery revelations we get exposed to here every day.
My few cents to put in is that pure force will never work with such an intertwined web of jewry. My best guess is that taking their voice (aka mass media) and getting our own voice on cable/internet/radio will totally crush the core of it. If you look at every shit they do it all goes down to who gets to tell their opinions and makes the relevant topics for the masses. I mean imagine if you mute their big mouth they are totally fucked. Them it takes only some months to make irreversible damage to their narrative and control. Even we can get thousands if not some million people to grasp the reality of the situation. No matter how mad they are, they need to be isolated. They cant even start riots if they cant herd the sheep.

did you even read the post you fucking retard?

I just did. And he's dead wrong. This is a NatSoc board, always was on Holla Forums, and anyone claiming it isn't, and that NatSoc's are a minority, are obviously trying to culture crack for nefarious purposes. History is repeating itself right now. The Bolshevik's that have slowly taken power in the United States are showing all of their hands in an attempt to take over every facet of the administration of this country, to change its culture and its racial demographic as quickly as possible. The same thing happened in Germany prior to the rise of the Third Reich. ANTIFA was used back then as a counter force to National Socialism and the Völkisch movement. And just like back then, they used lies, corruption and violence to get their way and it backfired. You're telling me we should abandon our ideals, to be obedient wage slaves and hopefully, given some miracle, society will just change back to some semblance of what it once was? There is a line drawn, some choose to take to that line, and not to cross it. That line is the existence of our people. This is a cultural and racial war, and it always was.

Pay niggers to do it.

Or use the enmity between them and mudslmes to get mudslimes to kill juice.


Posting to a board run by a Jew. Posting to a site run by a Jew. Promoting White Nationalism, sickness created and maintained by Jews.


Don't be a faggot, user-kun. Tribalist thinking isn't only exhibited between members of a nation, race, or country. It can be expressed in different ways from different standpoints, e.g. football fans, music genre fans, movie fans etc. Most notable example is the infamous Dubya quote that goes "If you're not with us, you're with the terrorists". This is also tribalism, albeit kosher and purposefully narrow-minded to make you choose only between 2 options.

Same goes for the current left-right paradigm these days (although one can argue that people talk about a "centre", they only use it to describe it as an amalgam of left and right-wing ideas, and not a separate standpoint in and of itself). Republican/Democrat, conservative/liberal, left/right etc. are all kosher pseudo-tribalist positions built from the top-down to herd the goyim into easily controllable nigger cattle.

Help the black man to find the truth about his plight. Help him realize it is not whites that enslaved him and still oppress him at every turn, but Jews. There is nothing (((they))) fear more than racial solidarity on this topic.

mods disrespecting quads of truth

mods trying to shape the situation by deleting tons of posts

….yeah I bet this site is run by white people who really support freedom….

DAILY REMINDER: Censorship and bans are 100% jewish trademarks, the truth does not fear investigation, contradiction, or anything else
The mods are jewish, the proof is everywhere all the time. They stop us from discussing things constantly, they can't argue or put together a rational train of thought, all they can do is what the jews do, stop the conversation with manipulation.

This site is controlled opposition, the constant bans and deletion and defense of degenerates is proof enough, then look at this thread:

REGARDLESS of whether or not they are paid by kikes or are kikes themselves, they are breeding a horde of paranoid retards that can't reason and support their views and just cry "shill" whenever some one disagrees with them for any reason.

There will be many threads coming about this problem, bump them and show your support, do your part to support free speech and increase the strength of our movement against the jews.

This site is controlled opposition to distract you with news stories, celebrity threads, identity politics, memes, etc. and to stop you from thinking about actually fighting back
This is a war. This is the war to end all wars. Things are much worse now than in Weimar Germany. Why should we expect to get out of it without bloodshed? The next war will completely overshadow WW2. You are not going to win by sitting behind ironic memes. This war cannot be won by information alone. YOU are going to have to PHYSICALLY FIGHT. Many of us are going to be killed. This is the nature of war. But there is no other alternative. Our people are being ground down into insane animals by the media and we can't survive another generation of this insanity.

