Human Revolution normal or Director's Cut?

I want to play this game for the first time and I heard the director's cut changes the bosses to not be so gun-focused, but is overall less stable or more buggy or something. What are the positives and/or negatives of the director's cut and which version would you recommend to a newcomer?

I own the original and Missing Link DLC and have access to the director's cut through a friend's shared Steam library.

Director's Cut lets you turn off the piss filter.

i think the directors cut is not patched and they didnt give a fuck about that.

From google
The Director's Cut has the following new features

i just replayed the directors cut last month after beating the OG game in 2011

just a heads up the game is about 40 hours long you can't rush through it in a night or something

the move in and out of the DLC is not as seamless as you would think.

don't turn the commentary on if you are playing for the first time they will give away the story.

Since it's your first time, there's not really a wrong choice here. Either way you'll still be playing a solid FPS/RPG hybrid, even if the writing isn't on par with DE1.

If you plan on replaying it in the future, I'd say playing the Director's Cut is an absolute necessity for the second playthrough, mostly because of the commentary, which is actually really good (but like said, you should avoid it for your first playthrough). The Director's Cut will also give you access to the Tracer Tong mission (which is pretty underwhelming, but gives you a cameo for an important character), and it will let you play the Missing Link DLC in chronological order instead of after you beat the full game.

the tong mission was preorder DLC i didn't preorder the game so when playing it in the DC i was like " i don't remember this mission." the mission was all of 10 mins.long

That's a big reason why I'm trying to figure out the major differences between the two, because I'm not going to be able to compare them myself without spending a significant amount of time in both.

Seems like the Director's Cut is a bit more streamlined and featured, but not significantly so. I seem to remember backlash against it when it was new so I was trying to figure out what specifically that was about. It might have just been people upset that it entirely replaced the original + Missing Link in the Steam store. I guess I'll give the DC a go.

Thanks you guys for the input.

they were pissed that the devs were selling it as a new game even if you bought OG game and all of the dlc you where still charged for the DC, which technically is just a BIG patch for the game. (that was something new at the time now everything gets a fucking remaster)

i remember paying $5 for it when it came out and been called a sheep and a shill for doing it.

You are, You are the reason we now pay for patches cause you couldn't boycott a shitty practice.

You are bad as those gamergate fucks that won't boycott censored games by the SJW, if you give them money they keep doing it.

paying $5 for a game that i didn't have all the DLC for is the reason way everything is getting a remaster now… right

no one is stopping you from boycotting the games do it

Just play og DE with GMDX.

I will buy this SJW game, it's not my fault the dev are censoring more games for the SJW.

this game came out in 2011 and was given shit from the gaming press for having black homeless people in it.

I am talking about the people that bought XBCX and FE when they got SJW'd

I remember the butthurt over that one homeless strong womin. In Detroit of all place!
At that point they even forgot that the SWAT commander you meet before that was black.

It's a Director's Cut, or Remaster. If you spent even a second looking you'd know that this is actually an earlier build of the final game. The final build stripped a lot of exploration and freedom out.

And at which fucking point did MonEidos censor the game? Out of the lot of AAA devs, these guys are somehow the least fucked up, which is astounding considering they live in a hotbed of this shit.

I bought the DC when it was 75% off and it crashed during the first level a lot. I never experienced any crashes in HR.

Apparently DC is bugged as the OG version was on release, nothing too bad but i do remember some serious performance issues on v1.0 of the OG hr, i wouldn't want that if it carried over.

Yeah DC fixes some gameplay issues, but now the game drags on and on. If you're not immersed in the story (i wasn't) or don't like many side characters, you'll be going through the motions.

I'd just go with the original first.

Both have advantages and disadvantages

vanilla has no integration with the expansion, but is much more stable

DX has extra content and some fixes, but is buggy as fuck. Hard Save often.

I would say go DX, but if you already have the original just stick with that

Get the proper PC version of HR.
The "Director's Cut" is just piss-poor PC backport of the Wii-U port and runs way worse.

The directors cut also gives options for non-lethal/ hacking takedowns of the bosses where there didn't used to be any.