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Let's see those posts, mane.
Imagine having nothing to play except a bioshock remaster.
Truly being a consolefag is hell
Also they're not worth 60 bucks, maybe 40.
I can understand that point of view.
An endless sea of keks.
Post yfw current gen consoles STILL have no games except bloodborne
No exceptions.
It may be a 30FPS action game but outside of that and some minor issues it's still a good game, even a great one if you're into that kind of game.
Not really, I had more fun with DaS 3 than BB.
BB was the only game of it's type that I had to force myself to get to the end.
The chalice dungeons, the banal monster designs, the just boring later areas, it really just took it's toll. The DLC was nice, but it didn't make up for the entire second half of the game
Since OP's too much of a fag to post butthurt, I'll post a small sample. That wdfc guy is the source of much butthurt in the thread. And many posts are deleted as well.
If you really hated PS4 you would just ignore it.
Well, of course, free money would be a bit too unfair.
More mad
Feels good
too bad the games are shit
We have people that actually bought paid mods, let's not forget that.
These same people would buy a remaster of a 4 year old game in two seconds if you gave them the chance
I like KOF XIV but yeah it's been slim pickings.
Despite everyone saying wii u is a failure there are games I'm interested in like xenoblade chronicles X. I might just go buy a wii u.
Just wait for emulation nigger or import it
KoFXIV should be getting a port soon unlike BB which is Never Ever territory until PS4 emulation which is not needed in the slightlest
But when Ace Combat 7 comes out, the PS4 will have two games.
And I'm going to buy it.
stay triggered
>What is every single Ace Combat. Assault Horizon doesn't count.
What do you mean?
What is every Japanese game making the jump to PC?
Game based on another IP like Gundam and Sword Art Online.
I didnt like the show except for kenny rogers but i like the themesong.
did you get lost?
kof 14 is alright.
I'm still waiting for the pc version
That's mad gay, user
Did you get MADDD
that could have been fun if they didnt make it peer to peer like fucking retards
it was better than SNL at least
AC7 is a confirmed PS4 exclusive, you mongoloid.
And licensed games are shit.
Niggers, amirite?
I like some of key and peeles works
They're each half-black, that equals one black man
Jordan's dead to me after marrying that hook-nosed abomination anyway
Just like Nier, right?
They're making fun of niggers dummy
Yeah, they're hit and miss, but pretty likable
One is half-black, the other is one-eighth black
I don't follow Jap games, I just like flight sims.
Would you say that's about 3/5ths of a person?
It's fucking retarded though, that they can get away with charging full price for this collection and people will defend it
Jesus Christ, are you being deliberately retarded?
Pick one and only one
Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they aren't real.
Arcade and simulator are 2 different categorizes
We don't call them "flight games," user.
Shouldnt you be at school?
Just get the fuck out already
What is salt mining?
Well that's why consoles are leading platforms for Western triple A devs, no?
Pic related.
Enjoy your ban underage :)
I was talking about this with a co worker.
Thing is if you're middle class or higher the only non Western immigrant you'll ever meet is the cleaning lady.
Immigrants are like ghosts, I never talked to one.
Thanks for the downboat, ledditor.
Because they mostly stick to their own as well
Live and let live. If we all stick to our own kind we can all live happily ever after.
When it comes to immigration, "sticking to your own kind" just means the inevitable formation of ghettos. Assimilating into the host culture is a better solution for all involved.
Nothing wrong with ghettos.
I don't live there after all.
You can stop trying to derail now
yes, but you assimilate them PROPERLY.
Infinitefags can go suck a dick in Hell, Eleanor will always be the best waifu/daughterfu. It helps that she's an actual character instead of a plot device that makes the lead writer's willy wet.
It's a thread that opens with nothing but the word "mad" and a screencap of what I would assume is a Reddit thread, what's there to derail?
Fanboys getting booty blasted over the bioshock remaster?
All I wanted was to see some more salt from them
I seriously doubt there are any left, outside of a few BS1 fans and that one guy who really likes 2. None who don't own it on PC already anyway.
Not talking about on Holla Forums, just pics from shitholes like neogaf and reddit.
Don't pretend newfag, 10 years ago you were all drooling over muh gaming is art. Or maybe you were stuck with an old PS2 while your big brother cussed on COD4.
You can't read for shit
Problem is that mudshits and nigger do not want to assimilate.
Take Sweden. In the 1990s a wave of Yugoslav refugees came to the country in droves, among them Bosniak Muslims. Swedecucks were far saner back then than they are today and were fearing the whole place was going to go up in flames, partially due to Slavs being Slavs, partially due to tens of thousands of Muslims.
In the end nothing much happened. The Yugoslavs, for the most part, integrated into society with little problem, there were no major chimpouts and everyone had a swell time, Sven could tap himself on the back on a job well done and go home to masturbate about his country being the premier "humanitarian superpower" on the planet.