Ridicule the posters who say things like

And above all, speak out against censorship and treat the censors as your mortal enemy, because they are the only thing stopping is from getting physical momentum and forcing change, they are the only thing stopping us from permanently removing the jewish/plutocrat menace from the Earth.

slide is real

lmao you fucking cuck
bitcoin is going nowhere. when it hits the limit its value will explode and those who controlled more will take control of it. its not a solution to their finance game at all

you need to ask your parents for some supervision

you have no argument, you have no idea what you're talking about, you're wrong

really? how? who controls it?

you're 12 and have no right to speak against people who actually do things in life

You should really stop going to this site, it's controlled opposition and you're too naive to know any better but to follow psyop examples, making you uninformed, unmotivated, paranoid, and basically just a stinking fart in the community.

read a book, try Mein Kampf

If you don't know what Google Perspective is, imagine the Terminator but for internet content. It's the artificial intelligence wing of the Google initiative to purge the internet of people like you. It started as Google Ideas (The feminists of GamerGate were part of it) which became Google Jigsaw (Which is when David Petraeus got involved) and finally became Google Perspective.

Google goes through its massive collection of your meta data (time on web pge, phone swipe frequency, click frequency, accelerometer metrics, etc) and compares it against "known internet behavior" of white supremacists. If you're a match, you're a target. Fully automated destruction of your voice and ideas and culture that only gets better with time.

Over the next week, I will be explaining precisely how to hijack Google Perspective to make it target SJWs, Zionists, feminists, BLM, and other Silicon Valley pet minorities. The best part is Google can't do a damn thing about it and they have to eat all the legal risk.

Here's a teaser:



and how will it ever start unless some one starts fighting?

This, children, is what you DO NOT want to have happen to you
Driven totally insane by social isolation and a lack of constructive habits, totally dominated by paranoia, no real self identity

Why would we talk about irl involvement on here? Those interested are already networking without having Holla Forums hold their hand.

great, thanks

Your point-mostly correct but not correct on the 2 most important matters
1.Holla Forums is not just USA
2.He is the second coming of Hitler-We all are
You drop redpills on people about you ,and they will see ,It's not about making them heil in the middle of the street(not yet at lest) ,It's about them knowing the truth and making the right choices in the future


There is a big problem about this
We don't have much time-the demographic shift already allows for terror attacks to be a
"normal thing",jews in water and food,birth rates,% of no whites might decide to create own government and jews will help them
We don't have 1000 years of peace to apply jewish tactics,If we want a white world we have 100 years tops,after we are going to be postapo nazis(which could be done too),depends how much time we want to spend on preparing,knowing that (((they))) are also preparing , changing laws ,programming the people,We are playing XCOM against the jews now for control of the future

Bill Whittle called it "Selling the better horse" or something like that
We don't tell legends of white greatness anymore
Only of evil ,guilt and defeat
On some level we appear as the communist now
And the people joining ISIS might be joining it for it's right-wing-we fight and win appeal
When it was still relevant that is^

what a steaming pile of shit this guy is, just following the movement to stave off the loneliness he doesn't have the character to endure

God, they couldn't give you a better script because you got caught.
Because it applies to you, a lot.
Not everyone. You're very obvious.
Alt-left will start it. Promise. They're planning something for November 4. The Alt-left already uses violence and weapons and they also beat up the weak. We are already being framed as the bad guys you dumbass!
Because they're true and it would piss you off. Also:
Na, you're the retarded kike puppet. Not me.
No bitch, you can't shame off of Holla Forums. And even if that was all true; I never sold out like you did.
It's not to late for you, though. Quit your job. I mean it. You don't even have to be a Nazi or an Aryan. This job is worthless and I'm scared that something really bad could happen to you. Please think about it.

you're not worried?

Even fucking newfags know this

Have fun being a scapegoat

We need to start killing Jews now. Shitposting forever isn't going to solve the problem.


Our people are being turned into insane animals dominated by compulsive behavior. The jewish/plutocrat media and public education systems are ravaging their minds to the point that they can never be reasoned with.
We cannot reason with our "leaders" in government. Our system is broken and it seems like we cannot take it back. We have absolutely no representation. We have no choices left.
The situation is grave, this is a dire emergency. We cannot survive another generation of this subjugation.

Things are much worse now than they have ever been for us in history. This is a WAR, and we are being torn to shreds without defending ourselves.
There is only one thing to do:
Rise up and kill our enemies immediately.

Do you think you can do your part sitting at your computer and posting memes? Do you think we can overcome worse subjugation than Weimar Germany without shedding a single drop of our own blood? This is war, and we should be prepared to sacrifice our lives as our ancestors have done to defend the future we have now.

This site, the news, everything, is geared toward fooling us into doing nothing but talk, talk, talk.

Take it upon yourself to get in shape, buy firearms, knives, and camping equipment, and start training. Use whatever means you have. Sell what you have to in order to get the tools you need. Read philosophy to solidify your resolve! Think of Hitler's example. Unfortunately we cannot rely on our military for training, so we will have to do the best we can without.

