ITT: Good EA games

ITT: Good EA games

yes they exist

They, in fact, do.


Dead Space , all 3 of them

Every Battlefield up to 2142.

They only published it, those fuckers killed Westwood

If i could get a man responsible for killing my favorite studio i would fucking break his neck and feed him to his own balls

No, they developed Generals and Zero Hour


In 2003

Technically different studio shortly before or after assimilation.

What are best MoH games aside from Allied Assault? I need more games to cure my WW2 fps itch.

i think they handled command and conquer pretty well until cnc 4. even 3 was fun, and the co op campaign isnt something we see that often so it was nice for when i had friends

i mean even red alert 3 was fun

RIP Burnout.

Pacific assault is their best one imo

How about the complaints of shitty squad AI? Are they really that shitty?

Just no, i uninstaled it after 3 missions, absolute shit
waifu and weeb baiting, inconsistent story and plot holes eg.
Allied still had prism tech after Einstein death

I haven't seen any issues really. Update to the newest patch and you'll be fine.

goodness i thought i was on Holla Forums not tumblr

You mean

Generals was being developed by Westwood before they got killed because of Renegade flopping. C&C3 was also made off of Westwood's scraps for Tiberian Incursion/Twilight.

No. And this is even without mentioning the fucking retarded story and style.

Gameplay was shit too

Your a fag

This, i use to play this NFS as a kid on my old PS1, it was litterally my only game back in the day on that console cause of poor parents, but it was the shit and its awesome that i can play today again on my tablet whit a emulator.

this is your only valid point. why put warcraft gold mines?

you can have a good story, but its not important at all, especially in an rts.


well, you are horribly wrong. what else is there to say?

Nigger C&C was know for its good story and setting

I've bought it with expansion some time ago trough orgin humble bundle. Since then it's just gathers VR dust in my orgin's library.

story and setting are 2 different things. the setting of the consequences of an alternate history and mythical technology remain intact.

Please tell me how the AI partner doesn't exist in single-player campaign mode.

youre really mixed up in the brain arent you.
you said you had to babysit the ai partner as if it was holding you back.
but it turns out youre just terrible and play defensively.


Even the good EA game are littered with cut corners and mass-appeal design.
Generals was aimed at the 'America Fuck Yeah' audience, as it came only two years after 9/11. The units were unresponsive and many of the general abilities were lack luster, only made worse in Zero Hour with the custom generals not feeling all that different, especially with Challenge mode only featuring 7 generals out of 9.

yes, you are bad. god damn so many people in the rts threads on Holla Forums are just terrible and want to play castle simulators and have the motor functions of a tranquilized slug.
go play stronghold, its a great game and its more your speed. somehow ea of all people made a game too advanced for your casual ass.





i dont know if youve played the game, but these are "flaws" that dont exist unless you play like an idiot. do you think the game should encompass all play styles? should you just be able to fall asleep at your chair and win?

Classic Holla Forums defence

Like clockwork

Classic Holla Forums defence


Classic Holla Forums defence


you havent indicated either way as to if youve played red alert 3 or not. in case you have not, im telling you the other anonymous imageboard user is complaining because his invalid playstyle isnt suited for the game.

well you sure like to sugarcoat your position, thats amusing. but i think ive said all that needs to be said to you. you would rather play a tower defense than an rts.

I think you meant Tim Curry was good.

Yet I bet your casual ass hasn't even played Cossacks EU or SC:FA.

well, hes recognizable from the previous games but i couldnt care less who they cast as long as theyre not disgusting.

yeah, you would like supreme commander since turtling is a valid strategy against the shitty ai.

RIP Blackbox

They probably have more good games than any other publisher if you count all of video gamings lifetime.

As expected of someone defending an EA-developed game.



even your argumentative skills on the internet are parallel to your play style. completely defensive


C&C3 was pretty good trough and true to franchise, cut scenes were good, story was good and the little wiki expanding the existing lore was neat too

You had me until you said RA3 was fun. That game was a step back from RA2 in nearly every way.

C&C3 was good, but I think that was mostly due to the team working off the last bits of work Westwood had planned for their games. Pretty much everything that came afterwords went completely downhill.

it felt more like generals than red alert, but i enjoyed all the gimmicky units the different factions had to offer.
at the very least, soviet didnt feel handicapped this time around.

god damn, the visitors in the concept art look so much better than what we got.