Fast forward to CURRENT YEAR and you have all these brown and black chimps in ghettos. Now, riddle me this, why did southern Slavs, be they Christian and Muslim, integrate without major trouble, but these fine and upstanding gentlemen from some of the most progressive (read as: without white people) countries on the planet fail?
Bloodborne kept getting better as you go, that's why it's the best souls game. Did you really lose interest at the blood moon part? The only bad part was the area leading to Micolash
What's the big deal? Every game is free on PC.
God damnit, is nothing sacred?
I have such wonders to show you
It only got worse as you went because the premise just got more and more played out.
Micolash, his tower, Unseen was literally just the same area from earlier with a red filter, The woods. The snow castle came out of nowhere and didn't work well with the aesthetic, but I was thankful for anything other than town and forest at that point. The design aesthetic was played out to start with and they didn't do anything interesting with it.
I mean the game's short, and around Amilia you realize, oh this is the entire game they're not going to change it at all. and it just becomes a souls like where you can drip feed yourself HP, armor looks incredibly similar, and the weapons are just "hey look it's the same BUT WITH A TWIST! the twist is there's a better form unless you're trying to go for combos because you're trying to get enjoyment out of souls combat or if the damage type changes"
The chalice dungeons had locked content so have fun slogging through that.
Fishing Hamlet was neat, and the lab was neat, it was just preceded by another boring area though.
The combat didn't change enough from other souls games, and the areas themselves didn't feel different from each other for the most part.
The base game as a whole didn't have any areas that stuck out as good, they were all just mediocre to bad.
It was just a painfully mediocre game even coming from DaS2 which was bad to get through, I at least could go "oh I wonder how the areas are going to change" with this if you want to do all bosses you have to slog through maps literally copy pasted together.
Wait for Wii U emulation you faggot. The good thing about your PS4 is that the controller will be THE controller for playing emulated Wii U games.
This sort of shit should have been stopped way back when the Niggerds of Oz happened.
Nope, it's actually one of the greatest games of all time. I pity you that you hate all videogames just because you look back at your life and are bitter about the fact you didn't achieve anything and now blame videogames for it.
We tryna go space n shieeeet
niggers and mudslimes are animals
Is that kek on the far right?
Some sad bait this is
True, but you're no better with your Reddit formatting
kek, imagine
No you see, she had a nigger somewhere in her family in the past few hundred years. She black yo
I thought she was "African" American because she had roots in South Africa or something?
Your own Holla Forums infographics disprove that.
Holla Forums are really grade a retards, and newfaggots to boot getting their (((reddit memes))) and bringing them here from Trumps reddit page.
You are all incredible faggots who have the self awareness of animals.
Sounds like a good way to launder money if nothing else
Whoa dude we got a certified oldfag here
Butthurt nigger detected.
Go back to your safespace.
what is wrong for him to be a black guy? its just fantasy
If you took Hiawatha or the Great Peacemaker and portrayed him as a white man, do you think that the Mohawks would be totally fine with it because it's supposedly just a story? We're talking about a huge chunk of British culture, the Arthurian Legends.
Fuck off you faggot. Its part of the British Legacy, same with Robin Hood.
Why squatter?
Not in any timeline would this exist. Not even with alien intervention. Goddamn, I used to actually enjoy Janelle MonĂ¡e but she had to go full retard.
Well you're wrong.
then lets wait for someone to make that movie and see what happens.
People bitched about Johnny Depp playing Tanto in the Lone Ranger remake, they'd lose their minds if a white guy played a real and important Native American person.
who bitched? the whites or the natives?
Feels good
They brought that back for a 15th Season after their reunion episode. I haven't watched it yet but I'm going to guess the quality was the same as when they brought back Whose Line is it anyway? with Girlwood.
the movie is about some black that travels back on time, nothing to do whit king arthur
It's out, faggots.
No, I'm not wasting 50 gigabytes on both of those turds when the original games already look better.
Yep, definitely the same shitty port with 4K bullshit crammed in.
Say 12 GB for me, must be 25 each with all of the DLC
Looks the same as I remember Bioshock looking, runs worse, gamepad prompts even if you're using a keyboard, can't skip the ten intro logos, uninstalled after ten minutes
Feels good when even Ken Levine knows his own games are shit.
Which infographic, nigger? might as well post it here
Only those who speak truth can achieve these numerals.
Are there any recent, brand new PC vidya experiences impossible to replicate on shit console toaster? All I hear about now is ported console garbage
The remaster is a downgrade, because the new consoles are less powerful than the old ones, they just have more RAM and disk space, therefore games inflate to 60 GB.
They made a Tribes game, SS2 and a fucking SWAT game prior to.
What is this? some kind of comedic act?
What the fuck is that whole article