We should begin with targeting think tank leaders at universities who shape the government's policy, media executives who fill our peoples' heads with lies, and bankers who rob our people blind. Remember, it is not just jews that we have to deal with, but traitors, which have a jew's psychological (psychopathic) advantage with the genetics of an Aryan, possibly making them even more dangerous.
We should at least leave politicians out of it so no one has reason to fear taking up a post in the event that jewish/plutocrat pressure on the political system dissipates.

Mass surveillance, the police/military, etc., will be ineffective when we all start attacking together. The police/military/government will be divided by desertion, our own people will not kill each other.

If every ONE IN TEN of us who realizes this problem took out ONE of these sorts of people immediately, we could start rebuilding our society tomorrow.
We should all be thinking long and hard about making our sacrifice. Many will be waiting for a leader to follow. It would be difficult for one to rise up, because one thing that mass surveillance can do very well is clamp down on individuals standing out and identifying themselves.
We must be guided by our philosophy alone, we must become our own leaders and do our DUTY to defend our people of our own accord.

Hail victory, and remember friends:
Censorship (including bans for committing no crime) is 100% jewish. The truth does not fear competition from lies, because it stronger than any lie


Use kike tactics against them. Here in the US, the 6 noses use niggers as their army of golems. Mestizos hate niggers and outnumber them now, so maybe we can use them as our golems.

So, do jews have many plans for the gentiles?

Read: They will strike first. Just train for now.

The Jews' defining power is not their financial ability or their solidarity with other jews. It's their ability to lie, flat out. They lie consistently and in line with their goals, whatever they may be at any given time.

Jews are fundamentally liars. It's central to who they are. Their most powerful and most common tactic is to invert reality, and to do it brazenly and aggressively. The reason why this works well is because the behavior is so outrageous to Whites that many of us can't help but fall for their lies.

They persecute as they call themselves persecuted. They outlaw free speech in defense of speech. They stifle democracy in defense of democracy. Whites loving their own race and history is hate, but hating Whites is love. Whites are privileged even though we're the only race that can be discriminated against, blacks are oppressed even though the system bends over backwards to appease their every demand. Criminals are oppressed, cops are oppressors. Beauty is ugliness and ugliness beauty. Whites have no culture in spite of Homer, Shakespeare, and Wagner, but blacks have wonderful cultural achievements with JayZ and Beyonce. Hitler was trying to "conquer the world" for wanting to take back a small piece of Poland that had an ethnic German majority while the USA and USSR carved up the entire planet between themselves after the war.

The Jews' ability to flip reality on its head with their verbose bullshit and brazen dishonesty should never be underestimated. They get away with a lot because to Whites, the idea that a race of people exist solely to destroy, ravage, and ruin for its own sake is borderline incomprehensible.

The average White person cannot comprehend that an entire race of people, the Jews, is consciously and willfully evil, and enjoys being so.

Defeating the Jew requires a simple rule: expecting their dishonesty in any and all matters. Expect them to lie, to back up their lie with more lies, and double down on those lies when caught. Expect them to be pieces of shit who intend to harm you and your people. Understand them as the enemy.

Speaking of jewish, I was OP on the "Awan may be Mossad" thread and the likes DMCAed the fucking LOGO.

This is why a paper trail and/or witnesses/video are important.

Quite simple, the only way of beating the Jew is through wealth - jewing the Jew, through these means we are just as powerful. The only other way, with values rather than wealth is through a disaster such as Germany after the great depression(desperate times call for desperate measures). As long as the needs of the masses are met, they could care less about the ideology, regardless. For this reason I could care less for who won the presidency, if Hillary wins she would destroy america, bringing us one step closer towards a desperate(hard) time, of which we could enact our ideology on the hurting masses. With trump, we have civnat, which would hopefully bring us closer towards natsoc, though at bare minimum he buys us more time to acquire wealth. Even Hitler needed funding for his ideology regardless, and much of that was funded by Mein Kamph. So as I see it there are then two options: Jewing the Jews, or a hard/desperate time.

how the fk can i read them when they are in french?

Didn't we settle it that the pic of Hillary having a "hole" in her tongue was fake when compared to the actual video from which the snapshot was allegedly taken?

lets be friends user

I've been posting 'fuck the kikes race war now' rhetoric on Goybook for months. Only two deletions, no problems otherwise.

Turn on the gas already.

Wew lad. Proof of this?

Bye Friendo